Possibly Forever (Will Byers...

By PAnicattheupsidedown

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Just a message about the hate
!!!One extra thing!!!
Dear, Y/N...
Dear, Will...
My Volume ll thoughts...


2.8K 64 246
By PAnicattheupsidedown

Sorry for the small wait! I tried to get it out last night but as you can see, I didn't lol. But anyways, Enjoyyyy =>

I glued the last article onto my board, blowing on it to get the glue to at least dry a little before I stood it up right.

I stepped back from it, smiling as I looked at my finished project.
It had taken me all day yesterday to print out the articles, cut the information out, make the board, and then finally gluing everything in its place.

But it hadn't taken me but about six or seven minutes this morning to finish it up.

I set it over to the side to allow it to dry, I had rationed my time because I woke up earlier than normal this morning. Not only did I have a project to finish but I also wanted to finish my painting.

The painting that I was making was very special to me for a certain reason, and I wanted nothing more than to have it done before tommorow when Mike and Y/N got here.

(I know you just sent the letter yesterday and I understand it would not ever get to him that fast. I usually don't break the rules like this, but just for the sake of the plot, we can pretend it did this once =>)

I looked over to my table, seeing the opened envelope.
It made me so happy to read it, hearing that they were going to be flying down tommorow got me in a super great mood.

I dipped my paintbrush in the green before swiping it over my canvas, getting the perfect visual I wanted with the color.

I sealed my lips together as I focused effortlessly hard on the painting, watching the colors blend together so nicely as I stroked the paintbrush covered with paint over the area.

Drawing had always been my Forte, but just recently I took a shot at painting and learned that I was actually a natural at it. I had been practicing on it, and I think I've finally started to do really good with my works.

All I could hope was that Y/N loved it too...

I didn't have a lot of my good paintbrushes because of Eleven stealing them yesterday, but I had enough to finish the few spots on my current art piece.

I put the final touch on it and set the brush down into the cup of water, hitting it on the side a few times to make sure it was clean.

I wiped my hands clean of the paint and checked my clothes to make sure I hadn't gotten any on me.
When I was good I grabbed my backpack and project and headed for the stairs.

Me and El must've gotten done at the same because we both walked out of our rooms in unison.

We both met eyes before heading for the stairs, me right behind her as we strided into the kitchen.

"Mom? Mom?" I called, wondering where she was as she usually was in the kitchen cooking up breakfast by now.

"You do realize that don't you?-" I heard from the living room before a mutter of 'prick' came as well as the slamming of the phone.

"Mom?" I asked again, walking into the living room to find her at her desk.

"Oh, hey, honey. I'm sorry there's no breakfast, I came down here and calls were just coming left and right an-"
"Don't worry about it. I'm sure Argyle will be here soon anyway." I assured her, cutting off her rambling.

"Okay well, I love you all, be caref-" She went to speak but suddenly the phone started to ring again.

"Alright...Love you too." I said with a sigh, seeing as she already had another buyer on the phone. I shook my head before walking back into the kitchen where El was.

She was staring down at her project which she had sat on the table, her gaze one of questioning and doubt.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"What if they don't like it?" She said after a pause, messing around with the little Hopper figure in front of the cabin.

"I'm sure they'll love it, El. It'll be okay. It looks great, by the way." I told her, hoping to lighten her mood.

"Thanks. It took a long time and a lot of work. I hope they don't laugh." She said, picking up the tiny wooden squirrel.

"They won't. It's so good, they'll have to love it." I assured her, giving her a pat on the back as I looked down at her creation.

It really was cute. And it was quite accurate as well.
She lived there for probably more than two years, stayed there everyday all day with nothing much to do. So it's no suprise that every possible detail was included.

My thoughts were cut short when a series of honks came from our driveway, shortly followed by Jonathan tumbling through the halls and then down the stairs.

"Lets go!" He called, heading for the door.

El grabbed her cabin project and I grabbed my board, the both of us leaving out the door as Jonathan followed behind us, shutting it as he did.

I slid the back of the van open, allowing El to get in before I did, taking a seat before sliding the door back.
Jonathan also got in and settled himself, giving Argyle a fistbump before doing so.

