Trunks x Reader

By Nellie_Cake25

64.9K 2.3K 1.4K

For most of your life, your parents made the decisions for you, from what to wear to who you talk to. Envying... More

Little Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
(Chapter X: Valentines Day)
Chapter 37
Not a chapter
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Before I finish this story

Chapter 5

2.3K 92 47
By Nellie_Cake25

Third Person P.O.V

For the rest of the school years, (Y/N), Trunks, and Goten were in the same classes sitting next to each other. Often, they hung around each other, talking about the things that just happened over the years.

"Gohan got a job now," Goten said. "It's good since he took me out to eat once in a while. It's sad that I can't hang around him like how I used to."

"My mom is getting really busy lately," Trunks said. "She's working on something important, so I'm stuck with my grandparents. Sucks that my father rarely returns home."

Then it was (Y/N)'s turn to share. "I now have a brother," (Y/N) said. "He's two now. And the sad part is He Has More Rights Than Me!"

"That sucks horribly," Trunks and Goten said in unison.

"It does. He got the things I wanted at a younger age. I still don't have a freedom of choice. In fact, I don't wanna go home anymore. I'll be put down if I do."

They all thought of people who can help with the problem.

"Nope," Goten said. "No one comes into thought."

"I might take you in," Trunks said.

(Y/N) P.O.V

It was a minimum day, and in your final year in grade school. Because you have been told to go walking straight home somehow, you decided to roam around somewhere after school. Sadly, you never had any money. You wondered what to do since you didn't want to go home.

Trunks came by. "Wondering what to do?"

"Yeah," you responded. "I don't want to go home and at the same time I want to do something."

"You can hang around with me and Goten at my place. Wanna come?"

"Sure," you answered in a desperate manner.

The three of you walked to Trunks's house. When you got there, you three were greeted by Trunk's uncle, Tarble.

"Hey, kiddo," Tarble said.

"Hey uncle Tarble," Trunks said. "Where is everyone?"

"Gone. I'll be babysitting you guys for the day. So, who are your friends?"

"I'm Goten," Goten said.

"(Y/N)," You responded.

"Hello Goten. Hello (Y/N). How are you?" Tarble smiled.

"I don't like this outfit," you ended up blurting out. "It looks horrible and ugly."

Tarble tried not to crack a smile.

"Uncle," Trunks said. "Stop acting like a little girl already."

"Sorry. I mean why would she wear an outfit that ridiculous?"

"Because my parents forced me to," you said, revealing the bruise you got in the morning when you refused to wear it.

Tarble immediately ran to the home phone. "Your parents can't be hitting you like that!"

Goten took the phone away from Tarble. "No. Don't get her in trouble. She doesn't even want to go home. Call and we'll do something we'll regret!"

Tarble took out his cell phone and dialed the number for Social Services...

Goten P.O.V

"Untie me this instant," Tarble shouted, hanging from the ceiling tied up with rope.

I took his cell phone and hung up on the Social Services agent. "No can do, Tarble."

"Why? (Y/N) shouldn't even be suffering like this! She deserves to be put in a better place! Untie me or I'll tell Vegeta and Goku!"

Trunks looked at me. "Untie him. I don't want to get beat up by my dad even though I never had been beaten up before."

I told him, "Isn't there a first time for everything? C'mon. This time won't hurt. I'll make sure."

Trunks thought about it. He picked up one of his textbooks and threw it at his uncle. "Alright."

His uncle stopped moving, but remained breathing. His eyes were shut, and he bled a little on his face, mostly his nose.

"I guess he saw pictures of the hot girls," I said, making Trunks crack a smile. Later, I untied him and set him down on the couch. Then, Trunks threw a lot of magazines of hot girls all over his body.

(Y/N) then returned with some pictures of Trunks's mom wearing a bathing suit and lingerie. "Don't ask." She threw it on Tarble, positioning it like he crashed out looking at it.

"Did you look through my dad's stuff?"

"Wait," she said. "The drawers full of blue jumpsuits was your dad's?!"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Ohmygod!" She slightly panicked. "I wore it for a bit while Goten tied up your uncle!" She ran around the house screaming "Ew!"

There was a knock on the door...

(Y/N) P.O.V

You were scared that it may be your parents that were knocking on the door. Of course realizing that the jumpsuit you wore for a bit was Mr. Briefs's, but your parents finding you was a lot worse. You then hid behind a place no one would bother looking in.

"Goten," an unfamiliar voice said, "are you there?"

Goten walked to the door excitedly and opened it. "Gohan," he shouted, running to his brother. "Why are you here?"

You then got out of the hiding spot to see Gohan. Feeling bad about what people would say about the outfit, you kept quiet.

Gohan got your attention, somehow. "Is that (Y/N), Goten?"

"Yeah," Goten said.

"H-How did you know," you asked Gohan.

"Goten would talk a lot about you," Gohan said. "I wish I can help you out, but usually I'm a busy fellow. I have a job, I would help out my dad from time to time, things like that...I also wish I would do something about the whole outfit thing."

You said, as a joke, "This outfit is so bad I would look better in Mr. Briefs' clothes."

The witty sentence got Goten and Trunks to laugh. Gohan almost cracked though.

"...But seriously, I don't want to go home. My parents decide everything else for me."

"You could always stay here," a female voice said.

A woman wearing a blue top, tan shorts, and sandals walked in the house. She had blue, short hair, and looked similar to Trunks.

"And you must be...," you said.

"I'm Trunks's mom," she said.

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