Mark of the Erios

By esthersteel_

4.6K 339 9

~5000 words per chapter; completed. Finale chapter ~12000 words. ... The world is based on status, being an... More

Chapter 1: Dragon Rider
Chapter 2: Fly Time
Chapter 3: Gunda
Chapter 5: Red Marks
Chapter 6: Castle Grounds
Chapter 7: Enchanted Falls
Chapter 8: Laress
Chapter 9: War Travels
Chapter 10: Burn Ointment
Chapter 11: Memories
Chapter 12: Alliances
Chapter 13: Camden
Chapter 14: Rainbow Dragons
Chapter 15: Laress, Again
Chapter 16: Damien
Chapter 17: Abuse
Chapter 18: Finale
Other Romance Novels...

Chapter 4: Gold Teeth

242 24 0
By esthersteel_

Damien Blueblood Point of View

My body freezes as Krys sends me a small glare, my voice getting caught in my throat. Almost grabbing the chair to keep steady I look at the green haired gentlemen and speak up, "Is it too late to answer the question?"

The man laughs and shakes him head indicating a strong no. This was not intended, "Can I kiss a twin?"

"Are you opposed to kissing such a beautiful woman because of your inability to answer a question? It wasn't even the worst I could have asked."

The man waves his hand towards her, watching for me to finally buck up and move. Krys stays in her seat watching me. Shoving down my pride, I stand up and walk over to her. She moves her hair behind her ears, brown eyes wide as she looks up to me.

"Don't be awkward after this. Alright, Pry?" Her nickname for me runs off her tongue, a small smile for confidence sent my way. I wish she would smile more.

"I'm not the one we should be worried about Krys." My voice is deep, a shiver moving over her skin. She closes her eyes leaning back for me. This isn't how I wanted my first kiss to go.

I press on top of the chair leaning it back to look at her soft face better. Her high cheek bones turn a slight red tone, lips parted.

Where is the macho prince now?

Her breath stays even, mine moving a million miles a minute. She moves her hands to the side of my face, the warmth comforting. She gently pulls me closer.

"If you don't kiss me, we lose. I'm not a loser." Krys speaks up slamming her lips to mine. I groan into the kiss her entire essence taking over my chaotic mind. Her soft lips moves against me slowly, every worry I had flying out. The taste of her sweet lips draw me in. My arm pressed the chair further back to get better access to her mouth. How can such a little woman have such a power over me? I feel a warmth in my hip, something that can be easily ignored. Our mouths move against each other in a mock loving way, both of us backing out for air, "Who knew you could kiss, Pry?"

"What would you consider the absolute betrayal? Your mother abandoning you for years on end, or your brother killing your father?" What did that even come from?

"Kiss, you absolute man whore." She sneers tightening her grip on the chair. She fights the urge to jump out of her seat in attack. Krys looks ready to kill, and the green hair host seems to be the target.

"Alright babe kiss me, the man whore, and we end this game early. Kiss a twin and we continue like normal." He sends a smile my way and I almost want to kick him in the balls if he has them.

"Come here greenie." She motions her finger in a mocking way to come towards her and he walks proudly over to her as she stands up in front of him.

"Do you vow to give us the gold teeth if I kiss you?" She sends him a wicked smile running her fingers up his shirt then down his arms distracting him from coherent thoughts. At least I would be distracted from anything if she touched me like that.

"Y-yes. I vow to give you the gold teeth if you kiss me. So beautiful." I watch him move closer to Krys and every instinct in me wanted to grab her and punch the shit out of him, but that wasn't my place. She isn't my girl. I'm not her protector. She grips his shirt, pulling him in. He groans against her, trying his best to keep to himself when she pulls away moments later. She holds a smirk across her features, handheld out for her reward. I almost applaud her when he drops the gold teeth onto the floor right in front of Krys.

"Thank you for doing business with us. We really appreciate it." Green hair guy looks over Krys figure, her rolling her eyes in return.

