Alvin and the Chipmunks Movie...

By MariahBournes279

10.5K 81 7

Fourth Chipmunk and Chipette More

Chipmunk Oc
Chipette Oc
Alvin and the Chipmunks


1.3K 11 0
By MariahBournes279

The concert had just begun and Alvin had jumped onto a guitarist's shoulder as he played his guitar, smiling as he watched the hundreds of fans in the audience scream and shout in excitement.

Alvin:Let's go!

The Chipmunks:
Girl, you really got me now
You got me so I don't know where I'm going
Girl, you really got me now
You got me so I can't sleep at night
Girl, you really got me now
You got me so I don't know where I'm going
Oh yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I can't sleep at night.
You really got me


The Chipmunks:
You really got me


The Chipmunks:
You really got me
You really got me

Alvin:Nuts.Give me the Black Beauty.

He handed him another chipmunk-sized guitar,only this one was black with red flame decals on it.Dave walked up to him as he put the guitar strap around her head.

Dave:Alvin,take it easy out there. You need to share the spotlight.

Alvin:Sure thing,Dave!

Alvin was about to run back onstage but Dave stepped on her guitar cord.


He tried to pull the cord out.

Dave:I'm serious,Alvin.This is a charity
benefit.It's not all about you.

Alvin:Sorry,Dave,I can't hear you over the thousands of fans screaming my name.

He finally pulled the cord out from under Dave foot and ran back onstage.He jumped on the guitar platform and posed as he landed next to his brothers.

Alvin:I'm back,Paris!Yeah! A little help, boys.

Oliver,Simon and Theodore each grabbed Alvin feet and threw him up in the air.He grabbed onto his guitar just as it fell.He was now hanging upside-down on the cord as she played her guitar.He swung over the audience and then swung backwards.He landed on a high beam that was holding a giant cutout of himself.

Dave:Alvin, will you please get down from there?

Alvin:I can't hear you!

Suddenly,the cord Alvin was holding on to came unplugged.He stumbled backwards for a minute but quickly grabbed the side of the beam before he fell.Unfortunately, the cord he pulled out had caused a chain reaction, resulting in the giant Alvin cutout coming loose.It began to swing forward, and Alvin gasped when he saw Dave in its path.

Alvin:Whoa, whoa!Dave, look out!


Dave turned around in confusion. But just as he did, the cutout hit him,sending him flying above the stage.



At the hospital

Doctor:This should help with the pain.

Dave:I wanna talk to my boys.

Doctor:I just gave you a sedative that will take effect in about one minute, so...

Dave:Well, let them in quickly.

The Chipmunk:Dave!Dave,you're alive!

Dave:Hey, guys!

Alvin:It was an accident,I swear.Are you okay?I'm really sorry, Dave.

Dave:I'll be fine.I'm just gonna be stuck here for a while.And until I get out,I've made arrangements for my Aunt Jackie to come stay with you.

Alvin:Who's Aunt Jackie?

Theodore:The one who sends us those metal buckets of yummy popcorn for Christmas.

Alvin:Oh,Popcorn Jackie.

Doctor:You don't have much time, monsieur Seville.

Dave:Uh,listen,I want you guys to go home and live a normal childhood.I've even made arrangements for you to go to school.

The Chipmunks:School?

Dave:Yes,school.Simon,I'm putting you in charge.

Simon:You are?

Dave:I'm counting on you.

Oliver:Dave,wait a minute.Why is he in charge?

Simon:Whoa.He's counting on me.

Theodore:Dave,please don't die.

Docotr:He's just sleeping.He's had a sedative.

Theodore:Oh!A sedative.

Lady:Excuse me.I'm here to escort the
Chipmunks home.

Alvin:We're not leaving Dave.I'm putting my paw down on this one.

Doctor:You come here!Oops.Whoa!

Alvin:I got it.I'll fix it.Nope, made it worse.Please.Please go.Oh, this must be it. Uh-oh!

Doctor:The more stress you put on monsieur Seville,the longer it will take him to recover!

Alvin:Whoa!Uh-uh!You are too slow
for me,nurse.


Alvin:You'll never take me!I'm not going anywhere without...

The Doctor sneakily gave him a shot

Doctor:I hope for your sake he stays asleep for the entire flight.

Simon:Maybe we should give him another shot, just to be sure.


Alvin:Any ideas on how we find Aunt Jackie?

Theodore sniff the air for the smell of popcorn

Theodore:Got it! Follow me.Excuse me. Ooh,sorry.Whoo!Excuse me. Coming through.Look! Aunt Jackie!

Simon:Oh,yeah!Aunt Jackie!

Oliver:Aunt Jackie!

Alvin:Popcorn Jackie!

Jackie:Oh,hello, dears!

Simon:Cool wheelchair.

Theodore:Yay,we found you!

Alvin:Popcorn!Where's Simon,Oliver and Theodore's?

Jackie:Oh,there's plenty for everyone. But let's have a hug first.

Alvin:Oh!Get over here,you old teddy bear!

Simon:I'm not really much of a hugger.

Jackie:Oh,boys,I want you to meet someone.This is my grandson Toby.

Theodore:Toby?Hi! I'm Theodore.


She pull out the hear plug that was in Toby ears

Toby:Huh? What?What happened? What?

Jackie:The boys.

Toby:Oh, hey.Hi!Hey! How are you?I'm Toby.Nice to meet you.

Jackie:Toby's living with me till he figures out what he wants to do with his life.So far, that means going "pyu, pyu-pyu-pyu-pyu" with his thumbs all day.

Toby:Well, for the record,going "pyu-pyu-pyu-pyu-pyu"with my thumbs right nowis keeping me in first place.So that's important.

Jackie:Toby, get the bags.

Toby:What bags?

Jackie:The luggage.Get the luggage.

Toby:The... Oh, the... Right.Yeah, let me get those.Oh, sorry.

As Toby get the luggages,he accidentally bumped Jackie wheelchair making it move and it moved downstairs


Simon:Hit the brakes!Hit the brakes!

Alvin:Abandon wheelchair!

Jackie:Toby!I'm fine.Don't worry.

All Groaning

Toby:I'm so sorry, Aunt Jackie. I'm so sorry! Is she gonna be okay?

Jackie:Don't worry about me. I'll be home in no time.In you go. I wouldn't be so sure.

Toby:What?It was an accident. I swear.

Alvin:Been there, done that. Several times.I guess you'll be taking care of us now.I'll take "Frightening Thoughts" for $500,please,Alex.

Toby:Not a problem.I can totally do this. I took care of my cat,until he ran away. Well, "ran away" is kind of strong wording.I think he just wanted his space.I still see him around the neighborhood, you know.He, like, hisses and claws at me,but I think that's just his way of saying we're still tight. You know.You guys have nothing to worry about, seriously,cause I'm not gonna be like Dave. You know, Dave's gone.

The Chipmunks:Gone?

Toby:Not gone.Not gone,guys.He's... He's not dead.He's very much alive.He's completely coming back. I'm just gonna be in his room,keeping his bed warm. I'm gonna be doing my thing,you'll be doing your thing. You're not even gonna know I'm there.

Simon:Uh, we're supposed to know you're there.That's, uh... That's the whole idea.

Toby:Yeah.Yeah! Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, you'll know that I'm there.I'm just saying, I'm not gonna be, like, "I know everything"and, "You do this, and you do that," like my dad.All right! Let's do this.

He drives off and the wheelchair in the back fall off

Simon:Theodore,we're gonna be just fine.The important thing is we're all still alive.

Theodore:Well, maybe my get well card
will help Dave get home faster.

Alvin:Um... It needs just a touch more glitter.

He dump the whole glitter bottle on the paper

Alvin:Yep,that should do it.Who's hungry?

Theodore:Ooh!Ooh!Me, me! Me! Me!

Simon:Let's eat.


Simon:It's a food ghost town in here.Oliver?


