Sengoku Night Blood (Disconti...

By KanadeDivinia263

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Set in the flourishing world of Shinga that was formerly a prosperous and peaceful realm, a girl named Runa b... More

S1~01: Shinga Supremacy
S1~02: Toyotomi Attack
S1~03: Takeda Banquet
S1~04: Sanada Famigilia
S1~05: Wild Feeling
S1~06: Uesugi Discord
S1~07: Date Double Face
S1~08: Oda Plunder
S1~09: Yakuma Corridor
S1~10: Discord Terminus
S1~11: Terminal March
S1~12: Sengoku Night Blood
S2~01: Mouri Monitor
S2~02: Toyotomi Reflection
S2~03: Marriage Mayhem
S2~04: Blazing Passion
S2~06: Trombe Trouble
S2~07: Sanada Beauty
S2~08: Kidnapped Princess
S2~09: Ominous Developments
S2~10: Monochromatic Night
S2~11: Discord Melody
S2~12: Uesugi Harmony
S2~13: Fallen Tears
S2~14: Date Stoneheart
S2~15: Everlasting Paradox
S2~16: Destiny Guilty
S2~17: Wishful Dreams
S2~18: Oda Creation
S2~19: Destiny Ark
S2~20: Striking Spear
S2~21: Star Becomes Music
S3~01: Awakening Heartbeat
S3~02: Noise Night
S3~03: Disorted Mirror
S3~04: Imprisonment Scythe
S3~05: Infinite Bow
S3~06: The Lost, Lost Little
S3~07: Annihilation Sawblades
S3~08: Divine Blade
S3~09: Silver Dragon

S2~05: Takeda Tranquility

133 4 3
By KanadeDivinia263

Himemiko, a being that had vanished from Shinga and now the country is in total chaos. The sudden return of yakuma changes things for the armies as they thought they would no longer be a problem. Right now, Runa, a young mysterious girl is facing trouble as she collects Himemiko's Sacred Treasures.


Later that night...

The moon was shining brightly in the night sky. The stars twinkling along with the moon, brightening the dark lands of Shinga as the animals of the night came out to do their business.

At the same time, the old castle's architecture blended in with the cooling night as the shadows from the trees gave it a spooky aura, scaring off any travelers that dared to get close.

But at the same time, inside one of the rooms, Runa couldn't sleep. She was just staring at the dark outlines of the objects in the old room of the castle. After the encounter with Uesugi Kenshin, the Takeda Army is spending the night here, where Runa knew they are going into war with the Uesugi Army by the following day.

The moon's rays shined through the cracks on the doors in the room Runa was sleeping. It brightened up the mood in the gloomy atmosphere in the room.

The raven-haired beauty sighed as she recalled what happened after Kenshin left.


"Now, do you know what I want to say the most?" Shingen asked, placing his hands on his hips in a scolding manner.

"I'm sorry... for going... alone...?" Runa guessed, not seeing the problem in all this.

"You heard my voice when I told you not to go alone, right?"


"Then..." Shingen placed his hands on Runa's shoulders a rather roughly, shaking her thin body in the process. "Why did you go alone?!" He shouted, clearly angry by his tone.

Runa was shocked by the anger in Shingen's eyes. It raged deep like a burning fire of pure anger was going on a rampage. Literally. He was shaking her like a mad man when he didn't get what he wanted.


Runa flinched a bit at the tone of his voice.

"Do you fully understand how much danger you were in?!"

Runa nodded weakly, intimidated at the face Shingen was making. "Y-Y-Y-Yes... I-I-I'm sorry..." She whispered, looking away.

"That's enough, Shingen." Hanbee cut in. He walked over to him and pried his hands off Runa's shaking shoulders. "Runa-chan and the rest of us could see you have made your point."

Shingen inhaled deeply, calming his fiery rage. "Masakage, Masatoyo."

"Y-Yes?" Masakage stuttered.

"Go with this girl and Yuzuki."

"Huh?" Yuzuki blurted out, surprised she was mentioned.

"Don't let them out of your eyes for a second!"

"Understood..." Masatoyo said.

Flashback ended:

"Are you still troubled?"

"..." Runa remained silent. She didn't even turn around.

Hanbee stared at her back with a gentle expression before turning sideways. "Please don't hide your emotions from me, Runa-chan." He whispered, gently rubbing her arm he freshly bandaged.

Before they turned in for the night, Hanbee told the two werewolves, who was ordered to watch the girls, to focus more on keeping an eye on Yuzuki since he'll be managing Runa. And when the siblings were finally alone, Hanbee applied more ointment over Runa's sunburns before going to bed.

Runa stayed silent for a bit before she pulled the covers over her face. "Shingen... was scary..." Her voice muffled through the thick fabric. "I've never seen him that angry..."

"That's how much he worried about you." Hanbee explained. "The moment he couldn't see you, Shingen looked around for you really desperately, you know?"

"Mm..." Runa nodded.

Hanbee stopped his hand near Runa's elbow, thinking about how the werewolf was trying to figure out how to get through the invisible wall, that was surrounding the old castle. "I was really worried when you took off like that." He mentioned.


