No, We Can Not Make A Pact! [...

By uno2otaku

77 7 0

Solomon has created a new type of potion. The concerning part is that he doesn't know what it's supposed to d... More

Alchemy Was A Mistake

Don't Drink Suspicious Liquids

46 5 0
By uno2otaku

Classes were out for the day. Well, they were for you at least. There was a situation at RAD that required the exchange students to temporarily stay at their respective housing locations. Most of the brothers you were staying with expressed their annoyance and jealousy quite vocally. Of course, the eldest of them always calmed the others down.

"C'mon! Whaddya mean they can't go to RAD?! That's lame! And totally unfair!" The second-born, Mammon, whined.

"Unfortunately, I agree. [Name] should not be deprived of an education. Even if it is only one day they're missing." Said Satan, the fourth-born.

You were all seated at the dining table. You picked at your food as the brothers complained. They behaved this way regularly, often over something minor and trivial, so you usually tuned out their words. You only paid attention this time because of what Lucifer said earlier about how Diavolo demanded that all of the exchange students stayed home for the time being.

"Enough out of you. Diavolo's orders are absolute. They must be followed and obeyed. I don't want to hear anymore complaints about this." Lucifer yelled at his brothers. He turned to you, his expression now softer. "[Name], Satan is right. You are welcome to take one day off, but I recommend against it. Levi will show you how to do classes online—"

"I will?" Leviathan interrupted. Lucifer gave him a cold stare, making him quiet down and continue eating.

"—should you chose to study from home. What you decide is up to you, of course."

Breakfast was finished soon after the conversation ended. You helped clean up the plates with the brothers and waved them off as they headed to class. Leviathan immediately tried to retreat to his room when they left, but you stopped him and made sure he at least began to show you how to do online class. He seemed irritated by this and made a snide comment about you, but a small blush still managed to cover his face. Leviathan was displaying mixed emotions—annoyance and infatuation. Not that you could pick up on the latter, though.

You sat at your desk, a Devildom-issued laptop in front of you. Leviathan gave you instructions on how to set up what you needed. You did your best to follow them. You thought you almost had it and tried to look behind for Leviathan's confirmation, but found that the Avatar of Envy was hurrying out of your room, muttering about something Ruri-Chan related. You couldn't do anything to snap him out of it.

"Oh Diavolo, oh Diavolo—! I can't believe it! A whole new pop-up cafe dedicated to my beloved Ruri-Chan! I need to hurry now before they sell out of all the super rare, super cool, limited edition merch! Ruri-Chan, I'm coming!"

His voice faded away as he exited the House of Lamentation. You were left alone with the silence of an empty household. You glanced at your laptop and closed the device. It seems that you'll be missing a day's worth of classes. Though, you don't fully mind. You had the mansion to yourself for once, free to do whatever you wanted to do in it.

So what do you do?

You jumped on your bed, your body sprawled out on it. With your D.D.D, you scrolled through the Devildom's social media's. It was time for you to actually relax. No chaotic drama to navigate, no random situation or mystery you're needed to solve... You had the ability to do whatever you wanted, and you planned to use it too.

A few moments later, your D.D.D. buzzed. A notification popped up informing you about a text from Solomon. A quick glance at it was not enough to satisfy your curiosity. You unlocked your device so you could fully read what he sent, as well as reply to it.

I'm sure you're aware of the news, right?
Us exchange students are prohibited from entering RAD.
There must be a reason as to why, but I cannot seem to figure it out.
Since we have the day off, technically, would you like to accompany me at Purgatory Hall?
I have something I would like to test with you.
If it's too much of a hassle to come here, then I can always come to the HoL.

You thought about it. You were hoping for a relaxing day, but you knew how difficult it can be to schedule things with Solomon when the brothers were around. As long as it wasn't his cooking, activities with Solomon were mostly harmless. Mostly, being the key word, of course. After thinking it over, you decided to take up Solomon's offer and hang out with him. It's definitely not like you'll regret this at all, right?

Sure, I'm up for it.
You're free to come here, if you like.
I don't mind.

After sending your messages, you rolled over and clung to your comforter, getting as cozy as possible. You scrolled through your D.D.D. some more, but sometime between then you dozed off for a bit. The sound of the HoL's doorbell caught your attention. As it could have been practically no one else, you knew it to be Solomon.

He was surprisingly quick to arrive, huh?

He stood outside the mansion's entrance. You opened the door and welcomed him in. Upon entering, his attention instantly fixated on the interior. Solomon's eyes took in the room's design. You caught him switching his gaze frequently; from the ceiling to the floor, to the grand double staircases and rooms beyond. His smile never once left his face, but you supposed that's just how he was. Knowing that he would stare down this location forever, you made sure to gain his attention.

"What was what you needed to test?" You asked. "I mean, isn't that why you came over?"

Solomon snapped out his admiring daze and focused on you.

"Ah, yes. I had some free time recently, outside of today, and I managed to do a bit of alchemy. I believe your generation more commonly refers to it as 'chemistry' or 'potion-making', right?" He asked.

"Yeah, you got it."

It was a rhetorical question, but you still decided to humor him and answer. He chuckled as you nodded your head, seemingly pleased to be correct about modern vernacular.

"Glad to hear I'm not too far behind on the times, then. Anyways, I did happen to create something. I hope you find it interesting enough to test."

Solomon took out his wand. You remembered being confused when you first saw it, wondering how the sorcerer could ever own something so childish. Eventually you got used to the star and stripes, and looked forward to see what kind of magic Solomon would cast with it. Seeing how he showcases the control he had over magic was always entertaining for you. Right now, however, it seemed that Solomon intended to use "object creation" magic and summon what he wanted to show you.

Solomon stretched out hand and waved his wand over it. His hand began to light up with dozens of tiny white sparkles. You watched with awe as the sparkles started to clump together and form a shape. When the shape was completed, the sparkles hardened and faded away. In Solomon's hand now stood a circular vial, a cork covering the top opening. The liquid inside of it kept switching between colors. You lost count after the purple turned blue.

"Woah..." You said, clearly in awe of the magic.

"I guess it is quite a sight if you're not used to it." Solomon laughed. "This is what I managed to make after my alchemy session. While I've made lots of potions before, I've never made anything like this. Granted, I did combine some new ingredients I recently acquired, but I didn't expect them to form such a unique looking potion. To tell you the truth, I don't know what it does and I'm curious to see what kind of affect it will have."

Wait... He's never made this before and doesn't know what it does, yet he wants me to test it... Is it even safe? You wondered, suddenly a bit worried for yourself. I should probably ask him...

"Hey, Solomon? You said you wanted me to... Uh, test this for you...?"

"Yes." Solomon replied.

"As in you want me to drink it?"

"Isn't that how you usually test a potion? If you're worried about it harming you, then please don't be alarmed. I already made sure it wasn't fatal for humans. You don't think I would hurt a friend, do you?"

"Er, I guess not..." You said as he handed you the vial. "So what do you think will happen?"

Solomon shrugged, the action not helping your nerves. "It might not do anything, really. The worst I can predict is that you'll vomit up the substance. But I wouldn't worry too much about that; my potions almost never make me sick." He smiled, trying to make you feel better so you'll drink his potion.

Reluctantly, you took the bait.

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