MY MOON ‎ ·‎ ‎ ‎Remus Lupin [...

By vqlluna

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MY MOON / at least we were electrified
EXTENDED CAST / now i wake up by your side
PLAYLIST / in my worst lies
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561 19 8
By vqlluna

𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖚𝖓𝖈𝖍 𝖎𝖓𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓

─── ‎ ‎ ‎★ ‎ ───

IT'S YET ANOTHER MONDAY EVENING. The group of four; including Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Mila Luna, sat at a table in the library. Lily was trying to work on her Care of Magical Creatures assignment but was constantly distracted by Sirius who sat across from her. He twirled his quill, picked at the wood surface, braided his hair, and made some weird noises. He was doing anything except for doing something.

Mila watched as Remus kept erasing the moon he was trying to recreate from last night. If he made a tiny mark that made the whole thing look just slightly off, he would erase it and start over. As he did so Mila resorted to keeping her entertainment by picking at her cuticles, ignoring the every often scolding from Lily.

"Quit doing that!" Lily reprimanded, "You're going to make it bleed!"

"Don't bleed, Lassie, listen to carrot sticks." Sirius said grinning at the scowl that Lily had given him.

Mila picks at a tiny slip of skin. Her nails weren't enough to grab hold, so using her teeth she pulled it back until she tasted a drop of blood. Pulling her hand back she squeezed her thumb letting a pool of it gather. "See now you've done it!" Lily whispered angrily. Mila brought the finger back to her mouth sucking out the blood again as the red head whispered "Gross."

She now brought her gaze back to Remus as he lowered his head, shaking it. His hand wiped away the excess from his eraser. "Lupin, it doesn't have to be perfect," Mila said.

"I know."

"You've erased a moon about three thousand times now."

"First that's an exaggeration, second I need this to be decent it's for an assignment, and third I don't see you doing anything."

"You have the paper! It's not like I can write down something for it, you're forgetting you have to draw today's moon too!"

"Fuck the moon," Remus muttered, adding a tiny circle as a crater in the circle laid on the parchment. "Hey, I happen to find the moon very awesome!" Mila stated, putting her hands beneath her legs to keep them warm. "Moony doesn't like the moon!" Sirius piped in.

"Well that's contradictory! And if he never liked the moon that means he would absolutely hate himself and my guts and would never have been sitting right here, because technically speaking, I am the moon, and he, going by your odd names, is it too!" Mila grinned.

  Lily folded up her parchment, shoving it into her satchel she announced, "That's it, I'm going, you guys don't let me get any work done!" The three watched as Lily's red hair swooshed behind another book shelf out of their sight.

"Ah look what you did now Ms. Luna," Remus smirked.

"Lily leaving was not my fault! It was Black's!" she argued.

"Ah yes, gang up and blame it on the dog." Remus remarked back.

"The what-?" Mila entered confused.

"Padfoot, it's your fault!" Remus declared.

Sirius puffed out a breath, ""Sirius you're to loud,' 'Sirius you're not doing anything,' well y'know what? Fuck you two!" he barked quite loudly, earning them all to be kicked out of the library for that night.
  "I told you it was ''the dog's'' fault," Mila mumbled under her breath just loud enough for Remus to catch it as they all stared at the doors to the library behind them.

Sirius pursed his lips as he began to walk his way towards Gryffindor tower. "Where are you going?" Mila asked.

  "To sleep!" he shouted back from across the hall.

  "But it's only 7?" she said checking her wrist watch.


"Get back here Padfoot, we're going outside," Remus said taking a few steps in Sirius' direction. He ran his fingers quickly through his hair as he saw Mila's face brighten up a tad from the corner of his eye.

"Outside? Moony you hate going outside at night," Sirius stated confused for his friend. Remus dragged his hands along his face, "C'mon, I- we're going to go outside for Luna here." Remus placed one hand on Mila's shoulder trying to guide her to the hallway leading outside.

"Lupin, if you don't want to go outside we don't have to, you can just draw it from a window," she suggested. Remus began walking down the hallway backwards, encouraging the others to follow suit. "Yeah but, you said you hated looking outside through 'a finger print stained window.'" She parted her lips slightly, in awe he remembered her comment from a few weeks ago. Sirius had finally given in, realizing how set on his opinion Remus was.

Over the next hour the three sat outside as Remus played around with the way the poster had looked as he sometimes had to explain to Sirius some of Mila's habits he'd picked up on through the weeks. Although Sirius didn't mention how he thought it was odd how much Remus did pick up about her.

Mila was just trying to get to lunch, she was starving and hadn't eaten all day. She made her way from Ancient runes down to the Great Hall before we was pulled into the run down girls restroom by an arm. She yelped trying to fight off who every was pulling her before she realized it was in fact Ida.

She tried taking in her appearance, she seemed the same except for the mounds of feathers all caught in her hair. "What are you-"
Mila tried to ask before Ida had cut her off.

  "Oh shut up will you, I know, I know, why else did you think I pulled you in here for!" Mila had now crossed her arms assessing the situation above her friends eyes.

  "Well I don't know, maybe you had recently turned against me and was planning to murder me in here."
  Iddy scoffed, "Why of course, that's exactly what I was doing, great guess, I did think moaning Myrtle was getting quite lonely lately." She rolled her eyes and began to explain the many feathers decorating her curls. "Why if you must know, I messed up a spell in transfiguration and PUFF! Feathers everywhere in my hair, and Professor McGonagall was set on not letting me go clean them up, so if you will help me get them out!"

Mila could feel her stomach aching for food, but she couldn't just leave her friend here, so for the next half of lunching hour the girls were disentangling the plumes from her hair, leaving them in the sink. Mila quickly puffed Ida's hair back up, giving back it's volume before the girls ran down the hall giggling at the odd mess.

