By MalerinaDrac

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"The moment his eyes landed on me, I felt like having a déjà-vu" ____________________________________ "You lo... More



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By MalerinaDrac



𝐵𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑠, 𝑚𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠, 𝑜𝑟 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑑


I panted as I crouched on the stone pathway beside the hedge. The sun burned the revealing skin that wasn't protected by my simple creme dress, leaving shades of red behind all over my arms and shoulder.

Sweat covered my neck as my long hair denied it cool air. My body was stiff and tense. My hand gripped the garden shovel as I kept digging into the ground. Feeling I dug enough, I take the peony and carefully place it in the hole, adjust it then start filling it with garden soil.

My legs are shaking from all this crouching and I fear my legs might give out, and in combination with the sun maybe I might even collapse. My head is spinning and my throat is dry, demanding liquid but I need to finish my work first.

My face is flushed red and my eyes narrowed, blinded by the brightness of the vibrant afternoon sun. The obnoxious heat surrounded me and I was tired. I was sleepy and exhausted from all this digging.

I looked to my side and almost moan in frustration at the remaining flowers I still have to plant.

I was almost done when this nagging feeling I was being watched settled. I stopped and looked around the closed backyard. The only sound from the small water fountain, splashing water on the lowest level but never overflowing.

The fountain was built into a huge hole in the ground surrounded by high enough stairs to sit. The palace encircles the space and the garden, the balconies decorated with plants, the entrance empty of people.

I balled my fists and squeezed my eyes. I controlled my breathing and tried to calm down, ignoring the heat, the sun, and my miserable state.

I snapped my eyes to one of the balconies and my breath hitched.

There he was, staring at me. Leaning on the terrain as his arms clutched the railings, flexing his big arm muscles and broad shoulder. His chest and stomach hidden behind a golden armor, catching the sunlight and reflecting it, making him appear brighter, bigger, more dangerous. Making him look more like a God than he already is. Black pants were covering his muscular legs. Holding himself on his strong tights and bend forward, his tanned skin gleamed like gold in the light and his neck hung low, carving the dip on his collarbone. His eyes fixed only on me, his lips in a firm line. Cold-like always. Inscrutable like always. And still, the most beautiful man I have ever seen.

Time stops for a while and he is the only thing I can see. The only thing I can taste. The only thing I can hear. The only thing I can feel. I look at him and the red of his eyes consumes me, pulls me in until his arms wrap around me, and I become something he would never let go of, someone he would never trade for anything. The wind blew back the white curtains like an endless waterfall beside him, making him look so much more desirable.

I wonder how long he stood there looking at me.

I squirmed and his eyes wandered from my red face towards my sunburned skin and halted at my dirty hands. His stare made me nervous, so I let go of the small shovel and started flexing my fingers and rubbing my palms as light pain shoot through my hand. I look down and fresh blisters covered my dirty palm. I grimaced at the sting and started blowing air on my palm, trying to soothe the ache. I need to wash my hands but I can't leave without finishing my work first.

I looked back up and he was gone. The place where he once stood was empty of him. I try not to seem too sad and disappointed as I get back to work. As I was about to take the shovel, a woman dressed like me appeared and walked towards me, and halted before the first stair.

"You're done."

My face morphed into confusion as I proceeded her word. I'm done? But I still have work ahead of me.

"But Madam said-"

"Madam said you're done." She scowled in annoyance and placed her hand on her hip. She turned around and started walking away without glancing back.

I stand up carefully, wobbling in the process from the stiffness of my legs. I rubbed my hands lightly to get rid of the garden soil that stuck to my skin so I wouldn't drag it with me inside.

Entering the palace, I padded through the luxurious halls where a basin out of porcelain filled with water was anchored into the wall, a pole above it with water streaming out.

I stood before it and brought my muddy hand under the water stream. I winced as a few drops forcefully land on the blisters, my hands kept shaking. As I was bringing up my hand to clean the blisters a strong hand gently gripped my wrist, stopping it. His thumb drew circles on the inside of my wrist as my back was pressed against his chest.

