Beyond the Sewers || TMNT

By GraceNicole533

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Marietta and Catarina are the sisters of Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo. Follow them as they e... More

Character Profiles
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Three

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By GraceNicole533

As we up up into the streets of New York, everything was peaceful and quiet up there. A hand opened a manhole cover and the six turtles came stared at the unfamiliar setting with awe. For the moment, only bugs and trash could be seen. And a sleeping homeless man that was using a newspaper for a blanket. Police sirens blared in the distance.

"It's so beautiful," Mikey said.

"Where's all the shiny objects?" Cat pouted, only to receive a combo strike to the head from Raph and Mari at the same time. She clutched her throbbing head, and followed her siblings, who began walking.

"The city is just full of possibility," Leo said, leading his siblings. "There could be an adventure around this corner...or...or this one...or this one!" Leo claimed, pointing at different corners and streets.

"There's not." Mari sighed.

"But there could be!" Leo argued back.

Donnie gasped, pressing his face against the glass of an electronic store. "Look at all the computers!" Donnie said. "Is that the next generation cadmium processor with quantum encryption?"

"I don't know, Donatello. Is it?" Raph asked sarcastically.

"It is!" Donnie exclaimed excitedly.

"Guys, guys! Check this out," Mikey said. He and Cat stared transfixed at a glass case that had a symbol that lit up and then off. "A hand made out of light!"

"Now it's an eye made out of light," Cat jumped up excitedly.

"And the hand again!"

"Now the eye's back!"

"Now the hand!"

"Come on, losers," Mari said, grabbing both of them by the scuffs of the necks and pulling them away to join the others.

"The eye!" Cat yelled one last time.

"So where to next?" Donnie asked, just as they see light and a loud motor.

A human kid stops and stares at the six turtles. The turtles stared back. Raph made a move that the kid took as scary and quickly drove off, causing Raph and Mari to laugh, and for Cat to frown. She wasn't that scary, was she? Raph, yes. Mari, possibly. But Cat? No way.

"That was kinda fun," Raph said, his hands on his hips.

"I call dibs on the next person," Mari said.

"We're too exposed out here," Leo said. He glanced up at a rooftop. "Come on!" He began running, everyone except one following him

Mikey noticed a box and took it with him, mainly out of curiosity.

On the rooftop, the six turtles stared at the box that Mikey brought with them.

Pizz...a," Mikey read the box.

"Should we open it?" Donnie asked.

"I vote yes!" Cat grinned like a little kid on Christmas.

"Careful! It could be dangerous," Leo warned.

Mari sighed, opening the box, the delicious smell of the pizza entering their nostrils.

"I think it's food," Donnie said.

"It's not like any food I ever saw," Raph pointed out.

"I vote that Mikey tries it to see if it's dangerous," Mari said.

Mikey didn't object. He carefully took a slice of pizza and took one nip. His brain explodes. In no time at all, he scarfed it all up, licked his lips and then burped. His siblings stared at him. Mikey seemed okay. "Uh, yuck," Mikey so clearly lied. "You guys won't like it. I'll take the rest—"

"No way!" Nuh-uh!" "Liar" "It's mine!" "Back off!"

"I never thought I'd taste anything better than worms and algae, but this is amazing! Right?" Raph said, finishing off his slice of pizza.

"You said it, bro!" Mari said, her mouth filled with pizza goodness.

"It's incredible!" Cat said.

"I love it up here!" Mikey yelled.

The turtles jumped from rooftop to rooftop, loving their new sense of freedom. They came to a stop at the edge of one of the rooftops of a tall building.

"All right, guys, it's getting late," Leo said, overlooking the city. We should probably head back home."

"Who died and elected you the boss of us?" Mari questioned.

"I'm the oldest," Leo said as if that explained everything.

With grumbling breaths, five of the six turtles turned to go back to their home in the sewers Donnie gasped, causing the others to look at him. "Guys! Look at that!" Donnie pointed.

The bottom of the city revealed two people walking the streets. A middle aged man and a teenage girl that must've been his daughter. Donnie was staring at the girl, his heart beating faster the longer he looked at her.

"She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," Donnie said.

Mari and Cat glared at him.

"...Isn't she the only girl you've ever seen?" Raph questioned.

"My point still stands," Donnie insisted stubbornly.

"Hey!" Cat protested.

"You little fucking bitch!" Mari snarled at Raph.

"Yeah... you fucking bitch..." Cat nodded in agreement.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to repeat anything Mari says?" Leo sighed, annoyed.

A van quickly pulled up in front of the two humans. Someone got of the driver's seat, and four identical men that looked different than the driver got out from the back.

"What?" the man said in fear. "What is this? His daughter shivered in fear as the men got closer to them.

"We gotta save 'em!" Donnie said, suddenly filled with determination.

"Splinter's instructions were very clear," Leo said, putting a hand on Donnie's shoulder. "We're supposed to stay away from people. And bathrooms," he added more fearfully.

"I thought you wanted to be a hero," Raph said."Since when do heroes ask for permission?"

"They don't. But ..." Leo paused.

"Well, I'm going!" Donnie claimed.

"It sounds like fun!" Cat said.

"What's the point of training to be ninjas if we can't use our skills to help?" Mari pointed out.

Donnie leaped off of the building, followed by Raph, Mari, Mikey and Cat. Leo made a sound that was between a sigh and a groan, and then leaped off of the building, following his siblings.

The man was knocked unconscious as the girl cried out, "Help! Help!" One of the kidnappers threw the man into the van.

"Hey!" Mari yelled, kicking the man in the stomach, as the rest fought. The man fell to the ground, but then rose back up, making a strange warbling echoing sound. "Still standing?" She smirked. "Not for long."

