Rise of Oni (male oc x harem...

By CarlosLewis7

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A boy abandoned in the wood until he was founded a shaman family and two about a several years until his powe... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Harem 2
Harem 3
More Oni Forms/Pet
Chapter 2: Strategy X
Chapter 4: Rogue Recruit
Chapter 5: Mutant Crush

Chapter 3: The X Impulse

778 12 1
By CarlosLewis7

Cain was running after something in the middle of the night and he was looking around through the trees as he noticed a shadow figure jumping from the tree branch. He went after it and he knew that this was pointless.

"Why does it have to take so long to kill this thing?" Cain said.

Then he heard a sound and the shadow creature shrieked. He ran towards the sound of the shriek until he stopped to see Logan who is shirtless and has a head of the creature that looks like an Oni Imp on his claws. He was looking at the creature and then looked at Cain with one eyebrow raise.

"Getting slow there, bub?" Logan asked.

Cain sighed.

"Sorry for setting off the silent alarm. That thing snuck into my room and made off with one of my swords. I had to chase after to get it back." Cain explained.

Logan just sighs and tossed his stolen black sword. Cain caught it as they both were heading back to the institute to get some sleep. Cain was looking at the night sky to see that it was about to rain.


There was thunder as lightning flashes to show a house. Inside the house, there was a young girl with brown hair and she was tossing and turning in her bed. She was groaning as she was panting in her sleep. Inside her dream, she was flying around the world. She was giggling at first as she was having a good time. Until suddenly she started falling out of the sky as she wakes up terrified... in her basement. She was hyperventilating as she was looking around the basement while bringing her legs together. Both her parents came down stairs to see their daughter was sitting there still hyperventilating.

"What happened? Were you sleepwalking?"

The poor girl just continued to hyperventilate.

"No, I fell! I just-I fell through the ceiling."

She cried hysterically while her mother was holding and trying to comfort her.


The super computer started beeping as Charles was looking at the screen as the image of the girl appeared on the screen.

"Discovered: Mutant signature. The second detection in this vicinity. Extrapolation: complete. Identity: confirmed. Name: Kitty Pryde. Residence: Northbrook. Age: fifteen.


Kitty was still crying in her mother's arms as she held her tight. She looked at her.

"Now, dear. I'm sure you were just having a nightmare."

Kitty's father was looking up at the ceiling where Kitty's pillow and blanket are half-phased through.

"I don't think so."

"What am I? What's happening to me?" Kitty asked.

Back at the Institute

Charles was looking at the image of Kitty Pryde. He was stroking his chin as he leaned forward to press a button.

"Prep the Blackbird." Charles said.

Next Morning

Carrie was running to school with a mouth full of food. She had developed a new craving for American fast food breakfasts. She heard the sound of the school bell ring for the start of the first period.

"Ah! Late again!" Carrie said.

She teleports into the school grounds. She was looking around to see no one was around. She was hoping to get inside before she got caught, but she was dead wrong. She bumped into Principal Darkholme.

"Ah! Miss Darkholme." Carrie said.

She grabbed Carrie's arm to look at her watch.

"Hmmm...Watch isn't slow. Must be you. Another tardy Ms. Wanger and I'm enrolling you in my after school group." Darkholme threatened.

Then Cain came outside as he saw Carrie and Principal talking as he slowly squeezed in the conversation.

"Hey, new girl. Your teacher sent me to look for you. Ms. Darkholme." Cain said, grabbing Carrie and leading her inside. "Stopped off ofr another Breakfast Buger gut bomb, didn't you?"

"What can I say? It's an addiction." Carrie stated.

Darkholme was looking at both of them. She frowned for a moment, but she changed her expression as she felt a presence of someone coming up behind her.

"Umm...Are you Principal Raven Darkholmer?"

She slowly turned around as she was looking at the dark skinned woman with blonde hair. She was looking as she smiled. She was looking at her to see that she was dressed in white dress.

"Ah, you must be Ms. Cana Jones. Please come inside and we can get your interview started." Darkholme said.

She escorts the blonde into the school. She placed her hand on Cana's back which she shivered from touching the blonde.


Inside of the Pryde's household, Kitty was tiptoeing downstairs as she was looking around for her parents. She continued tiptoeing towards the door until suddenly...


"Awww..." Kitty whined.

She turned her head to look at her mother. Her mother had worried look on her back as she was looking at Kitty with her backpack.

"I thought we agreed you'd stay home today."

Kitty turned around to face her mother as she was upset.

"Yeah, well, like, what's the point, you know? You guys don't want to talk about it and I'll, like, totally go crazy sitting around here." Kitty complained.

"But... Should you really be at school?"

Then Kitty was about to say something but...

"Kitty! Honey, where are you?"

She turned to the direction of her father's voice. She quickly turned to her mother as she brought her hands together. She gave her mother puppy dog eyes.

