The game of love (Eddie Munso...

By friendlyfanperson

28.4K 1K 780

Senior student, band captain, brother of Steve Harrington, famous babysitter, monster slayer, yet somehow you... More

Friendly compliments and new favours
The battleground known as school
A deal and a jacket
It's always you and I
At least I still have you by my side
The babysitter is back
The gang's back together
Here we go again
Collecting the lost pieces of the puzzle
Things are just getting stranger
Every curse has a breaking spell
Building up the courage
My Sweetheart
My Hero
Welcome to the Upside Down
Time to prepare for war
Do you accept the risk?
Time To Gear Up
Every bit of it, Everything
The Song of a Lifetime
Path #1- A Nightmare That Became Reality aka The Day We Met
Path #2- A Kiss That Lasts Forever aka The Day We Became Heroes
Path #3- Broken Promises aka Survivor's Guilt
Path #4- There is No Shame in Running aka Fight or Flight
You Always Hurt The One You Love

3 hopeless romantics

2.9K 67 30
By friendlyfanperson

First edit: 01/06/22
Recent edit: 27/12/22


"Steve get out! I need to shower, and if you keep taking ages doing your hair I'm going to end up being late!" I shout at him banging on the bathroom door.

I was supposed to shower first, as usual, but Steve had decided to be a pain in my ass today by going first and then taking forever to do his dumb hair. I needed to be at school as early as possible before the other band members came in so we could set up everything before the students arrived.

"I'm almost done!" He shouted back.

"I will kick this door down Steve I swear!" I shout louder this time as I keep banging on the door.

"Jesus you're so annoying," He says opening the door and rolling his eyes.

"Says the guy who spends 2 hours getting ready," I say shutting the door.


In 30 minutes I'm done showering, I get out of the bathroom and bang on Steve's door as I make my way to my room.

"See you don't need to take hours in the bathroom!" I shout at him walking into my room and closing my door.

I change into the outfit I had already prepared the night before and dry my hair as I try to make it look nice, grab my school bag, my bag with the band uniform, and open the door.

"Steve are you ready?" I ask him as I grab the car keys and open the front door, "We still need to pick up Robin, if you're not out in 30 seconds I'm driving your precious car" I say walking out.

"Don't you dare!" He shouts at me as he comes out of his room and runs towards me snatching the keys out of my hands.

I close the door as he gets in the driver's seat and I follow him getting in the passenger's seat.

"This is ridiculous, I mean what time is it?" Steve asks starting the car and driving off to pick up Robin.

"It's 7:10," I tell him looking at my watch.

"What is the need to leave so early?!" He asks annoyed turning to look at me, "Let me guess you're going to kiss behind the school with that freak?"

I turn to look at him confused, "What freak?"

"Eddie the freak," He says and I roll my eyes as I turn on the radio.

"First of all, he's not a freak," I say, "And secondly I don't like him" Steve turns to look at me and rolls his eyes shaking his head.

"You're full of bullshit, we both know you like him," he tells me

"No, I don't" I reply.

"Yeah right, as if all you do lately isn't talk about him, 'Oh Eddie is so funny haha', 'Oh Eddie stood up for me and shouted at the basketball guys," Steve says imitating my voice.

"I don't sound like that," I say shaking my head as I look at him.

"Yes, you do" He parks the car outside of Robin's house and presses the horn letting her know we have arrived, "You sound like a moron whenever you talk about him"

"I do not! I sound completely normal when I talk about Eddie" I reply defensively.

"So you admit you talk about him!"

"Well of course I talk about him, he's my friend you idiot!" I turn to look at Steve rolling my eyes.

"Yeah but that's the thing, you don't talk about him as a friend" I sigh, what even is he talking about?

"Since when is there such a thing as talking about someone in a non-friend way?" I ask him.

"Since like always!" He explains.

"What are you two arguing about?" Robin says as she stands outside of the car, she opens the door and takes a seat on the back.

Steve begins driving and looks back at her, "Robin back me up on this, doesn't y/n have a crush on Eddie the freak?" Steve asks her.

"Oh definitely," She says, I look back at her and send her a glare as I shake my head, "Come on it's the truth, you always look at him with love eyes"

"I do not!"

"See even Robin thinks you like him, why can't you just accept it?" Steve asks me and I just take in a deep breath as I look up.

"I don't know, because he probably doesn't like me and I don't want to deal with everything that comes about liking someone, not only that he's probably straight" I explain to them.

"He's definitely not straight and it's not that bad," Steve says.

"Yeah right, there's your sad ass who just goes around hooking up with girls hoping to find the right one, and then Robin who's absolutely in love with Vickie but too scared to act on it"

"Wow, what?!" Steve asks offended, "That's not true!"

"Yes it is" Robin and I say in unison.

"He's not wrong, I am also too scared to do anything about Vicky" Robin adds.

"Great so the three of us are just some sad hopeless romantics," I say.

