Life's Requiem, Death's Cater...

By TMWolf

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Sequel to Champion's Sword, Galar's Shield Reunited once more, Cassandra and Leon embark on their next journe... More

A Toast
Of Farewells
Welcome to Kalos!
Many Meetings I
The Bug Badge
Many Meetings II
New Friends
Memories & Hints
Team Flare
Beaches & Rock Climbing
Flare & Stone
Good Times & Good Friends
More Questions
Earth & Fire
The Ups & Downs
The Future and Past
The Plot Thickens
Snow & Sun
Breaking Point
The End's Beginning
Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul
What Comes After
A New Lease Part I
New Lease II (18+ Explicit)

A New Life

373 6 6
By TMWolf

Note: this chapter has slight NSFW content, both in action and just mentions. Nothing really explicit or anything, though. 


Weeks Later


Wyndon City

"Cassandra! Oh, it's so good to see you, sweetie!" the redhead's mother beamed on her phone's screen. Beside the older woman, her ginger-haired father waved and grinned, expressing similar interest. They weren't alone, either; her adoptive brother was there, too, and spared her a small smile from his spot at the table they were at. She could see her parents' Machamp and Magneton moseying around in the back, probably helping with clearing the table as it was about dinner time for them.

She waved, "Hey guys! It's so good to see you guys, too. I'll be coming in a few weeks, by the way! Just for a few days before I need to come back here, but still!"

"Oh, that's wonderful! We've missed you so much!" her father grinned.

Silver quirked a brow up, "I take it to do the paperwork?"

"Well, to get it started, anyways. I want to double check on the dimensions and square footage so I can make it just right here, and maybe expand it, too. And then if you guys don't want the Ranch, I'll need to figure out something for it. I'm thinking of giving it to Elm to make a Sanctuary, or, Silver, if you want, you can use it for rehab?"

"I can always talk with Professor Elm and maybe do something like co-ownership. I admit, your Ranch is a fantastic place for it, and if we combine it with the Professor's own ranch, it will make it even more massive."

Her mother sighed, "So you really are moving, huh?"

"Yes, Mom, I am," Cassandra chuckled, leaning forward on the kitchen table she was at. "Leon and I are serious, and I wanna be with him here–and with the friends I've made."

"What, did he propose already, too?" her adoptive brother snorted, but with a wry grin.

"Not yet! But we know we're the end game for each other, and... I like it here. A lot. It's a great place."

"Well, as long as you're happy. I suppose it was inevitable," her father smiled sadly, embracing her mother who looked ready to burst into tears. "I'm just glad you found a good partner, and we know how much his family likes you, too. Still, we're gonna miss you not being here for dinner."

"Hey, c'mon, I haven't moved yet! I need to build my new house first and set up the Ranch, so there's still plenty of time. That, and Leon still has to do the Johto Gym Challenge, so we'll be close by for a month or two. He wants to 'study' other regions' Challenges especially now that he's Chairman."

"Clever," Silver chuckled. "Glad to see he stepped up. What are you going to do, though? You already did the Challenge there."

"Good question. I haven't totally thought about it, but I can always do some side research, or maybe invest in breeding some more. Or I dunno, I've joked about becoming Champion, but maybe something in foreign affairs since I have all my connections? Do you need someone for Team Rescue here? I am related to the head honcho."

"Sorry, but my guy over there is way better at his job than you'd ever be."

"Ouch. Thanks, bro."

"Oh, hush, you two. No fighting alright? It won't be long now before this is the only way we can talk regularly!" her mother sighed, slumping down. "It is going to be so strange you being so far away, but... like your father said; we just want you to be happy. And staying out of trouble for once! I'm still upset about the Kalos incident!"

"I know, I know! I promise we weren't trying to get into any! It just got out of hand with Lysandre–."

"What is with all these crazy men, anyways?!" the older woman growled, clenching a fist in the air. "First Team Rocket, and then that piece of shit Cyrus, and then Team Plasma and–and–!"

Her husband pressed her hand down, "It's okay dear; they've all been taken care of. It's just how the world is–there's always good and evil, and we're just so lucky our daughter is one of the best."

"Still, it is concerning how they're finding all these dangerous artifacts and power sources. With luck some of the other regions out there will take note and avoid that. Like Alola–I heard they have some powerful Legendary-tier Pokémon, and there's that other region that's finally emerging on the big scene. The one famous for their fruits."

"Oh, yeah, I know which one. I forgot the name, but they have this like... Scarlet and Violet theme going on, right? They're kinda like Kalos and Galar aesthetic-wise. But yeah, I hope for everyone's sake they do, too. I can't save all the regions."

