Equestria's Alicorn Colt

By TheMoonGaizer

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After a horrible sequence of events unfolds an alicorn colt with no memory has woken up inside the everfree f... More

A/N: To The Person Reading This Story
Chapter 1: The Alicorn Colt
Chapter 2: The Spotted Savior Pt.1
Chapter 3: The Spotted Savior Pt.2
Chapter 4: First Impression is Chaos
A/N UPDATE 7/15/22
Chapter 6: A Nightmare Of A Night
Chapter 7. Sisterhoove Social----- Ready To Rumble
Chapter 8. Cutie Pox--- Sick To Excess
Chapter 9. Revealing Confessions---Family Appreciation Sabotage
Chapter 10. Hearts And Hooves Day----Alicorn Family
A/N 9/8/22
Chapter 11. Alicorn Family Pt.2 ---- A Royale Wedding
Question (Again)
Chapter 12: Cursed PT.1
Chapter 13: Canceled Crusaders--(Y/N)s Statue
Chapter 14: Cursed PT.2---Magic "Duel"
Chapter 15: Cursed PT.3----Inevitable Reunion
Chapter 16: One Bad Apple
Chapter 17: Sleepless In Ponyville---Do Grudges Last?
Chapter 18: Calming The Chaos
Chapter 19: The Side Kicks
Chapter 20: Begin Again Pt.1
Chapter 21: Begin Again Pt.2

Chapter 5: Lesson Zero -- Coronation Ceremony

4.9K 81 39
By TheMoonGaizer

It had been a week since (Y/N) had defeaten Discord and his big question they had given him

He was at the Golden Oak Library staying with Twilight.(Y/N) was trying to find some books on magic spells he wanted to learn

He found some books but couldn't reach them until he checked his wings which he didn't use much

(Y/N) started flying to reach the book but was way out of practice and crashed into some of the other books on the side

(Y/N): OOF, I still suck....

He got up groaning holding his head from the crash he took

Twilight looked back from a book she was reading at (Y/N)

Twilight: Is everything okay?

(Y/N) nodded yes in frustration then started to look around until he face hooved at himself when he saw his horn

He pointed his horn at the book and tried to levitate it towards him

He had it for a second until he tried to hard and accidently shot a beam at it destroying the middle to the back to the book

(Y/N): UGHH!!
he groaned even more frustrated than before

Twilight was still looking back at him cringing at what she saw until her face turned sympethetic

Twilight: Do you need help?

(Y/N) looked at the hole in the book and looked down

(Y/N): That would be wonderful thank you....

Twilight smiledvthen got up from her seat and walked next to (Y/N)

Twilight: So what else are you looking for?

(Y/N) looked up and pointed to the book on the floor with a hole in it

(Y/N): Looks like this one was blasted...

The tail was still there and Twilight went up to read it

Twilight: Magical spells beginners guide?

(Y/N): The one I read was old and dusty...way outdated...

She looked back at him and he was looking at the book

Twilight: Dont worry I can just replace it plus you did it on accident

Spike: What!!!? You got mad at me when I accidently I destroyed a book

Twilight: Spike, it looks like he cant control his magic any good yet so he has a little more of an excuse

Spike: And I cant control when a sneeze comes so were even

Twilight: Cover you mouth next time then Spike

Spike gave her the "Are you serious" look and rolled his eyes and sighed walking away

(Y/N) looked at Spike and shrugged

When he was gone Twilight turned to (Y/N) smiling

Twilight: I can help you if you want me to

(Y/N): Oh um, sure!

Twilight: Buuuut you might have to ask Rainbow Dash about your flying situation

(Y/N) sighed and rolled his eyes

(Y/N): *sighs* of course

Twilight: But first you have your ceremony to get to in a few hours

(Y/N) only tilted in head in confusion

(Y/N)( Ceremony?! Did I approve of that)

Twilight: You do know what that is right?

(Y/N): Yeah....

Twilight: Then whats the confusion about?

(Y/N): I just don't remember what I said to Celestia....did I say yes?

Twilight: Well you didn't give her a straight up answer, though I think you should go

(Y/N) knew he put himself in a pickle

(Y/N): (Oh great....just great) And it's tonight I suppose?

Twilight: Thats correct!

(Y/N): Great.....

(Y/N) had just been signed up for school too and would start next week going to the same school as the cutue mark crusader friends.

Would he have to go to a different school if he had to move to Canterlot?

