Konoha's Kaze Kitsune

Af ShinobuVIxeN

212K 3.8K 1.5K

After his fight with Sasuke the Kyuubi makes an offer to him that he could not pass up. Konoha wont know wha... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 42

1.5K 42 30
Af ShinobuVIxeN

{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~The next day~
~With Naruto~

"Well shall we do this?" Naruto asked as he, Yamato, Bee, and Motoi approached the temple.

"Sure thing Yo! But we can't do it here so we gotta go!" Bee rapped.

"Why can't we do it here?" Tenzo asked.

"Because, if you can't control yourself you will destroy everything in its path, you are going to need to go into the the sealing shrine." Motoi said.

"Huh, what's that?" Gai asked.

"It is a special area designed so that a jinchuuriki can attempt to battle with his Bijuu. It is designed so that should the jinchuuriki fail and the Bijuu escapes, the temple can be sealed trapping the Bijuu." Motoi explained.

"Motoi is right, the temple is back at the falls of truth, kept right out of sight!" Bee rapped.

"Well then what are we waiting for...let's get to it." Yamato said.

"Well what are we waiting for, standing around is a real bore!" Bee said

Arriving at the falls they all stood around looking at the area where Naruto confronted his inner self.

"So where is this, sealing chamber?" Tenzo asked once they had all arrived.

"It's behind the waterfall, let's go no time to stall!" Bee rapped before jumping forward right through the waterfall.

"Well I guess we should follow him then..." Naruto said and tentatively poked his head through the waterfall, leaving Motoi and Gai outside.

The chamber Naruto found himself in was massive, it was like they had built a village inside the island turtle. On the wall's there were carvings and depictions of the Bijuu, mostly the Hachibi who were sealed in this place.

"Fuck, this place is massive!" Naruto yelled in awe and shock.

"This is where you will be fighting your tenant." Bee said.

Following after Naruto to appear was Tenzo. "Wow this place is amazing..." Tenzo in awe looked around.

"Yeah you can say that again, but look at those statues, they must be really valuable if nobody has ever repaired them." Naruto added.

"Nah, those statues were made headless." Bee said.

"What! Why?" Yamato asked.

"This is an old sacred place where the jinchuuriki of Kumo go through a purification ceremony. There is a statue up ahead that will lead you to a chamber that will allow you to talk to the Kyuubi, but only the chosen can enter Yo! Only the pure of heart can go in. No darkness in your heart, that was the catch." Bee rapped.

"Well I guess that explains why I had to confront my inner darkness..." Naruto mumbled.

"Even a little bit of evil and the door shuts tight, while your head's still inside and then bam goodnight! Those headless statues are the previous jinchuuriki alright." Bee continued.

"This sounds too risky, try it with a clone Naruto." Yamato suggested.

"You can't do that this place is sacred, little tricks like that wont work here." Bee replied.

"Here it goes..." Naruto huffed as he casually walked up to the statue trying to suppress any fear he may have of ending up headless.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Naruto screamed with his head still inside the mouth of the statue.

"Dear Kami, Naruto!" Yamato yelled and ran forward in an attempt to pull Naruto out.

They eventually were able to get Naruto from the statue just as his cry's of pain turned into hysterical laughter. "I'm just fucking with you!I couldn't help myself, sorry guy's. There was just a button inside the mouth." Naruto giggled like a maniac.

"Man when I came here I did the exact same joke! And I was only playing, those statues are just broke!" Bee rapped.

"This is supposed to be some sacred temple!Damn it, you two are more trouble than you're worth.." Tenzo groaned visibly distressed from the antics of both Naruto and Bee.

Suddenly a door opened to the side of where they were standing.

"This must be it..." Yamato said his distress gone.

They all walked into the room which seemed to be nothing but an open white space.

"Ok now sit and listen to my Rhyme, cuz it's teaching time! Right so Naruto, what kinda seal they got holding your Bijuu in?" Bee asked.