"Please, don't–we've had enough heart attacks over you," her father chuckled, and she could only smile a little, her gut clenching a bit with guilt.

"I know, I know... I am sorry, but I promise nothing too crazy happened in Kalos–not like Galar or Unova and stuff. I swear," she chuckled, the guilt worsening with the lie. She couldn't bring herself to tell the truth. They already hurt so much from everything she'd hidden. Leon had urged her to be honest, but, in the end, neither had told anyone the full truth but those involved, and Raihan.

"Thank Arceus for that... and I guess at least you got another Champion title, albeit 'honorary'. Not exactly the normal way, but a Hall of Fame is a Hall of Fame. I still get to brag to all the mothers," the older woman chuckled proudly.

"And I get to brag to all my co-workers. Tell them how my daughter–and son–are setting us up for a sweet retirement," her father grinned mischievously.

"Well, we do know for sure now Silver's the one going to take care of you two once you're old," the redhead snickered, making her brother's eyes roll.

"Yeah, yeah; you snuck out of that one, didn't you? Well, I still got my life together and got married first, so there's that. I'm also the eldest."

"By like three months!"

"Older still."

"Har har, old man."

"Kids, kids, please. No fighting on the phone now," their mother huffed, waggling a finger. "Besides, we want to hear all about your plans and what's going on for Galar right now–the Gym Challenge is starting right? And... Gloria, is it? She's defending her title?"

"Yep! She's ready to go and so are all the Gym Leaders. It's gonna be a tough year, but Leon's got a lot of fun in store and with his reforms for the systems and budgets, the Gyms are really looking better. He's even got a proper Trainer school system in the works so that even small towns can have young kids better prepared and can maybe have a better chance at getting sponsorships or at least get into the Minors. Or they can take entirely different occupations, too; he's just... he really wants to see his people succeed and thrive in whatever they do, and I'm happy to help him do it. It's a lot of work, but I can tell he's honestly happy doing it. He comes home tired, but still smiling."

Her father nodded, "Knew he would. He has the right stuff for it, and I'm glad he stepped up. He's really going to change things for the better."

"I know I'm glad he's in charge. He's made installing my Team and helping people even easier. He's basically combined Macro Cosmos Rangers with my team, so there's been a decided decrease in incidents in the Wild Area."

"I heard! It's fantastic, really. And I know it means a lot to him after what happened with his dad, so, thank-you, Silver. Really."

"Always happy to help. You know that."

"Oh, it just butters my heart seeing the kids get along so well," her mother sighed, wiping away non-existent tears. Both children let out a drawn out, exasperated "moooooooooom". Their dad just laughed, kissing her brow.

"Alright, alright... So how about you tell us more of what's been happening since you've been back? And more about your time in Kalos; we didn't get to hear too much with all the crazy," her father smiled, and, sitting upright again, the redhead delved into her story.

In truth, not much. Naturally, she kept the "fun" with Raihan a secret–what happened at his place, stayed there, along with the second night of fun they had because they realized it was a bit addicting, whether it be because of the "naughty" factor or what, but it had been fun, and both her and Leon were up for more if their friend would allow it. Beyond that, though, she'd actually been spending more time with Nessa and Sonia than she thought and had come to realize shopping for clothes could be fun with the right crowd, and thus she now boasted some of the most feminine clothing she'd ever had that wasn't athletic. She had to admit, the clothing felt nice, and she felt pretty in it in a different way than before. It was only enhanced with the two women hyping her up with compliments, too–naturally, which she returned, and would help them find good sporty wear in repayment.

As for the rest of the Leaders, she found ones most fun to around be Kabu, Melony, Gordie, and Milo. The "one-sided" rivalry with Nessa was hilarious–as Sonia and everyone else agreed–and then Kabu was great to chat with and share a similar culture. He knew his sake, too, which she was grateful for, and his Zen Garden was a sight to behold. It had been a gift to his late wife, he said, and he maintained it in honor of her. He never said more, and they would enjoy a good cup of tea after. Melony was a treat all on her own, who apparently would be a "mom" to anyone she deemed young enough to be her children, and since the redhead fit the bill, the woman welcomed her so warmly she could barely feel the chill of Chirchester. Naturally, Gordie was immediately embarrassed, especially since she'd come to compare their Tyranitar and also the newly found Tyranitarite Professor Sycamore had come across and sent it to her to study. The Gym Leader was happy to go along with it, and despite his lingering animosity towards his mother, he was a good guy and good company.

