Loving Me Back

By genevieve_halt

437K 5.5K 2.4K

Ella Mae has had a crush on her childhood best friend, Aaron Kade, from since she can remember. Aaron happene... More

Ch. 1- Intro
Ch. 2- Exciting News
Chapter 3- Andrew
Chapter 4- Spin the Bottle
Chapter 5- Movie Marathon
Chapter 6- Coach
Chapter 7- First Game of the Season
Chapter 8- Number
Chapter 9- Competition Day
Chapter 10- Barbecue and Walks
Chapter 11- Deep Talks at In N Out
Chapter 12- First Date
Chapter 13- Ferris Wheels
Chapter 14- Diner After Games
Chapter 15- Rushed
Chapter 16- He Sucks
Chapter 18- Sprained Arm and Parties
Chapter 19- Bonfire
Chapter 20- Final Chapter
Chapter 21 - Aaron's Pov
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 17- Baking Cupcakes

17K 218 205
By genevieve_halt

A couple days later..

I've been feeling better about the whole Andrew situation. I am happy he's out of my life. Aaron and Leo have been so amazing about everything.

I wake up to see a text from Aaron.


Hey, i'll take you to school today

I reply with a sounds good as I begin getting ready. I feel special for a second and then I realize he's doing this out of pity for me because he feels bad for what happened with Andrew.

I begin eating an eggo waffle as I scroll through my phone for a bit before I see a text from Aaron saying he's here.

I grab my backpack and head outside. He's sitting in his ford on his phone. He looked extra cute today. His hair looked even more fluffy and he was wearing a flannel over his gray hoodie.

"Hey loser." I say as I enter the car. His car smelled like the usual, peppermint with a hint of men's cologne. But I'm not complaining because it smelt good.

"Hey." He says as he finally looks up from his phone. He turns to look at me for a good five seconds before he begins driving.

"As appreciative as I am for the ride, I gotta ask why." I state.

"I guess I realized your house isn't as far from mine as I thought." He shrugs.

"Aren't you gonna be cold in just leggings and a tank top." He asks suddenly.

"I'm literally wearing a jacket over."

"That is barely covering your stomach."

"Why do you care?" I ask.

"Fine, be cold."

"I will." I reply. That was weird and he still didn't answer the question.

Aaron flips on the bluetooth button and before I know it, country music starts playing.

"Eww." I say. I hate country music with a passion. I'm not surprised that Aaron listens to it. Ever since we were little, he would blast it.

"I don't get you. I mean, who doesn't like country music."

"Any sane person." I joke.

"Nah. Have you even bothered listening to the song before you straight away judge it?" He asks me.

"I don't need to. I've listened to it enough before to know I don't like it."

"Every song is different though." Aaron replies.

"Country songs are about three things, God, love and alcohol." I say.

"True." Aaron says with a laugh.

Once we get to school, I grab my books for my next class, English, from my locker. Now I can actually look forward to class since I enjoy english.

"Boo." Katie states.

"Hey." I reply.

"I heard Aaron gave you a ride to school this morning." She states.

"Yeah he did. Who told you that?"

"People we're talking about it. I guess someone saw you guys both get out of his car." She shrugs. This is the issue with being friends with Aaron, you are in the public or shall I say high school eye. This is because of how popular and relevant he is.

"Because we entered school together?" I ask.

"I guess so. Anyways, why did he give you a ride?"

"I don't know to be honest. I just woke up to a text from his saying he'd give me a ride. He said something about him realizing he lived closer to me than he thought."


"Anyways, you ready for english?" She asks me. As we walk to english, I tell her all about the other day with Andrew.

"What a total dick. He's such a man whore. But girl, what he did was not okay."

"I know which is why I am staying away from him."

"He gives me such an ick." Katie says.


During lunch...

"The chicken tenders actually look good today." I state once Aaron comes to the table with a plate of them in his hand.

"First time for everything." He says.

"Ugh I wish I had gotten them." Leo whines.

"Maybe they won't even be good, who knows."

"Nah they're pretty good." Aaron says after he takes a bite of them.

"Oh my god what is that?" I say pointing to behind Aaron. As he turns around, I quickly grab a fry from his place.

"What?" He says but then realizes what I just did.

"You are not slick."

