Heroic Spirit

By Reigch12

22.9K 434 297

Arthur Pendragon, one of history's greatest legend that ever lived. He was once the king of Britain. After be... More

Arthur Pendragon
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Merlin Ideas
Chapter 10

Chapter 2

2.5K 51 51
By Reigch12

St Freya, Infirmary

Captain Shiro Emiya was peeling off apple skin. While doing so, he remembered taking care of Saber, Artoria Pendragon once. Looking back at the male king Arthur... he can't help but... feel grossed or weird... The woman he once loved... is now a guy

Captain: ...Uhm ...Hmm

Saber slowly regaining his consciousness. He fully open his eyes then look at a red haired male

Captain: You're awake

Shirou: Shira...

Captain: Who?

Shirou: You're my master... but you're a guy now

Captain: Anything wrong about that?

Shirou: No... But... date...

Captain: WHAT?! NO!!!!

Shirou: You misunderstood, I was just reminiscing... I love my master even she's a guy! She... showed me what being a human felt like.

Captain had a flashback and reminding him back to the River of Fuyuki... He smiled

Shirou: Don't worry, I will find a new love one once I found someone interesting

Captain: Hoo... who might be?

Shirou: ...I don't know who... maybe someone that could surpass m-

Captain: Yes, Send Durandal ASAP

He was already on the phone

Shirou: Eh..

Captain: A herrscher-killer and a servant... I wonder how will it turn out

Shirou: Why... are you doing this...?

Saber tilted his head

Captain: This will be your entrance exam here in St Freya

Shirou: My... entrance exam?

Captain: Yes, You're here to learn about the monsters you encounter. The better your knowledge is the better strategy you'll use

Shirou: What are those things anyways?

Captain: Those are called honkai beast. They were rather large that time due to honkai energy overload causes them to overgrow.

Shirou: I see... Maste-... no, Emiya

Captain: Yes?

Shirou: Are the girls okay?

Captain: 4 days was since you pass out. Himeko, the red haired instructor is training them for their entrance exam. They are great as they are

Shirou: I'm glad...

Captain: Are you feeling well?

Shirou: Yes

Captain: Get up, and here. Get dressed

Captain tossed white shirt and  white longsleeve polo shirt, navy blue trousers then dropped brown shoes. 

(Just like Artoria but male version)

Shirou: Yes sir

Captain leave to get his free space. Few minutes later he was done dressing. He came out it was saber... but a guy... in a guy version of saber's casual outfit.

Captain: Let's go?

Shirou: Yes sir!

Captain: You don't need to be so formal

Shirou: I guess... So... I guess since you're a guy, You must be Shiro... Shiro Emiya

Captain: Guess it right

Both walk out off the infirmary building

Leaving the infirmary building gossips then arise

"Is that him"

"I hate men, captain aside however... He's the real king arthur!!"

"Oh my god... Is he a prince?!"

"He's my type!!!!"

Saber felt weird

Captain: It's like that at first... well if you're attractive enough

Shirou: I-I see...

While the students admire the presence of the two. On the other hand Durandal, the S-rank Valkyrie with Rita Rosweisse, her partner-in-crime were discussing some things as they take a ride on a hover craft

Rita: I heard it was urgent

Durandal: Yes, I didn't know what it was but just incase we have to prepare

Rita: But why on the academy?

Durandal: No idea either

Rita: I heard about the Nagazora incident

Durandal: The Outbreak?

Rita: Yes and the Anti-Fortress power of a legend, King Arthur Pendragon

Durandal: There's no way such man exist

Rita: Apparently, it does

Durandal: How?

Rita: I too question that, Not even Overseer himself know. However he would be one of his plan

Durandal: Strange... however if I encounter this man, I'd love to duel him

Rita: I shall be assisting you. After all he's quite the powerful

Durandal: Yeah. I'd love that too

Rita: If only that's possible

St Freya, Arena

Now at the Arena. the Iconic trio has finally done with their entrance exam. They passed of course. The white haired adult loli and the red haired instructor was announcing how they do on their exam.

Theresa: Performance are good, team coordinations are good. Synchronisation are great

Himeko: Despite Bronya and Kiana are rivals they are indeed great teams. Mei and Kiana sync better together as well Bronya and Mei sync just as great as Kiana but the thing is... It's not really good to put them both

Theresa: Agreed

Bronya: Idiotka is just Idiotka, She can't do good job

Kiana: What?! You're the one to talk!