As for the others, Piers was so aloof she rarely saw him, but his music was intense and enjoyable. Marnie, however, was happy to greet her at the post-meeting parties Leon would invite her to, or the in-general get togethers. Bede was a bit of a little shit, but Opal was quick to put him in his place. Bea and Allister were always stuck close together like an older sister and little brother, and she was just glad the young fighting Gym Leader was at a place where she would actually nod in hello. Conversation was bare minimum, still, and Allister remained too shy to say too much, either. That was alright by her, though, and she took her enjoyment in being allowed and welcomed into their little "family" fold.

Of the minor league she didn't know too much, truthfully. She'd heard of a Klara and Avery, but not much else on the other members. Leon would meet with them, but they were typically run by other League officials, while their new Chairman kept to the more important and Major League business. Like the new school for one, which had gotten full approval from both board members and the Gym Leaders, who would each establish a branch. Some cities would even have higher learning centers, but it would take a long time before it could be properly established. They had plenty of help, however, and Cassandra has no qualms with calling on some of her old friends and associates who might know people who'd be happy to contribute in some way, including teaching.

Needless to say, things were going quite well in Galar, and she would be happy when she could finally have her new home and Ranch built. The blueprints were just about finalized, and she had all the money she could need–Leon had insisted on paying some, but she refused and won–and so building would begin as soon as she finished negotiating the land size she wanted. That, in turn, meant coming home and going through her paperwork to figure it out. That, and she would start working on the immigration papers for her Pokémon, too. It was always complex thanks to having multiple regions together, but she was practically an expert, and all her Pokémon were well trained and Pokérus-vaccinated. Either way, she'd be home soon, and then again for the Gym Challenge with Leon after possibly doing Hoenn first if he got the time off.

"...And that's about it, I think. Hope things are going good for you guys," the redhead finished, gesturing with her hands.

"Oh, wow, so exciting!! I'm so glad you have such good friends! We'll have to come visit and celebrate your home being built! And do let us know when you finalize your flight times. We'll make sure to make your favorites," her mother beamed.

"Sounds like a done deal. We can't wait to have you back, especially now it's limited," her father chuckled, then paused as his phone buzzed. Frowning, he checked his phone, and then sighed. "Darn it all. Looks like I need to take this call. Work stuff. Sorry, baby girl, it'll probably be a while."

"Nah, don't worry, Dad. I've talked myself out, anyway. I think all I have left is some stuff to talk about with Silver," she replied, and the man in question perked up. He kept his confusion steady when their parents glanced his way. He lifted his brow once they turned away, though, and she shot him a "look". He thankfully understood.

"Business stuff?"

"Basically. Boring and all, so you two go do what you gotta do."

"Alright, alright. Take care, baby. We love you soooo much," their mother sighed, blowing a kiss, which she returned. Her father gave similar sentiments, and then it was just her and Silver. He brought the phone close, and, after glancing off the screen to no doubt make sure their parents were gone, he met her gaze proper.

"What's going on, 'Cas?"

She inhaled slowly, steadying herself. She'd almost forgotten about it after everything that happened, and only remembered suddenly a day or two ago. She almost didn't want to bring it up, but she had to. He deserved to know, and the man being back put many in danger.

"Giovanni. Your father... he's back."

Silver froze, eyes going wide. His fist clenched on the table.

"...You're... sure?"

"Yes. He was in Kalos, helping Lysandre and... he had Mewtwo. Under his control somehow. He was... different. Like he had some weird, dark power."

"That... Are you sure? He's... he's been gone for... years. A decade. He never even contacted me. I thought... he was... well, dead."

"Positive. Leon can confirm. And... I think... he's working with someone else. I'm not sure who, but he's back and he's even more dangerous than before, especially with Mewtwo."

"...Fuck," Silver breathed, running a hand through his hair. "Do you know what he wanted?"

"No... Not really? He was helping Lysandre, so I assume world control? I'm not sure. I'm sorry."

"No, don't apologize... I know you did what you could to stop him regardless of what was going on," he replied, pressing his mouth to his palm. "We... we need to tell Lance. Immediately. Call the IP–."

"Looker knows–he was in Kalos. We still should tell Lance and the League. They need to be prepared. I know you took out the rest of Rocket, but..."

"We can't take chances. I'll keep my men on the lookout. He hasn't contacted me at all, though. I swear on that."

"I know; you'd never give in to him, ever. You're a Tsurugi. Just... be careful, Silver. I don't know if he'll come back for you. He might not even have left Kalos. He was... just... gone after I last saw him in Lysandre's base and then I never heard of him showing up ever again."

"Damn... and to have Mewtwo? It's... bad. And confusing. I don't understand... Shit. Shit, shit..." he rasped, running a hand through his hair. He inhaled to center himself and then met her gaze firmly. "You've done enough already, 'Cas. Leave that bastard to me and the League. No, there's no arguing this. Leave it to us. You deserve this break, so take it. I know you didn't tell us everything, so focus on healing."