"Well, its a four element seal." Naruto replied not really wanting to go into details, because that could take most of the day.

"A four element... That's high quality work! Stronger than my Iron armor seal. So do you have the key?" Bee questioned.

"Don't worry I already have it!" He shuttered remembering how he got said key.

"Then what are you waiting for!! Get in there and enter your seal then seal the deal!" Bee ordered with a smile.

"Yes sir!" Naruto saluted and sat in the center of the room cross legged ready to show what the master has taught his student.


Naruto awoke in the familiar sewer that was his seal. 'Well let's get this done,' Naruto thought as he walked towards where he knew the cage that held the Kurama was located.

"Oi Kurama, you ready to get this over with big guy?" Naruto grinned at his mentor/ partner foxily as he approached the cage that had a major glow up inside the cage looking like the Shikkotsu forest.

Kurama grinned right back, "Damn right I'm ready, just to let you know I will not be holding back. I wanna see what the student and teaches the mentor."

"You're on." Naruto pushed his left sleeve up, his fingers flaming with blue chakra. Lifting up his shirt he revealed his abs and black seal on his stomach. He slammed the chakra into his abdomen, unlocking the seal on his stomach. He watched as the seal blacken and the lock on the cage opened.

"Rawh!" Kurama roared as he pushed Naruto away. Naruto crossed his arms in front of his face, wincing as he flew through the air before he caught himself.

Kurama laughed as he formed a Tailed Beast Ball before swallowing it whole. He roared at him as it gained power. He didn't flinch as the wind galled through the forest, his eyes now revealing that he was in sage mode.

He sprinted at beast, a clone behind him forming a gigantic rasengan in his hand before he launched the attack at the beast.

"Kitsunefōdo: Rasengan!" The ball of fiery chakra was blocked by the beast's tails and for a second, it looked like he was being crushed by Kurama's paw. The clone under the paw vanished as red chakra chains wrapped themselves around Kurama's torso.

"Gah rah!" The young man yelled as he grabbed ahold of his chains and used them to throw the beast. As it slammed into the wall, the Kurama's was pinned back by her chains as she threw another attack at him.

"Fuuton: Rasen Shuriken!" The attack hit the beast square on. Then Naruto grabbed ahold of the tail closest to him and pulled. He didn't pull back fur or shin. No, he was grabbing ahold of chakra and making sure he absorbed it.

"Son of a bitch!" He hissed as the Kurama fought back.

"Don't expect me to give up so easily brat!" Roared kurama.

Then Kurama smirked and the blue chakra slowly turned red. The red chakra started to sallow him.

Then the voices started.

"Look, if it isn't the demon!" People were pointing at a little blonde boy walking the streets alone, no more than four years old in rags for shorts and a dirty, large white shirt.

~Real World~

"Naruto don't loose muthafuka. Shit this could be bad! If we loose him this will be sad!" Bee said.

"What's wrong?" Yamato asked.

"Kyuubi chakra trying to weaken Naruto's will by reminding him of his hatred and pain!" Bee said.

It was at that moment Naruto's left eye changed and went red and slitted like the Kyuubi's. Then over half of his body the chakra cloak began to form.

~Back with Naruto~

"Do us all a favor and starve, demon brat!" The orphanage matron tossed a whiskered three-year old out into the snow.

The child was ill properly dressed in the same white shirt as from the other scene and nothing else. No pants, no shoes, no jacket, nothing. The boy shivered as the doors slammed shut, his blue-eyes wedeling up with tears.

"He'll never be a proper shinobi! He's already a demon!" He was at the academy now, listening as the sensei reassured this as he introduced him to a faceless class, all of who laughed at him. He laughed too just to hold back the tears that threatened to fall down his face.

"I'm surprised that sandaime-sama let em live. Maybe we should do us all a favor and kill it!" The villagers hissed as he carried his rotten groceries close to his chest, with his head bowed.