Captain: Well... I heard things. Kiana and Bronya you both need to change. If you both want to be an S rank then you'd be in good hands if you two cooperate with no complaint

The Captain and Saber appeared to them

Mei: It's captain and Saber!!

The three rushed to Saber, Bronya hug Saber, she was worried

Mei: How are you?

Shirou: Doing great, How about you girls?

Bronya: The Bronya scores better than idiotka

Kiana: Shut up! I'm the one who scored better!

Bronya: The Bronya excel both in Academic and Combat performances

Shirou: I'm not really good with math is such but anyways... It's okay to be like that

Kiana: A-Anyways... actually... I... I-

"Woahh!!! It's the S rank Valkyrie!"

"Miss Durandal, can we have a picture!"

"Miss Durandal is so cool as always!"

Kiana was cut off by the crowed that followed the two S ranks

Captain: Ahh they're here. 

The two approach the Captain

Durandal: Durandal! Schicksal's S rank Valkyrie, Captain of Immortal Blades, Reporting in!

Rita: Rita, Schicksal's infamous maid, Vice Captain of Immortal Blades. Reporting in

Rita: I suppose you are Arthur

Shirou: Yes, is Durandal lancer?

Captain: No, she's not

Shirou: Forgive my manners, I'm just used to my old world. I shall introduce myself then. Arthur Pendragon of, King of Knights and the Wielder of Excalibur

Durandal: So what was the urgent, Captain?

Captain: A-Ahaha... he needs a entrance exam...

Durandal: What?

Captain: Did you bring, Abyss Flower

Durandal: Yes but why? This is not urgent

Captain: It's the only way to make you both hurry

Durandal: *sigh* I heard about you, King Arthur

Saber was taken a back and took a long pause

Durandal: Arthur?

Shirou: Forgive me... It's been long since anyone called me a king... Shall we start

Durandal: Yes


The place has got crowded because of Arthur and the infamous Valkyrie. After implementing strong base for two greatest warriors, They went in.



Valkyries were cheering both sides and now

Theresa: This is supposed to be an entrance exam... but oh well. point your weapons to each other whenever your ready

Saber pointed an invisible object at Durandal. The audience was confused. Durandal pointed the Abyss Flower at Saber. Both charges at each other. Their weapons clashed against each other. Saber lifted the lance in which Durandal quickly take back control. She dived back her lance to his level then start rapidly poke attacking him. Saber block the attack, he was shock as such human exceeds into servant-level agility. He poking attack was fast. It did remind him of lancer. He then clashed his sword with her lance then put them down

Durandal: I now know the length of that sword... It wouldn't be a problem to attack you now

Saber backed off

Shirou: You remind me of Diarmuid Ua Duibhne or Cu Chulainn. The material that your lance forged are almost the same as Gae Bolg. However that lance of yours wield that taste of death

Durandal: It's The Abyss Flower, It can manifest forms, From Sword, Bows or Lance. Removing its coating would mean something more of it. Now. Let's restart

Saber nodded

He closed his eyes then energy particle gather into invisible air. A shockwave emitted that even passed through the shield barrier. Saber's signature weapon has revealed as it made the crowd in awe

Durandal: So that's the Excalibur... It's nice to see it in person

Saber: ...

Durandal: I see...

Durandal started to float as thrusters in her battlesuit lifted her, 2 humanoid entity as well appeared

"Ohh... here it goes!!"

"Arthur-sama!! You got this!!!"

"Durandal-sama!! Don't lost to a guy!! You got this!!"

Cheering erupted as the epic battle begin

Shirou: There's a lot of cheering.

Durandal: Is it new for you?

Shirou: No... but... This was more than what it was in my time

Durandal: I see... Shall we?

Saber nodded. They both clashes at each other. 

Durandal: King!!

One of her humanoid summons charged forth, King, is a shield wielder a hit would be a grave mistake to the attacker however

Durandal: King! Move!

King: I... Can't...

It was an intense power that stayed an enemy to one place. The shield was starting to crack

Durandal: Queen!!

Her other entity charge forth. and used all high velocity poke attack in which Saber blocked the attack as he pulled out the Excalibur and hit it with the Entity's sword. Saber rushed to her. 

