Mark of the Erios

By esthersteel_

5K 361 9

~5000 words per chapter; completed. Finale chapter ~12000 words. ... The world is based on status, being an... More

Chapter 1: Dragon Rider
Chapter 2: Fly Time
Chapter 3: Gunda
Chapter 4: Gold Teeth
Chapter 5: Red Marks
Chapter 6: Castle Grounds
Chapter 7: Enchanted Falls
Chapter 8: Laress
Chapter 9: War Travels
Chapter 11: Memories
Chapter 12: Alliances
Chapter 13: Camden
Chapter 14: Rainbow Dragons
Chapter 15: Laress, Again
Chapter 16: Damien
Chapter 17: Abuse
Chapter 18: Finale
Other Romance Novels...

Chapter 10: Burn Ointment

209 17 1
By esthersteel_

Damien Blueblood Point of View

Daniel runs over to the desk grabbing the black box to move it to the floor. Waving me over, I speed walk laying her gently across the top of the desk.

"Where is the healer?" I mutter and look around and Daniel gives me a weird look.

"I am the healer." Daniel frowns and turns toward Krysian looking her over once more. He turns back to the black box and unclasp the clips letting it fly open and out with it came a putrid smell, "Sorry about the smell, frog's breath tends to stink up everything."

Neither the fox nor I said anything in response trying to keep our mouths shut. It was almost immediately after he clasped it back that the stench left the room.

"Isn't the healer supposed to be a woman?" My voice is quiet. He ignores me for a minute mixing together some ingredients into a grey mush. Raising his hand over it, he mumbles an incantation, a slight glow coming over the mixture before spreading it over her burns.

He waits a minute and then turns to me with a scowl, "And to think I thought of you as intelligent when you first visited just two days ago. The healer that your dragon spoke of is me. I am not a female, but many think of me to be when I go Alie."

The man places a hand on his waist and throws out his hip while pursuing his lips. My eyebrows raise in alarm.

"You go by Alie?" I mutter and he rolls his eyes turning back to Krys. He grabs another set ingredient, these rounds taking on a gold color. He runs it over her skin before whispering something in old tongue.

Alie grabs my arm, him biting his lip looking over her. Every blister and bump on her beautiful face started to fade and shimmer away back into her skin leaving her perfect tan in its place. Alie turns to me and winks playfully happy that his healing worked, I couldn't withhold myself from hugging him pulling the small snake whisper into my chest.

"Now here comes the fun part, would you like me to remove her memories of this and replace it with a nasty head fall caused by her own clumsiness, or would you like her to keep her memory of you burning her alive." He moves to her head and places both of his hands on the either side of her temples. He looks up to me awaiting my response.

"That is not my place to decide."

"Why of course it is! It is a simple memory swap-" He tries to persuade me, I raise my hand silencing him.

"This is something that she needs to know. I don't believe taking away her memories would put us in any better place than we found ourselves in now."

"Won't she hate you for cooking her Prince Damien?"

I take a long, deep breath and look him dead in the eyes, "I would much rather her hate me while knowing the truth than love me while being lied to."

Daniel raises both of his hands up in surrender and Stout tilts his head to the side watching me curiously, "Alright fine, I won't touch her memories, but I must get my mate. He will assist me in the final set of spells to insure her healing properly."

I nod my head and he runs out of the tent leaving me and the fox to speak. "That was noble of you Prince Damien." Stout flashes his silver teeth and I give him a long-tired look.

"Congrats, you found out. I am Royalty." The fox smiles lightly and runs next to Krysian on the opposite side of me.

"Oh," He cackles licking over his teeth falling back on his haunches, "I knew all along my dear friend, but I rather enjoy playing games. How was the fire show might I ask?"

"What do you know?"

"Nothing beyond the fact that Krysian and you have some indescribable abilities, some showing with fire that almost burns their mate alive."