"Pleeeease, mom. Dad'll make me stay." Kitty pleaded.

Her mother just sigh because she was going to let her daughter have her way.

"Alright, go on."

Kitty hugged her mother as she was heading out the door. Meanwhile, Charles, Jean and Cain were heading to the Pryde Resendance. Luna came along to keep up appearances. Luna was sniffing around for a moment as Cain was holding the leash to make sure that she doesn't go into one of the compartments. 

"I don't get it! Why do I have to tag along with you two?! Can't it just be you and Jean?!" Cain complained.

"I am curious as well, Professor. Why just the both of us? Why not all of us?" Jean asked.

"Because. You're the one who can connect with this girl. And as for Cain, he had two free periods, so I need him for another reason." Charles said.

"Ha ha ha ha...I wish I had never showed him my school schedule." Cain said, sarcastically.

"I hope so, But then how are we handling the other kid Cerebro spied out? The one in the foster home." Jean mentioned.

"Oh, Lance Alvers. I'll have Cain worry about that. I'd like you just keep your focus on Kitty's parents. Remember. You're a model of what we're offering then. No pressure." Charles said.

Jean giggled for a moment as she turned her head to the side.

"And to think I passed up a nice, relaxing mid-term for this." Jean muttered.

The blackbird flew toward through the clouds. The ship landed as it was cloaked to avoid unwanted attention. Cain stopped for a moment as he gave a sharp look at a direction. He was looking around for a moment because he could feel a slight presence. He started walking to the Prydes' doorstep. Then Mr. and Mrs. Pryde walked out of their house.

"What are you talking about? How do you know Kitty?"

"Please, may we come in for a moment? We'll answer all your questions and anything you need-" Jean said.

"Excuse me, miss. You can talk to us out here."

He was looking at Jean because his protective instinct was kicking in. Luna was about to growl at him, but Cain stopped her. Charles started to move in close to avert his attention to him.

"Very well. I think you know Kitty is going through a very unique transition. We simply want to help her through it. Why don't you tell us about last night?" Charles mentioned.

Cain palmed his forehead because Charles had just opened a can of worms. Both Mr and Mrs Pryde had a shocked expression on their faces. They both were shocked to see that Charles knew about Kitty's powers.

"Last night was none of your business! Please, just leave us alone."

Kitty's father grabbed and escorted her inside their house as he shut the door behind them. Cain just shook his head and knew that was a little bit pushing it too far. Jean just snorts as she crossed her arms.

"Next time, let's just call and get hung up on. Less hassle." Jean said.

"Or maybe the professor shouldn't open up with asking them about Kitty's powers awakening last night. We could just show them our powers to let them feel more safe around us." Cain mentioned.

Charles sighed because he knew that Cain was right.

"You'll need to make contact with Kitty directly. At her school. Cain, you and I are going to find Lance." Charles said.

Cain sighed as he gently tugged on Luna to let her know that they were leaving. Jean was looking at Luna and a idea popped into her head.

"Why don't I take Luna. I mean she would be so lonely with you men. She need some time with a girl." Jean said.

"You just want her to accompany you, don't you?" Cain asked.

"Yes." Jean answered.

Cain shrugged his shoulders and handed Jean the leash as the three of them split up. Luna was looking at Jean and let out a happy bark before Jean petted her on the head.

Back at the Institute

Logan was fixing up his bike and he stopped for a moment as the wind started to pick up. He stood up on the roof of the institute as he sniffed the air and growled because he recognized the scent.

"Sabertooth..." Logan said, growling.

On the outskirts of Bayville

There are Harley davidsons riding into the town. There was a older person with brown sleeveless trench coat. He was wearing a helmet but he got a scent of Logan and growled.


Back at the institute

Logan was in the locker room and he was putting on his orange and black uniform. He placed the glove on his right hand and started to buckle up his boots and clipped his x-belt around his waist before he placed the mask on his head. He ran back outside and started up his motorcycle. He drove off while both Scott and Carrie were walking home from school. The both of them were looking at the direction that Logan took.

"What's up with Logan?" Carrie asked.

"Woah, that man is packing some serious attitude." Scott said.

Carrie was looking at Scott.

"Wanna follow him?" Carrie asked.

"Let's go!" Scott said.

He pressed a button to the garbage as the door open up. Carrie ran over to a muscle van.

"Should we take the X-Van?" Carrie asked.

"Uhh... a lower profile I think." Scott said, walking over to a red and white car. "And cooler besides. You coming?"

Carrie teleported over to the passenger seat before she placed her arm around the driver seat.

"Hit it!" Carrie said.

The car sped off after Logan.

Kitty's school 

Kitty was at her locker as she was getting her stuff for her next class. There were two girls that were staring at her from afar.

"Riley. Check the Kitty pity party."

"Dreading PE, no doubt. Probably the only class she's not acing." Riley said.

