"𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐰 𝐮𝐩" //𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡...

By 12I_didnt_ask34

484 42 221

"𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐖 𝐔𝐏 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐘?" "..." ... More



170 11 94
By 12I_didnt_ask34

(A/N welcome to a new fanfic. Enjoy. Art on top isn't mine I found it on Pinterest)

Chapter 1: A walk down memory lane

𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝔂 𝓜𝓬𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓶𝓲𝓬𝓴


Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.

Five second pause.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.

The door swung open revealing a drunken man that looked to be in his late 40s. He looked like he just woken up from a deep slumber, or that he was interrupted from a good show; he's been watching all night.

He didn't look like he took very good care of himself. His flannel had wrinkles, un buttoned, and had beer stains. And he was clearly holding a beer bottle in his left hand.

He's eyes half eyed open as he poked his head out of the shit hole he called his house. He was trying to pay attention to what the officer was telling him but it was honestly coming from one ear and out the other.

"Mr. McCormick, your son and one of his friends, Eric Cartman, had just been caught Graffiting a wall." The officer was holding the eight year old's arm while glaring at him, telling his father all the terrible things he's been doing.

The eight year old desperately tried to pull out of the officers grasp. He had tears forming in his eyes as he tried not to look at his father in the eyes. "Oh.. uh- OH! Kenny. Uh get in here."

The officer let go of Kenny's arm as he walked inside his house with his head down. His father rubbed his face as he looked back at the officer. "Jesus what am I going to do with that boy?" The officer just signed.

"I don't know sir but if he keeps this attitude up he'll end up in juvenile hall. And we all know after that they usually end up in prison for the rest of their lives."

Kenny's father looked offended and was about to yell something but decided that it's probably not a good idea. "Thanks for bringing him home officer." The officer titled his hat as he began to walk away. "Anytime Mr. McCormick."

Mr McCormick slammed the door shut. The officer started to walk down the porch. "Fuck'n drunk."

Mr. McCormick sighed to himself as he drank more of the beer he was holding. He turned to see his son. Wait. What was he watching before Kenny came? There's weird sounds. Is he tripping? Or did he leave...OH SHIT!

"KENNY CLOSE YOUR EYES!!!" He raced across the room and turned off the TV quickly. God damnit. What a father he accidentally let his son watch porn? He drank more of his beer as he stumbled towards his son. "D...dad? Are you good...?"

Kenny questions as he sits up a bit. "YeA KeNnY iM *burp* FiNeEeeeeE!" His father fell on the couch next to the boy. "keNNyyyyy why WeRe YouU ThiNkinG??? DoIng ThOSE bAd ThiNGS wiTh tHat CarTMAn kiD?"

Kenny put his head down. He knew exactly why. It was because they both had family problems and they felt like bringing them up pon something else. To let the anger out. Especially Cartman. He needed it.

"Uhm...uhm..." "C'MON! BE A MAN AND NOT A PUSSY! WHAT'RE YOU A QUEER!?" Kenny just puts his head down even further. 'I'm not a man dad. I'm literally only eight years old. Why don't you ever GET that?' Kenny thought.

Yea. Why doesn't he always get that? Maybe because he's too much of a drunk to even realize or comprehend what he is saying. Well. More like yelling. Suddenly Kenny's father started tearing up. "oh my God son! I'm acting like my father! Saying the things he used to say! Oh I was never good enough for him! Why couldn't he ever GET that Kenny? WHY!?"

The man then sobbed on the floor for about 20 minutes. Yelling and drinking and having a whole mental break down about when he was younger and how his father didn't love him. He beat him. And said terrible things. And he's turning into him.

Kenny just covered his ears as his father kept screaming and rambling. Kenny sobbed to himself quietly, he tried to make sure his father wouldn't hear him but failed. His father turned to him in rage. "ARE YOU FUCKING CRYING!? YOU CRYING YOU LITTLE BITCH!?"

