Equestria's Alicorn Colt

By TheMoonGaizer

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After a horrible sequence of events unfolds an alicorn colt with no memory has woken up inside the everfree f... More

A/N: To The Person Reading This Story
Chapter 1: The Alicorn Colt
Chapter 2: The Spotted Savior Pt.1
Chapter 3: The Spotted Savior Pt.2
Chapter 4: First Impression is Chaos
Chapter 5: Lesson Zero -- Coronation Ceremony
A/N UPDATE 7/15/22
Chapter 7. Sisterhoove Social----- Ready To Rumble
Chapter 8. Cutie Pox--- Sick To Excess
Chapter 9. Revealing Confessions---Family Appreciation Sabotage
Chapter 10. Hearts And Hooves Day----Alicorn Family
A/N 9/8/22
Chapter 11. Alicorn Family Pt.2 ---- A Royale Wedding
Question (Again)
Chapter 12: Cursed PT.1
Chapter 13: Canceled Crusaders--(Y/N)s Statue
Chapter 14: Cursed PT.2---Magic "Duel"
Chapter 15: Cursed PT.3----Inevitable Reunion
Chapter 16: One Bad Apple
Chapter 17: Sleepless In Ponyville---Do Grudges Last?
Chapter 18: Calming The Chaos
Chapter 19: The Side Kicks
Chapter 20: Begin Again Pt.1
Chapter 21: Begin Again Pt.2

Chapter 6: A Nightmare Of A Night

3.8K 65 41
By TheMoonGaizer

Its was a day in Ponyville and the next week after (Y/N)s ceremony

In the past week A LOT of stuff had happend. (Y/N) got a lot better at magic and ponys from different towns would usually come up to him to take photos or meet him

(Y/N) woke up one morning in the library and he forgot he had school

Twilight: Wakey Wakey time for school

(Y/N): .....

Twilight: Oh come on dont give me the silent treatment

(Y/N) only glared at her and looked away

Twilight: Come on your still a foal and you have to go to school like the others

(Y/N) yawns and begins to get up stretching

(Y/N)(Thoughts): Ok then MOM....

Twilight: Ill get you your saddlepack I got you

Twilight exited the room and Spike came into the room with pajamas on and a blanket and pillow in both his hands

He got in his bed and laid down. He grabbed a comic book from the bottom of his bed and began reading

(Y/N) was inspecting the comic book that had some ponies in hero costumes on them that was on the cover

(Y/N): Ive never seen a book like that. What is that?

Spike moved his head over to the side of the book and had a confused look on his face

Spike: You dont know what a comic book is?

(Y/N): Nope....

Spike instantly went back to reading but mumbled somthing

Spike: Maybe you do need school...

He said looking back into his comic

(Y/N) deadpanned at him and rolled his eyes

(Y/N)(Thoughts): Why does everypony keep saying that?

(Y/N) was still looking at the comic until he had a question pop up in his mind

(Y/N): How come you dont have to go to school?

Spike was about to say something but cut himself off and just shrugged his shoulders

Spike: Im just an assistant

As soon as that was done Twilight entered the room

Twilight: Alright here is your saddlepack

She levitated a saddlepack onto his back and smiled

Twilight: All set and now your ready to go

They went out of the door and Twilight wanted to walk (Y/N) to school since he really didn't know ponyville that well yet and couldn't walk around alone before he would be surrounded by other ponys

On their way there (Y/N) was watching all of the other kids going the same way as him

(Y/N) had another question on his mind and turned to Twilight

(Y/N):Uhh Twilight?

Twilight: Yes?

(Y/N): I have to go to school because I'm dumb...don't I?

Twilight paused for a moment and smiled

Twilight: Of course not, you go to school to learn about how things work since your a foal and you have not started your life yet

He rolled his eyes

(Y/N): (What an obvious lie) But, why do we have to wake up so early though?