"Let's...ah, give her some time off."

The both of them walked up behind Kitty. Then they both shoved Kitty into her locker and shut the door behind her. Riley changed the combination.

"World closing in on you, Kitty?" Riley said.

The girls just giggled as they both ran off to their next class. Kitty was banging on the locker.

"Hey! Let me out, you jerks! Open this damn door! Somebody open this door! Urrraah!!" Kitty shrieked, continuing banging on the locker.

After a while, there was a young man wearing a black shirt and brown vest along with blue jeans and brown shoes. He was looking around to see that no one was around. He pulled out a spray can and started shaking it up a few times until he started walking around as he started whistling. Kitty heard something on the outside of her locker.

"Huh? Hey! Who's out there? Can you hear me?" Kitty asked, banging on the locker but she was being drown out by the sounds of spraying and whistling. "Lemme out!"

Through her anger and banging on the locker, she phase through and landed on the boy as they both fell to the floor. The boy got spray in the face and he was looking at Kitty with pure shock. He was looking at the locker and back at her.

"Hey! You see what you just did?"

"What? I-I, like, just fell out." Kitty lied.

"Yeah, man. Right through the door! That is so cool!"

Kitty was looking at him like he was crazy. She doesn't want to talk about what just happened.

"Ugh! You're crazy! Aah!" Kitty screamed.

She tried to run away, but the young man grabbed her before she could escape. He knew that he had found someone like him and he was also eying her up and down for a moment.

"No, no wait a minute. I'm the one guy around here who gets the beauty of it. Cause you're just like me. Really!"

Kitty was looking at him even more because she could tell that he was crazier than she thought. The young man was looking at her with a raise eyebrow.

"Alright then, check this!"

He started grunting as his eyes started to roll into the back of his head as the ground started to shake. Everything was shaking until the lockers were force open and all the stuff came pouring out. He exhale as he stopped for a moment and looked at Kitty.

"Getting the picture?"

"Uh, no! You're just, like, some freak." Kitty said, was about to leave, but the grabbed her wrist. "Leave me alone!"

She pulled out from his grip and started running for her life. The young man just started as her ass and grinned.

"You can run, but you can't hide, cause I'm gonna rock your world. And once that is done, you're gonna call me daddy."

Cain and Professor

Both Cain and Charles were looking for Lance at his foster home but his foster parents explained to them that he had never came around. They both were going to look elsewhere. Cain was getting a strange feeling from before at Kitty's place. Charles stopped his chair as he was looking at Cain. Cain started to how his fangs because he sense something was foul in the air.

"Is it them?" Charles asked.

"Yup. Looks like they are heading towards something but it's not hatred." Cain said, sniffing the air. "It's fear. Kitty letting off a lot of them."

"Go, I'll warn Jean. And I'll try to convince Kitty's parents again." Charles said.

Cain looked around for a moment before he did a running start and turned into his oni wolf form. He was heading towards Kitty's school. Then Charles placed his hands on his temple and concentrated on Jean.

Back at Kitty's school

Out in the school yard, gym class started and the two girls were doing their stretches. The brunette named Riley looked up for a moment as she saw Kitty heading towards the coach. She looked over to her blonde friend and tapped her shoulder.

"Hey, Amy. Check who got out." Riley said.

Kitty was in a short tank top and sweatpants. The gym coach was looking at Kitty.

"Pryde, you're late."

"Sorry, Coach. I was like, um, having trouble with my locker." Kitty said, glancing over at Riley and Amy from her shoulder.

"Alright, you three. To the long jump. Pryde, you're tardy so you're first."

Over by the building three students were heading to the top of the building. One of them were walking over to the vents until another students tries to get a closer look until the young boy with the backward hat hit him.

"Shut up with clodding around."

"Stow it, Griff. Look, can we bust in through here or not?"

"Not. It's wired into the alarm system." Griff said.

Then the other boy behind Griff was looking at the young man were looking over at Kitty getting ready for the long jump.

"Now what, Alvers? We got like no way into this stinking office and midterms start in the morning."

"Yeah, and exam answers ain't exactly gonna fetch a prime price after the test. Can't you just, you know, make a door?" Griff suggested.

Lance scoffed at the thought of the idea. He knew that his powers would cause major problem for them.

"Sure, and have them know we were in? They'll change the test!" Lance said, look at kitty with hungry eyes. "I got a sweeter idea. Her."

Griff and his friend look over at Kitty.

"What? What are you gonna have her do? Long jump through the wall? Come on, get serious." Griff stated.

Then Lance grabbed Griff's arm and glared at him.

"You riding me, Griff? Huh? Are you?" Lance asked, gritting his teeth.

Griff was scared out of his mind. 

"Sorry, man, I-I wa-was just-"

"Woath, woah, it's cool, Lance."

Lance let of Griff's arm and scoffed.

