Summer Day


9 0 0

What happens when two strangers meet each other? Bright Summer day in April Adam got a phone call while he... Еще

Summer Day

9 0 0

"I still remember that feeling, the feeling I felt on a bright summer day."

Adam was a young cheerful man. He doesn't really have much in his life. He was happy by the fact of being a professional driver and being a part of the Agency. He gets really good pay every month. Around seventy to eighty thousand. He was living alone in Mumbai. The only family he had was his mother but when he was seventeen his mother died due to her tumor. At first he was really worried about himself but her mother saved a huge amount of money for him before dying. He was not a bright student in college, he was just another average student. His friend once asked him to start a business together and since then they both have been working together. They run a traveling agency. It's been eight years since they started the agency. First they combined their money to buy a car and most of the driving was done by Adam. After a few years their business grew and now they have fifteen drivers working under them and some fancy cars. Even after all these years Adam still really liked to drive so he sometimes takes on the job for himself. He was earning money by the agency, not by driving the cars. Fifteen April, a bright summer day, Adam was alone at the office. He was reading a book, when a phone call distracted him.

"Yes, Happy Journey Travels! How can I help you?"

"Ah, I want to hire a driver to reach Mumbai. Is there anyone to pick me up from Goa?"

It's a girl. It's rare for phone calls like this! 

"Yes, Mam, when do you want us to pick you up?"

"Tomorrow morning around 11 a.m? Is that alright?"

"Yes, can you tell me the exact address from where to pick you up and the address of your destination?

She took a pause. Maybe she is thinking about the address. 

"Yes, write it down. Hotel Grand Talisman, Aguada - Siolim, Arpora, Calangute, Goa, 403516. And I want you to drop me At Paradise Apartments, Hirnahandani."

"What about your contact number?" I asked, " And what about the number of passengers?"

"Only one person I alone will be travelling and here's my contact number '873 445 7721' "

"Okay then" I said, "It'll be an eleven hour trip. What about your luggage?"

"I'll only have a small bag, nothing much. I want you to send the driver on time. I have some work the next day."

"I'll be your personal driver. There are no drivers available for now who are going to drive such a long trip."

"I see, okay then. Thanks I'll meet you tomorrow"

"We are welcome to be at your service. Your fare will be" I took a pause and started to calculate the amount. "Your total amount of fare will be eleven thousand rupees."

"Hmm, I'll give you it in cash after the journey."

"As you like Mam, have a nice day"

"Once again thank you"

She hung up the call

It's been a long time since I have been on such a long trip. I should get going. It'll take eleven hour for me to reach there too. It's still ten a.m. I'll reach there by 9 p.m. I informed Dixit that I am going to go to pick a passenger. I packed a small bag and left around half past ten. I reached there just like I thought around half past nine. I booked a room in a cheap hotel. I was in the lobby when the hotel manager asked me if I want to have a prostitute send over to the room. I immediately denied but now that I think about it it's been a long time since I had sex with someone. 

The last time I had was with my ex-girlfriend during my college years. I really loved her at that time but she left me because she was not able to keep up with our relationship. It still hurts when I think about it. Since then I didn't looked out for any other women and nor do I feel to have sex with someone. The room was small with a small window near the bed and a small T.V I was tired because of the driving so after a bath I just wanted to sleep. I was too tired to go out and have a meal. I slept with an empty stomach around eleven. 

I woke up the next day around eight in the morning. I was a morning person so it was no problem for me to wake up early. The first thing I did after waking up was to find a restaurant nearby. I was very hungry because I skipped dinner. After having some tea and biscuits I went and had some omelet. I ate until I was satisfied. I was getting ready to get to the Hotel where she called me. I totally forgot about asking her name. I reached the Hotel Grand Talisman fifteen minutes early. I called her to ask if she was ready. I was about to call when I saw a woman with a small bag. She was a tall young woman. Or maybe she is around my age. She looks really gorgeous. Her hair was around her waist open, she was wearing a long grey skirt and there was a small scarf around her neck. She had tied her skirt with a black belt around her waist. Everything about her is so pretty looking at her she reminds me of my ex-girlfriend but she is more beautiful than my ex. I almost forgot about the phone call. I picked out my phone and called the unknown passenger's number. 

"I am calling from Happy Journey Travels, you have called a driver for the trip to Mumbai. Is that correct?"

"Yes, are you here?"

"I am waiting outside the Hotel" I said " Are you ready?"

"Oh yes I am ready. I am also outside the Hotel. Can you describe the car?"

