Can you heal my wounds?

By butterfly-224

17.2K 395 246

‏ Sophia, senior year in high school who had a hard past that still affects her and her trust with others Mee... More

1- Truth or dare
2- hickey
3- supermarket
4- picnic day
5- movie night
6- drunk
7- Jealous?
8- what's wrong?
9- Sorry
10- shopping
11- Airport
12- The beach
13- Nightmare
14- Cookies Shope
15- rooftop
16- My type
17- amusement park 
18- The bar
19- "she wants to take me back"
20- "what if we get caught?"
22- Under the rain
23- vulnerable
24- "why did you kiss me?"
25- Mrs. Marilyn

21- your last chance to say sorry

605 21 25
By butterfly-224

I don't know what happened at the pool, not just there but every time she is too close or even looking at me I get this weird feeling inside, it's not a bad one, I just don't know what it is.

"You're gonna keep this one here?" Ruby asks laughing.

"Yeah" I answer adjusting the the bunny between us on the bed.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" I ask.

"The usual, meet up at lunch then we can do something else, why do you have something in mind?" She asks.

"No, Just asking" I say, we have been here for over a week now, and I eat at least two meals a day, which mostly bad with a large amount of calories.

I didn't even count the sweets, I have definitely gained weight, I don't want to know how much more I will gain until we get back.

It's not like I can skip meals like I do at home, that will be awkward, also we do a lot in the day unlike when I'm at home so I get hungry more here.

"What are you thinking of?" Ruby asks cutting my thoughts, "nothing" I say with a smile.

"Can I turn the lights off?" Ruby asks after a while, "yeah" I nod, I feel sleepy.


I wake up a little panicked, "good morning" Ruby says sitting beside me on the bed on her phone.

"Morning" I say rubbing my eyes, "did she hear me?".

"Did I say something while sleeping?" I ask,
"no you didn't" she answers turning off her phone to look at me.

"Are you sure you didn't hear me say something?" I ask again a little paranoid.

"Yeah, why did you have a nightmare again?" She asks, "no no just asking" I say waving my hand in the air.

"It was right the opposite actually".

I feel my cheeks heating up thinking about the dream, thank god I didn't say anything while sleeping that would've been so embarrassing.

I walk to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

"Note to myself, no more watching hot girls on Tik Tok before sleeping, well at least not while I'm sleeping with someone else in the room".

Ruby's pov:

We just finished eating lunch with everyone, me and Sophia decided to go on a walk, so she beat me to the room to use the bathroom before heading out.

I enter the room looking for my bag but stop when I hear throwing up sound from the bathroom.

I walk closer to the bathroom door, I can hear the sinks water running while Sophia is coughing.

"Sophia are you okay?" I ask knocking on the door. 

She stops coughing before closing the sink, I hear her moving around in the bathroom before opening the door.

"Were you throwing up?" I ask noticing her face is a little red.

"What, no no I just accidentally chocked while brushing my teeth" she says laughing before walking to the bed.

"Alright lets go" I say as we both got ready.

"Yeah I swear we would fight like every day and Layla would not know what to do" Sophia says laughing.

I quickly take a hold of her hand when we were about to cross the street making her stop talking for a second before continuing.

"Layla wasn't wrong when she told me to watch out for Sophia when we cross the street last week, She just gets caught up in the moment and doesn't look around while walking, just like she is doing right now".

"I guess they were right when they said that good friendship comes after hating each other at first" she says and I stop her walking with me when a car passes by.

"You're weird I wouldn't be a friend with someone who I fought this much with" I say when we are finally on the other side of the road.

"Believe me, I didn't think that we would become friends either" she says.

"Lets go on this one" Sophia says running to the spider climbing structure.

I follow her up as she reaches the top.

"Why are your legs shaking?" I ask looking down.

"It's probably because we are so high up" she says shrugging her shoulders.

"She is unbelievable, I don't know why she keeps torturing herself by going on high things while she is scared of highs".

"Come on lets go on the normal climbing" I say getting down.

I go first climbing all the way before turning back to the start where Sophia is standing.

"Okay your turn" I said jumping down, she shakes her head, "come on why not?" I ask.

"I'm bad at this, I can't even hold myself up more then 5 seconds" she answers.

"I will help you, just jump and try to hold on" I say, she looks hesitant for a second before agreeing.

She jumps holding the metal and I hold her waist for support but she immediately drops down laughing.

"Sophia" I start, "sorry I felt ticklish" she says,
"Okay come on let's try again" I say helping her to jump again.

"Okay now carefully move your right hand to the other one and make sure to hold it well before moving the other hand" I say.

I help her do a few of them before slowly pulling my hands away from her waist keeping them close just in case.

"Ahh my hands I'm gonna fall" she says before reaching the end panicking and I wrap my hands around her again slowly lifting her off the metal.

She lets her arms fall into my shoulders as I place her down on her feet.

"You did good" I say, "oh please I couldn't even do a few on my own, I only did the first because you helped" she says.

