The Story of Rebecca Snow (Ga...

By DeathBatAsh

37.6K 578 41

What if Bran wasn't the first of Ned Stark's family to be bedridden? What if Jon Snow wasn't the only bastard... More

Meeting the Wolves
The King Visits
Getting Closer
Coming Clean
The Journey - Part One
The Journey - Part Two
The Journey - Part Three
The Journey Part Four
The Wall
Who Am I?

The Fall

3K 49 7
By DeathBatAsh

"Gods it's been too long since my last walk through here." I sighed happily.

"Well technically you aren't really walking..."

"Shush you" I chuckled at Meagan, and chucked the reins of the pretty chestnut mare, Tersa, lightly. Meagan was on her own gray mare, Dandi, as we rode together through the Godswood. We were just coming up towards the river when I heard the light clip clopping of separate hooves. We both turned to see my brothers and Theon ride up. Jon at the sight of Meagan went from shooting witty remarks at our elder brother to suddenly finding the back of his mount's head VERY interesting. Meagan just went an interesting shade of pink. I rode up just next to her and leaned towards her ear.

"Jeez Meagan, you haven't even slept with him yet. Why so shy?" I grinned evilly and moved away before she could either hit me or stab me with the small dagger I knew she kept on her. She glared at me anyway.

"Where's YOUR lover then? I haven't seen him since this morning" she suddenly said triumphantly. And loudly to my annoyance. I had made the mistake of telling her about my crush on Benjen. This seemed an appropriate time for Theon to butt in with a grin as he whistled loudly.

"I'm right here!" he grinned, and I mimed vomiting. Robb and Jon snorted in amusement when Theon rode up to me and took my hand.

"But Lady Snow, my love for you is like a thousand roses!" he proclaimed with mock sincerity.

"Short-lived and prickly?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. He rolled his eyes while everyone laughed., before trying here again."Without you, my life would be cold and pale."

"Is that why there's always snow around here?"

"God damnit woman I am TRYING to woo you here..." he grinned, trying not to laugh.

"Well you're not doing a terribly good job"

Apparently this was too much for Jon, because he was laughing so hard he fell neatly off his dark stallion and onto the cold hard ground, still laughing.

"Jon!" I yelled, and he looked up at me.

"This isn't easy for poor Theon. Give him a break! Normally the girls he goes after just get on with it then ask for their pay."

I smiled at Theon, blew a kiss, then Meagan and I rode away from my hysterically laughing brothers. A good thing too because I was feeling faint. I hadn't thought about it, but the past few days worth of activity had in fact been more than what I usually did in two weeks. No wonder my most recent attack had been bad. I made a mental note to ask Maester Luwin to make me more medicine, and continued on. The lightheadedness was getting worse, and the nausea wasn't helping. I swallowed, and called over my shoulder to Meagan, who was riding a little way behind.

"Go back and spend time with the others. I think I need to go straight to bed."

I heard her agree, then turn and trot away. The second she was out of earshot I broke my mare into a full canter, moving quickly back through the woods towards home. Unfortunately the gods didn't appear to favor me that day, and as my body started to shake and spasm, I slid smoothly out of the saddle and onto the cold, frosty ground. The last thing I saw before my vision went black was the horse continuing on without me.


Lady Meagan Martell POV


I headed back towards the three still chuckling men, then regretted it as Theon saw me first and grinned.

"Lady Martell! Ah, a pleasant sight for longing eyes. What do you say we leave these two Northerners and go get better acquainted?"

Ewewewewew! I glanced nervously at Jon before making up a quick lie.

"I'm afraid I'm taken."

"By who?"

"Lord Waff Elles." I said suddenly. I remembered my Septa Elle had a cousin called Waff who occasionally helped out in the stables back home. His last name was Danworth but meh. Was it my eyes fooling me, or did Jon look up rather suddenly there?

"Really?" Theon smirked, riding up slowly. "And why haven't I heard of this Lord Waff Elles? Where is he from?"

I wanted to be able to think up a quick lie, but Jon looked at me, and I panicked and stayed silent. Theon grinned widely this time, pulling his horse up just next to mine.