Twilight: I guess its so school doesn't take the whole day so it starts at an earlier time

(Y/N) sighed

When they both got to the school they seen all the kids hanging out on the outside of the school and waiting for it to start with their parents around them

Twilight decided to leave and they both waved bye to each other

(Y/N) was looking around for his friends until he saw Scootaloo arrive

He tried to walk up to her but was stopped by 2 fillies

It was 2 he could barley recongnize but they both looked very familiar

One had a pink coat with a purple and white striped mane and a crown looking cutie mark

The other one had glasses on and had a grey coat with white hair and a spoon cutie mark

They both had some wierd expressions on there face like they had done something and gotten away with it

Diamond Tiara: Well Well Well look what we got her-

However When Diamond Tiara locked eyes with (Y/N) she instantly had a crush so she grabbed Silverspoon into a huddle


Silverspoon: N-No?

Diamond Tiara: Thats the new prince of Equestria we this is a perfect opportunity for me!

She said eyeing (Y/N)

Silverspoon: Why do you get to always have the fun?

Diamond Tiara: You can have the next one

Silverspoon: Fine.....

They both turned back to (Y/N) who stillhad a confused look on his face

Diamond Tiara: Why hello there your highness

She said bowing as well as Silverspoon following

(Y/N): Uhhh Hi?

Diamond Tiara: Im Diamond Tiara and this is Silverspoon and we would love to welcome you to our school

(Y/N): Thank you?

It was wierd to (Y/N) that they were being nice to him considering he shot a gigantic blast at them the last time he saw them. He wanted to point that out but didn't want to ruin the moment

Diamond Tiara began to talk more to (Y/N) about different things which he was listening well to

With the cmc's they were chilling next to the school on the playground

Apple Bloom: Hey isnt it today the day when (Y/N) starts school?

Scootaloo: Yeah maybe he got lost

Sweetie Belle: Dont you guys think Twilight would've walked him here then?

Scootaloo: Isnt that him right THERE?
She pointed toward him talking to both Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon

Apple Bloom: What is he talking to them for?

Before she could get an answer Ms. Cheerliee called everyone inside ringing a bell

When everbody got in there seats (Y/N) was standing at the front of the class confused

Ms. Cheerliee came up to him and greeted herself to him

Ms. Cheerliee: alright everypony settle down down we have a new student

She pointed to (Y/N) and some of the class gave gasps

Ms. Cheerliee: as you little ones may know this is (Y/N) the only colt alicorn in Equestria

Everyone else in the class gave "oohhs" and "ahhhs" in astonishment

(Y/N): (I'm not that cool....)

There was an open seat to the left of Diamond Tiara

She waves next to her and he proceeds to walk to the seat and sit down

Ms. Cheerliee: Now (Y/N) if you have any questions please raise your hoof

(Y/N) nodded and the day proceeded

Time Skip

It was now recess and all the other foals were playing on playground and (Y/N) was on the top relaxing because the suns heat made the top warm

???: So whats it like being prince?

(Y/N): Huh?

He turned his head to see a small foal even smaller than him with brown mane and tail even had a white coat with some bright brown spots on him. The colt had a high like voice to

Pip Squeak: I said whats it like being prince?

(Y/N): Uhhh..... I really haven't done anything yet so I guess its not very exiting neither boring if you know what I mean....

Pip Squeak: Oh....ok then

It was quiet for another moment until Pip Squeak remembered something

Pip Squeak: Well have you had any Nightmare Nights here before?

(Y/N) looked back over to him with a cocked head and a raised eyebrow

(Y/N): No Actually, any at all...

Pip Squeak gasped

Pip Squeak: So this your first nightmare night too? Wow thats so awesome My first Nightmare Night is the same as the Princes! thats so cool!

(Y/N): I actually never knew what Nightmare Night was actually I just heard my one of my friends talk about it in a scary manner...apparently...

Pip Squeak: Well I heard you get to see all kinds of monsters and get scared by other ponys

(Y/N): What..... Really?

Pip Squeak: Yeah its gonna be so awesome seeing all of those monsters other ponys are going to dress up as I am gonna be a pony pirate, Arrgghh

He said swinging his hoof

Pip Squeak: What are you going dressed up as?

(Y/N): I uhh, really dont know yet ( IF im even gonna go)

Pip Squeak: Oh well im pretty sure you'll find what you wanna be soon

(Y/N): Yeah.... What I wanna be.....

(Y/N): (What kind if a name is Nightmare Night?)

(Y/N)(Thoughts): Monsters? Jumpscares? Why would anypony like that?

Pip Squeak: Oh Im pretty sure the class is really surprised that your here! Can you do cool tricks?