Durandal: If that's how you play it...

H'lers Serinity copies were materialized mid air then projected to Saber. It was a fast as it can travel to 500 m/s yet somehow

Durandal: What?!

Saber was able to dodge and even took them. then threw it at Durandal. King then came forth and block the attack followed by queen as it dived down its sword to Saber. Saber blocked as he clashed with its sword. Then swing it as it raised its sword by force. More copies of H'lers Serinity projected to Saber in which didn't even hit him. Nearing to her she floats back higher then King and Queen merged together as it summoned back the Abyss Flower... however it was in its awakened state. She then used it to project to Saber then created a eruption as white explosion blinded and impaled Saber 

Theresa: This is getting brutal, let's end this-

Captain: Keep it going. 

Theresa: But Arthur... he'll die!

Captain: Do not underestimate a servant... specially a fortress-destroyer one

"Arthur!! You got this! Beat the S-rank!!!"

Saber was knocked off by the blinding light then quickly stood up. The excalibur is now in its 3rd phase. Saber rushed at her again in which she charged at him as she's about to stab him he disappeared then reappeared as clones. It was at least 10 of him raising the excalibur then dived it as it released a sharped compressed air to her. She used a shield field that protected she tried to resist the compressed air as she growled in pain and resist yet eventually destroyed the shield dome was destroyed by the compressed air. 

Durandal: What the?!

Shirou was panting as the crowd silent, specially to Durandal's fans, meanwhile seconds after Saber's Victory his newly fans cheered on him

"Arhtur!, Arthur!, Arthur!"

They chanted his name whilst Durandal's fans was disappointed and pissed towards Saber's fans

Saber was breathing hard same for Durandal. Just like at nagazora. Pink veins were on his cheeks as well to his hands. But then reversed it effects after few seconds.

Durandal: Im...pressive... King Arthur...

Shirou: Same... for you... Durandal

Durandal stood back and approach him giving him a handshake

Durandal: You motivated me... I shall train to my fullest and then whenever you are ready... let's duel again

Saber smiled then took her handshake

Shirou: Yeah... I'm looking forward...

They broke the handshake

Durandal: I'll visit when I have the time

Shirou: I'll look forward

The Shield barrier field was then disabled as Durandal left. 

Rita: That was a great fight... he truly is the king of knights

Durandal: Indeed... I can't wait to train. Shall we leave?

Rita: If you wish to so...

Durandal: Let's go

The two maidens left as Durandal leave a sweet smirk. A new challenge... a new opponent to over come

Arthur proceeds as he walk to the crowd then girls started flock to him

Kiana: Yeah... he's a pervert

Mei: He did nothing wrong though...

Bronya: Da

Kiana: Whatever, let's go. Himeko! Show us our room!

Himeko: It's professor Himeko, young girl

Himeko look at Theresa then nodding to each other, signaling to leave.

Captain: He's quite popular

Theresa: What do you think of a handsome looking kid

Captain: Man... cause he's all grown up otherwise he couldn't become a king

Theresa: He looks like 17-19 though...

Captain: ... Yeah make sense

"Can we take picture!"

"King Arthur! I'll show you around, come with me!"




Arthur was getting hazy and fuzzy so he had enough

Shirou: Please! one by on, I shall grant you what you want from me!!


His fans screamed in joy

Shirou: Let's start from the easier one


12 Valkyries take selfies and pictures with him, 1 Valkyrie showed him around, 3 Valkyries ask him on a cafe date, 3 Valkyrie simps that gave him a new brand phone, money and luxury even though he did not ask for it and 2 Valkyries answer his question of "What is honkai?" in general. Though he had enough information about herrschers, honkai, stigmata and etc. There's as well Valkyries that despise him and some treated him normally. He told them to call him Saber in which they did

Saber is now done with the activities that his fans ask for, he's now under the tree figuring out how to use smartphone

Saber: Maybe... I'm too old... I've these device yet... it's... hard... how was that used... like... this?

Saber still figuring out the complexity of the new technology. He has seen smartphones before but it wasn't like it. Today's smartphone was more futuristic, simplistic and such that defines "clean" that until the school monitor approached him

???: Look at the three buttons and press it long enough until "homu" logo appears

Saber look to his side then did as she said, he then smiled at his success

Shirou: Thank you! very much! How... can I repay your kindness...

