Just Let Me Kiss You (Narry)

By eishytomlinson

49.5K 1K 80

(Excuse the carrot in here. Was my first fanfic) Harry Styles is living the life, with all his friends, his p... More

Chapter 1 - The Dream
Chapter 2 - Pain
Chapter 3 - Confessions
Chapter 4 - Friends or more?
Chapter 5 - Let's keep it a secret
Chapter 6 - He loves me?
Chapter 7 - You should've told me
Chapter 8 - You did what?
Chapter 9 - No Matter What
Chapter 10 - What do I do?
Chapter 11 - How could you?
Chapter 12 - Break, kisses and forgiveness
Chapter 13 - Never Giving Up
Chapter 15 - Rock Me
Chapter 16 - Smile
Chapter 17 - For him
Chapter 18 - Talk to me
Chapter 19 - Perfect
Chapter 20 - A little bit of pain
Chapter 21 - Always And Forever
Chapter 22 - Finally; You're here
Chapter 23 - Crashing down

Chapter 14 - Memories

1.7K 33 3
By eishytomlinson

Austin's POV

My head is crashing and I can barely open my eyes. I remember parts of last night but they're all a fuzzy. Jason was off his face. I helped him off Harry. Then, the last thing I remember is some girl hanging off me and we walked into a room where Harry was hugging some blonde very close. He told me he doesn't have a girlfriend, so who was it? I can't believe he bloody lied to me. The phone call was suspicious. I walked back into my room to hear Harry say "I have a party tonight". And I couldn't really hear what the other side of the line was saying, but I swear it was a guy. Then he invited them and said he had to go. And I could've sworn I heard the three words and eight letters come from the other line. "I love you". But who was it? It's a mystery blonde and I'm going to find out who they are. Harry can never hide things from me for long. I remember when we first met. We've been great friends since the fourth grade.


"Why are you so stupid Austin!?" I shrunk down in my chair while the teacher gave the boys at the back a stern look.

"So, Austin can you tell me what 36 x 50 is?" I sat up a little and tried to think. 36 x 50? How do I work this out? Is it like 5000? The boys at the back started giggling. Tears started to well up in my eyes.

"It's 1,800". I looked back to see a boy with curly hair smiling proudly. He nodded to me and I smiled.

"Thank you Harry". The teacher said. The bell went and everyone rushed out of the class.

"You're so dumb!"

"Can't you answer anything!?"

"My four year old sister is smarter than you".

"HEY! Leave him alone!" I looked up to see Harry walking towards me.

"Oh hey Harry".

"Leave!" They giggled as they turned around, walking away. "Austin right?" I looked back at Harry and lightly nodded. He smiled. "I'm Harry, do you want to come and play with Louis, Liam and I?" I smiled and nodded, following him outside.


I was never made fun of once I was friends with Harry. Everyone was scared of him and Louis. It made me feel really safe. I'm pretty sure Liam was bullied and when he became friends with Harry it all ended. Harry is a safe bound. But recently I've noticed that he's gone soft. He doesn't want to hurt anyone with something that he'll say and that worries me. He's changing for someone. Someone I don't know about. I have a feeling that Lou and Liam know exactly who it is. I don't know why Harry's hiding it. What is there to hide? Whenever he had a new girlfriend or had a make out session with them, he wouldn't even be able to hide it. I'd know from his changes in his mood. He has been awfully cheerful lately. But I haven't seen him with any girls at all. Not one. I need to know what he's hiding.

"Austin, get out of bed and get to school!" I sighed and chucked the covers off me, my head spinning as I sit up. I really shouldn't have drunk so much last night. That way I would know who the hell Harry was hugging last night and my head wouldn't be crashing. Actually, now that I think about it, Louis was quite cheerful last night too. Very cheerful. I haven't seen him with a girl for a while either. Maybe Lou and Harry have something going on? But no, that can't be right. Not from my past experiences.