Jonathan pulled the sun visor down, grabbing a pair of sunglasses out of it and putting them on.

"All right!" Argyle said as he turned around to face us.
"Hold on to your butts brochachos."

With a stomp of the gas pedal we flew off down the road, and a sight of my mother running out the door to yell after him was visible in the rear view mirror. It sparked me as curious for what she could've possibly yelled.

It didn't take long with Argyles speed to end up at Lenora High, though I'm pretty sure I had a mild case of whiplash by the time I stepped out of the van.

The four of us headed out and towards the school, walking through the crowds of students before going through the school doors.

Jonathan and Argyle went their separate ways and me and El walked through the halls again, just like we did any other day.

She threw her hand up to wave at a girl she had classes with, though she didn't get a wave back.

I didn't really know why she still tried, I guess it could be to do with being locked up her whole life. She never truly got the chance to grab the cues and gestures of real life. But now that she knows better and is adapting more, I would've thought she'd have grasped the idea that a lot of people didn't like us.

I could never tell her, I didn't have the heart to, but everyone knew she was different. They knew she wasn't like everyone else. And while all of us know why...others don't. The kids at school just assume she's slow or has some sort of learning disability, and while there's nothing wrong with that, kids are vile and mean. No one knows how to be nice anymore. Not like they ever knew before.

I've been bullied since I was young, all the way back in kindergarten to be specific.
Mike was my first friend, the only one who ever cared to talk to me and I'll forever be grateful for that.

But even after me, Mike, Dustin and Lucas became a group we were still bullied. Harder even for just being a group of potential freaks.

We all had our differences.
Lucas was black
Mike was severely unpopular and held no girls intrest.
Dustin had Cleidocranial Dysplasia.
And I was just the poor meek little kid with no friends.

We were freaks to the mean, popular middle school kids. And now we're still freaks to the mean popular, high school kids.

But El doesn't really get that. Sure, she knows they aren't her friends and that they don't necessarily like her, but I don't believe she really gets the popular and unpopular aspect.

And I felt embarrassed for her as the other girl gave her an odd look and walked right past her.

El seemed to pipe down after that, like quite a bit.
I knew she'd rather be in Hawkins, we both would, Jonathan too, and maybe mom as well. But at least El understood that, that we were placed here for our safety.

My thoughts ceased as we arrived at our classroom, making our way to our seats with much difficulty.

I moved around a few people, holding my poster as I attempted to take it to my seat without running into anyone.

Finally I made it, and after I sat down I slipped off my backpack, putting it around my seat as I watched El take her seat in front of me. I sat my board down to my side, hoping no one stepped on it or hit it.

I quickly sat back up as I heard a faint squelch. I looked over to see Angela as well as some boy I didn't know, laughing towards El.

I looked at her, watching as she wiped what looked to be a spitball off her face.

"Could you guys just...not? That's really rude and childish." I told them, not trying to upset them but also trying to get them off our backs.

"If it's so rude and childish, then it wouldn't be funny when we did this..." I was confused for a moment before Angela took the straw from the boy and blew through it, and I felt the cold wet glob hit a spot on my forehead, right between my eyes.

"Bullseye!" The boy shouted as the both of them doubled over in laughter.

I wiped the ball off of me, glaring at the two nuisances to my left, the both of them laughing even harder now.

"Oh no, did I upset Willy?" Angela teased again, the same fake pout on her lips from before, and I had to resist every urge inside of me from pouncing on the two of them. But I wouldn't, my mother raised a better son than that.

I saw Eleven turn around in her seat, giving me a look of anger, one of which I returned. But I knew there wasn't really much we could do, so I mouthed a quick "It's fine, calm down."

She nodded before turning back around, settling down in her seat as she crossed her arms angrily.

Eventually the presentations started and the teacher reached into her large glass bowl to pull out a name.
Of course the name was Angela's, and she got to present first.

Her presentation droned on until at last she began to wrap it up and end it.

"After learning to speak, she traveled the world to spread her message." Angela said, changing her slide to another image of Hellen Kellar.

"And along the way, changed how the world perceived those like her with disabilities." She continued.

The slide clicked again. "And that's why I have chose Hellen Kellar as my hero." She finished...finally.

