A Man In A Beasts World

By GhillieCamo

689K 11.8K 27.7K

Twenty five years of war led to the Anthro race taking over the planet, leaving the last bastion of humans al... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Character Recap
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
(New Character Art) Alpha Team
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 39

14.5K 256 937
By GhillieCamo

(Chris p.o.v)

-The squad slowly ascended the stairs listening carefully the entire time-

"Surely someone is gonna notice they're gone" -I think looking back at the bodies in the hallway-

-Thats when a figure walks out of the room in a F.I.A uniform the light blacking out their face-

-The whip of a grey feline tail and a cheeky smirk reveals Adder going undercover once again-

-Most of the team were looking over in awe practically-

Chris:"O-Oh?, again?"

-Thoughts of what happened last time we tried this come back.....-

-The conversation we had..., that little moment we shared, you could read it on the little smirk Adder wore-

Adder:"If they stop making clothes in my size and maybe I'll stop" -She plays it off-

Ashley:"You look more shootable than usual, congratulations" -Ashley dryly rolls her eyes-

Amber:"That's actually pretty smart" -Amber chipperly states nodding her head-

Lara:"Got any more of those uniforms?" -Lara chuckles-

Adder:"Eh..., let me have a look" -Adder glances back at the bodies for a moment-

Adder:"Nah sorry looks like they don't  have fat bitch in stock...."

Lara:"It's gonna be a real shame when I accidentally friendly fire your ass" -Lara snapped back-

Adder:"Alright, fuck you fattso"

Mika:"Я в команде с кучей детей...."

Amber:"Pfffft Heheh..." -Amber snickered keeping her weapon trained on the stairway-

Adder:"What did she say?" -Adder asks confused-

Lara:"Amber?, what she say?" -Lara asks placing her hands on her hips angrily-

Amber:"Oh nothing" -Amber looks away a smug smirk on her face-

Lupa:"Мы должны продолжить миссию?"

Mika:"Да" -Mika takes the lead moving up the stairs-

-A set of annoyed grumbles come from Lara and Adder-

-Most of them move past me however I stay with Lara as we ascend the stairs-

Lara:"You speak Russian?" -Lara quietly asks me-

Chris:"I was around a lot of them, however couldn't pick up much" -I admit-

-Yuki suddenly leans in-

Yuki:"She called you and Adder children" -Yuki slyly informed Lara-

-A smirk formed on my face as Lara wears an annoyed scowl-

-With them finding out I'm not a legal adult yet I decided upon a joke-

Chris:"Care to join me at the kids table?"

-Lara chuckles letting her M249 rest on the strap on her neck-

Lara:"Might have to, these lot bore me" -She snickers giving me an elbow nudge-

-Hitting the top of the stairs Lupa and Mika step over the body of the Anthro I killed....-

Amber:"Your work No-Fur?" -The dragon looks back, as does Mika and Lupa-

Chris:"No.., clearly he just tripped" -Mika let's out an annoyed growl proceeding on-

"Glad to see Mika is still in her beautiful mood, which happens to be always...."

-As a squad we push down another long hallway, clearly the maintainance tunnel pushed on longer than we thought-

-Lara and I walk along side each other however I kept glancing at the machine gun in awe-

Chris:"Isn't that heavy?" -I quietly point at the M249 she looks down shrugging-

-The powerhouse Anthro couldn't help but smirk, she liked to show off her athletic and weight lifting prowess whenever she could-

Lara:"I'm about 285lb, this little thing weighs nothing really" -She rattles the two hundred round mag weapon-

Lara:"Sorry 285lb of fat" -She glares at Adder-

-The feline looks back giving the wolf a finger-

Chris:"Yeah and I've got more muscles then you..., good one" -I chuckle shaking my head-

Lara:"You're pretty muscular though..." -Lara suddenly says making my face go red-

"And just when I thought I forgot her seeing me ass cheeks naked...."

-Lara began silently cackling to herself about my reaction-

-The group ahead comes to a stop, Mika raises her fist before looking back-

"It was time to stop the chatter and get serious"

-The shark and half shark creeped up on another metal door pushing it open slightly-

-Nothing seemed out of the ordinary for a moment before Mika yanks a figure through the door-

-An F.I.A soldier was pulled to his death from behind, the Anthro was put into a headlock before Mika performed a sharp twist with a crunch, she threw the body aside like it was nothing-

-She went back to the door looking inside before following up with a gesture to Adder-

"Come here...."

-The feline crept over before Mika opened the door a bit-

Mika:"Keep a low profile, go hot if they catch you" -Adder nods before heading inside to infiltrate the ranks-

Mika:"We don't have time to search this entire place, Yuki take Ashley and Amber and find the security office"

Mika:"The four of us are gonna be on the balcony and catwalks above main supply room" -Mika gestures to me, Lara and Lupa-

Mika:"You still here No-Fur?" -She condescendingly asks-

Chris:"What I'm allowed sit at the big boys table now?"