Holla!The Cheese Balls are in the hizzouse!
Well, you can tell
by the way I use my walk
I'm a Cheese Balls man
No time to talk
Whether you're a brother
or whether you're a mother
You gotta love Cheese Bias
Gotta love Cheese Balls
Ah, ah, ah, ah
Get in my belly
Cheese Balls, get in there
Ah, ah, ah, ah
Stayin' alivvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve!

He jump up and kick the pan onto the bag and it bust open

Alvin:Bingo!Dinner, she's a-served.

Theodore:Yay! All right!

Toby:Hey!What're you doing in here?

Alvin:Uh...Cheese Ball?

Man On Phone:Dude,let's go! Come on!

Toby:Tom-bo,hey, hey,give me a second,real quick.Alvin, I really, really need to focus right now because I am
one knockout away from a heavyweight title.

Theodore:Ooh, can we play as well?

Toby:Uh... You know,I don't wanna
hurt your feelings,but I also don't wanna see anybody get hurt,and there are gonna be fists of fury a-flying.

Theodore:We can play Monopoly. We play Monopoly with Dave all the time.

Toby:Do you?That sounds fun, and we should do that sometime,but right now I gotta get back to floating like a butterflyand stinging like a bee. So...

Toby:Hey,Tom-bo,you still there, buddy?

Simon:Who needs Toby,Theodore? You got us!

Alvin:Yeah,who needs Toby?Boys, right this way.

They got in the blender.Alvin use a spoon to press the button to turn it on

All Exclaiming and Laughing

You spin me right round

(baby, right round)

The Chipmunks:
Like a record, baby
Right round round round

The Chipmunks Harmonizing

The Chipmunk:Whoa!

All Laughing

Alvin:I'm gonna puke!Do you know
what Dave would say if he were here right now?

Simon,Oliver and Theodore:Alvin!

Alvin:Not bad.But I think it needs to come more from the belly.

Simon,Oliver and Theodore:ALVIN!

All Laughing.Phone Ringing

The Chipmunk:Oh!

Simon:Phone.Get it together.


Simon:Shh, shh, shh! Be cool.



Dave:Boys, it's me.

Alvin and Simon:Dave!

Alvin:Dave?As in, "Dave"?

Dave:Well, I guess since you answered the phone,you haven't burned down the house yet.

Alvin:Have a little faith, Dave.

Theodore:Yeah. Mayday!

Dave heard clattering

Dave:What was that?

Simon:Don't stress him out.

Alvin:Uh, that was Aunt Jackie. Yeah. She's making us a zesty five-course meal.

Dave:Really?Well, can I talk to her?

Theodore:She's practicing her pole dancing.

Simon,Oliver and Alvin was shocked

Dave:Pole dancing?What happened
to making dinner?Guys, what's going on?

Alvin:Gotta go, Dave.

Dave:Alvin,I'm not kidding.

Alvin:Feel better.


Phone beeps off

Alvin:Yep.Nobody does that better than him.


Everyone was asleep expect Theodore

Theodore:Toby?Toby, wake up.



Toby:Huh?No, that's... That's okay.What is it?

Theodore:I had a nightmare.

Toby:Oh, the nightmares.I hate the nightmares.What was it?

Theodore:I dream we didn't have a family anymore.

Toby:Oh,Theodore.Theodore, that
couldn't happen.No, you guys are tight. Nothing could ever separate you.
Unless,like,an eagle swooped down from the sky and was like, caw-caw.


Toby:And grabbed you and...Which... Which couldn't happen, ever.So why would you...Why would you ever think that that would ever happen?You know, 'cause the Eagles are in Philadelphia.


Toby:Sweet dreams.


Alarm Clock Buzzing

Oliver:Toby!Toby,make it stop!

Toby:What are you doing?

Alvin:There's something wrong with the clock!It won't shut up!I can't sleep!

Oliver:It annoying!

Toby:That's the point.It's an alarm clock.It helps you wake up early in the morning.

Alvin:Why would anyone wanna wake up early?

Toby:Well, for school.You gotta be there by 8:00.

Alvin:In the morning?

Toby:Look, I don't like getting up this early any more than you do.But we are in this together, Alvin.Sooner you get to school, sooner I get to come home and get back to sleep.

Alvin:You mean, you don't stay with us at school?

Toby:No, no, no, no, no. No, I've done my time, thank you very much.But school is fun, right?Fun? Well, I guess maybe it's fun-ish.Hey, it's my cat! Hey, remember I was telling you? Hey!Hey! Hey, kitty. It's me. Remember?

The cat hiss and yowling.The Chipmunks got scared.

Toby:I treated you good.

Toby drive off leaving the car alone and got to the school

Toby:Okay, here we go.Enjoy your first day at school. See you around 3:00-ish.

The school bell ringing

Alvin:We got this. This'll be a walk in the park.

In the school

Alvin:A chaotic and frightening walk in the park!

Theodore:Hi, I'm Theodore.Hi,I'm Theodore.Hi, I'm Theodore.

Alvin:Watch out!

Simon:Look out!


All Screaming


All Screaming

Theodore:Oh, boy!Eagle!




Mascot Exclaiming and Shouting.Mascot Groaning In Pain

Oliver:That wasn't very fun-ish.

Dr.Rubin:You must be our new students.I'm Dr.Rubin, the principal.

Theodore:And we're the Chipmunks.

Dr.Rubin:Yes,well,that would explain
the fur and the bushy tails.Follow me, gentlemen.

Simon:Gentlemen?Oh, us. Right.

Ryan:There was a minute left and we were down by two.And I'm like,"Coach, I don't care if my leg's broken.Put me in. I can win this."

Girl:I never get tired of this story.

Ryan:So I hobble out,barely able to stand.Did I mention my leg was broken?Miss Ortega.

Miss Ortega:Yes?

Boy:Good luck.

Miss Ortega:Thanks.Hello, guys.Welcome to homeroom.

Alvin:Good to be here.

Simon:I hope.

Theodore:So this is a classroom.
I love the smell of zit cream in the morning.


Girls:Is that the Chipmunks?The Chipmunks!

Emily:We love you,Alvin!

Girls Giggling as they surround the Chipmunks

Theodore:Hi, I'm Theodore. Hi, I'm Theodore.

Simon:Yes,he's Theodore, in case you missed it.And I am Simon.

Oliver:I'm Oliver.


Alvin:The name's Seville.Alvin Seville.

Boy:Somebody's gonna have to knock those guys down to size.

Boy:Well,that should be pretty easy. I mean,they're only 8 inches tall.

Ian:I had 15 cars.I mean,that's, like, five more cars than anybody really needs.I had seven maids.I had courtside seats
to the Lakers.Even my maids had
courtside seats to the Lakers.And now look at me.Look at me!

Man On Radio:Alvin and the Chipmunks!

Ian:I lost everything.Except for my dignity.They can't take that away from me.

The Chipmunks:
Girl, you really got me now
You got me so I don't know where I'm going
Oh yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I can't sleep at night.
You really got me


The Chipmunks:
You really got me


The Chipmunks:
You really got me
You really got me

Ian:And it's all because of them.Oh, hey. Breakfast.Now I run aroundhoping and praying that I can find other animalsthat can sing or dance.I mean...Wait a second.You don't sing, do you?Hey!Hey!That's my muffin!
Give me my muffin,you dirty rat!I will get you, Chipmunks.

The mailman was delivering mail then a package fell down,the package made a some type of noise

:Whoa!Girls,we gotta get out of here.

: I can't see

: Ow! Not on my nose!

:You on my tail!


: Move your butt!Okay.

:Who's squishing me?

What made that noise was four female chipmunks

:We made it.Jett Records.


:Oh, my gosh.It's him. Ian Hawke.
Uh,Mr. Hawke?

Ian:That voice.I can't get it out of my head.


Ian:That's not in my head.That's really happening.What do you want?

:We want to introduce ourselves.

:That's right.I'm Brittany,and these are
my sisters Eleanor and Ava.

Eleanor:Hello,sir.Such a pleasure to meet you.