(Y/N): Uhhhh-

Ms. Cheerlie: Alright everypony time to come in and pack up

(Y/N): Phew

He was saved by the bell.....literally


(Y/N) was walking back to the library since he recongnized the route Twilight made him quiz on before school started

When got to the library he opened the door to see Twilight putting up a costume and Spike was putting on a costume

(Y/N): Whats going on?

Twilight looked back and smiled

Twilight: Hey (Y/N) how was school?

(Y/N): It had some posters and desks in the room and its still stable and not falling down so I guess its good

Spike chuckles at that and Twilight sighed

Twilight: No, I meant how was school for you?

He seemed a bit embarrassed but nervously laughed it off

(Y/N): Its was long but good Although I think I asked too many questions

Twilight: You can never ask TOO many questions

(Y/N) put his hoof to his chin

(Y/N): Really? I heard her say I raised my hoof more than 50 times

After hearing that Twilight cringed

Twilight: Okkk.....maybe that is alot but not too many for somepony like you

(Y/N) got confused

(Y/N): (Ok what is THAT supposed to mean!?)

Twilight: Anyway I got you a surprise-

She levitates a costume of a Timber Wolf that look so realistic (Y/N) didn't even move

Twilight: So do you like it?

He suddenly shot a blast at it and it disintegrated the whole suit

Twilight was left puzzled

(Y/N): Ive saved us all from the Timber Wolve, no need to thank me!

Twilight: It was a costume.....

(Y/N)s eyes went wide then grew an emberrassed look again

(Y/N): ooohhh....Woops

After a bit Twilight went Upstairs to get her costume and (Y/N) took his saddle pack off and put it on the couch and waited

It has been a while since she went into the room and Spike was pacing back and forth waiting for her come out

Spike: Come on Twilight were gonna be late for the Nightmare Night festival

Soon enough she came out with a big beard on and with a wizard like clothing and bells that kept jingling when she walked down the stairs

Spike was confued on what she was supposed to be

Spike: Are you that on cookie grandpa from that ponyville retirement village?

Twilight: Im St-

(Y/N): Star Swirl the bearded?

Twilight: Yes father of amniomorphic spell?- Wait you know about him?

(Y/N) honestly didnt know how he knew that it was just that her costume lookes so familiar

But since he didnt knoww he just shrugged

(Y/N): Think I seen that design somewhere....or read about it

Spike was still confused on who she was talking about

Twilight then turned t Spike

Twilight: Well Spike did you even read that book I gave you?

Spike blinked his eyes in confusion

Twilight: About obscure unicorn history?

Spike: Ummm....

He was thinking until a knock on the door happened

Spike: That sounds important

He dashed past Twilight causing her to twirl and make her costume wrap around herself

Spike opened the door and (Y/N) looked out of the door with him

Spike was surprised by 3 fillys in costumes at their door


(Y/N): Uhmmm...there's monsters at the door!

Spike walked by him and just grabbed the bucket of candy

Spike: Ok then....

Twilight passed out the all the candy individually with her magic to the 3 random fillys

Granny Smith was also with the 3 other fillys for some reason

It was a short quietness until Pip Squeak pulled hiself out of the fillys and fell to the floor with a fake sword

Pip Squeak: Pip Squeak the pirate at your service its my very first nightmare night

Twilight: Since you moved from Trottingham?

Pip Squeak: No, My very first Nightmare Night ever!

It was then out of no where Pinkie Pie was there with them

Pinkie Pie: *Bawcawk* Chitchat time is candy

Twilight: Pinkie Pie arent you a little to old for this?

Pinkie Pie To old for free candy??? *gasps* NEVER

Twilight rolled her eyes and levitated a her a piece of candy which Pinkie Pie enjoyed watching it go into her bag

Twilight started jingling the bells on her costume and started posing

Twilight: Do you like it?

Pinkie Pie: Uhh yeah you'd make a fantasic wierdo clown
After she said that she dashes away

Twilight: A CLOWN??

