Modern Witchcraft: Beginners...


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Do you want to practise witchcraft but don't know where to start? Do you find it all too confusing? Maybe you... More

What is a Witch?
What is Magick?
Witchcraft & Religion
The Basics
Exercises 101
Divination 101
Cleansing, Charging, & Discharging
Exercises 201
Ritual Components
Primary Tools
Tools: Journals & Candles
Tools: Wand & Athame
Tools: Cauldron, Chalice, & Besom
Additional Tools
Exercises 301
Stones & Crystals
Plants, Herbs, & Spices
Sun & Moon
Exercises 401
Divination 201: Tarot
Divination 201: Runes
Divination 201: Astrology
Chaos Magick
Shadow Work


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For as long as human civilization has existed, people have looked up at the sky and felt the powerful, whimsical presence of the planets. These celestial objects have inspired millennia of folklore, superstition, and religious beliefs. Witches today can still call upon the power of the planets to guide their practices and assist their magick.

How to use planetary magick in your craft

> Employ planetary energies in your spells
> Observe planetary retrogrades
> Schedule spells with planetary hours
> Work with plants & crystals associated with planets
> Practise astrology

Planetary Hours

Each hour of the day is associated with a planet. You can schedule your spells so you get an extra boost from a specific planetary energy. For example, if you wanted to cast a self-love or beauty spell, you could cast your spell during the hour of Venus.

Planetary hours don't correspond to our usual 60-minute hours. To calculate planetary hours, split the time between sunrise and sunset into 12 equal parts; each one of those parts of the day is a planetary hour. Do the same for the time between sunset and sunrise to get nightly planetary hours. In the summer months, planetary hours during the day are much longer than the night time ones, and in the winter months they're switched. On the equinoxes, planetary hours are equal length day and night.

Daytime hours:

Night time hours:

Alternatively, you can use planetary hour calculation websites like

Planetary Retrogrades

Put simply, when a planet is in retrograde it appears to be moving backwards through the sky. This is due to the earth's orbit overtaking the other planet's orbit in the solar system. It is best visually explained by the animated gif below:

If you don't understand, don't worry. All you need to know is that when a planet's apparent motion goes backwards(1), some witches believe that this can have various side effects in our lives, or open up pathways that lead to introspection and further self-discovery.

Mercury Retrograde: The planetary retrograde you will most want to keep an eye out for is Mercury. Because Mercury has the shortest orbit, it enters retrograde the most often, about 3-4 times a year. However, the magickal associations of Mercury include communication and travel, so all sorts of things can go awry when Mercury is in retrograde! Internet connection issues, traffic jams, missed flights, arguments, and conflict are to be expected. Even communication with your spirit guides or your own inner voice can be negatively affected. Thankfully, Mercury retrogrades are also the shortest in length, only lasting around 2 weeks.

Other planetary retrogrades span several weeks to several months, with planets like Neptune being in retrograde for almost half a year at a time. The effects of the more distant planets tend to be less noticeable, but it's valuable to keep them in mind as their retrogrades can provide lessons to teach.

It's also beneficial to note that retrogrades can affect people differently if they have different influences in their astrological chart. Some people may find some retrogrades worse/better than others, not be affected at all, or be affected in unconventional ways. For example, Mars retrogrades can guide a typically outwardly emotional person to find better ways to solve their problems rather than resorting to fits of rage. Conversely, a yielding kind of person who has been taught to suppress their anger and true feelings may find themselves becoming unexpectedly snappy and emotionally expressive during a Mars retrograde.


Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, which gives it the quickest orbit. Its rapid journey through the solar system naturally associates it with communication, travel, messaging, and learning. Many cultures have attributed gods of communication to Mercury.

However, Mercury also has some shadow traits. Its fast travel can make it an inconsistent planet/deity to work with in witchcraft, so you should balance the magick out with more stable or peaceful planets whenever you can.

✉️ Mercury Associations: Communication, travel, intellect, learning, mental perception, teaching, writing, creativity, memory, cleverness, reasoning, arguments, sarcasm, cynicism, trickery, thievery
💎 Stones/Crystals/Metals: Agate, Aventurine, Citrine, Mercury, Mica, Muscovite
🌿 Plants: Almond, Alyssum, Anise, Crocus, Fennel, Hazel, Heather, Honeysuckle, Lavender, Marjoram, Mullein, Parsley, Pelargonium, Southernwood
🖐️ Body parts: Brain, nervous system, respiratory system
📆 Day: Wednesday
♊ Zodiac: Gemini
🌈 Colours: Yellow, violet, orange
🛐 Deities: Nabu, Mercury, Apollo, Hermes

❕ Retrograde advice:
Avoid: Casting spells, travelling, coordination, bureaucracy, submitting/signing papers, taking action, overthinking, being harsh on yourself
Do: If trying to coordinate something important (work event, buying a house), write everything down, record everything, and follow up emails/texts with phone calls. Don't make assumptions - maintaining clear & open communication is crucial. Expect misunderstandings; be patient. Mercury retrogrades are especially good times to plan, reflect, edit, revise, and polish projects.


