Tournament of the Elementals

By DrHallwayThe69th

211 0 0

"You thought yourselves to be these chosen warriors of destiny; to be these sworn protectors of this universe... More

An Offer You Can't Refuse
Walk of Shame
Opening Ceremony
Brother VS Brother: Steve VS Neos
Presence of More than One
Road to Redemption
Darkness Has Arrived
Teacher VS Student: James VS Ben
Readying for the Quarterfinals
Rematch of the Century: Steve VS Ghost
Fighting for a Promise
Darkness Settles In
Next In Line
Not the One at Fault
The Empowered Dragon: Steve VS Fallon
Light VS Darkness: Brine VS 303
Cracks In the Unbreakable Bonds
Darkness Consumes All: Steve VS 303
Bargaining With a Potential Ally
Round Two: Elementals VS 303

The Tournament of Warriors

39 0 0
By DrHallwayThe69th

The date is Saturday, October 9th, 2021. Steven Briggs, the king of TerraPrime City, had just left the city hall dressed in his now usual purple t-shirt with his black single sleeved hood, black pants, and black boots, after a long meeting with some allied leaders about implementing roads to travel from TerraPrime to neighboring kingdoms. Among the individuals there was Xander, dressed in a much more formal suit, who walked out with Steve. After making their way down the giant staircase that led to the front doors of City Hall, the two kings began walking along the street together, wishing to catch up with one another personally.

Xander: So, how have you been since everything that happened a few months back?

Steve: Honestly, I can't really complain. The city seems to be completely back to normal, so overall, I'd say everything's been doing alright. Although.. we did lose a few lives during everything...

Xander: Oh... I'm very sorry to hear that.

Steve: No need. I suppose it can't be helped. It's just that two hundred lives lost is a lot to take in.. especially when you're supposed to be the one in charge of protecting those lives...

Xander: I understand, but you should give yourself more credit than that. At the end of the day, catastrophe is always gonna bring about loss. You have to walk down the path of a hero willing to accept that no matter how hard you may try, you won't be able to save everyone. As hard as it may to accept, that's simply how things are in your shoes.

Steve: I guess you're right.. but that doesn't make it any less harder...

Xander: I know it doesn't, but trust me, even if some lives have been lost, there's lots that you've saved. Take Brine, for instance. Thanks to you, he now gets to return to living a normal life. Speaking of, how are things with you and him?

Steve: Oh, they're alright. I'll admit, it is kinda weird having him around all of a sudden, though; with the way he is now, I mean.

Xander: Yeah, I suppose that makes sense. He did turn from your mortal enemy to your biological father at the drop of a dime.

Steve: Yeah, and even though I trust he's truly changed and that Herobrine wasn't who he really is.. I still have a tough time finding it in my heart to call him Dad... Not to mention, even though he's been accepted into TerraPrime City after helping repair a lot of the damages he caused, there's still only a very small margin of people that accept him completely, and outside of me and the others, that small margin is almost nonexistent.

Xander: Well, if you ask me, I think everyone will come to accept him before it's all said and done. If you believe he's a different person than he was as Herobrine, I see no reason not to trust your judgment.

Steve: Thanks, Xander. Anyways, I should probably get going. I'm supposed to be meeting the guys and Ava at the food court for lunch.

Xander: Yeah, I need to be getting back to Como. It's been fun chatting with you, Steve.

Steve: Likewise. I'll see you around.

The two kings waved each other goodbye before walking in opposite directions. After a few minutes of walking, Steve had finally made it to the food court, with Neos, Sub, and Ava all seen waiting for him at one of the tiny round tables in the center. After getting their food, they each began to chat about anything and everything that came to their minds, with Steve and Ava sitting together on one side of the table, and Neos and Sub sitting on the other side.

Sub: So pretty much, the entire fight was over this one girl that they both liked, and it just ended up being a case of each one being jealous of the other every time she'd give one of them attention.

Neos: Ya know, maybe it's just where it's coming from a teacher, but Sub, your stories really make me wonder if I ever wanna have kids.

Ava: I don't know. I'd almost just say that Sub has a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Sub: Boy, I'll say. I'm to the point I almost wanna just let one of the fights play out so I can at least see who wins before having to fill out the paperwork. Sadly, though, I'm just too nice of a person to stop caring.

Steve: And that's why we all love you, Sub.

Sub: Yeah, no need to pat me on the back too much. I know I'm great.

Neos: Well, it's nice to see you've not lost an ounce of modesty.

The group all laughed at Neos' joking comment, only for the laugh to be used as a transition into another topic.

Neos: Anyways, have you guys heard anything about the tournament going on in Universe Olympus?

Steve: What tournament?

Sub: Wait, you mean you haven't heard? Dude, it's been the topic of the headlines lately. People from everywhere are signing up for it.

Steve: I can't say I've heard anything about it. Have you, Ava?

Ava: I have, but only a little bit.

Steve: Man, how am I the only one just now hearing about this?

Neos: Well, from what I've heard, it's called the "Tournament of Warriors." It's set to take next week starting Monday, and the winner will be crowned the strongest warrior in the multiverse.

Steve: Really? Do you know who all's signing up?

Neos: No, not really. Although, if I was a betting man, I'd say both Ghost and Reaver probably will.

Sub: Yeah, and I wouldn't say Ben and James are out of the question, either.

Steve: Well, what do you guys say we join in on the action? I mean, it's not like we have anything going on. Besides, I think it'd be nice for us to have a little bit of friendly competition rather than having to fight for our lives for a change.

Sub: Ya know what, you're right. We could use something like that to have a little fun.

Neos: Woohoo! Tournament of Warriors, here we come!

Steve: What do ya say, Ava? You in?

Ava: Sure! I think it'd be kinda fun.

Steve: Awesome! So today's Saturday, and the tournament starts Monday, so that gives us until tomorrow to get ready to go.

Sub: Sounds good. I'll start getting my stuff together.

Neos: Man, this is gonna be so cool!

Ava: Steve, do you think Brine would wanna join?

Neos: Oh yeah, Steve, he could come too!

Steve: I don't know... Keep in mind, not that many people have exactly warmed up to him quite like we have. Besides, I don't know if he'd really be down for the whole fighting portion of it.

Sub: Well, maybe this tournament could be a chance to get him reacquainted with people. Putting on a good performance could cause him to boost the court of public opinion on him.

Steve: Ya know what, Sub? You might be onto something, there. Alright, I'll ask him.

Neos: Sweet! I suppose in the meantime, we should all be getting ready ourselves then, huh?

Sub: Yeah. I'm gonna go head to my place right now and start getting ready to go.

Ava: Yeah, me too.

Steve: Alright. I'll see you guys then.

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