"There's the demon, get it!" He was running, weaving in and out of the alleys as a mob tried to get him. He escaped but not without getting a couple of marks and bruises. They've done worse though. Much worse.

"The everyone hates you! You'll never be the Hokage!" A random young civilian boy and his gang was yelling at him with pure vitriol after his younger self declared that he would be Hokage.

"Die, you fucking piece of shit demon!!" A chunin was standing over him in a forest. He was clutching a large scroll in his arms before a younger Iruka-Sensei shielded him.

"Stay away from my daughter, you little freak!" A civilian wife dragged her daughter off of the swing, the blonde boy only swinging beside her. He didn't even say hello to the girl and the woman just dragged her off like a rag doll.

He was flinching and shaking now and slowly, Kurama was draining his chakra instead. His right eye was now black and red instead of white and blue. He knelt, his grip loosening as she hunched her shoulders.

"Just give it up, Naruto." The Kyuubi purred as he started to shake. "This hatred is too great, even for you to overcome! Embrace it." The beast persuaded.

"No, stop it, you're all wrong." He whispered, closing his eyes to shut out the pain. Then the image changed.

"You know you can be an idiot sometimes...but your my idiot." Teal eyes playfully teased him.

Those creamy arms of hers pulled him into a warm embrace. Even if she wasn't there truly if felt as if she had always been there. 

"I don't understand how you can love someone like me Temari... I quite frankly don't deserve you nor do I deserve your love or companionship. Hell, after all you've been through one would think you wouldn't want anything to do or even go as far as to date and accept mating with me."  He looked down not wanting to meet his lover's eyes.

Grabbing his face with her hands she wanted him to look at her, "Naru, it's beacause I went through all of that I've learned how to come to terms with it. Naruto you must understand me and my family are truly indebted to you for not only saving Gaara, but saving me also and Kankuro at some point. I know the difference between the scroll and the kunai. I know the difference between you and it. I know you. So don't you ever forget that. You hear me?" She softly caressed his whiskers causing him to breakout into a silly smile.

"Yeah, loud and clear." Temari brushed his hair out his eyes placing both hands on his cheeks bringing him in and giving him a couple of pecks on the lips.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

The image shifted back to sewer, when Naruto's eyes shot open and he roared.

"AWH!" The red chakra receded back to blue as it rushed towards the Kurama.

"You're wrong!" He roared. "This hatred that you have, it's yours but I'm going to show to you that you can overcome it! You're not alone anymore! Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

An army of blondes appeared, some releasing chakra chains themselves to trip the Kyuubi as other jumped above the fallen beast, rasengans forming in their hands.

"Kitsunefōdo: Rasengan Barrage!" The orbs landed on the Kyuubi but he got away, damaged but still standing. The original Naruto rushed forwarded, a Rasenshuriken in his hand. He got close and threw it, the attack whistling as Kurama took it head on.

The remaining clones started to pull on the chains, grabbing the Kyuubi's chakra as the original absorbed it.

He was glowing, he glowed in a red and gold flame as he looked in awe at himself. He can't believe he really did it!

"Good job kit, even though you haven't fully controlled my chakra I can't fully discredit you on what you did here." Kurama smirked in pride as his container defeated him. He really didn't want to lose the only person he called a friend and partner to darkness.

"Thank you Kurama." He walked closer to the damn near drain fox. He looked at what they had did to the forest Kurama was once living in. It was completely destroyed from their battle. He decided to fix it up for kurama so he could rest in peace.

"Yeah, yeah, brat...just get going you have to go get those Akatsuki Bastards last and put them in their place right? Just leave me to rest for now." Just smirking he turned around not saying anything knowing there was nothing left to be said.

~Real world~

Naruto felt his consciousness return to his real body, he could sense all the people around him waiting for him to react so he decided to give them what they wanted. "Yeah... I did it!" Naruto yelled triumphantly.

