Izuku Midoriya: Ultra Instinct

By DefinitelyNotTKJ

255K 3.9K 4.8K

Izuku Midoriya... Some knew him as a nice boy, most knew him as a quirkless nothing living a dream-namely, Ka... More

Entrance Exam
The New Succesor
Deku vs. Class 1-A
Declerations of War
Welcome To The Sports Festival!
Sports Festival: Cavalry Battle
Final Round.... BEGIN!!
Bakubum vs. Uraraka!
Battle of Beliefs
The Final Battle: Deku vs. Uraraka
Hatred Consumes
Gran Torino
Hero Killer
Meet The Daughter!
Final Exams
Deku vs. Class 1-A (Final Exams)
Breaking Limits
Half and Half
A Brand New Power
The Power of Ultra Instinct
Getting Back on Track!
Heading to Training Camp!
A New Technique
Training Camp Massacre
Welcome to the Prison Tournament!
Call Me Deku
Two Months
A New Symbol

The Wrong Path

2.5K 65 103
By DefinitelyNotTKJ

"Are you going to comply or not??"

"Depends. Are you going to shut up soon"


"Didn't think so."

The officer grit his teeth as he dealt with this daring child.

Even in the face of the law he dare to be this disrespectful!?

"Son, do you know who you're talking to??"

"Should I know?"

"I'm the chief of police!"



"... And that means what exactly?"

"It means I can have you thrown behind bars in two seconds." The officer threatened with a menacing smirk.

"And I can have you thrown under the ground in one."

"What does that mean?"

"It means I'll kill you Mr. 'Chief of Police'." Deku warned while emphasizing the quotations.

The officer stepped back in shock. "You're supposed to be a hero!"

"And you're supposed to be relevant, guess we're both disappointed." Deku dismissed him.

"That's it- That's it!" The officer expressed by throwing his arms into the air out of defeat. He pulled a gun out and aimed it at Deku's head and was about to pull the trigger before being stopped by other officers.

"WOAH now," One of the officers exclaimed with a sweat drop. "Let's not do anything we might regret, Chief."

"The only thing I regret is not doing this sooner!" He said with ballistic eyes.

"I assure you that I'm the least of your problems and all you need is a mirror to prove it to you."

"Do we have tear gas??" The officer's eyes were bloodshot at this point.

"Oh don't worry I'm in tears too. Your face was scary when I saw it the first time; I wasn't even aware you could be born that ugly. Since when did they allow disabled people to become chief?" Deku inquired innnocently.

"I will destroy you" The officer seethed as multiple veins popped out in his forehead.

"That would be the closest you ever came to destroying someone- that's a lil something I learned from your wife. Disappointing in every aspect huh Chief?" Deku snickered while holding in his laugh.

He practically lunged at Deku before being dragged away from Deku by a personal S.W.A.T team.

Ochako who was in the room just sighed at her boyfriend's antics.

Sometimes I wonder why I love him so much when his mouth is almost as big as his ego. She thought in tiredness. Why me? He'll start the Deku wars at this point.

"You didn't have to be so difficult, ya know," Ochako facepalmed. "He was just doing his job."

"And I was doing mine."

"No you were being annoying."

"Therefore my job is complete."

"You suck."

"You do too."

She blushed and glared at him while he smirked victoriously.

"I don't like you." She pouted.

"You and I both know that's not true." Deku laughed.

She sighed and facepalmed, "Why did I fall in love with you again?"





"Do you really want me to answer that?"



So, one might be wondering why all this is happening. Barring the sass from Deku, all this is not normal under any circumstances. Deku is currently in custody of the Japanese police for multiple crimes. It would take too long to list them all so long story short, Deku used a little too much force during the invasion.

Or in other words.

He overpowered them so greatly that it quite literally broke the system.

Now he's in jail.

Ochako came along for support of course, but Deku is the one in handcuffs. There are certain rules in Japan that a hero must not break. One of them, is killing anyone whether that be hero, civilian, or villain. It's a whole "moral uprightness" kind of thing where the heroes aren't allowed to kill, so the civilians themselves aren't influenced to kill for "the right cause".