The last slide changed and a black screen with the word End in red popped up.
The class erupted into a series of loud claps and the teacher came out from behind her desk to congratulate Angela.

"That was wonderful, Angela." The teacher praised her in a pleased voice.

"Truly wonderful." Mrs. Gracey added as she flipped the lights on.
"What an inspiring story."

Angela chuckled graciously as she undid her presentation from the projector, turning to sit back down at her desk.

"Okay, now, let's see who has to follow that." She said, not sounding too encouraging to whoever had to go next.

She put her glasses on and stuck her hand into the bowl again, reaching for a paper before bringing it back out to read it.

"Jane." Mrs. Gracey said happily, looking towards her with a smile.

A few hesitant claps left the students, but a very worried look crossed Els features, and I could tell she was nervous.

I looked over to her, giving her an encouraging nod as I clapped the hardest for her, doing what I could to stop her worrying.

She grabbed her box and stood up out of her seat, walking to the front of the class before turning to present.

"Hi." She greeted, looking at all the faces staring back at her.

"For my hero I....I chose my dad." She told them, causing most of them to turn and look at eachother in confusion and amusement.

"And for my visual aid, I made a 'direyama' of our cabin." She said, looking proud as she turned the box around to show everyone.

"More like diarrhea." One of the boys in our class said, causing the class to laugh again.

El gave them a smile, attempting to look like she also found the joke funny, but I could tell she was already getting upset.

"Quiet, everyone. Lets be respectful." Mrs. Gracey told the class, quieting them down for a moment so El could continue.

She reached into the box, I pulling out the little figure of Jim and showing it to the class.

"This is my dad. His name is Hopper." She said, holding him up as she showed the confused class.

"And he made the best eggos..." Els words trailed off from me as I felt something rub against my leg.

I looked down to find somebody's shoe rubbing my socks, it looked like a pink flat. And as I looked up it made sense about who was doing it.

I knew the girl, I sat by her in most of my classes and we talked quite a bit. By the action she was committing now it seemed like there must've been some kind of one sided feelings I couldn't reciprocate to her.

I pulled my leg away, returning an awkward look to her flirtatious smile.

There's only one girl I'll think about right now, one I thought of before, and one I'll hopefully think about in the future as well.

Y/N is my world and I intended on keeping it that way. I'd never give her up. Especially not for the girl beside me.

"-watch Miami Vice on fridays." I heard as I tuned back into Els words, done with dismissing the girl beside of me.

"This is Mr Fibbly." She said as she pulled the wooden squirrel out of her box after putting Hopper away.

"He is a squirrel." And with those four words, once again, the class laughed.

"What?" The same unfunny boy chuckled out, leaving me agitated as he kept throwing his unwanted two cents in.

El looked over to me, obviously in doubt and scared to continue. But I didn't let her give up, I sent her another nod, and she continued to hold up her squirrel proudly and continue her presentation.

She put the wooden squirrel away and pointed to the tiny rope that was attached to the two paper trees.
"And this was the alarm that my dad made."

Suddenly Angela's hadn't went up, and El tried to move on because our teacher had clearly told everyone to hold their questions till the end.

"And I- I was never scared because...becau- because..." El turned around to the teacher, looking to her for help with Angela.

"Uh, Angela, let's save questions until the end of Jane's presentation." She told her.

"Yeah. Sorry. I'm just, like, confused. I thought this was a presentation about a historical hero." Angela stated, knowing exactly what she was doing as she looked on at the teacher.

"My dad was in the newspaper." El informed her.

"Your local paper?" Angela asked, the others, as well as her, started up laughing once again.

El looked at me again, but this time I didn't have a signal for her.

"I just don't think that's what Mrs. Gracey meant by historical. This is supposed to be about famous people." She explained to her, her voice high and bitchy like.

"My dad is famous." El told her. "He saved lots of lives. In a mall fire." Her eyes were watery, and tears were already beginning to roll down them.

"He was a hero for people. And he was my hero too." She said, but no one agreed with her. They only sat back and mocked her.

I put my hands together and leaned my chin on them, feeling a large rage on the inside. I don't think I've ever hated anyone quite like I hate Angela and her goons.

