Mark of the Erios

By esthersteel_

4.6K 339 9

~5000 words per chapter; completed. Finale chapter ~12000 words. ... The world is based on status, being an... More

Chapter 1: Dragon Rider
Chapter 2: Fly Time
Chapter 3: Gunda
Chapter 4: Gold Teeth
Chapter 5: Red Marks
Chapter 6: Castle Grounds
Chapter 8: Laress
Chapter 9: War Travels
Chapter 10: Burn Ointment
Chapter 11: Memories
Chapter 12: Alliances
Chapter 13: Camden
Chapter 14: Rainbow Dragons
Chapter 15: Laress, Again
Chapter 16: Damien
Chapter 17: Abuse
Chapter 18: Finale
Other Romance Novels...

Chapter 7: Enchanted Falls

231 20 0
By esthersteel_

Krysian Yelt Point of View

"Let me start out by saying that I am the King's brother. Damien's uncle." He watches my face as I try not to react to stupidly.

"You're what?"

"I am Camden's, our kings, older brother."

"You realize that you make you king, not King Blueblood right?" Did that come off rude?

Yes it did my rider. Yes it did.

I look up from the hay scattered across the ground to see Frenasia, eyes gleaming with mischief, watching us as we have our conversation.

"I'll get to that, my impatient child. Would you like me to tell you?"

I nod my head, excitement evident in my body language.

Being from Gunda nobody really knows anything about the Royal's except their little nobles that run around are complete pricks with a weird thing for taxed rice.

"Alright then Krysian. Listen closely," Jonvi takes a deep breath almost as if he is pulling himself together, "Long ago, I was young man free to do as I pleased preparing to become the King of Umbell and marry my beautiful loving mate. We would go to the market together every sixth morning to pick out flowers for the vase on her side of the bed. Her favorite thing to let me do was buy a single sunflower, nothing more, nothing less. It was only a bronze piece and I wanted to buy her every flower that the kingdom had to offer, but she never seemed to want that. She only wanted me and that single sunflower every weekend morning."

Jonvi almost looks as he about to cry turning away from me looking towards the back of the stables. He tries to contain himself.

"Jonvi it's okay if you can't finish-" I start to mutter but he cuts me off with his hand.

"I want you to hear this," With one breath he starts again, "As you know Laress, ruled by the Redux family, is the biggest enemy of Umbell and has been trying to overthrow us for years. One morning Laress declared war on Umbell. As crowned prince, I was expected to lead the army into battle, leaving my love behind. I left before she awoke only a note to warn her to stay in the castle, but she didn't listen. Instead of going to the market like we always did she went to the gardens to look over some of the plants she had growing. Before she got back inside, one of the soldiers from Laress shot an arrow through her heart. He was hiding in the bushes of the garden and killed her on sight. She died and I wasn't with her, I wasn't there to help her. I didn't even kiss her goodbye that morning."

He took another breath, I start to cry with him, "I had to come home to an empty bed and search for her dead body on the castle grounds. She died in the same garden I proposed to her in, the same garden she visited every day to watch over her vegetables and flowers. My beautiful mate that deserved nothing, but the best was killed in a place that she trusted, that I made sure she could trust. I failed her Krysian. I let her die. I had to drop her body into the ground, and I have to live with that regret," Jonvi turned to me and put my face between the palm of his hands looking me dead in the eyes, "Krysian, I want you to think about what you are doing. You only get one mate. You only get one love, and you couldn't fail him even if you wanted to. You won't make the same mistake I did. Just give the poor lad a chance, he'll surprise you. As queen, you'll have him wrapped around your pinky, maybe be able to create some new laws, help fix this broken land once again?"

I throw my arms around Jonvi and pull him close letting my tears fall onto his leather jacket. He reminds me of my father before he passed, my heart needing this more than he does.

"I'll call for a servant to take you to your chambers. I need to attend to the dragons. They are due for a teeth cleaning."

Both the dragons snort, turning away from us. Jonvi laughs at them, standing with me. We didn't speak to each other again, a servant appearing within a few minutes to guide me back.

The scrawny teenager scurried through the walkways making it hard to keep us as I follow him to the beautiful castle and in through a side door. Each twist and turn gave me a headache, but I continued on hoping that maybe, just maybe, we were close.

I was very wrong.

As we walk, I take the time to examine the walls. Each are lined with painting after painting of the royal couples. Many of the portraits are before my time, only the two most recent generations being recognizable. I take a mental note of Jonvi and his beautiful mate lining the wall as well. Her smile is contagious, a sunflower in her hair while the photo was painted. Jonvi genuinely smiles ear to ear his arm wrapped around her to hold her close.

The servant led me away, his tongue clicking when I took too long, "Ms. I don't mean to push, but I have things to do."