"Yes I am." I laugh.

"Shit I just realized I have math next period." Leo states.

"Good luck with Mrs. May." Mrs May is known to be the worst math teacher at our school. No one likes her.

"And she is handing back our tests today too." Leo sinks into his chair.

"Maybe if you studied..." I say.

"I have no energy to put into math. Studying is overrated anyways."

"I agree." Aaron says.

"Aaron, that's only because you are naturally good at school without having to actually listen and pay attention in class. Some people actually work for their grades." I state. It's true, Aaron has always been like that. I remember in middle school, he would be watching movies in class all the time yet he'd end up doing the best in the class when it came to tests.

The second I get home from school, a wave of serotonin hits me. It's finally Friday. I know exactly what I'm going to do. I grab a bag of chips and my computer as I sit on my bed and turn on netflix.

A couple hours later...

I begin heading downstairs to get more chips.

"Hey mom." I say as I make my downstairs.

"Hey. One second I gotta go take your brothers to practice." She says as she looks as though she's looking for something.

"What's wrong? And are you making cupcakes or something?" I ask, gesturing towards the cupcake frosting and mix out on the counter.

"I have so much to do and I'm also signed up to make 50 cupcakes for your brother's class party by tomorrow." My mom states, rushed.

"I can make them. I have nothing else to do." I say.

"That would be awesome. Thanks so much. I gotta go. The sprinkles are in the pantry. I really gotta go now."

"Bye mom." I say. I haven't made cupcakes in a while so I'm interested to see how they turn out. I grab an apron from the drawer and tie it around me. I put my hair into a messy ponytail as I begin baking.

The first few cupcakes are out of the oven waiting to be frosted while I am currently making the next few. I'm about to crack the egg as I hear a ring at my doorbell. Who is coming over at 7:30 on a saturday.

I open the door to see Aaron is standing on the other side.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I don't know. I came over to hangout. What's up with the apron?"

"I have to bake 50 cupcakes for my little brother's class party tomorrow." I state, perplexed. He starts laughing.

"What?" I ask.

"You have flour on your face." He then points to my cheek. I quickly wipe it off. I roll my eyes in response.

"I can help." He says. I grab him an apron from the drawer.

"Where do you need me?" He asks.

"Can you start frosting the cupcakes?" I ask.


I went back to making the next few cupcakes.

"Do you remember when you me and Leo made cupcakes together in the third grade?" Aaron asks.

"Oh my gosh yes. And then we went around the neighborhood asking people if they wanted any." I smile at the memory.

"And we were surprised no one said yes when we were literally going around asking random people if they wanted cupcakes."

"They definitely thought we poisoned them." I laugh.

"I miss that time in life to be honest." I say.

"Everything was so stress free." Aaron adds.

"Now we have sports and school to worry about."

"It's weird because I kind of have a love-hate relationship with hockey. One second I hate it and dread going to practices because it's so time consuming and then the next second I have a good game and love it again." Aaron says.

"That is the same with me when it comes to figure skating."

"It's probably just because we've been doing the sport for so long so we get sick of it but also have an attachment to it." Aaron concludes.

"Okay I finally finished decorating these." Aaron says with a sigh of relief.

"Great job, now we have the last batch of them." I say, grabbing the last few cupcakes out of the oven.

"Are you serious?" Aaron's face drops.

"I'll help you." I say as I grab a butter knife from the drawer.

"Done." I say with a sigh of relief as I finish frosting the last cupcake.

"Not yet..." Aaron states as he grabs some frosting and spreads it on my nose.

"Now we're done." He laughs.

"You shouldn't have done that." I say as I grab some from the container and spread it all over his face.

"You little-" I start running around to the opposite side of the counter, laughing. Aaron grabs the whole container of frosting and starts chasing me around. We both begin erupting into laughter.

He finally catches me by grabbing me and spreading a bunch of frosting onto my face.

"Now we're even."

"I will get faster than you one day." I warn.

"In your dreams." He smirks.

We are currently cleaning the frosting and everything else up from the counter.

"Go us." I say as I finish drying the last pan.

"We should really consider getting our own baking show." Aaron says as he gives me a high five.

"I would carry the show." I say as I grab a napkin to wipe the frosting off my face. I hand one to Aaron and sit down on the counter top. My mom would be so mad at me right now. She hates when I sit on the top of the counter.