Deku- well he did just a little more than kill. He destroyed.

Now he's being charged as a villain for his extremely violent acts.

When asked his reasoning, he said he had been tired of the constant villain interference. The UA break in, the USJ, The hero killer. He got tired of the villains thinking they could mess with his class continuously and he "took care of it" as he so graciously put it.

Obviously, the police didn't like this answer.

That led to Deku insulting the officers and the Chief having to come in. Obviously he didn't do much better with Deku.

With all his training, he's mastered the art of ignorance.

UA is trying to do everything they can to placate the police, because they know firsthand how difficult Deku can be when he wants to be. And if he gets annoyed enough, making Deku an enemy of the so called "upholders of justice" will not end well for anyone involved.

If push comes to shove, they'd have to send every hero after Deku if that happened. But they aren't even sure if even that would be enough.

Deku is sitting in an interrogation room meditating while Ochako practices her breathing. The chief comes back looking relaxed.

Too relaxed.

Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do right?

"Yo," The chief called out to Deku in a chill voice. "We're putting you on trial, and you'll be tried for your crimes."

Deku opened his eyes slowly and looked dead at the officer.

"Officer, what crimes have I committed?" He spoke in a calm tone with a deathly undertone.

"Well let's see," The officer, at Saturn by now, too relaxed to take in the threat behind Deku's voice. "Excessive force, Illegal use of quirk, battery, 1st degree murder, arson, excessive use of quirk- shall I go on?"

Deku facepalmed and Ochako looked horrified at the thought of him doing such things. Deku was truly dangerous when he wanted to be.

"You make me sound like a bad guy."

"This is jail buddy, whether true or not you're all bad guys."

"Fine fine," Deku said as he got up with a sigh. "Take me to court, I Heard that if I don't get a lawyer then this trial will be harder than Amber."

"Guess we'll have to be in Deppth about who we choose as a lawyer. This has to be some sort of defecation." Ochako added while looking at Deku somberly.

"Don't you mean defamation?

"I know what I said."

Deku sighed at this before turning to the chief, "What's your name officer?"


"I knew it." Deku laughed as the rest of the group barring Ochako was confused on why he was laughing.


They had arrived to court and Deku sat at his seat along with his lawyer. Though, Deku looked him up and down and something felt off about him. Not only him, but this entire room. He may have had quirk proof handcuffs, but that didn't work on Instincts. He closed his eyes and expanded his power across the room. He could feel their presence and they all seemed to have negative intentions. Even moreso the lawyer. It became clear now.

This was a setup.

Someone somewhere wants Deku out of the picture. And to be honest he had an excellent idea of who it might be.

"Order in the court!" The judge shouted.

The crowd got silent and the jury had smirks on their faces. They all looked slightly familiar. Some of them had features similar to Class 1-B folk. Some of them had features similar to some of Deku's junior high classmates. And some of them were from Deku's childhood. This entire room is filled with people who hate and despise Deku. And the heroes were not allowed in the court because of their personal relations with Deku and how it might "disrupt the trial".

In other words, they had rigged this trial and didn't want the heroes messing it up.

"Today we are here to discuss the actions of one Izuku Midoriya." The judge said while suppressing a smirk.

Deku's eyes turned just silver enough so that no one would notice and he tried out this new trick he had learned. He slowly released his body heat within the room and made sure it merged with the heat that made up the room temperature. He was basically trying to connect his consciousness with the room. It sounds more complicated then it is, but if he really released his body heat which he can control into the air and the people breathe it in, part of his powers are within others and he's slightly connected to their bodies and can interpret their thoughts and feelings based of the pump of their blood and the heat on their bodies.

Think of it like ultrasonic waves except with different functions.

It would be the same as him putting his hand on each and every single person's head and reading their minds, but that takes too long.

This technique is more advanced as you move up levels, but for now he can only make out a few words and emotions. But a few words is all he needs to interpret these idiots.

