Loving Me Back

By genevieve_halt

434K 5.4K 2.3K

Ella Mae has had a crush on her childhood best friend, Aaron Kade, from since she can remember. Aaron happene... More

Ch. 1- Intro
Ch. 2- Exciting News
Chapter 3- Andrew
Chapter 5- Movie Marathon
Chapter 6- Coach
Chapter 7- First Game of the Season
Chapter 8- Number
Chapter 9- Competition Day
Chapter 10- Barbecue and Walks
Chapter 11- Deep Talks at In N Out
Chapter 12- First Date
Chapter 13- Ferris Wheels
Chapter 14- Diner After Games
Chapter 15- Rushed
Chapter 16- He Sucks
Chapter 17- Baking Cupcakes
Chapter 18- Sprained Arm and Parties
Chapter 19- Bonfire
Chapter 20- Final Chapter
Chapter 21 - Aaron's Pov
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 4- Spin the Bottle

23.4K 323 231
By genevieve_halt

"Katie is here." My mom calls from downstairs. I hadn't even realized that it was already seven. I quickly head downstairs. When I see Katie from the bottom of the stairs my eyes widen.

"What is that in your hand?" I ask, gesturing to the huge case in her hand.

"The makeup and hair supplies duh."

"Obviously Ella." My mom says in mimic.

"Yeah keep up" Katie says jokingly.

"I'm making some spaghetti for your brothers, do you guys want some? I know you guys are going to be drinking tonight and I don't suggest it's good to drink alcohol on an empty stomach." My mom asks. This is a prime example of how chill my parents are. They don't have a ton of rules. Just that I drink responsibly and don't drink and drive.

"Okay sounds good." I state as me and Katie head upstairs.

"Okay, what are we thinking for hair?" Katie asks.

"Could you curl it?" I ask.

"I can do that."

"But first." Katie states as she goes on her phone to play some music.

"Okay I'm done curling." Katie finally announces as she unplugs the curling iron. I go over to the mirror and look at the curls in my hair.

"They look so good, thanks Katie." I say, admiring my hair.

"I know." Katie replies.

"You should seriously consider being a hairdresser." I state. I'm being serious. Katie is amazing at doing hair. Every day for school she has a different hair style and it always looks good. She can french braid and all of the above. I can only do a normal braid sadly. My mom tried to teach me when I was younger but I just couldn't do it.

"I'm excited for tonight." Katie says as she applies her makeup.

"Me too." I'm applying my own makeup right now as well. I'm not doing any real heavy makeup. Just mascara, some highlighter and some blush. Sometimes I do eyeliner if I'm feeling bold. I decide on wearing a purple party dress.

"Damn girl, you look so gorgeous." Katie praised.

"So do you." I reply.

Once we finally finish getting ready, we head downstairs to eat the amazing spaghetti my mom made.

"Gosh your mom is an amazing cook."

"I know. I wish I could cook like her." I reply.

"Anyways, I heard Lucy Voi and Zach Meyers broke up. Meaning that Lucy is going to be all over Aaron tonight." Katie announces. Lucy and Aaron have hooked up a couple times but nothing serious. It's funny though because they always end up finding their way back to each other. Lucy is really pretty and popular. She also went to middle school with me and Aaron and he had a big crush on her in the eighth grade. They went out a few times after their kiss during spin the bottle when we were 14. As funny as it is, no matter how hard I try, I can't bring myself to hate her. And that's because she is like the sweetest person ever.

"They were gonna have their hookup of the month eventually." I state.

"Girl, this is your opportunity to make a move on Aaron." Katie announces.

"Nope, I'm good."

"What are you so scared of?" She asks.

"Him rejecting me, our friendship being ruined.... Would you like me to go on?"

"Sometimes you just have to live in the moment and stop caring."

"I wish I could." I reply. I suddenly hear the doorbell ring.

"That must be Aaron." Katie heads towards the front door and I follow behind.

"Hey." Me and Katie state as she opens the front door to reveal Aaron and Leo.

"What's up." States Leo.

"Hey." Aaron greets. My eyes instantly shift to Aaron and we make eye contact for a second. I couldn't help but feel insecure under his gaze. I quickly pull my dress lower. I always fidget when I'm nervous.

"You two clean up nice." Leo says.

"Thanks." Katie answers before I can say anything.

"You're not so bad yourself."

"You two ready to go?" Aaron asks.


As we're in the car, it's awkward for a second or two.