"You two losers just line up the customers. I'll snatched the answers." Lance said.


Cain was running as fast as he could as he was looking around for a moment. He sniffed the air for the Oni that was heading towards the school. He sniffed the ground for a moment. Then he caught the scent of something sweet. He transformed back to his normal self and looked around for the scent, but he knew that this was not the time.

"You're getting side tracked, Cain. Right now, that mysterious Oni is on its way to kill Kitty, Jean and innocent people." Cain muttered.

He transformed back into his wolf form and jetted towards Kitty's school. Unknown to him, there was a young woman who was watching him. She was dressed in a white cloaked with long black hair. She was grinning at him.

"So, he managed to sense my spirit of Fire. To think that I was dealing with a normal Oni hybrid. You've peak my interest, little boy."

She licked her lips before she disappeared to the wind.

Back at Kitty's school

Kitty was trying to get a running start for the long jump. She stumble a bit until she jumped.

"Aah. Unngh!" Kitty grunted, landing face first into the sand, "Oh! Arrgh!"

"Rrreow! Kittycat's got a temper." Amy teased.

Riley scoffed as she was not impressed.

"Take notes, Pryde. This is how athlete's do it." Riley said.

She was taking position at the line. She started running towards the sand, but little did she know that Lance was using his power to cause the ground to shake. He had his sights on the sand pit. He was manipulate as Riley was getting ready to jump, Lance moved his right arm to side to cause the sand to sprout up at Riley which knocked her back. And a pile of sand landed on her. Kitty was looking at Riley with a raise brow before she turned her head over to Lance and his goons who waved to her. Kitty runs away, half-hysterically. She ran into Jean as she cause Luna to bark in surprise. She continue to run away.

Cain on the other hand, arrived at the school and he looked around for a moment as he hid behind a bush and transformed back to his normal self. He was looking around for that Oni that he sensed.

She keeps running until she gets to the theater room. She knocks over one of the tables and while trying to catch at least one thing off of it., a bowl phases through her hands to the floor. She stares at it dumbfoundedly and taps it, making sure she wasn't imagining things.

"Kitty?" Jean called out.

Kitty gasped as her hand phased through the bowl as she was looking at the direction of Jean's voice.

"Kitty, are you alright?" Jean asked, walking down the aisle with Luna.

Luna stood her hind legs and rested her front paws on the stage.

"That rah-rah Riley, a friend of yours? Cause, you know, like, I had nothing to do with what happened out there in the sandpit." Kitty said.

"I know. And I'm not Riley's friend. And the only friend I got is this little charmer right here." Jean said, petting Luna.

"Well, you look like you'd be her friend." Kitty said, putting the mask on her face.

Kitty was looking at Luna as she watch the wolf climbed up on stage and nuzzle her leg. Jean just giggled at the sight of how friendly that Luna was towards Kitty.

"You know, maybe it's a dog thing but I believe that Luna wants to be your friend too." Jean said, looking at Kitty who is not pleases. "Kitty. Look, there's no need for masks. I know what's going on."

"You, like, don't know anything! And neither does that creepy guy out there." Kitty said.

"Who, Lance? Forget about him. This is about you. You and your wonderful new gift." Jean mentioned.

"Ugh. I don't have any gifts, just a curse." Kitty stated.

Luna whimpered for a moment until she rubbed her head against Kitty's hand to calm her down.

"Only if you let it be. I'd like to help understand it. Together we-"

"Look. I don't want any of this. It's, like, hard enough just being normal, you know?" Kitty said.

Jean sighed.

"Kitty, look, I want you to watch me for a second. Please?" Jean said.

Kitty looked at her for a moment as Jean was demonstrating her powers by levitating the mask that was in Kitty's hands back onto the wall. Kitty was looking at the mask and back at Jean.

"Woah. How'd you do that?" Kitty asked.

"The same way you can pass through walls. Just like you, one morning I woke up and I had this power. And trust me, I hated it too." Jean mentioned.

She placed her hand on Kitty to reassure her.

"I-I don't believe you!" Kitty said, swatting Jean's hand away. "This is a trick!"

"No, no, you do believe me. I know because of my other ability. I can read your thoughts." Jean mentioned.

"No! Stay out of my head! NO!" Kitty shouted.

She ran away screaming while Jean was trying to stop her. She stood there for a moment because she felt the presence of someone watching them. Then Lance grabbed Jean by the shoulder and force her to turn and face him. Luna growled at Lance because she could sense evil.

"Piece of advice, Red. I'm the only friend that girl's gonna need, and I'll be teaching her what's what. So you just back yourself off. And keep that mut of yours muzzled or else." Lance said, demonstrating he'll kill her.

Jean didn't look scare of him at all.

"I wouldn't be making threats to Luna. She's the type to hold grudges. And I am pretty sure that her owner wouldn't like that either." Jean said.