I'm such a good actor. He mentally praised. I did a good job of hiding it, but something is completely fishy. Half the crimes I've been charged for I didn't commit, at least not to the extent they're trying to convict me of. Something else is happening here, but what?

"Do you, Izuku Midoriya, plead guilty to the charges against you?" The judge asked with evil intent.

"I plead not guilty."


Deku raised his eyebrows slightly and the malice he could feel all around the room spiked.

"What do you mean denied?" Deku asked dangerously as his eyes narrowed.

"You see, this court is made especially for fallen heroes," The judge spoke in a mockingly soft tone. "In this court, you are guilty until proven innocent."

Deku grit his teeth and glared hard. He was having a hard time restraining himself from responding to the lies he was clearly hearing.

"What evidence do you have that I'm gu-"

"You will speak when spoken to, boy."

Deku's eyes narrowly widened and they looked like that of an assassin.

No one ever speaks or has spoken to Deku with such a lack of respect. Deku's calm interior was slowly fading as he became angrier and angrier.

"Is this not you?"

The judge pulled out a projector and it turned on to show Deku in his hero costume killing villains left and right.

Mistake #1: Deku was not in his hero costume at the training camp.

Mistake #2: The video is shot at morning, when the events took place at nighttime.

Mistake #3: This video is in 4K

Deku, the strongest hero at that entire camp, was caught using his world shattering power- in 4K.

The camera never shook, the camera never even moved unless prompted to.

You could've shot a movie with the kinds of shots they got.

This only preceded to make Deku angrier and angrier as they actively tried to convict Deku of these crimes.

The video showed him killing more villains and burning down the forest with a sinister smile. This was clearly the work of a quirk imitating him along with special effects. The crowd observing the trial was eating it up though.

Even the Sports Festival fan girls attended the trial and were glaring at him.

Deku couldn't care less about that, but his reputation was being shattered by this glorified talent show they were putting on.

He was absolutely livid.

"What do you have to say for yourself, hero." The judge provoked with a dark smile.

Before Deku could even utter a word, the lawyer spoke up.

"You're right, he is guilty, I saw the whole thing and he tried to bribe me to protect him but I would never do something so lowly!" The lawyer lied through his teeth. "He threatened to kill me if I didn't do this."

The lawyer placed a sympathetic face and acted as if he were a major victim. This caused the jury to glare harder at Deku and try oh so hard to hide their gigantic smirks.

"I guess we have our verdict, don't we?" The judge commented with mischief.

What is this... what IS THIS??!! Deku thundered in his brain. This isn't even a fair trail, screw that it's not even a trial. It's fake, it's a fake and they're trying to turn everyone against me! Even if I were to somehow come out of this, my reputation as a hero would be shattered and I could never become the number one hero! My dream, is being taken away from me as I speak and I can't do a single thing about it! Who.. WHO DID THIS???

Deku had lost all sense of himself and was so close to losing it right then and there, but he couldn't. If he did, he would shatter his already broken reputation into pieces. This means that as angry as he was, he couldn't say a word or it would be used against him.

"And that's not all, ladies and gentlemen," The judge interrupted his train of thought.

Ladies and gentlemen? Tch, this guy is treating this like some sort of show. Deku fumed in his mind.

"Even his own family was not safe from his wrath."

Deku's heart pounded at that instant and his eyes widened. He slowly looked at the projector and what he saw, completely changed everything.

The video showed "Deku" stabbing his mother.

Stabbing isn't even an appropriate word, that guy mutilated her.


After stab.

After stab.

After stab.

All of this done with a maniacal smile on his face as he said, "I love youuuu motherrr~"

After all was said and done, you could barely even recognize her.

Her green hair dyed red with blood, her shining eyes blocked by the darkness of death. Her body looking more like a trypophobic's worst nightmare than any human.

Inko Midoriya, was murdered.

By her own "son".

Deku just sat and stared. His eyes were wide open, his pupils were smaller than the faint ringing he could hear in his ears.

He had gone off the edge.

He could hear the metaphorical glass breaking in his head.