"You can try again" I suggest looking at her, she looks up at me before realizing how close we are, she looks down nervously before stepping back.


Sophia's pov:

"Woah this is nice" I say walking to the seating they made on the sands.

"Yeah Layla and Sara did a good job on organizing this place" Liam says pulling Layla more to him.

"Yeah but ask where did they steal all these pillows from" Emma says.

"We didn't steal them we just borrowed them" Sara says after hitting her shoulder.

"A fire in the middle and we will be just like a high school movie" I say.

"Where is Noah and Chloe?" Sara asks, "they didn't want to join us, they had other plans" Liam says.

"Good I don't think I can be in the same place as her".

"Sophia babe hand me the chips with the water" Emma says and I roll my eyes at her before stretching my hand pulling it from the table on my right.

It's getting cold out here, the wind making me shiver.

"I told you to get a jacket it's cold outside especially near the beach" Ruby says almost scolding me.

"I'm not cold" I deny it, we argued in the room and I told her that I don't get cold easily when she insisted that I take a jacket with me.

She shakes her head before taking her jacket off and putting around me.

"I'm not rea-" I try to say but she cuts my off, "I'm wearing a long sleeved shirt it's warm enough for me" she says.

I nod feeling guilty that she might got cold because of me before thanking her.

As I put my arm in the sleeves I caught Layla smirking at us, I glare at her to stop but she only raises her eyebrows smiling more.


"No but you don't get it, I don't think I know a girl that hasn't been harassed" Sara says.

"Yeah I know, my sister is only fifteen and every other day I have to beat someone up" Liam says.

"I swear even I don't get away from it, like dude isn't obvious that I'm on the other team" Emma says.

"Guys these days are crazy the last time I went on a party some dude tried to grab my boobs" Layla says.

"Wait when was this?" Liam asks turning to look at Layla.

"You weren't there, it was just the girls" Layla answers

"That scary thank god I don't get harassed, I wouldn't even know what to do in these type of situations" I say.

Ruby turns looking at me with raised eyebrows,.

"Really then what do you call what happened at the beach the other day?" She asks.

"What happened?" Layla asks, "some guys were following her, god knows what would have happened if I wasn't there" she says.

"Okay but that is not the same, I mean they were just bothering me with words it's not the same with someone trying to grab your boobs" I say.

"Wait no, actually I had someone grab my boobs without me wanting" I say.

"But it wasn't harassment, it was just a joke" I explain, they all stop and look at me.

"Who?" Emma asks, "what do you mean a joke" Ruby says.

"It was in school I was talking with someone when a girl came quickly and squeezed my boobs" I say.

"When, last year?" Layla's asks, "who was it?" Sara asks, "Sophia how is that a joke, it's literally a harassment" Emma says frowning.

"It wasn't last year it was way before" I answer Layla.

"Also she was kinda my friend, she was just playing" I say.

"Sophia she can't touch you like that without your consent just because she is your friend" Ruby says.

"I know but it wasn't a big of a deal, also I told her not do it again" I say.

"It's a big of deal" Liam says, "guys it was long time ago I don't care" I say.

"Don't underestimate it" Emma says, "I'm not, it happened to me and It doesn't bother me anymore" I say.

"Well the important thing is don't ever let someone do something that you're not comfortable with again" Ruby says.

"Yeah and if someone bothers you again just tell me, I will beat their asses" Layla said making me laugh.


"Guys please it's a boring game lets do something else" Emma groans.

"Oh now you're saying it's boring just to avoid doing the dare" Sara says.

"You are the one who chose dare" Layla says.

"Okay okay, what do I write again?" Emma asks.

"Bruh just go to the last person you slept with and tell them that you can't stop thinking about them" Sara says and I laugh at how she is starting to talk like Emma.

Emma slowly writes on her phone before sending the message, "ahhh" she screams throwing her phone.

"Stop what the worst that could happen" Layla says.

"Okay Sophia your turn" Liam says, "dare" I choose.

"Show us three pictures from your eyes only" Sara says.

"No, absolutely not" I say panicking, "why, what are you hiding?" Emma asks smirking.

"Choose something else" I say, "you can't, come on I did mine" Emma says.

I had so many things in there that I would die of someone sees them.

I unlock my phone before putting the code for my eyes only to choose three photos.

I scoot away from Ruby and use my hand to cover the screen so that I'm the only one who is able see.

"This one shows too much skin".

"This one have so much blood".

"am I gay test result".

"I look fucking ugly in this one".

"My weight on a scale".

"Body check".

I gasp when my phone get snatched from my hand.

"You were taking so long what are you hiding" Emma says taking my phone to see.

"They might see it?" Emma reads as I get up.

"Whoa what the fuck happened to your leg?" Emma asks, I panic quickly pulling my phone from her accidentally scratching her hand in the way.

I feel my heartbeat pounding hard as I place my phone on my chest covering the screen.

"Did she see it?".