Ava:It really is

:And I'm their sister Jeanette.Although I feel more like an Olivia, or sometimes a...

Brittany:Anyway,we're the Chipettes.
And, well, we would just be so honored to have you represent us.

Ava:You made Alvin and the Chipmunks stars.We wanna be stars, too.

Eleanor:Yeah.And hang out with the Chipmunks.

Ian:Okay,now,listen,before we get all girlie and giggly about this,just tell me one thing. You can sing, right?

The Chipettes whispering indistinctly

Ian:No,no, wait. Hang on. Not here. Um...Why don't we take this meeting upstairs in my penthouse office?

Eleanor:Sure!This is so exciting.

Ava:We're really on our way now.

They went up to the roof

Brittany:Oh, my gosh. Guys, can you believe it? My first penthouse office!


Eleanor:Oh, boy!

Ava:Oh,my.The Hollywood sign.

Ian:Thought you might like the view.
So, ladies, tell me a little something about yourselves.

Brittany:Well,we grew up in a small town,population 300,and--

Ian:Yeah?Really?That's fascinating. Great.All right, impress me.

The Chipettes Whispering





The Chipettes:
Three little birds, sat on my window
And they told me I don't need to worry

Girl, put your records on

Ah-ah,tell me your favorite song,ah-ah

You go ahead, let your hair down

Jeanette & Eleanor:
Go ahead, let your hair down

The Chipettes:
Sapphire and faded jeans


The Chipettes:
I hope you get your dreams


The Chipettes:
Just go ahead, let your hair down

Ian:Girls, girls, girls, girls.Guess who just became the number one Chipette fan in the whole dang world?Ian Hawke, that's who.


Brittany:Oh,my gosh.Oh, my gosh!

Ava:So when can we meet the Chipmunks?

Ian:That's an excellent question. And the excellent answer is,I don't really represent Alvin and the Chipmunks anymore.

Jeanette:Oh, no! What happened?

Ian:Oh, classic tale.Sweet and innocent when I met them, and they had nothing.And then I work my butt off to make them rock stars,and they changed.Turned on me like bad cheese.

The Chipette:No! Oh, that's terrible.

Ian:I know! I mean, I treated Alvin like he was my own son, you know?And then he just goes and spits on me.Literally. He filled his chipmunk cheeks with saliva and just had at it.
And don't even get me started about Simon.Oliver was worse of all.


Eleanor:But not Theodore, right?

Ian:It's the cuddly ones you have to watch out for.


Ian:But what are we talkin' about them for?Come on!They're over. Tired. Novelty act.Chipmunks who can sing.
But girl chipmunks who can sing?Fasten your seatbelts!

The Chipettes:Yippee!Yay!


Alvin:So,I'm on Jay-Z's yacht,right? And I say,"Jay, where's Beyonce?"And he says, "She's holding a plate full of Cheese Balls.Turn around.And guess what?She was!

All laughing

Simon:P.S., Dave left me in charge.Staying up till 10:00 every night. Oh,yeah!

Theodore:Hey,girls,look what I can do.

Oliver toss up a nugget and Theodore catch it in his mouth

Girls:Aw!You are Theodore-able.

Theodore:Thank you.You're so cute.

Ryan:Oops!Oh!I am so sorry.

Alvin:It's cool. No harm done.

Boy:Not yet.Girls? Please?Private conference.

The girls groaning

Ryan:Thank you.Listen up, rock stars.
If you talk to those girls again,you're dead.If you look at those girls again,
you're dead.If you even think about those girls...Are you thinking about them?

Alvin:Well,I am now!

Xander:That's it. You're dead!


They begin the chase,Alvin and Oliver gave two of the bullies a pretty bad wedgie,Theodore was afraid was the eagles around the school so he decided to hind,they managed to get Simon and bring him to the bathroom

Ryan:It's swirlie time!

Simon:Come on,come on,guys.This is so
1980s.Please! Please!

They gave him a swirlie

Simon:Oh, man!Come on.

Ryan laugh

Ryan:That's a good look for you.

Simon:Oh,thank you.

They drop in the toilet

Simon:Can't swim.Help!

Alvin:Grab on,Simon.

Simon grab Alvin and Oliver tails and was manage to get of the toilet


Oliver:You okay?

Simon:Well,considering that you just saved me from drowning in a toilet,I'm pretty good.

Alvin:I'll be right back.

Simon:Alvin!Alvin!We're not going to solve anything with violence.

Alvin,Oliver and Simon see bullies picking on Theodore

Ryan:It's the fatty-ratty!

Theodore:Cut it out!

Ryan:This rat has serious junk in the trunk.

Xander:Yeah,little fatty!

Theodore:Stop it!

Ryan:He jiggles when I poke him.

The chipmunks scratch the boys up



Theodore:Simon,does this make my butt look smaller?

Simon:Theodore,your butt looks fine.
Those guys are just jerks.

The bullies that got scratched up gasp as they see the Chipmunks.Alvin growl and bark at them as they pass by.

Dr.Rubin:Gentlemen.You threatened to
climb inside of him and build a nest.

Simon:That was out of line.I'm not even sure that's physically possible.I should suspend all three of you.

Alvin:Please do.

Alvin hit a bobblehead and it got the Chipmunks instead

Dr.Rubin:Instead,I have a better idea. Due to budget cutbacks,we are in jeopardy of losing our beloved music program.

Theodore:That's awful.

Rubin:I know.But there is one
small ray of hope.Every year the district sponsors a music competition.
And the winner's school receives.$25,000.If we win,we can save our program.

Simon:And you want us to perform?Cause I didn't think you were a fan.

Rubin:Why don't you sleep on it?

As she reached for something,the Chipmunks see her tattoo of them

Simon,Oliver and Alvin:Wait a minute! What is that?That's us!Whoa, whoa, whoa.Wait.

Theodore:I look skinny.

Rubin:Promise me that you won't say anything.A principal has a certain image to uphold,and if the faculty ever found out about this, I could...I just cannot believe that you're actually sitting in my office.I have all of your CDs. I even went to see you last year in Denver.That's where I got this. It was my birthday.And I was like, "Oh! The Chipmunks!Ah!"So what do you say? Will you represent our school?

Alvin:Honestly,suspension still sounds pretty good to me.

Simon:Come on,Alvin.What do you say?

Theodore:One for all and four for one!

Simon:Well put,Theodore.Very well put.

Alvin:Count us in.Yay.


She screeches like a eagle

Theodore:Eagles Where?


Ian:Ah,the penthouse level.Tres exclusivo.

Brittany:Isn't that that Chihuahua? You know,from the movie?

Ava:Yeah it look like it

Ian:Oh, yeah.Yeah, it... I mean, yeah, of course it is.A lot of big names live here.

Eleanor:Hola! Como esta?

Brittany:I must have his autograph.

Ian:Hey,hey,Brittany,uh-uh.You wanna be a star?Act like a star.All right? You don't get autographs, you give them.


Ian:Uh...Hey, look, over there! There're a couple of the Jonas Brothers.

The Chipette gasps

Brittany:Where?I don't see them.

Ian:Here we are!Okay!Let's scoot in to my...What? Did I... Oh, darn it! Darn it to heck!

Ava:What's wrong?

Ian:Girls,I apologize,but I seem to have left my keys back in my office.What if one of you were to shoot through that mail slot and open it up from the inside, huh?

Eleanor:Oh, I'll do it.

She tries to but she got stuck

Eleanor:I'm stuck!

Ian:All right, I got you. I got you.

Ian grab on Eleanor,pulling her.

Eleanor:Ow!Not so hard!

Ian manage to get Eleanor out of the mail slot

Ian:Might want to lay off the nuts.


Ian:All right,how about you,Glasses? You're in better shape.Wanna go?

Jeanette:I'm not that great at things like this.

Ava:I got it!

She went though the mail slot and unlock the door from the inside




The Chipettes:Gee willikers!Stripes!Oh, snazzy!Circles! This is the best tree house ever!