I give him a look, one that he rolls his eyes to. We continue walking through the castle stairs coming into view.

After many curse words and a few breaks, we reached the top of the many steps that led to my room. Not being prepared to stop, I almost ran into the teenager as he stopped in front of a large white door.

The boy ran off before I could correct him about my room, this was not it, I did not have anything this nice. I was only expecting a cot and maybe a nice window, not a room the size of a Nothing's house.

"Uh... okay then."

Damien Blueblood Point of View

The nerves that crawled through my body did nothing to help my fast-beating heart as I lay sprawled across my bed, mark shown to the world. What is the point of hiding it? I found her. I kissed her. I lost her. The twenty-four hours were a test from the gods to see if I was worthy.

Ms. Dumark scampers into my room happy to see me, my leather jackets and pirate shirt thrown across the room.

"Oh my! Prince Blueblood what has come over you?!" She screeches and runs to the closet to grab me something to wear tonight knowing damn well I can do it myself.

"Why do you still visit me at night Ms. Dumark? Or even in the morning? You know I can dress myself." I groan into the pillow trying to keep my voice level. It is not fair for me to take out my frustrations on her, she is only doing what she is trained to do.

"I know you can dress yourself sir...I just wish to visit because you are rather lonely when you mope in here at night."

The sixty-year-old woman throws some soft shorts my direction for me to sleep in somehow knowing I wouldn't want to cover my mark tonight.

I walk to the changing room and slip into them dropping my dirty pants and leather garments into the large bucket that Ms. Dumark has sat out for me.

"I do not mope Ms. Dumark, I simply realize things about my life that are rather depressing."

Without asking, the older woman sits down on my bed patting next to her. I haven't seen this side of her in while, the last in my teens when I couldn't keep myself together hormonally. I plop next to her laying on my back.

"Jonvi spoke to me about how you got jumped over your trip, any injuries I should know about?"

"No, both Krys and I handled them easily. They only had the element of surprise."

"Krys, that's her name. Is she alright?"

"She's completely fine, can handle her own rather well. We are both alive and happy." My voice started to tapper at the end, I am by no means happy.

"Do you wish to speak about her? I can tell your mind is troubled over the lady. Maybe I can help you sort your endless thoughts." I look at the old woman, her caring gaze meeting my hurt one. She has been in my life forever and since I can't speak to my mate, she might be able to help me.

"I found my mate. Krys. She's perfect. A strong woman, a fiery spirit, great bo-bottomless thoughts. When she found out my status it turned her away. You were right, Ms. Dumark, she comes from Gunda. Now I am trying to handle rejection.".

"Why don't you go wash up? Down at the waterfall." She starts to get up and walk towards my door.

"What- Ms. Dumark?"

"Go, you smell."

Without any other words she walks out of the room and takes a random turn down a hallway leaving me alone in the room. The woman's never been wrong before, so I grab a towel and my shoes and start to walk to the waterfall at the base of the castle. Maybe a warm wash is exactly what I need.

Krysian Yelt Point Of View

Before I could get a real handle on the room, a small knock resonates through the space. I walk back to the large doors. No human is ten foot tall, why do the doors have to be that high? Waste of money and labor. It also makes them heavy and hard to open.

The young boy that led me to this room initially stands in front of me which a plush towel and a soap bar. "Mr. Jonvi instructed me to lead to you the waterfall." Without asking or anything the boy starts to walk away, I quickly run out to follow him forgetting to grab a change of clothes or even rationalize what was happening.

We wind down more stairs and all I can think about is having to walk back up them after the wash. It almost seems rather pointless to even try to keep clean if so much exercise is involved. And how does this kid know where to go? I barely remember where the last stair well was.

After ten minutes of endless walking, we finally get to another set of large doors towards the base of the castle.

"It's through those doors milady. Enjoy." The kid drops the stuff in my arms and runs away leaving me clueless on how to get back to bed or even how to get anywhere in general.


Deciding the only thing I can do is enter into the bathing room and clean myself off, I walk in slowly forcing the heavy door open.

My mind didn't register the other person in the room. I simply saw the beautiful waterfall cascading down into a bowl of clear water. A light steam lifted off the surface and I became too excited to remember to take my clothes off, maybe it is worth the stairs.

I quickly begin to untie the leather bodice watching as my breast go to their normal size. It's almost like taking a breath of air for the first time every time I take it off.

"Calm down there darling, I usually earn my shows."

"Holy shit!" Before I knew it, my bodice fell, my bare chest and hips were laid out to the world. Nothing but a brisk air to comfort me. I throw my arms over myself knowing it would take too long and too much effort to re-lace the form of corset, but I was almost tempted.

"Hello, my river vixen, what a nice way to meet again."

