By Kuvarsskristali

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✨COMPLETED ✨ ✨Top Tae- Bottom Kook ✨Alpha Tae- Omega Kook ✨Sloooow Burn ✨Eventual Smut Jungkook is a 24 year... More



1.2K 61 4
By Kuvarsskristali


They just finished a huge interview with the one the most watched show. Over the days Jungkook spent with the King, he understood that Taehyung might seem very confident, but he actually doesn't like crowded places or the spotlight.

He is a party person, that's for sure. But parties that he prefers are almost always more selective and private. Jungkook knows because he has to attend those parties too.

Nevertheless, he is good with the spotlight, even if he doesn't like it.

''Jungkook, i got reports from the team that you manage.'' Taehyung says while they're getting in the car.

Jungkook didn't know that there was a report to present to the King, he would do it himself.

He makes a ''oh?'' sound, waiting for the rest.

''Looks like we'll fill our warehouse with the provisions again. We started selling our products to other cities and packs, things are going good. They are doing a great job.'' Taehyung says with a serious face.

Jungkook releases a breath he didn't know he held.

''But...' Taehyung ads immediately. ''I wouldn't like you to care about this issue less just because it's under control. No one needs to know about those past attacks. We still didn't catch anyone from that violent group. This must kept a secret.''

''I understand hyung, don't worry.'' Jungkook says with a determined voice.

They stayed silent for the rest of their drive. Jungkook feels like he got used to working with Taehyung and Jihoon. He also spends lots of fun time with Seokjin when he's done with the day's work.

Jin brought so many good meals and snacks to his room, he also made Jungkook taste all kinds of alcohol (actually Taehyung did that too at the parties he attended) he showed Jungkook lots of good movies. Jungkook actually started to feel like a normal teeneger.

''What's next?'' Taehyung asks while he gets off of the car.

''Nothing hyung, you already finished all of today's appointments.'' Jungkook says happily.

''Oh, a little bit of relaxing time huh? That is good news.'' Taehyung says while grinning.
Jin mentioned going shopping with a few of his stylists friends, Jungkook knew today is a rather easy day for them, so he really hoped to go but he doesn't know how to ask Taehyung.

Just when he gathers all of his courage Taehyung speaks with an enthusiastic voice '' Well i know that my friend Namjoon is throwing a party tonight. It's not a big deal, just some close circle people. Namjoon wants to talk about the new paintings he bought, you know him he's always like that, you met him last week remember?''

''U-uh, yes i remember Namjoon hyung, he was really cool.'' Jungkook mumbles softly, while looking at his shoes and not making eye contact with Taehyung.

But just as much as Jungkook knew Taehyung, Taehyung got used to Jungkook too. He knows something is upsetting him. He knows this expression too well.

''Jungkook, what's wrong? Did something happen last week? Why did you get upset all of a sudden?'' Taehyung questions.

Jungkook shook his head rapidly ''No, no. It was really good. Nothing happened i swear, i really liked Namjoon hyung too.''

''Okay, either tell me now or i'm gonna stare at you and make you uncomfortable until you do. I know something is making you upset. I even smell it in your scent.'' Taehyung says with a determined attitude.

''I- i...'' Jungkook mumbles but he's still shy to ask something for himself.

''Jungkook, can you please tell me?'' Taehyung says with a softest voice, he tilts his head to look at Jungkook's shiny doe eyes.

''I- i mean Jin Hyung...uhm.. we were gonna...''

''Jungkook, do you have another plan?'' Taehyung asks to save Jungkook from his misery.

Jungkook nods, feeling shy. He never said no to no one, and to a king?

''Oh, you should've just told me. Since we are free today, let's take a time out. I'm sure you must get bored of me?'' Taehyung says while turning to walk again into the pack house.

Jungkook panics immediatly ''What? No? Hyung, i swear i didn't, i..i don't event'' Jungkook stops when he hears Taehyung chuckles.

''Hyung, you're making fun of me.'' Jungkook sulks.

Taehyung turns to tease him more, he instead sees Jungkook's pouting face and stares at him without noticing.

''Well, aren't you?'' Jungkook is confused with Taehyung's facial expression.