"Thats not what I'm saying at all, but it's okay. I'm am so sorry Mrs. Gracey, I just wanted clarity on the rules of the assignment." Angela lied, finally ending her charade of making El feel horrible about herself.

"Yes, technically you are correct. But Jane had decided to do her father. So, please, continue with your presentation, Jane." Mrs. Gracey told her, not helping the situation in the slightest.

Tears flowed down her cheeks, her lips puckering as she stopped sobs from racking her body.

"No thats...that's all." El said to Mrs Gracey, ending early so she didn't have to deal with Angela.

"Oh, alright then. Well give it up for Jane, everyone." The class let out more snickers as more hesitant claps came from them.

El rushed to her seat, laying her head down into her hands as she silently cried into them, though I could tell she was crying because of the shakes of her body.

I reached over to comfort her, putting my hand on her back and rubbing it.
I looked over to where Angela was sitting, finding her smiling proudly at Els position.

She met my eyes and gave me a smirk to which I replied something I had never done before.

Her eyebrows arched down and she looked away offended, my middle finger showing straight in her direction, and now the smirk was on my face.

Class ended after everyone presented, and El was the first to emerge out of the classroom, tears still pouring down her cheeks.

"El, it wasn't that bad!" I called after her, hoping it could comfort her even in the slightest.

"Friends don't lie!" She retorted, not even turning to say it to my face.

"I'm not lying. El! C'mon." I spoke as I walked after her, but none of it stopped her in her tracks as she cried all the way to her next class.

I stood in the hall as I watched her walk out of sight. I let out a sigh, I knew it wasn't going to be great but I didn't expect the actual chaos that occurred during her presentation.

"She's a lost cause, isn't she?" I heard that annoying voice ask.

"What?" I asked, turning around and moving as I felt an arm on my shoulder.
I turned around to be met with Angela.

"Jane. She's a lost cause." She clarified, a sour smile on her lips.

"You know She's upset because of you, right? The whole reason she's like this is because of you." I told her, glaring into her eyes.

"Y'know, you could be so much more if you stopped hanging around with her." She said as she gripped my shoulder, ignoring what I just said.

"Huh?" I questioned, peeling away from her touch again.

"C'mon? Is this really what you wanna be known as the rest of your life?" She asked, and I gave her a confused look.

"I don't think I follow."

"A loser, a freak. That's your title around here, but I could make that all go away if you joined me and ditched the wierdo." She gave me a smirk as I stared down at her.
She went on when I didn't answer.

"I could make people forget you're even related to her. You have so much potential, Will. It'd be a shame to let it go to waste on our poor Janey." She explained.

I rolled my eyes, stepping away from her. "Why would I ever do that?"

"You could be so much more with us." She stated, confident in her answer.

"Well it's a sick joke if you think I'd ever join you and your little posse." I told her, not falling for her B.S

"I have a little sister whose very similar to Janey, and I don't torment her everyday, but I do make sure she knows her place. Why can't it be the same with you and Jane?" She questioned, her voice still in the same annoying high pitch.

"Because I'm not a two faced, jackassed monster like you." I Informed her.

"I think you should stay away from me and Jane, we're done with your shit, Angela." I said to her.

"My, my, when did Will Byers get such a dirty mouth?" She asked.

"I'm serious. Just stay away from us. We never did anything to you. And I'm not joining your stupid little group." I said, shaking my head at her.

"I don't believe that you really wanna turn me down. But I'll let you off the hook for now. Here's where you can find me if you change your mind." She shoved a piece of paper into my hand, smiling with a wave as she turned to leave.

I unfolded the paper to find it appearing as Angela's phone number.

- Angie :)

I rolled my eyes as I crumbled the piece of paper, stuffing it into my pocket before walking off to my next class.

God I hate her...

《《 YOUR POV 》》

"We can't do it! It's ridiculous! I can't believe Lucas actually expects us to-"
I let out a groan at Dustin rambling, I had been hearing it the whole way down the hall and it was starting to annoy me.

"I can!" I stated, stopping in my tracks and moving in front of the two.

"What? Dustin asked, confused by my sudden outburst.

