Father of Humanity (Highschoo...

By MenacingR

131K 2.1K 1.6K

After the most glorious battle to happen in Ragnarok, Adam (real name (Y/N)) dies to the hands of Zeus. Howev... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4 (Part 1)
Chapter 4 (Part 2)
Chapter 4.5
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

12.7K 208 283
By MenacingR

I'm baaaaack. Sorry I haven't posted a new chapter but I went to New Jersey for a week and didn't have access to a computer to write on. But now I'm back, so lets get to the chapter.


POV (Y/N) 

I open the door to Issei's room 

(Y/N): "Get up, I don't accept any lazy children of mine."

Issei: *groans* "What's the point of a alarm clock when I have you waking me up all the time."

(Y/N): "Get up and get dressed then come down and have breakfast."

Issei: "Hai."

I go down and wait at the table for breakfast to be made. Miki makes some delicious food and I'm happy to have it every morning. Eventually Issei gets down and joins me at the table as Miki sets up the table with the food. Gorou joins us at the table when Miki finished setting the table.

After eating and chatting with them, Issei and I go to leave for school. While walking Issei is having thoughts.

Issei: "You know it's weird thinking about it."

(Y/N): "About what?"

Issei: "That you're my dad. I mean c'mon you're Adam! And I'm being totally casual with you."

(Y/N): "What's so wrong with being casual with your dad?"

Issei: "Nothing, it's just that you're a exception! I mean you're in the freaking bible! I don't even know how I'm walking with you right now, aren't you supposed to be holy?"

(Y/N): "I'd say I'm both holy and not at the same time. If I was holy wouldn't all of humanity be holy too? I'm the first so that means I some things about that is holy but that doesn't mean I have a holy aura."

Issei: "I'm still a bit confused but I understand."

He goes back to thinking until we hear a scream and we turn to look at what it was. We see a girl hunched over on the floor with her rear showing. I turn to look at Issei as he has a pervy look on his face. I punched over his head to stop it.

Issei: "Ow!"

I then walk over to help her up as she turns over to sit on the floor. I get in front of her and kneel with my hand raised.

(Y/N): "You ok?"

She accepts my hand as I help her up.

Asia: "Yes I am, thank you."

Her hood falls off as I let go of her hand. I turn to look at Issei as he's looking at Asia very deeply. I wave my hand in front of his face until he regains his senses. 

Issei: "I- Uh."

Her hood thing that fell off got drifted by the wind and Issei goes to catch it and bring it back to her.

Asia: "Thank you very much!" 

Issei: "Oh, you're very welcome. Well the weather is really nice today and..."

(Y/N): "Just knock it off already."

Asia: "Um I, I got lost and I need help."

She blushed while twiddling her fingers. 

(Y/N): "Sure we can help you."

Asia: "Thank you again!"

We then start walking again. I was on her right while Issei was on her left

Issei: "So are you on a trip?" 

Asia: "Oh, no. I was appointed to this town's church."

Issei: "You're a nun, huh?"

(Y/N): "It was pretty obvious with the look Issei."

Issei: "I get jeez."

Asia: "I'm so glad to meet two nice people. It must've divine guidance." 

After she said that we heard a boy crying to the right of us. I went over to check on him as Asia followed. I kneeled down next to him as pat and rub his back 

(Y/N): "It's okay, It's only a scrape. Be strong, you're a boy after all."

Asia: "That's right."

She raised her hands and they started to glow green as the boys scrape began to fade away. I got up and 

Asia: "Look! your wound is gone! It's all right now."

She turned to look at us both.

Asia: "Sorry, force of habit."

I wave my hand.

(Y/N): "There's no need to apologize. It's perfectly normal to help a child."

She got up and came over as we started walking again. Issei looked deep in thought about something as we walked in silence for a bit.

(Y/N): "Hey, I could hold your luggage if you want."

Asia: "Oh, thank you!"

She handed me the luggage as it practically weighed nothing to me.

(Y/N): "No problem."

Asia: "I must've surprised the both of you."

Issei: "Oh, well its a amazing power you have."

Asia: "It's a wonderful gift granted by god. Yes, a wonderful power..."

Asia stops and looks ahead at the church.

Asia: "Oh, that must be the place!"

(Y/N): "I've only came here recently but Issei said that's the only church around here."

Asia: "Great! Thank you so much!"

Issei: "B-But I haven't seen anyone over there."

Asia: "I'd like to return the favor, so would the both of you like to accompany me?"

Issei: "Oh no, I've got something to do."

picking up at Issei's hand shaking I decide the same.