Raph bumped into her.

"Watch it!" Raph demanded.

"You bumped into me!" Mari yelled back.

Raph was engaging in a fight of his own. With his twin sai, he charged the man, but Leo fell on his. They exchanged insults, and Leo took off. But then he bumped into Cat.

"Watch it, Cat!" Leo said.

"You do the same," Cat said, charging one of the man with her Tessen. But then she was hit in the head with Donnie's staff. "Ouch! Donnie!" Cat whined.

"Watch where you're going!" Donnie yelled, twirling his staff and charging the man that he's fighting.

"Hey, cut it out! Stop! Ow! Let go of me!" the girl yelled, catching the attention of Donnie. He looked in that direction to see the girl being held by one of the kidnappers and walking off. Donnie hurled his bo staff at him, causing the man to drop the girl. Donnie quickly ran over and caught her.

"Gotcha!" Donnie said.

The girl looked up at the turtle who smiled at her. Without any warning, April screamed. causing Donnie to scream, also dropping her.

"AAGHH!" Donnie screamed, the girl backing away. "No, no, no. No. Don't worry. We're the good guys." The girl screams again. "It's okay."

The girl turn to see that the men are coming closer and she looked back at Donnie. He let out a hand to help her up. However, his younger brother accidentally hit him with his nunchucks, causing Donnie to turn his attention on him angrily.

"Whoops! Sorry," Mikey said, but then panicked and pointed behind Donnie. "Watch out!"

The man kicked them, sending Donnie and Mikey into the garbage.

They captured the girl and the van drove off

"Huh? They're getting away! They got the girl!" Donnie yelled, running off.

"You just jabbed me with your sword," Raph told Leo as they and Mari followed after Donnie.

"Well, I didn't know you were gonna land where I was stabbing," Leo yelled back.

"Will both of you shut the hell up?" Mari demanded.

The four of them chased after the van.

Cat was about to follow them, but she noticed that Mikey was still on the ground. She skipped over to him happily and kicked him. Mikey let out a groan and got to his feet.

"What was that for, Cat?" Mikey complained, rubbing the part of his shell that his little sister kicked.

"No reason," Cat said, her eyes suddenly widening. "Um, behind you!"

Mikey turned to see one man remaining, his face void of emotion. The two turtles stared at him.

"I got this—" Cat started, pulling out her Tessen.

"No, I do," Mikey interrupted, making a bunch of unthreatening moves with his nunchucks. "You think you're tough, huh? You think you're tough enough to stand up to my hot nunchuck fury?"

"Mikey, what are you doing?" Cat asked.

Mikey slashed his nunchucks around, and the the man effortlessly grabbed one of the nunchucks.

"My turn," Cat said.

"Huh? I see. Well, then... Aah!" Mikey took off running.

"What? Mikey!" Cat chased after him.

The man started running after the youngest of the turtles. They somehow gets cornered in an alley as the man walk toward them.

Cat stepped in front of Mikey. "Stay away from us!" she demanded, her legs shaking with fear as she pointlessly waved her black Tessen around. The man collapsed.

"Good job, sis!" Mikey cheered.

"Um, no problem?" Cat said, confused.

"What the..?" Mikey muttered, turning the man over slowly, to see half of the man's face was metal. " That is all kinds of wrong."

"You said it, bro," Cat said in agreement, staring at the brain thing that was in the man's chest.

All of a sudden, the pinkish brain creature screeches. Mikey screamed as it grabbed onto his face. Cat slapped it off, knocking Mikey to the ground in the process. The creature slammed right on the wall and scurried away. Panting for breath, Mikey, and screaming bloody murder, Cat, ran off to find the others.

"Why are you screaming?" Mari asked Cat.

Cat bit her tongue, not even realizing that she was screaming before her older sister pointed it out.

"Guys! Guys! You're never gonna believe this!" Mikey hurriedly said, still freaked out. "That dude, he.. he.. Had a brain!"

"We all have brains, Mikey," Leo said dully.

"Not all of us," Donnie said, referring to Mikey.

"In our chests?" Cat demanded.

"Oh, great, your imagination has gotten away from you, too," Mari muttered.

"No, Cat," Leo answered, once again, dull. "Not in our chests."

"You're not listening to us! We both saw it!" Mikey yelled panicking, while Cat let out another loud scream. This time, out of frustration. Leo slaps the both of them. "Did you just slap me?" Mikey asked, going into defensive mode.

"Us," Cat corrected, narrowing her eyes at Leo.

"I was calming you guys down," Leo claimed.

"Why would that calm us down?" Mikey demanded.

"God, this man really did have a brain in his chest," Cat whined. "You gotta believe us."

"I think they're delusional," Donnie said.

"Think? Well, I know that they're delusional," Mari scoffed.

"Just-just come here," Mikey said. He and Cat walks off to show their brothers and sister where they had last seen it. "We're telling you. The big guy was a robot and he had a freaky-weird alien brain thing in his chest."

"You gotta believe us," Cat added in not so helpfully.

"I'm not sure we do," Raph said, as they all followed their younger brother and sister.

"Oh, yeah?" Mikey questioned, turning the corner. "Well, you'll change your tune when you see that he's—"

"Gone?!" Cat gasped. They didn't even see the body.

"What?!" Mikey yelled.

Their older brothers and sister glared at them, before walking away. Mikey and Cat exchanged looks of equal confusion and then stared back at the spot where the robot body and the brain had once been, before following after their siblings.


Sorry if this chapter sucked. I had no peace and quiet cuz my siblings are over so it was really hard to concentrate, especially since I had to share a bedroom with one of my cousins and they were watching YouTube on the TV. Trying to block out all the sounds made my head hurt and here's the result. Next update will hopefully be better.

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