"I didn't." She walks me to the door, light sparks underneath her grip on my arm, "And we will be going."

We exit to the dirt path moving through the market, Krys seems ready to puke up her guts, taking deep breaths to focus. She shoves the teeth in her pocket looking around the space.

"Let's grab a bite. My treat." I call out to her when she starts walking towards the center of the booths.

She doesn't turn back but gives a thumbs up changing course for the food booths.

Krysian Yelt Point of View

My mind and mouth are not working. No matter what I try to say the words won't develop. I must look like a fish out of water with the way I continually open my mouth to say something and then shut it again.

I've never been kissed like that. Every single fiber in my body had wanted to continue kissing him until all he thought about was me. It seemed different for Pry though. He just walked back to his seat completely unaffected something that bothered me more than it should.

Stop thinking like this, I can't like him.

I lead Pry to a local food stand, and he moves in front of me holding out his coin for me to order.

"Um... I'll just have the fried squash with rice." I tell the older gentlemen running the booth. He nods dropping the slices of squash into the warm oil after battering them in a stone bowl.

"For you?" The old man grunted out looking at Pry who kept a bored face.

"I'll have the squirrel dumplings." The vendor shakes his head turning the pot he has over the fire. Pry drops coin onto the table, both of us leaving the vendor to take a seat at a nearby table.

"You did good back there. Sorry it had to get awkward." He looks directly in my eyes, and I fight to keep his gaze. I can't take this- this feeling. My whole body wants to jump across the table into his arms. What is this?

My tongue finally moves to create words, "Yeah go us!"

Go us? I sound like I'm on drugs.

A light chuckle leaves Pry. My response somewhat humorous. Pry opens his mouth in an attempt to speak but is interrupted by two plates slamming on the table by the stoic old vendor.

The rest of the meal is spent in silence. We shovel down the rations the man o so nicely sat down on our table. My clothing doesn't give away the coin in my pouch, but the way that Pry chose to dress does. His nice fabrics and well cared for hair give him away to every vendor. The old man's frustration probably stems from the lack of money spent on our part.

After both are plates are clear Pry moves to toss them back at the vendor, then give me his full attention "What's next in our race against the clock?"

"You would know if you actually memorized what we needed."

"Why would I do that when I have a beautiful woman to do it for me?"

"Well why don't you shove that plastic plate so far up your-" He grunts stopping me from finishing my empty threat.

"Calm down fire breather we need to find these ingredients and you complaining about my ignorance only going to waste more of our precious time.... so please, forget about my comment, what's the next item." Pry's voice is barely above a whisper. He moves closer to me, my heart racing. Muscles lock as Pry gets close to me, his hand reaching around me to grab the slip of paper out of my back pocket.

I regain the ability to move, slapping his hand before he can touch my ass.

"Okay so after that crap shoot, we have the gold teeth. Now all we need is baby tears, snake eyes, and two saddles." I grit my teeth and shove the paper back where it belongs and let my eyes wander the market around me. Pry backs up once again his audible sigh moving between us.

While Pry and I had our little whatever that was, in the game, the market around us bustled and grew with people as it became later in the day. I almost gasp at all the different types of people and beings that walk through the market as if this was a normal weekday, but maybe it is to them.

"Let's work on baby tears. I fear those will be the most difficult for us to find." He leans over, his body getting close to mine as he searches. I hold my breath, his scent intoxicating even when mixed with sweat. He shifts back, me able to release the air I was holding in. Pryton looks at me, his smirk present, "Don't pretend like you don't enjoy me close."

I huff at him, giving him the universal finger. I will admit to nothing. My focus diverts from him during my walk... there has to be a parent yelling at a baby... right?

Practically stomping through the market, looking around corners, and attempting to scare the babies I did see, a sign that almost yells at me comes into view. The evil smile that breaks over my face can't be contained as I turn to Pry. Tossing my thumb at the sign, his face pales, "Well Pryton are you okay with taking a slight detour?"

I look back again, he stands in place: Snake Whispering.

