End Of The Beginning

By EOTB_08

890 39 0

We always thought that nature have a way of balancing things. What if it's not true ? what if it was somethin... More

Chapter 1- The New World
Chapter 2- The Impact
Chapter 3- Uninvited Guests
Chapter 4- Uninvited Guest
Chapter 5- A Friend in need
Chapter 6- Search
Chapter 8- Contact
Chapter 9- No More Lies
Chapter 10- The Beginning
Chapter 11- Floor 7
Chapter 12- Holding On
Chapter 13- Doorways
Chapter 14 - Backup
Chapter 15 - Storytellers
Chapter 16- Fix
Chapter 17- Make A Deal
Chapter 18- Capture
Chapter 19 - AntFarm
Chapter 20- Escape Plan
Chapter 21 - Plan B
Chapter 22 - Hide
Chapter 23 - Plans & Preparations
Chapter 24 - Change Of Plans
Chapter 25 - MOS Protocol
Chapter 26 - Alternate
Chapter 27 - Trapped
Chapter 28 - Into the Unknown
Chapter 29 - Vessel
Chapter 30 - Allen's Story
Chapter 31 - Archives
Chapter 32 - Blast From Past
Chapter 33 - Camouflage
Chapter 34 - Visitors
Chapter 35 - Strangers
Chapter 36 - Bait
Chapter 37 - Forgotten
Chapter 38 - Agendas

Chapter 7- Truth, Lies & The Lost

36 1 0
By EOTB_08

Samuel and Ashton were still searching for something not lost. Sara and Jackson vanished from sight. And wayne's still playing along.

" You sure you lost it here ? " Ashton asked Wayne

" I don't know, man, I had it in my pocket when you shot me." Wayne replied

" We looked all over the area, but we found shit. " Ashton said to them disappointingly.

" Let me check the top of the ship. " said Samuel

" Come with me there is a ladder at that end. " said Wayne

They walked towards the back of the ship, and went to the top.

" Why were you here? " said Samuel.

" See... " Wayne pointed to the solar panels. " They are solar panels.
Some are broken, I was repairing them. The ship needs power and it cannot fly without restoring the panels."

Ashton and Samuel saw the broken solar panels.

" Is there anyone inside ?" Asked Samuel

" No, there was no one except me." Wayne replied

" It is hard to believe that a single person can control this huge vessel. " said Samuel.

" It's not so hard, it's totally automated. Can you give me my stuff back ? " asked Wayne

Samuel didn't respond and he told Wayne and Ashton to continue the search. Wayne knew he could enter the ship from there. He was standing right above the entrance. He only needs a matter of seconds. But he didn't want to do that. Cause if he does, he's gonna be trapped in a spaceship that can't fly.

Wayne thought about telling the truth, maybe they will help him to fix the ship. But it makes no difference. He came here with a mission.

" She played you well. " Ashton said with laughter.

" What? " asked Wayne with curiosity.

" Rayley ! She played you well. " Ashton replied

Wayne looked at him and couldn't figure out what he was saying.

" She tricked you dude. Have you ever wondered why she goes to a stranger for help when there are so many people she knows there? The answer is simple, she asked all of us."

" She asked everybody to find her dog. But they all told her they can't go out. And everyone knew her dog is dead. But nobody wants to tell her that."

He stopped for few seconds and continued " When she realized that nobody was looking for her dog, she decided to do it on her own. That dog went through the hole in the garbage room. And someone saw Rayley trying sneak out through it. That's why we put that big metal plate there. It was so heavy for her to move it. "

" She needed someone to move it from there. But she knew that nobody in the camp would do that for her. So she came to you asking for help. "

" She is just 10. " Said Wayne with a surprised face.

" Haha.. you guys went in there. Then she called her dog, didn't she ?" Asked Ashton

" Yeah, few times." Wayne replied

" She lost her dog two days ago. How can you tell she hasn't done that before? " Ashton asked Wayne.

" Mmmm well..... " Wayne had nothing to say.

" Exactly, she's tried this before. She tried it with Sara, and with a few other guys from the camp. But nobody was foolish enough to forget to close the hole. She distracted you from closing it ." Said Ashton

Wayne laughed. Not because he was tricked by a 10 year old, because he was impressed. " But I did close the hole "

" Not properly. Sara found her on the street. She didn't know where her parents were, but the dog was at her side. It was protecting her. " Said Ashton

" I don't think it's here " said Samuel. He was talking about the access card. " Is there any other way to open it? "

" Well, yes, but it's not easy. In order to do that, we have to repair the ship." Said Wayne

" Nice try dude, so you can escape from us ?" said Ashton

" No, I'm telling the truth. Now the ship is running on back-up power. If we fix the panels then we can power up the ship. After that I can try to bypass the security system. If I try to bypass without sufficient power, the ship will go into lock down. Then it will be impossible to open it without proper authorization. " Wayne explained

" So what do you want us to do ? " Asked Samuel

" That is a compartment with spare panels." Wayne pointed at the solar panel bay. " I can use your assistance to repair them."

" It is so difficult to trust you. Now all of a sudden you want to help ? " asked Samuel.

" Look... I know you don't trust me. It's fine. I can't change your opinion of me. Even if you help me repair the panels, I can't escape. Because the engine is damaged. That's why we need trust in one another so we can escape from here." Said Wayne

" Escape to where ? " Asked Samuel

" I don't know " said Wayne

" You don't know or you won't tell ? " Asked Samuel

" You know what, don't help me. I don't care. Hide in your small camp until you die. " Wayne replied

" Why can't you come clean? Take a look around... there's nothing there. It's the end of the world. Whatever we had in the past no longer matters. Now it's all a question of life and death. " Samuel expressed his frustration " here "  he returned the watch

Samuel walked away from Wayne and sat near the edge. Ashton heard them and said nothing. Wayne walked towards the other end of the ship and sat there.