Kenny just stared up at him shaking his head quickly. "Nonononono! Sir! I'm not!" The man ignores the boys pleads and grabs his golden blonde hair. He yanked him off the couch and onto the old, cushioned, beer and drug stained floor. Kenny stopped himself from landing face first by putting his small hands in front of him. He got small rug burns on his hands, starting to bleed a bit.

He looked up at his father as he started to back away. "ARE YOU SCARED OF ME!?" Kenny instantly puts his arms in the air as he violently shook his head. "N-NO!" He's father just looked even more mad. He then started to pull his belt off.

"You wanna lie little boy!? Cause trouble with your fat friend!? Hang out with that Jew Queer kid!? And hang out with Stan Marsh and their PeRfRcT fAmIlY!?"

Kenny kept shaking his head. "No no! Please! Dad! No wait stop! I swear I'm not lying! I'll be a good kid I promise!" Kenny started begging. "SHUT UP!" He then kicked the small boy to the ground he's face touching the gross rug like floor.

"I'LL GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO BE SCARED OF!!" The man raised his belt into the air. And.


"This is all your fault Kenny." Kenny snapped back to present. He's seventeen. A senior. He turns to see his best friend, Eric Cartman. Cartman just turned eighteen a month ago and he doesn't look as fat as he was when he was eight. He's more buff if anything, but not really at the same time, if that makes any sense. But he was still pretty skinny.

He still wore the same jacket and hat from when they we're little, Kenny also wore the same shit as well as Stan and Kyle. Stan and Wendy, both seventeen, plans to get married after highschool. Rumors said they already had sexual intercourse and ApPaReNtLy Wendy is pregnant so that's why their getting married.

Kyle on the other hand isn't dating anyone or interested in anyone as a matter of fact. Kyle, eighteen now, is on top of his class, no criminal record and never does anything wrong. Other then get into fights with people, mostly Cartman due to his temper. Cartman calls him Mr. Anger issues due to this reason, as well as to get on his nerves. Everyone else gives him the nickname Mr. Perfect. But they only call him that to not get on his nerves.

"How is this all my fault!?" Kenny exclaimed moving his whole body towards his friend. "BECAUSE YO-" The door to the principal's office opened by a student everyone was all to familiar with. I'll give you a hint, he flips people off whenever he gets a chance.

Ok you guessed it. Craig Tucker. He's seventeen, still the same hat since childhood but he changed his clothes to a gray and black jacket and oversized blue jeans. He smokes now but still as boring yet mysterious as ever. Him and Tweek broke up in freshman year because Tweek couldn't handle a relationship anymore. Craig understood but he was still really heart broken.
Craig hasn't been in a relationship since.

"Hey Craig." Cartman said, Craig turned around and flipped him off. "Well fuck you too!" Kenny could see Craig chuckling to himself. Kenny looked at the boy down the hall in.. curiousity.

"Alright, you two come on in!" Yelled their principal. Cartman then glared at Kenny. "Just follow my lead." Kenny shook his shoulders. They got up from the seats in the halls and walked in, Cartman closing the door behind him. They sat down as they looked at their principal. Cartman took off his hat dramatically as he put his head down.

"We're sorry principal Victoria for what we done, we've thought about what we did oh how could we have been soooo foolish?"

The principal rolls her eyes. "Eric I know your apology isn't genuine so stop it." Eric rolls his eyes, puts his hat back on as he slouches in his chair. Arms crossed and everything. "Seriously guys? Smoking in the parking lot?" The principal sighs. "This has been going on since you guys were eight." They both raised an eyebrow. "We haven't been smoking since we were eight." Cartman mumbled quietly and confused.

The principal mentality face palmed. "I mean your guy's criminal record!" She exclaimed while slamming a bunch of files on the desk. "It says here you guys have been getting into trouble with the law since you guys were eight!" Cartman rolls his eyes. "Yea yea and so was Stan and Kyle! They we're causing trouble right along with us!"