"What? The owner is probably some weep that gets bossed around alot." Lance said.

"Oh really?" Cain said.

Lance quickly turned around but he was grabbed by his collar and was thrown across the room. He landed in one of the seats in the audience. He was rubbing his head and looked up at the stage to see that Cain was glaring at him.

"Threaten my dog again, and I'll show you what's what." Cain threatened.

Lance ran away because he knew that Cain was not messing around. Cain was looking at Jean which he noticed that talking to Kitty didn't go as planned.

"I take that you didn't convince Kitty." Cain said.

Jean shook her head.

"No. She's just too scared for her own powers." Jean said.

"Well, she's gonna have to get over that fear before it's too late." Cain said.

"Before what too late?" Jean asked.

"Sorry. But you need to try to evacuate the school." Cain said, running off to find Kitty.

"Wait! Cain!" Jean said, sighing and placed her hands on her hips. "That boy is so mysterious at times."

Kitty was at her locker and she was grabbing her books for her next class. Lance walked up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. Kitty gasped as she quickly turned around in a fighting position.

"Easy. Look, I won't shake things up. I promise. I'm, uh, my name's Lance. We should really talk." Lance said.

He bend down to grabbed Kitty's books and handed it back to her.

"Why can't everyone just, like, leave me alone?!" Kitty said, snatching her books from Lance's hand and walked off.

"You feel sick inside every time you think about it, don't you? You want it to go away, but it won't. You're afraid of what might happen. Your parents are clueless, probably ashamed. And being alone don't help." Lance said.

Cain was in the hallways looking high and low for a creature that he sensed. Then he stopped for a moment as he was looking at the sunlight shining off the wall. He noticed a shadow was causing off the wall. He grinned for a moment.

"Gotcha." Cain said.

He quietly followed behind the shadow-like creature. It turned the corner, but Cain stopped as he saw Lance talking to Kitty.

"What? Are you, like, reading my mind too?" Kitty asked.

"No way! It's...just I've been going through it myself. You know, trying to figure it out. But I've learned how to control it. Meet me outside that office in an hour. I'll show you how." Lance said.

"Bullshit!" Cain said, loudly.

Both Kitty and Lance turned their heads to see Cain walked in on the conversation. He was looking up at the shadow creature who was spotted above Kitty's head.

"Stay out of this, dude. This is none of your business." Lance said.

"You're right about that. It ain't business to convince people what they are, Or who parents to tell you what you aren't just make you feel better, or even be ashamed of the power that you are born with. I mean I was born with my powers but I never had parents to tell me what I am. But I learn how to control them and how used them properly." Cain explained.

He was walking towards the two of them trying to get them to back away. Kitty was taking his words to heart. Lance was looking at her and glared at Cain because he was convincing her.

"Look, uh, Kitty right? If you want to keep denying that you have powers, then all power to you. I don't care. But there will come a time where your power will be exposed to something that you are not." Cain mentioned.

"And uh, like, what exactly?" Kitty asked.

"A monster." Cain answered.

Kitty lowered her head in shame when she was at a crossroad between believing Lance or Cain. Cain was looking up at the shadow creature as it was getting ready to pounce on Kitty. Then Cain ran towards her which surprise Kitty. Lance jumped in front of her.

"Oh no you don't!" Lance shouted.

He started to shake the ground but Cain jumped to the wall and ran on the side of it. Then the shadow creature was looking at him and in a split second, Cain gave it a strong right hook. That punch knocked the creature off the wall to make it visible. Kitty screamed as Lance freaked at the sight of the crimson creature. It has two heads and stripes as it growls at Cain.

"So, there is an Oni Chameleon." Cain muttered.

It let out a roar as it charged at Cain, but he grabbed to stop them in their tracks. The Oni chameleon was trying to bite his head off. Then Cain kicked the creature in the gut to send it flying. Kitty was looking at him to see that he was holding his own against the creature. Oni chameleon got and let out a roar that was loud enough to shake the entire school. Both Kitty and Lance cover their ears.

"This is not good. That looks like no originary roar." Cain thought.

He was correct because there were more and more shadow creatures heading towards the school. Both Lance and Kitty were running away from the fighting. They were heading towards the office while more and more Oni Chameleons were heading towards Cain.

"Well, looks like they arrive to overwhelm me, but the jokes on them." Cain said.

Then his shadow creature as he took the form of the Abyss tiger and let out a roar as the Oni Chameleons attacked him.

=== Wolverine ===

Scott and Karrie were still tailing Logan but the car came to a stop as Karrie was looking around for a moment. She scoff because she couldn't find him anywhere.

"Aah! I've lost him!" Karrie said, hitting the door panel.

"Hey, hey! Watch the door panel! They're smudge resistant, not dent resistant." Scott said.

Karrie saw someone on top of the parking lot.

"There!" Karrie said.