"I–," she began, but then sighed, smiling weakly as her shoulders sagged. "Okay. Thanks, Silver. You take care of yourself, too, alright? Call me whenever you need me. You'll know I'll drop everything to come help you out."

"I know. Thank-you, 'Cas. Really. Take care of yourself now. You know we love you," Silver replied, and the call ended. Cassandra leaned back, sighing, and only straightened some when the door to the apartment clicked. A few moments later, Leon appeared, take-out in hand. He had a bright, but tired expression on, which faltered when he saw hers. Concern filled his visage and he hurried over to drop the food off and then wrap an arm around her.

"Hey, you okay, love?" he asked softly, kissing her brow.

"Yeah, just... long talk. Caught up with the fam and then let Silver know Giovanni was back."

Leon winced slightly, "Oof... Well, he needed to know, so you did the right thing. How'd he take it?"

"Well enough. He's going to get Lance and the League involved. He told me to 'relax for once' basically," she laughed lightly and urged him to sit next to her, which he did.

"Well, it's good advice. We do deserve a break. Speaking of... the Challenge starts up next week, so we're having one last party and night out right before it this Saturday."

She raised a brow, "I take it Raihan is hosting again?"

"Always. Hammerlock really does have the best clubs. Wyndon is close, but not quite."

"Hmm... So, drinks at his place for the after party?" she snickered, eyebrow wiggling.

A light blush came to Leon's cheeks as he grinned, his mind no doubt also on the prior events, "I mean–if you want–."

She giggled, "Only if you are. Otherwise, I'm teasing. But we could use another break before you get stuck at work. I'm going to be so lonely without you around."

"Mm I guess I better make up for that lost time ahead of the game," he chuckled, leaning over to steal a kiss. "How about we start tomorrow? Work ends early on Fridays so we can go on a nice, romantic dinner. My treat."

"Oof, you know how to woo a woman. I'm down for it–but the froyo after is on me."

"Damn, you know how to woo a man," he laughed back and pulled over their food. "Hope you don't mind Kantonese tonight instead of a 5-star steak?"

"It's perfect," she snickered back, pulling out her container. "How was work, by the way? Everything all good?"

"Actually? Yeah! Things are going smooth for the Challenge. So, all that's left is the Opening Ceremony and an exhibition with Gloria and I think it'll be Marnie this year. Raihan's decided to be 'nice' and let the 'new generation' have their time to shine."

"Aww, so sweet. He doesn't wanna be embarrassed," she snickered, and her lover laughed.

"Maybe. A little. It'll be exciting, though, and I hope you'll come!"

"Of course! It'll be my first time in the actual stadium, and I can't wait to see you properly in action! I'm excited."

"I'll make it extra amazing for you," he beamed, scarfing down a few bites. "It'll be easier knowing I have you there to cheer me on."

"Arceus, you're so cheesy."

"Your favorite."

"Yes, yes it is," she chuckled, and was content to let her worries fade away in the wake of good food and even better, loving company.



Hammerlock City

Cassandra mumbled as she woke up, reaching over blindly on the bed, searching for a warm body that ultimately wasn't there. She frowned, opening her eyes slowly, and, sure, enough, the left side of the bed was devoid of her lover who normally was there in the morning. Well, that meant the arms around her waist weren't Leon's then, and when she glanced down, she found a darker skin tone. A glance over her shoulder revealed the familiar face of the infamous Great Raihan, nuzzling into her back with a very pleased look on his face. She supposed he should–she and Leon had another fun night with him, and she was only relieved to find she was less embarrassed and concerned about it. She supposed that was only natural when this was about their fifth time doing so within a two-month span. She did still chuckle about how they ended up doing another night rather quickly after the first, the "hotness" of the first time making them constantly yearn for it. Raihan had, thankfully, been accommodating. If anything, she had to say he looked forward to these nights, too–if only because he had a strange inkling for cuddling, she had never known about until the second time, or because his ego enjoyed knowing he could make her and technically Leon want this more.

It was almost a normal thing at this point, as weird as that was, and truth be told the warmth on her back was nice—especially when somebody left before they woke up. No doubt Leon was off to work even on a Sunday, but still. He could have woken her up to kiss her good-bye. She always liked that.