He must have taken off his armor because instead of a hard surface, there was warmth and softness. A strong earthy scent embraced me. He smelled like smoke with a metallic edge. Like blood. His skin must have absorbed the blood he has spilled for decades, never able to wash off. And surprisingly it didn't phase me.

I knew it was him. The man who has been on my mind the last months since our first encounter.

He scooped water into his hand from the basin and let it pour on my palm carefully, cooling off the blister that now became red around the edges. Tenderly he cleaned off my hands, his fingers brushing against my knuckles, stroking the red skin. At some point he held the weight of my hands as I leaned against him, his chest touching my shoulders, keeping me warm and guarded.

He was done cleaning my hands and caring for my blisters. He started scooping more water and poured it on my shoulder, flowing down my arm and pooling on the floor, cooling the burned and sensitive skin, and doing the same on the other side.

The tip of his fingers drew patterns on my skin, calming me down from the tension my body once was befallen off. I know his hand alone was enough to kill a grown man, to destroy a whole village, which he kind of did, and got in trouble with the other Gods.

I'm glad they did. I'm glad they drove him to madness that day, otherwise, he wouldn't have escaped to the barn behind the palace and we wouldn't have met.

He rubbed my arms softly and I craned my head up, meeting his scarlet eyes. His face was blank and no evidence of a smile. What a shame. He has a lovely smile. I must know. I saw it a few times and they were all directed to me. He has only ever smiled at me, put down his armor for me, and showed me his real self. Only for me. The longer I think about it the bigger gets the urge to smile. A smile slowly bloomed on my face and the longer his blank stare continued, the brighter my smile got. It's so typical of him to not react and stay on guard.

He continued stroking my arms and shoulders and his eyes moved from my eyes to my smiling mouth. A few seconds later I caught his mouth curving. The longer he observed my smile the brighter his grin got until he was fully smiling.

"Smile more." I mumbled while still feeling his hands on me.

He kept looking at me as he brought my hand to his mouth and laid feathery kisses on my palms. I stroked his cheek and he closed his eyes for a moment, leaning into it. He kiss me on the forehead and whispered " Go rest, Inessa."

He let go of me and strode off. I looked after him, my smile still evident as he stopped at the exit and turned his head, looking at me. My smile only widened and he huffed a laugh, shaking his head, he disappeared behind the door.


Marco's constant nudging woke me up from my sleep. He stood beside my bed, holding a cake in his hands and grinning brighter than the sun. That guy is more hyped for my birthday than his.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes, trying to get rid of the fatigue. Before I could get out of bed he shoved the cake into my hands and started singing happy birthday. I'd be lying if I said he can't sing because honestly, no one can sing like him. He has the best singing voice I have ever heard, like an angel.

"Blew off the candles and wish for something."

I did as he said but my head was blank. I didn't know what I could possibly wish for. I already had everything I could wish for.

Maybe more money?

I blew off the candles and Marco started clapping like a high school girl while jumping up and down but stopped when he saw my stressed expression and worry clouded his eyes. He crouched down and took my hand, squeezing it "Are you ok?"

"Yeah. Just had a weird dream."

Marco tilted his head to the side but didn't say anything else, straightened up, grabbed my arm and dragged me out of bed, and led me to the living room, barely giving me time to put down the cake.

"Marco wait...the cake- Stop dragging me, you oaf."

The moment the living room came into view, I was suffocated by arms wrapped around my neck.

I recognize Eli's pink hair from the corner of my eye and I started tapping her arms, not being able to form words because my lungs were tied up. I'm telling you I saw the purpose of life.

Eli let go of me, grabbed my shoulders, and started shaking me back and forth, smiling like a maniac and screaming at the top of her lungs it's your birthday.

She halted and eyed my face, not saying anything for several seconds, which creeped me out. I tried to back away slightly but the further away I backed the nearer she came until I could feel my back cracking.

"Eli, what are you doing?"

"I'm looking at you." She exclaimed monotonously.

"And why is that?" I probably had what the fuck written all over my face.