"Nice, that new look on your face is cold as ice!" Bee rapped.

"Congratulations Naruto. What happened?" Yamato asked.

"So much happened, but in the end I removed Kurama's chakra from his body and won." Naruto grinned in excitement,

"So you did it then?" Yamato asked.

"Yeah, Kurama's chakra is sealed off in a different place to it's consciousness. But is still sealed away so I am not always using it... but this is what happens when I do." Naruto said. And his whole body started to glow yellow and the seal became visible for all to see.

Unlike the chakra cloak Naruto used to get he now looked like he was more or less made of fire. The final change was with Naruto's eyes, he still had the blood red slits when Naruto used Kurama's chakra they seemed to glow red.

"Shit, there's so much yang chakra it is messing with my Mokuton." Yamato said as trees began to grow all over the area.

Before someone could get another word in, Naruto noticed something, "Someone is here... thought you could hide away in there did you?" Naruto said staring at samehada that was still on Bee's back.

"Can you sense someone's chakra?" Tenzo asked.

"He detected a presence, we have been remiss! Talk about intense I didn't even notice!" Bee rapped.

Inside samehada Kisame was sweating. 'How did he find me, my chakra is identical to samehada's it shouldn't be possible for him to sense me in here!' the Monster of Kiri thought.

"It's not chakra! It's like some kinda evil presence and it is inside samehada!" Naruto said pointing at the sword on Killer Bee's back.

Samehada shot into the air opened its strange shark like mouth allowing for Kisame to appear.

"Damn brat! You seem to be capable of detecting hatred and negative emotions now! Not even the most astute sensor type ninja can do that, controlling the Kyuubi has obviously given you new power's!" Kisame spat in clear annoyance.

"Kisame? Bee I thought you said you killed him!" Yamato gasped.

"I did! I sliced his head off back in the forest saving bro! Are you telling me my attack actually missed?" Bee asked in typical rap form.

"I simply switched places while we were fighting, you merely decapitated a clone." Kisame informed the tall Kumo ninja.

"Clones disappear when they're killed! Man that doesn't hold water we had a dead body! Even after the slaughter, if it was someone in disguise Shee would have sensed the difference, your story's all shit!" Bee replied.

"It was a unique type of clone, a living being that can be controlled remotely. But let's move on shall we? Although I must admit, two jinchuuriki, who is a sage, and a Mokuton user  will be too much even for me." Kisame said with a smirk.

"One of us is more than enough for you, without samehada you are nothing but a second rate shinobi with a lot of chakra!" Naruto yelled in reply.

"You talk a big game Kyuubi brat but do you think you can back that up?" Kisame taunted.

Within the blink of an eye Naruto was at Kisame slamming his fist into the shark like mans stomach.

"Whoa a teleport technique with a right hand smash, but all I saw was a yellow and red flash!" Bee rapped.

"How though, Naruto didn't use any of his kunai, was that just pure speed?" Yamato asked clearly shocked.

Similar thoughts were running though Kisame's mind.

'What incredible speed and power, this kid is no joke!' he thought as he used samehada to attempt to flee the area, while Naruto was stuck in the wall.

"Damn this, oh well it's a good thing I can still use my kunai in times like these!" Naruto said taking out a kunai and flinging it towards the retreating form of samehada.

"He is getting away, we need to get after him and quick!" Naruto said.

"Careful with your new power. You may be thrilled, but you don't know how to use it properly yet which could get you killed!!" Bee yelled as Naruto sped off after Kisame.

Naruto caught up with Kisame just as he was exiting the waterfall and sent him flying back into the rocky area to the side of the falls of truth with a devastating elbow, and he was soon joined by Killer Bee, Gai, and Motoi who had raced after the Kyuubi jinchuuriki.

"You don't seem so confident anymore,what's wrong shark man?" Naruto asked taunting the Akatsuki member.

"Damn brat, just you wait, I will teach you not to mess with me!" Kisame seethed.

