they wish they were us | cona...

By nyxonoverthere

2.1K 79 134

When Conan's childhood friend Noah Tanaka moves to his town, he hadn't expected *this*. Butterflies in his st... More

1. coin for good luck
2. personality of a tampon
3. right amount of wasabi sauce
4. an entire garden on you
5. someone else
6. men tbh
7. 'date'
8. symptoms of dying
9. pink, yellow & blue
10. seventy five kids
11. my darling Noah, sunshine of my life
12. father church
13. feelers with feelings
14. we
15. pandora's box
16. a fitting name
17. dizzy spells
18. taser
19. a demon who devours
20. idiot
21. a hair on his head
22. ex crush???
23. recipe for disaster
24. boyfriend
26. gears of a clock
27. paint thinner
28. someone did see
29. the dead are asleep
30. best platonic bro
31. under wraps

25. letterman jacket

51 2 0
By nyxonoverthere

a/n: watch me a write a filler. they ll be happy before i shatter their world and make them grow as people 


> Noah's Phone <

>> Instagram <<


noahfuckingtanaka  this is @Jesslikesapplepie hacking Noah's account and posting his pretty face so I can get your attention. DM either one of us for cat noods. Also, convince him to get twitter so we can talk shit about the neurotypicals 👹


jazz.mine69 i didnt know u were korean (📌Pinned by noahfuckingtanaka) 

   Jesslikesapplepie asian or smth idk 🥱

Jesslikesapplepie no because if ur account was public, WE WOULD HAVE STARTED A CAT NOODS BUSINESS I HATE U 

   noahfuckingtanaka I love you. I am fragile. 

      Jesslikesapplepie sigh whatever same 

conangray i ll take the noods 

   Jesslikesapplepie whore (Liked by noahfuckingtanaka and conangray)

   noahfuckingtanaka I had a feeling you were a furry. (Liked by conangray)

ashole tbh. 

ai.aiko.ko ur mom.

   noahfuckingtanaka My mom can actually do your mom.(Liked by ai.aiko.ko)



Conan: Is it weird to say I kinda miss you already?

Conan: I miss u. WHO ALLOWED THIS??

>>>3 Hours Later<<<

Noah: I KNOW. I got so bored without you that I took a nap that turned into a coma.

Conan: I miss u

Conan: so much sigh

Conan: never thought I d have a honeymoon phase but its u so <3

Conan: never thought I d be doing quadruple texting but its u so <3

Noah: Never thought I would a tolerate a man but it's you so <3

Conan: skskkssks when can I see u again?

Conan: never thought I d ask for another date on the same day but u r my boyfriend so <3

Noah: Uh, day after tomorrow is Sunday. You could meet me at the store or at my house in the morning.

Noah: Never thought I would invite a boy a to make out but it's you so <3

Conan: Since u asked so nicely <3

Conan: sjjsssjjs I ll be there, No.

Noah: I really like it when you call me that.

Conan: WAIT


Conan: NEVER

Ma <3

Diane: You're alright at home, right?

Diane: how much water have u drunk today?

Diane: its cold today. U should sleep in, baby

Noah: I am at home, in the backyard, just sitting.

Noah: Like I always do haha.

Noah: I do feel anxious though. Don't worry. It's just a little. I just need to figure out what it is about.

Diane: u feel good enough for scrabble night?

Noah: I probably will. Besides, I am gonna recharge my social battery on Saturday and Shelly is basically my second mom.

Diane: speaking of second mom. We have wedding news!

Diane: we ll tell u tonight. U could help us pick honeymoon and wedding destinations


Diane: we don't know yet but we COULD!!!

Noah: Are you having a baby or something?

Noah: Can we call them Penny?

Diane: uh, no baby. We re both really old to take care of one and you're enough for us, given u visit every two months from college

Diane: I am sorry. Did we get ur hopes up or something?

Noah: No, not really. I was just wondering.

Diane: when I first saw u, I thought u were the cutest baby alive

Diane: u had the prettiest eyes and u d blink at me all the time. It was almost as though u were judging me n guessing who I was supposed to be to u

Diane: Don't even get me started on how chubby ur cheeks were. It was love on first sight

Diane: I m not sure if me n shelly can feel that for any kid alive

Noah: I think I am half you. Half dad, face wize.

Diane: Yeah, you r. Your half assed jawline is so him

Noah: I wish he'd stayed around.

Diane: we would ve never worked out, no chan. He wasn't a woman n even if he were I don't think we could have worked out even then

Diane: at most, I m glad our collaboration birthed u

Noah: I know, I know. I just wish he hadn't physically ghosted us and tried to be an active parent still.

Diane: he does love u. a lot

Noah: It's more like I keep begging more and he gives me crumbs.

Noah: Has he sent something?

Diane: Nothing. I don't think he will

Noah: Alright.

Diane: I can tell u r upset. Should I pick u up? We could have ice cream at the desk

Noah: I think I am gonna stop talking about him from now.