I attempt to get more information, but he vanishes reappearing next to the doorway. Alie can be heard calling out to someone outside of the tent. "The Trune will be in Gunda at high noon tomorrow. Don't be late. Keep her healthily, she is our only hope. Consider this my one and only gift to you."

Stout runs away leaving my hand dangling in the air. If I could pull the air between us closer and speak to him a moment more, if would, but that isn't how this works. And for once, the evil fox looked afraid, not of me, of what is to come.

A few more minutes pass as I lay stand next to Krysian watching her skin continue to lay over the old and heal on the edges of her face.

"Alright!" A voice I don't recognize yells. I swivel around, my blade moving in the direction of the noise stopping just below their chin. A red haired, freckled face man meets my eye and I twist my head to the left in alarm waiting for him to attack.

"He-Hey!" The man waves his hand lightly and swallows his adams apple touching the tip of my blade and then moving back down, "My name is Frank, I'm Daniel's mate."

"Hey babe- What the hell Prince Damien get the stars away from him with that!" I hear Daniel screech and his heavy footsteps carry through the room towards me. I turn to defend myself. Frank moves forward snapping my arm up and catching the sword as I throw it into the air turning it back towards me. I raise my hands in alarm.

"What in the...?" I mutter and hold my hand out, Frank hands me back my sword with a smirk.

"Before I became a healer I worked as a blacksmith." Frank answers and I look over him. His rough build and strong muscles show through his black leathers, he stands as tall as me and the only thing taking away from his killer look is the large grin that graces his face. In comparison to Daniel's lean figure, I could possibly say they are exact opposites.

"You just became a healer?" I question and Frank moves to Krysian going to her feet grabbing her ankles lightly while Daniel moves once again to her hand laying his hands on her temples.

He never answers me putting me at the back of his mine. Frank begins to chant with Daniel as the two slowly start to walk around Krysian and leave a light green glow over her skin.

Frank stops at her temples and Daniel stops at her feet. With a large clap, the two back away quickly and the blue light that started to emanate from here shrinks back into her skin completely disappearing from view.

"What was that?" My voice is the first thing to break the silence that seemed to lay over the room. All three of us watch her, the results unexpected.

"I have no idea, but she should be okay. Give her a few minutes to wake up, she has been through a lot of traumas and her mind needs times to catch up." Frank answers for the both of them.

Krysian Yelt Point of View

My toes start to tingle before I regain feeling in any parts of my body. The vague voices that carry through the room seem to be distant echoes in the back of my mind, but I am unable to pinpoint where or who they are coming from. My leg shifts quickly, straight into the air, the first sign of control regained.

"Damn!" I hear an unrecognizable voice yell through the room. I try to match it to someone that I know, but I can't. Where am I?

My body starts to wake up, me forcing my eyes open to the rather dark room around me. This leaves me more confused than before. Last I remember I was in a field being burned alive.

I try to speak but nothing forms, a familiar face leaning over me with an uneasy smile.

"Welcome back Krys." Damien whispers and I move to sit up but have trouble, Damien helping me sit forward.

"W-Where?" I could barely force out the one word, but the three men surrounding me seemed to understand the question.

A man that I have never seen before in my life speaks up. I can't help but watch his freckles move as he speaks, "You are currently in the Craghorn Market laying on my desk."

"What? Why am I on a desk-"

Before any of the boys that surrounded me could answer, my mind started to swirl and memories of the fire licking up my arms and melting my skin begin to fill my thoughts. I shove away from him landing my arse on the dirt of the tent.

"Ma'am are you alright?" The ginger spoke quickly running to my side to help me up into a standing position. I watch Damien stand in once place, pain etched across his face.

"Who-who are you?" I turn to the man helping me, the freckles I stared at before moving as he laughs, a light red mark beginning to form on his chin.

"I am the guy that you just kicked across the face, but you can call me Frank." His deep voice takes me by surprise.

"Well thank you... Frank." I mumble out, my voice starting to sound like me again.