Damien Blueblood Point of View

Snakes are the devil's personal reincarnation. The way their tongues are split, their beaded eyes, their strength to strangle you. Under no circumstance have I found myself against a snake, let alone whispering to it.

Krys keeps walking basically leaving my frozen ass in the dust as she approaches the booth. Dragging my cinder block heavy feet, I follow her. Bile rises in the back of my throat, the vendor screaming in happiness towards the surrounding crowd.

"Welcome all! Come close! We have a surprise event this evening!"

Adjusting my crotch from the new fear sweat that has built up, I approach right behind Krys and watch over her shoulder as the man opens the basket that contains three devil snakes. I might pass out.

The vendor has the balls to speak again, "Today we have venomous snakes and if someone dares to grab one," The man looks directly at me, "They win the venom."

"I will do it! But instead for the eyes!" Krys yells in front of me starting to walk around the booth to meet him, but he holds up a hand stopping her.

"No ma'am! I want your partner to do it!" The young bastard curls a finger at me, a wicked grin sent my way.

"Pryton if you do not get your ass over there and pick up that damn snake I will personally rip your balls off and feed them to you. Act like a rider." She spits shoving at the back of my shirt. Dirt flies around us as she shoves, but I hold place fear keeping me from moving.

"Krys, darling, fire breather, is there not a local booth we can just buy the eyes at?" I swallow, spit forming heavily in my mouth.

Krys took a breath looking over me, the realization of my fear settles between us, her stance relaxing, "I have your back Pry, we're in this together, dragon partners."

I can see how flustered she is, her chest rising and falling quickly. Her blue hair sticks to the sides of her face, my hand reaching over to tuck it behind her ear, "You make it hard for me to deny you, darling."

Leaving her, the snake master guides me into the booth dragging me over to the basket.

"Now, how many do I have to grab?"

"Just one. In return you get its eyes." The vendor smirk as I reached my hand over the basket determined to get this over with. I feel him tap me with his hook, my head turning to look at him while I pull my hand back.

The man spoke in a very quiet voice making sure no one else could hear, his mouth close to my ear, "Now Prince Blueblood, I would like to warn you that snakes have a hatred of royals. Tread easily."

"How do you know-" I couldn't get the words out before he starts yelling to the crowd in excitement.

"Can he do it, Umbell? Can he fight a detrimental fear?"

I turn back around and look at Krys who stands there waiting on me, her eyes watching my figure intently. She has a hand on her sword, stance ready to run at a moment's notice.

I can do this.

My ears could pick up all the little noises that the snakes made as they move over each other in the basket. The vendor backs up taking his safety hook with him. Even he won't grab them bare handed. Every single breath that exits my mouth could be felt at the base of my sternum. The smallest amount of wind runs over me, my hair standing up in return.

My feet move inch by inch towards the container. I hear Krys yell in the background for support while everyone else just sits in silence. Before I go to commit death, I turn to the vendor with the lightest voice possible, "How do you know about me?"

"I can't answer that my Prince. I am under strict orders. Just pick up a snake and go do what you need to do." The man turns to crowd about to scream again, but I stop him.

"Did the fox send you?"

"No, only royals are fucked up enough to listen to those lying bastards." He seethes and turns to the crowd walking away before I could ask anything else. He lifts his hook howling to the crowd. Each step he takes is another scream to the people, all of them tossing their bets on the wood stools.

Think happy thoughts.

My mind races, the thoughts of the kiss fueling me forward. I can't give into myself any longer, she wasn't the one for me and I couldn't allow myself to get wrapped up in her. No matter how much I wanted to be. The pure realization that I could never hold Krys the way my body longs to pisses me off to my core.

I throw my hand down wrapping it around the closest snake its coarse skin shriveling under my hold. No feeling or emotions course through my body. My vision starts to turn red, and my body heats up.