Steve then decides to go on a rant about how him going out on dates with a bunch of girls and hooking up with some is not something to be sad about, I pretty much just ignore everything he says as I help Robin with her makeup holding up a mirror for her.

"And then there's Heidi tomorrow night, but the problem with Heidi is that she's going out of state for college. Do I really wanna start another relationship that has no point other than sex? I mean I don't know. Does that make sense to you two?" Steve asks us, but neither of us responds.

"Robin, Y/n are you listening?" He asks louder.

"Uh, yeah," Robin says as she applies her mascara.

"Heard you loud and clear," I tell him.

"What did I just say?" He asks annoyed.

"Something about sex with Linda," Robin says.

"No! Y/n?"

"About that Heidi, that's going out of state," I say, I might ignore everything my brother says, but that doesn't mean I don't listen.

"Exactly I'm talking about Heidi!" Steve says turning to look at Robin.

"Cut me some slack, please," She says stressed, "Your love life is one of labyrinthine complexity, and it is 7:00 in the morning, we have to go to the stupid pep rally, and I woke up looking like a corpse"

"Don't say that, you look great" I tell her.

"You're worried about a pep rally? You expect me to believe that?" Steve tells her.

"Yeah? So?" she asks.

"So we all know what this is about, okay I'm not buying that bullshit, this is about Vickie" He points out and I nod looking at Robin.

"Absolutely not" she denies.

"Yes, it is," I tell her.

"You know what else I think?" Steve asks.

"I really don't care-"

"I think you gotta stop pretending to be someone else when you're around her, okay? You just gotta be yourself" Robin looks over at Steve furrowing her eyebrows and then looks at me with a look that asks me 'can you believe him?'

"You're literally quoting me to me, you do realise that," she says.

"Well maybe you need to listen to yourself, ever think about that smarty pants?" He asks her, "I listened, and now look at me, boom, back in business"

"It's not the same thing" She points out shaking her head.


"No Robin's right Steve" I add and Robin smiles at me.

"Thank you, see you ask out a girl and she says no, big deal, nothing happens, maybe your ego's a little bruised. But I ask out the wrong girl, and bam, I'm town pariah" She explains and you can tell from her tone how she's seriously worried about this happening, but no one can blame her after all I'm in the same position as her.

"Yeah I'd buy that except that Vickie is definitely not the wrong girl," Steve says.

"We just don't know that, do we?" she asks.

"Well she did return Fast Times and paused at 53 minutes, 5 seconds" I point out

"Exactly! Do you know who pauses Fast Times at 53 minutes 5 seconds?" Steve asks her, and Robin just shakes her head, "People who like boobies, Robin" He points out, a bit too excited.

"Ew! Gross, don't say boobies," Robin says judging Steve.

"Boobies!" Steve shouts once again

"It does sound weird," I say agreeing with Robin, did he really have to be that specific?

"Not a big deal, okay? I like boobies, you like boobies, y/n well all he seems to care about is Eddie"

"Rude," I tell him shaking my head.

"Vickie likes boobies, definitely," He says.

Robin and I just shake our heads in absolute disbelief as we turn to look at each other.

"It's boobies," He says turning to look at us both, and we just roll our eyes at his idiotic comment.


We finally arrive at school and thankfully not many people have arrived yet except for some members of the band. Robin opens the door and sees Vickie outside, she takes her bag.

"Hey, wait up!" She shouts at her before turning to look at us, "I'll see you in a bit y/n, thanks for the ride Steve" She says before walking off.

I grab my bags and open the door.

"Hey," Steve says, I look down at him, "I know I mess with you with the whole Eddie thing but, if you really do like him you should test the waters and see if he might feel the same you know, it won't hurt to try, check if he might be into guys and all that"

"I know, I might, I just- need to make sure he's into guys because otherwise I'll be out and life will become hell," I tell him.

"Hopefully he's not a complete moron and can actually tell how amazing you are, and is into guys" I chuckle at his comment, "And I mean if things don't go well and you want to go home and cry then just give me a call, okay?"

"Okay, but I'm sure I'll be fine, and either way we have the match today so there's really no point in me going home, thanks again for the advice," I tell him.

"No worries, have fun in that shit hole"

"Thank I will" I smile at him and close the door as I walk off to the changing rooms so I can put the rest of my band uniform on.

Hey everyone! This is my new fanfiction! I'm absolutely in love with Eddie since I saw him in the trailer, and after watching the new season I fell more in love with him, I wanted to give the fans a fun and nice fanfiction as I had looked for one that I lied but unfortunately didn't find one, so I hope you guys like this one!! Thank you for supporting this new story, and I hope you like the fact that y/n is Steve's brother, I thought it would work quite nicely with the storyline and would be great for comedy!

This is also my mlm version of my other (yet completely similar) Eddie fanfic!

Lots of love, author!

So who's excited yet absolutely terrified for volume 2?

I also have this Spotify playlist for Eddie if you want to check it out and listen to it while you read the fanfic!

Edit comment: Just fixed some grammar

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