Forbidden Love

By abriff03

1.4K 7 10

(I know Scorlily isn't a common ship, but hear me out) He was a Malfoy. She was a Potter. As of recent, Scorp... More

A Few Notes
Act One, Prologue
Act One, Scene One
Act One, Scene Two
Act One, Scene Three
Act One, Scene Four
Act Two, Prologue
Act Two, Scene One
Act Two, Scene Two
Act Three, Scene One
Act Three, Scene Two
Act Three, Scene Three
Act Three, Scene Four
Act Three, Scene Five
Act Four, Scene One
Act Four, Scene Two
Act Four, Scene Three
Act Four, Scene Four
Act Four, Scene Five
Act Five, Prologue
Act Five, Scene One
Act Five, Scene Two
Act Five, Scene Three
Act Five, Scene Four
Act Six, Prologue
Act Six, Scene One
Act Six, Scene Two
Act Six, Scene Three
Act Six, Scene Four
Act Six, Scene Five
Roadman Slang Glossary
The Future of the Series

Act Two, Scene Three

48 0 0
By abriff03

AN: Scorpius was supposed to have that "It is the east, and Juliet is the sun!" monologue at the beginning of this scene, but, much like Lily's, it got cut due to the immense cringe I felt reading it. In fact, Scorpius was supposed to have several monologues throughout the story - most of which were internal - but I kind of just turned them into gushy dialogue where he talks about Lily to other characters.

Myrtle wasn't in the original version of this scene either, but given the setting, I really don't know why I didn't add her to begin with.

Also, yes, I did put Karl Jenkins and Polly Chapman together. I thought it would be cute since they're probably really close in canon as it is.

Anyways, enjoy Myrtle being helpful, a brief, partial explanation as to why Rose rejected Scorpius, and - wait for it - Paris slander (He was 25. Juliet was 13. Needless to say, Scorpius understood the assignment).

Setting: Girl's Lavatory, Outside the Chamber of Secrets

Trigger Warnings: N/A

Scorpius waits patiently by the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. He has a bag of food and a Bluetooth speaker with him. He watches the moonlight shine through the window, his heart burning with love. Myrtle, a ghost that's been haunting this particular girl's lavatory since the days of Tom Riddle, appears behind him.

Myrtle (being her usual self): Waiting for someone, Scorpius?

Scorpius (in a simpful manner): Yeah... I've got a date.

Myrtle: A date?! With whom? Wait! No! Don't tell me... Rose Granger-Weasley?

Scorpius: Nope.

Myrtle (surprised): Oh! Um, well, based on the rumours, I'm gonna take a wild guess and say, um... (tentatively) Albus?

Scorpius: Not him either. Karl Jenkins spread those rumours last year, and he and Fredericks are the school gossips, so you know now-

Myrtle (even more shocked): Ohh, him! Yeah, I should probably tell Polly Chapman to check her boyfriend or something... Anyway, if it's not Rose, and it's not Albus, then who is it?

A beat. A stupid-like grin appears on Scorpius' face and his cheeks turn red.

Scorpius: Lily Potter.

Another, shorter beat as Myrtle processes this information. Despite always flirting with the male students to some degree, she is happy for Scorpius. Yet, she is perplexed at the same time; Why not Rose, or even Albus if he was into guys?

Myrtle: Lily?

Scorpius: Yeah.

A beat as Scorpius realizes Myrtle may be slightly blindsided by this information.

Scorpius cont.: Seems sudden, I know. but I've actually been feeling this way for a while, and never came to terms with it until around Christmas, which is when I got over Rose.

Myrtle: I'm honestly glad you got over Rose when you did. She's been secretly dating Liam Finnigan for two years now.

Scorpius (getting an idea): Really? (turns to actually look at Myrtle) Do you know how she hid it so well? I could use some tips.

Myrtle: What makes you say tha- (Realizes the situation and sighs of disappointment) Your father wouldn't approve because of the incident, wouldn't he?

Scorpius: Neither would hers. It's giving Romeo and Juliet without the death... Or Paris, but let's be honest, nobody likes Paris.

A beat.

Myrtle: Stay away from siblings, first of all. I'd assume you already told Albus, but James would act up if he knew about any of this. I hear him talking to Louis Weasley every day; He's like "If AlBuS wAsN't FrIeNdS wItH tHaT sKeT's SoN i'D tHrOw HaNdS iN a HeArTbEaT."

Scorpius (briefly stares straight ahead): So that's why Louis stopped talking to me.

Myrtle: Most likely, and - also, maybe use your modern-day Muggle technology to communicate. You don't want anyone finding any letters. Now, I've heard around that parents like to check their children's cellular devices, so if there's a way to hide messages-

Scorpius: They delete automatically on Snapchat.

A beat. Myrtle has no clue what that is but keeps going.

Myrtle: Well, whatever that is, use that.

Myrtle ducks away as Albus, and an already smitten Lily enter. Right away, Lily and Scorpius throw their arms around each other.

Albus: Alright. You two have fun. Scorpius, do me a favour and have her back by curfew, will you?

Scorpius (while embracing Lily): Sure thing mate.

Albus: Also, if Myrtle- (to Myrtle) Myrtle, I know you're hiding back there. You aren't that slick.

Myrtle slowly emerges from her hiding place in a stall.

Albus cont.: Yeah, Myrtle could you do me a favour and go down to the chamber if James shows up? (to Scorpius and Lily as Myrtle nods in agreement) I'll try to hold him off, but if Myrtle comes down, it means James is sure to follow. The last thing any of us need is him seeing you two together, snogging especially!

Lily: Don't worry Albus, We'll be careful!

Albus: Alright. Have fun! But not TOO MUCH FUN if you know what I mean...

Scorpius: Wha- AL!

Albus: Hey, I'm just saying! We live in a society of hormones, I can't take chances.

Lily: Anyways, let's go.

Scorpius: See ya later!

Albus: Wait, Scorp-

Scorpius turns to look at Albus. Lily starts down into the entrance but stops partway to wait for her lover.

Albus (slightly more serious): Don't get me wrong, I one-hundred percent trust you with my sister, but I thought I'd say this anyway since it's practically obligatory that I do; (A beat) If you hurt Lily in any way shape or form, I do not give a diddly darn d*mn how long we've been friends. I will rob you of both your kidneys and make a ton of muggle bank off them. Do I make myself clear?

Lily (hearing all of this): Albus! For frick's sake!

Scorpius: Don't worry mate. I'll jump off the top of the astronomy tower before I hurt her.

Albus: Perfect. I figured you'd say that, but I wanted to make sure it was said. Anyway (pats Scorpius on the shoulder) have fun! Imma go annoy James.

Scorpius and Lily enter the Chamber of Secrets as Albus exits and Myrtle looks on, hoping James will not show.


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