(Y/N): "Yeah sorry we can't right now."

Asia gained a small saddened face

Asia: "I see."

But then she then had her usual happy face back.

Asia: "My name is Asia Argento. Please call me Asia!"

Issei: "I'm Hyoudou Issei. You can call me Issei. This guy right here is my cousin, (L/N) (Y/N)" 

(Y/N): "Just call me (Y/N)."

Asia: "Issei-san! (Y/N)-san! I'm so glad to have met two people so kind this quickly after arriving in Japan! Please visit the church when you have the time. Promise me!"

Issei: "Y-Yeah, okay."

(Y/N): "For sure Asia."

Issei: "See ya around."

(Y/N): "Bye."

Asia: "Goodbye (Y/N), Issei."

She waved at us goodbye.


I'm in the ORC clubhouse main room with Issei while he finished up some work while I'm reading some manga. It's a very weird manga called Dorohedoro, but I like it. 

(Y/N): "You done?"

Issei: "Yeah."

???: "The president is looking out for you, Issei-kun.

Issei was surprised by whoever was behind the couch suddenly speaking.

Issei: "Akeno-san!"

I turn around to look at her as Rias comes through the door.

Rias: "Akeno, I thought you already went back."

Akeno: "The archduke sent us a message."

Rias: "The archduke?" 

Akeno: "Apparently, a stray devil is on the loose in this town."

(Y/N): "A stray huh? They're pretty annoying had to deal with a few."

A magic circle appears on the floor as the rest of the ORC come through.

Rias: "Well I hope you can accompany us to help."

(Y/N): "Sure no problem."

Rias: "Also Issei you're coming too."

Issei: "H-Huh? Ok... But what is a stray devil?"

Rias starts to make a magic circle as everyone else go to stand next to her. While I form my own since I'm not in her peerage. We start to transport over while Rias starts explaining.

Rias: "It used to be a servant to another devil." 

Issei: "Like us?"

We all arrive to a area with trees around.

Rias: "Sometimes, stray devils kill their masters, so they can live doing whatever they please. That's what we call a stray devil." 

Issei: "Now I understand."

Rias: "We're heading to a deserted house. A stray devil is said to lure people into it to eat them."

Issei: "E-Eat them?!"

(Y/N): "Yes Issei, the supernatural world isn't pretty."

Rias: "Tonight's mission is to bring it down."

We walk a bit and arrive to the front doors of the house.

Kiba: "You shall see the utter monstrosity stemming from abuse of demonic power and being without a master."

Rias: "Issei."

Issei: "Y-Yes?"

Rias: "Do you know chess?"

Issei: "Chess? You mean the board game?"

Rias: "I, the master, am the king. There's the queen, the knights, the rooks, the bishops, and the pawns. Devils from the aristocracy assign the traits of these pieces to their subordinates."

Issei: "Traits of the pieces?" 

Rias: "We call them Evil Pieces."  

Issei: "Why would you call them that?"

Rias: "Anyways, for tonight, observe closely how devils fight."

Issei: "What's (Y/N) going to do?"

Rias: "(Y/N) is stronger than all of us he's only here to watch or be backup."

Issei: "O-Oh."

(Y/N): "She's here."

Everyone gets ready to fight the stray that is coming.

???: "I mainly smell something bad. At the same time, but at the same time I smell something delicious. Will it be sweet? Or will it be bitter?" 

She finally reveals herself when she finished her second question.

Issei: "Boobs!"

I smack his head.

(Y/N): "Not now Issei."

Issei: "My bad..."

Rias: "Stray devil type: Visor. Nefarious beings that run away from their masters to fulfill their own desires. They more than deserve death for their sins. In the name of Duke Gremory, I'll kick your ass!"

She finished off with a pose, having her arm and hand stretched out with her other hand on her hip.

(She actually says this in the anime by the way lol. Also authors who make DXD fics actually believe the stray devil here is named is Visor. It's a stray devil type not her name.) 

Stray: "What an insolent girl. I will cover you in blood as red as your hair!" 

She starts rubbing her chest when she was speaking. I was honestly very weirded out.

Rias: "A line as witty as I'd expect from a small fry." 

Issei: "This is a stray devil?"

His face then changes to a perverted one.

Issei: "She seems to be just an exhibitionist!"

I smack his head again

Issei: "Ow!"

The stray then lifts her giant leg while laughing revealing her giant disgusting lower monster body and.... still rubbing her chest. Issei gets surprised by this.

Kiba: "Told you. They become ugly monsters in both body and heart."