She supposed a text on her phone would have to do, as she found out when she reached for the device–with difficulty, of course; Raihan was not just any cuddler. He was notoriously obnoxious about it and did not like to move once he was latched around her. An embarrassing display followed the first time that happened, and only Leon was able to rescue her from the Gym Leader's clutches as she hung half out of bed, held up only by his arms at the time. Now she simply went with it. Sure, she could wake him up, but it was rather cute. He always looked so at ease nuzzling into her, and it would be a lie to say she didn't appreciate getting to ogle his toned body, of which was now scantily clad with the sheets barely coming over his hips. If she didn't know he was still well asleep–-he took his time to wake up, she found out–she would think it was on purpose to entice her, and by Arceus she was already tempted.

But Leon wasn't here, and she wouldn't feel right indulging without him around even if they'd done this many times now. It was a bit of an unspoken rule–after all, it was a threesome. To mess around with Raihan with just herself felt like it would be a betrayal of his trust, and she didn't want to make things awkward for the two long-time friends, either. Cuddling, however, had been approved if only because Leon found it really funny, so she left him be. Well, for now, anyways; he'd wake up once her lover answered the call, she placed to him. It was too early for meetings, so he'd be just now settling into his office and probably doing the first round of paperwork, which meant he'd be happy for the distraction. Being Official Chairman meant lots of work even on weekends, so he ended up in his Office quite a bit while she had free time between supervising the construction of her home and prep for their coming trip to Hoenn with the Challenge Season nearing the end here. Raihan was actually fairly busy himself now, too, keeping up with his Challengers and prepping for the Cup, which, in turn, made these nights together fun for him, too; a healthy, very pleasurable release from the stress. He deserved it, and she was touched, in a way, to help him with it–and Leon, too, of course even if technically he only gave the "attention" to her.

"Hello, gorgeous. Sorry I left without a good-bye; you were pretty zonked out, and Raihan had a death grip going on," Leon spoke as the video call came to life. She chuckled, turning slightly to be more on her side. He looked good; all cleaned up and all her "love bites" she gave him on his neck and chest well hidden. She had to admit, the short hair looked damned good.

"I guess I can forgive you. But make it up later with extra kisses, alright?" she snickered. She turned her gaze away when she felt Raihan shift and grumble as he woke, lifting his head and blinking his eyes. He took one look at the phone, then groaned and buried his head into her.

"Tell 'em... go away. Too early."

"You hear that? He's telling you to go away. While latched onto me," she mused, brow raised.

"Guess I have to fly right on back and deal with his arrogance, huh? Can't turn away for one second and he's trying to win you over," Leon snickered, pausing as his eyes flashed with recognition. He snapped his fingers, "Right, I forgot–I've got a couple of late meetings tonight. You know how it is with everything right now."

"No worries; you warned me before. I'll be spending a while with the builders today anyways, so they get the Green and Ice Houses right. Should we just meet for dinner at your place or we gonna hang here tonight?"

"Wait–why ain't you asking my opinion first? This is my place," Raihan huffed, popping back up and settling his chin on her shoulder. "I may let y'all get your kink on here, but it's still my bed."

"Alright, alright... if we wanted–could we stay at your place again?" Leon chuckled, and the Gym Leader gave a toothy grin.

"'Course, but I'm gonna need payment. Y'all stay here so much I gotta start charging rent," he purred, and the redhead snorted.

"Will that be poke-dollars or... Can we come to some sort of an... agreement?" she purred, drawing her fingers along his arm. She took pride in how he squirmed–just a little. She was enjoying learning what made him tick little by little.

"What is this, a porno?" he laughed, finally pulling free and sitting up to stretch. "Nah, just pay for dinner or something."

"We can do that. Try not to miss me too much, though, babe. You know I wish I wasn't so busy," the Chairman smiled softly.

She smiled back, "Don't worry; you're doing important work. Still, it does get so lonely here. I'm just so beside myself. A girl has needs you know."

"Oh, does she now?" he laughed loudly, a devilish smirk coming over his features.

She sighed dramatically, hand draped over her brow, "Yes. My body and soul writhe in agony as it aches for your return and yearns for your touch–your kiss! I can barely withstand it!"

"I know, it's hard," he replied, then lowered his voice, "but hold fast, the best will be back to satisfy you before you know it."

"Hey now–as I recall, I was the best last night," Raihan mused, pouting ever-so-slightly.


"Oh? 'Cas, I think you out to remind him," he purred, and suddenly brushed her hair out of the way to bite at her neck–right in a spot that always shot a spark through her and made her moan softly. He smirked as he raised a brow at Leon, "You were saying, mate?"

"Oh, my Arceus, you're both awful!" she huffed, smacking the arm holding her. Naturally, he didn't let go, and even nipped her again so that she squirmed.

"Oh, hush, you're the one winning in the end, what with us competing to make you cum the fastest," the Gym Leader snorted with a grin. He looked back at Leon, "Man, you best be careful, mate. She's an insatiable one. She might just burst if you leave her by herself for too long."