Noah: Yes please.

Noah: That isn't trouble, right?

Diane: shut up. U r my spawn

Diane: How'd ur date w conan go btw?

Noah: Really good.

Diane: how good?

Noah: I might have a boyfriend. Ssh.

Diane: I want to know EVERYTHING during dinner.


Mom <3

Shelly: I hear ur date went well

Shelly: ur mama says we should have him over for dinner

Shelly: I did see him kissing u btw

Noah: IT DID!!!

Noah: He agreed to be my boyfriend! Like WITH WORDS AND EVERYTHING!!

Noah: Thanks for the free pass at the clothes store.

Shelly: it was nothing. I m just happy u r happy

Shelly: he doesnt touch u inappropriately or coerce u into sex right?

Noah: No, no, I promise, he doesn't. I told him no for all of that and he's cool with it.

Shelly: good. I know we say times r changing but some men never do

Shelly: if he does try something, u ll tell us right? Or at least to ur mama?

Noah: That won't happen but I promise.

Shelly: I love u. I was just checking

Noah: I knowww. Love you too.


The place is flooding with people today. It feels strange to see so many people he didn't know lived in his town. It's crawling with strangers on dates, parents with bratty kids that are misbehaving to get things and twelve years old on some laser tag birthday party.

He stops at the gas station first and fills the tank as his mother had instructed him to. The uniform of the gas station dudes is pretty sweet, black jumpsuits and white sneakers. He thinks he would wear that after covering the jumpsuit in nice patches.

He is vlogging simultaneously but the moment the dude sees him record the poppy field, he drops his hands to his lap, pretending that didn't happen at all. The guy looks disinterested in anything Conan does but he still feels embarrassed about it, still.

After he pays his fill at the gas station, he takes ten minutes to park between a sprawling maze of cars. He isn't the best at parallel parking so he picks somewhere where there is less chance of getting into scruffle.

The camera falls into his bag as he makes way to the entrance of the clothes store where Noah usually works. Worry takes over all of his emotions when he sees the place crawling with shoppers. The lighting and ambient music must help but Noah might just have a breakdown with too many people around.

Conan faces both disappointment and relief when he sees Noah is not on the cash register as he said he would be. Instead, it's his almost step-mother, Shelly, taking the money from some customer, hogging all the brown pants. Conan frowns. He'd have bought those but tough luck.

"Oh, hi kid," she says, the moment Conan approaches her. He's never talked to her and since she's Noah's mother, he wants to maintain a decent image. I am a nice country boy with a guitar who's good for your son. Please don't hate me. "Noah's in the back doing inventory today."

"Thanks," he says, not knowing what to say. "Is that the back door?"

"Oh yeah, have fun," she says which makes Conan flush like the poppy flowers in the field opposite to them. They'll be having fun, just not the innocent kind that Shelly means. She ties her hair back into knot, while staring at something on the screen. Conan hesitantly lifts the flap of the table that allows him to enter into a void surrounded by paperwork, bills and cute trinkets in clear plastic boxes. He takes a mental note to buy a pastel pink pop socket for his phone.

As a knee jerk reaction, Noah looks up immediately when the door opens. He is sitting around a lot of brown boxes of random things like flip flops and decorative plates. He smiles slightly and waves at Conan, despite the minimal distance. The wave is short and his hand falls slack to push the curtain of hair out of his beautiful eyes.

Conan closes the door behind himself and presses his back against it, relieving the fluttering ache in his belly. "Hi, boyfriend."

"Hi!" he says with a grin. He is hunched over a laptop and seems to be busy with a box of things next to his side. "I will finish up in a minute or so."

"Take your time," Conan reassures, approaching him with a smile. "Would you like to drive to Austin?"

"Anything with you," he says, eyes fixed on the laptop as he enters some numbers. He giggles at the noise of the keys pressing causing another of gush of pure adoration and attraction to flare in Conan's belly.

"You do statistics for your moms?" Conan asks, glancing at the spreadsheet open on Noah's laptop.

"Yeah," Noah says, exiting the page and putting the laptop on sleep mode, he turns around to face Conan, his boyfriend, "It's the only thing that requires a quiet place and no social interaction. Sometimes I stock up just before closing. My mom texted me to grab my jacket. I'll meet you near your car."

"I can get your jacket," Conan offers, already moving towards the door. "It should take a minute and then we can go to the lake in Austin."

"Are there gonna be people there?" he asks consciously and Conan shakes his head. He's already thought this through. "Okay, I like that."

He skips to the pizzeria where Noah's mom is looking over the work in the kitchen. It looks oddly clean which makes Conan actually want to get food from them sometime. He had assumed that rats did the cooking in local pizza joints.

Noah's mom asks him about his day in a cheerful manner and lets him have his sky-blue letterman man jacket. She also offers him food but when he tells her that they're both going to a lake in Austin, she asks to bring Noah back by lunch.

