Loving the Enemy

By mydumbas

254K 4.2K 917

Book 1 of 2 When two of the biggest Mafia's are threatened, they are forced to work together to defeat the en... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 32

6.1K 97 59
By mydumbas

Ugh, who left the curtains open.

Ah, right. It was me.

The sun is shining so bright I'm afraid I might lose my sight.

Oh, that rhymes.

Letting out a groan, I tiredly roll out of bed, falling face first to the floor.

Fucking great.

With another annoyed groan I push myself, slowly but surely from the floor, coming to a stand.

But guess what: Ace kept his promise.

Waking me up in the middle of the night a few times he fucked me raw and sore.

And now I can't fucking stand.

That little bastard must've wakened up before me and pissed off to somewhere before I woke up.

Carrying myself on shaking legs with throbbing, and sore pussy, I complete my daily morning routine, taking a lot more than I usually do.

Getting out I walk to the bed, letting myself fall onto it and close my eyes.

But they immediately snap open again.


What did I do?

What did I do?!

I freaking slept with my archnemesis.

No, no, no, no, no!


Am I supposed to tell the ladies?

What will they say?

Will they hate me?

Oh, no...

I truly fucked up.

I shouldn't get so carried away.

But it was so... fan-fucking-tastic...

I just know for sure if I would tell Levi she would go all momma and start teaching me on how to not sleep with your enemy.

Speaking of the devil.

There she comes storming into my room, not even trying to be quiet.

"Oh, you're awake. Great."

"Even though I wish I wasn't." I murmur, barely audible.

"Oh baby, you look like shit. Ares boy must've fucked you real good." She takes a seat on the unmade bed with a 'knowing smirk'.

Oh but baby you don't know anything...

I sigh.

"What? What is wrong?" She panics.

"I never fucked Ares."

"Yeah, but he fucked you right?" She frowns.

I scoff, "And neither did Ares fuck me." I give her a glance from my position.

"Wait, but who fucked you then? Because it for sure didn't come from alcohol. You clearly didn't sleep enough, and your legs are still visibly shaking." I glance at my legs and damn she's right. I didn't even notice. "So, someone must've done a real good number on you."

I want to say no one, but my mouth betrays me, quickly blubbering it out. "Itwasace."

"Come again?" She cups her ear, knitting her brows together.

"I fucked Ace, okay?" I say a bit too loud.

In shock she jumps up, looking down at me in shock. "You fucked Ace?! The Ace de Luca?!"

"Yes, now stay qui-"

"Who fucked who?" Vanessa is standing in the doorway, a hand on her hips and the other holding the doorframe.


"Anna and Ace fucked!"


Man, they are both way too loud.

"Okay, guys rela-" I am by now sitting up, looking back at the two chicks going crazy as they both shout at each other about how me and Ace fucked.

I try to calm them down, to no success.

They are by now both on the bed standing there and looking down at me in disbelieve, arguing about how I was probably, which is practically true, the bottom one, and spatulating about the positions that we probably made it in, to which I might add, almost every single one of them is true.

Walking as fast as I can to the door on my wobbling legs, and then I am shutting I as aggressively as I can, getting their attention again.

"Please, people. Shut the fuck up!"

"Woah, okay. Calm down Jamal." Vanessa rolls her eyes, plopping down on the bed, followed by Levina.

I point a warning finger at her and she lift her arms in defeat, looking down to the floor as if it suddenly looks so interesting.

"May I please explain what happened first before you jump to any conclusions?"

"I mean what is there big to tell? Ace fucked you through the whole night I mean-"

"Shut up Levina."


"Oh, wow okay."

15 minutes or so later we are all sitting on the bed again.

"At least it was good right?" Levina shrugs, looking down at her crossed legs.

"Vanessa?" I give her uncertain look.

"Okay. Now that you revealed your so-called secret: I need to tell you something too." Vanessa looks at me unsurely.


"Enzo and I kissed."

"What?!" Levina jumps up again, as if we told her Mateo is dead.

"God, Levina stop being so dramatic. Anna literally fucked our enemy. I only kissed him. Well, he did."

My mouth falls open.