Venus is the closest planet to Earth, and thus is the easiest planet to see in the sky during dawn and dusk; this is where the names "The Morning Star" and "The Evening Star" originate. You may be familiar that another name for Lucifer is The Morning Star (this is actually due to a mistranslation from Hebrew to Greek in the Bible). Nevertheless, Venus' easy visibility in the sky means that it has some of the most folklore and religious significance after the sun and moon.

In ancient times, Venus was associated with disaster and people made offerings & sacrifices to Venus in order to calm its fury. In Roman mythology, Venus is the goddess of love and beauty. In Chinese astrology, Venus is associated with the element metal, which is unyielding, strong and persistent. In Indian astrology, Venus is known as Shukra and represents wealth, pleasure and reproduction.

♀️ Venus Associations: Feminine qualities and pursuits, harmony, partnerships, art, beauty, fashion, peace, pleasures, tact, adaptability, friendship, affection, romance, love, sexuality, lust, luxury, impracticality, indecisiveness, possessiveness, excessive romanticism, balance, feelings, desire, sensuality, personal possessions, comfort, romantic relations, marriage, business, social life, affection, sex (the origin of the words 'venery' and 'venereal'), the urge to sympathize and unite with others.
💎 Stones/Crystals/Metals: Copper, Emerald, Turquoise
🌿 Plants: Persimmon, Almond, Ambrosia, Angle's Trumpet, Angelica, Apple, Apricot, Artichoke, Asparagus, Pea, Baby's Breath, Birch, Blackberry, Gooseberry, Cashew, Cherry, Cinquefoil, Clover, Coconut, Cowslip, Daisy, Datura, Elder, Geranium, Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Lily, Lotus, Mint, Mugwort, Olive, Passionflower, Peach, Pear, Periwinkle, Pistachio, Plum, Pomegranate, Primrose, Pumpkin, Raspberry, Mangrove, Rose, Sesame, Strawberry, Sycamore, Thyme, Venus Flytrap, Violet, Willow, Yarrow
🖐️ Body parts: lumbar region, the veins, parathyroid, throat and kidneys
📆 Day: Friday (romantic languages' word for Friday originates from Venus e.g. Vendredi & Viernes)
♉ Zodiac: Taurus and Libra
🌈 Colours: Green, Rose, Sky blue
🛐 Deities: Akka, Aphrodite, Astarte, Estsanatlehi, Freya, Frigg, Ilmatcuhtli, Quetzalcoatl, Innana, Ishtar, Isis, Lalita, Lucifer, Medb, Qetesh, Renpet, Sukra, Selket, Tauret, Yolkai Estsan, Oshun

❕ Retrograde advice:
Avoid: Entering a new relationship (romantic or business), making investments, beginning new projects, ending existing relationships, getting married, taking out a loan, making large purchases
Do: meditate on what you love the most about yourself. Also meditate upon what you dislike about yourself and make a plan to deal with it (but don't act on it right now!). Review your financial plan and tweak your budget.


Mars, The Red Planet. Its surface is composed of mostly iron which gives it its rich red colour. Our blood cells also contain iron and so, unsurprisingly, Mars is associated with acts of spilling blood: war. War is the opposite of diplomacy and, like Mars, is associated with impulsiveness, aggression, confidence, and ambition.

Invoke the powers of Mars when you need good old-fashioned brutishness, assertion, and action. Mars energy is especially useful in attack or defence magick, countering Venus energy, breaking binding spells and love spells, and increasing or preserving physical strength, courage, or sexual potency.

♂️ Mars Associations: Aggressive masculine energy, weapons, tools, loyalty, sports, initiative, action, freedom, pioneers, decisiveness, selfishness, brutality, lust, conflict, struggle, disharmony, anger, war, confidence, self-assertion, aggression, sexuality, energy, strength, ambition, and impulsiveness.
💎 Stones/Crystals/Metals: ruby, garnet, bloodstone (any red stones).
🌿 Plants: Thorny and/or red plants are often associated with Mars as are those with a strong, spicy flavour and the ability to warm and stimulate or energize the body. Examples: Acacia, Basil, Belladonna, Cacti, Catnip, Chickweed, Chives, Coriander, Dandelion leaf, Garlic, ginger, Gorse, Hawthorn, Holly, Horseradish, Hyacinth, Japanese knotweed, Mistletoe, Mugwort, Mustard, nettles, Onion, Pepper, Radish, Red cedar, Red clover, Reed, Rowan, Tea, Thistle, Thyme, Turmeric, Wild tobacco, Wormwood
🖐️ Body parts: genitals, the muscular system, the gonads, and adrenal glands
📆 Day: Tuesday (In Romantic languages, the word for Tuesday resembles Mars e.g. Martes, and Mardi)
♈ Zodiac: Aries and Scorpio
🌈 Colours: Red
🛐 Deities: Mars, Ares, Athena, Horus, Set, Teutates, The Morrígan, Týr, Freyja, Odin, Hachiman, Maru, Anat

