Losing Our Way

By meghanmacioceauthor

579K 14.1K 2.2K

Southern Gulf University Series: Book 2 | Sequel to Finding Our Way | Not a stand alone When Mason breaks Lex... More

Preface - part 1
Preface- part 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - the espys
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Bonus Chapter 1- The Wedding
Bonus Chapter 3- Caden & Kristina Young
Bonus Chapter 4- The Ice Cube Scene

Bonus Chapter 2- William Young

7.2K 222 53
By meghanmacioceauthor

"I think my feet got bigger. Look they barely fit into these flipflops and I just bought them last week." Lexi wails, pointing to her feet. They do look pretty swollen but I'm not going to tell her that unless I want to lose my balls. Which I don't because hopefully she'll let me put another baby in her soon. She has that 'pregnancy glow' which my mom thinks makes her look more beautiful, but I think I'm going to have a permanent boner if she keeps the glow forever.

"Baby you look beautiful." I reassure her, rubbing her arm. She shoots me a death glare and I immediately stop touching her until she realizes what she did. Then she starts to cry.

"I'm sorry. I'm just so uncomfortable, I want this baby out of me." she cries harder.

When we found out Lexi was pregnant, we were shocked. Yes, she had went off birth control, but I did not think that meant she would get pregnant literally the week after getting off the pill. Blake jokes that all I had to do was touch her and boom she got pregnant. He's not exactly wrong. I was hoping to have to spend months trying to get her pregnant but of course not. My damn sperm had to be excellent swimmers and get it right on the first try.

We found out Valentine's Day weekend, only a few months after our wedding. Lexi swore it could take a while for us to get pregnant so we should start trying right away. She was a week late before we took a test together, this time hoping for a plus sign, and we found out the day before Valentine's Day. She cried, happy tears this time, we hugged then I hauled her into the bedroom for celebratory sex because it's not like I could get her anymore pregnant than she already was.

The first trimester was rough. While we were excited in the beginning between planning on how to tell our parents and friends, there was also a worry that Lexi's body could miscarry the baby any minute. Anytime something felt even a fraction different, she freaked out and begged me to take her to the doctor. Finally, the doctor told me not to bring her back unless there was something seriously wrong. Easy for her to say, she doesn't have to live with Lexi. She had horrible morning sickness for the full twelve weeks, was constantly fatigued, and her breasts were so tender she cried everytime I playfully squeezed them. Safe to say I couldn't wait for that trimester to be over. Until the second one started.

In the second trimester, we started collecting baby items for the nursery and planned out a way to tell our parents. We hosted both families for Easter and Lexi wore a t-shirt under her cardigan that said "Some bunny will be join us next year" with a mom, dad, and baby bunny on it. Her mom took one look at the shirt and burst into tears while her dad stood there confused as to why is wife was crying. When Mr. Olson asked, Mrs. Olson said to look at Lexi's shirt, which he did and said "If you don't like her shirt, you could've told her that." We had to explain to him that we were pregnant and then he cried as hard as wife.

Ella, Mia, and their families arrived next and they screamed and hugged Lexi a little too forcefully that I was afraid I'd have to intervene and save her and our baby. Then, my mom and Frank came in and didn't notice her shirt at all. My mom was too busy catching up with Lexi's mom that she didn't read the shirt. We all played along until my very sweet wife decided she couldn't let her go any longer not knowing she was going to be a grandma. Lexi stepped in front of my mom and held out the shirt until she read it. She looked at Lexi, then at me, and then cried, "I'm going to be a grandma!". Another round of hugs started and again I watched Lexi closely, making sure nobody squeezed her too hard.

Around 17 weeks, she began to show. It was amazing to watch, and I begged her to let us download that app that shows how big the baby is. She caved and we tracked what size fruit our baby was each week. The second trimester was my favorite because damn was she horny. There were days where we would fuck at least three times. My dick started to get fatigued, but we powered through. Having sex with my hot, pregnant wife was definitely not a chore. I started baseball season but when I wasn't at practice or in press conferences, I was by her side. I didn't miss a single doctor's appointment, yoga session, or fake contraction. When the end of March rolled around, I began to struggle with leaving her for road games.

Around 22 weeks, her parents, who were newly retired, decided to come out to Los Angeles and stay with Lexi while I was on the east coast for a seven-day road trip. I was hesitant to even go but she reassured me many other athletes have pregnant wives at home. I felt better when her boss agreed to let her start working from home because her nausea was coming in waves. I called her every morning and facetimed her every night until she fell asleep in our bed. I longed to be beside her but truthfully, I think she needed a break from me. I'm excited to be a dad, sue me.

When I got back from the road trip, we decided to find out the sex of the baby together. I wasn't hoping for one gender over the other, just a healthy baby. When the technician rubbed that cold gel over her belly, we saw our baby.... and his penis.