The principal sighs. "Kyle and Stan turned their lives around while you two are still causing trouble." At this point the boys had their heads down. "If this keeps going you two will be in prison. I'm surprised you two haven't dropped out yet." Kenny hated this. He wanted to just... just.... "After school detention for two weeks. Now, head to your 1st period class." The boys got up and walked out of the office.

"O-oh! Heya Fella's!" Cartman ignored the voice and kept walking. Kenny however stopped and turned. "Hey Butters, what're you doing here?" Ah yes how could I forget? Butters Stotch. Kindest boy you'd ever met. But also probably the lamest. He hasn't changed since 4th grade. He still stutters, he grew a little bit of his hair, he now wears a white pull over shirt some grey jeans and some old sneakers. But he still wears his old blue jacket from childhood.

"O-oh you know...I was late for class..so my teacher sent me here..heh. N-now my parents are going to be mad at me and ground me. B-but it's my fault anyways, it serves me right for being late! I deserve it!"

Ah, same ol' Butters, still thinking he's parents know best. He's seventeen now for Christ sakes! He doesn't need to be punished for literally everything! "Butter's don't be so hard on yourself, it's not that big of a deal." Butters looks up at the slightly shorter boy. "Y-you..you think so?" Kenny nodded his head. Butters smiles. "Thanks Kenny!" Kenny then starts to walk away, walking to his first period class.


Mid way through class and Kenny was bored. History was a waste of time he didn't know why it exists. It's just about some fucking dead guy who was known to be a racist and raped woman and children. Gross right? Kenny looks outdoors and saw a butterfly outside his window. It looked injured. Aw poor little guy. Kenny loved animals.

He looks to see if the teacher was looking. When he saw that she wasn't he slowly opened the window to let the butterfly in.. It was resting in his finger as it twitches in pain. "Aww, shh it's ok little guy I'm here to help." Kenny grabbed a spare bandage from his pocket. He gently placed it on the butterfly's wing making sure not to hurt it.

"Uhm..not trying to bother you or anything but ... I'm not sure that's how your supposed to treat a butterfly's wing.." Oh my God. It was Pip Pirrip. Kenny and the gang hated him back in elementary school and so did mostly everyone else besides Butters and Damien. He still wears that stupid hat from childhood, and he still sounds British. He cut his hair because he got tired of being mistaken for a girl and his voice had gotten deeper due to puberty.

"Yea I know that retard! I'm just doing this the ghetto way." Pip smiled a bit. "Oh ok!" He then turned and looked at the white board. Kenny rolls his eyes. Fucking asshole. Anyways. Where was he? Oh yea. He put the bandage on the butterfly and placed it down on the table. He watched carefully as the butterfly got up and started flying again.

It flew outside through the cracked window as Kenny smiled. "Oh wow! It really did work!" Kenny just looked at Pip and smacked him in the back of his head. "Shut up Pip." "OWWWwwW"




The four boys grab their lunch trays and walk along with the line of kids. "Hey are any of you guys going to the game tonight?" Stan asked as he looked at his friends. Kyle looked up from his book. Fucking nerd. Always reading or studying. Doesn't he got a life? "Uhm..I don't know, are you going to ACTUALLY be playing in the game?" Kyle asked smirking. Stan blushed in embarrassment. "Yes! I'm sure!"

Kyle smiles. "Then I'll go to support you, I guess." Kyle's eyes then goes back to the ink on the paper book. Stan then looks at Cartman and Kenny. Cartman already eating his food before he even paid. And Kenny, staring off into nothingness. Kenny was snapped back into reality by Stan's question that he didn't really hear.

"Yea I guess I'll go. I got nothing better to do." Cartman said rolling his eyes. Everyone looks at Kenny. "You going?" The boy was bewildered. "Uh. Going where?" Stan Rolls his eyes. "To the game." "Oh yea...uhm sure." By this point they already got to the front of the line. "Hey chef." The four boys all said in unison.