As they entered the hall Mila quickly scanned the room to find her friends. As it seemed that without them there they had moved to the Ravenclaw table as they conversed with others. Iddy took Mila's hand guiding her down the pathway to where they were seated, that was before she was held back with a tug at her sleeve. She stopped and turned to see see what might have caught onto the fabric but instead was in fact Remus Lupin holding onto it.


She stood still, one for the fact it was funny as he were demanding of her like a dog, second she was wildly unsure of what to do. "Here?...With you?"

He nodded his head as if it was obvious, "Where else and with whom else would I be mentioning to?" Mila looked to across the table, where only Peter sat. She had assumed Remus realized her question, "James and Sirius got detention for doing something again," he said nonchalantly. She wanted to speak yet her mouth was dry. She looked to her right where Ida stood feet away, listening in on their conversation. Shock came when Ida gave her a tiny nod of approval before, Mila presumed, walking towards the Hufflepuff table. In all honesty, she'd wished Ida would've insisted on staying with her, and dragged her away.

She looked around, no one was watching. She slowly took a seat next to Remus, and that's where she could feel a shift. Where the gear turned, the clock ticked, and where the ball dropped. She could feel at least two pairs of eyes looking at her.

What business could she have to be sitting with The Remus Lupin?

Why would The Remus Lupin ask her to sit with him?

Why is she sitting there?

Who was she?

Instead she brushed the thoughts off, she was just being stupid. But as she stole a glance behind her she could see her friends, and their skeptical faces, all looking at her. She quickly snapped her head around, where then she met Remus' gaze.
"Are you nervous?" he asked.

"Afraid so,"

"How come?"

"Kids are judgmental, they'll judge me."

"Why would they even judge you?"

Mila stared in disbelief, it was as if he didn't know that he was Remus Lupin, as if Dianna Ross wouldn't know she was Dianna Ross, and if the Beatles didn't know they were the Beatles.

"Well, you're popular, well liked, you and your circle. Anyone who knows you slightly joins that circle, then everyone knows said person, which gives the people the 'right' to now judge them, talk to them, pick them apart." Remus stared at her with furrowed brows, "No one is going to pick you apart." Mila raised her eyebrow, "how would you know that?"

"I don't let that happen to any of my friends."

"You really don't have any power to stop anyone though, they can still freely think things!"

She watched as he pursed his lips before remember there was on other person with them, and how disrespectful it was as to not have regarded them yet. It was soon that she realized, when she turned to look at Peter, he rested his head on the table, seeming to have dozed off.

"I'm letting him get some sleep, he stayed up all night studying for the pre-O.W.L.s," Remus grabbed a plate piling pastas, veggies, and breads, before setting it in front of Mila. "You need to eat don't you?"

Mila couldn't help but smile at the sweet gesture, "Yes. Thank you," she said with gratitude. She reached for a fork, yet accidently dropping it on her plate, creating a loud enough noise to wake Peter up. He jumped before dragging a hand along his face. "I'm so sorry!" Mila apologized, but Peter had just ignored. Yawning, he checked his surrounding, grounding himself back to earth. "Ah Moony! I just, remembered, that I...had a-question for you!" Remus giggled at his sleepy friend, "Go ahead Pete," Peter rested his elbows on the table, "I wanted to ask what you wanted for your birthday, because it's soon, and your terrible at hinting what you want-so you'll need to work on that."

"I don't want anything, I'll just be happy spending it with you lot," Remus stated, obviously mentioning towards all the marauders. Mila's mouth opening in shock before laughing, "Lupin that was extremely corny, and second you didn't tell me you had a birthday soon!" He shrugged, "It never came up," he told, ripping a piece of bread of her plate. "Well, when is it?"
"It's on a school night, March 10th, yet they still seem to be planning some huge party," Remus said airily, scrunching his face towards Peter.

All he could say in defense was "You deserve one mate."

Mila walked up the stairs to the girls dormitory, skipping over dinner the previous hour to avoid awkward confrontation. She softly shut the door behind her to meet Ida finishing up homework as Ruby did Serenity's makeup on their bed. Ruby was the first to look up, giving Mila a sly smile, "I though you said you weren't ready for another boy again," she said cheekily.

"I'm not." Mila snapped back

Serenity closed her compact mirror, "Then what was that today?" she asked, motioning her hand to have Mila come over. She began walking towards then as she asked "What was what?" Serenity rolled her eyes before Ruby hit her as she was doing her eyeshadow, "You ditched us as lunch because you sat with Remus Lupin!"

Mila sighed, "We're friends, friends sit together at lunch, we sit together at lunch. It's normal," the last part was directly stated towards Ruby. "Did he ask you to sit with him, or did you?" Ruby queried.

"He did actually," Mila thoughtfully said.

The two responded with a "hm..." as Mila made her way to the bathroom to change.

She felt relief as she took off the many layers of their weighted uniform, changing comfortably into her pajamas as well at tying her hair up. She looked at herself in the mirror, studying the way her lips weighed down with a pout. Something on her mind.

Her hands rested on the ledge of the counters, leaning forward in towards the reflecting glass.

"We're going for the first Hogsmeade trip of March right?" she shouted out for the girls to hear.

"Yes, why?" Serenity quipped back.

"Nothing, I just have some shopping to do."

A/N :: Yes, I rushed this chapter, BECAUSE, BECAUSEUSUEUSE, I'm trying to get the birthday, WE GET TO THE BIRTHDAY AND WE'RE SOLID!!!
you'll see why ;))

but also I hate this chapter
ALSO SORRY FOR THE NO UPDATE IN LIKE 2 WEEKS, I suck i suck I know, but like I just couldn't, like, yeah.


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