"It's a boy!" I shouted and reached down to kiss her. It started out as a slow, sweet kiss, but like I said, Lexi's horny as fuck in this trimester and I had to break away from her, leaving her breathless. "Wait until we get home." I whispered into her ear.

But something hit me. "Um, doc?" I asked, as she took off her gloves and washed her hands. "I know it's safe for us to still have sex but will baby the remember it? I don't want to scar him before he's even in the world."

He certainly doesn't need to remember me calling his mom's pussy tight as fuck or that I want to spank her until she's screaming my name.

Lexi's mouth dropped and she swatted at my arm. "Mason, stop it. Of course, he can't hear you."

The doctor laughed and reassured us she gets asked this all the time. "He can hear you but he won't remember what you're saying. It would be best if you both started talking to him so he can get used to the sound of your voices."

I'm pretty sure that was the moment Lexi hated our doctor because every night I would have her lay on the couch while I laid right next to her stomach and talked to our son for a few minutes. On road trips I made her hold the phone on her stomach so I could talk to him. When I would come home, we'd spend the weekends and my off days decorating the nursery. A baby blue was picked to paint the walls and I scolded Lexi once or twice about being in the room with paint fumes. I know she wanted to help but neither her nor our son need to breathing in that shit. I stationed her in a chair outside the room with a fan so she wouldn't smell it. She's lucky I didn't make her wear a mask.

The third trimester came around quicker than I thought it would however Lexi would disagree. I made sure to massage her feet every night, have the heating pad ready for whenever our little guy was positioned on her bladder, and counted her through her deep breathing exercises. It became harder to leave her and her parents ended up staying longer than just a few weeks. Not that I minded, it made me feel better knowing she wasn't alone. But now I want her to come to one last home game before he's born.

"It's okay baby don't cry." I say, shooing her. I know it can't be easy on her considering she's 38 weeks but she barely looks pregnant. She continued to work out the entire time and unless she's wearing a snug shirt, you can't even tell.

"I'm massive. I look like a bowling ball." she says wiping her eyes.

"Do you want me to find something else for you to wear?" I ask, hoping she says no. I had this jersey specially made for her that has our last name on the back and on the front it says Dodgers and Dodgers newest fan on her bump.

"No I'm just having a moment. You can go, Brooke will come get me." she says waving her hand at me.

"Are you sure? I can be late, my coach knows your due any day now."

"No, go. I'll see you there." she says, smiling through the lingering tears.

I place one last on her forehead before grabbing my stuff and heading to the ball park.

I'm not alone for even ten minutes when Brooke comes barreling through our door. "I'm here!" she screams, her bag banging off of the front door. "I broke a ton speed limits, but I'm here."

I had just sat down on the couch with a plate of chocolate chip cookies. "If you say one word to me about my choice of meal, I will smack you."

"Well hello to you too." she says sarcastically. "Incase you haven't noticed, I'm not Mason. I don't care what you eat. If you want the entire box, you eat the entire box."

I laugh and continue to stuff cookies in my face. I love Mason so much but this man has been borderline overbearing during this pregnancy. I know he's excited, I am too, but damn I'm not broken, I'm pregnant. He doesn't let me drive, doesn't let me carry groceries, for god's sake he tries to help me sit down on the toilet to pee. I know he wants to help and that he's carrying a ton of guilt with his baseball schedule, but I am more than capable of being independent or asking my mom for some help.

He's done everything you'd want your husband to do. He sat with me in the bathroom and rubbed my back while I threw up from morning sickness, rubbed every part of my body that was sore and achy, and made every weird craving I was having. He drove to seven different stores trying to find a special ice cream flavor I wanted. When he found it, he bought five pints. He takes the birthing classes seriously, pays attention to me and the instructor, and talks to our son every night. He already bought him a baseball glove and bat, not because he's forcing him to play baseball but because he's excited and wants to share his passion with his baby.

It's sweet, but damn it I want ten minutes to myself to take a hot bath or listen to utter silence.

"I do not want to go to this game at all." I confide in Brooke. It's not that I don't want to be supportive, but it's the beginning of June, I'm pregnant, and I'm going to be too sweltering. I have hot flashes all the time and I want to stay in my house, in the AC, where I don't have to wear pants if I don't want to.

"I know. How about we go until the seventh inning then I take you home? Tell him you got tired. You know he'll be okay with it." Brooke says, wiping the crumbs off my belly.

"But I'll know that's a lie and I'll feel guilty."

Brooke gives me a pointed look. "You are carrying a kid in your vagina. Don't feel guilty about anything. Come on mama, let's get you to the ballpark."

When we arrive, the smell of ballpark pretzels consumes me so I beg Brooke to stand in line and get me one. Not that I had to beg much considering Brooke is vying for the godmother spot. When Adrianna overhears what I asked, she shakes her head and walks over to a manager to explain how I can't stand in that long of a line. Next thing I know, Adrianna is coming over to me with multiple soft cinnamon pretzels.