"Well, guess it's a good thing I have a trusted friend to see to her every need," he hummed, reading through a paper.

"Wait–so," the redhead began, brows scrunching. "You're okay with... um..."

"I just want my woman to be happy, and, well, if you're insatiable..."

"You sure about that, mate? You open that door, you know I'm gunna bust it down," the Gym Leader mused, tone serious. "Same rules apply, of course."

"I trust you. Both of you. Just... ah," Leon began, but then trailed off as a redness came to his cheeks and he rubbed his neck sheepishly.

Raihan laughed, "Don't get shy now mate, you just gave me permission to fuck your girlfriend senseless when you're not around whenever she wants."

To add to the point, he nipped the redhead against and teased her breast, making her moan softly and turn beat red.

"You're insufferable," she hissed at him, but couldn't deny her desires, either.

Leon coughed, "I just... if you... do... um..."

His next words weren't very audible.

"Huh?" they asked in unison.

The Chairman sighed and brought the phone close, "Record it."

Raihan burst out laughing while Cassandra turned a deeper shade of crimson and put her face into her hands. Leon was no better, refusing to look at the camera as he ran a hand through his hair. The Gym Leader kept on it for what felt forever before he settled back down, chin back on her shoulder.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself, mate. I was already surprised y'all would do a threesome, but you two are just bringing out all the kinks now, huh? Next thing I know we'll be doing some BDSM," he snickered. He glazed over the redhead's prone body. "Personally, I think you'd like some fuzzy handcuffs and look sexy in them."

"One kinky level at a time please," the redhead groaned, then turned back to the phone. "I can't believe you said that."

"I can't either, to be honest!" the purple-haired man laughed, shoving his face into his hands. "I just–go with the flow, y'know? It's worked so far, right? Live life more, right?"

"I mean–you're right!" she laughed, then took the phone to blow a kiss into it. "I'll see you later, babe... and bring your A game cuz I'm gonna start comparing now."

"You little Liepard."

"You love it."

"I do. And you. Have a good day, 'Cas," he replied, blowing a kiss back.

"You, too, 'Lee," she smiled, and the phone cut off. She could feel Raihan staring, so she turned to face him properly, brow raised. "What? Stop grinning like that."

"You two are kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinky," he sang, and she groaned again, shoving his face away.

"You started it!"

"I did no such thing–I was joking. You two decided to live life to the fullest. It's not my fault you like my cock so much. I mean–okay, I am the most amazing lover in Galar, but my statement stands. You shouldn't have bitten the fruit if you were gonna regret it now, love... and Leon just gave you a lot of juicy fruit to eat."

"He did... So... wait–are we like... friends with benefits now and Leon and I in an open relationship? Is that how that works?" she mused, brows scrunching again.

"... Technically? You two should discuss it more later to make double sure what you're thinking and that you really are okay with it. Buuuuut personally? I don't think he'd be okay with anyone else but me. He told me last time he didn't think so, anyways. He trusts me in a way he doesn't anyone else, y'know? Best mate and all. And, I mean, would you feel alright with anyone else? Or Leon with anyone else?"

The redhead paused, thinking, "Well... to be honest... no? I don't think I'd like sharing Leon with anyone–sexually, anyways. Or romantically. And I dunno if I'd trust anyone besides you with this either. There's a lot at stake, and... well, I trust you a lot, too. Basically, as much as Leon at this point. Is it bad I don't mind being shared by you guys, but I don't wanna share y'all? I'm a hypocrite, aren't I?"

"Well, maybe a little, but it's good you know what you like, too, and if Leon is okay with–and if I'm okay with it–then it's okay, y'know? If everyone consents and is okay, what's the problem, right? Not that you should want anyone else besides your lover boy and me. I'm the best, after all," Raihan purred, flexing his chest.

She replied dryly, "So you've said. Many times."

"What? Don't believe me? Should I step up my game?" he continued to purr, looming over her and brushing his lips along her neck and cheek. She couldn't stop her shudder and sharp intake of air, desire pooling in her belly at once.

She bit her lip as she met his gaze shyly, "...Maybe."

"Hmm... you really okay with all this, though?" he asked suddenly, pulling back and giving her some space. "I know Leon said he's cool, and he might change his mind later, which is cool and all... but are you comfy? If you don't wanna do this, you know I won't even ask for it. I'm always happy to have mind-blowing sex with you, but if this is all too much... I'm good being a FWB only on our 'fun' nights only if Leon is around to enjoy it, too. And I'm happy to stay just friends if y'all both wanna stop this entirely. I'll miss it, sure, but I want you two to be okay and happy with things more."