Ava:A red piano!Oh,Brit.

Brittany:Is this a dream?Somebody pinch me.

Jeanette:This is way better than a tree.

Brittany:I just adore a penthouse view.

Ian:Nice one,Hawke.Yeah?You like it?

Brittany:Do I?

Ian:I live here.

Ava:It's so beautiful!


Dave House

Narrator On Tv:Last time We visited Meerkat Manor,a rival group called the Commandos was making large inroads into the Whiskers territory.

Simon sniff though things

Simon:Ah,Toby!I thought Alvin was messy.This is literally disgusting. I feel like I'm living in a dumpster.

Theodore:Simon,it's Meerkat Manor. Watch with me.

Simon sighs

Simon:You know, you're right. You're right. I just need to relax.Maybe that'll ease my nerves a little

Simon heard a crunching sound

Simon:What is this? What...Oh, you've got to be joking. A taco? In a blanket? Toby!


Toby:Ladies and gentlemen,going for his turkey,it's the Tobester.Come on, baby!Yes!Yes!

Alvin:No problem.Watch and learn, my friends.Oops.Well, it looks like it's time to play my second favorite game.Hide the Broken TV from Dave.You wanna play?


Simon:Go easy on him,taco boy.This day's been bad enough already.

Toby:Oh!I think I see what's going on.
You guys have been having some problems at school?

Simon:Uh,no.Not really. Unless you considergetting your head dumped into a public toilet a problem.

Toby:Ouch!Swirlies are the worst.At least that's what I've heard.Because there's no way that I could possibly know that on a personal level.

Theodore:Toby,what was school like for you?Toby? Toby?

He remembers back in school that he got bullied alot

Theodore: Toby? Toby!

Toby:What?What was school like for me? Uh, in a word, awesome.But, you know, that's cause I was,like,extremely popular.

Simon:Is that why you still live with your grandma?

Alvin:And refer to yourself as "the Tobester"?

Theodore:And go "pyu-pyu-pyu" all day?

Toby chuckling sarcastically



Alarm Clock Buzzing

Toby:AlvinAlvin,wake up and
turn off the alarm!Alvin!Alvin, I'm not kidding! I'm not kidding,
buddy. Turn it off!Guys! Guys...Boys, this isn't funny.

Alvin:Hello.Humane Society? Yes. I need help.A man is after us. He wants to take us to a terrible place.

Toby found the chipmunks hiding in the toilet



Alvin:Aw,have a heart,huh?Have a heart?

Toby:Dave wants you to go to school, so you're going.Yeah, well, don't worry about picking us up at 3:00, Toby.We'll get a ride. In a hearse!Guys,guys, come on. Look, trust me.
The second day is never as bad as the first.


They were in the gym playing dodgeball

Simon:Glasses!Glasses!You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would you?

Boy 1:You're out, man!

Boy 2:Ha!

Simon:Right in the pancreas.Call the nurse.

Coach:Out!Out!You're out.

Alvin:Come on,Alvin!Remember your five D's!Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge!

Ryan:Move!You're next, fur ball.

Alvin:You talking to me?You talking to me?I'm the only one here, so you must be talking to me?

Ryan throw the ball at Alvin,making him slide

Ryan:Yeah!Got him!

Boy:Did you see that?

Alvin pick up the ball tos how he caught


Boy:Unbelievable.He caught it.You're out, man.

School bell ringing

Alvin:And the fat lady, she's a-singing.

Ryan:Dude's got hands.

Xander:I think they're paws,actually.

Ryan:Whatever.We can definitely use him on the team.Hey, fur ball! How would you like a spot on the football team?


Ryan:I gotta say, you're good. I'm gonna let you hang out with us at lunch.That is, if you wanna be on the team.

Alvin:Hmm.Interesting proposition.


Alvin:Let me get back to you on that.

Ryan:This is a one-time offer. Don't take too long to think it over.

Alvin:Right!Like I would ditch my brothers just to become the first chipmunk everto play on an actual varsity football team.Fat chance!


Alvin:The stadium is pandemonium!It's fourth and goal. It's up! It's up!And he catches it! The crowd goes crazy!

He imitating crowd roaring



Ryan shocks his head and points at Alvin


Simon:Alvin,I think the super-cool jock table is paging you.

Alvin:Why would I go over there?Like I really need to worry about being popular.Hello?Talking chipmunk? Huh?World-famous rock star?Guy with his own plush doll?Guys, I'm on pajamas!Not to toot my own horn, but...

He imitating horn tooting

Alvin:Come on.It's laughable.

Simon:Just go, Alvin.

Alvin:Really?You mean it?


Alvin:Thanks!I'll be right back!What up, dudes?

Ryan:What's up,little man?

Xander:Welcome to the cool table.Yeah!Bring it.

Boy:Yeah!Pound the paw.

Alvin:I want it!I got it!I got it! I...Don't got it.

Girl:I think he's cute.Me, too.

Alvin:Toss.And he's up!

Girl:Thank you.Hey, Alvin.

Alvin:Call me.


Ian:Bernie,I'm telling you, the Chipmunks are old news.I got the next big thing.Singing female chipmunks.
Hello?Bernie?Hello?God!What part of "singing female chipmunks" don't these people...

He see a school newspaper that has the Chipmunks on it

Ian:Girls,we're going to school.


Alvin:And he's up and he scores!Hey! What up,S?Whoa!Don't hate on the high-five.

Simon:Yeah.High-five.Look,Alvin, I know you guys have been busy with your sporting endeavors and what not,but I can really use your help at home.

Alvin:Oh, no can do.Ry-dawg is gonna teach me how to get pretty girls to do my homework.

Simon:Alvin,you promised Theodore and Oliver we'd hang out.We are watching Meerkat Manor tonight.No pretty girls.

Alvin:Dude,I can't swing it today, bro.

Simon:That's what you say every day, Alvin.Need I remind you it's your day to do the laundry?

Ryan:You better listen to your daddy, Alvin.You don't wanna get grounded.

He toss a apple and it didn't land in the trash

Simon:Are you going to pick that up?

Ryan:Are you going to make me?

Simon:I'm just going to elegantly show you how it's done.


Simon:Off the glass.And you call yourself a jock.

They laughing mockingly

Alvin:My brother,he's a real jokester. Always kidding.Uh,anyhoo, um, see you guys in class.

Theodore:Hey,that's my pudding.It's my pudding.

Alvin:Why are you trying to embarrass me in front of my friends?

Simon:Are you kidding me?They're the ones you should be embarrassed by.

Girl:Good luck with the show, guys.Front row seats.Can't wait.

Simon:So?What song are we gonna sing?No pressure,but the whole school is counting on us.

Alvin:Oh,relax.It's like Ryan says,
who's gonna beat singing chipmunks?

The group then see the Chipettes

Male Singer:
I wanna know what love is
I want you to show me
I wanna know what love is
I want you to show me

The Chipmunks sigh.School bell ringing
Ava and Brittany grab Jeanette and Eleanor

Jeanette:Oh, that Simon is dreamy!

Eleanor:I think Theodore was looking at me.

Brittany:Yeah, I know.But, guys, remember what Ian said?

Ava:We can't trust them.


Simon growling


The Chipmunks:
Come on! Come on!
Get up! Get up!
Let's go won't you follow me
Let's go won't you follow me
Let's go won't you


Julie:What happened?

Alvin:I never thought I'd say this,but pink is my new favorite color.

Oliver:She was really beautiful like a flower.

Simon:Her glasses were quite fetching.

Theodore:She's like a beautiful green gumdrop.

Julie:Okay, well,if you guys wanna do this,you have to pay attention.

Dr.Rubin:Maybe this is a good time
for us to take a break.

Julie:Good call. Take five.

Simon:She's right.We need to focus, fellas.Right.

Dr.Rubin:This is for my screensaver.

Theodore:Cheese Balls!

Toby:Hey, you guys! Hey. You guys ready to go?'Cause I got a lot of important stuff to do at home.

