The unpredictable Avenger

Oleh PiratePhox4

233K 5.6K 2.8K

Follow the story of one young y/n tennyson. As he goes through the struggle of being a normal kid, and superh... Lebih Banyak

and than there were 10
The Avengers(1)
The Avengers(2)
The avengers(3)
Captain America: the winter soldier(1)
Captain America: the winter soldier(2)
captain America: the winter soldier(3)
Avengers age of Ultron(1)
avengers age of Ultron(2)
avengers age of Ultron(3)
Captain America: civil war(1)
Captain America: Civil War(2)
Captain America: Civil War(3)
Black panther(1)
Black panther(2)
Black panther(3)
Black Widow(1)
Black Widow(2)
Black Widow(3)
(One-shot) romantic research
(one-shot) researching lovers!
Infinity war(1)
Infinity war(2)
Infinity war(4)
Avengers: Endgame(1)
Avengers: Endgame(2)
Avengers: endgame(3)
Avengers: endgame (4)
Falcon & Winter soldier (1)
Falcon & Winter soldier (2)
falcon & winter soldier (3)
falcon & winter soldier (4)
Falcon & winter soldier (5)
Shang-chi (1)
Shang-chi (2)
shang-chi (3)
Spider-Man: NWH (1)
Spider-Man: NWH (2)
Spider-Man: NWH (3)
Spider-Man: NWH (4)
Doctor strange: MoM(short)
Y/n Tennyson Christmas special
Valentine's day special!
BP: Wakanda forever (1)
BP: wakanda forever (2)
BP: wakanda forever (3)
BP: wakanda forever (4)
secrets of the Omnitrix (1)
secrets of the Omnitrix (2)
secrets of the Omnitrix (3)
secrets of the Omnitrix (4)
secrets of the Omnitrix (5)
special number 23(One-shot)
night to remember(one-shot)
Be-Knignted (one-shot)
what if...?
What if... T'challa died in his challenge vs Erik?
what if... minis!

Infinity war(3)

3.3K 88 53
Oleh PiratePhox4

Back on earth, the quinjet flys through the sky, right towards a large mountain.

Sam: "Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0. I hope you're right about this, kid. Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to"

Y/n: "trust me. Their expecting us"

Just as he said that, the quinjet flys through a forcefield, and right into wakanda. Speaking of which, in the landing zone near the palace, T'challa, okoye, and the kings guard stood it wait.

Okoye: "When you said we were going to open Wakanda to the rest of the world...This is not what I imagined"

T'Challa: "And what did you imagine?"

Okoye: "The Olympics. Maybe even a Starbucks"

The quinjet lands, and the ramp lowers, letting everyone inside out.

Bruce: "Should we bow?"

Rhodes: "Yeah, he's a king"

Y/n was the first to get off the quinjet, with zed by his side. Going right up to T'challa, the two shake hands.

T'challa: "my friend. Welcome back"

Y/n: "good to be back. Sorry for coming on short notice"

Suddenly, Bruce bows.

Rhodes: "What are you doing?"

T'Challa: "Uh, we don't do that here"

T'challa waves off the bow, and began to move away, with everyone following behind.

T'challa: "So how big of an assault can we expect?"

Y/n: "big. Big, or bigger than vilgax. How're things looking?"

T'Challa: "we have my King's Guard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and..."

Bucky: "A semi-stable, 100-year-old man"

Y/n looks over to Steve and winks, causing the super soldier to roll his eyes at the boy, and walk forward to greet his friends.

Steve: "How you been, Buck?"

Bucky: "Uh, not bad, for the end of the world"

After the happy reunion between the two old men, the group moved into the palace, and into shuri's lab. Vision laid on a table, while Bruce, Shuri, and y/n stand over him, and the others watch. Apart from zed, who, while sitting, was smaller than the table. Shuri scans the stone, and studies the hologram from her kimono beads.

Shuri: "Whoa.. The structure is polymorphic"

Bruce: "Right, we had to attach each neuron non-sequentially"

Shuri: "Why didn't you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?"

Bruce: "Because... we didn't think of it"

Shuri: "I'm sure you did your best"

Y/n: "they could've done better"

Bruce: "did you just call me out?"

Y/n: "yep. Sorry pal"

Wanda: "Can you do it?"

Shuri: "Yes, but there are more than two trillion neurons here. One misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures. It will take time, brother"

Steve: "How long?"

Shuri: "As long as you can give us"

Y/n: "greymatter and his small frog hands. Perfect for something like this"

Okoye: "Something's entered the atmosphere"

Sam: "Hey, Cap, we got a situation here"

Suddenly, the entirety of wakanda was shaken, as a large alien ship crashes into the barrier, destroying it in the process. Everyone groups at the window, watching more ships land outside the barrier safely.