Cassandra regarded him for a moment, then smiled softly and brought her hand up to his cheek, cupping it. She rubbed her thumb slowly while he raised a questioning brow.

"You're too sweet, you know that, right? I don't think I know anyone like you are. Like I said, I don't think I–we–could have done this with anyone else. You're the only one we can trust like this. So... yes. I am very happy being friends with benefits and whatever this weird thing we have between us three. It's still new and crazy, but... it doesn't feel wrong, and I trust you. Completely. I know you won't hurt Leon or me," she spoke, and a light blush came to the man's face.

"Jeez, 'Cas... you gonna make me all mushy inside talking to me like that."

She giggled, "Good, and to answer your question... Yes. I am okay with this. Or I think I am. Guess we just have to find out, huh?"

"Guess so."

"So... think you have what it takes to beat Leon in the fuck-me department? 'Cuz as I recall he did do a better job last night," she hummed and then laughed when Raihan frowned. He let out a low growl as he pounced, pinning her hands above her head and settling between her legs. She was pleased to see he was hard already, although promptly regretted it as he began to mouth and kiss her where he pleased.

"I'm gonna punish you for that, love."

"Just–remember—r-record it," she moaned softly, and her new "partner" laughed loudly before he released her, though only to lean over and grab his own Rotom phone, which he had hover in place and start recording.

With a husky growl he kissed her roughly and rumbled, "Now... about that punishment..."


A month later,



Cassandra zipped up her duffle bag, satisfied with the contents. Beside her, Leon was doing much the same then turned to face his "hat" rack and hummed thoughtfully. The redhead chuckled as she came over to pick his Champion hat and set it on his head.

"This one. It's my favorite."

"This one it is. Ol' reliable," he laughed, pulling her to him. "It's certainly seen me through a lot."

"Indeed, it has–I think it's a lucky charm. Perfect for going on a new Gym Challenge," she snickered, pushing up on her toes to steal a kiss.

"Eh, it's fine, and made it easier to get the two-month vacation now that the Challenge is over. Gloria won again, so there's basically zero post-paperwork to do. We're just going to have the post-Challenge events running and then everyone starts training again or takes their required time off," he shrugged. "I won't get as much after this, though, so I wanna live it up enough and get both Hoenn and Johto Challenges done."

"You're going hard, I see. I took almost a whole year between some of my challenges."

"Yes, well, you don't have a very busy job," he snickered, making her huff.

"Hey, hey; I gotta finish immigrating first, ok? My parents are a bit miffed we're going to Hoenn first, even though I told them I would. So, you'll have to be good and make it up to them, alright?" she replied, grinning.

"I will, I promise. I just hope they won't mind Raihan coming along to Johto," he mused, tilting his head. "I can't believe he really agreed because you said he could meet Lance."

"Well, he did admit he's a fanboy. But that's also where Pendragon was from, so he's probs curious about that, too. Just sucks he couldn't make the time for Hoenn. He'd love it there, too!"

"Eh, it's alright, he's got a lot of work here to amp up his Challenge game and do the post-Cup work," he chuckled, kissing her brow.

"Truuuuue. But, hey, it's gonna be fun, I promise. Hoenn has noooo dangers like the others. Steven had Brendan and May handle that craziness, so we are smooth sailing."

"Thank Arceus. We've had enough near death," Leon sighed, unfurling his arms from her to take her hand instead.

"But, if we do encounter any bad guys," the redhead hummed, earning a look. She laughed and squeezed his hand, "I'll ask your permission first. I promise to not go after them if you don't want to. We can let Steven–er, no... it's... I think there's a different Champion now. A new one. A chick, I think. She can handle the problems."

"Thank-you for asking," he grinned, bumping her hip as he headed out of their room. "And I will make sure you're okay with sharing photos outside the chat group... Just lemme take as many pics of you in a bikini as I want, okay? It's tropical in Hoenn right?"

She giggled, "Yes, so we will be wearing much cooler–and skimpier, you're welcome–outfits. It's a lot of water, too, so we're better off wearing either wetsuits or stuff that dries quickly. We can also fly everywhere, to be honest, but where's the fun in that?"

"Exactly. Sucks you won't be doing the Challenge."

"Well, I still can, I just won't be earning the badges. I'm happy to cheer you on, though, and with my team fully evolved it'll be perfect for training yours!" she beamed, then snapped her fingers, "Speaking of! Professor Birch says he has a fresh batch of hatched starter Pokémon to choose from. It took a long time this go, but they have good personalities!"

"Nice! Just glad I can bring Charizard along. I don't know what I'd do without him on my team," Leon frowned, shaking his head.