''I am, don't worry about it.'' Taehyung coughs ''Go with Seokjin, you need rest. Have fun together.'' Taehyung adds and quickly disappears.

At first Jungkook doesn't know what to do? Should he follow Taehyung to his room and help him get ready for Namjoon's party? But he hesitates, King clearly told him to go with Seokjin. He hurriedly calls Jin and ask for their location.

Jin actually made a pretty good job fixing Jungkook's wardrobe. Jungkook gets prepared quickly and leaves the pack house. This is his first day off, but this is also Taehyung's first day off too. He wonders what he's gonna do. He quickly informs Jihoon and heads to the cafe Jin told him.

''Hello hyung, am i late?'' Jungkook touches Jin's shoulder.

''Oh no no, welcome babybun. You're not late at all.'' Jin turns to everyone at the table.

''Guys meet Jungkoogie, he is my favorite now and i'm not even joking. Jungkoogie these are my friends King's stylists, Jimin and Hoseok.'' two guys smile at him, one omega and one beta Jungkook thinks.

''And these are Kai, Solar and Jackson. They are working with me.'' Jin points at three alphas, and they politely greet Jungkook too.

They spent time getting to know each other. At first Jungkook is shy but they are almost as understanding as his Jin hyung. Jimin talks about how he helped Jin to create Jungkook's wardrobe. From time to time they make comments about how cute Jungkook is, only making Jungkook squirm some more and blush. But overall he's having a good time.


Taehyung ends up going to Namjoon's party alone, Jihoon denies joining by saying he's busy?? He wonders if he made a mistake sending Jungkook

But no, Jungkook works really hard. He deserves a break, he actually deserved it some time ago.

''Hey man, thought you never gonna show up.'' Namjoon greets him with a sincere hug.

Taehyung and Namjoon find Yoongi and they start drinking without wasting any more time. Namjoon originally wanted to talk with his friends but seeing Taehyung losing himself in the dark lights and loud music, he understands that he needs it.

Since he became King, the media follows him even more than when they used to. Taehyung doesn't really get any chances to live his youth.

Taehyung dances slowly, keeps drinking and his friends join him. From time to time omegas try to join him. He dances with them but never seems to take things to another level. Just being by himself. Relieving stress.

His mind gets dizzy because of how fast he drank. He raises his hands and watches light dancing on his skin. He feels tired, stressed, neddy, vulnerable.
He involuntarily thinks about how his parents left the pack house immediately after his coronation. They deserve to live their retirement of course but Taehyung can't help but to search for an adult from time to time. He questions himself, is he really ready to bear the crown?

He always had to carry this strong Alpha Prince image. An image that you can't break. And out of nowhere he remembers how Jungkook made him that tea that day. Because Taehyung was feeling stressed? How did he even know he was stressed? Despite being spoiled growing up, he never actually felt cared for. He always had to present himself as a strong Alpha. But it felt like Jungkook cared for him that day, didn't he?

''Why am i thinkin him?? Taehyung mumbles to himself.

Omega girl who dances in his arms looks at him with a confused expression.

He also gets flustered so easily. Taehyung can maybe never admit this sober but his new favorite thing is actually making Jungkook flustered. He gets shy so easily and blush all of a sudden. And his scent peaks at moments like that. Vanilla with a hint of strawberry? Taehyung still can't tell for sure.

''Why am i thinking his scent?'' he mumbles again.

By the time he realizes that he got really tired, he gently pushes the omega who grinds to him and joins Namjoon and Yoongi in the comfortable booth.
''Seems like you're having fun.'' Yoongi teases.

''I fucking am.'' Taehyung shouts. He tries to get up and walk to the bar but fails and sits back down. He didn't realize he drank that much or how late it is.

''Wooow, i think i should head back home.'' Taehyung says while trying to adjust his vision.

''Aww, look at our baby. He is the King now so he's being responsible.'' Namjoon says with an extra gesture.

Yoongi joins him immediately ''He used to be in this state 24/7 and that could only mean the start of the night for him.''

Taehyung, unfortunately, doesn't even have the energy to fight back. He just flips them off and walks towards his security. ''Good bye hyung.''