"Lady Martell, is there a reason you're lying?"

I swallowed and made my voice slightly less stammery.

"I am in fact attracted to someone else, and don't really want to have to fend off unwanted advances thank you."

"Really? Who"

"That's not any of your business" I sniffed, and he chucked his reins.

"I will find out, milady" he said arrogantly, and trotted off, Robb following him with a chuckle. Only Jon stayed behind, clearing his throat to interrupt the awkward silence. My cheeks were flaming as I urged my horse on after the other two.

"He's Dornish, then?" he asked quietly as we rode side by side, making the assumption that my crush was back home. I shook my head.

"He lives in Winterfell."

"How do you know him? If you don't mind me asking."

I took a deep breath, then mentally jamp off a cliff as the words passed my lips.

"He is my best friend's brother."

Jon froze for a second, then looked at Robb, who rode ahead of us completely oblivious to our conversation. We rode in silence until we passed out of the forest into a clearing, which held a tower. I saw Robb stop his horse, dismount, and run to a small bundle of fur and clothing at the bottom, guarded by a young direwolf.

"Jon!" he yelled, and the younger man and I followed suit, climbing from our own steeds to run to him and kneel next to the child, who I recognised the moment I saw his face.

"Bran..." I breathed. Robb held the small boy and was almost in tears. Jon didn't look much happier, and Theon was looking around the clearing. I looked up to the tower that loomed over us.

"Does he come here often?"

"Its his favorite place to climb... we always warned him he'd fall if he wasn't careful..."

"Its okay Robb, he'll be okay, lets just get him back and see what Maester Luwin says, alright? he's still warm and breathing, have hope." Robb nodded, and picked Bran up, passing him to Jon and mounting his horse before taking him back, seating the unconscious child in front of him and supporting him against his torso. He then turned and galloped off along a shortcut, different to the way we had came. Jon, Theon and I followed quickly.


Benjen Stark POV


I was carrying a chattering Arya on my shoulders and leading the reins of two horses through the courtyard while Rickon led his own, his brow furrowed in concentration on the simple task. I put one hand quickly to his chest and stopped him as Robb, Jon, Theon and Lady Meagan came clattering into the courtyard in a cloud of dust. As it cleared I saw Bran being lifted down to Jons waiting arms by Robb, and being carried hastily into the castle.

"Go get the stable master, and be quick about it" I instructed Arya and Rickon, setting the girl on the stone ground gently. They both ran off quickly followed by their direwolves.

"What happened?" I asked the Lady Meagan, helping her down from her horse. She looked pale and worried.

"W-we were riding, and Robb came across Bran unconscious at the bottom of a tower, he appeared to have fallen. We feared him dead, so brought him back as quickly as possible. Pardon me, but I need to go see Becca." she said, moving past me and hurrying into the castle after Theon and Robb.

I frowned. Bran was the best climber in Winterfell. Ned often joked that I'd better keep him entertained if he came to the Wall, for fear he may climb straight over out of boredom. How could he have fallen?


A few hours later


"Yoohoo! Tall dark and handsome!" I turned to see a red headed where walk up to me. I raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry miss, but i'm not interested in your..." I looked at her, trying to find a way to put it politely.

"Services?" she offered, and I nodded. She laughed.

"That's not what I want your attention for, as tasty as you look. I'm not the one at Winterfell with Benjen-induced butterflies in her pretty little belly. Lady Meagan is looking for you. And," she turned to go, "if you do change your mind, you know where to find me." she grinned lavisciously, licking her lips and walking away. I shook my head. How anyone could be attracted to a brazen, painted woman like that who broadcasted her trade so obviously was beyond me. And the idea of so many men having a woman before me... ugh. I grinned as a mental image of Becca came into my head, crossed arms and tapping foot. Now there was a woman who's affections and passions would have to be earnt. I chuckled, before stopping myself.

I didn't need to be having innapropriate thoughts about ANY woman, especially my NEICE. I was First Ranger of the Nights Watch. I took a vow that included celibacy, not incest!

it wouldn't be incest... a small voice in my head whispered. I thought back to the conversation we had had before her bad fit after the feast.