❕ Retrograde advice:
Avoid: Conflict, temptation, starting risky projects that require resolve.
Do: turn your attention inward to focus on any negative or out of control emotions that might need your attention, particularly anger and lust. Find healthy ways to deal with conflict and temptation. Complete your unfinished projects.


Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Its enormous size makes it one of the brightest objects in the sky at night (after the moon). Thus, Jupiter to ancient cultures was an obvious leader (the Roman & Greek pantheons attribute Jupiter & Zeus as the ruler of their gods respectively) and a wise king that provides guidance for all things concerning the law, education, and truth.

Jupiter was believed to have overthrown Saturn to become king of the gods, so Jupiter's energy can also be employed in any magick countering Saturn energy.

Although Jupiter can be called upon for wisdom and justice, beware of its shadow traits including excessive optimism, indulgence, gambling, and patriarchal power.

⚖️ Jupiter Associations: Truth, Knowledge, religion, education, language, foreign countries, faith, philosophy, publication, reading, banking, judgement, justice, (excessive) optimism, compassion, law, legal action, politics, leadership, honour, public acclaim, wealth, business, responsibility, conceit, self-indulgence, growth, expansion, prosperity and good fortune, morality, ideals, higher goals, long distance, foreign travel, freedom, exploration, humanitarian, protecting roles, gambling, merrymaking, fatherhood, patriarchal power, authority
💎 Stones/Crystals/Metals: tin, Amethyst, Lepidolite, Sugilite, Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Diamond
🌿 Plants: Jupiter plants are usually large and bold or darkly colored and often have meaty, wholesome and nutrient-dense fruit. Jupiter flowers and fruit are often yellow. Examples: anise, Ash, Barley stem, Beet, Bell pepper, Black walnut, Brazil nut, Carrot, Catnip, chamomile, Chestnut, Chicory, Chinese ginseng, Cinquefoil, Clover, Coconut, comfrey, thyme, corn kernel, dandelion root, Dock, European mistletoe, European nettles, Fennel seed, Fenugreek seed, Fig, garlic, ginger, Grape stem, Grapefruit, Hawthorne fruit, Hops, Hyssop, Juniper berries, Liquorice root, Magnolia, maple Tree, Marsh mallow root, Milk thistle, Mint, Wormwood, Norway spruce, Nutmeg, Oak Tree, Oats, Olive, Pecan nut, Peppermint leaf, Poplar, Pumpkin seed, rose hips, sage leaf, Slippery elm bark, Smooth hydrangea root, Stevia leaf, valerian, Walnut, White willow bark, Wild yam root, Yarrow
🖐️ Body parts: liver, pituitary gland
📆 Day: Thursday
♐ Zodiac: Sagittarius and Pisces
🌈 Colours: Violet, rich purple, blue, yellow.
🛐 Deities: Adonai, Tzevaot, Amon-Ra, Changó, Dagda, Indra, Itzamna, Izanagi, Jove, Jumala, Kitchki, Manitou, Nuada, Num, Odin, Ran, Reshpu, Ukko, Uwolowu, Viracocha, Vishnu, Were, Jehovah, Jupiter, Yu-Wang-Shang-Ti, Zeus

❕ Retrograde advice:
Avoid: starting a for-profit business. Too much self-absorption manifests in greediness, selfishness, lack of empathy and a sense of dissatisfaction with life in general.
Do: explore yourself, your values, morals, things that are important to you. Examine balance in your life between things that are important and those that are a necessity. Remember things you've always wanted to do and never gotten around to. This is a good time for starting a charity or humanitarian project, but not a for-profit business.


Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system and is most notable for its remarkable concentric rings. The Romans considered Saturn to be their god of agriculture and civilization, and because of its rings, Saturn is also largely associated with boundaries, discipline, and limitation.

Saturn return: Saturn's orbit around the sun is around 29.5 years. When Saturn enters the same ecliptic longitude that it occupied at a person's birth, it is believed to bring with it the tough challenges that arise with becoming a fully-fledged adult. People in their Saturn return can experience life-changing events and challenges that ultimately bring wisdom and cements their true personality. While most people enter their Saturn return at age 29 or 30, the effects can sometimes be felt from age 27. Additionally, people experience subsequent Saturn returns at ages 56 - 60 and 84 - 90 that bring further maturity and old-age wisdom respectively.