-A quick growl came in my direction-

Lupa:"Mika the catwalk, Adder's bought us some time" -Lupa gestures with a nod-

-And with that all four of us exit out the same door as Adder, on our immediate left was a shortcut up to the next level-

Lupa:"Go!, go!" -Lupa hisses as we all carefully climb the stairs-

-Each of us get to the top without a sound-

Mika:"You two take the left, Lupa and I are gonna take right"

Lara:"On your orders boss" -Lara replies before her and Lupa share a glance-

Lupa:"Be careful..." -She whispers with worry-

Lara:"Don't worry I've got the squirt watching my back..."

-Not paying attention to the conversation I watch the soldiers below moving crates and gear about the warehouse-

"This must be a little secret main command within New Valor" -My eyes drift over all assortments of weaponary and armour-

-No doubt enough to arm a small country.....-

-Knocked out of thought I felt a hand, or should I say paw?, slap my plate carrier-

Lara:"Psst let's move" -Lara nods with wink-

-She stays close to the wall avoiding being seen by those below-

-Walking behind her I scan all around making sure no F.I.A soldiers would surprise us-

-Following her from behind I see the silhouettes of Mika and Lupa across the way-

Lara:"Side office on our left.., let's clear it out" -The wolf quietly announces-

-Turning to her with a nod she approaches the door listening-

-I however approach the office window, some old dusty blinds just barely able to peek through-

-Getting closer I peer through the blinds seeing the faint glow of a television with three to four Anthros out of gear-

-The sound from the TV could be just about audible, I found myself listening-

-It was a news station talking about recent news of things such as the war, the U.F, the politicians involved and especially something else.....-

"The liberation of humans within work camps in previously controlled F.I.A territory...."

News Anchor(TV):"U.F Government continues to fight their way towards F.I.A controlled Acomore, after thousands flood to Novas and Velves to avoid the civil war it has left the city more of a Fortress rather than the lively city it was once"

News Anchor(TV):"In other news U.F Rangers assisted with the seizure of F.I.A conspirators in local office today, over sixty-three arrests being made to those who are involved in dictator Python...." -The Anchor explains a photo of Python himself floating around-

News Anchor(TV):"Videos of U.F Rangers liberating a labor camp shows the horrible conditions humans have endured under the thumb of the F.I.A" -Images began popping up of the filthy looking malnourished men chained by their feet in ripped and mud covered jumpsuits-

News Anchor(TV):"With the surfacing of images online brings more and more Anthros to the streets in protest...., Pro-Human groups beginning to only grow in support..." -The Anchor describes-

News Anchor(TV):"Protests grow outside government building in support of our smaller friends, however with the support of humans comes counter-protests from the other side, local authorities having to step Inbetween the opposing groups"

Co-Anchor(TV):"There's one thing I can't get my head around here..., how in the name of God did the U.F not realise such things were going on?..."

News Anchor(TV):"The images and videos are truly shocking only bringing more questions to the table.., is the U.F to blame for this happening?"

News Anchor(TV):"Our reporter James Fox is on the scene, James How's it looking down there?" -An image of a cheetah appears with a white toothy grin-

James Fox(TV):"Callum it is truly something else here down at Local New Valor office thousands coming to show support with peace between two species.., oh, and I think we have someone willing to talk to us right here" -He approaches a female shark-

James Fox(TV):"Mam what is your take on this?" -The reporter asks putting the shark in her 20s on the spot-

-However she spoke freely-

Shark(TV):"Honestly?, I think it's a complete joke that the U.F didn't know this was happening" -She shakes her head angrily-

Shark(TV):"They know something about this!, we're out here today showing we don't stand for this!" -A couple of the public standing behind her nodding in agreement-

???(TV):"We want these killers and psychos locked up!, the war has been finished for over five years now!" -Another speaks up-

James Fox(TV):"And what do you think of the presidents statement this evening?"

Shark(TV):"Fu-*BEEP* the president!, he's in on it too that Fu-*BEEP*-ng criminal!, the U.F Generals should just make a collective decision to arrest him, traitor!" -She shouts-

-Soon a chant starts-

???:"TRAITOR!, TRAITOR!, TRAITOR!" -The reporter covers his ear piece walking away-

James Fox(TV):"You heard it here first it's not looking good for U.F office"

James Fox(TV):"Back to you at the studio callum!"

-The camera returns-

New Anchor(TV):"We'll keep you up to date with anything unfolding at New Valor office...."