Vision: "It's too late. We need to destroy the stone now"

Natasha: "Vision, get your rear back on the table"

T'Challa: "We will hold them off"

Steve: "Wanda, as soon as the stone's out of his blow it to hell"

Wanda: "I will"

T'Challa: "Evacuate the city. Engage all defense procedures. And get this man a shield"

Y/n: "about time! This man needs a shield! Actually, get him two! Now get going! Shuri and I need to get to work-"

Shuri: "you should go with them"

Y/n: "..what?"

Shuri: "as far as anybody knows, your the strongest one here on earth. You need to be out there"

Y/n: "but-"

Shuri shuts y/n up with a kiss on the cheek.

Shuri: "go. I'll be fine"

Y/n: "hm.. fine!"

Outside wakanda, near the borders, the wakandan army ride in on hovercrafts, with the avengers all in their own as well, aside from y/n, zed, Bruce, Rhodes, and Sam. Rhodes and Sam have their suits, while Bruce has a greatly modified hulkbuster. Y/n though, was riding in on zed, while in her Crabdozer form.

Natasha: "How we looking, Bruce?"

Bruce: "Yeah, I think I'm getting the hang of it"

Bruce hovers forward, stumbling for a second before getting his footing.

Bruce: "Wow! It's like being the Hulk without actually-"

Bruce then trips over a rock, causing the hulkbuster to faceplant, putting dirt all on the helmet.

Bruce: "I'm okay. I'm okay"

Rhodes: "i got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line"

Y/n: "hm. Fancy. Let's see who they got for so many ships?"

The hovercrafts come to a halt, allowing the wakandan warriors the climb off, and get into line for battle, as other warriors prepare for battle. Such as M'Baku, and the Jubari tribe.

T'Challa: "Thank you for standing with us"

M'Baku: "kunjalo, mzalwana"
(Of course, brother)

Hopping off of zed, y/n whistles for her to return to normal, just for himself, Steve, Natasha, and T'challa to walk to the barrier, seeing proxima midnight, and black dwarf standing on the other side.

Natasha: "Where's your other friend?"

Proxima: "You will pay for his life with yours. Thanos will have that stone"

Steve: "That's not gonna happen"

Y/n: "your on my planet. I won't let you harm the people of earth. If it means risking my life to do it, I will. Thanos will have nothing. He comes to this planet, and I will have his head"

Proxima: "the Omnitrix. Until recently, it's existence was only just a myth. Yet here it is, on earth, in the arms of a pathetic earth child. An annoying one at that"

Y/n: "sure, whatever you say. Just know this proxima midnight. I'm the protector of earth, and I won't stand around as you bring in your little army here.

Wordlessly, proxima raises her arm, as the ships behind her extend, showing the doors to the inside, as they sit ready to release whatever's inside. The four regroup with the army.

Bucky: "Did they surrender?"

Steve: "Not exactly"

Y/n: "everyone! Be careful! Their army consists of a species called outriders. Their mostly mindless beast, and only ever take orders. But they won't hesitate to rip and tear everyone to shreds"

Just as y/n said this, the ship doors open, revealing the said outriders. The outriders leap out of the ships, and immediately run up to the barrier. With T'challa calling out the wakandan war cry, with the army following suit.

Bucky: "What the hell?"

Natasha: "Looks like you pissed her off"

Y/n: "I'm not gonna sit around and let some jerkface alien that I don't even know insult me!"

Natasha: "you know who she was, but not what she is?"

Y/n: "the database listed her species as miscellaneous"

Suddenly, The outriders began to smash themselves into the wakandan barrier, essentially killing themselves to just get in. However, a select few do make it through.

Okoye: "They're killing themselves"

Sam: "You seen the teeth on those things?"

Y/n: "just as bad as the klyntar"

Rhodes: "Alright, back up, Sam. You're gonna get your wings singed"

Rhodes flies over the edge of the barrier, letting loose a barrage of mines from above the outriders barely making it through the barrier. However, the outriders on the outside suddenly run the edge of the barrier, trying to circle around.

Bruce: "Cap, if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us.. There's nothing between them and Vision"

Steve: "Then we better keep 'em in front of us"

Okoye: "How do we do that?"

T'Challa: "We open the barrier. On my signal, open North-West Section Seventeen"

Wakandan Officer: "Requesting confirmation, My King. You said open the barrier?"

T'Challa: "On my signal"

M'Baku: "This will be the end of Wakanda.."

Okoye: "Then it will be the noblest ending in history"

Y/n: "I won't let it..."

Cap bares his new shields, as bucky aims his gun forward. Y/n rolls his neck, and closes his eyes, letting his hand caress the Omnitrix.

Y/n: "it's hero time.."

T'Challa: "Wakanda Forever!"