"Who knew that baking 50 cupcakes would actually be fun." Aaron says.

"Did I get all the frosting out of my face?" I ask.

"Yeah but there's still some in your hair."

"Where?" I ask. Aaron uses the paper towel to get it out of my hair. He is really close to me at this moment as he is standing in between my legs as I am currently seated at the counter.

"Thanks." I say. One he moves his head back, I realize how close we were. I stare at him for a second, taking in all his perfect features. Gosh he is so attractive. Even with frosting all over his face. He's staring right back at me as though he is studying me. I couldn't help but get butterflies as I realized the close proximity we are to each other right now. I need to stop thinking about Aaron like that. He will never like me back.

Aaron is still staring at me and for just a second it looks as though his eyes shifted towards my lips. I begin leaning in and he does too.

Suddenly, I hear the crackle of keys from the opposite side of the door. My mom must be home.

Aaron moves back and I quickly hop off the counter.

"Hey sweetie." My mom says. "Oh hey Aaron. What are you doing here?"

"He helped me make the cupcakes." I say. I can't believe that just happened....

"Hi Mrs. Fosset." Aaron greets. "I should be heading out now."

"I'll walk you out." I say, following him to the front door.

"Thanks for all the help tonight. I definitely couldn't have done it without you." I say.

"I'm pretty amazing aren't I?" Aaron jokes.

"Let's not go that far." I laugh.

I can't stop thinking about what happened with Aaron. I mean it looked like we were about to kiss. I can't believe I leaned in like that. I'm so stupid...

A couple days later..

I'm kind of scared for school today because I haven't talked to Aaron since our almost kiss.

"Hey." I say to Katie once I arrive at her locker.

"Hey bitch. How was your weekend?"

"Good." I then proceed to tell her about what happened with Aaron.

"No way." She says. "I knew you guys were going to end up together." She says.

"Would you keep your voice down." I say, looking around.

"Oh relax, no one heard me. How would they even know what we were talking about?" She asks.

"I don't know. I'm just really stressed out about it okay?"

"Why? Your hot guy best friend almost kissed you. Doesn't sound too bad to me." Katie says with a laugh.

"No it's not good because he definitely doesn't like me and now it's going to be awkward because we haven't spoken since."

"It will be fine. I wouldn't bring it up though if I were you." Katie states.

"Oh I most definitely am not."

"I can't believe this though. You guys are totally getting married."

"Nothing is happening, I can guarantee that."

"We'll see about that.." Katie says.

At lunch...

I walk over to the table so see that Lucy is already sitting down right next to Aaron. My heart instantly sinks.

"Stop, that is so gross." Lucy says to Aaron because he is eating his cheese stick whole.

"Aaron, that is weird shit." I say.

"Hello to you too." He says which causes Lucy to laugh.

"Hey Ella." She says with a smile.

"Hey." It seems like there is no awkwardness with Aaron which is good. I was worried that there would be.

"You ready for our game tomorrow?" Leo asks Aaron.

"We better win." He says.

"Who are you guys playing?" I ask.


"I swear to God, if you guys don't win." I say. Wellingston is one of our school's biggest rivals.

"Stop, I'm already stressed out about it as it is." Leo says.

"You guys are gonna do amazing." Lucy ensures.

"Speaking of amazing, did you hear about Adam's party on Saturday?" Leo asks.

"Yeah. Apparently his parents just bought this huge ass house so he's throwing a party to show it off." Aaron explains.

"Are you guys going?" I ask. Lucy nods her head yes.

"Probably." Aaron says.

"Yeah. You should come." Leo says.

"We'll see." I reply.

"I like your fit today." I tell Katie.

"Thanks queen. I just got it from the mall this weekend."

"Was is that new store that opened up the other week?" I ask.


"I want to go so bad." I reply.

"Did you hear about Adam Boysts party on Saturday?" Katie suddenly asks me.

"Oh my gosh why is everyone talking about it?" I ask.

"Because his new house is literally huge."

"Are you going?" I ask.

"Yes. You should come. Please come." She says.

"Yes I'm so down." I voiced.

"Okay yay, we're getting ready at my house." Katie insisted.

"I'll be there."

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