Co-Anchor(TV):"The U.F government has seemed to be tainted by the F.I.A, who are we supposed to trust?" -He shakes his head in shame-

New Anchor(TV):"Well hopefully in time something can be done-"

-I was nudged out of my trance-

Lara:"I count five"

-Turning to her I look at the wolf confused-


Lara:"Five F.I.A..., inside the room?" -She nods-

Chris:"O-oh!, shit yeah.., yeah my bad" -I reply embarrassed for looking stupid-

-Lara simply smiles letting off a soft chuckle-

Lara:"Relax Chris..., I'm not Mika" -Lara snickers-

-She stands back to her full height heading for the door-

-Keeping close behind she cracks the door open as gently as possible-

-I step up beside her drawing my Beretta-

Chris:"I got this one...." -Smirking she raises an eyebrow-

Lara:"Are you trying to impress me Chris?" -Her shit eating smirk made me go red-

Chris:"U-uh, n-no, killing F.I.A is like..., my thing" -My eyes dart left and right nervously-

-Lara continue to smirks gesturing for me to go inside-

-Opening the door I casually walk inside five Anthros watching TV-

-Before one could even turn his head I fire five subsonic rounds-


-Popping skulls in a rapid manner I turn around to Lara smirking-

Chris:"Heh..., impress tha-"

-Suddenly grabbed from behind I was practically tossed across the room..., it would seem I missed the one sleeping on his bunk near the door....-

-Smashing through the row of cots I roll over dazed, two silhouettes wrestled around the room creating massive amounts of noise-

???:"ARGGG!" -A male voice wheezes out as Lara grabs him by the neck raising him up against the walls with one arm-

-Holding him by the throat with her left hand she snatched up the Bowie knife shanking the literal machete sized blade into his chest over and over-

-The wheezing turned to gurgles as I sit there in awe, the stupidly strong Lara drops his body the corpse thumping to the floor-

Lara:"You alright?"

-Laying my head back with a deep sigh, all the while my limbs tangled between the cheap cot frames I nod-

Chris:"Yeah.., I'm just fantastic..." -I mutter sarcastically followed by a chuckle from Lara-

-She kicks some of the cots aside making her way towards me-

-Lowering her hand down I grab it the wolf easily pulling me from the heap to my feet-

Lara:"I am VERY impressed" -Her voice oozed with sarcasm and playful mockery-

Chris:"Oh fuck off...." -I scoff-

-My face held a scowl however her smirk brought a little smile of my own-

???:"Kent what the fuck is that noise!, KENT!" -A voice shouted boots clamoring along the catwalk-

Lara/Chris:"Shit!" -We both scramble to the door shutting it-

-The boots approach as Lara presses herself against the door, the door handle is pulled and yanked on for a moment-

-The Anthro thinking it was locked he knocks on the door-


-Looking at the TV I get an idea running over and turning it up loud for a moment-

???:"KENT!" -He pounds on the doors-

-Turning it down again I look at all the bodies, all of them male...-

-Shushing Lara I approach the door-

Chris:"Yeah what do you want!?" -I say outloud-

???:"Turn that fucking TV down!, I'm sure the boss can hear it from here!, and why is the door locked!" -He shouts-

Chris:"Yeah!, yeah!, sure!"

???:"Kent, open the fucking door you retard!"

-Lara glares back at me her ear flicking-

Chris:"U-uh, we can't!" -I nervously reply-

???:"What do you mean you can't!?"

Chris:"W-we can't!, we're all naked in here dude!"

-Lara narrows her eyes in shock disbelief her mouth slightly open-

Lara:"Really?" -She hisses-

???:"W-what?, what do you mean you're all naked?"

Chris:"We're all naked!, we're trying..., 'stuff'..." -Laras eyes go wide-

-Her expression said it all...., "You can't be serious?"-

???:"W-what the fuck?, Kent you have a girlfriend!?, what the fuck do you mean 'stuff'!?"

Chris:"Stuff!, like..., butt stuff..."

-Laras face was beginning to crack...-

???:"Y-you're fucking with me Kent!...."

-Two dark silhouetted pass the window, my eyes light up-

-Now becoming far more passionate I apply myself-

Chris:"Jonathan I need to confess something...., I'm in love with your father...."

Jonathan:"Who the fuck is Jonathan!?-"

-His shout was suddenly silenced, not a single noise came from the other side till Lara stood back-

-The door opens up revealing Mika and Lupa standing over the body of a male wolf-

Lara:"Alright Chris...., I'm impressed" -Lara simply says before Mika growls-

Mika:"What the fuck was that?"

Chris:"A deadmans confession" -I look back at the bodies-

Mika:"I swear to god if you jeopardise this mission don't think because you're seventeen that I won't kill your ass....."

Lara:"Mika..., cmon it was a mistake, some bastard snuck up on him" -Lara pleads my case-

Mika:"It was a mistake bringing you along...." -She growls stomping back out of the room-

-Lupa didn't say a word keeping her eyes to the floor or the catwalk-

Mika:"Still no sign of Adder or Yuki yet.." -Mika peers over the edge-

Lupa:"No sign of Langstone yet either...." -Lupa replies-

Mika:"Мы не можем продолжать миссию с ним, мы должны его куда-то положить, пока это не закончится" -Mika glares at Lupa-

-Lupa soon glances to me before sighing-

Lupa:"Мы держим их на подиуме, пока уничтожаем тех, что внизу, Лара сообщит, если появятся другие"

Chris:"What are you two saying?"