"Ah boys, today's a nice day isn't it!?" Liam and I exchanged chances then looked back at Harry's happy, drunk like mood.

"Haz, what is wrong with you?" I asked. He just smiled happily as he lay down on the grass, looking up to the sky. Which was quite dull if you ask me. It's not the nicest day today.

"Ah, nothing". He had a massive smile crossing his face and I knew he was hiding something.

"Something has happened with a girl hasn't it?" He sighed happily.

"I may have been in Bree Harding's bed last night". Harry had been crushing on Bree for like a year.

"Good on you Hazza". I looked up to see Louis smiling even wider than Harry was.

"Lou got a girl too!" I shouted. He looked down, blushing a little.


So, there is no way that they're gay..right? They couldn't be. There's still the whole male voice saying 'I love you' situation with Harry. At least I think that happened. Maybe the mystery blonde is a guy? But no, it couldn't be. It's Harry and Louis. They're as straight as anything!

"AUSTIN! Get ready for school!" I groaned and got dressed, slowly making my way to the kitchen. "Finally. Drink this, I know you have a hangover". Mum gave me an accusing look and I guiltily looked down, drinking the distasteful drink. I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door. I don't know how I'm going to confront Harry, but I've gotta do it somehow. And if he is gay, which I highly doubt, how do I act? I've always thought that a guy and a guy together is disgusting, but what if that's how Harry feels? What if a guy is the type that makes him happy? What if he's in love with a guy? I shivered at that thought. I couldn't get used to it. It's gross. But can I accept it? It's not like I can change Harry. If that's who Harry is then there's nothing I can do. I'll just have to support him. I love Harry. I do. I love it when he's happy. But my friend, gay? I don't know what to think. But maybe I'm worried about nothing. Maybe he isn't. We would always talk about girls whenever I was at his house or he was at mine. We'd just muck around and have fun. I mean, that's what you usually do when you sleep at your mates house, right?

When we were still in grade four and five I would always go to Harry's house and we would watch movies like The Lion King, or we'd watch power rangers. I miss having that much fun with him. I never really see him anymore. He's always really hanging out with the cheerleaders and I'm off with my girlfriend Vanessa. I should talk to her actually. I don't even know who that girl was that was hanging off me last night. I don't know what happened with her either. Oh god, what if I didn't use protection? A shiver ran up my spine. I am pretty sure that I was wasted. Harry helped me ask Vanessa out. I was such a wimp. I kept on using excuses like 'what if she doesn't like me?' And 'what if she rejects me?' I am pretty sure I was hopeless at asking her out too. I think I just asked her if she wanted to go on a date with me to the movies or something. Too obvious. I should've been so much more romantic. I mean the movies? Good going Austin.


How do I act when I confront Harry? Do I act angry? Do I just stay calm? It is now recess and I don't know what I'm going to do. How do I do this? I saw Harry walking out of a classroom. I quickly walked up to him and saw a familiar set of blonde hair behind him. But I didn't pay much attention to it. "Hello Styles". Okay, I guess I'm going with the harsh tone. "I saw you hugging that blonde last night. No I didn't forget. You have some explaining to do". Shock crossed his face and I knew he was hiding something. If he is gay, then I'm going to accept it. He has helped me through so much and I need to accept him for who he is. He stopped the bullying. If he hadn't of stood up for me then I wouldn't be who I am today. I owe him. "Come with me". I walked towards the boys locker rooms and stood still, waiting for Harry to be right behind me. I turned around and could see the fear in his eyes. He's afraid of what I'm going to think. Say. Oh no..

"How much do you know?" His tone had a scared ring to it. I took a deep breath.

"I know that you were on the phone to someone yesterday and they said they love you.." He sighed, looking down. "And I saw you hugging some blonde really tightly last night and I think, from what I remember, you looked...in...lo.."

"Do you know who it is?" Did he just? Is he? Did he just ask me if I know who it is? Did he just admit to this? Wait, maybe that's not what he's saying.