She look back inside to see (Y/N) still hiding under the table

Twilight: Come on (Y/N) Ill make sure you wont get eaten

He got out from the table and started walking toward her

When he got outside Spike closed the door and they started walking

The whole time they were walking Twilight was talking something about Stars Swirl things and Spike was stacking up on candy and eating it

(Y/N) was looking at all the other Ponys and there costumes hoping he would make it out alive

When he wasnt paying attention he and Spike bumped into Twilight making Spike drop all of his candy and Twilight was glaring at him

Pinkie and her other foal friends came up to them talking about all of their candy they got

(Y/N) was finally relaxed after worrying so much but that didnt last long as Rainbow Dash decided to sneak up on them and make a cloud she was sitting on make a huge lighting bolt scaring Pinkie and her foal friends and making them dash running away

It was a different story for (Y/N) as he got to the point where accidently shot a blast at Rainbow Dash hitting her causing her to crash into the floor

"Ooooohhhh" everyone said as they cringed watching her crash into the floor

Raimbow Dash: I.. . Regret... Nothing

Twilight: Rainbow Dash that wasnt very nice!

Rainbow Dash got up dusting herself off

Rainbow Dash: You've gotta learn to lighten up old timer This is the best night of the year for pranks

Twilight: Look what you did to Spike

Spike was choking on his candy until he passed out

(Y/N) Was also looking at Rainbow Dash with a not so pleasnt look as well

Rainbow Dash: Well... Im gonna prank some more ponys look theres another group right there

She flew up back to the cloud and flew away with it

Twilight turned to (Y/N)

Twilight: (Y/N) its was a good job defending yourself but you've gotta control your magic!

(Y/N): Well sorry I thought I was being attacked....

Twilight put Spike on her back and they start walking again

As they were walking they saw Applejack watching other ponys bobbing for apples

Applejack was also wearing a costume that was a scarecrow

Twilight: Happy Nightmare Night Applejack

Applejack: Hey Spike Howdy Twilight, Nice Costume

Spike: Thank you im a dragon

Twilight: She means me Spike

Applejack: With that beard I reckon your some kind of country singer?

Spike Laughed a little and so did (Y/N)

Applejack: While yer here would you like to bob for apples?

When they were watching they saw another mare going for an apple until Derpy with bags on her head and hooves came out of the water with the drain in her mouth causing the water to to down

It was until they seen something going on near a stage

They walked to it and the mayor mare was speaking up

She had a clown suit on which was a little funny to (Y/N)

Mayor Mare: Thank you everypony and welcome to the Nightmare Night festival
Now all the little ponies who have been collecting sweets should follow our friend Zecora to hear the legend Of Nightmare moon

She tried to say in a scary manner but Spike of course had something to say

Spike: Her spooky voice might work better if she wasnt dresses like that

Twilight laughs at that and (Y/N) couldnt agree more

They all looked over to see green smoke and a striped "Pony" come out of the green smoke

Zecora: Follow me and very soon youll hear the tale of Nightmare moon

(Y/N) was thinking for a moment because that was the same thing the striped pony did when he first met her

(Y/N): Ive got to get out of here

But he couldnt he was dragged with the other ponys there

Zecora was doing alot of rhyming and it was scaring the other ponys

The other ponys were running around and bumping into each other one hit (Y/N) right in the face making him groan in pain

However everybody stopped when the clouds blocked the moon and they were all looking up to see a pony in hooded cloack riding in on some type of wagon being carried by 2 dark pegasus ponys in the air

Everbody Started to run toward ponyville and the ponys of ponyville were confused until the unknown pony was seen in the air

When the cloacked pony landed they got out and took off their hood

It was Princess Luna

Everybody decided to scrunch down and stay down from her arrival

Twilight: Princess Luna!!!

(Y/N) sat and watched Twilight try to walk forward but she was stopped by Spike




(Y/N)(Thoughts): She wasnt talking this loud the last time I met her just only a little bit lower

Princess Luna tried to shake the mayor mares hoof but the mayor just looked to scared and looked away from her

Princess Luna: What is the matter with you?
She than began pointing at other ponys who just remained low

Princess Luna: Very well then be that way we wont even bother with the traditional royal farewell

She walked away with an offended expression her face

(Y/N)(Thoughts): Do we even have a good relationship yet I mean I get she still scares me but I feel way more comfortable around the princesses now

Twilight: Im gonna go talk to her

Spike grabbed her cape

Spike: You cant talk to her she Nightmare Moon!

Twilight: No shes not I saw the Elememts of Harmony change her back to good but it seems shes having trouble adjusting after being gone for a thousand years

(Y/N):Really? That was her I thought they looked the same

Twilight: Yes but how did you know that she was Nightmare Moon?