(Y/N) had so many questions playing in his mind

He had known everypony around Ponyville had heard about him because of the incident that happened a few weeks ago

But one thing he couldn't understand is if he answered princess Celestia question about her saying something about a ceremony

He was still thinking Twilight snapped him out of his thoughts

Twilight: (Y/N)!!!

(Y/N) quickly turned his face to look at her

Twilight: But are you sure you wanna go? I mean Princess Celestia is still giving you the choice

(Y/N): Of course I'll go *Fake smile*

Twilight: Well I guess you can start getting ready by taking a bath before you g--

She pauses for a moment for a question in her head to pop up

Twilight: Please tell me you've taken a bath before

(Y/N): Of course I do! I'm not that stupid!

Twilight: Oh thank goodness. WAIT, whens the last time you took a bath?

(Y/N): Oof....I don't know...like, months ago?

Twilight: Its been that long? You know I never really thought it....

She walked up to him putting her head at his level and sniffed him

She covered her nose immediately

Twilight: Why can I smell you when im close but not far? you really stink!

(Y/N): I had to keep the predators away somehow *confident smile*

He then smelled himself

(Y/N): Besides I dont smell anything... Although I am dirty

(Y/N): But don't worry, one of my old animal friends taught me a quick trick!

(Y/N) then smells his hooves and puts up one of his hooves and starts licking hiself like a cat

Twilight surprised, is in pure disgust

Twilight: What in Equestria are you doing?

(Y/N): Cleaning myself.....I seen a cat do it before why can't I?

Twilight: Ohh no no no no that is disgusting your not a cat! Ill make you a real bath

Twilight takes a while to bring in a round shaped bowl a huge one and leaves it in the bathroom

She then filles it up with water she summond using her magic

(Y/N) is looking over the side of the edge of the bath with water in it

(Y/N): Oohhh!

Twilight: There a nice bath fil-, What are you doing!!!?

(Y/N): What? I'm thirsty!

When she looked over (Y/N) was drinking from it using his tounge

Twilight: Noooo your not supposed to drink it

(Y/N): Spit some of it our cause he tasted soap

(Y/N): Bleh!

While this was happening Spike was in the corner laughing like crazy

Twilight gave a serious glare at him which he then stopped laughing

She levitated (Y/N) with her magic and plopped him into the barely filled water bath

(Y/N) was looking around confused what was going on

She then summond a brush with soap on it and started scrubbing the top of his head messing up his hair which was already messed up also scrubbing dirt, leafs, and tiny sticks out of his head which made the water brown

A few minutes later he was finished bathing and Twilight was brushing his hair into (your hair style) All using her magic

(Y/N): Woah, I can feel the cold wind inside go over my mane now!

Twilight: I present to you Spike, (Y/N)s new look

He walked out the door with a confused look on his face but when he stepped out he could feel nice cold air go through his hair which felt really good to him

Twilight: *gasps* Should we ask Rarity to make him a suit for the ceremony she asked Spike

Spike: But the Ceremonys in a few hours theres no way Rarity could get it done in less than a few hours it would take days

Twilight: Your right that would take to lo-

She was cut off by a knock at the door making her walk over to it and open it and to her surprise it was Rarity

Rarity: Hello darling I wondered if (Y/N) would wear this suit to his ceremony? Sweetie Belle suggested it and I thought it was a good Idea

Spike: That could have not been better timing

Twilight: What do you say (Y/N)? Would you like to wear it?

(Y/N): Sure, I'll wear it!

Rarity: I am very grateful that no friendship problems happened today its such a divine day and its perfect for our picnic

She said walking away

(Y/N): Thats strange that she would randomly say that

However when Twilight heard that she remembered something

Twilight: Oh no I forgot that I was supposed to tell princess Celestia what I learned about Friendship today

Twilight: Come on Spike and (Y/N) we've got something to do

Spike: Twilight I dont thin-

But before he could finish his sentence she was out the door and they both started to follow her

Spike looked at (Y/N) and he looked back at Spike

Spike: You getting any of this

(Y/N) shook his head no and Spike looked back and sighed

(Y/N): I'm just as confused as you are

Time Skip...