"God, just please stop acting all suprised. Lucas has been ditching us since he joined this stupid basketball team months ago. Can you just get over it already? You two weren't acting this bothered when Will brought up the same subject of growing apart last year!" I told them, my expression tense.

I turned around to walk away, feeling extremely bothered. I didn't even give another mind to their exasperated and suprised faces.

I walked down through the halls, all I could hope was that Max hadn't gone to class yet and I could still go with her on the way.

Luckily I bumped into her, but I had accidentally bumped into a conversation with Max and Lucas, a seemingly not so pleasant exchange between the two.

She was standing at the girls bathroom door, her eyes staring into Lucas's as they stared back into hers. Her eyes said she desired to be with him again, but the words coming out of her mouth said otherwise.

"Yeah, right, I must be crazy because I broke up with you." She said to him, looking hurt.

"No, thats...thats not what I meant." He replied.

"Lucas look, people just change, okay? That's it I've changed. It's that simple." And with that she walked to the door, going to open it but stopping suddenly.

She turned around the Lucas and put something in his hand, something I recognized to be a basketball game ticket.

And then, she walked into the bathroom, abandoning Lucas in the hallway.
I walked up to him, patting his shoulder as I looked at the door in front of me.

"She's a tough wall to break through." I said and he let out a humorless laugh.
"You can say that again."

I sighed. "Lucas, I'm sorry. I never asked her what you wanted me to. And I know you may think that now's not the time, but I'm gonna ask her now." I told him, and I watched his eyes get wide.

"What? Are you crazy, Y/N? You can't ask her now!" He said, looking at as if I was insane.

"Why not? Who's to say she doesn't feel like this every other day? What would be so different from me asking now than yesterday, or tommorow, or next week, or any other time?" I questioned him, moving from beside him to in front of him.

"Just, please. Don't, Y/N. Just don't. I don't want things to be wierd between me and her if she says no." He informed me.

"But isn't that what you're waiting for, an answer?" I asked, putting my hand on the bathroom door.

"Yes, but not right now. Thank you for what you've done, being there for Max and telling me what's going on. I know what I do because of you and I appreciate that. But please, for me, don't ask her yet." He begged, looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Okay, okay. I won't ask. But just know that if you don't tell her soon, you could ruin everything." And with that I pushed the door open, walking in to find Max at the bathroom sink.

"Hey, are you good? I saw Lucas out in the hall and figured you two had words." I told her, setting my bag on the sink beside hers.

"Yeah, we did. But nothing out of the ordinary." She said, and I quirked my eyebrows at what she was doing as she dug through her bag before bringing out a bottle of pills.

"Whoa, Max, what's that?" I asked, looking at the bottle.

"Don't worry, it's just Tylenol. I've been having so many damn headaches." She explained as she poured a few pills into her hand before downing them.

I rubbed her back again. "You've been having headaches? Are they like...bad ones?" I asked her, worried about how she was doing.

"Yeah sometimes. But I'm fine. It's fine." She said, shrugging off my worry.

I went to say something but suddenly the coughing and retching of another girl in the bathroom caught mine and Max's attention.

We looked at eachother before inching closer to the stall, finding that a girl was on her knees, hunched over the toilet.
She must've been puking.

"Hey are you all right?" Max asked, looking at the stall in concern.

"Y- yes, I'm...I'm fine." The girl stammered, her voice not sounding very sure of that answer, though.

"Hey, don't be scared if somethings wrong. We can walk to the nurse with you if you want.." I told her, trying my best to give the girl a safe option.

There was silence for a moment, and then a moment of hesitation before she spoke.
"No. No I'm fine. Please, just go away."

I looked at Max and she nodded at me, the both of us grabbing our stuff before walking back out of the bathroom, still both concerned about the girl in the stall.

"That was wierd, huh?" I asked, and Max nodded back at me.

"I saw her earlier...she was coming out of Ms. Kelly's as I was going in. That's Chrissy, she's on the cheer squad." Max told me.

"You mean that shitbags girlfriend?" I asked, referring to the Jason guy, the basketball team captain.

"Who? Jason? Yeah..." she answered as I nodded at her words, letting off an eyeroll as she finished.

"Well I hope she's alright, she always seemed nice. Don't understand how she ended up dating someone like him." I sighed, looking over at Max to see her lost in thought.