The vampire's bangs shadowed his eyes. "It felt really nostalgic. It was like you went off somewhere really far away, and I was scared to death that I couldn't see you anymore." His voice got quieter.

'Hanbee...' Runa knew what he was talking about. 'It does feel nostalgic... After all... it happened before...'

"Did you want to find a clue to Himemiko-sama that much?" Hanbee asked, finally getting the chance to ask her. In this situation, Runa has no choice but to tell him.

"That's..." Runa paused, not sure how to reply.

Hanbee gently narrowed his eyes. "You really wish to hide it from them that badly, don't you?" He whispered softly.

Runa pulled the covers off her face as she let her own bangs shadow her eyes, the feeling of nausea and hatred began to well up inside her chest. "May... be... No... I think you're right..."

The box Runa managed to retrieve wasn't even opened in the end after what happened with Shingen. She had it safely hidden in her dress so no one can have access to it but her.

"You know, you and Hideyoshi-sama are similar." Hanbee brought up out of the blue. "Even though you worry a lot over people, you completely forget about yourself in order to achieve your goals."

"Hanbee..." Runa warned. But it wasn't long until her expression turned solemn. "Nii-chan... what should I do...?" She asked, almost in a whisper tone.

"Hmm~ you've apologised already, so just be careful next time, okay?" Hanbee advised. He removed his hand from her elbow and spooned Runa from behind, keeping his arms wrapped around her waist and across her chest. He held her tight against his chest, burying his nose in her parue-scented hair.

"Hey, Nii-chan..." Runa called out.

"Yes?" Hanbee said.

"What does 'getting married' mean?"

Hanbee stammered as he got up slightly in a haste. "W-W-W-W-Where did that come from?!"

Runa looked up at the surprised vampire with innocence. "Before Masatoyo told us about the marriage letter... Nobuharu asked if I love someone..." She explained. "I told him I love Nii-chan, but he said that's not what he meant..."

Hanbee blushed slightly as he listened. "Is that so...?"

Runa nodded as she watched the vampire got back into his original position. "When I asked what he meant, he asked if I want to marry someone and I didn't have an answer..."

"Love is a rather emotional subject." Hanbee said, hugging Runa's body but not too hard to hurt her. "There are different kinds of love; passionate love, enduring love, playful love, universal love, deep friendship, self-love, familial love, and obsessive love."

"So many..." Runa felt like her head was spinning. "So, which love are we?"

"Hmm~ if I had to choose, then we are familial love, because we're family."

"Makes sense..."

"Love can bring many joy to the ones they hold dear." Hanbee whispered.

"But they can also bring you tremendous pain..." Runa emotionlessly stated. She could feel her fist shaking as a certain memory played in her mind.

Hanbee didn't say anything, he just tightened his hold on the girl to calm her down.

"Hey, Nii-chan... There's something I want to ask you."


Runa turned around so she was facing him. "Who's the person you love the most?"

Hanbee blinked in surprise for a moment before a bright smile came onto his face. "... It's obvious, is it not? I love Runa-chan!" He pressed his cheek against hers.

Runa didn't mind the affection, but her expression remained emotionless as ever. "Are you sure?" She asked, almost in a whisper tone. "Are you sure you don't love Onee-chan the most?"

Hanbee blinked in wonder before staring at her with a sad expression. "Of course, I love her. And you. I love you both the most." He pulled her into a hug before releasing her slightly. "Do you feel sick, Runa-chan? Want some medicine?"

Runa shook her head. "I'm sorry. Talking about this must be bringing up bad memories." She looked down with a troubled expression.

Hanbee stared at her for a moment before smiling. "You're so cute, Runa-chan!"

"Wah!" Runa yelped when the vampire pulled her into a tight hug out of nowhere. "G-Geeze..." A light shade of red smeared her face as Hanbee rubbed their cheeks together.

"Don't worry about this." Hanbee told her. "You and Shingen will make up at some point. Sure he yelled at you, but like I said, he was only worried about you. So..." He slipped his hand over Runa's hand and held it close as Hanbee closed his eyes. "... cherish yourself more, alright?"

"Mm..." Runa nodded as she stared at their locked hands with a soft expression.

'But... how should I face him tomorrow...?' Runa wondered before letting the dark void consume her.



Shingen, Masanobu and Nobuharu stood outside the old castle with a small breeze blowing their hair.

Shingen sighed with a tired look as he walked outside the castle grounds. "I've done it now...." He placed his hand over his face. "How should I face her tomorrow?"

"Now then, this is a problem." Masanobu smiled.

Nobuharu laughed as he placed a hand on his hip. "It is a problem."

Shingen glared at them over his shoulders. "Screw you. You guys aren't troubled at all. Instead..." He turned his body to face them and pointed his finger accusingly at the werewolves. "... you're laughing, aren't you?!" It didn't take long for another sigh to escape his lips as Shingen's body sagged.

"Are you that worried?" Masanobu asked. "That she might hate you?"


"Shingen-sama, what you said to her - that was something that needed to be said to anyone."

"Certainly." Nobuharu nodded.