It was at the point where the 3 were resting on a bench because Twilight wanted to look everywhere for a Friendship Problem

Spike was trying to talk to Twilight that she was overreacting about A small thing but Twilight protested

It was until Spike said something about the pic-nic with Twilight and her friends and She remembered about her friends and wanted to see if they had any friendship problems

When they got there Rarity was dramatically stressed over something she felt was the worst possible thing to happen to her all day

Twilight started to overreact again that a problem wasn't happening so she started groan in frustration loudly and then started to teleport away until she left (Y/N) there with the rest of the mane 6 until he didn't wanna stay so he went to where the CMC's were. They werent playing far from the pic nic as he was able to see them from there

They were pushing a ball into air to each other

As hes walking towards them he sees Twilight teleport in front of them with an incredibly cazy look on her face

Twilight: Hiiiii GIIRRRRLLLS

Apple Bloom: Oh hey Twilight hows it goi-

Twilight: Greeeaaatt just GReat

Even the girls were scared by this as he saw even Scootaloo cruching down scared at what Twilights looks were at the moment

Twilight: Looks likes 3 good friends who obviously dont need the help of another GOOD FRIEND
She got closer to Scootaloo making her back up more

Twilight then levitated a darkish doll donkey up with pants on and an eyeball falling out

Twilight: This is smarty pants she was mine when I was your age
She said snuggling her face up to it

She levitated the doll closer to the 3 fillys

Twilight: And now I want to give her to you

The 3 then inspected it wierdly

Scootaloo: Wow its uhhh grrrEAT?

Apple Bloom: yeahhh.... great

Sweetie Belle: I.... Really like.... her mane?

Twilight: She even comes with her own notebook and quill so you can pretend shes doing her homework

Scootaloo:Its a uhhh greeat?

Apple Bloom: Yeah....great

It was silent for a moment until Apple Bloom and Scootaloo both hit Sweetie Belle

Sweetie Belle: OH UH I... Reallly.. like her mane?

(Y/N) was on a hill watching this all happen slightly confused on what was happening

(Y/N): I find it very odd that now she's the one who looks dirty....

Twilight: I just really hope the fact that 3 of you and only 1 of her doesnt cause a problem....
Id hate to cause a rift between such great friends
After she said that her face got even more croocked with a smile well at least thats he thought she was trying to do

Scootaloo was looking at the other 2 making a round hoove motion signaling Twilight is crazy

Twilight then put the doll up to there faces

Twilight: Soooo who wants to play with her first?

Apple Bloom: I think Sweetie Belle should play with her first since you like her mane so much

She than ran away

Sweetie Belle: No no no I think Scootaloo should play with her first

Scootaloo: No thanks Apple Bloom you take her
she said walking towards her
When she got to her Sweetie Belle was already pushing her towards it and Scootaloo followed by pulling AppleBlooms hair towards her

It was until She countered Sweetie Belle by pushing her towards the doll

Apple Bloom: Applejack says its important to share

Twilight was watching this until she got locked in her thoughts

Twilight(Thoughts): Come on Twilight think think thinkthink

She got an idea in her head

She then shot some heart particles from her horn and it hit the doll and Twilight letting go of her magic grasp making th doll fall to the ground

When the 3 girls looked at it they instantly stopped pushing each other around and walked up to the doll with hearts in their eyes

Scootaloo: I Want her

Apple Bloom: I need her

Sweetie Belle: I really like her mane

They all dived into it and all (Y/N) could see is his friends fighting over a doll he had been confused that they were fighting over it because it looked like they didnt want it a second ago

Twilight stepped in front of the fighting dust

Twilight: All right girls dont you thin-

Before she could finish her sentence she was hit by the rubble of fighting

(Y/N) decided they would figure it out and started walking to the pic nic again to see what he didnt the first time Rainbow Dash was laying down with Sun glasses on and the rest were enjoying the pic nic

(Y/N) then got on the pic-nic clothing table and laid down, he was waiting in his thoughts about his ceremony

(Y/N): (A ceremony huh? That's like, in front of alot of ponies right?)

He was still in his thoughts until a squirrel came up to him started to make noises at him which he could wierdly understand

Fluttershy was watching him from her spot and listening to he was saying to the squirrel

(Y/N): Thank you Mr. Squirrel your very nice


(Y/N) Was covering his ears and cringed from her screaming

(Y/N): That was loud....

Fluttershy: Oh sorry Its just I get really excited when things are about animals

(Y/N) I mean I grew up with animals so I can understand that as well

Fluttershys quiet way of talking was the most comfortable he felt around a grown mare

But all of a sudden after their talking session

They felt the ground shaking and they started listening

Applejack: Yall hear that?

(Y/N): Not just hear...I feel that!

It was then a whole stampede ran through them

Applejack: What in the name of ouncing apples is going on here

They saw the mayor mare running with the doll until it was snatched away by a pegasus mare when another on came and they played tug of war just for them fling it and make it fall to the cround causing all the ponys to jump for it

They then had alot of dust balls of ponys fighting in them

Rainbow Dash tried to look at the doll and her eyes were turning into love hearts until Twilight grabbed her face and closed her eyes

Twilight: Dont look at

Rarity: Dont look at what?