"Good you stopped that Akatsuki spy! He has information on us and if it get's out the village's will cry!" Bee rapped.

"Let's go samehada!" Kisame said as he yanked himself from the sword. But the massive shark skin blade had a different idea and scuttled over to Killer Bee and began acting like it was begging for forgiveness.

"What's that? You saying he forced you. It's cool we will take care of this Akatsuki spy and make him look like a fool!" Bee rapped.

"Hey I don't get it, you should still be quite beet up from the Beating I gave you a moment ago," Naruto asked as he looked at Kisame who had no signs of being pummeled into the wall.

"Samehada can heal him, yo! But if I have samehada here it will be all systems go!" Bee answered.

"Damn double crossing blade, he decides he like's the taste of octopus better than shark huh, oh well, I would love to stay and chat but I need to get out of here" Kisame said quickly ran through some hand seals. "Suiton: Water Shark Missile Jutsu!"

The second Kisame completed his jutsu a large shark rose from the water and charge down the group of ninja who confronted the former Kiri ninja. And Kisame used the his jutsu as a distraction it attempt an escape.

"Damn it, he's getting away!" Motoi said as he created a mud wall to stop the shark that was made from water.

"If he get's out of the barrier he will be able to send what ever message he wants out to the Akatsuki, we need to stop him!" Yamato said urgently.

"Leave it to me, good chance to try out what I can do." Naruto said and he took off after Kisame in a flash.

"There it is again! He didn't use a kunai so it wasn't the Hirashin, but it is definitely a telepotation jutsu. HOW YOUTHFUL!!" Gai said as he looked at where Naruto was now moving at full speed to catch up to the fleeing Kisame.

'What about you Hachibi yo!, do you know what's the go!' Bee thought deciding to ask his Bijuu if he knew anything about Naruto's new speed technique.

For a third time since Naruto gained control of the Kurama's chakra he simply warped forward and cut Kisame off in his tracks.

"I wont let you get away, what ever information you hold on us and the plans for the war, will not get out!" Naruto said clearly determined.

Kisame was starting to sweat, when he had Samehada he would have been able to drain the kid forcing him out of his Fox cloak mode, and made all of his jutsu completely useless apart from taijutsu. But the prospect of facing someone like Naruto without the aid of his once trusty blade was not an appealing one for Kisame.

'Damn I wont catch him by surprise again, and if he was able to defeat Pein I might be out of luck here...' Kisame thought as he looked around the area for an escape rout.

"What are you going to do now? There is no way you are getting past me." Naruto said.

"We are on water, this is my turf boy! Suiton: Five Man Eating Sharks!!" Kisame yelled and again several sharks made from water rose up out of the ocean.

'I'm not going to let him get away!' Naruto thought as he deftly avoided each strike of the various sharks.

Naruto charged forward still weaving in and out of the lunges from the sharks, Kisame saw this and created even more sharks to try and stop the onrushing blond.

"Ok that's enough!" Naruto said and began running through some hand seals.

'Naruto! don't, you do not know how to use my chakra properly yet!, all you will end up doing is killing us both if you use a high powered jutsu.' Kurama's voice rang in his head.

'Huh! I thought you were going to sleep?' Naruto asked in disbelief.

Kurama just huffed, 'It would be embarrassing to me if you were to be killed with your first fight while having full access to my chakra!' Kyuubi replied.

'Fine then, what do I do about all these sharks then, I don't have time to waste waiting for Bee and the others to show up, although I could fight him without your chakra, I should still be able to win with little problem' Naruto thought back.

'You could do that, or you could listen to me. Use the cloak, create your chakra claws, that should be enough to deal with a bunch of sharks' Kyuubi said.

'How do I do that?' Naruto asked.

'Create them, will your cloak to move to suit your needs. Now go!' Kurama ordered angrily.

'Alright here goes nothing...' Naruto thought and he willed his new cloak to contort to his will and several hands shot forward crushing any sharks that were in their way.