"And I am Daniel, his mate and the snake whisperer of Craghorn. Also, a relative healer of the area." I turn to the other man, his face recognizable.

"I'm Krys." I announce to the men, both rolling their eyes.

"Don't worry honey we know who you are." Daniel smiles at me, placing a kiss on Frank's cheek.

"This handsome man and I helped you come back from the dead, which we wouldn't do for just anyone in these parts." Daniel continues while Frank blushes at the compliment. I chuckle at the odd pair.

Frank clears his throat and grabs Daniel's hand starting to tug him out of the tent, "Come on babe, let us give them a moment."

I take a moment to breath, closing my eyes to count backwards from ten. I hear Damien shuffling next to me and try to tune him out. Giving myself another moment, I look over to him, his face covered with worry kneeling before me with his blade lifted out. Kill me or spare me.

Damien Blueblood Point of View

"You burned me alive you bastard."

"I did. I have no idea how it happened, or when such abilities came to me, but please know that I had no intention of hurting you like this." Tears slips my eyes running down my cheeks, I don't hold them back praying to the stars that she believes me.

"You deserve death for everything you've done. To me and the people." She whispers placing a finger under my chin to lift me towards her face. I raise my gaze meeting her rage filled features.

"Please, forgive me." I choak out, she blows air from her nose tossing my head to the side before walking back towards the table.

"I have the right mind to slit your throat. Forgiveness. You speak of such nonsense. I won't forgive you for this, all this is now is a business deal. Get up, we have things to do." She tosses her hair over her shoulder, looking at me from head to toe, "And remember, I can kill you any moment, and will if you cross me."

"You speak to your mate like this?" I growl at her, her figure stopping in the middle of the tent.

But I don't stop, "I cry on my knees, begging for your forgiveness and I get a death threat? How can you be so heartless?"

Krysian looks at me ticking her head to the side, a small non-humorous laugh coming from her, "Oh, go suck one off. The stars you so believe in, screwed up. Heartless would not be the word to describe me, Prince. It's knowing my worth, and you don't meet it. Your dirt under my boot, and I'm going to use you to improve the lives of everyone in your pathetic kingdom. Us Nothing's would be better off running this ourselves."

"Watch yourself. You might be my mate, but I won't tolerate such disrespect." I step towards her, she doesn't move away straightening her back.

"Do you truly, and be honest, think I'm scared of you? You have done nothing but waste my time. I became a dragon rider to live up to my father's image, you're a distraction, a tool to me now. Nothing more." She pulls her hair into a ponytail snapping the band into place, "We have things to do, are you with me?"

"You think it's that easy? I'm just going to go belly up for you?"

"It's that or your blood stains their rugs. I don't really give a dragon's wing which one happens."

Krysian Yelt Point of View

In the world, some people become blessed with abilities due to a mutation in their blood. This combined with the leftover magic in the air and some plants leads to wild experiments that can't be controlled. My father dedicated his life to this research before he was called to the war.

One of the greatest mutations to happen, some called it pure magic were the people known as Erio. This came from many years of problems, but soon four divisions of Erio were created, the first perfect experiment.

My father, the Slayer as some referred to him as, studied these beings day in and day out in an attempt to replicate them. His research, however, has been lost for many years. He had cracked how the blood change happened, and who was able to wield these abilities.

Each division was earth based, elemental, the four being water, fire, ground, and air. All four were strong in their own way, air being able to suffocate you, ground bury you, and so on. Of the four, the rarest were water and fire. These two were considered the strongest, never able to balance with the others leading to the wielders killing themselves.

Many alchemists have tried to conduct experiments to create Fire Erio and Water Erio, but in the end, the people always died. Umbell, gratefully, outlawed these types of experiments years ago, but Laress continues to test on their subjects. The benefits of these abilities are obvious, and many people would kill to be able to handle an element, but it's no longer a natural blood mutation.