"Perks of having him registered as your emotional support. It's what let me bring Arcanine with me back in the day," she nodded in kind as they made it to the lower floor where his mother and Hop were working on dinner and setting the table. "Hey guys! We're all packed!"

"Oh, good, good; dinner is almost ready! Go ahead and help set the table and sit down," the older woman smiled and returned to the pot which smelled heavenly.

"Here, you guys can do the plates," his little brother grinned, handing over the tableware, which they gladly took. "Man, can't believe you guys are already heading out again. It's only been like two months!"

"We got to, or we won't really get the chance again, so better to go now, and I really wanna do Cas' hometown Challenge."

"Makes me want to, too! But my project is still going on pretty strong! I got a lot of data from Trainers coming and going, too, so I plan to do a lot of data compiling over the next few months and hopefully start writing my paper!"

"Dude, that's great!" Cassandra beamed. "I can't wait to read it when it gets published!"

"Aww, that won't happen for a long while–Sonia is gonna tear it apart, and I bet Granny Magnolia will, too."

She waved her hand, "It's just all part of the research process. They want you to succeed, too. So, any of this is just to make sure you do well and get published."

"Oh, I know! Still, she's getting tough on me and has been pretty rough during our stay in Spikemuth. I'm just glad Marnie's been around. She'd made it a lot of fun and lets me sleep on her couch a few times," he chuckled. Cassandra raised a brow, sparing a quick smile at Leon.

"So... spending time with... Marnie, huh?" the former Champion purred, and Hop's cheeks turned a bright red. He promptly threw a napkin at his brother.

"NOT LIKE THAT!" he huffed and returned to setting the dishes. "She's just being–being nice! I'm kinda the only other teen around that's not her diehard fan so we can actually hang out and talk, and she is just really nice! She's a good singer, too, and can play guitar."

"Hmmmmmmm you sure know a lot about her," the redhead sang as she set down glasses. "Mamma Ramirez, you know about this?"

"Of course, I do," the woman winked, turning off her stove. "I know all about my baby boys' romances."

"We're not romancing!"

"Uh-huh," both lovers spoke in unison, laughing as the young man turned even redder and groaned aloud.

"So cute," Cassandra sighed, trotting over to their mother's side. "Here, lemme help."

"Ah, thank-you, dear!" she replied, handing over bowls of food. "We are going to miss you two again, but you'll be back home for good! I'm so happy you're moving here!"

"Me, too! I'm a little nervous about leaving the construction alone, but Raihan promised to keep an eye on it since it's near where he trains. Nessa is already demanding to have a hand in my decorating, but I negotiated her down to my wardrobe."

"No worries, you can trust them. I really liked that new crop top she got you–the Aggron one."

"Ooh, yeah, it has a nice street aesthetic. She's already trying to reel me into modeling for her–and drag you with me."

"Ha! She would! She does that to everyone, I swear, but she does have a great clothing line! It's a good job gig, too," Leon mused, taking some of the food to his plate now it was all set.

"Well, I wouldn't mind seeing you in some fashionable photos. I could use some new ones for the wall."

"Mom, those are magazine-style ones–wouldn't you rather like what we have now?" Hop snickered, poking at his food.

"I take what I can get these days, what with you two not around," the older woman sighed, mock sobbing.

"Oh, Mom," Leon laughed, chomping down on some bites of food.

"We'll do our best, Momma Ramirez. We'll keep you updated on our journey like before–and keep out of trouble."

Hop snorted, "Doubt it."

"Don't jinx it!"

"Don't make assumptions about my love life then."


"But you're saying there is a love life," Cassandra countered, and the young man again went bright red.


"Ah, young love," their mother sighed happily. "So, when are you two getting married?"

"Mom, c'mon!" Leon laughed, shaking his head. "Let us enjoy the dating life a little longer, alright? I promise we'll tell you as soon as I propose."

She clicked her tongue, "Alright, alright."

"Better make it soon, Leon; your mom is getting impatient. She may just propose to me for you," the redhead snickered, making her lover almost choke on his food. "I'd still say yes. Your Mom is the perfect woman."

"Oh, you," the older woman giggled.

"What's happening here," Hop spoke in deadpan.

"A good time," Cassandra snickered. "Just enjoy it, cuz our flight is tomorrow, alright?"

"Yep! Time for sunshine and hot weather!" Leon grinned, picking up his glass to toast. His brother, mother, and girlfriend all did the same.

"To a fun challenge!" Hop beamed.

"To a future proposal!" their mother laughed, earning it in kind.

"And a journey with no bad guys to cause trouble! Guaranteed!" Cassandra beamed, and with that, they clinked their glasses together.

A toast to a new journey and a new life free of problems.

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