Tubbo Oneshots {NO SMUT}

By Animesimp190

48 1 1

This is just another one shot of the dreamSMP but this time IM doing it 😌 Requests are ALWAYS opens (unles... More

Just one more time.

Tubox (Ansgt + Fluff)

29 1 0
By Animesimp190

  You can here pitter patter and laughter along the Snow White forest, "stay where I can see you" a man well in his middle age with blond hair said" the kids heard his statement but was to busy playing, "what am I going to do with y'all" the man said under his breath. "DADDDDZAAA TECHNO KEEPS HITTING ME" The youngest boy out of the four said running back to the dad, he had dirty blond hair much like the old man, "He's lying Dad" A boy with pink hair that must be techno said running after the dirty blond one, "Tommy, Techno." The man said with a Stern voice, than a boy with brown hair came walking back to the group of boys. "dad I found something" they all looked back at the brown hair boy. "What is it wil?" The youngest boy who must be tommy said, wil or Wilbur ignored the boy who was questioning him and walked up to Phil. "What is it son?" Phil asked "It a box, which I think has letters on the side saying 'Tubbox'" Phil now confuse on what to do with this new information ask "and what's in the box?" "I don't know but I heard moving and came to you" Wilbur said looking around "where's techn-" "BO" before Wilbur could finish his question the pink haired boy came behind the browned hair boy and scared him,"WHYYYYYY" is all Wilbur shouted as he climbed onto Phil. As techno and Wilbur bickered, Tommy started to whine that he wanted to see what was inside the box Wilbur point out before. "Alright, Alright boys let's go see this box of yours wilbur" Phil said as he started to walk in the direction wilbur pointed in.

After a few minutes they finally came across the box wilbur found, "there it is" wilbur said now hiding behind techno who look unamused "this is what your scared of? You baby" techno said looking behind to see wilbur glaring at him. As wilbur tried to convince techno that he wasn't a baby, and Phil trying to stop them from fighting again, Tommy went up to the box and looked inside of it, His gasped is what made the three boys who was arguing look at Tommy, "W-what's in it" stuttered Wilbur, "A Boy!" Tommy said as he looked at Phil, This caught Phils attention and he came to the side of Tommy to look at the boy in the box, and just as Tommy said there was a boy sleeping in the box, he was holding a bee plushy, he had messy brown hair and there where snow flakes, leaves, and little branch's in it, the poor boy was shivering. Phil saw this and his heart dropped, who would leave a child in the middle of nowhere? Especially when it was snowing, Phil scoop the little boy in his arms and told the three boys to shush and let the little brown hair boy sleep.

About 30 minutes they finally arrived at a average size cottage in the woods, Phil whispered "Techno, Tommy, and Wilbur I'm going to put this boy in my room no one is allowed in there till he has woken up alright?" They all nodded and Phil left. "What's that all about" question Wilbur "Dadza always had a soft spot for children that's been Abandon, I think it reminds him of his past" answer Techno who was walking to the couch with Tommy on his back. Tommy was also asleep but techno didn't feel like putting him in his room so he just laid him on the couch and sat beside the sleeping boy as he turn on the T.V. Wilbur scoffed at this and picked Tommy back up , and walking to Tommy's room.

Phil laid the sleeping boy in his bed and put the covers up to the boys neck "sleep tight" Phil said as he was about to give him a kiss on the head but then realized that the boy was in fact not one of his kids, he got up and left the room, making sure he didn't make to much noise to not wake the boy from his sleep. He walked out of the room and went to the living room and sat next to techno

  A few hours later the boy in the bed woke up, he rubbed his eyes and looked around, "where am I" He ask, he's eyes shot open and looked around patting the bed, only calming down when he felt his bee plushy. The boy got up and walked out of the room, he was careful not to make a sound. It looked to be around midnight so the little Boy guessed no one was wake and tiptop to the living room, only to see a sleeping man with blond hair and a green hat with white lines covering he's eyes. The little boy with Brown hair cover his mouth as he gasped and walked back slowly, to not wake the man up, he then turned around to see a tall man with glass looking at him. The little boy couldn't see anything but the man's silhouette so he dropped down on the ground, put one hand over one of his ear while the other hand was wrapped protectively around the bee plushy, He screamed so loud it woke Phil up with a startle and had techno running out of the room with Tommy behind him. The little boy was screaming and crying now, he was so confused where he was, who these people where, he just wanted he mommy and daddy back. The man in-front of the cry boy was trying his best to calm him down but every time he came close the little boy would scream louder. Techno grab Wilbur's shoulder and moved Wilbur back next to him and Tommy as Phil came up behind him and sat down next to him careful not to touch the boy. "Hey" Phil whispered which made the crying boy jump and looked at him "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise" said Phil the little boy was now sniffing but calming down as he keep distance between the two, "what's your name?" Phil said in a calming voice "t-Toby" he started "b-but I would rather you c-call me Tubbo" "ok Tubbo how old are you" Phil continue trying to distract Tubbo from why he was crying "5" Tubbo said as he hold up five fingers "Me to!" Tommy butted in, he didn't know what was going on but wanted to be included. "Tommy" Techno whispered at him, that's when Tubbo and Tommy made eye contact, Tubbo giggle "what's your name?" "Big man Tommy" Tommy said proudly, Tubbo then got up and walked over to Tommy still kind of anxious about the new people he meet "Hi Tommy" Tubbo wave and Tommy waved back, Phil looked at techno and Wilbur who looked equally confused, "my name is Wilbur" Wilbur said "Techno" The pink boy said right after Wilbur " and I'm philza" philza started "but everyone calls me Phil"

It took a few weeks but Tubbo finally felt a little better about the people he was now living with, Tubbo was now sharing a room with Tommy, Tommy now curious asked Tubbo why he was in a box "that's because mama told me to stay" Tubbo said as he was playing with techno's hair. Everyone who lived in the house was in the living room listening to Tubbo speak "She said she would come back but Never did, I think she forgot about me like she always does" the last part was barely above a whisper, Only techno was the one to hear that part, but he decide not to say anything. Tubbo's hands started to shake so he quickly put his hands on the bee plushy that was laying right next the him. "What's with that plushy?" Tommy ask "why do you take it around every where" "it was my first and last gift" Tubbo said hugging it "from who" Phil ask "From Daddy! Before he took me to live with my mama" Tubbo chirped as he sat down next to Tommy who was now watching The T.V. Phil looked at Techno who only shrugged back. They were going to have to get to know this little boy better if they wanted to find his home again.

1410 words above that line ;-;
But I'm finish and hope who ever is reading this likes it was much as I did while I was writing this bye xoxoxo

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