I mean, I fucked Ace and that not once if you wanna say it like that, but I'm still shocked.

Levina collapses back on the bed, leaning skin to skin into Vanessa. "Is he at least a good kisser?" She whispers creepily.

God, Levi should get laid again, she's so damn lonely.

"First of all, stop staring at me like a creep," Levi retreats with a huff and eye roll, crossing her arms as if we offended her. "and second, get laid you lonely ass sex-less bitch."

"You still didn't answer my question." Levina remarks in an offended tone.

"Yes, because I'm not about to tell you all the details. But only for your information: yes, it was good." She looks anywhere but us as Levina starts squealing like a fan girl would, finding out that Artic Monkeys have reunited.

"Can we please stop talking about it? Levi? What is going on between you and Mateo? I saw you had a fight yesterday again."

Levi's squeals have quietened down and now a scowl lays on her face. She lets out a loud huff, avoiding eye contact.

"We don't talk about him."


Her finger flies to my lips, shushing me.






"Ah- ahh- no- absolutely not."

I sigh.

Hesitantly she removes her fingers from my lips, squinting her eyes at me.

She's probably thinking about some ways to knock me out right now, so I better shut up.

Levi looks like the woman you would be too afraid to talk to because she glares at you 24/7 unconsciously and would kill you the second you say something she doesn't like.

It's true. She would.

But she's also a super softie.

She gets attached to people way too fast if she believes she could trust them.

She only ever had one long relationship boyfriend, who in the end, cheated on her with her cousin.

After that she started focusing, unhealthily might I add, focusing on work, not going out if it's not for work and sitting day and night at the desk.

But that's not my story to tell.

It's hers to tell, in her own story.

"Now let's switch themes."


No one is talking and the room is so fucking silent you could hear a pin drop.

Unexpectedly the door slams open.

Looking over my shoulder, I find Kiyoko standing there, breathing heavily, a worried expression on her face and tears threatening to fall.

With no hesitation we leap up from the bed and hurry over to Kiyo.

"Kiyoko, what is it?" I ask hurriedly.

She gulps hard, having struggles to express her words.

"Sebastian is gone."


"What is the meaning of this?!"

Harshly opening Mateo's office door, the four of us spot Alex, Enzo, Mateo, Daishi and Ace on several computers, well expect Ace and Enzo.

Mateo gets up from his chair, calmly walking toward us. "Anna, calm down and sit down first. We're already at it."

"Sit down my ass! I want to know what the fuck happened and where the fuck Sebastian is!"

Behind me the girls slowly round me and walk to the couch where almost everyone expect Alex are seated.

"Anna, calm down that's what we're trying to fucking figure out."

Even if there are bombs exploding in the area, Mateo is as calm as he can be.

This motherfucker only loses his temper twice or less a year.

Sometimes it's a good thing but right now I want to slap that bitch for trying to calm me down and for being so calm himself.

"Stop telling me to calm down and tell me what happened." I say through gritted teeth.

"Now, Anna, that's what I was trying to do. But I prefer if you sit your stubborn fucking ass down. And listen. Understand?"

With a glare I sit down besides Levina, facing Ace, who sits there with his legs spread apart with no care in the world on what is going on right now.

Daishi starts talking. "So, yesterday, after the mission, we went home earlier because Kiyo didn't feel well. While we were walking Sebastian stared behaving weird, and not moments before we wanted to enter the car, he said he would be coming back later and that we should drive off without him. Seems like that evening he didn't return a-"

"And you weren't fucking concerned? You idiot could've gone with him. Or at least wait for him. If he was behaving weird already why the fuck would you leave him alone?!"

"I didn't think it would be this serious Anna! And I had to take care of Kiyo so I kind of lost track of everything!"

From the corner of my eyes, I can see Ace giving Daishi a suspicious look.

I remain silent and he takes that as a sign to continue. "Today we received a package with this phone inside it," he holds up an old burner phone "containing only one video." He gulps and hands me the phone.

Oh god. Sebastian.

Not even playing yet, the video displays Sebastian, tied to a chair with bruises, blood and cuts.

He looks so miserable. I want to hug him if I could because that is probably what he needs most right now.

