Purposefully Coincidental ✓

By A-A-hope

240K 6.6K 894

••Complete•• ||Monaro Family: book 3|| •Leo• I've been in the army since I turned 18. I'm now 24. Being a so... More

Character Aesthetics
Read this first!
1. Hospital
2. Sorry
3. Lusso
4. Awkward
5. Vacay
6. Blue
7. Carpool
8. Therapy
9. Seventy
10. Cupcakes
11. Nicole
12. Macarons
13. Shoot
14. Macarookies
15. D W
16. Milkshake
17. Rollerskating
18. Yachts
19. Caught
20. Emergencies
21. Poker
22. Fancy
23. Icing
24. Movie
25. Birthday
26. Stages
27. Roman
28. Nonna
29. Ring
30. Cleaning
31. Privacy
32. Cut
33. Peck
34. SPF
35. Comfortable
36. Stay
37. Glowing
38. Walking
39. Rhythm
40. Rain
41. Grease
42. Bull
43. Tight
44. Pressure
45. Brazilian
46. Orgasm
47. Mood
48. Tree
49. Off
50. Patient
51. Camera
52. Sir
53. Personality
54. First
55. Sore
56. Interruption
57. Stories
58. Sleepover
59. Twins
60. Evidence
61. Car
62. Wedding
63. Porn
65. Thrusts
66. Cards
67. Hurt
68. Angry
69. Week
70. Call
71. Numb
72. Out
73. MM
74. Cry
75. Christmas
76. Apology
77. Shock
78. Home
79. Josephine
80. Leo
81. Epilogue
What's next?

64. Lipstick

2.3K 61 10
By A-A-hope


"I brought you all a little something, something." Isabella tells us, six gift bags in her arms.

It's been six weeks since their wedding and they came back from their honeymoon a few days back and Izzy demanded a sleepover at her place to catch up.

"Aww, you didn't have to." One of her friends, Olive, says.

"I know." Izzy shrugs as she sets the gift bags on the table. "But I wanted to spoil you all for helping me with my dream wedding." She sighs dreamily before handing the first bag to Sara. "I got you blue. It'll make your eyes pop." She winks.

Sara peaks into the bag, but Izzy clasps her wrist.

"Don't open it yet." She hands the second bag to Carina. "For you, red." Then Nicole. "For you white." Then her two friends, Olive and Alyssa. "I got you both pink because it's your favorite color."

Then she hands me my bag and I'm curious to see what color she picked for me. "Last but not least, I got you black." She winks and nods to my black pajama set.

Glad to see she didn't give me yellow or something, so I wear more 'more colors for once.'

I like my black attire. Thank you very much.

"Okay, open up." She claps and watches our reactions.

I pull out a beautiful nightgown and matching robe. The brand name and logo are etched into the neckline. Holy crap. Did she just gift me Prada nightgown and robe?

Alyssa squeals and hugs her.

"I've wanted them for so long."

"I know." Izzy winks at her. "They're vintage Prada nightwear. I got them in the original store in Italy."

Wow. I can only imagine how much they cost.

"You can wear them for your men." She glances at Nicole. "Or yourself."

"That's right." Nicole nods and puts her gift back into the bag.

"I have one last thing for you all."

She hands us boxes wrapped in fiery red wrapping paper.

We open them, and I pull out a lipstick ... and a charging cable.

Opening the lipstick, I press the tip to the back of my hand to swatch the color, but nothing comes off.

"I have a few portable vibrators myself," Izzy says and my eyes turn to saucers. "And I like looking out for my girls, so I brought you these smaller ones. They can fit in your pockets ."

I lift the lipstick-vibrator to examine it. How does it even work? It's so freaking small and it legitimately looks like a lipstick.

I've seen those big sex toys, the once that look like a microphone or the ones that resemble a dick. But never this.

"Why are you looking at it like you've never used one?" Nicole asks me.

"Because I haven't." I mumble.

The chatter ceases, and six pairs of eyes turn to me.

"What?" Nicole asks, bewildered.

"Mateo and I use one or two almost all the time." Carina shrugs, taking a sip of her red wine.

"Anton likes to watch me use sex toys on myself." Sara says.

"Same." Olive says, her cheeks turning red.

"Hold on." Nicole says, her eyes fixed on me. "My fingers do the trick just fine, but sometimes I need something extra."

"Well, uhmm." I stammer. "Leo was my first." I say, since they all seem okay with sharing intimate details. "And I've always had trouble with cumming."

"Until Leo?" Sara swoons.

