Superman's Daughter (Young Ju...

By hikari46

137K 3.1K 772

A girl named Kathleen Kent is the daughter of Superman. Her powers are completely different from him except s... More

Characters of the Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Special Chapter: Valentines Day
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author's Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note
Author's Note
Special Chapter: Young Justice Live Show
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 19

1.5K 53 3
By hikari46

*Keith P.O.V*

I yawn as I'm being pulled by someone

"your coming with us, Keith" it was Zatanna and Artemis

"why should I?" I ask them with a bored expression

"one, we ask permission to your sister and second she said yes" Artemis answer

"troublesome girls" I give a big sigh "why me and not them?" I ask

"because your a great asset of us" Zatanna told me

"fine" I sigh again "you two owe me to treat me 4 boxes of tokoyaki" I scratch my head

Artemis and Zatanna high five each other while I roll my eyes at them

*Kathleen P.O.V*

"computer, secure the room" Batman order the computer

secure as no one could hear us

"I'll cut to it. do we believe there's a mole within the team?" Batman ask us

"I am convinced there is none" Kaldur tell Batman and Red Tornado "when Sportsmaster claimed he had an inside source, he was merely sowing dissent" he explained

"his intel could have easily have by comparing notes with the other villains working for the Injustice League and think about it. if anyone on the team was working with those creepoids.." I continue

"he or she would have betrayed us during our fight against them" in a serious tone

"I'm not convinced" Red Tornado told us "sure, you three, Kid Flash, Shadowman, Sophia and Angel of Light and Darkness are above suspicion, but I know Artemis isn't shooting straight" he explained "for starters, she's not Green Arrow's niece" that's true

"what?" Kaldur look surprise

"well, yeah. in fact, she's related to-" I cut Dick off

"enough. Artemis relations may indeed make her suspect. but, she's still entitled to a secret identity" I answer

Batman said "I'm more concerned about Superboy" he look at me and I look down, Dick hold my hands to calm me down "we still know very little about what Cadmus programmed into their weapon. Connor could be the mole and not know it" I mentally sigh

I know who the mole is but I need Dick's help and Kaldur to find an evidence I thought of myself

"what about Miss Martian?" Red Arrow ask "she is Manhunter's niece. but he told Black Canary he has a few hundred nieces and nephews" he explained "and the first time he met M'gann was 5 months ago, when she stowed away on his last trip from Mars to Earth"

"this changes nothing" Kaldur defend M'gann "I have fought side by side with these people none are traitors" in a serious tone

Red Arrow left as I sigh in relief. I stand up and stretch up

"finally!" I tell everyone "now that he's not here I would like to tell you something important" in a serious tone

"what kind of important, young one?" Red Tornado ask

"I know who the mole is and all that's left is to find an evidence" I look everyone

Dick said "did you use your vision?" he ask

"yes"I answer "but.. once you know, pretend that you'll never know who mole is" I look everyone in serious

"because if everyone knows the future will change am I right?" Batman ask

"precisely" I nod in agreement "I see two visions one that is pretend we don't know who the mole is and second if they know.. they'll capture me and brainwash me until Seiryuu is unleashed killed everyone" in a grave tone

Kaldur said "we will pretend that none of us don't know who the mole is" he stare at me

"one slip it will be over, Kaldur.. will you and the others take a risk?" I ask everyone

"we will" they answer

"it's Roy Harper" I tell them

"that's impossible" Kaldur told me "what makes you say that, Kathleen?" he ask

"he's not a real Roy Harper in fact, he's a clone like my brother" I explained "I don't know when or where the real Roy Harper is but my guess is.. they make a clone so they'll spy on us or do something to find a way to get in the Watch tower"

*Keith P.O.V*

"you two will be so lucky that I'm watching you two" I throw a shadow ball on Harm

Harm dodge it as I click my tongue

Harm said "their ridiculous grab and rudimentary skills indicate instruction from Green Arrow, Zatara and Mystogan" how did he know us? "Harm will study these two to learn methods for killing their mentors"

"oh, you did not just threaten my dad" Zatanna told him

"enough of this chitchat" I told them in a serious tone "Zatanna and Artemis support me while I battle him sword to sword" I summon my sword

I go quickly as me and Harm are battling each other

"it wants Harm's battle to sword vs sword?" Harm ask me "very well" he smirked

I dodge and strike him in one blow as he screamed in pain

"the one you call it is not an object" I point at Harm's neck

"your good but not enough to defeat Harm" he smirked at me

I dodge as I push him using my shadow. I stand on Zatanna and Artemis side

"you okay?" Artemis ask me in a worried tone

"I should be asking you in the first place, the gorilla will kill you for this" I told her

"on a second thought, running" Zatanna whispered at us

"okay, yeah.. to regroup" Artemis told us

Zatanna and Artemis run a head. I throw a special ball to Harm when he's about to throw back I snapped my fingers and trapped in the ice crystals.

I quickly followed them and noticed the girl is helping us

"who's that?" Artemis ask

"do you care right now?" Zatanna ask

"no" I answer

we stopped and I sigh where is the girl?

