Flicker of Hope

By f1yaaa_

459K 10.5K 656

Hope. Such a trivial thing but if given, it could be the best or the worst thing that happened to you. Evia... More

Main Characters
Supporting Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 34

6.3K 138 16
By f1yaaa_

Evianna's POV

Everyone was looking at them wide eyed while Ares, Sam, Angelo and Ana just started laughing their ass off. I let out some chuckle remembering the day it happened.

"You two got shot?," Ares asked once he calmed down.

"Yea, yea laugh it up," Ryan said, rolling his eyes.

"Hamada? As in the Japanese mafia Hamada?," Tony asked with furrowed brows, confused.

Ana nodded her head while wiping the tears that were falling from laughing too hard. "Yup, the leader to the Japanese mafia," I said.

You see, the Japanese mafia hates the Germans too. No surprise there. Even though they are a rank lower than the Germans somehow the Germans still want to get rid of them at one point. Saying how 'Japan is the only Asian country that is strategically located for them to handle their business'. So they would need to get rid of them in order to control their territory.

Recent years, the Germans have put a hold on their attacks on Japan because they want to concentrate on getting the Spanish, Greeks and Italians first. As if.

In one of the old mafia rules, it's stated that the European mafias shouldn't try to take control on other mafia continents due to differences in understanding and operation. This is to lessen the suspicion to normal people so that they wouldn't know about the underworld. Like why would an outsider be controlling the country? You get what I'm trying to say right.

Obviously, the power hungry bitches known as the Germans can't follow simple rules and tried to take them down. From what I've heard, the Japanese have been using this opportunity to be stronger so that when the Germans do decide to attack, they can easily take them down. I might have gone there from time to time to help the recruits train.

"How do you guys know him?," Sam asked, tilting his head. One of his tells of showing how confused he is.

"A few years back we had a mission in Japan where we had to assassinate some trafficker who were trying to bring in Japanese kids to England. Saying how 'they're more exotic' which made us disgusted," I explained.

"Once we killed the people involved at the location, some heavily armed men decided to join our killing party and they spotted Evie and I who were trying to calm the kids down. At this point, Ryan and Gio were finishing off their kills at the back so the men didn't see. Kiro came out introducing who he was and was thanking us for stopping the traffickers." Ana continued.

"Since our backs were facing the back door, we wouldn't see Ryan and Gio coming in but Kiro did. He thought they were part of the trafficking team so he shot both of them on the shoulders as warnings because he said he wanted to torture some of them for even having the thought of trafficking his people." I added.

"It hurt," Gio said, rubbing the part on his shoulder where he got shot.

Snickering, I added, "we quickly explained who they were and Kiro brought them to his doctors to fix them up," I said then looked at the Kastellanos, "That's why we were in Japan for another two weeks," which made them look in realisation.

"Why didn't you tell us?," Adonis asked with one of his brows raised.

"Because it was embarrassing," Gio mumbled.

"The fucker didn't even apologise," Ryan said, rolling his eyes.

"At least he brought you guys to his doctors," Ana pointed out.

"Since then we've been helping the Japanese from time to time. We usually just train their recruits so that they'll get a grip on how to handle things once the Germans decide to attack them again," I explained.

"Why would the Germans attack them?," Ethan asked.

"Because they want to control the activities in Japan," Ana said, making everyone just roll their eyes. Looks like everyone is just over with the Germans.

"Anyways Kiro and us get along, well except the boys because their ego can't handle it," I said which made Ana raise her hand for a high-five which I responded to while the two boys glared at us.

"So you think he would know something?," Zeke asked which made Ana and I nod.

"If anyone would know anything about them, he would. He's been digging about them for years now and I'm sure he's gotten some juicy things over the years." I said.

"Alright, call him up. The time there shouldn't be that late for us to disturb him." Μπαμπάς said.

I took my phone and dialled the number then put it on speaker. "こんにちは Evie," the deep voice on the other side of the phone answered.


"Hello Kiro. Are you busy?," I asked softly.

"I'm doing some paperwork but for you and Ana, I'm never busy," he answered with the same tone.

"Hi Kiro. You miss me?," Ana asked with a smile.

"Always 花," he said, chuckling a bit.


I can see Gabe and Nathan looking suspicious of our interaction with Kiro and it's obvious with their jaws clenched and glares to the phone. Jealousy.