"Exactly." I chuckle. "He's just so patient. In every aspect."

"So, he's only patient with you?" Nicole scoffs. "But when I'm two minutes late, he rips me a new asshole." Her tone doesn't hold any malice.

"You're always late." Sara pats her leg.

"And not by two minutes." Izzy adds.

"Punctuality is really important to Leo. So if you want to annoy him, just be late." I shrug, trying to hide my smile.

Nicole studies my face before wrapping her arm around my shoulders. "Any other ways I can annoy him?"

I think about it. What does Leo really, really hate? Not much, to be honest.

"Tell him he's not good at COD." He thinks because he's good with guns and snipers in real life it makes him automatically good in a video game. When I tell him that, he pretends not to hear me.

"I knew I liked you." She nods.


I'm not sure how I ended up behind Luca's desk. But we somehow traveled to his office.

Sara is almost falling asleep whilst standing. Izzy is hugging Luca's laptop, imagining it's him. Olive is braiding Alyssa's hair into a Dutch braid. Apparently, she can only do it when she's drunk.

Nicole had the most to drink, but she appears the least drunk of us.

Carina is a laughing mess after all the wine she consumed. Telling us stories about her husband, Mateo.

"He was so nervous before our first kiss. It was so cute." She sighs. "But now he's all dominant and shit."

"You don't mean Dominant as in BDSM, right?" Sara asks slowly.

Carina's cheeks turn a dark shade of red.

"Okay, don't tell him I said that, but Mateo is a Dominant and I'm a submissive."

"Shut up!" Izzy gasps, putting the laptop down.

"Really?" Sara asks, leaning forward and not appearing to fall asleep anymore. "On a scale of one to ten, ten being hardcore Dom/Sub, what scale are you two?"

"Uhmm," she chews her lip. "Like an eight."

"Oh my god!" someone gasps.

"The funny Mateo is a Dom in bed?" Izzy sounds confused. "Never would've imagined."

"And I never would've liked to know." Nicole groans.

"It wasn't always like that." Carina explains. "We met when we were fourteen. And we were each other's first and last." She sounds proud of that.

"Aww." I coo. They're soulmates.

"It started as subtle things. Like, he would push my hands above my head while we're making out." Carina continues, slightly slurring. "And I liked it. Then he'd command me to do things, like, get down on my knees. Suck my cock. Don't cum yet. And oh, the edging. It started by him denying me one orgasm then two and sometimes he'd make me go the whole day without a climax. I hate it and I love it."

"Does he like to be called 'daddy'?" Izzy snickers.

"No." She cringes. "Sometimes 'sir' when he's really in the mood."

"Kinky." Alyssa teases.

"I hate edging." I contribute to the conversation.

"Me too, at the beginning." Sara says. "But the orgasm is so worth it in the end."

"Give it another go." Carina pats my leg. "You'll enjoy it with the right person. And Leo is that person for you."

"He is." I murmur to myself.

"Do you also wear uniforms? Like a sexy nurse or something?" Izzy giggles.

"Sometimes." Carina gets a coy smile. "He particularly likes to pick out my lingerie. Only to tear it off my body later on."

"But don't let him ruin the Prada robe!" Izzy raises to her knees. "It's vintage and expensive."

"I won't let him. Don't worry."

"Back to Mateo." Olive says.

"Please, no." Nicole puts her hands to her ears and dashes out of the room.

"What else do you wanna know?" Carina asks, then shakes her head. "You should ask before the alcohol fades away and I zip my lips back up."

"Here, drink this then." Izzy opens a mini fridge and grabs a vodka bottle, pouring a shot and giving it to her.

Carina coughs, then slumps back on a sigh. She talks without being prodded.

"The aftercare is the best part, though. He spends as much time as we've had sex, sometimes even longer, taking care of me. Making me a bath. Cuddling. Preparing food for me for the next few days. His gentle touches and kisses afterward. I love him so much."

I smile at the love vibrating from her words. But then I think back to what she's shared with us so far. "How does it work with you now that you have kids?"

"Now we don't go all out, if you catch my drift." She winks. "We have more quickies. More love making instead of hard core fucking, you know."

I'm not a hundred percent sure, but I nod nonetheless.

The girls question her further and her voice is turning more sleepy with each word.

I leave them to their pestering, having heard more than enough intimate details, and duck into the first room I see.

It's a lavish bathroom. A granite bathtub in the middle of the spacious room, with two sinks on the right and a toilet and shower on the other side. Fishing out my phone, I dial Leo's number as I jump on the sink. It takes me a few tries because of the alcohol running through my veins, but I succeed just as he picks up.