Dr.Rubin:Oh, you must be their guardian.

Toby:That I... That I am. Yes, I am.Hi, how are you? How are you, Dr. Rubin?I know that because I went to school here a few years ago.I don't know if you remember me. Toby Seville? Probably not.Mmm.Uh...

Julie:Toby?No way! Hi! Hey, no braces.
Your teeth look great.

Toby:You... I... Thank you. I appreciate...I did. I did. I did get my braces off 'cause they were just...

Julie:Oh!Okay. Oh...

He trips over cymbals and a

Toby:That... You know what, I know a guy who actually...Who works on drum heads. So that's very good.I'll be in the car, guys.So...

Alvin:Somebody's in love.

Simon:That aside,we're going to replace everything.Chipmunk's honor.

Ian:Ah,yes,the old false-modesty suck-up routine.

Alvin:Ian Hawke?

Simon:I thought I smelled a rat.

Dr.Rubin:May I help you,Mr. Hawke?

Ian:Well,I was wondering if I could help you.I just heard about your musical competition,and I just skedaddled down here as quick as I could to volunteer my girls.

Dr.Rubin:Oh.Well, that's very thoughtful of you,but I've already made up my mind.

Ian:Well,perhaps this will change your mind. Girls?

The Chipmunks and The Chipettes gasp as they saw each other again

Alvin:They're with Ian?

The Chipettes Murmuring


The band start playing

You change your mind

Like a girl changes clothes

The Chipettes:
I should know that
You're no good for me

(yeah hey yeah yeah)

The Chipettes:
'Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in then you're out
You're up and you're down
You're wrong when it's right
It's black and it's white

Theodore:Wow! They're good!

Simon:Good? They're astounding!

The Chipettes:
We fight, we break up
We kiss, we make up
You! You don't really want to stay, no

(but you do)

The Chipettes:
You! But you don't really want to go-oh


The Chipettes:
Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in then you're out
You're up and you're down
Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in then you're out
You're up and you're down


Yeah, hey-yeah, yeah

The students cheer

Ian:My good people of West Eastman,you have just witnessed the debut of the Chipettes.

Brittany:Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.


Dr.Rubin:They were splendid,but as I said before, I have made my decision.




Ian:I see.You've made your decision.I don't mean to speak out of school, Doctor,but in the true spirit of democracy,which our great, wonderful country was founded upon,I say let the people vote. Let them choose!One person, one vote.I say, let us vote!

Students:Let us vote!Let us vote!Let us vote!Let us vote!

Ian:Please,don't be a fascist granny.Let freedom ring, Doctor.

Students:Let us vote!Let us vote!

Dr.Rubin raise her hand to silence the students

Dr.Rubin:You make a persuasive case, Mr. Hawke.All right, here's what I'm going to do.This Friday, each group will perform one song in front of the student body.

The Chipettes:Yes!All right!

Dr.Rubin:Whoever gets the most applause will represent the school.

The Chipmunks:What?

The Chipettes:Thank you! Yes!We did it!

Ian:In your face!

Alvin:Oh,it is on like Donkey Kong.

Dave House

Narrator On Tv:The meerkats Huddle together at the end of a traumatic day to reaffirm their family bond.The Whiskers are gonna Have to rely on each other more than ever.

Simon:Guys,I am so happy that Ms.Ortega can rehearse with us every day after school.

Alvin:Whoa!Every day?But Ryan and I have...

Simon:Alvin,stop right there,okay? We're a team.We need you.

Alvin:Would you relax?We're not gonna lose.We'll talk about this in the morning.

He pulls on the blanket

Simon:Not much to talk about.I will see you at rehearsal.

He pulls back.That a whole tug o war started about hoghing

Alvin:Stop hogging.

Simon:I'm not hogging.

Alvin:You might as well be rooting out truffles in the French countryside, because you are,in fact, HOGGING!

Simon:I'm not!

Alvin:Are so!

Simon:Not!Am not!Not!Not!

Alvin:So!So!So!So!Ah, forget it!
I think I'll sleep in my own bed tonight.

Simon:Ditto for me.

Alvin:I'm so glad I'm not a meerkat!

Simon:Oh,really?Why is that?

Alvin:Because as cold as I am,I would never huddle with you!


Alvin:You hear me?I won't huddle!


Theodore:Uh, Toby?Can I sleep with you?


Theodore:Dave lets me.My brothers are fighting.

Toby:Well... I'm... Okay.

Theodore sighs

Theodore:Oh, man! Dutch oven!
Not the Dutch oven!Anything but the Dutch oven!Must find fresh air before it's too late!It's too late! It burns.Mama, it burns!

He manage to get out

School hallway

Ava:I'll See you guys later


Ava saw Oliver upset and went over to him

Oliver:Oh hi.

Ava:Hi,Is there something wrong?

Oliver:It nothing.

Ava:Are you ok?


Ava:Are you sure?

Oliver:Yeah I'm sure.

Ava:You know telling people will make you feel better.

Oliver sighs

Oliver:It just my brothers.They having a....disagreement with things.

Ava:I'm sure they will resolve it on their own.I'll see you later Olly.

Oliver:Alright.....wait Olly?!

Ava smiled as she walk away.

School Lunch

Brittany:Hmm, let's see.What else am I
in the mood for?

Alvin:How about a side order of friendly advice?Courtesy of me.

Brittany:No, thanks.Grapes, please.Ooh! Oh! Excuse me.Oh! Um...

Alvin:Yeah, well,I just wanted towarn you about Ian.

Brittany:What?You should be grateful to Ian.He did everything for you, Alvin,
and you broke his heart.

Alvin:Hmm.Really?How do I put this gently?He's the devil.He doesn't have a heart.Oh, and one of the things he did for us was put us in a cage.

Brittany:Alvin,he would never do that.

Alvin:Yeah,cause you were there.I forgot.Brittany,you'd better watch out.

Brittany:I don't need advice from you.


Brittany:But nothing, Alvin.Ian's taking us straight to the top!

She scream as she fall off her tray.Tge students laugh.

Alvin:Got it.Straight to the top.Ironic.

Brittany:Yeah, funny.

She laughing sarcastically


The Chipettes was rehearsaling

Brittany:We are so going to destroy those Chipmunks.

Eleanor:I don't wanna destroy them.


Jeanette:Yeah,I just wanna hang out with them.

Ian:All right,all right,all right.Hold... All right,look.You know, if you feel that way,maybe we should just withdraw from the
contest.What?Then I'll put you in a FedEx package and mail you back to whatever tree you came from. Sound good?

The Chipettes:No.

Ian:Okay,then.Take it from the top. Let's go!

The Chipettes:Wuh uh oh uh uh oh oh uh oh uh uh oh

Ian:All right.Wait.Stop!Short one in the green dress.What's your name again?


Ian:Yeah,look,I'm losing you there, you know.Have you always been that short?

Eleanor:I... I guess.

Ian:Well, you got to work on that. OkayAll right, let me try something here.Brittany.Ava. Here, come up here.

Brittany and Ava:Uh...

They stepped as Jeanette and Eleanor follwed

Ian:No,you two stay back.Little further.Oh, yeah.Now, that I like.And it's not just because Brittany and Ava more of a mega, ultra superstar than you guys.Good, good. Okay, you know what?Let's get a little more separation.Brittany,Ava stay there. Let's get a little more separation from you guys.Yeah, let's give her some room.Give her some room, guys. Back.
Okay. All right, watch me now. One, two, three!Now, watch me. Watch me now.

The Chipettes:Wuh uh oh uh uh oh oh uh oh uh uh oh


The phone rings


Dave:Toby?What are you doing at the house?Where's Aunt Jackie?

Toby:Dave!Hey!Hey, Dave, what's happening?Aunt Jackie is, uh, in the hospital.

Dave:I'm a little worried.Who's watching the boys?

Toby:I am.So, Dave, how is Paris?

Dave:Wait,are the boys behaving?

Toby:Absolutely.They've been just peachy.