She pointed up at the top of the building as they both saw Wolverine was looking around as he heard a sound of a motorcycle. Then a motorcycle burst through the guardrail and landed on the other side. Wolverine narrow his eyes because he knew the driver.

"Unfinished business, runt." Sabertooth said.

"Bring it on, pops. Bring it on." Wolverine said, crawls coming out of his knuckles.

Then Sabertooth started to drive towards Wolverine, but Wolverine dodge as he cut the front axial off the bike. Sabertooth jumped from his bike as he landed on the second part of the parking lot, but his bike was falling towards Scott and Karrie. Scott grabbed onto Karrie as she teleported the both of them out of the way. The motorcycle crash landed on Scott's car which busted it to pieces.

"My car!" Scott whined.

Wolverine was looking for Sabertooth but suddenly, he was knocked off his feet when a car came bursting through the ground underneath him. He bounce off it and landed on his back and another came up and knocked him over until the ground came out from under him. He fell into the car garage until sabertooth came at him with another which pinned him against the metal support beam.

"One shall fall by the other's hand. Our destiny. We can't change it." Sabertooth said.

"I didn't know you went for that philosophy mumbo jumbo." Wolverine said, struggling to get free.

Sabertooth continue to apply pressure on the car to crush Wolverine.

"Hey, hairball! I got your destiny right here!" Scott shouted, blasting sabertooth.

Sabertooth was looking at both Scott and Karrie in their x-men uniforms. The pressure from the car was loosened and Wolverine was trying to get free. Karrie charge in and teleported to attack Sabertooth, but she was bounced off like she just hit a brick wall.

"Ugh! Typical." Karrie said, rubbing her head.

Sabertooth was walking up to her and he was about to grab her, but Wolverine speared him. He brought sabertooth into the elevator. He was about to finish him but Sabertooth kicked him out of the elevator as the door closed. Wolverine brought his claws into the door but the elevator moving down as Wolverine was slicing the doors apart and looked down.

"A taste of things to come, Wolverine.' Sabertooth said.

Karrie came up behind Wolverine.

"Ha! We showed him! We're the X-men!" Karrie said.

Wolverine scoffed and looked at the both of them.

"I don't fight your battles. So don't fight mine." Wolverine said.

He walked away from both of them.

"Ah, he loves us." Karrie said.

"Oh yeah, Bigtime." Scott said, crossing his arms.

Back with Kitty

Both Kitty and Lance were outside the office as they were panting. Kitty noticed that Cain wasn't with them.

"Well, at least we got that jerk off our tail." Lance said.

"What are you talking about? That guy is back there fighting those creatures. We need to call the police." Kitty said.

"Don't worry, Kitty. There is a phone in there. But the door is locked." Lance said.

"H-h-how do you take control?" Kitty asked.

"By admitting something no one wants to cop to, that we are outsiders, that there is something wrong with us." Lance stated, looking at kitty who was getting upset at his words. "Hey, don't fret it, embrace it. The way I see it, Fate dealt us winning cards if we play them together." Lance said.

"Oh, nothing is making any sense." Kitty said.

That's why I'm here. To light your path. And the first step leads us right into that office." Lance mentioned.

Then Kitty started to phase throw the wall and stopped to look at what she did. She smiled as she skipped towards the door to let Lance in.

"Did you see me? Did you?" Kitty asked, excitedly.

"Yeah! Wow, Kitty, how did it feel?" Lance asked.

"Oh, it was, like, totally unbelievable." Kitty said, hugging Lance.

"You're making it yours, Kitty. Once you own it, nothing can own you." Lance said.

Kitty just smiled without saying a word. Meanwhile outside, both Kitty's parents came running towards Jean and Charles. Jean was now in her X-men outfit holding Cain's bag.

"Where is she?"

"She broke into the office." Jean informed them.

Both of Kitty's parents were shocked to see that their daughter had committed a crime.

"She-She's never done anything like this before."

Charles looked around for a moment because he could feel Cain's thoughts raging out of control.

"Go with them Jean! I'll catch up." Charles said.

The three of them were running towards the office while Charles was following behind them. Then he placed his hands on his temple to use his powers.

"Cain! Cain! Can you hear me?!" Charles thought.

=== Cain ===

Cain was holding his own against the oni chameleon. He was covered in blood of Oni Chameleons. He was panting from exhaustion as he ripped the heads off the chameleon that was trying to scratch him. Then he stopped for a moment as he felt Charles' mind touch.

"What is now, Professor. I'm in the middle of something more important here." Cain thought.

"Get over to the office. We need your assistance." Charles thought.

Cain was looking up and more and more Chameleons appeared out of nowhere. 

"Yeah that's going to be a problem." Cain thought.

Then the chameleons attack him as he dodge some of them until one of them takes a bite out his shoulder.

"AHHHH!" Cain shouted.

=== Charles ===

Charles lost the connection when the chameleon attacked him. He was looking around. He was looking around for a moment.