"Ouch Sophia" Emma says holding her hand, "you deserved it why are you being nosey" Sara says.

I slowly look at the screen letting a breath out relieved when I see which one she was talking about.

"But seriously what happened to your leg?" Emma asks.

"What?" Ruby asks, "show them" Emma says.

I show them a picture of my lower thigh right above my knee that has a huge bruise.

"Ouch" Layla says, "how did you get that bruise it looks so painful" Ruby asks.

"Yeah look at it, it's so purple like you got hit with a bat" Sara says.

"I think that was when I fell in the park" I say,
"How do you get that huge bruise on your thigh by falling?" Liam ask.

"U-um...some kid pushed me on a metal chair so when I fell I hit my thigh" I made up a lie.

"Since when there is metal chairs in the park?" Emma asks, "I don't know, come on who is turn is now?" I ask changing the subject.

"Oh wait you still have to how us two more" Ruby reminds me.

I quickly look for the second one before showing them.

"What is this?" Layla asks confused, "This was few months ago, I got on the rooftop and wrote a letter there" I explain.

"You and the rooftops" Ruby says shaking her head.

"O0h what did you write?" Emma asks, "black magic" I say sarcastically.

"Okay show us the last one" Liam says.

I look through them again not knowing which one to choose, "They can't see any of them".

I finally chose  the normal one showing them, it was a picture I took in front of a mirror were I was just done crying.

"Aww you look so sad" Sara says, "let me see" Emma says, "why were you crying?" Ruby asks.

"Was this two months ago when we went out for lunch?" Layla asks and I look at her dumbfounded at how she figured it out.

"No it's not" I say, "you're wearing the same earrings and top" she says.

"Yeah but it's not the same day, I was at home as usual, I don't even remember why I cried" I lie.

"Bu-" she starts but I cut her off, "okay it's Liam's turn" I say.


I'm sitting on the bed with my legs dangling on the edge waiting for Ruby.

I nod my heads to the melody before going to the next song.

"I love this song".

"Ladies and gentleman, Doja Cat" the song starts.

"It's been a long time since youuu" I sing pointing my hand out in front of me.

"fell in love" I bring my hands back to my chest.

"You ain't coming out yo-" I open my eyes before jumping in my place seeing Ruby standing in front of me with her phone in her hand.

"God you scared me" I say feeling embarrassed at what she saw.

"Were you recording?" I ask jumping off the bed.

She smiles looking down at her phone.

"Ruby delete that" I say reaching for her phone but she turns, slightly bending to hide her phone from me.

"No you look adorable" she says making me blush.

"Ruby" I warn but she only take a step away from me rewatching the video.

"So you're not gonna delete it?" I ask crossing my arms.

"Yep" she says popping the p with a silly smirk on her face.

She faces away from me to watch the video again.

"fine" I lift my right hand before smacking her on her scruff.

I regret it quickly when she stops turning to look at me.

I immediately step back when she tries to reach me.

I run to the other side of the room as she follows me, making me curse myself for being a slow runner.

"Come here" she says making me let a squeal out.

I panic when I reach the wall with her behind me feeling surrounded.

I quickly jump on the bed trying to escape to the other way, but that was a bad idea because before I knew it she had me pinned against the bed with her on top of me.

I panic trying to free my hands from her grip but failing miserably, "I got you" Ruby says smirking.

"Ruby let go of me" I say, "no, I don't think I want to" she says making my heart pound even faster then it is.

I try to move her off me by moving but she doesn't even ‏budge.

"Apologize first and I will think about it" she says.

"No, you started it first, you should have deleted the video" I argue.

"Okay" she says calmly, I thought that she was going to let me go for a second but instead she brought both of my hands close together above my head and held them with one hand.

She bends down her face becoming dangerously close to mine making me gulp.

"I guess I was right" she says smirking referring to when she said that my hands are so tiny that she could hold them both with one hand.

"This is your last chance to say sorry" she says her eyes slowly gliding down to my lips making my breath hitch.

I shake my head not wanting to apologize, "alright" she whispers so close to me that I can feel her breath on my skin.

She tightens her grip around my hands before using her free hand to start tickling me.

I squirm underneath her screaming for her stop, she ignores me going from my waist to my neck.

"R-Rubyy, ahh stop" I say laughing, "are going to apologize?" She asks.

"No I'm not" I say and she gets back on tickling me.

My stomach started to hurt from how much I laughed.

My breathing is heavy when she finally stops.

She goes to tickle me again but I immediately stop her, "stop stop,...okay I'm sorry" I say giving in.

She lets go of my hands but still sitting on top of me straddling me, my hands fall down on her knees trying to catch my breath.

She looks at me long before slowly getting off of me.

"I hate you" I say sitting up, she should apologize for scaring me at first.

"You know you don't" she says smirking as she looks at me.


3090 words count

Okay but seriously guys this is the last update until the end of the month because I have to study for my finals.

Also I'm so excited for the next chapter because something will happen.

Anyway see you later, bye.🦋

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