Shattered Promises

Von TaylorAndShawnee

195 1 3

Ever Smith is the beta of the Daylight Pack, and had a best friend; Grizzly Edwards. He was always picked on... Mehr

Shattered Promises

195 1 3
Von TaylorAndShawnee

Otayyyy, so this story is written by me, Shawnee/Poptarts. Idk if Taylor is ever going to write anything on here besides poems, but who knows? She might surprise meh. :3

This is All Rights Reserved, everything is fiction and it all belongs to me, Shawnee Weber.

Running. That's what I was doing; running for my life. I knew this was just a dream, but I couldn't wake up for some reason. I needed to, but I couldn't. My eyes wouldn't open. I was blind in my own world that my mind had so devilishly created. Something was chasing me; I knew it. I HAD to get away from it. God, help me now. Please...

I started awake. Looking around the darkened room, I felt the cold sweat running down my neck and arms. This dream had been haunting me for the past month now, and I couldn't shake it no matter what. I looked at my clock beside my bed; 6:00. Half an hour before I had to get up to get ready for school,  but I decided to get up anyway. There was no way I could get back to sleep with that nightmare.

I swung my legs out of the bed and got up, walking across the room to my dresser. My clothes had already been picked out by my families maid, Aria. I pulled on the black and white striped tank-top and the white skinny jeans, brushing my long black and white hair. My blue eyes looked tired so I went to the bathroom and splashed some water on them. I heard my door creak open and a soft whimper sounded. I looked behind me and saw my black wolf, James, peering at me through the darkness.

"Come here, buddy." I whispered, walking over to him and crouching down, rubbing his head softly. "What's up?"

He yipped quietly, turning in a circle.

"You want out? Okay."

I went down the stairs of my pack house, opening the door and letting him out. You may be asking Pack? What Pack?

Well, I'm a werewolf. I'm the Beta of the Daylight Pack, actually. My name is Ever Smith.

James whimpered at me and let out a little yip.

"What is it, James/" I whispered. He whined and looked at the house, flattening his ears. I looked up and saw a light on in my best friend's room. "What's Grizzly doing now?" I muttered.

I went back inside with James, walking up the stairs and knocking on Grizzly's door.

I heard some shuffling before the words "Come in." sounded.

Opening the door a bit, I saw my lanky glasses-ridden best friend sitting on his bed with a textbook open. "What's up?" I asked. James came in and jumped on the bed, laying down across it. Grizzly looked at me.

"Nothing, really. Just studying for the math test tomorrow. What about you?"

I looked down. "Can't sleep..." I muttered.

"Nightmares again?" he asked.


He sighed. "Well, I have to go to bed now. I hope you stop having those nightmares, though. Just because your dad was killed by a rouge doesn't mean that you should have nightmares about it."

I flinched at those words. "Don't talk about that, okay?" I growled. "Please. Just... Drop it."

Running back to my room, I heard Grizzly calling my name, but I didn't turn back. I slammed my door and locked it, sinking to the ground and letting out silent sobs. My dad was a very touchy subject for me, so I didn't like talking about him.  I sank into a deep sleep, finally not having the nightmare.


After a few hours, I woke up to the bright sunlight shining in my eyes. I groaned and stood up, stretching my back. It hurt from sitting next to the door for so long asleep. James was whining outside my door, so I opened it and let him in. He sighed and laid on my bed. I went downstairs to where Lila Wynters, the Luna of my pack, was cooking. Mike, her husband, was sitting at the table drinking coffee. I  sat down at the table and yawned. Mike looked up from reading the newspaper and laughed.

"Tired much?" he asked.

"Indeed." I yawned.

"Well, my young beta, you'll have to get used to that." he laughed.

“Why?” I asked.

Lila set down a plate full of bacon on the table, and my super senses picked up all of the pack members stirring as the scent of bacon filled the house. “Because you’ll be helping training the younger, weaker links.” she said, turning back to the oven. I bristled, knowing exactly who she was talking about. Nobody here, except for me, liked Grizzly. He was considered weak and stupid, even though he was the smartest in our class.

I heard Grizzly coming down the stairs; his soft tread was nothing you could miss. He took a plate of bacon and went to sit outside on the lawn, where he always sat no matter what. Even if it was colder than ice. I didn’t understand why, though; he was a complete idiot when it came to that. I think he was driven to it because everybody would make fun of him.

My other best friend, Hannah, came down and fell on the couch. She was Grizzly’s twin sister, but she wore contacts instead of glasses, and she was stronger than him. She hated him as well.

“What’s up, Hannah bear?” I asked, sitting on the couch with her. She groaned and opened her eyes to look at me.