Fu Hua: It's Hua, Fu Hua. You must be Arthur Pendragon. You don't need to do anything

Shirou: Ah yes, You may call me Shirou or Saber

Fu Hua: To think the legend himself exist... what more the world feels than be safe

Shirou: I... guess... The honkai have been plague this world for more than a thousand years... I thought herrschers were servant like I am, thinking that they are archer(2nd herrscher), Lancer(Cecilia S or Durandal), Caster(3rd herrscher) or a saber(Valkyries)

Fu Hua: It's hard to understand as you came from another world, isn't it?

Shirou: I guess so...

Fu Hua: Well since you know the academy's mega infrastructure that first years are not accustomed to.

Shirou: It is huge... It's like a city

Fu Hua: Except quarter size

Shirou: *chuckle* indeed

Fu Hua: I was sent here to show you to your dormitory, Shall we proceed or there's anything you need to do, Shirou

Shirou: I would like a help in how to use this... device by the time we get there, if it's not too much

Fu Hua: Very well, let us proceed then

Fu Hua: Dormitory 6... let's see. Room 5... I guess we're here

Shirou: Back at Fuyuki... dorms or apartments shouldn't be this... huge

Fu Hua: Well, that's because this academy is run by a multi-trillion or more organization from the funds of government and its branches which accounted to 80% of the organization's revenue. It's quite amazing

Shirou: Indeed

Fu Hua: Let's get inside then I'll teach you on how to use smartphone, it's psychological effects and more

Saber nodded with interest. The two moved forward

Fu Hua: Excuse us

Fu Hua opened the door. As they opened Saber was reminded by his master's cooking; japanese cuisine specifically. It felt like he was home... again... Even though he was summoned back in Fuyuki... it didn't felt home yet... In St Freya for few years finally felt home for him.

Kiana: Grrr... Just because our senior left this here, you can't just win

Bronya: It's called skills, idiotka

Kiana: Unfair!!!

The two argue... it reminds him back when a certain someone argued with a white hair for not being polite on the table before eating. It's Ironic that the white girl and the girl that he now knew was both childish and german.

Mei: You two, please stop arguing... ahh... Saber... and...

Fu Hua: It's an interesting entrance. Fu Hua, the school monitor

Mei: Oh... please, we can arrange if that's al-

Fu Hua: It's okay... It's your first time staying here

Kiana: Uwah... she looks gloomy

Bronya agreed by nodding twice

Fu Hua: They don't seems to like me... But there's one task to do

Fu Hua look at Saber

Kiana: Tsk... I knew it! You pervert!

Bronya: ...

Shirou: Me?

Fu Hua: You must mistaken it. He wants to learn about the smartphone

Kiana: Then why can't you do it here?

Shirou: I thought it would disturb you two

Mei: Just don't mind them, Saber-san... You're welcome here after all you've done enough for us

Shirou: You remind me of my master, Raiden Mei

Mei: Do I?

Saber: Yes... She... cared a lot for me... Actually, she usually cook than Rin. She's as well kind and to say things and I'm not trying to flatter you but. Like you she's... beautiful

Mei blushes a bit

Kiana: Oi oi, Get off my Mei, Saber!

Shirou: Did I said something inappropriate?

Kiana: You did!

Shirou: Then what are the acceptable consequences then? I shall take it for what it is, I've made a mistake

Kiana didn't expected him to say like that

Kiana: Wait... You know what, whatever it's not like I feel sympathy you or anything, Idiot

Fu Hua: If you're done chattering please come to me, I'll wait here while watching Miss Zaychick play

Shirou: I was just about to end the conversation. I'll talk to you again soon, Raiden Mei

Mei: Just Mei

Shirou: Understood, *smile* Mei

Mei blushes again, she saw Saber's smile and it was too cute for a man

(Reminds me of Lancer in Today's Menu for Emiya family. The fang makes it cute and as well the well known artoria polite smile)

Kiana again glared at Saber as he approach Fu Hua. Fu Hua then teach him everything about phones then to tech explaining every last detail as Saber listen in enthusiasm. Their conversation lasted 3 hours of explanation of just a phone into history and literally to psychology that effects, health and then back to the tech, brands then history.

Fu Hua: That's all for today, I had a good time talking with you. You're face was full of enthusiasm and was cute in many ways. We shall talk later if you have time

Shirou: I'm looking forward!