Issei: "She has such a nice boobs, though. It's such a wast-"

He stopped talking when he noticed the stray had magic circles on her.... nipples. 

Issei: "Huh? Isn't a magic circle?!"

The stray starts laughing and starts looking crazy as she then starts to shoot her... Boob lasers? I have no idea what's happening right now. Everyone starts to run away to dodge the lasers.

Issei: "No joke! She is a monster!" 

Rias: "Yuuto!" 

Issei: "He disappeared!" 

(Y/N): "It looked like he for you but he's actually too fast for you to see him." 

Rias: "Yuuto represents a knight, so his trait is speed and the sword is his strongest weapon."

Kiba cuts off both of the strays monster arms as he jumps back next to us.

(Y/N): "Good job, Kiba."

I rubbed his head a bit.

Kiba: "Thank you, father."

He smiled when he said that. I look ahead and see Koneko walk up to the stray.

Issei: "It's dangerous, Koneko-chan!"

(Y/N): "It's fine, Issei."

The stray gets angry and opens a giant mouth on her body.

Stray: "Die!"

The stray encloses her mouth on Koneko as Issei gets worried but Rias knows better.

Rias: "Don't worry."

Then the giant mouth starts to slowly open until we see Koneko forcing it open.

Rias: "Koneko is a rook. Her traits are simple: tremendous strength and defensive ability. That kind of attack won't even scratch her."

Koneko: "Begone." 

She then twists her body to punch the inside of the mouth, destroying the teeth. The stray gets launched over to a pillar and hits it hard destroying it. 

Rias: "Akeno." 

Akeno: "Yes, President. Oh my, what should I do?" 

She starts walking over to the stray. I notice one of its arms start to move but Issei also noticed so I'll let him have his moment.

Issei: "President!"

The hand launches itself towards Rias as Issei was running towards her.

Issei: "Sacred gear!"

He punches the hand away from Rias. Rias falls down onto her butt due to shock.

Rias: "Th-Thanks."

Issei: "Oh, no problem. I instinctively..."

She then gets up and walks over next to Issei.

Issei: "Huh?"

Rias: "Akeno, finish her off."

Akeno: "A bad girl who tries to harm our president needs to be punished!"

Her lands light up with electricity.

Rias: "She's the queen. The almighty vice commander combining the powers of all other pieces."

Akeno: "Oh my, you seem to still have some energy left. Then how about this?"

Akeno lifts her hands up as lightning goes up.

Rias: "She specializes in attacks using demonic powers. On top of that, she is..."

While Rias was talking the lightning came down onto the stray electrocuting it.

Akeno: "Oh my, you're still energetic!"

She licked her lips.

Rias: "A complete sadist."

(Y/N): "What children I have..."

Akeno lifts her hands once more bring lightning onto the stray.

Akeno: "I wonder how long you can bear it."

Akeno starts laughing while still electrocuting the stray.

Issei: "She's laughing..."

(Y/N): "Akeno that's enough dear."

Akeno stops and turns to look at me.

Akeno: "Aw but papa I haven't finished yet."

(Y/N): "You've already had your fun."

She pouts. 

Akeno: "Fine."

What troublesome children I have. Rias walks up to the worn out stray on the floor.

Rias: "Any last words?"

Stray: "Kill me."

Rias: "Really? Then you shall vanish."

Rias brings both arms out from her sides and makes a magic circle.

Rias: "Checkmate."

She sends a red dark energy from the magic circle and completely disintegrates the stray.

Rias: "We're done. Now let's head back."

ORC: "Yes, President!"

Issei: "U-Um President!"

Rias: "Yes?"

Issei: "What about me? My piece... I mean, what's my role as a servant?"

Rias: "A pawn."

Issei: "By pawn, you don't mean..."

Rias: "Yes, Issei, you're a foot soldier."

Issei: "A foot soldier? 

(Y/N): "A pawn can be important too you know?"

I said as I patted his back.

Issei: "I guess..."

We start to walk out the house.

(Y/N): "I didn't get to do much huh."

Rias: "Sorry (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "It's whatever, I got to see how my children do in a fight."

We all teleport back to the ORC room.

Rias: "Oh Issei, Koneko had two people summon her, could you please help her with one?"

Issei: "Ah okay."

(Y/N): "I'll come too since you always get into trouble."

Issei: "Hey!"

Rias gives the location to Issei and we leave the room to go to the place. I join Issei on his bike as we ride through the town. 

Issei: "So do you seriously not have no attractiveness to any women? Other than Eve."

(Y/N): "I had another wife named, Lilith. She's also known as Tiamat. I don't know if she is still alive."