He's closing the door to his room behind him, setting his phone on his dresser to yank his shirt off.

"Calling to me to rope me to dirty talk you in front of the girls?" He teases, getting comfy on his bed.

I take in his chiseled chest, the scattering of hair on his pecs that I like to scratch with my fingers.

"I'm alone in the bathroom, look." I rotate the phone and show him. "But since I'm alone..." I let my words drift as I wiggle my brows.

He laughs. The deep sound going straight to my gut. All the talk about sex earlier has made me more worked up than I thought. I pull out the lipstick-vibrator and examine it.

"What's that?" Leo asks. "Lipstick?"

"Yes!" I focus it in front of the camera. "But only on the outside. It's actually a vibrator."

"What?" He chuckles. "I'm sure Izzy cleans her toys, but put that away."

"It's mine." I lean my back against the mirror, my pajama top doing little to hide my hardened nipples.

"It's yours..." he parrots, his voice deep.

"Izzy gifted us a sex you."

"How much have you had to drink?" He isn't convinced yet.

"A lot." I giggle. "But I'm not kidding. She also gave us vintage Prada lingerie."

"Show me."

"Well, that's in the living room." I pout.

"Can you show me the toy again?"

I uncap it and turn it on. What's supposed to be the actual lipstick vibrates at the lowest setting. "It has three different speeds!" I say excitedly.

"I see." He murmurs.


"Yeah, babe?"

"I want you to use it on me tomorrow."

"Yeah?" I see his throat bobbing with a deep swallow.

"Yes. I want you to be the one to introduce me to the world of sex toys. I trust you to use it where I'll enjoy it."

"I'll take good care of you." He promises.

Thinking back to a few days ago, I remember how devastated he was when he went down on me and I wasn't able to cum. Maybe because I had a long work day that night, or I just wasn't feeling it. But Leo kissed me for long moments, took his time licking me and worshiping me, but I had to push him away eventually when I got frustrated.

I assured him it's okay and the next morning; I woke him up with a blow job and then he made love to me where I came a few times.

"Oh," I perk up. "Did you know that Mateo and Carina are in a Dominant relationship?"

"A what?"

My eyes flutter, the wine starting to make me drowsy.

"He's like a Dom and she's a submissive." I use the words they said, "A BSDM relationship or whatever."

"BDSM, you mean?" He corrects.

"Sure." Didn't I say exactly that?

"And Mateo and Carina have that type of sexual relationship?"


"Who said that?"


He's silent for a few before he mumbles a 'huh.'

"What's that huh for?"

"Just, never imagined he'd be like that."

"Everyone said that." My brows furrow as I finally realize I just spilled Carina's secret to him when she told us that in confidence. I shouldn't have told him that, right? Girl code and all...

But I'm going to blame my slip of tongue on all the wine I've had.

"And I never imagined you'd be turned on by my voice."

"What?" I choke.

"Your nipples are almost tearing through your shirt."

Looking down, I see exactly what he means. "Oh."

He thrusts a hand through his hair before I see it disappearing from the screen, down to his lap. His bicep strains as his eyes close for a second.

"Oh my god." I whisper. "Are you...touching yourself?"

"Yes." He doesn't miss a beat.

"Show me." I say, my voice breathless as he softly groans.

He angles the camera to his groin. His hand fists his length with a tight grip. He's entirely naked. Laying in bed. With his cock in his hand.

My thighs squeeze tight. I feel myself getting wetter at the sight of him lazily stroking his hardness.

"Leo." I whisper, biting my lip. The sex toy is still on and in my hand. I look at it, contemplating whether or not to use it. I really want Leo to use it on me first.

"Fuck, Josephine." He hisses, picking up speed.

"What are you doing?" I ask, even though it's plainly obvious.

"What?" He taunts, squeezing his tip. "Are you imagining your lips around my cock instead?"

"Yes," I answer, transfixed by the sight. My fingers toy with the hem of my shorts. One finger dips down, then another, then my entire hand is almost at the front of my panties when the door bursts open.

Quickly retreating my hand, I turn to see Sara is there.

"Oops. Didn't know you were here." She gives me a knowing look after she sees the vibrator in my hand before closing it behind her.

"She gone?" He grits, his hand not slowing down.


"See you tomorrow." He smirks before disconnecting the line.

I gape at the screen. He just hung up on me. Probably payback for that time I teased him in front of Ananya and Candice.

I groan. He's going to pay back for this.

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