I barely feel anything as the vendor approaches me and snatches the snake from me. The snap of its head isn't a cause of gagging either, the whole thing landing in my hand. The vendor yells something that falls on my deaf ears. Leaving the pit, I walk away from her, from everyone tossing the head onto the ground. How can I feel so deeply for someone that I can't have? What kind of fate is this and what have I done to deserve such?

Instead of ignoring me like I assumed she would, Krys follows me, dropping to pick up the head before staying on my tail. Just go away, my beautiful dream.

Krysian Yelt Point of View

That was incredible. The man channeled his fear, digging into the basket with such focus that my mind slowed it down. Not letting him get away easily, I tuck the snake head in my coin purse pushing my legs harder behind him to catch up. He doesn't look back, his goal the tree line on the side of town.

Before I could say anything, the trees giving us cover from the mass of people, he turns around fuming, "How could we think this is a good idea? That this could fucking work?"

I stop in my tracks my hand laying on his shoulder. His body temp is way above normal, closer to a bonfire than anything else, "Um... What?"

"How could we possibly think that we could make riding dragons and being partners work?" Pryton yells viciously pointing a finger between us.

"What the hell is wrong with you? We found half the ingredients within two hours we have less than twelve hours to get the other two and get back. Stop this bitch fit and let's get this taken care of!" My voice is loud, louder than I expected. What is he rambling about?

"Bitch fit? I am simply stating facts we have been nothing but cut off from each other since the start. I can't be partners with someone that I have-" Pry cuts himself off running his fingers through his hair. I watch him take a deep breath and step back away from me like I'm the problem.

"Go suck one off, Pryton. Whenever you are done with, whatever this is, whatever you 'have' with me," I make air quotes, "Figure it out. There are dragons that need us, and I don't need two fire breathing babies to deal with."

I turn my whole body back towards the market shoving away from him. He stays in his place, responding, as I bustle through the people trying to find a crying baby or a place to purchase saddles.

I can do this myself. I don't need that asshole.

After about ten minutes of walking, my mind still angry from the unexpected argument, I find a mom holding a crying baby. The mom looks stressed, her head looking around for something. The woman turns to look around and spots me in the thousands of people around me.

"You! Will you help me?!" The mother yells out and holds out her baby. Is now the time to talk about my fear of children? Or later?

"Um... no?" I say and she glares before letting out a large huff. She shoves the baby in my arms and my first instinct is to shove the baby into the dirt. No, not that Krys.

"Look I'll pay, just hold the kid while I run over to get something for the baby to help him stop crying." She cries running off into the crowd of people. Her trust in me is worrying, what if I steal this child? Do she love it enough to hunt for it? And what do I do with a screaming baby?

Collect its tears. Obviously.

Quickly looking around I find a glass bottle on the ground, this mother really just threw this into my lap. Guilt eats at me for using the child like this, but it seems too young to really remember this later in life. And if it does, we have amazing therapist throughout the kingdom.

I blow off the dust on the top and put it directly under the baby's eye watching as it's tears fill the bottom of the bottle. In the time the mother is gone, there is almost half an inch of tears. This baby can cry.

The mother comes back frantic moments later and I move to hide the bottle behind my back. She take the small child that is still screaming. Without waiting for any money, I turn and walk away my lungs releasing the breath I was holding.

Before I could think too deeply about the pure fear I experienced just a moment ago, I felt a hand land on my shoulder.

Without using any thought, my arm bends slamming my hand into the persons face their nose crunching from the impact.

"Holy sky, darling, I came to say sorry."

Damien Blueblood Point Of View

No part of my body or mind was expecting to get punched by the little river vixen today, but of course she continually surprises me. Something else that surprised me is the look of pure guilt that covered her face after she landed a nice one.

"Holy sky, darling, I came to say sorry." I stuttered out covering my nose with my hand as she runs over trying to console me.

"I am so sorry! Are you okay?" Krys seems to surround me trying to see my nose while I just spin in circles trying to avoid her and her deadly hands.

"Get away from me you mini beast!" I yell playfully and poke at her sides tickling her. She begins to evade my hands laughing throughout the woods.