"Yeah, I don't know." She finally answered, coming out of her trance.

"Are you okay, Max?" I asked her, noticing her odd behavior.

"Yeah I'm okay. I just...I need to be getting to class. Don't you?" She asked, and I checked my watch to find that I did need to be going.

"Oh, yeah. Well I'll see you later, Max." I said, and she waved at me as I rushed off to get to my next period.

I couldn't help but wonder what was up with Max, she had been acting a bit different the last few days. And it was definitely news to hear that she was having severe headaches. I could only hope she told the counselor and tried to get some help from her.

Soon enough the boring class ended and lunch had arrived, I swiftly picked up my things and rushed out of the classroom, I didn't have time to waste,
It was lunch time...

I smelled the food as I walked into the cafeteria, and I groaned at myself for not getting here quick enough, as the line looked to be a million years long.

I noticed Mike and Dustin up the line quite a bit and I grinned at the open opportunity to cut line.

I walked up the line, settling in the open spot in front of them.

"Thank God you're here, Y/N, we're trying to think of a way to break the whole Lucas situation to Eddie." Dustin said as he had quickly turned around to face me.

"What's to think about? Just ask him to move Hellfire. Tell him Lucas was really passionate about playing basketball today and wanted to know if Eddie could move Hellfire to next week or something." I said with a shrug, and the two of them only stared at me.

"Y'know what, let me do the talking." I told them and they both nodded, smiling to eachother as they finally had a fullproof plan.

When I got my tray I stood a little ways from our table, waiting for the other two.

They came and stood on either side of me, and we all three watched as he read from the latest version of the ongoing magazine,
"The newest showdown"

"The devil has come to America.." I heard him read in a menacing and weirdly accented voice.

"Dungeons and Dragons, at first regarded harmless game of make-believe, now has parents and psychologists concerned.." He went on.

"Studies have linked violent behavior to the game, saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, Sodomy, suicide, and even..." He slammed the magazine down, revealing his crazed expression towards the others.

"Murder." He spit out, causing the others around him to laugh at the nonsense article.

"Shit, he seems really revved up today." Dustin noticed.
"He's always revved up." Mike replied.

They both looked at me.
"Good luck."

My mouth opened a little at them, but they didn't seem to care about my 'really?' face as they went over to the table and took their usual seats.

I shook my head, sighing as I walked over to the table and took a seat beside Dustin, the closest I could be to Eddie to discuss the Hellfire club.

"Society has to blame something
And we're an easy target so..." One of the guys at the table said to Eddie in response to his reading.

"Exactly." Eddie replied, sounding irritated. "We're the freaks because we like to play the fantasy game."

"But-" Eddie began to stand up, climbing onto the table as we all stared on in suprise.

"As long as you're into band, or science...or parties." Eddie said in a mocking voice towards the party-goers table, earning the bird in response.

"Or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!" Eddie yelled, making sure the basketball team heard him as he walked along the table.

"Loser!" Someone called.

"You want something, freak?" Mr team captain shouted to Eddie, his only response being to let his tongue roll out and point his fingers from his forehead like horns.

A few of us at the table laughed at Eddie's antics, but Mike and the guy from before didn't seem too enthused, as they probably knew we shouldn't mess with the basketball team.

Eddie sent him a grin, the only reply Jason gave him was a whispered "Freak..." from his place beside his table.

"It's forced comforming..." Eddie said, walking back through the table.

"Thats what's...KILLING THE KIDS!" Eddie yelled as he ran off the table, scaring a girl as she threw away her tray, causing us to laugh from the table, highly amused.

Eddie put his arms behind his back, smiling at the cheerleaders who walked past him in a hurry.

"Thats the real monster." He finished.

I finally looked up from my tray as Eddie settled down, and I let out a sigh.

"So, is your meltdown over?" I asked him, taking another bite from my fork.
Eddie let out a chuckle.
"I guess so."

"Well speaking of monsters, Lucas can't make it to Hellfire tonight. He has to play his balls in laundry basket game as you called it. He needs you to move the date, if you can." I told him, not in the mood to stretch out the truth.

