Loving Me Back

By genevieve_halt

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Ella Mae has had a crush on her childhood best friend, Aaron Kade, from since she can remember. Aaron happene... More

Ch. 1- Intro
Ch. 2- Exciting News
Chapter 3- Andrew
Chapter 4- Spin the Bottle
Chapter 5- Movie Marathon
Chapter 6- Coach
Chapter 7- First Game of the Season
Chapter 8- Number
Chapter 9- Competition Day
Chapter 10- Barbecue and Walks
Chapter 12- First Date
Chapter 13- Ferris Wheels
Chapter 14- Diner After Games
Chapter 15- Rushed
Chapter 16- He Sucks
Chapter 17- Baking Cupcakes
Chapter 18- Sprained Arm and Parties
Chapter 19- Bonfire
Chapter 20- Final Chapter
Chapter 21 - Aaron's Pov
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 11- Deep Talks at In N Out

18.7K 240 61
By genevieve_halt

"Thanks for driving me to school Leo." I say as Leo and I enter into school. Once I enter, everyone stares at my leg. Why do people always do that when someone gets crutches?

"Boo." Katie says as she taps on my shoulder.

"Morning." I say as I turn around from my locker.

"Hi crutches girl." She replies.

"That's gonna be my new nickname for you." Leo laughs.

"I don't need this bullying today." I joke.

"Damn it's first period already." Katie says in response to the bell.

"We got here almost right on the bell." I say to Leo.

"As long as we make it on time, who cares. I hate waking up any earlier than I need to." Leo states.



"Hey Ella." Andrew greets.


We begin working on the math class work together.

"I need to talk to you about something." He begins. "I realize we didn't really talk after our kiss and that is my bad. I realize I really am enjoying getting to know you and I was wondering if you wanted to go to the carnival with me this weekend?" Wow. So maybe he does like me...

"Aww i'm enjoying getting to know you too. And I would love to." I say.

"Great, I'll text you later." He states.

"What was happening on Sunday?"

"Oh me, Leo and Aaron's families all got together for a barbecue. We usually do since our families are all close."

"That's cool. Are you guys close?" I'm not sure why he's asking that since I've literally discussed this with him before.

"Yeah I think you asked that before?" I state with a laugh so I come off less aggressive.

"Oh." He laughs too. That was awkward.

I walk out of first period with a big grin on my face as I keep thinking about my upcoming date with Andrew. I think I am really starting to like him. He kind of came out of nowhere.

"What are you so smiley about?" Katie questions.

"Because Andrew asked me out." I state as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Wait what." Her eyes widen. "I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks. I haven't really ever been asked out before." I state.

"Probably because most of the guys are too scared to." Katie laughs.

"What- why is that?" I ask as I turn to face her.

"Please- Ella, you are friends with one of the two most popular guys in the school. You think guys are not going to be intimidated to ask you out?" I guess I hadn't ever thought about it that way.

"I didn't realize that."

"Yeah. Well who cares because you finally have been!!" Katie tries to change the subject. I am still kind of hung up on the whole guys being too scared to ask me out thing. I don't want that to be the case. I really hope I don't die alone as an old dog lady. Notice how I say dog because I do not like cats.

"You really think guys wouldn't ask me out because of that?" I ask.

"I mean I've seen it with my own eyes. Remember that time we were all hanging out and the waiter at some restaurant came up and asked for your number?"

"Yeah but he ended up saying nevermind." I state, wondering where she is going with this.

"Yeah exactly. And that was because the second he asked was the second Aaron and Leo came back from the bathroom and they came and sat down." I needed a second to think back to that. Katie was right. As always.

"Holy shit you're right."

"Yeah but for some reason Andrew is not afraid. Maybe it's because he plays on the same hockey team as them so he considers them close and isn't intimidated." Katie says.

"But wouldn't that make him even more scared to ask me out. I don't know. I don't want to keep talking about how I'll never get a boyfriend."

"Okay. Well how is your leg?" Katie asks.

"It still hurts but I keep thinking how my cast won't be on for that long."

"I still can't believe that happened. Have you spoken to your coach since?"

"Nope and I won't have to. I'm gonna move teams. After I ask my parents of course."

"I don't blame you. She seemed like a bitch." I don't say anything but I silently agree in my head. Coach is the reason I want to switch teams. I liked all the players on my team but I can't deal with her anymore.

"Have you told that girl Alexa on your team that you're thinking of quitting?" Katie asks.

"Not yet. I'm not mentioning anything until I get the okay from my parents."

"Makes sense."