Dave:Toby,what's going on?

Toby:Huh?Nothing.Nothing.No, don't even...Don't even worry about it.You know, I know that you're not supposed to be stressed out,so I'm going to go right now. But it's all good here.Come Home soon! Bye!

Dave:Toby?Toby!Nurse! Nurse! Get me out of here!Help!


Jeremy : I don't mean to interrupt your game,but I saw you stand up to Ryanwhen he littered. That took guts. Really?And that's the type of guy that we're looking for.Jeremy Smith, student body president.

Simon:How do you do? I'm...

Jeremy:International recording star and litter monitor Simon Seville.

Simon:Litter monitor?

Jeremy:Litter monitor. It's a new position that we've created to help raise awareness of a pressing problem in our society.

Simon:I agree 99% plus 1. You do the math.

Jeremy:Well, Simon, I know this is a lot to ask,but we're looking for a take-charge guyto take charge of this very rewarding position.What do you say?


Simon:Excuse me, everybody. Quick announcement.I'm Simon. I'm the litter monitor.Put your trash in the garbage can. Peace out.

Everyone Laughing

Simon:Hello, ladies!You probably weren't awarethat you dropped a wrapper on the ground,so we're just gonna call this one a warning.Carry on.

Alvin:What up,dudes?

Ryan:What up,Al?Hey, everybody! Check it out!The newest member of the football team.Suiting up for our first away game.

Alvin:Ry, don't mess with me.

Ryan:I talked to coach. You're in.

Alvin:Dude! That's great! Awesome!

Ryan:So check it out, A-man. We're watching the new litter monitor.

Alvin:I wasn't aware the school even had a litter monitor.

Ryan:We don't. But don't tell him that.

Simon:Are you going to pick that up?


Simon:Well, I'm sorry to hear that.I guess I'm going to have to give you a citation.

Ryan:Oh, no! I got a citation for littering! Oh, no!

Simon:You wanna play that game, do you? Well, guess what?I can play that game all day long.


Ryan:It's a joke, dude.

Simon:Litter is no joking matter.

Ryan:No. You're the joke. We're messing with you.There's no such thing as a litter monitor.What? Good one, huh?

He chuckles

Simon:You knew about this, Alvin?Does the word "brother" mean anything to you?

Alvin:Yes. Of course.

Ryan:Yeah, well, he has some new brothers now that he's on the football team.

Simon:You still haven't picked up that litter.

Ryan:You want me to get rid of litter?


Ryan:Let's start with you.

Simon:Hey, let... Let go. Let go!No! Whoa!

Ryan throws Simon in the garbage can


School bell ringing

Alvin:Uh,I'll catch up with
you guys in a second.Simon! Simon Simon!Okay, I am a total jerk,
I admit it.So are we cool now?

Simon grab Alvin into the trash can and they fight

Simon:Okay.Alvin,I am going to put this behind us for Theodore's and Oliver's sake.

Alvin:I know.That's why I'm giving you the Alvin guarantee that I will be at that sing-off Friday night.

Simon:Wait, wait, wait, wait. Why wouldn't you be there?

Alvin:Because I have a...

He mumble something


Alvin mumble again

Simon:You have a what?

Alvin:A football game!There! I said it! A football game!

Simon Screaming again as he grabbed onto Alvin and there was trash spreading everywhere,Theodore and Oliver saw what was happening

Theodore:Simon?Alvin?Is everything all right?

Alvin:Theodore!Oliver!Yeah, we're fine.

He chuckling

Alvin:Just a little dumpster wrestling.Crazy in here.


Alvin:Don't worry,guys!Everything is going to be fine.

Simon:Alvin,do not miss that sing-off.

Alvin:Don't worry, Simon. I'll be there.I can do both.

Girls:Hey, guys, thanks so much for helping out today.

Girl 2:Toys for Tots is a really cool organization.

Girl:So, everybody's getting cool points today.What's going on with Theodore?

Girl 2:I have no idea.

Girl:Hey, Eleanor, why don't you see if Theodore needs some help?

Eleanor:Well, okay.

Eleanor walks over to Theodore slipping and sliding because of her shoes but she almost fell but Theodore caught her

Eleanor:Oops. Oh!

Theodore:Um, they don't look very comfortable.

Eleanor:Oh, my shoes? They're not.But Ian says that I need to work on being taller.

Theodore:Well, I think you look great just the way you are.

Eleanor:You do?


Dave House

Dave:Hi, you've reached Dave Seville. Please leave a message.

Julie:Hi.Toby? This is Julie Ortega. We talked yesterday.Well, we kind of, sort of did.Um, anyway, the reason I'm calling is that I'm worried about Theodore.He's been acting a little down lately.Um, I Hope you're going to the sing-off Friday.You know, with His dad gone, Theodore needs all the support He can get.So, I'll see you tHere. I Hope we get a Chance to talk. Bye.

At the Sing off

There was two crowds chatting either The Chipmunks or The Chipettes

Toby:So, look, guys, I just want you to know that I'm here for you.There's plenty of time. I'm gonna go find Alvin,
everything's gonna work out.

Simon:Thanks, Toby.

Man:Ladies and gentlemen, Dr. Rubin.

Dr.Rubin:Thank you, students.Thank you.Welcome to our exciting sing-off competition between the Chipmunks and the Chipettes.Now, remember, students, there are no winners or losers.Yeah, remind me to tell the Chipmunks that when we blow them off the stage.The group that we choose today will give our school a chance to win $25,000 to save our music department.So, without further ado,I give you The Chipettes!

Ian:This is it, girls. Can you believe it?Brittany,Ava, your time to shine, baby. Go out there and knock them dead.


Ava:We can do it!

Ian:You two, I just want to let you know not to get in Brittany's or Ava's way.

Jeanette and Eleanor:Oh.Oh.Okay.

All the single ladies

Jeanette & Eleanor:
All the single ladies

All the single ladies

Jeanette & Eleanor:
All the single ladies

All the single ladies

Jeanette & Eleanor:
All the single ladies

All the single ladies

The Chipettes:
Now put your hands up

Up in the club

Jeanette & Eleanor:

We just broke up

Jeanette & Eleanor:

The Chipettes:
Doing my own little thing

You decided to dip

Jeanette & Eleanor:

Now you wanna trip

Jeanette & Eleanor:

Cause another brother

The Chipettes:
Noticed me
Cause if you liked it then you should've put a ring on it
If you liked it then you should've put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you should've put a ring on it

Ava & Brittany:
Wuh uh oh uh uh oh oh uh oh uh uh oh
Wuh uh oh uh uh oh oh uh oh uh uh oh

Ian:Like what you see?
Call Ian Hawke.

The Chipettes:
Cause if you liked it then you should've put a ring on it
If you liked it then you should've put a ring on it

Theodore:Don't worry,guys.Alvin will walk through that door any minute now.

The Door Opens


Ian chuckling excitedly

Ian:I am back!

The Chipettes:
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you should've put a ring on it

Wuh uh oh uh uh oh oh uh oh uh uh oh
Wuh uh oh uh uh oh oh uh oh uh uh oh,oh,oh!

Woah, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah

The clap for them

Brittany:Girls,that's for us.

Ava:Thank you so much.

Brittany:Thank you.Thank you.

Dr.Rubin:Well done,ladies.And now,
let's hear it for a group that will rock you like a Hurricane.At least that's what many of you students Have told me.Here they are,The Chipmunks!

Students Cheers

Ian:Hey,you know they say there's no "l"in the word "team," and they're right.
But you know what there is an "l" in? "Alvin."Sucks to be you.Girls!

Simon:Sadly, he's correct.

The door Opens

Theodore:Did you find him?

Toby:Guys.Sorry,I searched the whole perimeter.And I don't know why, but the team's not back yet.

Theodore:Well,what should we do?

Toby:I would...I would ask someone who's not me.

Simon:I know what
we should do.


Simon:Hi, everyone.Our brother Alvin
couldn't be here today.The thing is,we've never performed without Alvin.And we're not starting now.