"Pry-Pry-Pryton! Stop! It hurts!" She giggles and pulls my hands away holding them up in the air. She falls forward her small hands sliding down my chest as she stops laughing. Her breath is heavy as she stands in front of me her hands resting on my front. My body took over, stepping closer to leave only a small distance between us.

The blue haired beauty stares up at me. Her gaze is undecipherable, thoughts unable to be understood. Being this close to her drove my senses wild, wild enough I almost had to step closer hoping she could help me control them. Please, darling, help me.

We stood together my hands on my side and hers touching me. Every fiber of my being stood on end with her so close to me, but she couldn't know that. She wouldn't care to know that.

Her brown eyes held mine in a captivating trance, while her straight hair frames her frail looking face. Every second I stare at my little river vixen I find something new I like. Her height becomes a new favorite as well, the top of her head barely reaching my shoulders.

Every single thought that crossed my mind contained her in just the past twelve hours. How could someone that I just met have such an effect on me? There hasn't been a single woman presented to me that I found even a fraction as beautiful as I find Krys. Now I stand here, begging myself not to fall to my knees and tell her every little thing I love about her. My newest weakness.

"Wait!" Krys shoves me, stomping a couple feet away before turning back to me with such ice in her eyes I almost froze on the spot.

Krysian Yelt Point of View

My entire body starts to get cold, my hands especially as I face the man that had the audacity to yell at me and think that everything would be okay. I have to ignore the way he looked at me, the feeling of his hands on me. My anger is justified, and simply touching him should not relieve any of the frustrations that were built inside.

"Krys?" Pry speaks up with a shy smile raising his hands in surrender. A couple people walk by us, and I shoot them a glare that keeps them walking, but they still crane their necks for a visual.

"You have no right to speak to me right now! You can't blow up on someone and then expect everything to be just the way it was. Whatever it was between us." I try to lower my voice, but cold anger bubbled through my skin and out of my lips as I watched him look to the ground trying to avoid my gaze, "You better look at me, Pryton East."

He snaps his eyes to mine quickly.

I continue in a normal voice, "Pryton, you better have a good reason for blowing up on me before I just walk away and leave you here to wallow."

"In truth I had no reason. My actions were unforgivable, you deserve much more than that in a partner." He takes a deep breath while I just cross my arms raising my eyebrow, "I have no excuse and I have nothing to offer but my sincerest regret and guilt about yelling at you."

"Your apology will be accepted with an explanation on how it came about. I don't see how this came from nothing." I uncross my arms running my hand through my hair. Grabbing the band around my wrist I pull my hair up into an easy ponytail getting it out of my face. Pry walks up to me without thinking standing right in front of me leaving just an inch between us.

My neck cranes to look up at him while he just focuses on my hair. His hand reaches around my face and pulls the band out of my hair releasing the hair that I just put up. Every moment was precise and gentle almost as if he was afraid to hurt me. The words I was going to say became caught in my throat.

"The why is not important my river vixen, just know I am more than sorry, and I will do anything to get into your good graces." Pry takes the band and puts it back around my wrist but doesn't move away from me.

"Anything?" My voice pipes up in an awkward tone. The crystal blue eyes in front of me light up with laughter as he stands in front of me, a smile coming over my features.

"Anything, my darling."

"I want to sleep tonight so I need you to find two saddles in the next twenty minutes." I laugh at his disbelieving face, but he shakes it off.

"What about baby tears?"

With reluctance I raise the glass bottle from my belt. Pryton doesn't ask questions putting his focus on the saddles.

As the day turns to night, the orange light falls over the market, the orange roofs appearing a dark red. People in the market slowly start to dwindle away on their carriages and through the market gate.

Animals that live in the market began to burrow themselves for bed while slowly each torch on the walkways light on one at a time as a young man carries a match to get them. The beauty that come from the closing of the market astounds me a silence coming between us. I follow Pry through the lit walkways towards a booth that specializes in saddles. Unbeknownst to me, this was the start of journey I wasn't ready for. 

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