Damien Blueblood Point of View

I stand naked, the only thing covering me is the white water that rises from impact of the waterfall.

I look at my mate who stands before me such beauty over taking my gaze. Even before she started to undress I admired her gorgeous blue hair and dark eyes that shimmer. I admired her tight ass and toned legs that were tied against me, and of course her voice as she sang to herself was one of the most calming things to listen too when she doesn't pay attention.

I don't even think she realizes she does it.

"Prince Blueblood. What a nice surprise. I am so sorry to intrude on you, I'll find my way out." She bends down to pick up her top that binded back her real physique. I have never been a chest man, but looking how soft hers present, I could see myself becoming one.

"Why do you hide yourself?"

"Because I'm naked dumb arse." She retorts and turns to where her back faces me.

In this moment I notice two tattoos that lay on her skin, one being on the back of her left arm and the other being on the back of the right.

"No need for such a tongue, mind I remind you I am naked as well." I study the work on her arms, admiring the simple line work, "What do the inking's on your arms stand for?"

Tattoos in Umbell are only done in for a reason, every tattoo someone wears has meaning. Some are more personal than most, but none are just for show.

"Do you wish to speak of such personal things at a time like this?"

"I wish to speak of many things, in many times like this, especially with you." I see her back straighten, "Now what are they for? I'll tell you about mine if you wish." Come on, please speak to me.

"Fine, I will share, but let me at least cover myself with the towel." Even though I wished she wouldn't I respected her and waited until the soft towel was wrapped around her body. She walked to the edge of the pool and stuck her feet in with a large sigh, giving me an evil eye.

Even though I wished to move closer, I stayed in one place knowing she would run the moment I revealed my naked body.

"You first, Prince Damien." Her voice was soothing as she spoke to me, a large contrast from before.

I want to correct her, tell her to just call me Damien, but from her stubborn look, I know that it would be difficult for her.

"I have two that sit on my chest. One is a group of three feathers. They stand for my family. The other is two coy fish, one standing for war, the other standing for peace." Both of my tattoos are etched in black ink the only color on my skin being the red of our shared mark. She seemed interested and leaned forward, a small amount of cleavage becoming noticeable. She has a beautiful figure that I must appreciate.

"What do the feathers have to do with your family?"

"My family originally, before the rise of Umbell, were the first dragon riders. The feathers represent the dragons that were from our family, and each feather represents my mother, father, and uncle."

"Your uncle is Jonvi right?" Her curious gaze looks over my face.

"Yes, I assume he told you what happened." A single nod was her response.

"Why did you family stop ridding dragons? As far as I know you are the only Prince ever heard of to ride."

"When my family took over the throne and built Umbell those some odd years ago they decided that it would be a sad but needed sacrifice. If you ride dragons, you were never at the castle and with the new development of people, it wasn't what they needed. After that, no one thought that it was important that the prince rode dragons, and after what happened with Jonvi... well it wasn't until me. Jonvi started to ride after the loss of his mate, stepped out of the light of the crown. It became his purpose in life."

"I guess my turn. I have two as well, you have seen them on the back of my arms. One of them is a dragon, my father was a dragon rider before... well before he wasn't. The other is decorated blade which represents my family on my mother's side and my ability with a knife. My mother's family used to be blacksmiths for the royal family... your family... and part of what our job was to make sure the blade could withstand battle. We would spar with the royal blades in the back of the barn until our arms quaked, however it led us to become some of the best people to wield a blade. Before my brother passed away a long time ago, he was the only one able to beat me."

I could tell she wasn't going to speak on her father or mother, no matter how curious I was, but a door opened for other conversation, "You had a brother?"

"I had two, one of them was lost in the womb and the other died in battle against Laress." She bites her lip, something being withheld.

"Why don't you get in here. The water is nice and enchanted," I let a nice chuckle leave me before continuing, "I promise I won't peek."

Krysian Yelt Point Of View

"Now why would I join you in the water? Even if you promise to not peek the water is basically clear. I'll wait till you finish and then enjoy the water all to myself." I was relieved at the change in the conversation, I was not ready to go into my family history and everything that had happened.

Part of me wanted to flash my bare skin and see his reaction, the mate side of me at least

"Would a bet get you into this water. A wager of sorts?" His eyes darken, my interest peeked.

"What kind of wager?" I lean back analyzing the situation, knowing that either way a naked prince is a win, win for me.

"If you can do a handstand without flashing your nice arse, I'll get out right now and leave you be. However, if you can't, you will join me, and I get to ask your three questions you have to answer."

"Interesting choice. I'll take you up on it, however, if I lose you only get one question, not three. And if I win, I get a back rub, wearing that corset for as long as I did put a kink in my back."

"I see no issue, I would win either way. Both outcomes allowing me to spend time with you. It's a deal."