'Holy fuck, that was awesome!' Naruto thought as he looked at the damage he just caused.

'Of course it was, it's my power after all!' Kurama smirked proudly.

Kisame could only watch in awe as large claws made of chakra whipped around the area of ocean eliminating his jutsu and shark summons with ease.

"Alright then, time for my ultimate jutsu! Suiton: Giant Shark Missile!" Kisame yelled as he ran through his hand seals.

A massive wave formed up behind the former Kiri ninja, and from the wave a gargantuan sharkt began to form, with teeth that were three times the size of Naruto and its mouth spread wide ready to eliminate the blond like he was nothing but a small snack.

Naruto saw this and sent two claws of chakra in an attempt to halt the sharks advance. However much to Naruto's confusion his claws were simply absorbed by the shark.

"My Giant Shark Missile is no ordinary Suiton jutsu, it absorbs the targets chakra to grow bigger and stronger!" Kisame said victoriously.

"Kami, what is it with you and stealing other peoples chakra, don't you have enough! They do call you the tailless Bijuu after all!!" Naruto yelled as his chakra claws retreated and he looked around for a way to escape.

'It's no good, there is nowhere to place an anchor for my Hirashin, and I don't really know how that other technique works properly yet to put all my hopes into it, looks like I will just have to charge through, if I concentrate all of my power into one point I should be able to over power this jutsu' Naruto thought ans he pulled as much power as he could from the cloak and formed one massive claw.

'I sure hope this works...' Naruto thought as he sent the claw flying forward, forming a fist as it entered into the sharks mouth and sped through the Suiton jutsu as though it was barely even there.

"What! No it is impossible!" Kisame yelled as the claw shot out the back of the Giant Shark Missile.

'It should have absorbed the chakra! So much power, he was able to completely overpower me, amazing....' the Monster of Kiri thought before taking the full force of the chakra claw into his chest despite the fact its power was weakened was enough to send Kisame flying way back onto the island.

"Phew!" Naruto panted as the claw retreated to rejoin his cloak.

Meanwhile on the edge of the island Killer Bee and Motoi, Gai along with tenzo were watching the exchange.

"Man that fight was dope! And Naruto already has such control over his chakra cloak, that kid is clearly no joke!" Bee rapped as he watched Naruto move to were Kisame lay on the beach, defeated.

"That was amazing, he didn't even use any jutsu, it was just the sheer power of Kyuubi's chakra!" Motoi said stunned.

"The kid was smart, using a powerful jutsu would have blown up in his face. He needs to learn how to control the fox's chakra properly or parts of him will end up in space!" Bee rapped.

"But didn't you just say that Naruto already had decent control over the chakra?" Tenzo questioned.

"He has control over the cloak. but balance is key! To perform jutsu you need both the bijuu and your own chakra you see!" Bee informed the group.

"Could you try explaining without rapping please?" Yamato asked.

"He means, that if Naruto tried to perform one of his jutsu without knowing how to balance out the Kyuubi's chakra properly it could blow up in his face, while he is in this Bijuu state he is no longer using his own chakra so everything he does becomes more powerful, as such his control will be shot to pieces until he has practiced with the cloak enough to get a feel of how it works" Motoi said, she had become fluent in deciphering bad rap explanations over the years.

"So if Naruto tried to use one of his jutsu he would try using the same amount of chakra he would normally use and it would backfire due to how powerful the Kyuubi's chakra is. Is that it?" Yamato surmised.

"THIS FIGHT IS SO YOUTHFUL!! I COULD DO A HUNDRED LAPS AND-" yeah, let's just cut him off there.

"Precisely fool. Naruto was smart, he ain't no tool!" Bee said as they ran over to join Naruto who was standing over Kisame's body no longer in his fox cloak but he had entered sage mode to deal with the fatigue.

"Naruto you did it!" Gai smiled happily as the group arrived.