"You haven't grown at all. Your face I mean. You still look like 6 years ago. It's scary."

"What's really scary is the lack of space between us. Eli, I can smell your donut."

Eli hummed at my comment about her choice of breakfast and turned her attention to Marco, who was sitting on the couch and cutting the cake into equal pieces with a satisfied smile.

"Hey Marco, Inessa is suspiciously cranky the last few weeks. What could be the reason for this phenomenon?"

Without looking up he replied "Frustration."

"And what kind of frustration?"

"Sexual frustration."

Eli snapped her fingers and stepped hard on the floor "Bingo. And I have the solution to all her problems that make her so moody and cranky."

She left the room and came back with a box wrapped in blue wrapping paper. She stopped before me and held the box out to me with a proud smile.

I look down at the box and inspected it, looking back at her she looks at me expectantly. She shook it for an extra effect, encouraging me to take it.

"What is that?"

"A box."

"I know but what's inside the box?"

Eli started leaning forward until I could smell her donut. Again.

"Magic." She whispered, her tone full of excitement.

I eyed the box again and I could have sworn I heard a ticking sound. I took the box from her warily and jolted it again for my conscious.

I opened it and I was horrified. Eli must have read my expression right because she started bouncing enthusiastically and clapping her hands rapidly.

"This is the newest model on the market, the cashier said it has multiple levels of vibration and promises a night of orgas— AHHH WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? STOP! GET A GRIP WOMAN!"

She didn't have time to finish her sentences before I grasped the vibrator and started hitting her on every part she wasn't protecting with her arms.

I felt arms wrapping around my middle part and pulling me back as a voice demanded "Stop Inessa, we don't abuse our friends with sex toys. God kid, stop moving so much— AHHH NOT MY NOSE. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. DAMMIT, I SEE STARS."

I turned around and a stream of blood oozing from Marco's nose greeted me, making me cover my mouth in shock and worry. He was bending over in pain and holding his bloody nose, his hands painted in red. He instantly run off to the kitchen and I looked after him, turned back to Eli, who had her arms protecting her head, and sneaked a peek between the gap with bewildered eyes. She looked at me and smiled sheepishly.


"Stop laughing!"

I tried. I really did. But him, slumped lazily back, his hands crossed, a grumpy and whiny face, his lips pouting and the two half bloody scraps of toilet paper curled up in his nose made him look hilarious.

He looked like a child whose mother took their favorite toy and forced him into bed.

"We're not."

"Oh yeah? And what is Eli doing?"

Eli was already rolling over on the couch in laughter, clutching her stomach as tears slid down the side of her face, her pink hair all over her red face, and her chest heaving up and down.

I busted out laughing, giving up my poor attempts at holding it in, and crouched over, holding the edge of the sofa, trying to hold myself up because I felt like I was hyperventilating. I didn't get enough air into my lungs to laugh but I couldn't stop, and I only ended up squeaking.

Marcos dropped his open mouth and eyes wide in disbelief and these scraps of toilet paper still shoved in his nose only made me fall to the ground as I tried to breathe.

This is how we spend the next few minutes. Eli and I laughing our asses and Marco sitting on the couch frozen.

Eventually, we came to our senses and stopped laughing. We waved some air in our direction, trying to cool off and calm down.

"Are you done bullying me?"

"Yes, we are done," Eli answered in a sassy tone as she looked away from Marco and faced me, suppressing her smirk.

I nodded slightly as a suppressed grin spread across my face.

"We're family and family isn't supposed to make fun of family members. So if you'd be so nice and take my feelings into consideration and talk this out--"

"We are going out today."

Marco's compassionate expression changed to hopeless blankness as he gawked at Eli Interrupting him mid-sentence.

My mood immediately dropped as Eli mentioned going out. I don't like going out, like ever. Eli liked clubs even less, which was why her proposal kind of caught me off guard. The sweaty bodies, the alcohol and sex-filled air make her nauseous and she doesn't like the security. The reasons for my dislike towards clubs are mainly the bright flashing lights, which make my eyes hurt.