"Here you go. Come on princess, you're pregnant. Use it to your advantage." she jokes then leads me over the elevator. Stairs are pretty much out of the question because I'll get tired or out of breath.

We finally make it to the WAGS suite where the other women ask how my pregnancy is going and how Mason's doing. I wish I could wear a blinking sign that says "Not in the mood. Leave me alone". Instead, I make small talk until the first pitch crosses the mound.

The game is dragging on. I mean it's a little after eight p.m. and it's only the top of the second inning. At this rate, I'll be lucky if I see Mason bat twice. But there's my man, hanging out in between second and third base, looking so damn fine in those white baseball pants. Shit, I think I'm horny again.

A wet sensation hits my legs and I panic that I didn't hold my bladder this time. but when I look down, it's not pee. My water broke and a sharp pain follows immediately.

"Brooke!" I scream, turning around in my uncomfortable stadium seat. "MY WATER BROKE."

Mass chaos ensues as security is called, Brooke helps me into a wheelchair, and I'm loaded into an ambulance. Right before they shut the doors, I look for Adrianna. She comes up to me on the gurney, panic in her eyes. "Find Mason please. I don't want to be alone." I cry.

Brooke holds my hand the entire way to the hospital while the paramedic puts an oxygen mask over my mouth and nose. This isn't how this was supposed to go. Mason's should be with me every step of the way but instead I'm in the back of ambulance getting driven to the hospital.

The paramedics rush me out of the back when another contraction hits.

"AHHHH" I scream, the pain taking away my breath. Whoever the hell said the pain was the same as period cramps is a big fucking liar.

"Patient is four centimeters along. Husband coming in soon." the one paramedic tells the doctor.

"I'll call your parents." Brooke shouts after me as I disappear around the corner.

A team of nurses help roll me down the hall and into the delivery room. The contractions keep coming as does the pain and I don't care who the hell hears me scream. This baby needs to come out right now.

"Where is my husband?" I ask the nurse, tears streaming down my face. Panic sets in but is pushed to the side when another round of contractions start.

"I'm here, I'm right here." Mason shouts, coming into the room behind another nurse. "God I'm so sorry Lexi. I left the field as soon as they told me."

Another contraction hits, stealing my breath and I grab his hand and squeeze hard. "Oh fuck." he mutters, but pats down my hair. "You can do this honey."

I point an accusatory finger at him. "You did this to me."

He smiles and wipes away the sweat from my face. "Damn right I did. You're going to make this delivery your bitch."

"My back." I cry out again. "It feels like someone is repeatedly stabbing my back."

The doctor rushes in, pulling the last of her gloves on and sits down in front of my parted legs. "Okay Mrs. Young, let's have a baby. When I count to three, push as hard as you can okay?"

"Just get him out!" I yell.

"Get him out." she demands, then screams as another contraction hits. She's doing such a good job she has no clue. I could never do this.

"You can do it honey." I cheer her on and she pinches my hand. Her eyes are blazing with anger and I'm ninety-nine percent sure that's directed at me.

"Come on Lexi just two more pushes." the doctor says.

"I want the epidural." she cries, her body sinking into the bed. "I can't do it."

The doctor shakes her head. "There's no time, he'll be here before it has time to take effect. Push."

"Yes you can. Come on babe, one more big push." I say, holding her hand as she takes a deep breath then pushes again. She screams which turns into cries but this time I hear two cries. Our son is in the doctor's hands and I didn't expect him to be so dirty. My stomach begins to feel queasy and the room starts to spin.

"I swear to god Mason if you fucking pass out on me right now, I'll kill you." Lexi yells. Aw that's my girl.

I choke it back and focus on her. "You did it, it's over."

The doctor shakes her head and lines up in front of Lexi's legs again. "Not quite. We have to push the placenta out."

"The what?" I ask and next thing I know out comes a dark red blob of I don't even want to know.

"There you go, good girl." the doctor praises Lexi while I'm still trying to decipher what the fuck I just saw.

"Are you okay Mr. Young?" a nurse asks me. Lexi shoots her blue eyed daggers at me again and I swallow more vile back.

"Never better." I say weakly as she hands me a cup of ice cold water. "Thank you."

And that is why women have the babies. Because whatever the fuck just came out of her after our baby, is why I could never in a million years be pregnant.

"Ready to meet your son?" the doctor asks, bringing him cleaned and in a blanket.

"Yes please." Lexi says, her voice tired and weary. I can only imagine how tired she is.

The doctor sets our son in her arms and when I look down at the two of them, my heart swells. My wife and my son. Life doesn't get any better than this.

"Welcome to the world, William Mason Young." Lexi whispers.

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