Mika:"Lara you and No-Fur will hold position while me and Lupa check out below" -Mika coldly says-

Lara:"Are you sure that's a good ide-"

Mika:"Me and Lupa will be fine" -The shark begins walking away-

-A scowl was plastered on my face, a sigh left me-

Chris:"Lara you shouldn't have stepped in..." -I look up at the wolf-

Lara:"I think otherwise, in the future perhaps checking your corners might be a good option?" -She chuckles-

Chris:"Yeah...., I don't really want you getting in trouble because of my mistake though"

Lara:"It was just a mistake Chris, not the end of the world, we handled it, stop worrying about what Mika says" -The wolf smiled down at me-

Chris:"Heh.., you sound like one of the guys from my group..."

"Jack..., always supportive......"

-Laras ears flick as she glances towards me-

Lara:"The group you were with..., who were they?" -Lara asks-

-Keeping up the facade I think of something random-

Chris:"Eh..., just a mix of soldiers and civilians"

Lara:"Hm..., I'm guessing some sort of Special Operations soldiers were there..."

Chris:"Yeah you could say that..." -I chuckle a smile forming-

-Lara raised an eyebrow, she was about to question me more about it.....-

Chris:"How come Mika and Lupa speak Russian?"

-Lara was thrown off her thought process her eyes darting back on me-

Lara:"Both of them served in Russia at some point, Mika's family comes from there, meanwhile Lupa picked it up....."

-A smile appeared on my face-

Chris:"Now I kinda understand why Mika is always pissed off..." -I chuckle making her smirk-

-However her smirk disappears looking more sympathetic-

Lara:"Mika has endured a lot......." -Lara quietly admits-

-Glancing up at her I become curious-

Chris:"I mean..., I don't want to intrude or overstep a line, but..." -I ask becoming more curious-

Lara:"I mean..., its not really my place to tell you this"

-Remaining silent I nod my head-

-Lara shoots me some more glances before sighing-

Lara:"Back when Mika was out of bootcamp..., her convoy was ambushed by Cerberus...."

Lara:"Those men went on to kill just about all of her squad..."

Lara:"Mika and three others were captured by that Cerberus squad"

-The wolf turned to look at me-

Lara:"Those men put her and the others through 36 days of torture, rape and many other humiliating acts....."

Lara:"She spoke of it to me in a bar one time while intoxicated...., she told me how she could hear the others crying..., how they broke every one of them...."

Lara:"Slashed them, broke bones, burned them, shot them...."

Lara:"After giving every piece of information up they still kept going, they took pleasure burning her with molten iron rods...." -Lara closes her eyes followed by a wince-

Lara:"One of those molten rods were pressed against her sensitive area...." -Lara growls with disgust-

-A became frozen for a moment....-

Lara:"Her and only one other survived after U.F Delta squad raided the bunker, that female went on to get an abortion soon taking her own life a week later......"

Lara:"Only Mika survived..., many months in the hospital and a few surgeries she left that military hospital with a rage for human kind that no amount of blood could pay back what they did...."

-Being left speechless I didn't know what to say.....-

"Men of Cerberus...., they did that?..."

-My stomach began to churn, I felt guilt like none other....-

Lara:"You would think living beings are not capable of such things.." -Lara quietly adds-

Chris:"I-I'm sorry that happened..." -I whisper feeling almost responsible for what happened to Mika...-

"They can never know the truth....."

Lara:"You don't need to apologise Chris..., you've suffered all the same by my kind...., the suffering is only mirrored...." -We both fall to silence our eyes peering over the F.I.A below us-

-My ears devolve into ear piercing ringing-

"No..., no how could they do that..., its LIES...." -Planting my hand against my face I soon ball my fist up-

-A train of bad memories and memories kept arriving one after another..., I felt angry-

Lara:"Chris what's wrong?" -The softer voice of Lara asks placing a hand on my shoulder-

"I won't sit here, no..., no that's not why I'm here...., I forget who I am...."

Chris:"I forget who I am...." -I whisper glaring at those below-


-Grabbing the handle bar of the catwalk I vault over the safety bar falling on top of an Anthro below-


-The F.I.A soldier is flattened at first, but as he tries to get up I jam my combat knife into the back of his neck twisting it-

F.I.A soldier:"THERE'S A NO-FU-"

-His head snaps back a red mist blowing out the back of his skull-

-My smoking Beretta looking for more targets-

-The sound of clamboring footsteps could be heard approaching, leaning against the dark shelving unit two more round the corner looking for targets

F.I.A soldier:"We've got bodies!"