Conan's boyfriend already knows how to get into a car and asks for no help apart from a little bit of support, that too with an embarrassed look. Conan wonders for a second if this partly why he never wants to get into a car with him. Even today, he looks very against the idea.

"It's no problem. I promise," Conan tells him and he answers with a quiet nod. He decides that a change of subject is probably what Noah would be most comfortable with. "Shelly hasn't flashed me a knife."

"Yet," Noah mocks with a smile. "She's a little overprotective with me."

"My god, so I can expect a bullet if I make you mad?" he asks, raising an eyebrow. It's as if the car isn't moving but the world around them is. It's just how grounded he feels right now.

"I'll protect you. You could sleep in my bed," Noah suggests sweetly. "It's big enough for three people."

"Will there be three people?" Conan asks and Noah's cheeks flare with emotions. It's cute how reactive the boy can turn sometimes. It keeps Conan validated that he likes his company.

"Like I said, we don't have time to unpack your kinks," Noah says haughtily. "There are never three people in my bed. At least not at the same time."

"Right, sure," Conan says voice heavy with sarcasm-sarcasm. Noah's eyes look a little less sparkly which makes him wonder if he's said something wrong. He mentally debates for a minute and then says, "Threesomes are a joke. We're not actually doing that."

"Thank God, you cleared that out. I couldn't tell," Noah says, releasing a puff of air from his mouth in relief. He scrutinises him for one second before saying and saving Conan the mindless wondering, "You look a lot like my childhood crush."

"You too!" Conan laughs. "Ugh, I love childhood friends to lovers."

"This would be so much juicier if you'd promised to marry me, moved away and then I'd gotten amnesia and my evil step dad would want to keep us apart but we would have persisted," Noah says and Conan coughs at the mention of the word 'marry'. He doesn't exactly mind the idea of waking up next to him till he dies but it fills his head with stupid thoughts.

Could they have that? Does the other even want that kind of commitment? If Megan could hear his thoughts, would she smack him and tell him to live in the moment?

"Aw, you'd have fought your evil step dad for me?" Conan asks and Noah blinks, his customary motion for when he looks at his boyfriend.

"I'd fight you for a sandwich, don't get ahead of yourself," Noah says in a negating and prickly tone. It makes Conan's lips tug into a grin for some reason. He wants to lean in to kiss him but if they both die on the road, he'll miss out on other times. Noah can really go from sunshine to grumpy in a few seconds.

"Gus is already half convinced that you're a werewolf who howls on full moon," Conan grins.

"Tell him there is howling and biting, just not in the way he thinks," Noah says which makes Conan snicker and cough at the same time.

"Your camera might slip out of the-" Noah reaches out and pushes it back into the bag from where it seemed to be hanging onto the ledge. That shit was expensive and if he breaks it, he'll have to record on his shitty phone camera.

"I am doing a little bit vlogging. You mind?" he asks. Should he ask if he can record him too? Even if he doesn't let him post it, he'd keep it and watch it in bed. It sounds like a wholesome thought but an eerie thing to do.

"Get your ad revenue," Noah smiles.

"Most people find my vlogging a little annoying so feel free to wave at me to stop," Conan says. Caroline quite literally averts her face on camera. He had been camera shy once so he can't blame her. "I'll not get much on camera anyways. You keep distracting me."

"Or you could only record me and appreciate my beauty," he suggests with a trivial smile.

"Please, I'd make you a tik tok fanpage. You're so beautiful," he says, sighing in distress though he feels really light. Noah rolls his eyes. "I think honeymoon phases are disgustingly repulsively cute but you're really so beautiful to look at."

"I think I am average and I could use some weight." Noah looks like he's thought about it before. Or constantly. Like every day. "It's just that I forget to eat a lot of times and don't get that my body is hungry."

"You're really pretty and forgetting to eat? I could text you reminders during meal times," Conan suggests in an interrogative tone. He'll do anything really, for Noah and to make sure he's okay.

"I do have an app but I forgot to register," he says, coughing meekly. "It's fine. Did you put in your earring yet?"

"In a couple days," Conan says, thinking hard about it. He's a tad bit scared about seeing how the inside of his ear is.

It still hasn't fully sunken in. There is a hole in his ear and he consented for it to be put there. He has a boyfriend and he's finally found his voice to cut Hunt off. He always made himself smaller for that boy. It didn't help that Hunt always wanted to make him feel stupid. He never wanted Conan. He wanted control over him. If he wasn't dating Conan, he wasn't gonna let anyone else do that either. "I am really happy about the piercing. An year ago I would have been too scared of judgement. It almost feels like sixteen year old Conan was stupid in thinking people cared about what he wore or did."

"I get that," Noah says, voice heavy with sympathy. The sympathy is not exactly directed at Conan but an undertone in his words. "It feels like all eyes are on you and they hate it, like, somebody is gonna say something."

"Yeah, exactly," Conan smiles sadly, taking a turn. "We're here."


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