The black panther crosses his hands over his chest as his Black Panther helmet covers his face, leading the army as they run toward the barrier. With a combination of red and green flashes, ran forward XLR8, and terrorancula. Y/n kept at pace with the army, until...

T'challa: "Now!"

The section in the barrier disappears and the Outriders charge at them. just for every second, an outrider falls dead by a black and blue blur. The second the barrier opened, y/n zoomed forward, and attacked multiple in a matter of seconds. As the rest of the army arrive, both T'challa and Steve jump over a river, attacking full force into the army of outriders. Zed also jumps forward, creating a web from her mouth, and shooting it forward, almost blowing up on contact.

As the battle rages on, y/n suddenly changes into Stinkfly, and flew up straight, then changed into Humongousour, and came crashing down to earth, only to transform again after landing into big chill, who created an icy tornado around himself, freezing the outriders in, or around it. Zed also changes, right into a massive, green alien fish like creature, this was a sand ripper, a tetramand predator. Zed dives into the ground, only to come back up with an open mouth, chomping down on outriders.

Y/n then changes into Cannonbolt, and rolls over multiple outriders, when suddenly, zed changes into Crabdozer, and smashes her head into y/n, sending an extremely fast pace Cannonbolt over even more outriders. To stop himself, y/n changes to heatblast, using his fire to stop his momentum. Aiming downward, y/n screams, releasing a small supernova, burning all the outriders alive.

Heatblast: "shuri, sweetheart, how much longer till your done up there?"

Shuri: "I barely begun y/n"

Heatblast: "might wanna speed up.."

The battle continues, when suddenly, y/n is knocked back by black dwarf with his hammer. The hit forced him out of alien form, and he would've been covered, and eaten alive by the outriders, of it wasn't for zed running in, and covering him with her rocky Crabdozer body to protect him long enough to recover. Sadly, Steve, bucky, T'challa, and even Bruce in the hulkbuster, are unfortunately to get dog piled onto. When out of nowhere, a bifrost lands in the middle of the battle field, with a blazing axe flying out of it, killing multiple outriders in seconds. Especially the ones covering Steve and Bruce.

Stepping out of the bifrost, comes three figures. Y/n recognizes one of them, and a species of another.

Y/n: "holy crap.. Thor!!"

Bruce: "Hah! Hah! Hah! You guys are so screwed now!"


Thor charges to the hoard of Outriders, and leaps into the air with the crackle of thunder. smashing his new axe into the ground, thunder spreads around, frying every single outrider around him. However, y/n was looking at something else.

Y/n: "those things are supposed to be extinct... I wonder..."


Back on Titan, Thanos has finally arrived. In front of him, sat a lone grandpa max.

Max: "Thanos. The mad titan"

Thanos: "max Tennyson. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Max: "for the murder of half of multiple species, I'm afraid your under arrest"

Thanos: "the plumbers have been gone a long time max. I saw to that"

Max: "yet, here I am. In full plumber gear, reading to shove you in a prison cell"

Thanos: "you cannot do such a thing on your own max. Last time we fought, we were younger, and we both had a team. My fellow warrior vilgax told me of his troubles. And of course.. the young boy with the Omnitrix.. your... Grandson, was it?"

Max: "you keep your hands off him"

Thanos: "I have no intention of harming him. However, I was proposed... An proposition"

Max: "and what's that?"

Thanos: "if I receive the Omnitrix for him. Give him your head. Or simply, give him my army to use. He will see fit the best planet for me once my mission has been finished"

Max: "that's not going to happen. We won't let it"

Thanos: "we?"

He looks up in time to a see a chunk of wreckage coming down on him, and tries to use the Power to stop, but was too late.

Iron Man: "Piece of cake, Quill"

Quill: "Yeah, if your goal was to piss him off"

Max: "enough you two! Get ready!"

The wreckage erupts in a purple glow. Thanos shouts and uses the reality stone to change the wreckage into bat like aliens, and sent them at Tony. Suddenly, Thanos gets a face full of webs, along with a kick across the face by Peter. Drax then slides in, slashing the back of thanos' leg. Then strange comes in, and does a two on one with drax against Thanos. He kicks drax into a stone wall, and grabs strange's blade, and tries to kick him away, but strange made a shield to block it. Suddenly, Thanos is hit in the back by a blast.

Behind him ran in max, who had his pistol in his hand, aimed at Thanos. With strange creating platforms to jump on, and dodge thanos' own blast. Then, max jumps over Thanos, switching his pistol for his rifle.

Max: "would you look at that. I got a bigger team then last time. And there's no vilgax in sight"

Max smirks, and aims his rifle at Thanos. Taking the shot, it sends Thanos flying back, crashing into some rubble. Thanos got back up, only for the cloak of levitation to wrap around his hand, not allowing it to close. When Peter comes in through a portal, and punches Thanos, before flipping into another.