(Y/N): I saw you guys turn her back when you guys went into that cave but Ive seen her do some things

Twilight: Then we'll talk about this later
She said trotting off

Spike: Hopefully she doesnt make her mad

(Y/N) was still watching her walk away until another strong feeling in his head came and his sense to go somewhere was pointing to where Princess Luna went

He started walking toward that way and Spike sighed

Spike: You to (Y/N)?

(Y/N) didnt say anything and kept walking when he got there Twilight and Princess Luna were having a conversation

(Y/N) felt his urge getting stronger the closer he got but he watched from a distance

When They were talking Princess Luna noticed a small pony standing from a distance

Princess Luna: Who is thou
She said pointing towards it

Twilight turned and squinted

Twilight: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Waves from his distance and Twilight gasped

Princess Luna: (Y/N)? As in prince (Y/N)?

Twilight: You havent met him fully have you?

Princess Luna: No... it was our choice of words which led thou to be scared

Twilight: (Y/N) come over here

(Y/N) came closer and closer until he was close enough

Princess Luna Looked down at him and sighed

Princess Luna: Hello Prince (Y/N) its has been a while since we have met and I have not made a good impression that last time

She put out her hoof and closed her eyes waiting for her greeting to be rejected

Twilight was biting her hooves and was nervous for the out come

Twilight(Thoughts): Please dont be scared

(Y/N) was looking at her hoof strangley until he remembered Applebloom did the same thing and shook his hoof

(Y/N) grabbed her hoof and started to shake it gently while smiling at her

Twilight sighed with relief and Princess Luna had her eyes wide

Princess Luna then smiled

Princess Luna: *Booming voice* Oh thank thou for being so understanding you are such the nicest pony we have seen. We have no idea why everypony else has been so scared of their princess

Twilight: Well it kinda sounds like your yelling at him so I suggest toneing it down a little?

Princess Luna: It is the canterlot voice we must speak to our subjects in the voice but how can one tone it down a little?

(Y/N): Fluttershy talks quiet why doesnt she learn from her?

Twilight: Thats a great Idea (Y/N)!

Princess Luna: So this thou Fluttershy can help us tone down a bit?

Twilight: Yes she can

Princess Luna: Then let us go

They walked out of the forest and through Ponyville seeing all the ponys with their costumes on ducking down when they saw Princess Luna

(Y/N) was following Twilight and Princess Luna until he saw a whole group of kids and a pink mare sitting by a house eating candy one of the ponys being obviously Pinkie eating most of the candy

He recongnized 2 of the mane colors which was purple and seemed to be Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle mane colors

He looked at Twilight and Princess Luna walk away toward Fluttershys cottage

He knew this would be the best time for sneaking away so he took that chance

(Y/N) started walking toward the group of kids until he heard Pinkie talking

Pinkie Pie: What if we get Fluttershy to hide us from Nightmare Moon

Pip Squeak: So she cant get us?

Pinkie Pie: Exactly

Before Pinkie could even say her next thing she was cut of by (Y/N)

Pinkie Pie: So-

(Y/N): Hi Pinkie!

Pinkie Pie: GAHH!!!

She dashed away in shock and the other foals screamed with her

(Y/N): Woah....I must be scary now

Sweetie Belle: Sorry about that you gave us a jumpscare

(Y/N) turned to his left to see Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo in thier costumes shocking (Y/N)

Sweetie Belle was a vampire and Scootaloo was dressed in a wolf costume

Scootaloo: Yeah bu-

Before she could finish her sentence they were both tackled to the floor by (Y/N) and were held at horn point

Scootaloo: Woah woah woah what are you doing (Y/N)?

(Y/N): What have you done to my friends

Sweetie Bell: What do you mean? Its US

(Y/N): Yeah right you have came to try to convince me that you are my friends by making you look like them but it looks like theres still some monster shown on you!

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked at each other confused until they realized that he was talking about their costumes

Sweetie Bell & Scootaloo: OOOHHHH

They both then proceeded to laugh

Sweetie Belle: I guess you were right Scoots he is paranoid

Both of then took off part of there costumes

(Y/N): Sweetie Belle? Scootaloo? You guys looked so much different

Scootaloo: And you acted different

Sweetie Belle: See I told you

Scootaloo: But wow you can pack a punch or a tackle in this case

(Y/N): extremely sorry about that....