-My pistol kicks twice sending both to the ground with an extra hole in their heads-

F.I.A soldier:"There's someone in here with us!, sound the alarm!" -A voice calls from across the warehouse-

"Oh no you don't!" -Following the footsteps I come around a pile of crates seeing an Anthro running for a big red button-

-Jumping into action he gets halfway before I tackle him into another pile of hardcases sending weapons spilling out-

F.I.A soldier:"ARGGG!, GET OFF ME!" -He roars looking up-

-Smashing my combat knife hilt off his nose I pick up one of the rifle bashing it off his skull like a baseball bat-

-Suddenly grabbed from behind in a headlock I was picked up, the first Anthro gets back to his feet spitting a tooth out-

-My Beretta clattering to the ground....-

F.I.A soldier:"SHOOT HIS ASS!"

F.I.A soldier:"No!, Langstone will definitely pay us more for him alive!" -He wipes the blood from his chin approaching-

-He got close enough for me to extend both my legs out kicking off him sending all of us flying back from one another

-Knife still in hand I jam it into the Anthros thigh making him howl with pain his grip failing-

-Stumbling forward I whip around kicking the knife handle deeper into his leg sending him to one knee-

-Reaching down I try to pull the blade out, it would not budge...-

Chris:"Fuck...." -I growl before being punched from behind-

-Being layed out by the heavy handed Anthro I look forward noticing the sleek black Beretta waiting for me to claim back-

-Grabbing the handle I spin onto my back to the approaching Anthro, shooting four times I hit his shin, thigh, abdomen before the final bullet rips into his throat-

-His figure crumple to the ground grasping at his own neck, all the while his friend struggled with the knife in his leg-

-One last shot from my Beretta killed the suffering Anthro bringing me back to silence-

-Thinking I approach the Anthro managing to wrestle my knife from his leg, sheathing my blade the door suddenly bursts open-

F.I.A soldier:"Don't move a fucking muscle or I'll blow that little fucking head of yours off!" -A voice demands-

-Freezing on the spot I slowly turn to see five F.I.A soldiers aiming their weapons at me-

F.I.A soldier:"Well, well, well what the fuck do we have here?-"

-A fury of suppressed rifles erupt from three different directions ripping into the five man team-

-Their bodies being riddled with bullets left the wall behind them looking like a sickly art work from a psychotic artist-

-Holstering my pistol I hear the enraged steps of boots coming towards me-

-Not even giving Mika the chance I storm through the door those five Anthros came out of-

Lupa:"Chris!" -I hear Lupa of all of them shout-

Lara:"Chris what fuck are you doing!?" -Lara shouts from the balcony-

-Storming down the hall I swing my M21 off my back into my hands-

-A room on my immediate left opened two F.I.A soldiers coming out still adjusting the straps on their gear-

-Firing twice the first Anthro catches all the bullets on his plate carrier stumbling back-

-Firing another three times I kill the soldier behind him before firing one last time hitting the downed Anthro in the skull-

-Swaping mags I push on kicking the next room door open-
(Scarlet p.o.v)

Langstone:"What do you mean radio malfunction!?, that's a load of horse shit they're here!, I know it!"

Grunt:"Sir the radios signal is bad within this building this isn't the first time" -The Comms grunt states-

Langstone:"I want a team to physically check in!, I can just feel the U.F breathing down my god damn neck!"

Scarlet:"Relax Langstone ain't nobody here" -I sigh shaking my head-

Langstone:"That's fucking Lieutenant to you, I don't want to hear shit from Pythons fucking kill squad!" -He roars back-

-The rest of my team remained quiet either cleaning their weaponary or playing with their phones-

-The door on the balcony suddenly opens up, out walks a fox with red eyes-

Riley:"Viper Squad?" -She asks out loud-

-All four of us stand up looking up at the dark armoured fox-

Riley:"I'm gonna be your fifth while we try get the Lieutenant out of here!"

Scarlet:"Python has finally ordered evacuation?" -I ask outloud-

Riley:"A helicopter will be arriving on the roof soon-"


-The entire room falls quiet as muffled gunshots erupt from deeper in the warehouse-

Langstone:"It sounds like someone's breaking in!" -The Lieutenant loudly announces getting out of his chair-

-Everyone gets to their feet weapons being chambered and primed-

Scarlet:"You four!, go check it out!"

Roxy:"The rest of us hold defending the Lieutenant"

Riley:"I'll lead the squad to investigate...."

Scarlet:"No I want you here" -I quickly reply-

Riley:"With all due respect you can't order me around...." -The fox growls following the grunts outside the command centre-

Zara:"Let her go, if the stupid bitch wants to go fight, then let her fight" -The sabertooth shrugs-

Violet:"Amen" -The doberman snorts-

Langstone:"When's that damn extraction here!?" -Langstone snaps-

Scarlet:"It will arrive when its damn ready!, now sit down!"
(Chris p.o.v)


-The body of an Anthro crashes through a paned window glass shards spilling across the floor-

-Another soldier sprints around the corner raising his rifle, slapping the barrel he fires a single round missing-

-Firing my Beretta three times into his stomach he keels over before I fire one last round-

-Jogging forward I got to the door at the end of the hallway opening it up a hail of bullets sparked off the door sending me into cover-

-Peeking around I try to get a fix on where they're hiding, that's when a pair of ears appear followed by a barrel-

-Just as I thought I was about to get a face full of lead a bright light at the end of the hall followed by a loud bang rings out-

-I watch as the body falls out of cover dead head blown off, Amber appears from around the corner-

-Stepping out of cover I glare down the hall at her, she looks me up and down scowling-

Amber:"Where's the rest of them?" -She asks in an accusational manner-

Chris:"I don't know.., I got split off from them" -I lie walking towards her-

-As I go to walk past she grabs my shoulder-

Amber:"Where the hell do you think you're going?"

