Classroom Of the elite-your t...

By MightyAsmodeus

657K 10.1K 15K

Its just as the title said. A typical cliche COTE reaction fic with all the years+Horikita Manabu and Tachiba... More

Horikita Manabu
Saving Sudo
Don't Pry Into My Life
Sae chan's plot
The Monster's Nature(Island Exam aftermath)
The Way He Do Things
Is he good? or is he bad?
The day I can finally have you (Not healthy for Kei Haters)
Dragon vs Gorilla
Chapter X-1: Chaotic Masterpiece
My long lost osananajimi
A great way to start winter vacation (I)
A great way to start winter vacation (II)
Can he even be defeated?
Chapter X-2: The best ship of COTE. Change my mind
One shot: Female Ayanokoji X Male Karuizawa
One-shot: Female Ayanokoji X Male Karuizawa (2)
Chapter X-3: Genderbend KiyoKei
Declaration of war
Chapter X-4: Another one of SadisticPaimon's chap reaction (I)
Chapter X-5: Another one of SadisticPaimon's chap reaction (II)
Picture reaction
One-Shot: The ship that you guys would never thought of
One-Shot: The ship that you guys would never thought of (part 2)
Real reaction: Brother and sister
A wild Gorilla appears
Your queen's appereance
Chapter X-6: More of AuthorLumine(SadisticPaimon)'s Oneshot reaction
Chapter X-7: Last Elite Standing by AuthorLumine
Some nice pool time
Spread your legs
Honami oh Honami.
Val's chocolate from Pikachu girl
First Kiss
Dear Kiyotaka (Reaction)
Dearest, Suzune (Reaction)

One Shot: Kiyotaka as a jujutsu sorcerer

8.3K 139 73
By MightyAsmodeus

Since JJK won the vote, so here it is. Kiyo in JJk world.

Kiyotaka will be 19 cuz dats an ideal age for him and this is set at Yuji's training arc when he's faking his death.

Kiyotaka POV

It was a usual day for me. Killing curses, eating ice cream, watching tv, scrolling instagram, etc.

Until my peaceful time was disturbed by a man that I knew very much.

Gojo: "Hello, Kiyotaka. Long time no see."

Gojo Satoru. Of course he would be the one to disturb me.

Kiyo: "Satoru san. What is it?"

Gojo: "Oh, I brought a trainee here to train under you. Come on, Yuji."

A pink haired boy immediately enters the room.

Yuji: "My name is Itadori Yuji. Nice to meet you." What's with the sensei.....

Gojo: "And here is the special thing. He's Sukuna's vessel."

As soon as Satoru san said those words, I unseathed my sword and tries to kill the boy.

Yuji: "!"

Itadori was shocked. There is literally no moment that he can use to escape.

But before the blade connects, it was blocked by Satoru san's hand. Or to be precise, Satoru san's infinity.

Gojo: "Okay, stop right there. He's not dangerous you know."

Kiyo: "What are you thinking, Satoru san. You're bringing a walking nuke here."

Gojo: "Oh please, Okkotsu Yuta's rival won't be afraid by Sukuna that has less than 10 fingers."

(A/N: For strength, Kiyo is equal to Yuta. So he's also a special grade. But still below Gojo. I think. Idk. Is current Yuta stronger than Gojo?)

Kiyo: "I go by the motto 'preventing is better than curing.'"

Gojo: "Allright. Enough for the chit chat. I came here for something."

Kiyo: "And what is that?"

Gojo: "You are to train Yuji here on combats."

There goes my peaceful life...

Kiyo: "Why don't you teach him yourself? you're stronger than me."

Gojo: "Of course, there will be a reward."

Kiyo: "Consider it done."

Gojo: "You're such a simpleton that I actually liked your reward-loving attitude.

I just realized my blunder....

Kiyo: "Curse you...."

Yuji POV

I begin my training with Kiyotaka sensei. And damn, he's really powerful.

All of my hits, he dodged it casually and counters it with a strike that hits like a truck.

Kiyo: "Are you seriously tired just by some light combats? I thouhgt you're tougher than this."

Ah, shit. This is getting tiring.

Kiyo: "Stand."

Yuji: "Yes, sensei!"

I then tried hitting him again several times again but like before, it didn't even land.

Kiyo: "Hah....this is going to take a while. Training's over, get changed."

Yuji: "Y-yes!"

I'm going to die for real like this.....

Timeskip, night

Kiyotaka POV

I was on a walk on the night while enjoying my ice cream. There is nothing better than a night walk+ice cream.

???: "Ryoiki Tenkai: Gaikan Tecchisen!"

Domain expansion?

I looked to the direction of the sound and I saw Satoru san and Yuji are being swallowed by the sphere.

But before they're completely swallowed, Satoru san looked at me, signalling me to come near him.

I see. He want me to show what a domain expansion is to Itadori.

Very well then.

I took my stance and raised went into the sphere.

Allright, here goes nothing.