After school, I go to meet Leo at his locker since he's giving me a ride home today. I see Aaron and Leo walking over together. I hadn't seen Aaron at all today. Not that I'm shocked. I went to the library during lunch today because I didn't feel like eating so that's why. I wave to them as they meet me at the locker. I can feel Aaron staring intensely at me as he gives me a double take.

"I'm coming with you guys. Wanna get dinner?" Aaron asks.

"Yeah, assume I want to waste my gas on you." Leo states.

"You should be honored." Aaron states.

"Okay fine but only if we can get In N Out." Leo declares.

"Fine by me." They both begin staring at me.

"Sure." I say.

"Hey can I please get a number 3 burger with fries and a soda." Aaron says as he orders after Leo.

"Okay anything else?" The waitress asks.

"Ella?" Leo asks.

"I'm not hungry." I lie. I wasn't in the mood to eat at the moment. Aaron and Leo shoot me a questioning look as Aaron enters his credit card.

"I'll pay." He states.

Once we order we sit down at the nearest booth.

Aaron and Leo both exchange looks as they turn and look at me. I am deeply confused right now.

"What?" I ask.

"Look Ella. I gotta ask you a question."

"Oh gosh, I'm scared. What is it?"

"Are you trying to lose weight or something because you look thinner?" I am definitely taken aback. I guess I had been eating less ever since my coaches comment but I didn't really notice the impact it's been having on me. Maybe that's why I've been so tired recently.

"What- no."

"Cmon Ella you can tell us. You always get something from In N Out and you didn't today. And I remember last time we went out to dinner you didn't get anything. Is this your way of losing weight or something?" Leo states.

"No- I." I can't help the tears that well in my eyes. I hadn't confronted the issue of my weight and I guess now I'm finally having to deal with it.

"Ella." Aaron says as he grabs my hand from across the table. And so I begin telling them everything my coach said to me the past month.

They look at me with wide eyes. I begin rubbing the tears off my eyes.

"I can't believe she said that. What was going through her mind." Leo says.

"Ella nothing she said even made sense. If you don't eat you're not gonna have energy to do things. You're not going to be able to run a lap around the fucking track at school during PE if you keep this up."

"Aaron's right." Leo agrees.

"Also Ella, you literally are perfect the way you are. You have like no fat on you. You have a great body and I'm telling you that honestly." Leo says. "Sorry that felt weird to say to my best friend but it's true."

"Thanks guys."

"Don't pull that not eating shit because trust me if it continues it will not be good."

"I know."

"Now can we go order you some fries?" Aaron asks.

"Sure, thanks guys." I say with a laugh.

"You need to tell your parents or tell someone about what the coach was saying to you because that is not okay. You should get her fired." Leo suggests.

"I know I'm gonna ask my parents if I can move teams." I reply. My parents are not going to let me move teams unless I give them a good reason to believe I need to. So I'll probably end up telling them anyway.

I ended up getting home around 9. As I enter the front door, I am determined to tell my parents how I want to find a new figure skating team.

"Hey mom and dad..." I greet as I enter their room. They're both sitting in bed watching TV.

"What's up?" My mom asks.

"I was wondering if I could move to a different figure skating team." They both look at me right away.

"What- why?" My mom asks.

"Something must have happened for you to want to move teams. You always seemed to love that team." My dad states.

"Was it because of what happened with your leg?" My mom asks. I begin telling them all the comments my coach made.

"Oh my gosh. I can't believe what I'm hearing." My mom's tone is angry.

"I can't believe she would say that. We are saying something. Maybe we can get her fired." My dad suggests.

"I don't want to get her fired. I just don't want to never see her again." Getting her fired seems extreme to me.

"I'm sorry she said that to you. It's obviously not accurate what she said."

"I'm just wondering what kind of person says that to a teenage girl." My dad asks.

"I'm going down to the ice rink tomorrow and saying something." My mom says.

"Mom no-." She cuts me off.

"I knew you seemed thinner. Is this why you have been less hungry recently?" My mom asks.

"I don't know."

"Ella you do not need to lose any weight you are perfect as is!"

"Not eating is very bad for you." My dad says. "Your body needs fuel."

"I know I know. Trust me." I say. After my talk with Leo and Aaron, I feel a lot better regarding that.

"I don't want you to ever pull that non eating crap please. And I'm going to start looking into other teams for you to join as soon as your leg gets better." My mom states in a stern tone.

"Okay thanks mom and dad. Goodnight."

I feel stupid that I didn't say something sooner. I shouldn't have let my coach say those things to me. I basically let her walk all over me. I can't help but feel like I always let people do that.

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