Chris:"To do my job..., you think I'm gonna sit around here waiting for you?" -I snap right back-

-A growl came from Amber as she tightens her grip-

Amber:"You better show some god damn respect boy!" -The dragon snarls-

-Ripping myself from her grasp I storm down the hallway, the dragon letting out another growl and following me-

-Opening a door I walk inside the open interior being filled with more boxes

-A balcony dead ahead opens up five soldiers walking out, we all spot one another at the same time-

-The entire room erupted into gunfire both me and Amber taking cover-

-Glancing at one another for moment I let out a sigh of annoyance-

Chris:"Where's Ashley and Yuki!?"

Amber:"Security office!" -She shouts back over the gunfire-

-Leaning against the box I fire back at the F.I.A soldiers the nearest one taking cover-

-Trading shots at one another I hear a voice call out-

???:"You've got nowhere to go!" -A female voice calls out-

Amber:"What makes you think that!?" -Amber instantly replies-

???:"Well judging by the fact you've got a No-Fur you're basically on your own, we'll round that number down to a 5v1!"

Chris:"You're hilarious!, are your parents brother and sister?" -I call out-

???:"You give up that No-Fur and we'll just walk away!" -The voice calls out-

-I slowly turn glaring at Amber..., her looking right back at me-

-Staring at one another for what almost seemed like an hour she let's out a chuckle-

Amber:"If anyone is gonna kill this little annoying bastard it's gonna be me...." -The dragon chuckles-

???:"Then why not shoot him and come with us?, still plenty of room" -The female offers-

Amber:"And why would I do that?"

???:"You aren't a No-Fur fucker are you?" -She sneers right back-

-Letting out a growl of annoyance I peek from my cover firing at a silhouette, my bullet sparking off the helmet of an Anthro-

???:"Little BASTARD" -A male voice shouts-

-Amber follows up by laying down machine gun fire sending them all into cover again-

-Bullets snap past my position as I struggle to get an opportunity to fire back-

Chris:"I can't move!"

-The dragon glances at me before side stepping across to the cover getting closer all the while hip firing keeping them down-


Amber:"Arggg!, mother fucker" -Amber hisses with pain-

-Glancing towards her she took a hit to her plate, Lowering my head I begin to worry-

-A couple of tinks of a metal object are heard followed by a flash bang erupting on the centre of the room sending each of them out of cover-

-Another set of gunfire erupts from another entrance of the room killing off all four Anthros except the final Anthro on the balcony-

-Looking up I see the tall female fox shrouded in black armour looking down-

-We suddenly meet eyes...., both of us remembering-

-A silent hatred boiled between both of us as I fire towards her immediately-

-The fox dodged backwards firing right back, bullets sparked behind her position as she backs up going back through the door she came from-

-Silence envolped the room allowing me and Amber to stand up-

-Looking towards our saviors I see Lara, Lupa and Mika stomping in-

-Based on Lupa and Mika both were fit to explode with rage..., meanwhile Lara looked disappointed-

-Mika basically makes a beeline for me grabbing me by the vest collar pressing me against the crate roughly-

-A snarl escaped her as the others slowly approached-

Mika:"Give me one reason not to break your fucking neck right now!"

Chris:"The fuck are you talking about!?"

Lupa:"You've jeopardised the mission!" -Lupa shouts full of rage-

Amber:"What's going on?" -Amber asks confused-

Lupa:"Chris decided to go fucking commando and alert the whole damn building!"

Chris:"I'm doing what's needed to be done!"

-Mika roughly smashes me against the crate shutting me up-

Mika:"Shut your mouth or I'll kill you myself!"

Lara:"Guys stop!" -Lara loudly says trying to calm everyone down-

Mika:"Even right now as we speak Langstone could be in fucking Russia!"