Dustin and Mike looked on at Eddie curiously, wondering how he would answer to my blunt statement.

"What?" Eddie asked, looking at me confused as if I had told him the most complex sentence ever.

"Well- uh...we were all talking, shooting the shit. And we were hoping that since Lucas can't make it you could uh..." Dustin trailed off as he had jumped in, not able to find the right word.

"Postpone!" Mike threw in.

"Postpone!?" Gareth yelled.
"You can't just drop this on us!" Jeff said.
"Over my dead body!" The one from before said.

"Shut up!" Eddie shouted at them, halting his eating at the news.

"You say Sinclairs been taken by the dark side?" Eddie asked us.

"Uh, something like that." Mike replied.
"Pretty much, yeah." I confirmed.

"Something like that?" He mocked Mike, throwing a piece of food at him.

I laughed at him before Eddie looked at me.
"Pretty much, yeah?" He mocked me, throwing something at me next.

"And rather than find a sub for you him, you want to...postpone 'The Cult of Vecna'?" He asked the three of us.

"No! We don't want to Postpone anything. We just didn't think it'd be the same playing without Lucas, much less with a sub." I explained to him, earning nods from the other two.

"Plus, most of the subs will be at the championship game!" Mike added in as Eddie stood up, looking out the windows of the cafeteria.

"Oh, it's the championship game?" Eddie asked, almost sounding as if he would give in, but I knew it wouldn't be that easy.

"Yeah." Mike said.

"Can I level with you guys?" Eddie asked.

"Jeff graduates this year, Gareth's got, what? A year and a half? Me? I am army crawling my way towards a D in Mrs. O'Donnell's." He told us, walking around our lunch table.

"And if I don't blow her final, I am gonna walk that stage next month." The three of us smiled at Eddie, having heard his plan for graduating so many times. But every time we heard it, it was always entertaining.

"I'm gonna look principal Higgins dead in the eye, flip him the bird, snatch that diploma and run like hell out of here!" He explained his plan to us one more time, acting his future actions out as he did, which caused us to laugh.

"Didn't you say that last year?" Gareth asked.

"And the year before?" Jeff added.

"Yeah, yeah, and I was full of shit." Eddie told us, walking back towards the table as he had ran off a little.

"This years different. This year is my year. I can feel it. '86 baby." He said with a smile, very confident that, without a doubt, he was bound to graduate.

"And you know what that means?" Eddie asked us as he came up behind the three of us.

"That means you three, are the future of Hellfire." He said as he put his arms around us.

"I knew it the moment I saw Y/N, and then when she introduced you two to me. You three looked like...three little lost sheep." He told us, tugging us a little bit closer, causing us to smile.

"You showed up wearing a Weird Al T-shirt. Which I thought was brave." He said to Dustin, and Dustin said a quick 'thank you' in response.

"And Mike, you were wearing whatever shit your mommy bought you from the goddamn GAP." He told Mike, making the three of us burst out into laughter as well as the rest of the table.

"Oh, don't laugh, Y/N. Because you were wearing that God awful luscious pink shirt that Nancy Wheeler gave you, jeans that were ripped so much it looked like you were attacked by a damn bear, and those converse that were dirtier than Dustin's mouth." He said, and we all laughed again, because my wardrobe was absolute trash at the beginning of the year.

Suddenly I was being forcefully pulled fron my seat, practically smashed against Dustin as Eddie had us in the same grip. He pulled us to our feet and then pushed us out from the table.

"And we showed you that school didn't have to be the worst years of your life, right?" Eddie said to us, walking as he kept his grip on us.

"No." We all answered, a little scared about what Eddie was doing.

"Okay, no, no. Well I'm here to tell you that there are other little lost sheepies out there who need help. Who need you." He whispered to us.

"And all you guys gotta do is get your bo-peeps on and.." He started, turning us around to speak to us.

"Go out and find one!" He shouted as he pushed us away, forcing us into the open to recruit a new member.

Eddie gave us a grin before turning around to head back to his seat, he maintained eye contact as he sat down, the others around him laughing at his actions.

"Well, fuck. What do we do now?" I asked them, staring at Eddie as he ate his lunch.

"Well...I guess we gotta find a new member." Mike answered.


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