⭕ Saturn Associations: agriculture, civilizations, social order, natural laws, cycles, conformity, limitations, restrictions, boundaries, practicality, reality, structures, ambition, career, authority, hierarchy, social structures, duty, discipline, responsibility, endurance during hardships, long-term planning, tenacity, law, dentistry, construction, real estate, thriftiness, reliability, self-discipline, patience, history, time, order, slow change, inhibition, intolerance, dogmatism, depression, obstacles, isolation, all things inevitable: death, taxes, fate, evolution.
💎 Stones/Crystals/Metals: Jet, Obsidian, Onyx, Sapphire, Smoky Quartz, Tourmaline
🌿 Plants: Herbs that correspond to the planetary energy of Saturn tend to be those that thrive in places where other herbs would struggle to survive – dry, barren soil, or areas that receive little sun. Examples: Bindweed, Bistort, Bluebell, Comfrey, Enchanter's Nightshade, Foxglove, Hellebore, Holly, Indigo, Juniper, Mandrake, Monkshood, Mullein, Pine, Rue, Solomon's Seal, Witch Hazel, Wolfsbane, Yew.
🖐️ Body parts: skeletal system, skin, teeth, gall bladder, spleen, vagus nerve
📆 Day: Saturday
♑ Zodiac: Capricorn and Aquarius
🌈 Colours: black
🛐 Deities: Saturn, Baal, Kronos, Ningirsu‎, Rhea, Satre (Etruscan)‎, Saturnus, Shani‎, Ninurta, Phainon, Sėlija

❕ Retrograde advice:
Avoid: taking on any new commitments or starting a business.
Do: reassess any commitments you've already made and make sure they are functioning beneficially. Renegotiate or get rid of anything that is no longer serving you.


The following planets don't have ancient associations because they cannot be seen with the naked eye. The planet Uranus was not discovered until 1781, however the ancient Greeks originally used the name 'Uranus' as the personification of the heavens and the night sky.

Uranus is unusual in that it rotates on its side, and so is associated with eccentricity and going against the status quo. At the time of its discovery, Western societies were undergoing massive advancements in technology and politics, so Uranus is also associated with inventiveness, ingenuity, democracy, equality, and enlightenment. Uranus is the planet to work with when you need to break away from conformity, express your true self, and explore uncharted territory.

⚡ Uranus Associations: Eccentric ideas, inventiveness, electricity, bizarre occurrences, reform, unexpected change, genius, individuality, new/unconventional ideas, discoveries, inventions, industrial revolution, humanitarian/progressive ideals, freedom, originality, radical ideas/people, revolutionary events, upsetting established structures

❕ Retrograde advice:
Avoid: giving in to impulsiveness.
Do: Focus on inner freedom. Control impulsive urges.


Neptune is the furthest planet in the solar system, it was not discovered until 1848. The bulk of Neptune's associations originate from its deep purple colour and, being so far away, is connected to those things that are "difficult to see" such as illusions and true intentions. Neptune is also the Roman god of the sea so the planet is also connected to the sea. Regardless, astrologers are also welcome to impose their own meanings upon the planet according their personal intuition.

Neptune's orbit is very long; it spends around 14 years in a single astrological sign. Therefore, Neptune is considered a generational planet that can influence the priorities, direction, ego, and status quo of an entire generation. This manifests in media, art, film, ideals, politics, and geopolitical movements.

💤 Neptune Associations: Dreams, visions, ideals, fantasy, art, healing, illusion, psychic knowledge, alchemy, imagination, expression through art/dance/music/poetry, spirituality, mysticism

❕ Retrograde advice:
Avoid: succumbing to delusion.
Do: work on your psychic abilities and strengthen your aura/protection magick.


Pluto was discovered in 1930 and in 2006 was downgraded to a dwarf planet. Many astrologers and witches still have much love for Pluto though. Its highly elliptical orbit means that it sometimes falls closer to the sun than Neptune, giving it some chaotic and eccentric properties.

🎆 Pluto Associations: Bringing order from chaos, group ideas, rapid manifestation, uniting, disrupting, destruction to make way for renewal, bringing something into the light

❕ Retrograde advice:
Avoid: hanging onto old, unnecessary attachments.
Do: reflect on how we are doing with change and transformation. Remove outmoded ideas and cleanse body, mind and spirit.


Ceres was discovered in 1801 and is the smallest dwarf planet in the solar system. Not everyone considers Ceres in a natal chart but it can still provide some extra insight in some areas. Ceres is named after the Roman mother and grain goddess.

🤰 Ceres Associations: Reproduction, fertility, pregnancy, motherhood, love, nurture, family bonds, female reproductive issues, feminine rites of passage


(1) You can observe planetary motion and lots more with free, open source software planetariums such as Stellarium. A great tool for cosmic, science-oriented, or tech witches. You can visit the web-app version here:

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