"What do you mean?" I frowned at him and he sighed, shaking his head with his eyes closed and head down. He looked up to me.

"Do you know who it is that I'm in love with?" He is? He's in love? What? I looked at him and he had tears running down his cheeks. He's crying again? Ugh I hate seeing him cry. I really hate it.

"Well...um...I know they have blonde hair...but that's about it". He squeezed his eyes shut, more tears dropping down. "Harry..it...I don't..." I sighed. How do I say this? "What I'm trying to say is...no matter who it is, you'll always be my good mate who I owe my entire childhood to. The happy times I had. The days I would've gone through getting bullied if you hadn't of introduced yourself. I owe you Harry. No matter who it is I'm here".

"I'm not so sure that you'll mean that once you know".

"Harry, I don't care about who it is. As long as your happy I really don't care".

"H.....h.......his name is Niall".

"Niall huh?"


"Can I meet him?" At those words a short, blonde boy walked around the corner, straight to Harry, wiping the wet tears off his cheeks, Harry's eyes softly closing at his touch.

"Do you know how hard that was to sit there and listen to you cry?" Niall whispered to Harry. Wow, they look so...in love. I walked up to them and Niall looked at me with his big blue eyes. I held my hand out in front of him.

"Hi Niall, I'm Austin". I smiled a little and he shook my hand. "So ah, do you guys kiss?" I don't know where that question came from. I really don't. What kind of a question was that!?

"Ah, yeah". Harry said softly. I just made everything so awkward.

Harry's POV

I can't believe I even told him. But he said he didn't care who it was. That got me the feeling that he may have known that it wasn't a girl. I didn't think he would take it so...well. He's never mentioned anything about same sex relationships. So I really thought he'd like...hate me.


"Mmm?" I murmured against Niall's hair. We've been lying on my bed with Niall huddled into me and my lips to his hair for hours now.

"How do you know Austin?"

"I stood up for him in the fourth grade and we've been friends ever since".

"Oh". I could tell something was bothering him. But I really didn't know what.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing". He shook his head.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I lightly stroked my fingers through his hair.

"Has he ever told you about any friends before he became friends with you?"

"No". I frowned.

"He was my best friend before he started hanging out with you". I felt a wet tear drop on my t-shirt. Did I steal Niall's best friend? I stole Niall's best friend. It was me. If I didn't stand up for him then Niall wouldn't be crying on my right now.

"Ni". He flinched. "Niall, I'm so sorry, please stop crying".

"Why are you sorry?" He sniffled.

"I stole your best friend". He shook his head. "I love you Ni". He squeezed his eyes shut. "Do you want me to stop calling you Ni?" He nodded. "Why?" More wet tears dropped on my t-shirt.

"I can't.." I moved his head so we were facing each other.

"You're perfect to me. Just remember that". I kissed him and he reacted instantly, shooting his tongue into my mouth. He put his body weight on top of mine and entwined his fingers in my curls. I pulled his polo up a little and he encouraged me to pull it over his head. He started to kiss down my jaw and got to my weak spot, biting down. My nails dug into his back a little and left scratches. I moaned lightly and Niall smirked. He fiddled with the hem of my t-shirt and slowly pulled it up, throwing it to the ground and running over my torso with his hands. Niall rolled our crotches together and a moan escaped from both of us. Niall pushed his lips to mine again. I ran my hands lightly down his spine and squeezed his bum. He moaned into the kiss and I smiled. We were both really hard now and desperate to get our pants off. I undid Niall's button and unzipped his pants, pulling them down to under his bum. He undid my jeans and I lifted my body up so he could pull them off. He took his all the way down and threw both pairs away.

"I want you so bad". Niall whispered. That's when I came to my senses. I started to shake my head. Niall looked at me confused and stopped.

"I can't...not yet.."

"But Harry, you aren't a virgin? You were always having sex?"

"It's not the same Niall. It's never meant anything to me".