Jihoon waits for Taehyung in the garden. Driver texted him so he knows the King will be here soon.

As soon as he sees Taehyung's car, he approaches and opens the door for him.

''Why am i not surprised to see you wasted?''

''Namjoon hyung *hickup* fault.''

Jihoon supports Taehyung and carries him to his bedroom.

''Okay, are you gonna be able to follow what i'm saying?'' Jihoon asks with a skeptical expression.

''Jihoon, my man. C'monn. '' Taehyung says while still hiccuping.

''I'm like a jillion times smarter right now? You know?'' Taehyung adds.

Jihoon sighs and starts to speak '' Okay since both you and Jungkook made me feel bad about not having enough ''day off'' today, i planned a work trip for you, where you can rest after your daily royal life. ''

Taehyung looks at him like he understands nothing.

''Obviously I didn't think you would be hammered like this tonight. So just try to remember. You have a plane to catch tomorrow morning. Even if it's your own plane, it is rude to make people wait. I'll explain the details of the trip later, you're not gonna understand anyway.''

Taehyung just winks and makes thumbs up before crashing to the bed.

''Oh god, i'm sending Jungkook to help you. Try to get some rest at vacation Tae.''

Jihoon leaves and Taehyung starts to snore. He only hears a faint noise of someone entering. Then he hears Jungkook's voice and feels awake all of a sudden. It's weird to not see him for a few hours. Where was he?

''Taehyung, you can not sleep with your clothes on. Did you drink water?''

''Hey Jungkook!!'' Tahyung shouts. ''How about you make me that tea again, god i'm so smart when i'm drunk.''

Jungkook chuckles at Taehyung's attitude. He didn't see him like that before. He always gets intimidated by him.

''İ'll make your tea tomorrow. Right now we need to change into pajamas and take a good night sleep.'' Jungkook speaks softly

''Hey Jungkook, where were you?'' Taehyung asks out of nowhere, without smiling this time.

''You should've come with me i saw Yoongi hyung and Joon hyung.'' Taehyung keeps talking while Jungkook tries to take his clothes off.

Just when Jungkook gets a little bit too close to him to helping him put his silk pajama suit on Taehyung scrunch his nose.

''Why is there an alpha's scent on you?'' Taehyung asks with furrowed eyebrows.

''i, i..we were...''

''i thought you said you are going out with Seokjin.''

''İ did. with his friends.''

Taehyung doesn't feel so drunk right now. His blood boils. He feels territorial all of a sudden. He doesn't know and doesn't even wanna question. He straight up stares at Jungkook. He knows a scent can't linger on Jungkook with something as easy as hanging out. There must be more.

''I was panicked, Kai hyung released a calming scent to ease me.'' Jungkook whispers and gets shy.

''Why were you panicking?'' Taehyung asks while putting his shirt on without Jungkook's help, fully focused on what he's about to say.

''We were going for a movie and someone made a comment about me being a freak.'' Jungkook's eyes get teary and his chin wobbles while he remembers what happened.

He saw that person before, before Jungkook moved to the pack house they ran across so many times. He always made sure Jungkook felt terrible, called him ''freak, abomination, creature'' and so much more. He pushed him many times, even making him fall on mud. Just seeing him there made Jungkook shit his pants

Taehyung on the other hand forgot how to breathe. He just stared at Jungkook's shaken expression. He tried to clear his mind from alcohol. His body got incredibly hot. He didn't even realize that he started to squeeze his fist.

''What do you mean?'' is all he can manage to say.

''He made a comment about me being rankless and started to walk towards me really fast and couldn't run because I felt shocked. and then he pushed me and Kai Hyung punched him.''
Just by remembering, Jungkook felt scared again. Taehyung didn'T speak so Jungkook continued

''And then i felt so panicked and started crying and he helped me hyung.''

Jungkook realized that Taehyung is still not answering him ''Okay, i'm gonna shower really well before our flight tomorrow hyung. You are probably getting irritated by other alpha's scents. Don't forget to drink water before sleep.''
Jungkook leaves the room sniffing softly.

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