Kiana look at Fu Hua then glared at her a bit before going back to the game as she focused to beat Bronya only loosing for 15th time without a win then complained

The next day

It was 6 am and Mei and Saber has woken up. Saber walks down stairs and look at Mei cooking. Mei noticed him

Mei: Ah Saber-san

Shirou: I've Change my mind from now on. And this name shall be called into me if I trusted with all my heart. Mei, Raiden Mei, the 3rd herrscher, ruler of thunder and lightning, the great queen of thunder. By in honor of my sword; Excalibur you are allowed to call me King Arthur or Arthur

Mei was shock, for someone who now know about herrscher and is a King, he's even fascinating about herrscher than being scared or afraid. He was talking about her titles with enthusiasm.

Mei: Ah... I never thought that someone would be into herrscher's... n-not to be strange but... Thank, Arthur... I'm honored to be your one of your true acquaintances

Saber sigh and felt so relief

Arthur: Thank you, Mei... I've trusted you enough to construct to what and who you really are as person. In times of tough times, I shall be your sword and in times of cold, I shall be the blanket that warms. So do not be afraid of opening your problems and use me as you will

The last quote made Mei worried a bit because it sounded weird. Something explicit. Her face turned red. 

Mei: Y-You shouldn't talking about "Using me as you will"

Saber: May I know why?

Mei: It's because... because... it sounded... s-s... se... sexual...

Arthur: Oh... 

Saber blushed and then left in embarrassment. he left out and just get surprised by girls


"Ah It's Saber!"

Saber noticed their face and it was girls that flocked to him

Arthur: It's you girls

"You're attending school right?"


"What class are you in?"

Valkyrie1 said with enjoyment

Arthur: We were informed that we will be under Major Murata's Class

"We're in the same class then!"

"Ohh... You can sit next to me~"

Valkyrie2 said as he tried it with flirtatious way

"No way! Saber will next to me!"

Valkyrie3 snuggle herself to Saber's arm

"You're no good, Saber will be sitting next to me. He'll learn more with me"

Valkyrie4 said, Well from her looks you could tell that she excel in intelligence which she would be better suited in logistics and such

Arthur: I'm sorry... I wish to sit next you all however I've already decided my mind. I will be sitting next to my Squad mates. It would not help me academically but being with them does makes me grateful... I do wish that Miss Kaslana won't hate me but I'll earn her trust eventually

"Well I suppose so, better team creates great coordination after all... We'll I'm heading back to my dorm for breakfast. Byebye Saber~"

"Me too"

And so the rest of the girls left for breakfast 

Arthur: I guess me too...

Arthur came back with Bronya just woke up and a towel from her shoulder

Arthur: Bronya, Good morning

Bronya: Good morning, Subject Saber

Arthur: I won't interfere on what you are attending to do but we'll be discussing about how you call me if that's okay

Bronya: The Bronya looks forward

Bronya left and went to the bathroom.

Saber saw Mei who was still cooking then approach her

Arthur: About what I said...

Mei: It's okay... But I'm not going to use you as you will. You need to have your freedom too.

Arthur: I thought so

Mei: But... Still in times of cold or rough times I hope you open up too so that I could do the same. I think the girls would too

Arthur: You think so?

Mei: If you're talking about Kiana; She's a gentle girl. She may not seem to care about you but she does deep within her heart. The thing is she's just afraid to express it... I guess that apply mostly on the opposite gender of what I think. Just like a teenager girl and her older brother, she would act like she hates the brother when in reality she deeply cares about him. It's like that

Saber smiled

Arthur: I'm glad... 

Mei look at Saber then smiled back.

Mei: As long as she had fun or either Bronya and you had fun... I hope these days would just last.

Arthur: Me too... Me too..

Arthur then left and went to the living room with satisfaction.

*Westminster Chime*

Class 2-B

The Students has now came back to their seat while as well talking about new student that said; the new squad 5.

Himeko: Everyone, be quite.

With three simple words they did so.

Himeko: There will be new students you may know them but mostly the guy is took the spot light. They are Squad V under go by me and I don't want to waste anytime since there's a lot of things we have discuss. Squad V please come forth and introduce yourselves 

The Squad V came forth

Bronya came first. They noticed her prosthetic legs and admired it for some reason and she's cute and petite

Bronya: Bronya Zaychick, B-rank Valkyrie. The Bronya is nice to meet you all

Next Kiana

Kiana: Heh, that was a boring introduction bronya. Everyone! Listen Carefully from the members of the 3 House, Kaslana clan. I, Kiana Kaslana is honored to study with you all... even though I hate studying...