"Cain! This is not good. Those creatures taste his blood, it will awaken something far worse than he can control." Charles said.

=== Kitty ===

Lance was typing in a few keys on the keyboard and out came a computer. Then a computer disk came out of the tour and Lance took it and looked at it with a smirk.

"Heh, heh. Test answers present and accounted for." Lance said.

"That's what this is about? Cheating?" Kitty asked, shocked.

"Hey, this crummy school uses these kind tests to keep us down, Kitty. No more! We take control." Lance stated. "Now, let's modify some grades. Pryde. P-R-"

Then Kitty started to remember what Cain told her. In the pit of her stomach, she knew that this was wrong.

"No!" Kitty shouted.

She grabbed his hand to stop him from changing her grades. Lance got up and grabbed Kitty as she was struggling to get free.c

"Look, there's no victim here. We're just evening the score." Lance stated.

"This doesn't feel right I-I've changed my mind. I wanna go." Kitty said.

She was about to leave, but Lance grabbed her wrist to stop her in her tracks.

"Woah, woah, what are you doing? Come on, Kitty..." Lance said.

"Let go of my daughter!"

They both turned towards the door to see Kitty's parents, Jean, and Charles backing the exit. Kitty's father was walking towards them but Lance was not having it.

"That's far enough, old man." Lance said.

His eyes started to roll into the back of his head as the ground shook and a bookshelf came falling down on Kitty's father.


=== Cain ===

Cain was thrown to a locker as he dent it. He had blood leaking from the side of his head. The chameleon growled to make sure that he wasn't getting back up again. Then it started to take its leave to find Kitty, but Cain groan as the chameleon stopped as it turned both of its heads at him.

"Where do you think you're going? The party just getting started." Cain said.

Then a small drop of blood landed in his mouth. Then suddenly there was a major pulse that stirred in his body. His dark brown eyes started to change to crimson as his pupils turned to slit.

His shadow powers started to react. Some of the shadows were moving as it sliced up a lot of the chameleons. The Oni Chameleon leader was looking at Cain as it watched as Cain's skin was starting to turn pale. The Oni chameleon started to run away in fear. Cain was using his shadow powers to chase after the creature.

=== Kitty ===

Kitty was about to help her father, but Lance stopped her. Kitty was struggling to get free from his grip.

"They're just going to confuse you, Kitty. We're outta here." Lance said.

Jean was helping Kitty's father by lifting the bookshelf off of him. Kitty's mother was looking at her daughter.

"Kitty, please! We can work through this together."

"Let go of me!" Kitty said.

"We're in control now. We make our own way." Lance said.

He was walking towards the wall as he used his power to make a hole in the wall. Kitty was struggling to break free from Lance's hold. His grip was too strong. Jean was able to get the bookshelf off Kitty's father.

"Kitty, I've pushed you to this, I know. I wanted to pretend nothing was wrong. I'm not perfect. I'm learning just like you are."

Kitty turned her head to face her father. She was remember what Cain says once again and she started to feel her father's word were true.

"Daddy?" Kitty asked.

"Ugh. Forget them. Come on, I'm bringing this place down." Lance said.

He was using his powers once again as the entire building was shaking and Jean was using her powers to move the rumble away from them. Jean was looking at Kitty being force to leave.

"You called your gift a curse. If you go with him, I guarantee you it will be." Jean said, struggling to keep the ceiling from collapsing around them.

"Please, Kitty! Listen to her!"

"Sweetheart! We love you!"

Lance scoffed as he grabbed hold of Kitty. He has a sly grin on his face.

"They're too late. You're with me now. And I own you." Lance said.

He pulled her out of the hole.

"No! I'm not!" Kitty said, phasing through Lance's hand.

Lance was now enraged that she had chosen her family over him.

"Gaaagh!" Lance shouted.

He brought the ceiling down on Kitty.

"Aaah!" Kitty

The rubble fell on her which shocked both Kitty's parents and Jean. Lance ran outside while the building was still coming down on them. Charles was looking at the building as he placed his hands on his temple to use his powers.

"Jean! You powers! Use your powers!" Charles said, telepathically.

Jean was struggling to keep the rest of the building from falling on top of them.

"I'm trying. It's too much." Jean mentioned.

"I'll assist you. Keep your mind clear." Charles informed her.

"But, Kitty..." Jean said.

"Keep your mind clear." Charles said.

Both of Kitty's parents were crying as they were looking at the pile of rubble.

"No. Kitty..."

"My little girl..."

Then Kitty phased through the rubble as she was looking at both her parents and Jean before looking back at the rubble.

"Woah." Kitty said.

Her mother was looking at her with a bright smile on her face.]

"Kitty? Oh, Kitty..."

She ran up to them and hugged him and looked back at Jean who was still holding the rubble up. (Yeah, not a place to have a family moment.) Then she was looking at the pile of rubble that was blocking the exit.