I slashed open the domain from the outside as hard as I can.

Jogo: "What?!"

Gojo: "I knew you'd come."

Yuji: "Kiyotaka sensei!"

Kiyo: "Yo."

Jogo: "Hah! adding one more people won't make any difference! you're all trapped on my domain and that's the fact."

Gojo: "Go on, Kiyotaka."

Kiyo: "Fine. I'll do it."

Gojo: "Listen here, Yuji. This field right here is a domain expansion. A field that had a 99% chance of winning against your opponent."

Yuji: "Isn't that like, an instant win for anyone who can use it?"

Gojo: "Not at all. There is a way to win against a domain expansion user."

Yuji: "And how are you going to do that?"

I formed a hand seal, and focusing my curse energy to perfection.

Gojo: "Its by releasing your own domain."

Here goes.

Kiyo: "Ryoiki Tenkai: Akuma no Sakkaku."

(A/N: How is it. Is it a cool name? or cringe? Lemme hear ur thoughts. It means devil's illusion.)

As soon as my chanting is complete, the area begin to change into a world of nothingness. Nothing exist here.

Jogo: "What? there is nothing here."

Yuji: "Uh....why is nothing here. This is just an empty white room."

Ah, white room. That brings me back to my training. Actually I created this technique to honour the white room. That place is responsible for making me powerful after all.

Gojo: "This is just the outside appereance, Yuji. Don't be fooled. Infact, Kiyotaka's domain expansion is really powerful."

And of course, the enemy didn't move an inch. The volcano curse is frozen.

After a long 5 seconds, the curse started moving in a weird way.

Jogo: "Die! Gojo Satoru!"

The curse is now punching through the air.


30 seconds....40 seconds has passed. The curse is just casually punching and striking the air.

Yuji: "Uh....why is he punching the air?"

Gojo: "Hallucination. Which means, that special grade curse is trapped in an illusion by Kiyotaka. That's how his domain works. Everyone he trapped in here, he can cast a powerful illusion to them. It's like his cursed technique, 'Kyoka Suigetsu' but more powerful. With his normal technique, Kyoka Suigetsu, that only works if the opponent is looking at his sword. But inside this domain, he can cast it to his opponent anytime he wants."

(That's how Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu works right? the enemy must see his sword first for the technique to be activated? correct me if I'm wrong.)

Yuji: "That sounds ridiculously powerful."

Gojo: "Right?! that's why he's my favourite student!"

Kiyo: "You're embarassing me, Satoru san...." I muttered.

Gojo: "And one more thing that's scary about the illusions inside of his domain is..."

The curse then gets binded.

Jogo: "Gah!"

Gojo: "If the target can't break the illusion within one minute, they're paralyzed and can't move even an inch."

Yuji: "What the heck...."

Kiyo: "Allright, your tutoring session is enough, Satoru san. I'm killing him."

Gojo: "Go ahead."

I unseathed my sword and walked towards the Curse.

Kiyo: "Nice try. But better lucky next time."


I beheaded the curse and then deactivate my domain. Its enough.

Soon, the area begin to return to its normal state.

Yuji: "Holy shit! that's too awesome! I want to learn that too!"

Gojo: "Nah, maybe later. You better learn to fight properly first"

Yuji: "GAH!"

Kiyo: "Well, Satoru san is right. Maybe later. Its too soon for you."

Yuji: "You guys are too blunt...."

Itadori then looks at me.

Yuji: (So this is a special grade sorcerer's power...he's on a different level. And to think Gojo sensei is even more powerful than him.....)

Now then, time to finish off the curse for good.

But before I get to deliver a finishing blow, a flowe-like illusion is casted.

Yuji: "Wow, flowers!"

Gojo: "How beautiful!"

Tch. Annoying illusion.

I used my sword to break the illusion and everything went back to normal.

Gojo: "Tch."

Kiyo: "We lost him huh..." I muttered. The head and the body is not visible anymore.

Yuji: "Aww man..."

Kiyo: "By the way, what was that, Satoru san? you can break that illusion easily."

Gojo: "Nah, I just want you to do it for me. Hehehe~"

Kiyo: "You're being unreasonable as always. That's why Utahime sensei hates you...."

Gojo: "Like I care about that. Anyways, Yuji, Kiyotakalets go back."

Yuji: "Aight sensei!"

Kiyo: "K"

With that, Satoru san, me, and Itadori left the place.

Huh, you managed to find a good student, Satoru san.

He will be a great sorcerer one day. Maybe he can even surpass me and you.

That's basically it

Please read my other fic too. Its insight are losing to this one. Please read it too okay?😁

I gave Kiyo Aizen's power cuz why not?

And Next time will be a normal reaction. Don't worry. Vote what you want.

Kushida's true nature(I finally did a reaction for this. Lol)

Koenji trashtalking everyone on Volume 7

Other Author's chapter reaction(Another chapter x)

Pick what you want. I'll wait till sunday.


Aight cya!

Published date: 30-5-2022

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