a self-taught shinobi (Cancel...

By WolfSama8

687K 10.7K 2.7K

naruto is tired of his teachers teaching him nothing jiraya only taught him how to use the kyuubi Chakra, and... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66 + sneak peek
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69 + new story sneak peek
chapter 70
chapter 71
chapter 72 + new story
chapter 73
chapter 74
chapter 75
chapter 76
chapter 77
chapter 78

chapter 10

13.8K 232 113
By WolfSama8

Amakuni:not me per say but my friend her yes naruto Uzumaki meet the famous sword maker Masamune

Masamune:hello Mr Uzumaki I see you're already a fan of my work

Naruto:I'm sorry?

Masamune:that sword you have on you're hilt it is one of mine

Masamune:mind if I take a look ?

*naruto nods and gives his sword to Masamune who inspects it grabbed a throwing star threw at the air and sliced it in half*

Masamune:still as sharp as the day I made it tell me young Uzumaki what do you know about this blade?

Naruto:tenten just said it was a simple nodashi blade not much more

*masamune looked at amakuni slightly glaring amakuni chuckled nervously*

Masamune:well it's far more then a ordinarily nodashi this is one of the finest blades I ever made it can cut through anything

Naruto:Good to know I got it for cheap the 40 kunais cost me more then the sword

*now masamune glared at his old friend who started to sweat*

Amakuni:w..well anyway masamune don't you have something for naruto

Masamune:...yes here you go boy

*masamune gave naruto a couple of scrolls*

Masamune:does scrolls contain a sword stance perfect for this sword but be warn no one has ever been able to learn it

Naruto:i like the challenge sir I promise I will learn this stance and fight you one day!

*masamune chuckled at naruto's excitement*

Masamune:I can't wait for that day here

*masamune gave naruto's sword back to him and naruto left running already wanting to start training masamune turned around giving the fear of God on tenten's dad*

Masamune:now let's have a talk about you selling my sword for so cheap...

Meanwhile with neji

*neji yawned bored as he fought against 3 others hyuga at once none of them even landing a hit at him*

Neji"how can I help naruto think neji think..."

*neji's eyes widened as he kicked 2 of them in the face at the same time and punch the remaining one unconcience*

Neji:I've got it!

*neji left walking ignoring the 3 people on the ground groaning he made it to the hyuga's personal library he looked for a while but eventually found what he was looking for*

Neji"uzumaki's advance theories"

Neji:...even as a child I found it strange that we have this..

*neji grabbed the book and left to naruto's apartment*

With naruto

*we see him practicing some of the swords katas he had just gotten and was sweating profusely this technique took so much energy out of him*

Naruto"no wonder no one has ever master this stance.."

*not that naruto cared he would succeed or die trying, just as he finished his latest slice he felt a chakra signature spying him from the trees that made his mood sour he stopped the exercise and put his sword in its sheath as 3 more narutos appeared jiraya who was spying through the trees was surprised*

Jiraya"he made the clones without even making a hand sign.."

*the real naruto disappeared into a cloud of smoke as the 3 clones looked at jiraya all in a fighting stance as jiraya dropped from the tree in front of them*

Jiraya:where is naruto

*they said nothing just jumped him making jiraya dodge when he looked back the shadow clones puffed away and he could no longer sense naruto chakra*

With naruto

*naruto sighed making it to his apartment*

Naruto:guess I'll train twice as hard tomorrow

*naruto muttered bitterly to himself he stopped as he saw neji kneeling against the railing waiting for him*

Naruto:neji? What's up I don't remember us scheduling a meet up today

Neji:we didn't and I apologies for the short notice but mind if I come in with you I have something I'm sure you will like

Naruto:You already gave me a sword stance you don't have to keep giving me stuff buddy

Neji:I want do I have acted like a jerk to you and I would like to pay you back and before you say anything else this is also something that technically belongs to you

Naruto:color me intrigued want some tea?


*they walked inside and neji sat down while naruto went to the kitchen after a little bit naruto came back and put the tra down giving a glass to neji both drinks*

Naruto:before we get serious let's just enjoy the tea

Neji:yes it is very lovely where did you get it?

Naruto:shizu gave it to me said it came from outside the elemental nation ever wonder what's it like outside?

Neji:I'll admit no it never really came to mind but it is interesting to think about so shizune gave you this set of tea must have been expensive

Naruto:...yes so was does dual swords you have in you're room did tenten give it to you?

*lightning appeared between there eyes both smiling what they implied left in the air neji finished his tea and took out the book and gave it to naruto, naruto curiously read it and looked at neji surprised*

Naruto:where did you find this?

Neji:it was in the hyuga library been there ever since I can remember no one ever touched it that I know off

Naruto:why was a book from my clan in you're compound

*neji knew naruto wasn't angry his tone implied he was curious*

Neji:that I don't know I might be one of the strongest hyugas but I'm of the second household it also makes me wonder could the other clans have books belonging to you're clan?

Naruto:might be something to talk to baachan about apart from that thank you neji having something that belongs from my clan...means more then you could ever know

*neji smiled softly patted naruto on the back and left since naruto probably wanted some alone time with the book*

Naruto:let's see uzumaki's advance theories by Kushina Uzumaki...why do I suddenly feel so...warm wonder who she was well no matter

*naruto started reading exited*

Meanwhile in The Pure Land a few minutes before

Minato:kushina there you are what..are you crying?

Kushina:Minato look

*Minato looked down at his son and what he was reading*

Kushina:he found one of my books!

Minato:that is..lovely..kushina I know that look what are you doing..?

*kushina didn't response she walked back a few step before running and jumping inside the lake that divided the two lands she made it to the other side her body already starts to dissappear she crashed landed on naruto's apartment being a spirit obviously nothing broke*

Naruto:let's see uzumaki's advance theories by Kushina Uzumaki...

*kushina jumped to naruto hugging him with tears on her face*

Naruto:why do I suddenly feel so...warm

*kushina choked up on tears as her spirit dissappear returning to the pure land to see a very angry shinigami kushina tried her tears smiling*

Kushina:I regret nothing

*the shinigami sighed muttering how he doesn't get payed enough and left kushina alone as Minato hugs her tightly*

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