I start playing the video and it starts with some guy giving Seb a hard punch to the face. The guy looks well build in a skinny way, with enough muscles and wide shoulders.

A maniac laugh escapes that pricks mouth and then he is turning to the camera.

My breath hitches.

It's the guy from the restaurant that evening we got attacked.

It seems he has escaped, but only with a big, fresh scar running down the left side of his face.

He truly looks like a maniac, especially with that scar.

"Hello, there." He speaks with a thick accent and a voice almost resembling IT's fucking voice but more... human? you could say...

"I'll get straight to point. I speak for dearest friend, of course you already know name, Eikichi Daisen Iwasaki. He is proposing you small deal in return for little friend here." He flicks Seb's forehead, giving another disgusting laugh from him, exposing his damn yellow teeth nobody wanted to see, literally giving me a shiver. From behind him Seb only glares at him, like I am probably now too, with disgust and hate.

"Anna Giovanni and Ace de Luca." He is suddenly serious now, getting closer to the camera. "Tonight, will come another message on this burner phone you have there. In there stand information on where to meet. It will only be the four of us and your little friend here. If you bring any back up," he points to Seb, and then draws a line on his neck with his other fingers, adding a weird sound to it. "We make a deal and this war ends. Nobody hurt. You decline, your friend dead and you, too. It's all in your hands." With one last cackle from the man, the video ends.

That's it.


It's silent as everyone waits for me to say something.

And after a few minutes of an empty brain with no thoughts, the first thing jumps out my mouth. "What have you found out from the guy yesterday?"

Mateo answers first, how always calm and put together. "He talked about the guy in the video. His name is Aoi Kei Miura. Born on 25th July 1976 in Takayama, a small town in Japan. Moved to Yokohama when he was 13 and there, he met Eikichi Daisen Iwasaki, the only son of the Japanese Mafia leader Kōji Akio Iwasaki. And from there on started their story." Mateo ends, his hands in his pockets, leaning against his office desk, his gaze focused on the door.

"And how's the relation to that dealer?" Vanessa questions.

"Nothing special. They went to the club together a few times just for fun, but more often met up in abandoned houses and traded money for poison. Or the worst case, kidnapped a girl, raped her and then sold her organs to the black market. In general, Braylon Cripple had never had real contact to Iwasaki, only indirectly through messengers or in this case, Aoi Kei Miura."

I let out a heavy breath.

"Did you kill him?"



I don't know what to say.

We don't have any details to plan and the probability of the meet being not hours away from when the envelope arrives is high.

I look around, everybody is quiet, however Daishi has an amused but furious expression placed on his face.

Then he speaks up. "How does Iwasaki know our every move? It's already certain we have a mole. But it is one of us." His words hit me hard.

He has a point.


Would really anyone betray us? Betray me?

His head lifts and he stands up, landing a glare to Ace.


"And the only possible moles I believe there are, are the two of you. Ever since you came into the game everything went downhill."

"Daishi, this is-"

Ace stands too, nearing Daishi, he holds up a hand to me and stops me mid-talk. "No, Anna. Let me."

A bitter expression passes his face. "Listen here, scumbag." I go to stand but Ace pushes me back to sit. "If I wanted to kill Anna and her friends I would've done it a long time ago, in a more easier way. I'm no coward. It's way too complicated way to ask another damn Mafia under my rank to kill someone I could kill myself." Daishi's hands fist itself by his sides.

"Now you are right." Ace continues, his hands now put in his suit pants. "We do have a mole. And it is someone of you. And why wouldn't I think you are the mole? After all, since you came into the game, everything went downhill. Not when I came. I was there from the start."


"What, Anna?! Just because he's your 'friend' you think he can't betray you? That's your problem. At this time and situation, you shouldn't trust anyone." He claims calmly, turning his full attention to me now. "Didn't you notice? You really trust him with your life? He could be the one to stab you when you're asleep. I have a bad feeling about this guy and I'm going to trust it because I'm always right."

Oh, that little shit thing.

But that so said shit thing isn't finished yet. "You want to trust him. Fine. I actually don't give a shit. But when he is the one who betrayed you then don't say I didn't warn you."