I said, "I am in a black Volvo XC40, you can easily recognize it. We have a poster of our agency on the top of the car!"

She took a pause and then said, 

"Yes I can see you were to the left of me!"

Wait a minute, the lady in the grey is the passenger. I hung up the call and came out of the car. 

"Mam, let me carry your bag."

"No thanks, I think I can manage it. Can you open the trunk? Let me keep the bag in the back."

"As you want. By the way what should I call you? I have to write a bill too. For that I have to know your name"

"Yes I totally forgot about that. It's Roshana. I hope it will be a safe trip!"

I said confidently, "Yes it will leave it all on me. You won't have any problems during the trip. I'll give you my word."

"Let's get going then."

We sat in the car and I started to drive us back to Mumbai. It will be a long ride for us. I was curious about her. What was she doing all alone in Goa? I don't know why but something is off about her. 

"So what is your good name? I don't think we can sit quietly all the way to the Mumbai"

I thought she would be silent throughout. But this is way better than getting bored. 

"I am Adam."

"That's a name one doesn't hear much. So Mr.Adam are you living just by driving the car?"

"Actually Miss Roshana, I am one of the founders of the agency. My friend Dixit and I started it eight years ago!"

"Oh so you are the owner of the agency. I thought you were just working as a driver Adam. So why did you take the job?"

She didn't use Mr this time, I said, "Roshana actually I really like to drive and I don't think most of our drivers will do a long trip like this. That's the reason I came to pick you up personally."

She said with a surprise, "Oh so that is the reason"

She went quiet for the time being. The more I looked at her the more I started to remember my ex. She looks so much alike. But more beautiful than her. She was looking out of the window, maybe she was enjoying the scenery or was in a deep thought. I was not able to control my curiosity. 

"So what were you doing all alone in Goa?"

"Actually I was on a trip to surprise my boyfriend, but I found out that he was cheating on me with two other girls."

How dumb that person can be, leaving such a pretty woman and cheating on her. I feel bad for her, maybe she is sad. I don't think I should say something for now. She continued, 

"When I saw him in the pub with them I was not able to control my anger. I went and threw a whole garbage can over him. Now I feel better than before. Actually it's good that all this happened. Nothing great was going on between us anyway."

This woman really did that thing. I can't imagine the way the man took the blow. But I think she did the right thing. I don't know why she is saying that she is better but I think she is hurt from the inside. There is pain in her eyes and the way she speaks. 

"So are you alright. I think you are in pain about what happened?"

"You can tell that Adam! Yes I think I am in pain."

I was looking at her when she was speaking with me. Her eyes were a bit wet and I think they need something, but I don't know what it is. 

"So Adam, do you have a girlfriend?"

"I had one but she left me a few years ago."

"Ah, I am sorry to hear that. So are you looking out for anyone? I thought you would have a girlfriend."

"What made you think that?"

"I just felt like it. You are quite a charming guy from the way I look at you"

I was shocked a bit, "Is that so. No Roshana I am not looking out for anyone. I'll let fate decide what's going to happen."

"So do you believe in fate?"

"I think I do believe in it. My life is easy until now. Maybe I am lucky."


She went quiet once again! It feels weird when she breaks off the conversation in the middle. I was looking at her through the mirror when I saw she was looking at me as well. This time her eyes were a bit different than before. I think they are a bit more sparkling than before. Maybe she is in need of something. But I can't figure out what she wants! 

"So Roshana, do you live with your family?"

"No, I live alone. I don't have anyone I can call them as my family!"

"So you are just like me. I also don't have anyone to call them as my family."

"Guess we both have things in common."

I agreed with her, "Yes I think so too."

This time I went silent. I wanted to listen to some music, but today I just have songs which are sad! Maybe I should ask her before playing them. 

"Do you mind if I play some songs? They are sad ones though!"

"Yes, yes go ahead. I want to listen to some music too."

I started to play Somebody you love. I really like a few songs by Lewis Capaldi. I was looking at her in between the drive. She was just silent. Is she still in deep thought? Usually I am good at figuring people out but she is different from others and it really is on my mind. There was a lot of traffic. I stopped the music for some time. I was looking for a way to get out of the traffic as fast as I can, when she called me, 

"Are you in love with someone right now Adam?"

That was a bit odd, from her I replied to her, "Not really, I don't have anyone particular in my mind."

I gazed in the mirror to look at her. She was looking at me as if she was asking me something. 

"So you don't have anyone in mind. Will you help me out?"