"Turn it up, I love this song." I say once I hear "Work Out" by J.Cole playing. Aaron does so with a laugh.

"Me too." Katie replies as we begin singing along to the lyrics. Not a short while later until me, Katie and Leo are all singing along together.

"Aaron cmon." Leo says, giving him an annoyed look.

"What?" He asks.

"You're ruining the mood. You need to sing along too." I state.

"I don't know the song." Aaron shrugs his shoulders.

"Bullshit." I begin, "You know you and I used to always have dance parties to this song on just dance when we were 7."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Aaron says clueless. I know he is lying.

"Fine, suit yourself." I say as the main chorus comes on and I start singing screaming the lyrics with Katie and Leo.

I look over to Aaron to see he's laughing and shaking his head.

"You guys are such dorks." He says with a laugh.

"And you love us for that." Leo replies.

When we arrive...

I can hear the music blasting from the front steps. A feeling of nerves overtake me. Parties are always so crowded. Aaron opens the front door and walks in like he owns the place. The second I step in I can feel the hot hair from the bodies that are all up close. I look around and see I am getting quite a few stares. I can see this guy from afar giving me the longest up and down look to exist.

"Ayy Kyle." Aaron and Leo say as they see someone from their hockey team. They then follow Kyle and go the other direction, leaving just me and Katie.

"Let's go get some drinks." Katie states as we go through the crowd to find the kitchen.

"You want one?" Katie asks as she pours the tequila into the shot glass.

"Hey what the hell." We do a quick cheers as we down the shot. I squint my eyes in response to the hard alcohol I just consumed.

"Hey." I hear a familiar voice say. I turn around to see it's Alexa from figure skating.

"Oh hey Alexa." I greet.

"How's training for the double axel been?" She asks as she takes a sip of the beer in her hand.

"Tough." I reply. "I'm too scared I'm gonna end up really getting injured."

"If coach didn't think you could do it, she would have never told you to do the move in the first place." Alexa states.

"Thank you, that's what I keep trying to tell her." Katie voiced.

"I guess you're right. That's what I keep trying to tell myself."

"Let's go dance." Katie announces she downs another shot. She's going to get drunk very quickly tonight.

"I have to go pee though." I reply.

"You can go later now c'mon." Katie says as she drags me onto the dance floor.

"Yeah." Lexie adds in.

When we get on the dance floor, "What Makes you Beautiful" by One Direction starts blasting from the speakers.

"Fuck yeah. I love ID." I cheer.

"Me too. Zayn supremacy." Alexa shouts.

"Same." Says Katie.

"I was more of a Niall girl myself." I say.

After a couple minutes later I begin to wonder where Leo and Aaron are. I haven't seen them since we entered. I should probably go look for them. But I need to pee first.

"Guys I've got to go to the bathroom." I slip away from the crowd and look for the bathroom. I knock on what I think is the bathroom door but there's no response. I then open the door to see no other than Aaron and Lucy in the middle of a deep make out session.

"Get out." Aaron says, not looking away from Lucy. He doesn't even know it's me. I couldn't help but feel like crying. I know that Aaron hooks up with a ton of girls but it just hurts to actually watch. I quickly close the door before they recognize me. That would be embarrassing.

I don't even know why I bother being upset. It's not like there's a chance there for me. God I'm so sick of Aaron. Why do I like him so much. I wish I didn't but I can't help it. And it sucks because I know deep down that there is no way he'll ever return the feelings.

I head into the kitchen to get a little break from the crowds and the people so I can clear my head for a second. I stare intensely at the alcohol and before I know it, I'm downing shot after shot. I don't even know why but I was hurt and needed something to get my mind off things.

After about five shots, I head into the living room. I see Aaron and Leo there along with a couple other people.

"Ella, perfect." Leo says as they all look over to me the second I enter the room. I give Leo a questioning look.

"We're trying to organize a game of spin the bottle. You in?"

"Sureeee." I say, extending the e. I definitely am a little tipsy because I don't know if I would soberly agree to playing spin the bottle.

We all begin forming a circle around the room.

"Okay guys everyone knows how to play right?" Leo asks as he sets the bottle down in the middle of the circle. Everyone nods their head yes. I spot Andrew from across the room. We make eye contact and he gives me a wink which I can't help but grin at.

"Who wants to start us off?" Leo asks.

"I will." Some girl says excitedly. I don't think I've ever seen her before. It ends up landing on Kyle, Leo and Aaron's friend. Their lips connect in an instant.