"Actually Kisame is still alive, we were just about to have a little chat about where Madara is hiding." Naruto said.

"Fuck you kid, I am not going to tell you anything!" Kisame spat.

"You probably wont, I was never that good at interrogation. But I think sending you to the T and I department in Konoha might be the best bet. Or we hand you over to the Joint Shinobi Alliance, either way you will be given to far better interrogators than me." Naruto said.

"Well, it looks like I don't have much of a choice anymore...." Kisame coughed.

"What do you have something you want to say?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah, just this, Suiton: Water Prison!" Kisame roared and created a sphere of water around himself.

Naruto not bothering to use Kyuubi's chakra attempted to jump in after him but was blown back.

"Don't bother, nothing can enter my Water Prison." Kisame said.

"So what now? Are you just going to force us to wait until you run out of chakra? I don't know if you realize this or not. But we are here to wait for a long time, so unless you can hold that jutsu for months on end you are out of luck." Yamato said.

"No I don't plan on staying in here... I plan on dying in here! Summoning Twin Man Eating Sharks!" Kisame said.

Inside the sphere of water two large sharks appeared.

'He's not going to have them kill himself is he?... of course he is, that's a stupid question, everyone in the Akatsuki would die for Madara, he has corrupted everyone enough so that they follow him blindly' Naruto thought.

Naruto activated his fox cloak but it was too late, Kisame was devoured but his summons and the spere of water dropped to the ground.

"He made his own sharks eat him!" Naruto said stunned.

"He was trapped and knew there was no way of escape, so rather than allow himself to be captured and taken in for questioning he chose to take his own life. A death befitting any true shinobi, even if he was the enemy." Gai said lowering his head.

"Is he really dead though? He tricked us before didn't he..." Yamato added.

Then everyone turned to see Samehada seemingly crying. Or at least sobbing, it was the strangest sight most of them had ever seen.

"Look at this guy, he's crying like a baby, that Akatsuki member is dead this time and I don't mean maybe...." bee said walking over to where samehada was weeping.

"It just goes to show, that even people in the Akatsuki will act for the sake of their comrades, and he was a worthy opponent." Naruto said, offering a small amount of respect to the dead.

"And now the Akatsuki wont get this information." Yamato said picking up a scroll off the ground.

"We should see what is in it, that way we can get an idea of what information Kisame was able to find out and what Madara sees as vital." the Mokuton user said.

"Good idea yo!" Bee agreed.

Tenzo went to open the scroll but then something caught both Naruto and Bee's eye.

"Stop! Don't open it!!" they both screamed causing Yamato to freeze.

"Why not?" the Mokuton user asked.

"There is a seal on the side, it looks like a booby trap that will go off unless the scroll is opened by Kisame or one of his ally's." Naruto explained.

"So what do we do about it? It would still be a good idea to read what is inside." Tenzo questioned.

"Give me a look, I will decipher the seal and what it does, then we can decide what to do with it." Naruto said holding a hand out.

Tenzo readily handed over the scroll. "So now what? We came to this island for Naruto to learn how to control the Kyuubi and to wait for orders regarding the war, we would have received word if the fighting had started and Naruto has already got control over the Kyuubi's chakra. Are we supposed to just sit around and wait now like we are on some holiday?" the Mokuton user asked.

"Naruto may have isolated Kyuubi's chakra but he still cant use it properly fool! The kid needs to train so it's time to go back to school!!" Bee rapped.

'You know I really thought sensei's couldn't get any weirder than Fukusaku and Shima. But Killer Bee... I think takes the cake, not even that, he took the cake and ate the whole damn thing!! Not even talking toads are as weird as he is!' Naruto thought with a smile as the group slowly made their way back to the housing that was built for them during their stay.

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COMPLETED! She stared at Naruto, she could see him getting angrier, she clutched her neck as it began to burn, this match had everyone on edge. Every...