"I'm here with the Italians, Greek and Spanish who are my family so can we switch to facetime so I can introduce you to them," I asked.

"Sure 炎," he said to which I switched to facetime and now everyone can see his face.


"Family, meet Kiro. Kiro meet my family, the Romanos, Kastellanos and Gonzalez," I said pointing to where the families are.

"Nice to meet all of you. Evie has told me some interesting things about her family," he said, making everyone look at him quizzically.

"Like what?," Ethan asked, narrowing his eyes at him.

"Like how she has you all under her control," he said smirking when he saw my family glaring my way while I just smiled at them sheepishly. "Don't worry, she has me the same way," Kiro added chuckling at the end.

Kiro's eyes landed on Ryan and Gio to which he smirked, noticing their glare on him, "How are your shoulders boys? Does it still hurt?," he asked, feigning concern.

"Shut up 下衆野郎," Ryan sneered.


"Go to hell cagna," Gio added, making Kiro chuckle.


"Don't worry Gio, I'll see you there." Kiro said, which made Gio huffed and crossed his arms.

Kiro shook his head and turned his attention to me, causing his features to soften. "What is it you want 炎?," he asked.


"Well, after I got shot, we found some new things about the Germans and I was hoping you can help us with some information," I said to which I could see his face harden.

"You got shot and you didn't tell me?," he stresses each word with anger. shit, should've not slipped that out.

Rubbing my hands behind my neck, "How was I supposed to tell you when I was in a coma until a few weeks ago," I mumbled but he heard it and he started glaring at me.

He looked towards Ryan, Gio and Ana, "The three of you never thought of mentioning this to me," he questioned them with a sharp tone.

"I didn't think you wanted to know," Gio said, making Ana smack him behind his head and Ryan face palming himself.

"Of course I would like to know. You're my family. 誰かが私の妹を撃ったことを知りたかった," He snapped. Uh oh he's cursing in Japanese.

(I would have liked to know that someone fucking shot my sister)

"I'm sorry, Kiro. If it ever happens again we'll tell you alright," I said, making him close his eyes, calming himself down.

"It better not happen again. No one is getting shot anytime soon," he said with finality.

Sighing, "What did the German 嫌いな人 do this time?," he asked.


"One, they were the one who shot Evie and two, we found out that a guy with an initial of TL texted Evie, taunting her in the message and we think that he is either in the German mafia or is associated with them," Gabe said.

"ファッカーズ、全身が銃弾の穴で覆われるまで撃つつもりだと誓う," Kiro mumbled making Ryan, Gio, Ana and I widened our eyes at his statement.

(fuckers, I swear I'm going to shoot them until their whole body is covered with bullet holes)

"Kiro," I said with a warning voice which made him look at me and smile cheekily, knowing he's guilty. "Oh come on. Please," he pleaded, making Ana and I chuckle.

"Not anytime soon Kiro," Ana said, which made him huffed. "Fine," Kiro said.

"Anyways, from what I've gathered the only person with that initials is Trent Lindt. He's not in the mafia but he does supply them with drugs. He owns a strip club that's quite exclusive and most of the people from the Germans go there to wind down. 角質のろくでなし," he mumbled that last part making Ryan and Gio snicker.

(horny bastards)

"That makes sense since Alas and Ezra said that they're meeting at a club. He chose his territory for any deals which he feels the safest at," Tony said.

"The club is in England so it wouldn't be a problem to go in and find him. Whoever he is meeting might lead us to Ben or Karl," dad chimed in, making me stiffen at their names.

Gabe saw this and took my hand and intertwined our fingers which made my body relaxed. He gave my hand a peck which made me smile at him gratefully.

Kiro, playing the overprotective brother he is, "Are you holding hands with that boy you talked about 炎," he said, narrowing his eyes.


I glared at Kiro making Gabe smirked which I just rolled my eyes at eventually. "Yes Kiro, this is him." I said which made Kiro hummed.

"Listen, I don't care who you are but if you hurt her I will castrate you. Our ways of castration may be different from what goes on there," he said smugly which made me groan.

"Don't worry. I'm not planning on hurting her," Gabe said, which made Kiro nod at him.

Kiro turned his attention to Ana, "And you 花? Any boys I need to warn too?," he asked, looking at her suspiciously.