“Life sucks.” she whined.

I chuckled. “How?” I started to play with her hair.

“Because I have to get up from now on at 6 in the morning! Do you know how bad the sucks?!” she growled.

I nodded. “Yeah, I know. I wake up every single flacking morning at 6 because of nightmares.”

“That also sucks.” she said.

I nodded again. “Oh yeah. Come on, let’s go eat. After that, it’s training time.”

She sighed and got up, following me to the table.


“Come on, Hannah! I know you can do better than that!” I yelled. Training others was fun. I could act like a drill sergeant, especially since I was probably one of the best younger fighters in the Pack. I was only 10 and a half, almost 11. That’s pretty young to be a beta, and very young to be the best fighter in the pack. But, I matured quickly.

Hannah glared at me through icy blue eyes. Her fur was golden, like the sun. Yes, we were all shifted- except for me- for the training session. James was outside, sitting down next to me with a red baseball hat on and a golden whistle around his neck. He barked at Hannah, and she rolled her eyes, going back to attacking Mikey, Mike’s son. Yes, his name was Mike, Jr. No, I don’t know why. I think they were drunk, because they didn’t agree on it being Mike, Jr. Or so I had heard. My mom said that it was going to be Jacob.

Mikey attacked Hannah, latching onto her foreleg. She howled in pain and shook him off, turning around and kicking him in the jaw. He flew backward and hit a tree, dazed. She barked in pleasure, because she had won. I nodded, but then shifted into my wolf. As a wolf, I was black with a white stripe down my back and white paws. My eyes were a deep, dark blue. I trotted up to Hannah and spoke to her through our communication link.

Attack me. I said.

No. She said, shaking her head.

Don’t be a wuss, Hannah. sighed Mikey. She growled at him and lunged at me, but I sidestepped at just the right time.

Come on, Hannah. Even I know you can do better than that.

Well, I don’t want to hurt you. she sighed.

You won’t hurt me; the worst you could do would be biting me really hard on the shoulder. I joked.

Fine. she sighed, lunging at me again. She knocked me over,  and I growled in surprise. I started to pummel her stomach with my hind paws, then pushed her off. She flew off of me and hit the tree pretty hard, but she still got up. I pounced on her, pushing her to the ground and biting into her neck. She whimpered and blacked out. I heard Grizzly come out of the house, and saw him looking at us. I shifted back to my human form and went over to the extra set of clothes I had out. He looked away and blushed, although I don’t know why. We all see each other naked all the time.

I put on my clothes and went up to him. “Hey. Here to train?” I asked.

He shook his head. “No. It’s almost time for school.”

I gasped. “SCHOOL EVERYBODY!!” I yelled. All the young pack members got up and ran inside, except for Hannah, who was still asleep. I walked over to her and kicked her lightly. She stirred and woke up, looking up at me.

“TIme to get ready for school, Hannah bear.”


 At school, I was walking down the hall with Hannah and Julie, my other friend, when I saw Grizzly getting beat up on by some jocks.

“Hey, nerd.” one sneered, throwing a punch at his face. He blocked it and stood up, running down the hall with them all behind him. I sighed and looked at his retreating figure, sad. He needed to learn how to fight back; but he didn’t want to, ever. I had tried before, but it didn’t work. He just kept on getting beat up.

I walked into my science class and sat down next to Julie, staring at the board blankly. It said something about plate tectonics, but I honestly wasn’t paying attention. I was too busy feeling sorry for Grizzly. I wish I could help him, which I usually do, but I won’t be there his whole life. He’ll have to be on his own sometime...


After school, I went home and up to Grizzly’s room to talk to him. But instead of him, I saw a note laying on his bed. I opened it and started to read.

To whom it may concern,

I’m sorry, but I had to leave. I can’t take it here anymore. Don’t bother looking for me; I won’t come back. Ever. Ever, if you are reading this, I just wanted to say that I will miss you, and I will cherish our friendship for years to come. I wish this wouldn’t have happened, but it did. Goodbye, everybody...



I took it down to Mike and Lila. Lila took one look at it and shook her head. “Sorry, Ever, but he’s gone.”

“Can’t say I’m sorry.” said Mike. “He wasn’t a very good addition to the pack.”

I growled at them and threw the letter on the ground. “HOW COULD YOU TWO BE SO RUDE?!”

“What’s wrong, Ever?” asked Lila, staring at me in concern.


“I’m sorry, Ever. Please, just calm do-” started Mike.


I Ran outside and shifted, running into the forest. James barked and came outside, running with me. We raced for a bit, before we reached a sparkling river. I stopped and laid down next to the river, staring into it’s clear depths. James laid down with me, and we stared into the water together.