" How far we can travel if we fix the panels and the internal damages ? " He asked NOVA. He is far away from the others and he is facing towards the opposite direction. So they can neither hear nor see him talking.

" If we fix the propeller, about 300 miles. That is only If we are at full power capacity. But we can't fly at full speed without fixing the engine. Nor we can leave the earth atmosphere ". NOVA replied

" Mmm ok." Said Wayne

" Captian can I suggest something ? " Asked NOVA

"What is it ?"

" It's nearly impossible to fix the engine by one person, why don't we help these people ? Gain their trust and make everything better. " Asked NOVA

" How....? How can we help them ? To take them somewhere else ? It's the same everywhere. It doesn't matter anymore. They'll all die if we don't do something, and we're the only ones who can do something. You know the reason why we're here. We have a mission in our hands. To do that we need the ship. In order to do that, we need to use those people. " Said Wayne

" So what are you suggesting captain ? " NOVA Asked

"That depends on their decision. If they help me or not to fix the ship." Said Wayne

" NOVA, give me a status update, of all drones " said Wayne

" All of them are fully functional. " Said NOVA

" Well ok. We need to get rid of these peoples one way or another. " Said Wayne

" Ok Captain " NOVA replied

" Where are the scouting drones ? " Wayne asked again

" Two of them are still close to the camp " NOVA replied

" Do you have the picture of Rayley ? " Asked Wayne

" Yes captain. I record everything you see. Don't you remember ? " Said NOVA

" Send out both drones to find her." Wayne gave the order.

" Ok Captain sending them away " NOVA replied.

He got up from there and walked over to the others. Samuel was still sitting there looking at the broken things in front of him. Ashton was still searching for the access card on the ground.

"What now ?" Asked Ashton

Wayne and Samuel looked at each other. But they didn't say anything.

While they were sitting there clueless. Sara and Jackson were still searching for Rayley. They've been trying to find her for two hours. However, the result was disappointing.

" We can't keep doing this, we need to split up." Said Sara and she pointed few places on the map. I will search these sectors and you will look here. Use the flare if you see her. I will do the same. "

Jackson gave her the thumbs up, and he asked Sara how she was doing.

" I don't know who I'm most mad at. Both Rayley and that lying piece of shit driving me crazy " Sara replied.

" Anyway let's go, we don't have much time to waste. Hide in the tunnels If you can't go back. " Sara countinued.

She hugged him and they both went separate ways.

Thirty minutes later, NOVA sends Wayne a message.

" Found her. the closest person to her is Sara . What do you want me to do ? " Asked NOVA

Wayne Slowly walked away from Samuel. " Direct her toward Sara using the drone. " Wayne told NOVA

Rayley was wandering around the debris, shouting Poppy's name. She seems exhausted and hungry. But that didn't stop her, she kept walking. The drone went down further and further to her. Finally she saw it. She tried to catch it. But the drone moved forward. She started to follow it. NOVA countinued this cat and mouse game for a while. Now Rayley is close to Sara.

" HELP." The drone used Rayley's voice through the speaker. Then the drone went up and vanished in an instant.

" Come back..... " Rayley shouted. She remained there a few minutes staring at the sky. Then she started walkin'.

" You little devil....." She heard a voice from behind. And she quickly recognised it.

She turned around and she saw Sara and she was fuming.

" What were you thinking ? Why did you....... " Sara stopped talking

" Come here, lets go back " she said

" But... I want... I want to find poppy " Rayley replied

" What if the Fallers had found you before I did, You know what will happen, don't you ? " Asked Sara

" But you said Hunter... " Rayley was about to say something.

" Stop... " Said Sara

" I'm sorry " Rayley was on the verge of crying.

" Hey hey.... I told you I will look for her. Look at me. " sara sat there.

" Do you trust me ? " Asked Sara

Rayley shook her head yes

" I will find Poppy no matter of what. I won't break my promise. Ok ? " Sara countinued

" Ok " Rayley said with shooking her head.

NOVA informed Wayne about it. He was thinking about something else. He saw Samuel coming down. He followed them and got off the ship.

" Can we go back ?" Wayne asked Samuel.

" Hey look." Ashton pointed to the sky.

It was a red flare, fired by Sara. Everyone else saw it including Jackson, who smiled and started to walk back to the camp.

" They found her " said Ashton

Samuel smiled in relief. " Alright lets go back. It's almost 4 in the evening. "

As they were getting ready to go, Sara was trying to find a tunnel nearby. She was checking the map. Few minutes later Sara told them that she found Rayley, through the walkie.

" Did you send the flying thing ?" Asked Rayley

" What flying thing ? " Sara asked while looking at the map

" I saw something, never mind " Rayley replied

Ashton and Samuel stopped searching. They were preparing to leave.

" Captain I'm detecting movements. It's not a human " Said NOVA

" Is it a dog ? " Wayne asked in a low voice without others hearing him.

" No, its not a dog. It's something bigger. I think it's...." NOVA got interrupted by Wayne while she was talking

" Where is it ? " Wayne asked

" It's about 0.7 miles away from Sara and Rayley. It's moving slowly. Looks like it's injured." NOVA replied

" It's not injured. " Said Wayne. " NOVA Open the door. "

" Are you sure captain? " NOVA Asked him.

" Do it now " said Wayne.

The other two were preparing to leave. They were distracted. Wayne started running towards the door. It opened and he went in. As soon as he got in, the door closed behind him.

" What the...... " Ashton looked at him and he was unable to do anything. Everything happened real quick.

Samuel went for his gun . But Wayne went in before he could pick up the gun. He fired a couple shots but didn't even get a scratch on that door. They stood infront the door wondering what the hell just happened.

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