"Benjen!" I heard the call from behind me, and dispelled all thoughts of Becca as Lady Meagan ran up to me.

"Have you seen Becca?" she asked, trying to catch her breath. I shook my head.

"Wasn't she riding with you?" I asked, vaguely remembering something the kennel master had mentioned. She shook her head.

"She came home early. She was looking pale, and felt tired. Not that she'd admit it in a thousand years" Meagan rolled her eyes, but I wasn't listening as I felt rising waves of panic roll over me.

"I visited her room not long before you arrived. She wasnt there." I said. She frowned.

"Then where is she?" she asked. I looked out towards the rapidly darkening Godswood.

"Out there." I growled, running towards the stables and opening my dark stallions stall. He wickered softly as I led him out into the courtyard and practically leapt into the saddle.

"You can't go out now! It'll be pitch black before the hour passes! I'm sure she's somewhere else in the castle!" protested Meagan. I looked at her.

"Winter is coming, and with it it brings freezing nights. I don't care how dark it gets, if she's out there I swear by the Seven I'll bring her back!" I snarled, grabbing a torch and galloped out past several onlookers, including Prince Joffrey, the smug twat.


I rode for about ten minutes before deciding to proceed on food, picking up the track Becca and Meagan had used to enter the Godswood. Something spoke the horse however, and he turned tail, reared up and whinnied before galloping back the way we had came. Stupid animal. I continued on, one hand on my sword and the other clutching the torch burning above my head. It seemed my hour passed quickly because within no time at all I was surrounded by black. That didn't matter. I had no problem with the darkness any more. It was the cold. It was already starting to numb my fingertips, and fear gnawed at me at the thought of finding Becca's corpse, frozen stiff and not even allowed the luxury of that pure relaxation death brought. I had seen it before, men stiff as boards after succumbing to the cold. Becca was strong, but she was no Nights Watchman. She had no defences against the biting pain of frost or icy wind. The thought made me force myself to work faster.

"Becca?"I called halfheartedly, not expecting an answer. I heard an answering bark, and almost kicked myself. Shadow. I could have just called earlier. I battled through the trees and branches in the direction of the bark, and the wolf himself appeared. He barked again and darted away. I followed, pushing all thoughts away and focusing on one.

Find Her.

I caught up with the black wolf, finding him lying next to the mound that was Becca. I kneeled down, sticking the torch into the ground next to me, and turned her over with shaking hands. She was still breathing, but barely so. And so cold. I could feel her pulse, a faint, thready rhythm under my fingertips. She was alive. As the joy washed over me, I carefully picked her up, taking off my massive cloak and wrapping it around her. Her small frame was dwarfed by the thick fur, but it kept her warm. I picked up the torch and started walking back, Shadow leading the way.

I stumbled into the courtyard, ordering the first person who passed to fetch Maester Luwin to Becca's chambers.

"I'm not an errand boy, how dare you command a Prince to do an underlings duty!" came the snide voice of the one person in the world I didn't want to hear. I looked to see Joffrey, and I set Becca down on the ground gently, approaching him and drawing my knife.

"You will find Maester Luwin. You will tell him I am carrying the Lady Rebecca to her chambers and his help is needed. Tell him she is near death and needs help immediately. You will do this for three reasons. One, I am telling you to. Two, she will possibly die if you don't. And three," my voice turned to a deadly growl, "if she dies because you're an arrogant Bastard that's too proud to do as he is asked I will personally hunt you down and gut you like a fish!" the blade flicked across his hand, leaving a tiny red slit there. He genuinely looked terrified. Good.I sheathed my dagger, and as he ran off to do as he was told I picked Becca up and hurried to her chambers. I had just threatened the life of the Prince and heir to the Iron Throne of Westeros. And to be perfectly honest I didn't give a shit.

__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __



Wow. I've got a nasty suspicion that these chapters are getting shorter, but don't worry! I'll work harder at the next chapter and make it longer. We got a Benjen Stark POV in this one yay! Abduction he's being all manly and growly and win! :D

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