Issei: "We can ask Rias if she knows anything about her."

(Y/N): "Yeah let's do it after you're done with your contract."

We eventually arrive to the place as Issei walks up to the door and rings the bell. He then checks to see if the door is open. It opens and Issei is surprised while I'm suspicious.

Issei: "The door is left open. That's dangerous."

When he fully opens the door I could smell blood.

(Y/N): "Issei I need you to go back to the ORC and tell them that there is trouble here and I'm handling it."

Issei: "Huh? Why?"

(Y/N): "There is someone dangerous here and I need you to tell Rias and the rest."

Issei: "O-Oh..."

He runs towards his bike and rides off back to the ORC building. I walk inside to check what's happening. I turn to walk in a doorway and see a a very gruesome scene. I became sad seeing my child like this.

???: "Punishment of the wicked. I'm quoting the holy scripture here."

I turn to look at the person who was sitting on the couch. I receive all his memories and grow very sad and disappointed. Seeing one of my children do all these horrible things. He stands up from the couch.

Freed: "You don't look like a devil, but you're one tall sonuvabitch, what are you doing here?"

(Y/N): "I came here sensing something wrong. And I see one of my children dead due to another's misguidance."

Freed: "What the hell are you talking about?"

(Y/N): "I'm your father and everyone else of humanity, I'm the original, you may know me as Adam in the Bible." 

Freed: "Why is it that you aren't lying? You either must be crazy like me, insanely good at lying, or really Adam."

(Y/N): "My child you need to stop you ways and become better."

Freed: "The fuck are you talking about? I thought someone like you would see I'm doing this world a favor killing these devil worshipping scum."

(Y/N): "That is no right to murder your own kind."

Freed: "You actually side with them? I'm disappointed someone like the father of humanity would side with such scum! I'll have to kill you then."

He brings out his light sword and pistol as he turns on the sword and lunges at me with it. I weave to the left while getting a jab on his side. He staggers a bit and tries to shoot me but I once again weave out of the way and punch him in the face. He steps back holding his face, but then I hear a scream as I look to see Asia here behind Freed with a horrified look.

Freed: "Asia shut up!"

(Y/N): "Asia look away."

She looks over to me and is surprised I'm here.

Asia: "(Y/N), what are you doing here?"

(Y/N): "I'm trying to stop Freed and correct him of his ways."

Freed: "Wait hold up a second! How do you know my name I didn't even tell you!"

(Y/N): "How could a father not know their own child? I can see each and everyone of my children's past and memories just by looking at them."

Freed: "You really are Adam! Or as Asia is calling you, (Y/N)."

Asia: "(Y/N) what is he talking about?"

(Y/N): "I'll explain after this Asia, just sit tight for now."

Suddenly Freed brings up his sword trying to surprise attack me. But Asia comes up in front of me trying to stop Freed.

Freed: "The hell are you doing Asia?"

Asia: "Father Freed, I beg you! Please let him go!"

Freed: "Asia I can't let someone who sides with devils live."

I decide to see this out thinking maybe Freed could correct his own ways. But seeing his past I don't think it will happen.

Asia: "But (Y/N) is a good person! God wont forgive such a deed!"

Freed: "Huuuh?! Don't give me that crap!"

He then quickly slashes Asia's clothes off, as I grow mad at such a thing. I take Asia and move her behind me as I take off my blazer and shirt and give them to Asia to wear.

(Y/N): "Freed I tried to go easy on you thinking maybe I can knock some sense into you since you're my child. But now I cant overlook this."

I quickly dashed towards him and quickly disarm him of his weapons and lift him by the collar of his shirt. I then put power into my punches not enough to kill him but enough to seriously hurt him. I continuously punch him in the face growing more sad as each punch connects. He eventually goes unconscious as I drop him. I walk over to Asia and pick her up bridal style. She has my shirt and blazer on now.

(Y/N): "Come now Asia I will take you somewhere safe."

Asia: "Thank you..."

She hugs me as I'm walking out of the house and head towards back the clubhouse. After a while Asia looks up at me.

Asia: "What did father Freed mean you were Adam?"

I look down at her.

(Y/N): "This may be a surprise but I'm your father rather the father of all of humanity. I'm Adam in the Bible but my real name is (Y/N). This means I'm your father Asia, and as your father I will protect you."

Asia: *sniff* "Thank you, papa."

She said it very quietly as she snuggled into my chest.


The end of the chapter!

Sorry for this taking a while but like I said at the beginning I was at New Jersey for the week. 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and if anyone wants to give feedback its welcomes and appreciated.  

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