Scootaloo giggled

Scootaloo: Its fine but do you wanna eat some candy with us?

(Y/N) thought to hiself

(Y/N): You know I actually never had candy before

The 2 fillys gasped

Scootaloo: You've never had candy before?

(Y/N): Well actually I have I ate a piece I found in the mud back home

Sweetie Belle: Okay, One thats disgusting two you need to try other candy

She reached into her bag pulling a piece of candy out and she gave it to him

Sweetie Belle: Okay so take the wrap-

She looked for the piece of candy that (Y/N) was supposed to have in his hooves but she didnt see it

Sweetie Belle: Where did the candy go?

Scootaloo: He ate it with the wrapper on....

They both sighed and then they all 3 heard a noise coming from a crowd

They walked over to see it was princess Luna making all the noise

Princess Luna: Do not back away Villagers lets us have the fun

She tried throwing a spider at the villgers to come have fun with her but they all backed away

Princess Luna then got eager as she transformed some of the spiders into real gigantic ones causing everbody to run
The spiders started crawling on other ponys and headed toward where (Y/N) was

Sweetie Belle: Woah those are some huge spiders!

There was one spider by (Y/N) as he was frozen as a statue from fear


The entirety of Ponyville were all running around in fear except for (Y/N) who was just standing there in fear

In his mind all the ponys he was looking at were turning into monsters

(Y/N)(Thoughts): So this what ponys are really like...

Whan he saw what was happening in Ponyville it triggered something in his mind like he was beginning to fear other ponys again

Sweetie Belle came up to (Y/N) attempt to get them away

Sweetie Belle: (Y/N) cmon we have to get out if here

She tried to grab his hoof to pull him away but he swiped his arm away

Sweetie Belle: This again, I told you its ME

(Y/N) then pointed his horn at her again and it started to glow

Sweetie Belle: What are you doing? ITS Me

(Y/N): I know its you, I've finally figured out why Im here

Sweetie Belle: Huh?

(Y/N): You've be gaining my trust only to steal me and my powers

Sweetie Belle: Wha? (Y/N) what are you talking about?

(Y/N): Ive seen how you ponys do stuff around here and this is the day where you show your true form and try to turn me like you

Sweetie Belle: What does that even mean?

(Y/N): Twilight has already failed her attempt and Luna using spiders is pratical

Sweetie Belle: You mean like trying to make you wear a costume?

(Y/N): Ive had enough, Now that I know how to use my magic I can defend myself

Sweetie Belle: Have you gone mad?

(Y/N): I cant believe I thought I had actual friends when I now realize Ive been tricked and not treated!

He started to charge up his horn and Sweetie Belle backed away from him slowly

Sweetie Belle: Please (Y/N) dont do this!

But he didnt listen his horn charged up to the point where it shot only a small part of a beam at a wall where it barley hit Sweetie Belle's leg but she could still a lot of pain from it

(Y/N): You are nothing but a monster!

There was smoke between the 2 ponys but when it cleared (Y/N) was gone

Sweetie Belle: Oh no hes gone!

When Sweetie Belle ran into town she saw that the town was back to normal

Sweetie Belle: Wheres Twilight when you need her?!

She began scanning around Ponyville looking for (Y/N) until she saw Twilight and Princess Luna talking and having fun near a stand

She started to run in their direction


Twilight looked to her side to see Sweetie Belle there

Twilight: Oh Sweetie Belle I was gonna ask about if you guys knew where (Y/N)? is but is something the matter?

Sweetie Belle: The thing is its about (Y/N) hes gone MAD!

Twilight and Luna looked at each other in shock

Twilight:: Do you think....

Princess Luna: Oh no I might've hit his urge with my magic

They turned back to Sweetie Belle

Sweetie Belle: Do you guys think hes back at the library?