"When then?" I sighed.

"When I'm ready". I kissed the top on his head and held him close, slowly closing my eyes.


I lightly ran my fingers through Niall's hair, watching him sleep peacefully. I heard someone knocking on the front door. Niall is still cuddled into my chest and I slowly moved him to the pillow. I pulled some pants on and walked down the stairs to the door. I opened the door to see a unfamiliar set of blue eyes and brown hair.


"Yeah? Who are you?" He examined me.

"I expected you to be so much hotter". I frowned at him.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Jake, Jake Lantern". He held his hand out but I denied it. "I'm ah, Niall's ex".

"So what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to meet this new boyfriend of his. I really did expect you to be a lot more attractive". We were silent for a few minutes.

"Ah, Niall is upstairs but he's sleeping. Did you want to come in?" He smiled and nodded. I walked in the kitchen and he followed. "Do you want a drink?"

"Just water would be fine thanks". I nodded and grabbed two glasses, filling them with water. I handed him a glass and sat down on the stool next to him. I started drinking from the glass. "So have you had sex with Niall yet?" I choked on my water and started coughing.


"Oh, we'll get ready for disappointment. He isn't the be-"


"In the kitchen Niall". I heard his footsteps down the stairs and as he set his eyes on Jake his entire face dropped.

"He's not very attractive Niall". I glared at Jake. He is really annoying me right now. What is his problem with me?

"He's more attractive compared to you". Niall growled. "Or even Matt was it?"

"Who is Matt?" I frowned to Niall.

"You've really kept a lot of things from this apparent boyfriend of yours haven't you Ni". Niall's eye twitched. Maybe this is why he hates it when I call him Ni. It reminds him of this Jake and Matt? Niall's hands are curled into fists. His eyes are full of anger and it looks like he's about to pounce. I got up and walked to Niall's side, taking his hand out of a fist and holding it in mine.

"I think you should leave Jake". I let go of Niall's hand and followed Jake to the door. I shoved my fist into his stomach and pulled him close to me. "Don't come near Niall again, you hear me?" He slowly nodded and clenched around his stomach, groaning in pain, walking away. I walked back into the kitchen and Niall was still standing in the same spot. I pulled him into a hug and he hugged me really tightly. I rubbed his back. "What aren't you telling me Niall?" I pulled away a little so I could look into his eyes. But they displayed pain and I hated seeing him this way.

"Jake was my first boyfriend and he cheated on me and he told me I was terrible in bed that he found someone better and.." He started to sob on my shoulder and I rubbed his back.

"Hey, Niall". He looked up to me and sniffled. "He won't be bothering you again okay?" He nodded and looked down to the ground. "Hey". He looked up again and I held his face in my hands. "I love you". A small smile crept on his face and I kissed him. I pulled away and leant our foreheads together. "Let's get to school, huh?"

"I think we're a bit late".

"Well we'll just have to go to detention together won't we". Niall giggled and we went back upstairs.

Louis' POV

I don't know how Harry did it. But Zayn is now my boyfriend. I never thought that Zayn would like me. At all. I really like him too. I'm looking forward to seeing Harry and talking to him about everything. Zayn and I had sex last night. I don't know why, it was really too soon. But it just happened.

"Lou!" I looked back to see Harry walking towards me. I waved and sat down on the grass. Harry sat next to me and I couldn't stop smiling.

"Thanks for helping me with Zayn Haz, everything is going great..and we had sex last night.."

"You did?" I looked at Harry a little confused and nodded.

"Haven't you with Niall?" He shook his head.

"He wants to but..I don't know if I'm ready. I mean, it'll be the first time it actually means anything to me. I dunno". He shrugged.

"Well do you want to?" He nodded. "Then do it! Niall loves you Harry. He will never love anyone as much as he loves you. You'll always have him by your side. The way you both look at each other shows that it's real". He frowned, looking down to the grass.

"His ex showed up today. Niall looked so hurt. The look in his eyes, it just..it tore me apart".