I was a little shocked about what help she wants from me? I said, 

"Yes, if I think I can do it then I won't hesitate. Tell me what do you want?"

"I asked you because I think you are a good person from our conversation. I think you are harmless."

I once again looked at her. She was looking at me. Her eyes said everything to me. The help she wanted. She bit her lower lip a bit. The traffic moved and I took a right turn from the highway and drove us towards a Hotel nearby. It was five in the evening. 

They reached the hotel. Adam parked the car in the parking lot behind the Hotel. They both didn't say anything to each other. They just booked a hotel room for one night and went straight in the room. As Roshana closed the door Adam was looking at her. She came closer to him and kissed him. There was no conversation between them. Their tongues meet with each other. The strong kiss they shared. They started to remove their clothes as fast as they could. Kissing each other Roshana was over Adam. There was no foreplay. Adam entered inside her. It was not just some normal sex. It was like a pair of wild animals going wild with each other. The nails digging in the back of Adam. The moans of Roshana as if she had never felt this feeling. They were totally lost in the way they were feeling. On the bed. On the floor. On the sofa of the room. They were having sex on anything they saw. They continued on and on. There was no stop for them. The passion between them was growing minute by minute. They themselves don't know when it was eleven at night. They both slept soundly after the sex. They were tired. Without any talk they just went to sleep. They were sleeping as if it was the first time in a long time they were having a sound sleep. Embraced in the arms of each other. They were healing each other. 

The next morning I woke up around eight a.m. Roshana was still sleeping beside me. I decided not to wake her up. I thought it was all a dream but there was an unusual smell in the room. These scratches around my back. It was not a dream. We really did fucked each other. I went to take a bath. I was in the shower when she came in. 

"I am sorry for yesterday, I think I was out of my mind!"

"It's alright Roshana, I think I made the same mistake too."

She was naked in front of me inside the shower. 

"I think I want to make the same mistake once again."

After saying that she came closer to me. Her breasts were on my skin. They are sensitive. She kissed me once again. I knew I am once again going to give in to the lust. It's been a long time when I had sex with someone. With her it was on another level. I want to feel the same thing once again. I held her tightly and holded her in my arms. 

Once again they had sex in the shower. Once again they were lost in their own world. With each orgasm they were getting closer to each other mentally. They checked out of the hotel around eleven in the morning. They had breakfast in a cheap restaurant nearby and once again started to head towards Mumbai.

I still think the way our bodies were close to each other made me feel comfortable around her. It was as if I was under a mother who always protects her child. I want to feel the same thing. But I don't think she will do anything like that again. She was just lonely, that's all. She was in need of that. I kept a stone over my heart and quietly drove on the road. After once again hitting the road Roshana slept all the way to Mumbai. She woke up around half past ten. I was about to reach her destination. Then she spoke once again. 

"Adam, I want you to leave me near the parking lot. It will be easier for me to reach home."

"Yes Roshana, it's Paradise Apartments in Hiranandani right?"


She was quiet once again. I was looking at her through the mirror. She looks a bit more calm and comfortable than before. Maybe the deep thoughts she was thinking are gone now. It gave me relief. We reached the destination around twelve. We were later than the estimated time due to heavy traffic. I gave her the bill and removed her bag from the trunk. 

"Adam, are you going home after this?"

"Yes, I am tired right now, but first I will have some dinner."

She took a pause and said, "Have dinner at my place. I'll give you some."

At that time Adam knew what he was going to have for dinner. Even though they don't know about it. But even after having sex only for a few times. Their bodies were already compatible with each other. They went to the house. Opened the door and without wasting any time they once again were lost in their own world of pleasure. 

After a few weeks Adam and Roshana started to see each other. They started to talk with each other on calls and have fun. They shared their problems and happiness with each other. Adam started to get fascinated by every other thing that Roshana had in her. It didn't take much time for him to realize that he was in love with someone after such a long time. They met with each other during weekdays and had sex. After the sex they usually talk about how they were doing. About their common interest and sometimes they just embraced each other without saying anything as if they both know how important they both are for each other. If either of them left the other it would not be good for both of them. They will be empty once again. Together they were filling each other's emptiness. They were healing each other. After a few months both of them realized that they had fallen in love with each other and confessed to each other. They both were happy with each other. 