Twilight: I dont think he would be heading home so he might attack the next pony he sees

After she said that they heard a scream coming from a crowd of Ponies

They all ran to the crowd to see a mare on the ground in the middle receiving medical attention

She had burn marks all over her. The doctor wrapped one of the mares legs and they screamed from pain

Sweetie Belle couldnt watch so she walked away from the crowd and looked down

Sweetie Belle: If he was to disgain all of his trust he would try to go back home

She turned back to Luna and Twilight to tell them something

With (Y/N)

He was near the everfree forest where the Nightmare Moon statue was thinking about going back in

He looked at his horn then his hooves
And started to break down in tears and fell to the floor

(Y/N): Whats happening to me? Why am I scared again....

(Y/N): I cant let my Concience bring me down
He got up and wiped away his tears

But when he thought about other Ponys his heart started beating faster

(Y/N): I cant fight it though

He was quiet for a moment until he got the confidence to say something

(Y/N): Nightmare Night is more a Nightmare of A Night

It was quiet again until he heard somebody calling his name

He looked back to see it was Twilight and Luna Sweetie Belle was no where in sight

He got up as fast as he could and aimed his horn at them


Luna: *Whisper* You pin him and Ill undo the spell

Twilight nodded

They both started to walk towards him causing him to shoot a shard but Twilight put up a shield to block it

(Y/N) was backing up into the statue and kept shooting shards at them which Twilight kept on blocking

It was until the point where they were close enough to get to him

Twilight lunged at him and tackled him

Twilight: Got Him

He was struggling to get out of her arms but it was no use

Luma came up to him and put her horn on him which made a purple aura come out of him

He stopped struggling and Twilight let him down

Princess Luna: Do you feel better?

(Y/N) nodded yes

(Y/N): What happened?

Luna sighed

Princess Luna: Well when I thought everypony was fearing me and I "Cancelled Nightmare Night" I sent of a magic spell that would make a pony feel different about the way they treated others but I think I managed to hit you.....

She started to tear up and dropped to her stomach

Princess Luna: I know Ive messed up so much tonight but please forgive us.... please forgive me...

(Y/N): Oh uhh...

(Y/N) hugged her around the neck which she smiled at wiping her tears away

Princess Luna: Thank you you really are such the sweetest foal

They all Proceeded to walk away from the forest

(Y/N) was looking back at the forest and smiled he realized that wasnt supposed to be his home Ponyville was his home

Or was it?

They finished the Nightmare Night by playing fun games and Scootaloo just had to do her prank she said she would on (Y/N) but they both got a laugh at that

Princess Luna went back to Canterlot and Twilight was writing Celestia a friendship letter

They all went to sleep before (Y/N) realized something

(Y/N): Oh no

But he figured he would do it the next morning

THE next morning

(Y/N) was on his way to school and finally reached his destination waiting for school to start

He started to look around for somebody but couldnt find them

He looked Down until he heard there voice talking

(Y/N): There she is!

He was looking for Sweetie Belle

She was talking to the other cmc's

Apple Bloom: Last night was a Doozy

Sweetie Belle: You can say that again

Scootaloo: Wait where were you at Apple Bloom?

Apple Bloom: Lets not worry about that but lets just say I had enough of hearing the words blank flanks for a week

Scootaloo: Okay then anyways you should have seen (Y/N) last night though he was acting Hilarious

Sweetie Belle was hearing mumbming coming from Scootaloo as paper balls were being thrown at the back of her neck

She looked back to see an arm singaling for her to come over so she did

When she turned the corner she saw it was (Y/N)

Sweetie Belle: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Hey... umm im really sorry about last night

Sweetie Belle: Oh its alright Princess Luna told me what had happened

(Y/N): Yeah and im extremely sorry....

He started to cry again

Sweetie Belle eyes grew in shock and then turned sympethetic

Sweetie Belle: Hey Hey its okay I know you didnt mean to

(Y/N): I know its just I dont wanna hurt you again any of my friends

His vision was blurry from the tears but when he wiped them away he saw Sweetie Belle with her arms open and a big smile

Sweetie Belle: Hug?

(Y/N) smiled and followed with the hug

The hug lasted for a while until the Ms. Cheerli told her students to come inside

They broke the hug and both smiled

(Y/N): I guess we better go then

Sweetie Belle: Yeah yeah Ill catch up

(Y/N): Ok then see you at the clubhouse

He walked into the school leaving Sweetie Belle out there alone

She was still smiling until she thought about the hug and then even had a bigger smile with hearts in her eyes

Sweetie Belle: Yeah at the clubhouse.......


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