Yuki:"No, he's not!" -A voice calls out-

-We all turn to see Yuki and Ashley walking through the set of doors the rest of the team arrived through-

Yuki:"Langstone is right through the doors with about fifteen men and all of Viper Squad" -Yuki explains-

Ashley:"A chopper is coming to pick him up as we speak...." -Ashley adds-

-We all became silent Mika and Lupa looking back at me full of rage-

Mika:"I'm not done with you..." -Mika warns with a growl-

-Letting go she pushes away picking her rifle back up and walking towards the balcony-

-Amber, Lupa and Ashley follow on, while Lara and Yuki waited for me-

Lara:"You okay?" -Lara asks-

-Putting my hand through my hair I sigh-

Chris:"Yeah I'm fine...." -I mutter back picking up my M21-

Yuki:"Come on we better catch up with the rest" -Yuki gestures-

-Slowly trodding after them Lara walks along side me leaning down-

Lara:"What the hell was that Chris?" -She asks with a hint of scolding anger-

-Staying quiet she suddenly stops stepping infront me-

-Being forced to look at up at the wolf she remains stern-

Lara:"You spoke of how you 'forgot who I am....', what exactly does that mean Chris?" -She demands from me-

-Thinking carefully I stare right back-

Chris:"I'm angry Lara...."

Chris:"You spoke about how Mika has alot to be pissed off about...., so do I" -Her eyes soften letting out a sigh-

Lara:"I know you're in pain Chris..., b-but you can't run off like that!" -She hisses quietly-

-Looking down I began to feel guilty..., what if someone got hurt because I wanted revenge....-

-I mean I'm not exactly on good terms with most of them..., but that doesn't mean they deserve to get hurt..., or worse...-

Chris:"I'm sorry Lara..."

Lara:"It's alright Chris..., let's..., let's just move we'll talk about it later" -Lara says stepping out of my way-

-We follow the group up to the balcony Lupa especially giving me the stink eye-

-Glaring right back we silently stack against the door-

Mika:"Amber grenade belt...." -Mika simply says-

-The dragon unclips what can only be described as an explosive belt off of her handing it to Mika-

-Mika rips the string unpinning up to seven grenades, opening the door she under hand throws it inside-

-The Chaos that erupted inside the room from roaring and screaming to stuff being knocked over-

-The explosion was so large the double door that seperated the two rooms was sent flying off the balcony followed by smoke-

-Lara and Amber ran in first firing followed by Lupa and Mika then me, Yuki and Ashley-

-Stroming the command centre a large amount of bodies lay scattered, a couple of disorientated soldiers tried to get up being shot-

-However fire began returning as we all take cover-

Mika:"God damn Viper team!" -Mika snarls-

-Peeking around the box I score a headshot on an unlucky Anthro trying to fire back-

-This battle was gonna last awhile....-
(Scarlet p.o.v)

Scarlet:"Get the fuck over here!" -I shout dragging the Lieutenant into cover-

-He covers his head bullets ripping past while me and my team return fire-

Scarlet:"Roxy keep em pinned!, we need to keep them back while we get him out of here!" -I announce-

-The dragon nods her head full auto firing her Buckshot AA-12 towards the enemy-

-A red dragon on the other team tries to rush our position but I keep her back letting off a burst-

-Turning back to the Lieutenant I find him gone, my eyes go wide as I look around-

-I see his silhouette rush through the fire exit down the hall-

Scarlet:"God damn coward!" -I roar slamming my fist against my cover-

Violet:"What's wrong!?"

Scarlet:"He just ran god damn it!" -I shout back-

-The doberman snarls-

Zara:"He went the wrong damn way!"

Violet:"We gotta get the fuck out of here!"

Scarlet:"Roxy retreat!"

-The dragon looks back taking cover again-

-Pushing the door open beside me with my leg I wave to Violet and Zara-

Scarlet:"I'll cover you!" -I shout-

-Peeking over cover I began firing towards the U.F soldiers, some shot right back as Zara and Violet run through the door-

Scarlet:"Roxy!" -I wave her over-

-Giving her covering fire the dragon just about slips three bullets getting behind cover beside me-


Scarlet:"Forget her!, let's go!" -We both head through the door shutting it behind us-

-Leaving the F.I.A grunts to their fate.....-
(Lieutenant Langstone p.o.v)


-My boots padded along the concrete floor as I make my escape-

"Where's the damn stairs!" -I think coming to a T junction-

-Looking left then right I see a silhouette appear-

???:"Lieutenant?" -A female voice asks-

-A hooded grunt of mine appears a feline with grey fur-

Langstone:"You!, Where's the exit, we must go U.F soldiers are closing in on us" -I hurriedly reply-

???:"Right this way sir...." -She gestures down the hall-

-Speed walking past the Grunt I heard a snicker, turning around I have a rifle stock smashed off my face-

-Hitting the floor I felt my vision tunnel till I saw darkness....-

Adder:"Fucking moron...."
(Chris p.o.v)

-Quickly cleaning up the last of the F.I.A grunts we finally secure the room the floor littered with debris and bodies-

-Amber runs towards the two metal doors, the one Langstone rang through and the one the F.I.A soldiers ran through.....-

-Both locked.... -

-Amber tried to shoot through but no effect....-

Mika:"Amber stop it, its pointless!" -Mika snarls pacing the room-

Yuki:"We're all clear over here..., looks like we got some Intel too..." -Yuki rests her rifle against the table looking at the devices on the table-

Amber:"We need to go after the others!" -Amber quickly speaks up-

Lupa:"We can't!, they locked the doors from the otherside!"