"Hello children!" They all rolled their eyes. "Chef, we're not kids anymore." Cartman said annoyed. "I know that! I'm just so used to calling you that." They all started paying for the food. "Chef, I'm going to be playing in the game tonight!" Stan said excitedly. "For real? You said that last game and you ended up sitting on the bench the whole game!" Kyle giggles.

"Yea I remember that. It was hailourous!" Stan blushed as he's whole face grew red from embarrassment. "Shut up Kyle! And no this time I'm telling the truth!"

Kyle, Cartman and Kenny continued to laugh as Chef smiled. "Alrighty then, let's see how true that is!" Stan then walks away too embarrassed to continue to stand there. Kyle and Cartman paid for their food and walked towards the table. Kenny checked his pocket and realized he didn't have any money. "You don't got money Kenny?" Chef asked. Kenny slowly nodded his head felling embarrassed.

He completely forgot he doesn't eat lunch because he's too poor. He couldn't believe he forgot. How could he forget? He was too busy spacing out about- "It's fine Kenny you could just take it." Kenny looked back at the man. He heard giggling and whispers from the other kids in the line.

"Jesus why'd he even come in the line I thought he was too poor to afford the food?" "Hey, he gets to have it for free while we have to pay, that isn't fair!" "Ew look at his jacket" "Wtf is he shaking? what a gross little freak."

Kenny let the whispers sink in. He felt himself want to...not cry because boys don't cry. Sadly. But. Want to get out of there. He needed to get out of there. He handed the tray to Chef. "No, it's ok chef... I'll be fine." He quickly turned around and left the lunch line. Embarassed.

Chef felt bad for the young boy as he glares at the other kids. He can't do much because he needs to serve those little shits food for money but if that wasn't the case he probably been telling all those spoiled brats off. Kenny put his hands in his pockets as he walks over to his friends table. He sat down gloomy as he started to space out again.




The ten year old boy stood in front of the mirror. He can't understand why no one cares. If he died again no one will care or miss him. Because he always comes back and they always forget. That's a glory of being him. He pulled out a pocket knife and a bottle of aspirin pills. He started breathing in and out. For some reason every time he was going to kill himself he was always scared to.

Not because he's scared of dying he died before but it's because he doesn't know for sure if he'll come back. And he really hopes he doesn't. He took a whole bunch of pills and started swallowing them. He kept grabbing and swallowing. Grabbing and swallowing. Grabbing and swallowing. Grabbing and swallowing.

Until there was no more left. He felt so light headed. His stomach hurts so much. But he's not done. He needs to make sure he dies faster because dying this way hurts like hell. Last time it took about 30 minutes to die. It hurt like fucking hell so he decided to bring a knife and cut his wrist.

He placed the knife on his left wrist and pressed into himself. Dark red blood traveling down his arm as he took the knife out and did the same to the other. He sat on the floor and leaned his head as he bleed out. He saw his life flash before his eyes like he does every time before he dies. Then.


"EVERYONE! THERE'S A FIGHT IN THE SCHOOL PARKING LOT!" Kenny stopped day dreaming as he looked up. It was Clyde holding a phone in his hand. It looks like he was recording. Clyde Donovan. He's eighteen now. He still pays Kenny for girl magazines and he throws the best parties. He actually hasn't thrown one in a while. Wonder why.

"YEAAAA! WORLD STAR BABY WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He started running down the hall as people followed. "C'mon guys let's go check this out!" Cartman said getting up. "Ugh I'm not going." Kyle said looking back at his book. "Whatever Jew. Stan, Kenny you coming?" Stan looks to the side. "I think I'm going to pass. We all know who's the one fighting." Kenny got up. "I'll go."

Cartman's eyes widened. "OK C'MON LET'S GO!"


End of chapter 1

Word count: 3,081

Date: June 20th 2022 2:02 pm

Sorry for any mistakes.

Thx for reading...

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