Twilight: My smarty pants doll I enchanted her and now everypony is fighting over her

Fluttershy: Why would you enchant your doll?

Twilight: I had to do something

While they were talking (Y/N) was watching all the commotion go on it was until he heard a loud voice calling Twilights full name

It was princess Celestia. When she was visible she released a spell into the air causing everyone to stop fighting

She looked at Twilight with a stern look

Princess Celestia: Meet me in the library

When she said that Twilight looked back at her friends

Twilight: Goodbye Girls and you to (Y/N) I guess youll see me back in canterlot in magic kindergarden

When she left the girls were questioning where she was going but (Y/N) was thinking about the mad look on princess Celestias face

(Y/N): That doesn't sound very good...

The other mares looked back at him and looked down

Applejack: We dont know but we'd better Apologize to Twilight and make sure she doesn't leave

They all ran off and (Y/N) stayed behind watching them run away he decided to climb a tree and lay down

But he then ended up taking a nap

Time Skip

He woke up to the sound of animals around

It was now Night time and he could see bright lights coming from the Mountain Canterlot was on

(Y/N)Thoughts: Oh no my Ceremony.....

(Y/N) thought for a moment

(Y/N): Uhm, I forgot where the Library was....

He had heard is home was called the Everfree forest and was right next to Ponyville. But, he had never seen it next to it only a regular forest

He then thought to himself that he was looking on the wrong side of Ponyville

(Y/N) got off the tree and started his walk to the other side of Ponyville

(Y/N): I guess those magic lessons with Twilight will just have to be cancelled until I can find my way back

Twilight was inside of the library and getting ready to look good for (Y/N)s ceremony

Twilight: (Y/N) are you ready?

She said whiling walking out of the restroom

But she came out just to see Spike sitting on the stairs reading a book

Twilight: Spike wheres (Y/N)?

Spike: I dont know I didn't see him come in

Twilight: WHAT so hes gone again???

Spike: I guess so?

Twilight: But he cant go missing not right before his Ceremony

Twilight: Ive got to find him

She ran out the door and Spike just sighed

Spike: Yep just leave me here alone again

At the train station

Fluttershy: Where could they be its starting very sooon

Rarity: I dont know but we cant wait the train is leaving soon

Rainbow Dash: You just wanna get to Canterlot dont you?

She wiped her hair and closed her eyes like she was sad and offended

Rarity: We shall go

Rainbow Dash sighed and followed her onto the train

With the lost little colt he was still trying to find his way back which proved to be alot more difficult than he thought but he manage to finally find it

With Twilight she got some help from Applejack and Pinkie

Twilight: Oh my goodness where Is this colt!

Suddenly near the Library They seem him

Twilight: Oh my goodness there you are I almost felt like I was gonna give up

(Y/N): Uhh yeah, Turns out Ponyville is bigger than I expected....

Twilight: Its alright we still got a alot of time before the ceremony starts and we will have to wait for the train in a few minutes

Twilight then took a deep breath in relief

Twilight: Thank Celestia!

Applejack: We'll meet you at the train station

Applejack and Applebloom both walked out of the library as well as Pinkie

Twilight: Lets go girls

They all were on the train and it started to move. Twilight laid back and sighed.

Scene Skip

Train Pony: Canterlot drop off

Pinkie Pie: Thats us... Welp it seems to be alot of us actually....

When they stepped out of the train they saw a big line of ponys wanting to get into Canterlot

Applebloom: Thats a big line

Twilight: Maybe we can skip because were with (Y/N) but as soon as they stepped out of the back of the line they were all teleported to the castle

The were all in shock they had been teleported and started to look around

???: Sorry for for the non-warning

(Y/N): Woah. That was cool!

They looked over to see it was princess Celestia

Princess Celestia: That line was gonna take to long

Princess Celestia: So, is the little one ready for his ceremony

(Y/N: Ready as I'll ever be!

But he didn't know why he said that. It was the way opposite of what he was feeling on the inside

Princess Celestia: Ill see you out there then little one
She rubbed his mane

Time Skip to a few minutes before the ceremony starts

Rarity was fixing (Y/N)s hair as he sat in a chair

(Y/N): I got this...right?

Rarity: Oh dont worry darling you'll only have to be up there for a few minutes or maybe even seconds

She then backed up as she was done and looked at his hair in a mirror

Rarity: You really are a true piece of art

(Y/N): I am?