Hunters, the people who tracked all magic with the intention of purging it from the land, killed every known fire or water erio. Then, they targets the wind and earth. Some believe that a few exist, hiding their abilities, but those are the same idiots that think fairies still roam the land.

Shoving out of my thoughts, I exit the tent, tugging lightly on my hair band to loosen it against my skull.

"How are you feeling?" Daniel calls out walking over to my side a small snake slithering around his hand.

"Better than I could have ever imagined being. You and your mate performed a miracle."

"All in a day's work, my queen." I bite my lip, not wanting to correct him. He pulls me into a hug laying his chin on the top of my head, "You are stronger than you believe, my dear."

"Ready?" Damien calls out, a fake smile plastered across his face. Daniel backs away from me, patting my shoulder.

"She seems up to it. Her energy feels good."

"Did he pay you for your services or should I?" The coin bag on my dragon is light on funds, but he deserves whatever he sees fit and more.

Frank replies before Daniel gets the chance to speak, "No charge, just send us an invite to the castle sometime. How does that sound?"

Daniel and Frank shove at us forcing us to be on our way. We look back with a wave, both their eyes watching us until we reached the gate.

"Krys-" Damien starts and then lets his voice drops the silence overtaking us again.

"You spoke?"

"The Trune will be in Gunda tomorrow at noon." His voice is flat, a monotone taking over him, "The fox told me." I give him a nod looking towards the field.

The dragons come into view as we leave Craghorn, Asia tripping over her six legs to get to me. Her head shoves into my belly, dragon snorts moving over my leather pants.

Krysian! Krysian!

Asia, my dragon, I'm alright.

You looked dead!

But I wasn't, thanks to you. How's your skin?

Good as stone, come here.

She presses harder into me, my hand reaching to scratch her favorite spot. I laugh at her when he back feet wiggle on the ground sending small vibrations through the field. Her crystals shift colors slightly, her happiness visible.

"We should eat before the journey. With it being twelve frames, we have about an hour before we need to get into the air." Damien calls out over the special moment my dragon and I were sharing. Asia even seem frustrated with him letting out a large huff of air in his direction.

Turning around I walk towards Damien and frown, "Before we travel to my home, I need you to be aware that I have a death sentence on my head should I return."

I hear him sigh, "And why am I not surprised? Do you piss everyone off that knows you?"

" I mutter and give a weird smile.

"Only the people that piss me off first." I send him a smile clicking my tongue at the dragon, she drops her back letting me see her soft belly. Leaning over her feet, I run my hands down and back as much as a I can, "I put a knife through a noble's eye, Prince. Not something that would be let off lightly. Even though I was able to challenge for my rights, my mother was dumping in another village, both of us banned from ever returned."

"Do you have a plan then?"

"What do you mean?" I pause looking over to him with a single raised brow.

"If you can't enter Gunda, then how will we see the Trune."

"Who said we weren't going to enter Gunda? I was just telling you, so you help me rip down the wanted posters."

"Rip down the- Krys. Have you forgotten that I am King right now, I can simply tell the noble to leave you alone?"

"And you didn't lead with that?"

"Can you just take a moment to remember when you were afraid to speak to me?" Damien huffs tossing his hands into the air when he walks to Hound. I watch the male dragon throw his tail out hitting Damien in the gut, his snort going through Damien's hair.

That's my boy.

"I would be nice to me if I were you, I wasn't the only one you burned alive." Hound growls, dropping down to two legs allowing Damien to mount the saddle.

Hound growls underneath him, his ability breaking through the leather Damien sits on freezing his arse. We all watch him shoot up rubbing his hands over his legs trying to warm the ice-covered pants.

"Nice Hound!" I call out to the dragon, Frenasia taking me gently onto her back. My saddle was turned into ash, Frenasia being the one to take most of the flames while Hound tried to combat him. However, due to the lack of water in his system from the heat, it was almost no use.

I look over at the Prince, his face settling into a frown on the back of his dragon, "Are you ready for this, Prince?"

"It's Gunda, how bad can it be?" 

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