The days gradually started to change. Adam was not really worried about his looks, but for quite some time now he always wanted to be in perfect shape and health. Whenever he cared for someone he looked out for everything he can do for them. The same thing was with Roshana. Even though they both were almost the same, their living style was totally different. Each weekend they started to live together either in Adam's or Roshana's house. While Roshana house was a two bhk house. Her house was almost empty. She didn't have any hobbies in particular she can say that's her favorite. She was a very great cook. On the other hand, Adam's house was full of music cassettes and books. He was into music and books since childhood. Sometimes after sex he told some stories about the books he liked in the past and how he don't feel the same way for them. He had a cat at his home and whenever he was not at home he always makes sure that he leaves the cat in the neighbors house. When Roshana found out about the cat she was all over heels for it. They both liked cats and at some point they always start to talk about their pets of the past. 

Adam always got excited when they tried something new during sex. They had sex on numerous places. Place that one should not do it. They felt free with each there. It was like they can fly as far as they want when they both are inside each other's cage. A family restaurant, a public washroom, inside the car and many more places. Each time they were having sex in some place where it's forbidden they communicated with the help of their eyes during sex. As if they can speak with each other by telepathic means. He always had a keen eye on the way she undressed. He found that something that he always want to watch all day long. Adam had some weird habits. He knows how to cook well but still he doesn't add salt in the food sometimes even though he knows that he has to use salt. Roshana started to make food for him during weekends. She first wanted to become a chef but later her interest started to fall. She was working in a sales office and her pay was very good. On the other hand Adam's business started to grow big and they opened a few more agency in Mumbai. One day suddenly after sex Roshana asked Adam about what was the reason he feel in love with someone like her. She was just a pretty woman with average breasts. Doesn't have any hobbies in particular and most of the time spends her day just thinking about her life. It was a little unusual for Roshana to ask something like this. Sometimes she feels like a totally different person. It was as if someone else had taken over her body. At Least that is what Adam thought, even though it was not true at all. He simply asked, 

"Do you look in the mirror?"

There was a question in her eyes. "Yes I usually look to check if I am dressed up correctly or if I need to fix my makeup."

Adam used some weird phrases sometimes and he said one of them to her. "Don't look in the mirror, look into my eyes. When you see your reflection you'll see what I like."

She giggled and replied "That's a new one. Never heard of that one before." 

They both started to laugh. It was April once again. A year had passed since they have met one day After a bath Adam was looking at himself. Naked checking out the scratches of Roshana over his body. Then he saw his penis. He thought since last year I have used this litlle guy so much. But before it was just an organ dangling around. He didn't like to masturbate. He felt weird to pleasure himself with his own hands and was not really into it. All these years he was just wasting his love. He thought he could have married someone, but then his thoughts changed. He thought I would not have met Roshana then or maybe we could have and things would have turned out to be the same. The only difference that it would have made was he would be cheating over his wife for some other woman. He felt relieved that things are not like that. It was friday and Adam was reading an old book, he was lost in the world of books when a line from the book made him remember something that Roshana said to him when they met for the first time. 

'No, I live alone. I don't have anyone I can call them as my family!'

An idea came to his mind, he called Roshana on a dinner date at night. 

It was nine at night. As it was summer it was a little hot during the night time too. Adam was waiting for Roshana in a French restaurant. It was probably the most expensive restaurant he had ever come to. Roshana came in through the entry door. Adam was wearing a black suit and was dressed formally after a long time. When he saw Roshana he was aroused by just looking at her. She was wearing a black long backless dress. He didn't know its name but his eyes were all over her body. Checking out her inch to inch. He thought how can someone be so perfect every time you look at them. She is still such a beauty. From the moment Adam layed eyes on her. His mind was already all over the place thinking about her. 

She came and sat in front of him. Adam was lost in her beauty when she said, 

"It's unusual for you to call me on a date. Did something good happen?"

I smirked and replied, "Well I think something good will happen. Do you remember the way we met?"

She smiled and replied, "Adam, it's been a year since we met last summer. I totally remember that. Also they way we had sex like a pair of wild animals"

I was happy that she remembered the way we fucked that night. It was something else from the world

"Yes, that day, I didn't know we would come all the way here. It's been a long time since we met. But still it feels like yesterday."

"Yes it totally feels like yesterday. We have seen so much together since last year."

I built up the courage to ask her. 

"Do you remember when you said you don't have anyone to call them as your family?"

"Yes I remember. You said the same thing to me!"

I took a deep breath and said, "Do you want us to start a family together?"

"What do you mean by that Adam?"

"I am asking you if you want to Marry me Roshana!"

She took a pause and said, "What are you talking about Mr.Adam we just met in the morning."

I said that out loud. I was brought back to reality. By her sharp words. 

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