Spider-Man: "Magic!"

Then he flips in, and springboards off Thanos' stomach.

Spider-Man: "More magic!"

Peter then leaps into another portal. As Thanos tries to recover, he appears through another portal behind him

Spider-Man: "Magic with a kick!"

He kicks him again in the head, then jumps into another portal. Then he jumps through another portal.

Spider-Man: "Magic with a-"

Before he can finish Thanos grabs him by the throat, and throws him the ground.

Thanos: "Insect!"

Thanos then throws him away, and right into strange, then trips the cloak off his hand, and was about to use the gauntlet, but is interrupted by an explosion caused by tony shooting a missile at him. As the flames blind Thanos, he absorbs them into the reality stone, and then fires a beam of the fire back at time. Peter attaches a web to him, and strains against it, but Thanos pulls Spiderman toward him, and threw him away again. However, the second he did, a kree ship came flying in, and crashed into him. From the ship, came a cyborg, blue skinned woman, named nebula. She jumps in, and punches Thanos in the back of the head.

Thanos: "Well, well"

Nebula: "You should have killed me"

Thanos: "It would've been a waste of parts!"

Nebula runs forward, and continuously beats down on Thanos with her sword.

Nebula: "Where's Gamora?!"

Easily, Thanos smacks her away, only for strange to be floating behind him. Using his magic, he creates multiple ropes made of energy, and wraps them around the gauntlet, in attempt to pull it off. Thanos reaches to pull the ropes off, but drax comes sliding in, and kicks the back of his leg, sending Thanos to a knee, with drax still holding onto his leg. From behind, quill throws a gravity disk next to Thanos, causing his arm to be pulled to it, leaving him wide open to wrapped up by Peter, with Tony flying in to take over strange in pulling off the gauntlet.

Seeing Peter struggling, max runs forward, and grabs his webs that were wrapped around Thanos, and shot out his own grappling hook, wrapping it around Thanos as well.

Max: "help Tony, I got this!"

Peter nods, and rushes to Tony's side, helping him with the gauntlet. While strange creates a portal, letting mantis fall onto Thanos' shoulders, then moved to wrapped the energy ropes around the titans other arm. Thanos let's out an almost painted scream, as mantis tries to use her powers, and put him to sleep.

Iron Man: "Is he under? Don't let up!"

Mantis: "Be quick... He is very strong!"

Max: "take your time! We need it to work! Not it to be rushed!"

Landing in front of Thanos, quill walked forward with a slight smug look on his face.

Star-Lord: "I thought you'd be harder to catch. For the record, this was my plan. Not so strong now, huh? Where's Gamora?"

Thanos: "My... Gamora...?"

Star-Lord: "Oh, bullshit. Where is she?"

Mantis: "He is in anguish!"

Star-Lord: "Good"

Mantis: "He... he... he mourns!"

Drax: "What does this monster have to mourn?!"

Nebula, who was behind quill, suddenly spoke in shock.

Nebula: "Gamora.."

Star-Lord: "What?"

Nebula: "He took her to Vormir. He came back with the Soul Stone...but she didn't"

Iron Man: "Okay, Quill, you gotta cool it right now, understand?"

Max: "quill. Stand down! Don't do anything rash!"

Star-Lord: "Tell me she's lying.."

Without letting Thanos answer, he continued.

Star-Lord: "ASSHOLE! Tell me you didn't do it!"

Thanos: "I... had... to"

Star-Lord: "No, you didn't... No, you didn't..."

Out of nowhere, quill began smacking Thanos in the face with his blasters, causing mantis to loose her focus.

Star-Lord: "NO, YOU DIDN'T!!"

Drax: "Quill!"

Tony rushes off the gauntlet, leaving Peter to deal with it, and held Quill back from Thanos.

Iron Man: "Hey, stop! Hey, stop! Stop! Hey, stop! Stop!"

Spider-Man: "It's coming! It's coming! I got it! I got it...!!"

Suddenly, Thanos tears his head back, headbutting mantis out of her focus completely, then Grabs the cuff of the gauntlet just as it's sliding off his hand, causing Peter to stumble back Thanos then grabs mantis, and throws her off his shoulders. Then he grabs Max's grappling hook, and also threw him away.

While max was able to catch himself, mantis couldn't, as Peter swung in and cought her. Then, Thanos kicks drax off his leg, and into quill and nebula, knocking them all back. And finally tugs strange away, and launches him into the distance. Tony flies in to help, only to be thrown away by Thanos. Seeing the other three get up, Thanos uses the power stone to throw them back, and knock them unconscious.

Then, with Tony and max side by side, Thanos glares at both, then raises his fist, as the moon that's in sight glows a deep purple.

Max: "oh no.."

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