He couldn't even move, the rage he felt, the sadness, the incredible emotion that was filling him was indescribable. Before he could even process any of that, the judge continued.

"I wonder what your classmates have to say about that?"

Deku's eyes snapped towards the judge and he was holding a computer with all his friends on it.

Even Ochako and Eri.

"Daddy... is evil? Eri asked quietly with tears in her eyes.

"Deku... why..?" Ochako asked with her own tears streaming.

"Deku, I thought you were better than this!" Bakugo fumed, choosing to mask his sadness with anger. "You were supposed to be a rival, someone I strived to defeat; WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS YOU IDIOT!!??"

"Bro- no, Deku, I can't believe this." Kirishima uttered with wide eyes.

The rest of the class expressed their own sentiments of surprise and disappointment and Midoriya's eyes were the widest they've ever been. His pupils were practically nonexistent in his rage.

"I-It's- I-It's not-"

"Silence, you villain." The judge interrupted. "Does the jury have a vote?"

"Yes, your honor, we the jury find Izuku "Deku" Midoriya,"


"WAIT-" Deku tried to fight back. Fight back against the video, against the people, against the overwhelming false evidence against him. However, he was stopped.

His own "lawyer" stabbed him with a tranquilizer to cause him to resist movement. Normally he would've been able to detect it, but with all the mental stress and emotional trauma, he was able to do no such thing.

"Izuku Midoriya, you are hereby sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Take him away."

The guards and officers grabbed him and forced him out of the room.

The tranquilizer was hardly enough to incapacitate him, but it was enough to weaken him for the guards with different strength quirks. He looked around the room and there were people with smirks, glares, scowls, etc.

Some even having the audacity to wave goodbye to further mock him.

He looked at the computer and all of them had their backs turned to him. A clear sign of them refusing to acknowledge him as their classmate, much less their friend.

To them, he was simply Deku: a villain.

Deku was broken. He didn't know what to do, what to say. He just stared widely at the scene and tried to process everything that happened.

This was their plan. Whoever set this up knew this would happen. Deku faintly spoke within his mind, sounding the most timid he's ever been in his life. First, he took away my motivation to be a hero by dismantling my dream with my ruined reputation. Then, he threw me into despair by killing the only family I had in my mother, making the job of hero seem farther and farther away. Lastly, he took away my motivators in my friends, and turned everyone against me, even the love of my life and my beautiful daughter. He turned them all against me and made me hated by the entire world.

My entire life was burned to the ground.

And not a single person cares.

I'm truly alone now.

Deku grit his teeth so hard, he was starting to crack them. This- This wasn't fair at all! Everything he had worked for in life; gone within 20 minutes. He scratched, clawed, begged, cried, and even nearly died! And now the world spat on him once again.

The world, it took away his light.

The world, it took away his dream.

The world, it took away his family.

The world, it took away his reason to live.

So you know what?

Screw this world.

After EVERYTHING I DID FOR THIS GOD FORSAKEN WORLD, THIS IS WHAT I GET?? Deku shouted within his mind, his eyes bloodshot as his anger took over him.

Suddenly, due to the uncontrollable rage building up, his emotion overtook him in his active state of Instincts and his hair spiked up and turned red with shades of black.

The officers with him were in shock as they witnessed this new and dangerous form. They immediately stepped back from the heat coming off of him in waves, but they were completely decimated by the heat coming off of Deku.

The gritting of his teeth, the shading of his eyes,

Deku was completely furious.

His aura was red and black as he exploded in a gigantic burst of power dwarfing anything he's ever shown so far. This aura covered every inch of the court in no time and flattened it.

Suddenly, he revealed his eyes to showcase a bright silver.

Deku had completely wiped out not only the courtroom and everyone in it, but all things within a 10 mile radius. Everything around him was equivalent to desert, as there was quite literally nothing but ashes left.

"If it's a villain you want," Deku began in a deep and deadly tone as he witnessed a piece of the flag of Japan fall down to him and he grabbed it without looking and burned it immediately as his eyes glowed.

"Then it's a villain you'll get."

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