"Eli, I really do not want to go clubbing." I whined and tilted my head to the side, trying to get the images of blinding lights out of my mind.

Elis confused gaze towards me made me stop whining.

"When have I ever said anything about going to a club. I never asked you to go to a club with me."

"You're right, you didn't ask, you dragged me into a club."

"That was years ago when I wanted to get the hype about why people liked going to clubs."

"Okay, then let's pretend like you didn't take me to a club on my every birthday."

"I had hope!" She shrieked and crossed her arms, looking away from me as a sulky pout covered her face.

"Hope for what?"

"Hope that the fucking security wouldn't ask me for my ID every single time. I'm an adult for fucks sake and have been one for nearly 5 years and they still have the audacity to shoo me away while calling me a kid." She grumbled as she grabbed the nearest pillows and threw a few aggressive punches, her hair falling beside her face like curtains, preventing me from seeing her face.

"It's not fair. They never asked either of you for your ID. Ever."

A cackle made Eli's head turn. Marco was on the carpet, his hands in front of his mouth and nose as he laughed uncontrollably. I think at one point one of his scraps of toilet paper fell out of his nose and blood started dripping on his hand, flowing down his arm as he tried to breathe. I wonder how a person, who has the gift to sing like an angel, is able to laugh like a hen after laying an egg.

My eyes widened in panic and I stuck out my hand, my palm downward towards me and waving repeatedly, gesturing for him to shut up. He didn't. I did it again, this time shaking my head with the gesture to enhance the warning of danger, and looked at Eli.

Eli was frozen in time, her body still like all the sculptures from years ago.

My stomach clenched for a second. Nearly all sculptures. For an instant, I was brought back to school 6 years ago, in the museum, and his hands around me, guarding me as his fingertips awaken imagines that made me question reality.

A growl snapped me back and chills run down my spine as I feared for Marco's life. Just because I was the only one Eli ever listens to doesn't mean I would be able to protect Marco from a few severe injuries. Eli looked feral, like a wild animal fixated on her prey, her jaw clenched, ready to bite down on his throat and drink up his blood, her nails prepared to scratch every skin Marco has to offer. Her eyes glowed like a tigress between hair strands. I looked away from her face and glanced at her whole body, pulling the corners of my mouth to the side.

If you're not solely concentrating on her face but the whole picture, she actually looks like an aggressive chihuahua.

Before I had enough time to react, the chihuahua jumped at Marco, and where once laughter came out, screeching and screaming filled the air, giving me the feeling that my ears are about to start bleeding.


I hurried to their side and gripped Eli by the armpits, tucking her head beside my chest, which wasn't that hard since I was like a head taller than her, and started petting her head affectionately.

"There, there my dear friend. Our Marco was just joking. How about we all take a deep breath and try to calm down. I know you can do that. Be good and stop scratching him before you break one of your nails. His skin is quite thick."

My tone was soft and I never stopped stroking her hair as I felt her arms wrap around my waist and her head lean further into me.

"Are you calm?"

"No." She grumbled.

I waited. For 2 minutes. My eyebrows furrowed. She hasn't moved one bit. My mouth stretched, just not into a smile.

"You just want to feel my boob."

Eli looked up at me, grinning brightly as her eyes twinkled, like every time she sees some boobs up close. Really, she is no better than a man.

"You might have grown up but you didn't mature at all."

I huffed a laugh and shook my head as I flicked her forehead, a dumbfounded expression grew on her face.

"I'm good too. Thank you for asking. No need to be concerned."

Marcos was still laying on the carpet, red marks all over his arms, his face grim. Eli glanced down at him and a proud snicker came out of her as she unwrapped her arm from me and turned to me.

"Whatever. As I said, we won't be going to a club" her face darkened at the mentioned word club "we are going to watch a fight. A bloody one. You know, for a change of scenario."

Marco and I looked at her in uncertainty. He raised his eyebrow at her and asked beside me "And who is fighting?"

A smirk grew on Eli's face as she leaned forward a bit, mere centimeters between us, and announced in the most feline tone

"A Greek God."

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