"What was Jake doing there!?" I thought I told that guy to piss off. What the fuck is he thinking? Harry is so over protective of Niall and if anyone ever hurts him then..they're dead.

"Wait, you know Jake?" Shit. I just realised I said that.

"I have barely seen you Haz. I saw him on my first date with Zayn and..."

"What are you talking about? When was this?"

"It was like two days ago. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. He was really making fun of Niall and teasing him and Niall was a mess from you not being warm to him and I just forgot to tell you". I saw Zayn and Niall walking over to us and smiled. I got up and looked down to Harry. "I'm sorry". I walked towards Zayn and pulled him into the boys toilets, locking the door. I pushed Zayn up to the wall and crashed my lips on his. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I entangled my fingers in his hair, a deep moan escaping Zayn's throat as I tugged at his hair. He shoved his tongue in my mouth and squeezed my bum, a moan escaping my throat. I pushed my body tight against his and he kissed down my jaw line, finding my weak spot, sucking and biting down. I loud knock came from the door and Zayn and I jumped apart. P

"Open the door!!" I laughed a little and unlocked it, walking out and getting a lot of stares.

"We need to talk". I looked behind me to see Austin.

"Is everything okay?" He nodded and I followed him to a deserted area of the school.

"Who the hell is making you so happy lately? And don't deny this cos there is a developing love bite on that neck of yours". Fuck. What do I say? I can't tell Austin of all people that I'm gay. "I know that Harry has a boyfriend, so if you do too then you know, whatever". He shrugged his shoulders. He knows about Harry and Niall? How? When did this happen? "I hate it when you boys hide things from me and you know I'll always find out eventually". That is pretty true. He always figures everything out.

"I ah...I'm going out with...Zayn Malik". I felt the heat rush to my cheeks and I looked down. I felt arms wrap around my waist and I jumped as a chin rested on my shoulder.

"I thought we weren't going to tell anyone about us yet Lou". Zayn said in a winey voice. I rolled my eyes.

"Have you told Niall?"

"Maybe". I laughed a little. I looked back at Austin and his face went from confusion to realisation.

"Fuck. I have to go". I watched as Austin quickly rushed away.

Niall's POV

I remember the day Austin forgot me. I waited patiently where we usually met. But he walked past laughing with a curly headed boy. He didn't even look at me. It was like I was invisible. Suddenly forgotten. I sat there crying until Zayn came and talked to me. That's how I met Zayn. He gave me his sandwich cos I was still hungry. That stopped me from crying. The bell has gone and now I'm waiting for Harry so we can walk home.

"Niall!" I looked up to see Austin running towards me. "Thank...god...I didn't....miss...you". He was puffed out. I frowned at him. "I'm so sorry Niall. I suddenly felt the power of popularity and chose that over you. I'm so so sorry that I forgot about you. You were my best friend and I just forgot about you. That's not what best friends do and I completely stuffed that up. I'm sorry". I stood frozen. Austin remembers me? He just apologised? How does he just suddenly remember?

"It's okay Austin". He looked at me surprised.

"It is?" I laughed a little and nodded. "I feel terrible Niall. I was a stupid child". I shrugged and smiled assuringly.

"You ready to go babe?" I looked behind me to see Harry smiling widely and I nodded. I don't know how I got here. With Harry, looking at me the way he does. Having this love inside of me. He makes me forget about everything. I love Harry in an indescribable way. There is no words for it. Whenever he touches me I feel a spark run through my body. He makes me weak. "What's on your mind?" I looked up at Harry and smiled.

"Nothing important". We kept on walking, our fingers intertwined. "I love you Harry". He smiled and looked down to the ground.

"I love you too". We walked into my house and up to my room. Harry pulled me tight to his body and pecked my lips. "I'm ready".



Hello :) wow 650 reads! Didn't expect that! Thank you for all your votes!! Leave me comments below please! I love to hear what you think :)

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