Male mates are always territorial, determined to make sure the woman is always happy, it's almost sickening. If I asked him to kill every servant, he would, simply because I asked him. There like animals in a sense.

Damien starts to move towards me the water moving around him in way that makes everything hard to see below the waist. Thank the goddess. He stops moving right in front of me with his body between my legs that hang over the edge of the pool. The position makes my body stir with a discomfort I haven't felt in a while, haven't wanted to feel in a while.

"Are you ready to lose, darling?" His beautiful face looks up at me, chiseled jaw clenching with anticipation as I look down upon him. The towel slowly becoming tighter with each strained breath that I took in. Even in the water his familiar scent wafted into my nose comfort taking over my body.

Seeing him fully clothed for out time together, I'm not used to seeing the muscles that form in his arms. Especially the ones that move to hold the edge of the pool on the outside of my legs entrapping my knees under his arms. How could someone so perfectly built be made for me a screw up.

I pull out of his hold, tugging off my pants under the towel. His eyes glimmer with mischief watching me shake them off at the ankles.

Giving him my back, I tighten the towel as much as possible then tuck it between my legs. A handstand is something I haven't done in a while, but it's like throwing a blade, you'll remember when you try.

I tighten my core, turning to give him my front. Damien smiles, keeping his focus completely on me. Raising my hands, I push myself forward, palms against the ground. My body straightens into a handstand, the towel staying in place. I hear Damien's boo from the pool. Letting myself get confident, I go to get back down, my legs shifts too much dropping the towel from my butt giving him a full view of my behind.

My cheeks turn a bright red, falling out of the stand to tug the towel tighter around me, Damien smirking, "You know what that means."

I walk to the edge of the pool, squatting down trying to figure out the best way to enter. The decision was pretty much made for me as I leaned my head down and his hands moved to my waist pulling me into the water. My bare chest laid out for him to see when the towel slips down only covering my lower body. Damien keeps eye contact with me pulling me farther into the water, warmth spreading up my hips until the water covered his hand.

I felt him pull me closer, our fronts pressing against one another. His naked torso rubbing against my covered. My mind went blank. This feels right, everything about this feels right.

Losing any rational thought, I move my legs upward and wrap them around his waist my arms going behind his neck. His forehead leans against mine, our eyes taking in one other. All at once my mind took back over. I pull away from him letting my feet hit the pool bottom, quickly using my arm to cover my chest the other hand going to hold the towel. We hadn't kissed, but he made me feel things that should only be felt in private.

Damien didn't let me get away that easy. When I turn away he grabs my upper arm lightly, barely using any force to turn me back to him and slam his mouth on mine.

It was over in that moment, nothing stopped me from doing exactly what I wanted to moments ago. I ran my fingers through his hair and let his tongue swipe over my lips before opening myself to him. Damien moved his hands down to my ass pulling me up to where my legs wrap round his waist, his manhood pressed against my inner thigh.

Our emotions poured into the kiss, both of us kissing the other as we would never kiss again. And that might be true.

One of his hands moves to the back of my neck, the other moving across my upper thigh to hold me close. I move one hand down his back, the other still tugging through his wet hair. We can't seem to get close enough as we press harder into each other.

The heat of moment didn't go away as we pulled away for much needed air letting our deep breaths mix between us. How can I deny him now?

Damien Blueblood Point of View

My entire body is on fire. My red glow from before moves through the water, melting into her blue aura. Neither of us spoke, neither of us moved. We didn't know what to do.

"I have to go, I will see you soon." Krys mumbles trying to pull away from me pushing herself rather quickly to the edge of the pool. She presses her hands on the platform letting herself out and the towel holding shapely against her.

As she walks away I see her halt and hear a heavy sigh, her shoulders slumping in defeat as she turns around and looks at me with a sad smile.

"Can you please show me to my room? I have no idea how to get back." Her voice is nearly a whisper as she sways on her feet almost too nervous to talk to me.

"Of course, river vixen, I can show you a mini tour while we are at it. You must be hungry." She doesn't deny her hunger waiting at the edge of the pool.

Slowly I move out of the water and watch her cheeks flush a bright red as she turns around quickly. My towel hangs by the entrance forcing me to walk right past her. Her eyes follow my ass all the way to the towel no shame to her gaze.

I grab the towel and wrap it around my waist grabbing my dirty clothes from the floor and throwing them in the bucket that sits in the corner. I turn around to see her corset laced loosely leather pants forced over her wet skin, the rough towel sits around her neck catching the wet water from her hair.

"Let's stop by my room so I can grab some clothing, and then I will show you around the castle." I hold out my hand to her. She responds slowly, analyzing the entire situation, thinking through the simple movement. Her hand is placed in my own, my heart skipping a beat when I begin to lead her out the washroom. 

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