Ana took a glance towards Nathan who was already looking at her with a subtle smirk. Sadly, Kiro caught this and looked towards Nathan.

"I see you found a boy too Ana. Listen boy, the same goes to you. You hurt her and I will hurt you back harder." he said, staring at Nathan straight into his eyes.

"Understood," Nathan replied which shocked everyone including Ana, causing her to blush. He admitted it infront of everyone. My ship has sailed people.

Satisfied he gave us a small smile. "If that's everything, I will take my leave now. If you need anything, don't hesitate to reach out. Evie knows how to get to me fast," he winked at me making me smile at him.

"You're not going to threaten anyone in our love life?," Gio asked, pouting.

"I would but after that shoulder injury I don't think anyone would want you," Kiro teased making Ryan and Gio glare at him. Again.

"Says the 26 year old who's love life is non-existent. At least we would have one." Ryan sassed back making him scowled.

"Do you want another 銃弾 somewhere in your body," he asked making Ryan shake his head.


Smirking, "That's what I thought," he concluded. We talked for a little longer before deciding that was all we needed to talk about the moment.

"Alright, boys take care of the girls. Girls, just let them suffer. Stay safe guys and I'll see you soon," he said making us chuckle and before Gio could say anything else, KIro ended the call with us saying our goodbyes.

"Not fair," Gio pouted.

"Well that was interesting," Elias said, making everyone chuckle.

"We're done for the day. We'll visit the club when Trent is going to meet the person. For now just make sure everything goes to plan with that club meeting. Meanwhile, the rest can continue to train and continue searching for the mole. I'm sure we're gonna get them soon," Zeke said, making everyone nod their heads.

Soon, everyone left the room to do their own things and as I was closing my door, someone pushed it wide open to enter it and closed the door behind them.


"Why did you do that amore," I asked him innocently, which received a disapproving sound from him instead.

"I'm not gonna lie, when I heard how Kiro speaked to you, I was getting jealous." he said, taking a few steps forward while I took some back. "But after hearing him call you family, I felt better and knowing he approved of us made me happy," he continued taking his steps forward while I took some backwards until my back hit the wall.

He caged me with his arms, "But I hear that you have another friend. Shah was it? Now this one, it seems like only you knew, not even Ryan, Gio or Ana." He brought his mouth near my ears and whispered, "So Rose, who is Shah?,"

My chest was moving rapidly and I could feel myself shivering at our intimacy. "He's just a friend. He helped me with some missions a year back," I said the last part quietly but he still heard it and his face turned into realisation and his eyes held guilt.

"Did anything happen between you two?," he asked hesitantly, seeming scared if something actually did happen.

I rolled my eyes and let out a little laugh, "Nothing happened. I was so caught up with you gone that I couldn't think of anything other than you. Plus," I leaned towards his ears, "he would rather have things his way with Ezra than me," I whispered, making him let out a breath of relief.

He rested his forehead on mine where we just looked into each other's eyes with love. "I'm sorry amor. I'm just scared that you found someone better since I left you for a year. I didn't know if you still loved me and I was scared that because of my mistake that you would have forgotten about me," he said which made me give him a kiss.

He may be the number one mafia don and the assasin, demonio but he will always be that boy who has my heart. Behind all those emotionless face to make people fear him, he was one that was not afraid to let his real emotions show when it comes to me and his family. The fact that he's comfortable in his masculinity beside being in the mafia makes him the best man I could ever be with.

"As much as I could find someone else, no one could compare to you. Sure, other people have tried but the only person in my mind and heart is you Gabe." I said.

"Do I need to kill these said people who've tried to get you for themselves Rose," Gabe asked with his lips near mine that with a little push, our lips would touch.

"You really want to go and kill them now instead of kissing me?," I asked with a raised brow making him chuckle. He leaned in to give me a kiss which I responded to and it lasted for a minute before releasing to catch our breath.

"Go out on a date with me tomorrow. I'll make it up to you for the year that we lost," he said while caressing my cheeks, and looking at me with pure adoration.

Giving him a smile, I gave him a peck, "Of course I'll go on a date with you," I said, making him sigh in content.

"I love you, Rose," he said, resting his chin on my head while wrapping his arms around me.

Kissing his chest and looking up at him with my chin on his chest,

"I love you too Gabe,"

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