Theodore:You can't have only three little pigs.You can't have only three musketeers.So, you know you can't have only three Chipmunks.Thank you.

Students Murmuring and booing

Toby:I'll take you home.

Ian:Hear that, girls?That is the sound
of success.

Ava whispering to her saying "Poor Chipmunks" as she see the Chipmunks pass by

Dr.Rubin:I realize How devastated you
Chipmunk fans must be.So, I guess that means that the Chipettes will be representing West Eastman...

Ian:Come on,girls.Let's take a victory lap.Hey, come on, guys.Let's go.

Jeanette:Brit,Ava we have to.Let's go.

Ian:Yeah!Let them know!

Brittany:Thank you.



Ian:Ah,life is good.Especially when
you're not a loser.

Alvin:Hey, guys! I'm here!Guys?Oh, great.

Brittany:They're gone, Alvin.

Alvin:They're never gonna forgive me.

Brittany:You know, Alvin,Ian was right.You don't care about anyone but yourself.Oh,and by the way,I never wanted to win this way.

Dave house

Alvin:Simon?Oliver?Theodore?Simon, are you awake?Theo?Theo!


Alvin:Theodore? Theodore?Theodore, I don't blame you for being mad... Uh-oh.
"I ran away from home."Don't look for me at the zoo, 'cause I'm not there."Oh, no, Theodore.


Theodore:Hello? Meerkat family?Oh, brother.Is anyone home?My name is Theodore. I'd like to be in your family.Maybe they're hiding. Don't be afraid!

Eagle Screeching

Theodore:You are not a meerkat.

Alvin:Toby, you take the lions, the tigers and the bears.Simon and I will take the butterfly room.

Eagle Squawking

Theodore:Nice eagle.

Oliver:Theo!Don't move,Theodore!

Theodore:No problem there.

Toby:Hang in there!Hang in there, little guy!We're gonna get you out of there!

Simon:Okay, okay, we need a plan.We need a carefully executed plan.Or you could just run in there like a maniac.

Alvin:Theo,watch out!

Theodore:Hi,I'm Theodore.

Alvin:Hey, birdie!Over here! Are you hungry?Cause this "A" stands for "appetizer"!

The Screeching over to Alvin

Alvin:Let's all just relax and we'll talk this out. Okay?Look, I get why you want Theodore. I do.But, I'm sorry, I can't let that happen.He's my brother. Not that he'd know that,because I've been such a big jerk lately.If anyone deserves to be eaten, it's me.Whoa, whoa, whoa! Not literally!

Theodore:I got you, Alvin!

Alvin:Move it!Oh, Theo.


Simon:Guys, it's a wedge-tail eagle.Their only mortal enemy is the pygmy elephant.Luckily, I speak a little pachyderm.

He trumpeting

Simon:I think it's working!

He Trumpeting again

Simon:Or not!Guys, that was huge.

Alvin:So, are we back to one for all and four for one?

Theodore:Come on, Simon. Hug it out.

Alvin:You know I'm sorry, Si.Si? Don't make me have to kiss you!Because I'll do it. I don't care.Here come the lips.Make-out train is
leaving the station.

Simon:Think I'll take
that hug.


Ava & Brittany:
Wuh uh oh uh uh oh oh uh oh uh uh oh
Wuh uh oh uh uh oh oh uh oh uh uh oh

Call Ian Hawke.

Deloris,get me that Ian Hawke on the phone.

The girls was doing their hair humming together

Ian:There you sweet
little moneymakers.Do you remember
when I told you that I would make
you all big stars?

The Chipetts:Yeah.

Ian:Well,guess who's opening up
for Brittany and Ava Spears at the Staples Center tonight?


Ava:Am I dreaming?Oh, my gosh.

Jeanette:Wait,tonight?We'll miss
the school contest.

Ian:That is correct.You will miss the school contest.You're so smart.I can never get anything past you.It was never about that stupid school contest.
It was always about making Brittany and Ava stars.That's what you wanted,


Ian:Well, tonight's your big chance.It's all about you two,Brittany and Ava

Brittany:What about Jeanette and Eleanor?

Ian:Yeah,well,they can sing backup.
I got them some stuff, too.



Jeanette:But we're her sisters.

Eleanor:And the four of us sing together or not at all.


Ian:Okay, fine.All I really need is the B-girl and the A-girl.

Brittany:Ian, I won't do it
without them.

Ava:Me neither

Ian:Okay. Fine, fine.Let's move on to plan B.Okay! Who likes barbecue?


Ian grabs them by their tails

Ian:Because I know this awesome little
barbecue restaurant in the Valley that makes the best roasted chipmunk.
Mmm, real tasty.Unless, of course, you wanna sing.

Brittany Sighs

West Easterman

Dr.Rubin:Welcome to West Eastman, and thank you for supporting music in our schools.Now, remember, the group you pick tonight will win $25,000 for their school!Now, we've got a lot of acts, and we Have to turn the Heat off at 9:30,so without any further ado, representing Orange Grove,put your Hands together for Li'l Rosero!

All Night Dance Crew
playing On Stereo)

Theodore:So, we meet again.What? You want a piece of this, eagle?(chuckles)

(Cell Phone Ringing)

Alvin:Ian Hawke?I'll take that.
Oh, I didn't realize I pocket-dialed 1-800-LOWLIFE.



Brittany:Yeah, could you guys
fill in for us?We're not gonna be able
to perform tonight.

Alvin:What about the music department?The whole school is counting on you.

Brittany:I know. I know.I should have listened to you about Ian.

Alvin:Don't tell me!

Brittany:Yep. He locked us
in a cage.

Ian:What? This is the biggest you have?
I had my assistant call and ask for the biggest limo.This is not the biggest limo you have.

Toby:I'll go break the news to Dr. Rubin.


Toby:Alvin, don't move!

Alvin:You got it!Brittany, I'm coming to get you.Simon, tell Jeanette how to pick the lock.

Simon:Roger that!

Alvin:Oh, man. I need to get to the girls, fast!

Theodore:Oh! I know how!

Simon:Jeanette, focus.The third number is notoriously the hardest to crack.I'm assuming it's a prime number, but we can't assume...

Jeanette:Simon! The first two numbers were ones. I got to go with one.(gasps) It opened!

Ian:All right, girls.

Ava:Ian's coming.Put the phone back. Hurry!

Ian:Get ready to be fabulous.

Brittany:Oh,we're ready.

Ian:Yeah, you better be.Because tonight's performance is going to put me back on top.

Man:Next up,please welcome Cherice!

Ian:Driver-man,take me to the arena.VIP entrance.How about a little moon roof action?Moon roofs are go! Rooves? Moon roof.Roofs? Rooves? Ooh, champagne.Don't mind if I do.
You know why.I don't mind if I do? Because tonight,we've got to toast to a very special someone named me.They said I couldn't do it.They said I'd never bounce back.Guess what?Time to kiss my sweet... Ooh.Oh, yeah.A toast to the ladies who're gonna make the world forget about the Chip...What...

Eleanor:See you!

Ian:No. No, no, no! No!What are you doing? Alvin!

Alvin:Hi, Ian!Good to see you!You never write!

Ian:Oh...No! Brittany...Ava. No!

Alvin: Come on, girls!

Ian:I signed a contract!

Alvin:Jump, Jeanette!

Ian: Wait!

Jeanette:Uh, I'm not really good at...

Ava:I got you.

Ian:I'm dead,if you don't perform!

Brittany:Punch it, Alvin!

Alvin:You got it!

Ian:No! Don't!

Brittany:Hey, Ian!In the words of the Donald

Ava and Brittany:"You're fired!"


West Easterman

Toby:Hey!Hey. Hey, guys. Any sign of Alvin yet? Huh?

Simon:No.No Alvin, and no Chipettes.
Just Dr. Rubin and, you know, the entire school counting on us.

Toby:Well... Yeah, you know, don't worry.Everything will work out-ish.