"Okay, like everybody, grab onto me. I'll get us out." Kitty said.

Charles watched as the building was coming completely down. Luna was barking. She whimpered as she continued to bark. Then he saw Kitty, her parents, and Jean phased through the rubble and made it outside of the building. Charles was smiling at her as Luna was running around Kitty as she did a happy bark. She jumped on Kitty's shoulders and licked her face. Kitty giggled as she petted her as she watch Luna go back to Charles.

"Yes, Kitty, it is a gift and you've used it well." Charles said.

Kitty smiled as she turned her parents.

"Mom? I'm so sorry. And Daddy? These people. They, like, wanna help. I trust them." KItty said.

"I kno, sweetie. And so do I." Kitty Father turned to Charles. "Professor, I think we have some things to talk about."

"Yes we do. But first, we have a little matter to attend to." Charles said.

Charles turned his head as he slowly reached inside Cain's bag and pulled out a mask. Then Cain appeared in the shadows. Kitty turned her head and smiled as she walked towards him. Cain looked at her as he saw her blood swirl around her.

"Hey, I would like to say thanks. And—-"

"Kitty, get away from him, NOW!" Charles said.

"Uh like what are you talking about?" Kitty asked.

Unaware to Kitty that, Cain raised his sword and swung his sword but it phased through her. She gasped as she was looking at his eyes. She got back as he continued to swing at her. Kitty's father tried to stop him but Cain was too strong for him as he lifted him off the ground. He pointed his sword at the man's throat. He was about to stab him but he noticed something wasn't right. He was looking at Jean who was using her telekinesis to stop his arm. Jean was struggling to hold him back.

"What is wrong with him?" Kitty asked, phasing her father out of Cain's grip.

"It's not his fault. His powers act rapidly when he tastes blood." Charles informed her.

He moves closer as he presents the red oni mask. Then Cain's eyes widened as he was looking at the mask. Jean let go of him as Cain was backing away from Charles. Kitty and the others were looking at Cain as he was acting scared.

"That's right. You know what this is. You and many others have tried to take over my student." Charles said.

Cain roars as he backs away while Charles is moving closer to him. Then Cain's tail came out as he knocked the mask out of Charles' hand. Kitty was looking at the mask as she ran towards it. She grabbed it as she headed towards Cain. She jumped onto his back while Cain was trying to shake her off.

"Sorry, but like this is for your own good." Kitty said, placing the mask on Cain's face.

Charles brought his hands together into a hand sign which activated the mask to have a hold on Cain's body. Cain stood still for a moment as he struggled to kneel down in front of Charles as Kitty got off his back. She was looking at Charles.

"By order of the mask. You have to obey." Charles said.

"Y-Y-Yes." Cain said.

"I order to perform the hand signs of Sealing." Charles ordered.

"Y-Y-Yes." Cain said.

He started performing several hand signs until he came up to the last two hand signs. The mask started to glow. He looking at Charles as he was struggling to stop the performance but couldn't because of the mask.

"S-S-Seal!" Cain said.

There was a bright glow from the mask as the black energy started to surround him. The mask started to seal away from the mask. Once it stopped glowing, Cain collapsed as he was panting as Kitty was walking up to him as she slowly removed his mask. She was looking at his green eyes to see that they were back to normal. She smiled at him before she hugged him. He hissed from the pain on his shoulder.

"Ow. Hey easy on the bear hug. I am still wounded." Cain said.

"Oh sorry." Kitty said, blushing.

Luna did a happy bark. After the whole ordeal, Lance was looking at his school until he saw that the cops were looking for him. He started to walk away before the police fins him. As he was walking, Raven Darkholme was walking out of the bushes.

"I'd say you've blown your chances at this school, haven't you?" Darkholme said.

"And you are?" Lance asked.

"Your new advisor. I've made an opening for you at Bayville High." Darkholme said, transforming into Mystique. "I have much to teach you, my young Avalanche."

=== Elsewhere ===

The young woman was looking at Charles, Jean, Cain, and Kitty saying goodbye to her parents. She was smiling at the sight of Cain and his powers. She was grinning as she turned her head towards the oni chameleon who was panting.

"You did well, to push the boy. And now for your reward."

The young girl had a crimson aura as the aura was starting to take the shape of an unknown being. The chameleon started running away but the young woman started to smile.

"Spirit of Fire. Feast."

The Spirit of Fire grabbed the oni Chameleon as the spirit started to devour the Oni chameleon along with its soul. She giggled as she looked from the corner of her eye. She was looking at several groups with cloaks. There was a man who was dressed in black along with a hat.

"Mistress, why does this boy interest you?"

"Ah, that is a good question, Luchist. I was just testing his power for myself. Because that boy might be the reincarnation of the Oni King."

Next Time: Rogue Recruit

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