Rarity: Oh I was talking about the hair but you really are too darling

(Y/N) cocked an eyebrow but shook it off

Right before the ceremony

Everyone was standing in the crowd talking and waiting for the ceremony to start

Scootaloo was peeking out over the balacony

Scootaloo: Wow that is a lot of ponies I would be scared too

Applebloom punched her shoulder

Scootaloo: I-I mean being the second most awsomest pony this will only be a few seconds no way this could hurt anyone

(Y/N): that still doesn't help by the way......

Suddenly Sweetie Belle pulled out a bag and handed it to (Y/N)

(Y/N): What do I do with this?

Sweetie Belle: You breath into it until it slows your breathing down

(Y/N) put the bag over his head and it covered his whole head and he started breathing

(Y/N): Like this?

Sweetie Belle: No not like that- Oh who am I kidding that works too I guess

(Y/N): Cant I just leave this on during the ceremony?

Applebloom: And see that the new prince is a head bag boy? Yeah no way

She took the bag off his head and his head drooped to the floor

(Y/N): Oh please! Im no prince I barley know what Equestria is or how it works

Scootaloo: Celestia Raises the sun and lowers it while Princess Luna raises the moon and lowers it there you happy?

She only got glares from that

Scootaloo: What? Its true isnt it?

It was quiet until they heard princess Celestia begin her announcment

Princess Celestia: Fillys and gentlecolts welcome to the ceremony from a savior who has saved Equestria from villain known as Discord

(Y/N): I still dont know how I did that.

Sweetie Belle: Well were happy you knew how when you did now your up tiger!

They also heard cheers coming from the outside as well

Princess Celestia: May I now present The NEW PRINCE!

A few moments later it was nothing but silence because he didn't walk onto the balcony

(Y/N) froze for a second, it wasn't like he was scared...he was just frozen

Apple Bloom: Please they're waiting on you

(Y/N): Well yeah, I can see that.....

Everybody in the crowd started to talk in confusion

Princess Celestia: Excuse me for a moment

She walked into the backstage in wonder of where (Y/N) was until she found him in the back

(Y/N): I dont know why but....I just cant go out...

Princess Celestia: Its fine, I'm still giving you your choice (Y/N)

(Y/N) sighed and put on a determined face

(Y/N): No...I will show them I'm not a bag boy!

(Y/N): I appreciate this new life opportunity you have given me!

He then ran up to her and gave her a hug on the leg since he was so much smaller

Celestia approved and hugged back

Celestia then walked out to the Balcony and cleared her throat

Princess Celestia: I am sorry for the delay but I repeat I PRESENT TO YOU THE NEW PRINCE

(Y/N) Took a deep breath and walked out cuasing the crowd to go wild making (Y/N) kind of cover his ears a little

(Y/N): Oh my goodness this is way louder than the forest!

Princess Luna flew down with a crown bigger than his head Tilting backwards but was hanging on because of his Horn

The crowd then started to bow down

He looked back to see the 3 cmc's were jumping into the air in excitement

Princess Celestia(Canterlot Voice): Thank you all for coming to celebrate this young colts start to his journey

The crowd cheered again very loud and it started to overwhelm (Y/N) on what was happening

He heard a ringing noise in his ear and he covered them but it wasnt any use to his eyes starting to blur

He had a vision of a different type of pony that had holes in its legs and wierd eys with broken looking wings and it was hissing

(Y/N): Woah, what was that!?

Could he be having another prediction thought? He decided to let it go as the thought disappeared from his brain

Apple Bloom: See ah told you it wasnt gonna be that bad

(Y/N): I guess so!

Scootaloo: If that didnt lift up your spirits then I know what will next week

(Y/N): Whats next week?

Scootaloo: oh (Y/N) have you ever heard of the Day called Nightmare Night?

(Y/N) didnt like the way she said that so he started to sweat a little

(Y/N): No...why?

Scootaloo: I guess you can say your in for a real Nightmare next week (Y/N)
She said rubbing her hooves together

Apple Bloom: Oh quit it Scootaloo....

Scootaloo: Sorry its pretty funny *mumble* and I think its pretty cute when he looks scared

(Y/N): What?

Scootaloo: Anyways, So do you guyss wanna go eat the snacks down there?

Apple Bloom: Race yah there

she ran off with a head start

Sweetie Belle: Hey no fair you got a head start!

(Y/N) just ran past a 3 of them with them astonished that he was able to run so fast

(Y/N): My Snacks!

Scootaloo: I can wait to see how fast he runs away when I scare him Next week teehee!

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