Brittany:Faster, Alvin!

Alvin: Don't worry.I'm gonna get a little help from my friend Digger!

Digger:Roger that, Alvin! Look out!

Alvin:Whoa! Feels like I'm back at the race track.

Man:Hey! Careful!

Ian:Keep going!Till I tell everybody back home I saved Alvin Seville.

Brittany:I guess I owe you an apology about Ian.

Alvin:Stick with me, Brit. I'll never steer you wong.

Brittany:Oh,yeah. I'll never doubt you again.

Ava:I gotta say, he is definitely persistent.We have got to lose him.

Alvin:Hang on!I've got a plan. Jump on the count of three. Three!

Chipettes:Whoa!Oh! That's it.

Jeanette:I'm not
really good with heights.

Ava:Just hang on tight, Jeanette.

Ian:Bring my girls right to me.

Brittany:We need the remote.

Alvin:Guys, I know what to do.It's hats off to Ian.


Alvin:The remote!

Brittany: I can't reach it!

Jeanette:I'm going for it.Grab my ankles.

She let go of the helicopter and jumped down to grab the remote while the chipette made a chain together hiding Jeanette.She grabbed the remote.
Jeanette:I got it!I got it.

Alvin:Way to go, Jen!

Brittany:Nice work, Jeanette!

Eleanor:Good going, Jen!

Ava:Nice one,Jen

Eleanor:Hey, Ian, you were wrong.
I don't need these!

She threw her shoes down at Ian,but they accidentally hit the toy car, causing it to change directions.Ian, still on the ground, looked up to see the car drive towards his open legs.Ian groaned from the pain and passed out.

Jeanette: Ooh!


Eleanor:My bad!


West Eastman

Man:And now for our final act of the night.Now, listen, we've hada last-second change to the line-up,but we don't think you're gonna be too disappointed.Representing West Eastman,it's the Chipmunks!

Simon:We may have to go out there,guys.

All:Chipmunks!Chipmunks!Chipmunks! Chipmunks!Chipmunks!

Man:Well, if there are no Chipmunks, we're gonna have to move on. So now...

All Booing

Theodore:I don't wanna be booed again.

Man:I'm sorry.We're gonna have to move on.

Toby:Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! I...Um...

He chuckles nervously

Toby:I'm not a Chipmunk,as you can see.

Boy 1: Play some music, you loser!

Boy 2:Play some music!

All:Yeah!More music!Play some music!

Toby:Okay, okay.Okay, okay, I got a song.I got a song, I got a song.Ever since I met you I wanted to be your guy.But as you've probably noticed I'm pathologically shy And standing on
this stage right now I think I'd rather die
So I'm just gonna start by saying.Hi.


Theodore:Now, that was huge.

All Cheering as the helicopter

Toby:Thank you. Thank you. No, really. Thank you.What the...

Avin:The Chipettes are in the building!

All:It's the Chipettes!



Brittany: Hello, West Eastman!

Jeanette:I'm putting her down!Hang on!

Theodore: Alvin!

Simon:Double high-five, brother.

Jeanette:High-five!Oh... Oops.

Dr.Rubin:Ladies and gentlemen,representing West Eastman,it is my great pleasure...

Eleanor:This is such an honor.

Theodore:For you or for us?

Alvin & Brittany:For us.Jinx!Double-jinx! Triple-jinx!Quadruple-jinx!Infinity-jinx!

Ava:Guys!We get it.Huddle up, gang.

All then whispering

Dr.Rubin:I give you the Chipettes
and the Chipmunks!

The Chipmunk & The Chipettes:
We are family


The Chipmunk & The Chipettes:
Everyone can see we're together
As we walk on by

And we fly just like birds of a feather
I won't tell no lie

Just let me state for the record

The Chipettes:
We're giving love

We're giving love in a family dose

The Chipmunks & The Chipettes:
We are family


The Chipmunks & The Chipettes:
I got all my sisters with me


The Chipmunks & The Chipettes:
We are family


The Chipmunks & The Chipettes:
Get up everybody and sing

(and sing it to me baby)

The Chipmunks & The Chipettes:
We are family


The Chipmunks & The Chipettes:
Get up everybody and sing

(sing it to me)

The Chipmunks saw Dave waving at them

The Chipmunks:Dave!

Ava & Oliver:
Here's what we call our golden rule

The Chipmunks & The Chipettes:
All I want, all that I need

(all that I want)

The Chipmunks & The Chipettes:
Is to rock with my family


The Chipmunks & The Chipettes:
All I want, all that I need

(all that I need)

The Chipmunks & The Chipettes:
I got here with my family
We are family

(family, family)

The Chipmunks:
I got all my brothers with me

(got the brothers with me, baby yeah)

The Chipmunks & The Chipettes:
We are family

Audience Cheering

Brittany:Thank you.

Ava:Whoo! Thank you.

Simon:Thank you.Oh! Thank you so much.

Man:Hey, everybody.It's clear that we have a winner of the $25,000!And it's West Eastman High!West Eastman High!

Alvin: Guys, we did it!

Theodore: Yeah!

Dr.Rubin: Wow!

Jeanette:Can you believe it?

Simon:A little something for the music

Alvin:All right!Right back at you,Dr. Rubes!Whoo!Oh, yeah!


Theodore:Dave!You're dancing!

Alvin:You're moving good, Dave!

Simon:Yeah! Welcome home.

Alvin:So,did you miss us?

Dave:Of course I missed you.You're my boys.


Alvin:And, Dave, just think how much you'd miss us if there were eight of us.

Dave:Alvin,what did you say?

Alvin:Well, the Chipettes needed a place to crash,right?So, I said that you said they could stay with us for as long as they needed to.


Alvin:Okay! This one's for Dave.
Everybody,shake what your mamma gave you!

The Chipmunks & The Chipettes:
Shake your groove thing, shake your groove thing, yeah, yeah
Show 'em how you do it now
Shake it, shake your groove thing

The Chipmunks:
(Shake your groove thing, shake your groove thing, yeah, yeah)

The Chipmunks & The Chipettes:
Shake your groove thing, shake your groove thing, yeah, yeah
Show 'em how you do it now
Get up and shake it
Get up and shake it
Get up and shake it
Come on, come on
Get up and shake it
Get up and shake it
Get up and shake it
Come on, come on
Get up and shake it
Get up and shake it
Get up and shake it
Come on, come on


The room had been rearranged completely. There were now two sets of four bed bunk beds.

Dave:Look at you.
All ready for bed.Looks like the Chipettes are a good influence.

Brittany:Thanks Dave.

Ava:Thanks Dave.

Jeanette:Thanks Dave.

Eleanor:Thanks Dave

She giggled

Dave:Ok guys, lights out,Goodnight everyone.

Jeanette:Goodnight Simon.

Simon:Goodnight Jeanette.

Ava:Goodnight Oliver.

Oliver:Goodnight Ava.

Eleanor:Goodnight Theodore.

Theodore:Goodnight Eleanor.

Brittany:Goodnight Alvin.


Alvin:I'm not tired.

Dave:Sorry, but you've got school tomorrow.

Dave turned off the lights and began to walked out of the room.

Alvin smiled and jumped down next to Theodore's bed,where another light switch was. He flipped it up, turning the lights back on.

Alvin:Not tired!

Dave frowned and walked back into the room.

Dave:Alvin, come on, it's time for bed.

He turned the lights off again,only for Alvin to turn them on again.

Alvin:Not tired!


Dave sent him a warning glare and turned the lights off again, only to get the same reaction.

Alvin:Still not tired!


Alvin:More awake!


Alvin:Tired. Just kidding! Much more awake!

Dave:Alvin, that's it! Don't make me come over there!

Dave began to walk into the room.


Alvin turned the lights off. Unfortunately, this caused Dave to trip on a skateboard and fall backwards.CRASH! Alvin turned the lights back on and faked a yawn.

Alvin:Oh boy, I suddenly got really really tired. Goodnight Dave.

Alvin turned the lights off


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