"dead end. where'd she go?" I ask

I look up and hold Artemis and Zatanna waist

"what are you doing Keith?" Zatanna ask

"going to the rooftop if your not ready to face death" I answer

we go up as using my shadow. the three of us made it to the rooftop and approach the girl

"thanks for the assist, but who are you?" Zatanna ask

"Secret" the girl answer

"that won't cut it. we need answers" Artemis tell Secret to the point "do you know Harm? does he have any weaknesses?" she ask

"Secret" she answer then point at something

the girls gasped as I step in front of them holding my sword tightly

"at least they make the hunt interesting" Harm told us

he approach us slowly

"he's fast. I'll give him that" Artemis compliment Harm

"Artemis shoot the water tank and Zatanna freeze him" I order the two girls

the do what they told as the three of us quickly run

"where'd did the Miss Secret go?" Artemis ask

"there" Zatanna told us "okay, these boots, adorable, but for a chase sequence" I roll my eyes

my dark wings appeared as I hold those two as we fly

"we're flying!" Artemis exclaimed and look at me "can you even carry us two!?" she ask

"do you really think that just because I'm lazy does mean that I have weak body!?" I ask her "we're being chased remember!?" I look behind

I sense his attack as I dodge every his attack while I follow Secret. I sense that Secret is not human instead she's dead, the question is who resurrect her? I thought of myself

"aw, she's gone again. now what?" Zatanna ask

I placed them gently as my wings disappeared

"end of the line and we can't go back the way we came, he's coming" I told the two girls

"Keith, take us to that magic store" Artemis ordered me

I sense the attack coming

"shadow shield!" I make a huge shield

I see that Harm already standing in front of us as the shield disappeared

"this can be no coincidence" I summon my sword "they alight on Harm's very roof. how did they know?" he ask us "tell Harm, now!"

"wait! this is your place?" Artemis ask

"no more games" he drop the subject

he placed the sword on the ground as we screamed in pain then black out

>>>>>>>>>> Time Skip <<<<<<<<<<

I opened my eyes and noticed that I'm tied on the rope. I see that Secret is here

"your dead and who resurrect, you?" I ask

"secret" she ask

I noticed that Zatanna is with me I sigh at Secret.. I used my telekinetic to set us free. I take of the tape on Zatanna's mouth

"Keith?" she ask me

"I'm here" I help her to stand up

Zatanna look surprise that Secret is with me

"first you lure us into a trap, now your with us? what's your game?" Zatanna ask

"secret" she answer as usual

we look at our surroundings then noticed that we're on the bed room. I walk slowly and used my psychometry then stop.

Harm and Secret are siblings. the question is how did Secret die? I thought of myself

"is this your room?" I ask

"do you live with this nut job?" Zatanna ask

"Zatanna, enough" I stop her "I wanted to find out how did Harm is tainted by darkness when both of them are happy before" in a serious tone

'I also know that your dead from a very long time, Greta. and you'll not be in peace until you get justice right?' I ask her through telepathy

Secret look surprise at me. I can communicate undead person

"Secret" she answer

"Secret, right. naturally" Zatanna answer as she throw the picture on the bed

"we should help Artemis. I'll make an illusion and wait outside" I tell her

"Keith" looking at me worriedly

"I know this is.. risk but" I placed the gem around Zatanna's neck "the gem allows you to increase your chanting spell, be careful okay?" she nod and go as Greta followed

I already go outside and waiting for them to come.. I look at Greta's grave

"what kind of a brother you have Greta?" I ask her in the grave

I sense that Zatanna and Artemis stood by my side as I noticed the two girls kneel

"Greta Hayes, beloved sister" Zatanna read

Greta appears as Zatanna gasped and cling into me

Zatanna said "this is your grave" she look at Greta's grave "this is your secret. this is you" she look at Greta

Zatanna let go of me

"uh.. h-how did you die?" she ask Greta

Greta show us a dagger. we hear an explosion and I summon the sword. Harm look at us furiously

"they defile Harm's holy place!" he glared at us

"we defiled it?" Artemis ask Harm "you did this, to your own sister!" she point the grave

"your proud of it?" I ask Harm "and you had the gall to write beloved" glaring at him

"not gall, truth" Harm answer "she was the only thing Harm ever loved. that's why she had to go. Harm's heart had to be pure. Greta had to be cut out, excised like an infection" he explain

"your just a horrible brother!" I shout at him "you call that love!? more like you want to murder Greta in your arms" in a mad tone

"Keith.." Zatanna call my name which I ignore her

I sense that Greta appear. Harm gasped and sigh in relief

"ah, it casts another illusion spell" he told us

Zatanna said "except I didn't speak" she told him "Harm knows it can't cast a spell without speaking" Harm gasped

Artemis said "you asked how we found this place. face it, Harm. your secret's out" in a serious tone

Harm said "no" he denied "Harm's heart is pure. Harm's not sorry, I'm not" point at Greta

I look at the sword surprise, it's one of the dark mage weapon, how did he get it? Greta get through Harm's sword. Greta took something in his heart as it appears a orange glow then it disappeared. the sword put back to it's orignal place as Harm look at us

"I.. I don't need a sword" he told us

he grab the dagger. when he try to hit on me I kick hand and punch his face powerfully, then knock out

"I despise you, killing your own sister" in a stern tone

Zatanna chant a spell as Harm is being wrap up that he'll not escape

Zatanna said "we'll make sure you receive a proper burial" she told Greta

"we won't forget you, Greta" I told her in a gentle tone

"Secret" Greta answer and having a rest in peace

"I still can't believe anyone could do that to his own sister" Artemis told us "if my.." she stopped

"your what?" Zatanna ask as Artemis look at me and Zatanna "Artemis, talk us" she plead "Secrets don't stay buried, obviously. it's better to bring them into the light" trying to convince her

Artemis said "I don't have any secrets" she answer "cops are coming"

"we did blow up a kitchen"

I kneel down and examine the sword.. I am right, this sword belongs to the dark mage weapon.. how did Harm get it? I better bring this one at the Wizard World and let master examine it

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