After a couple rounds later, I feel like I'm about to fall off to sleep before everyone begins looking at me. I look up to see the bottle has landed on me and when I look to see who it was who spun me, I see it's Andrew. He's looking at me with a big grin plastered over his face.

"How about let's not." Aaron says suddenly. Everyone turns to look at him.

"Why man?" Andrew asks.

"Because." He replies.

"What the hell Aaron." Katie says. "Just let them kiss." I look over to Katie to see she's just as confused as I am. I didn't even know she was down here.

"Yeah Aaron. Just let them kiss." Lucy now adds in. She's looking at Aaron with an annoyed look on her face.


"Why do you care anyways?" I ask. What's up with him.


"Because why?" Andrew asks.

"Because it's Ella. That's why." Aaron replies in an angry tone.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"Just kiss already." Lucy says, annoyed. Andrew begins to scoot closer to me. I meet him halfway by joining him in the middle of the circle. I look at him for a second. Even though I'm a little drunk, I still feel very nervous right now. I look around. Aaron has a mutual look on his face as his eyes are glued to mine. I debate on it but then I think of what I walked into today in the bathroom.

"You ready?" Andrew whispers to me. I nod my head yes. We both lean in and we exchange a quick peck. I could tell Andrew was trying to get more in that kiss but I pulled away before it got deep.

Aaron walks out of the room suddenly. After me and Andrew's kiss, people kind of started to leave as well. I guess the game died. I decide on going upstairs to get some fresh air.

"Hey." I here a familiar voice.

"Oh hey Andrew." I say once he sits down next to me on the dec.

"How'd you find me up here?" I ask.

"You're not the only one who likes fresh air after weird shit goes down." He says.

"That was weird." I begin, "I don't even know why he was acting like that."

"Me neither."

"Anyways." I say, trying to change the subject.

"You look hot." Andrew says as he scoots closer to me.

"Thanks. You're not too bad yourself." I couldn't help but yawn. Which makes me think of the time. I check the time on my phone to see that it's 11. Shit I don't even know how I'm going to get a ride home now. Aaron was my ride home.

"Shit." I mean to say in my head but I end up saying out loud.

"What?" Andrew asks concerned.

"I'm just not sure how I'm going to get home tonight. Aaron was my ride but I don't exactly think that's going to work out anymore...."

"I'll give you a ride."

"Thanks." I say with a yawn. Drinking always makes me tired.

"You ready to go?" He asks.

"I think so." I say with a giggle. Yep, I definitely drank too much.

"Can we stop at McDonald's?" I ask.

"Sure, there's one just down the road." Andrew replies as he turns the heater on in the car.

When we pull into the McDonald's parking lot, Andrew goes into the drive through lane.

"What do you want?" He asks.

"A oreo mcflurry." I answer. He gives me a questioning look as he orders himself an m&m one and orders my oreo one.

"Oreo." He says in a disgusted tone as he hands me my mcflurry.

"What?" I giggle.

"Why oreo? M&m is superior." He answers.

"Have you ever tried the oreo one?" I ask.

"Well no but still."

"Try some." I say as I hand him my mcflurry for him to dip his spoon into.

I look at him, awaiting his reaction. As I stare at him, I begin to notice his features a lot more than I did before. His curly yet semi very brown hair and his greenish eyes.

"That's actually really good." He says impressed.

"See, I told you." I laugh.

"So are Aaron and you like a thing?" He asks suddenly. I choke a little on the oreo in my mouth because of how random the question is.

"What no, definitely not." I answer.

"Okay I just wasn't sure because it seemed like he was pretty overprotective during that game today..."

"I don't know, he never is usually like this." I comment.

"Well you guys have known each other since elementary school... It must be cool having people you grew up with."

"I never really thought about it that deep." I stated. "But you're right."

"Well we're here." Andrew announces as he pulls in front of my house. He turns to look at me for a long second.

"Well thanks for the ride." I say as I begin getting out of the car.

"No problem. I'll see you." Andrew says as he drives away.

I quietly tiptoe upstairs because the house is completely silent. My parents go to bed super early and wake up super early. I don't know how they do it. Which means my brothers go to bed early too. It's nice having the house completely silent for once.

Once I make it to my room, I lay down on my bed. Gosh, tonight was crazy. And Andrew. He just came out of nowhere. I've got to say I definitely judged him before I got to know him. Andrew is kind of known for getting with a lot of girls which sounds just like someone I know...

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