The class admired her more as she belongs to the House Kaslana

Mei then came 3rd

Mei: Everyone, good morning. I'm you're new classmate, Raiden Mei

"So... Innocent"

Then comes the great protagonist. As he entered the atmosphere turned to an average class room then to having the pressure of welcoming a royalty

Arthur: Ladies and Valkyries, You may know my name but unfortunately I have to reintroduce myself. I, Arthur Pendragon, King of Knights, the once king of the great land of Britain, the current wielder of the legendary sword; Excalibur, The sword of the promise. You may call me Saber as I feel more comfortable being address that way. Without any implication, I am pleased to study with you all. Professor Himeko, you may start now as we find ourselves as seat

Then suddenly everyone claps

Himeko: Everyone, be quite!

Everyone did to

Himeko: Okay now your highness go find your seats

Himeko joked

Bronya: Subject Arthur's introduction is amazing

Mei: Yes

Kiana: I hate to admit but it was so good

Saber: Ehh... that was how I was taught to introduce though

Kiana: You didn't when we first met...

Kiana pouted

Arthur: Well forgive me then princess

(Holy fucking shit it's here!!! Tsundere arc!!!!)

Saber said with a bit annoyance

Kiana: Princess...

Kiana flinch after remembering something how his father once called her

Arthur: Did I do something wrong?

Kiana: N-No...

Arthur: Let's proceed to our seat yes?

Mei: Yeah.

They all both seated in the middle of the class

Himeko: After for long and good timing. We can finally discuss honkai. What is Honkai exactly

Kiana: Some monsters

Himeko: That is an example but yes, Miss Kaslana. Anyone?

The School monitor then stood up

Himeko: You've been answering everything, Fu Hua. I want someone

Saber then stood up after Fu Hua sat down. 

Himeko: For our new comers, sure

(Just fucking skip)

Arthur: I don't exactly know what honkai is but according to my knowledge. In everything that exist there will be a root. For the world I once lived, there is Akasha, and for this world I do not know however my views of it that honkai has no true physical form. it looks like it was part of a natural force not artificial. Honkai targets living beings to eradicate and to survive just any other life that exist even though they do not possess organs that breaks down nutrition to live. Honkai as well took part with humans, Growing as a Civilization grows, then creating herrscher though that would be making honkai wants to kill a civilization. There is a theory called "entropy" where a certain civilization has to die out and Honkai is simply just like that. It is an inevitable event that every civilization has to follow. So for me in conclusion honkai is an entity that manifest from humans to things, for it destroy the civilization we live in

The valkyries then clapped after spewing out his nerdy information

Himeko: I am surprised for someone who did not know about the honkai knew about honkai. It's amazing. You may take your seat now

Saber took his seat

Himeko: So honkai is-...

(A-kun: Time to move the timelines and modify it)

After getting taught what is honkai, types, counter type, stigmata, its history and such. Saber was now known about things he once did not know and is even more greater in combat, learning new tactics and such. As well that he got promoted to A-rank and is currently close to S-rank if keep doing good things. He participated in events as well missions like errands and part times. He was well like so he never get to real combat missions except the girls. He get paid too not from just the missions but from the part times. Then after christmas and new came they all celebrated. It was peaceful and he wanted to stay like it.

3 months of staying in St Freya. Something strange is happening in Saber's body as he struggled as nightmare came to his...

A year and a half has passed through countless missions Kiana, Mei and Bronya was put their life threaten this thing causes something into Saber. Not just the honkai overdoes is the one that awaken "it" but also emotions. Slowly and slowly Saber may not be able to control his own emotion and unleash "it" soon chaos will come bright upon this world. He afraid... if he breaks out... he might as well kill his dear friends... without him knowing. Saber doesn't even get to protect them... If this keeps going he'll likely to absorb more honkai energy due to the abnormality that is occurring to his body

Somewhere within the Avalon. A dark figure walks into the plain grass field. Every step it leaves a burnt trial.

???: Foolish one... how idiotic could you be to turn down your guard

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