Chris:"I saw which way Langstone went" -I quickly add-

Lupa:"Well that's doesn't help genius as I said before, THE, DOOR, IS, LOCKED!" -She snarls-

-The others sweep the perimeter of the room making sure no ones hiding-

Chris:"Then we go back the way we came!, try cut him off!"

Lupa:"No!, you're not going anywhere!, you've already fucked everything up you stupid bastard!" -Lupa harshly shouts at me-

-Swiveling my head towards her I narrow my eyes-

Chris:"I'm sorry what!?" -I snap back at the Shark/Canine-

-She stomps over getting in my face-

Lupa:"You fucking jeopardised the mission, put the team at risk and all for you God damn ego!" -Lupa shoves me back-

Chris:"How was I supposed to know he'd get away that quick!" -I shout-

Lara:"Guys cut it out!" -Lara loudly says-

Chris:"Who the hell are you to tell me about an ego?!"

Chris:"You have about three different types you fucking nut job!" -I throw my hands up pissed off-

Lupa:"You know what Chris!, I tried to make this work for you!, I really did!"

Lupa:"You're nothing but an inconvenience to this entire team!"

Chris:"Tried to make it work..., my fucking ass you've done nothing but show how fucking tapped you are in the skull" -I tap my head-

Mika:"Both of you shut it!" -Mika tries to order-

-Lupa only became more enraged-

Lupa:"Why don't you do everyone a favour and get fucking lost!"

-Feeling my fists ball up my gaze became cold-

Lupa:"Even better yet!, maybe you should head on back to Iron Jaw I'm beginning to think you actually did something useful there!"

-My nostrils flared my breathing becoming heavy.....-

Chris:"Oh fuck off Lupa..., its not like I killed your fucking sister..."

-The room fell silent-

Lupa:"What did you just say?........" -Her gaze becomes almost..., dead-

Chris:"Yo-" -Tackled against the crates behind me she grabs my by throat-


-Crumpling in her grasp she holds me up by my collar-


-Yuki, Mika and Amber descend upon her trying to pull her off me-


-Everything came to a stop, I felt numb for a moment....-

-Lupas rage filled face suddenly becomes pale as her thrashing comes to a stop-

-Confused Yuki turns to me her face also going wide-

-Suddenly gasping for air I look down seeing blood pooling down my collar and vest-

-Grabbing at my own throat my gloves became warm.....-

Chris:"Uh-ugh...." -Spitting up some blood Yuki and Lara rush over to me-

Lara:"NO!, NO!, NO!" -Lara places her hand over my neck applying slight pressure-


-My cries erupted as I choke for air-

-Lupa was frozen in place her face pale..., her breathing became laboured-

Lupa:"I-....." -Lupa stumbled back placing her hands over her mouth-

-Tears began to form in her eyes as she tries to take a step forward, Amber and Mika push her back-

-My yelps of pain could be heard through out the room as I struggle to breath-

-Lupa feels a liquid on her hands, removing them from her mouth she sees the deep crimson staining her claws-

-Stumbling back once again tears streamed down her face-

Lupa:"I didn't mean...., I-I didn't...." -She chokes out-

Lara:"Chris look at me..., look at me..." -Lara practically begs as she applies pressure-

Lara:"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" -She snarls at Lupa-

Lupa:"I..., I didn't mean"

Amber:"Mika!" -Amber demands glaring at Mika-

-Blood was smeared all over Lupas face and hands-

-They nod at one another before Mika suddenly smashes her fist against Lupas face knocking her unconscious-

-The two begin to restrain the unhinged Lupa.....-

Lara:"Help me!" -Lara produces a bandage to stop the bleeding-

-Ashley rushes to her side trying to stop the bleeding-

-All the while Mika watched on, a disturbed look on her face-

-My eyes watered as I gasped for air-

Yuki:"I'm calling for medevac now!"

Mika:"Do it!, QUICKLY!"

-Without warning the centre door bursts open revealing Adder dragging an unconscious Langstone-

Adder:"Look what I found guys!, this fucker was-" -She freezes in place dropping the restrained Langstone-

Adder:"What happened!?" -Adder rushes to my side trying to help as best as she can-

Yuki:"Lupa cut his throat trying to hurt him...." -The wolf quietly says-

-Adder stands up locking her eyes on the unconscious Lupa-

-The feline tried to rush forward planning on inflicting damage on the unconscious Lupa.... -

Mika:"NO!, STOP IT!" -Mika grabs her pushing her back-

Mika:"Get back!" -Mika points at the enraged Adder-

Adder:"That fucking crazy bitch cut his throat!"

Mika:"I KNOW ADDER!, I. KNOW." -Mika roars trying to keep her from getting to Lupa-

-Adder finally backs off as Lara quietly whispers to me-

Lara:"You're gonna be okay Chris..., you're gonna be okay...."
Chapter done!

I hope you guys preferred this chapter!, apologies for the wait and setback

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