Oh, fuck you Ace de Luca.

Furiously I jump up, getting right into his face. "Oh but I should trust you? My one and only archnemesis for years, someone who I tried to kill for years and years, sadly unsuccessfully!"

His hands visibly fist in his pockets. "I never said you should trust me. I said to not trust anyone, Anna."

"Oh, come one Ace!" I throw my hands in the air, releasing a breath. "It's clear you are trying to get me to your side and get me to trust you." I stab a finger into his chest. "But guess what fucker! Just because you fucked me doesn't mean I suddenly trust you!"

Oh no.

In a flash my brother put aside the computer and stalks up to Ace, who is looking at me furiously.

Almost everyone expect the girls look surprised. Not even Lorenzo looks to have known anything the slightest bit.

"You fucked my sister?!"

Ace calmly turns his gaze to Alex behind the sofa. "Yes, I did. Now what? You want me to say sorry?"

"You're going to regret this you fucker."

"No. But I am truly a fucker. The one who fucked your precious little sister."

Alex glares at Ace from behind the sofa, fists clenched hard and jaw locked.

Calmly walking around the sofa, Alex closes the small distance between him and his provoker.

"I hope you rot in hell de Luca."

"Oh, don't worry. I think that's already set. I'll see you there." He remarks with a smirk on his already smug looking face.

In less than a few seconds Alex' gun is pulled out and pointed directed at Ace's forehead.

But Ace only chuckles, the smirk forming into a small grin.

And then there's a gun pointed to my abdomen.

And then again to the side of Ace's head, from Daishi.

And a gun to Daishi's head, Enzo's gun.

I take a big breath in.

I want to cry.

I want to cry because all this is too much.

I'm scared I might not get my best friend back.

That everything will turn around and I will not just lose Sebastian but also my other friends if something happens to him.

And I'm scared to find out who the real betrayer is.

I know that whoever it is, it will only break me more. Take the rest of my shattered pieces with me and leave.

"You want to shoot me? Do it. But before you can even pull the trigger, I pulled the trigger on you sister Alexander."

"Try it. I dare you Ace." Daishi warns. "But I will pull the trigger on you a second later."

"And then Lorenzo pulls the trigger on you, Youlan." Ace glares at him.

"It's enough! I have enough of you guys. I have enough of you constantly bickering about some stupid, irrelevant shit! You all act like fucking children in kindergarten and I'm sick of it. Behave like damn adults and maybe you'll see, you'll have maybe just a little bit of respect for each other!"

We all turn our head in surprise.

Did Mateo just... lash out?

But he is not finished yet.

"So what? Ace fucked Anna. Okay. I was surprised, too. That's a fucking miracle happening! But Anna can do whatever the fuck she likes to do." He gives Alex a certain look. "Now. If we could focus on the real problem right now. That would be great." Now he's a little bit calmer again. "And if the two of you, Ace and Lorenzo, don't want to have to do anything with this problem, then you can leave and figure out a plan on your own. We'll inform you when we get the envelope. But don't cause any more trouble than there already is. I care about my friends, and right now, one of them is in danger. So please. Put the guns away, put them on this table, sit down and calm the fuck down."

The others don't even hesitate and pass the guns over to Mateo, who, not so gently, throws them in his desk drawer.

I sit back down, and to my surprise Ace and Lorenzo do too after passing each other a look.

With a neutral expression, I calmly ask Ace the question of why he is here.

"I don't really care about your friend. But if I really need to prove to you that I am not the mole, if that wasn't already obvious, and that you can somehow trust me to have your back and work with you, then I'll help you save your friend."

I'm speechless. But I don't let that show.

I simply nod and turn my attention to Mateo, who has walked to the end between the two couches, keeping an eye on the two of us.

I do truly feel like a child right now getting scolded.

We start talking about how we will act if we get the message. Having lunch and a few snacks.

And then we wait and wait. Waiting for the message to arrive.

Eating dinner and drinking wine.

And at 6 pm. It arrives.


Hello guys once again:)

Finally finished this chapter and i hope you liked it :3


favorite ship?

see u next time my loves<333

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