"But there are ways of saying that. Dammit..." Shingen viciously scratched his red hair. "... why'd I have to shout like that...?" He groaned.

"However, this isn't the time to be preoccupied only with her." Masanobu stated, getting to the serious subject they meant to discuss. "Staying here in this old castle means we will be meeting against the Uesugi Army-"

"Yeah, I decided to stay here so that guy doesn't have to go out of his way to find us." Shingen stated, crossing his arms over his chest. "That's not really a problem."

Masanobu studied his commander's body language for a moment. "Are you truly fine?" He finally asked.

Shingen looked up from the ground to the blonde-haired werewolf with a raised brow, as if to ask him what he meant. "... Yeah, the deployment of soldiers has been settled already."

"..." Masanobu gave him a look.

Shingen flinched and sighed. "I'm going to rest now." He stated, walking straight into the old castle.

"That he's not conscious of it is the most frightening of all." Masanobu sighed as he and Nobuharu watch Shingen's retreating form being consumed by the old castle's shadow.

"But it's clearly better than being awkwardly conscious." Nobuharu smirked as he crossed his arms. "Well, if anything happens, that's when it's our turn."

"Good grief..." Masanobu sighed with a smile. "... I wonder what will happen."


At Toyotomi Castle...

Hideyoshi was standing out on the balcony, staring into the direction of Takeda territory. His mind was about how the process of the Sacred Treasure was going. When he received a letter from Hanbee as an update, he was dumbfounded when it mentioned about a noble trying to make Runa his concubine. As he read the contents, Hideyoshi could tell Hanbee was angry clear as day. The words the cross dresser transcribed had ominous aura leaking out that Hideyoshi was surprised that Hanbee could be capable such a language despite his cheerful personality.

But what concerned Hideyoshi was the sudden news of yakuma. At first, he thought Hanbee was trying to scare him, but that wasn't the case. Apparently, when the Takeda Army got spotted, the roar of yakuma could be heard. Hideyoshi didn't know what to think. All he knew he and the others had to be careful not only with the Mouri Army's movements, but also yakuma's.

"Are you worried about them?"

"Huh?" Hideyoshi looked over his shoulders to find Twyla staring at him as she floated in the air with Toukichi sitting on her head.

"Your face was clear to read." Twyla elegantly flew over to the Toyotomi commander. "Are you thinking about that girl?"

"If you mean Yuzuki, yes. After all..." Hideyoshi turned around as he placed a hand on his hip, with a light laugh escape his smile. "... she's my wife."

Twyla stared at the commander with an unreadable expression before narrowing her big purple eyes, gently. "I see..."


The next morning...

'Ngh...' Runa found herself waking up from the stinging sensation from the morning light coming through the holes and scracks on the doors. 'I hate that sun... Wherever it is...' When she woke up, she felt light-headed with her blood burning her cheeks.

"Oh, you're awake."

Runa turned her head to the right to see Masakage staring down at her with his arms crossed.

"The day has just broken, so you can still sleep some more, you know?" Masatoyo's face appeared above the girl.

But Runa didn't listen, she turned her head from side to side to see where her brother is.

"Ah, if you're wondering where Hanbee is, he's with Masanobu to discuss about the preparations and other things."

"Well, this is around the time I'd be practicing with Nobuharu-san." Masakage mentioned.

"Ah... I'm sorry." Yuzuki apologised. She was sitting beside Masatoyo with her hands on her knees. "It's because you were told not to let me and Runa-san out of your sight that..."

"It's not just that. We might fight with Uesugi today, so I have to save some energy."

Masatoyo laughed lightly. "Masakage, you've grown." He pointed out. "Before, you didn't care about your injuries at all." He teased.

A rush of heat made its way to Masakage's cheeks as he stared at the other werewolf with embarrassment. "Sh-Shut up!" He stuttered. "It's 'cause when I'm hurt there's a person who looks like they're in pain, even though they're not the one hurt - Ah!"

'Eh...?' Runa stared at the werewolf with slight surprise on her face. 'Does he mean...?'

"-rgh! Hah! Hragh!"

"Ah..." Masakage turned his attention to the broken door, that led outside. "... this voice..."

"Shingen-san..." Yuzuki mumbled, staring at the door as well.

The instant Runa realised it was Shingen's loud voice, she immediately hid under the covers as a sharp pain tore through her chest. 'Why...? Why does it hurt so much...?' A small tear dripped down her cheek, as she held her chest, as if to endure the pain. Then she felt a hand gently caressing her head, as if they're petting her. Runa peaked from under the covers to find it was Masatoyo.

"You should go." He whispered to her gently. "To Shingen-sama."

"Huh?" Yuzuki said, surprised.

The memory of Shingen's angry face made Runa hid under the covers again. "But..." She mumbled.

"That's right. Go." Masakage ordered. "I said it before but we might fight with Uesugi today. I don't want to be sent out by a depressing face like that."

"It'll be alright. You should speak with Shingen-sama." Masatoyo smiled.

"Right..." Runa felt like her back was pushed by both their words and she decided to get out of bed, change, and go towards where she heard Shingen's voice.

"Hagh! Hrngh!"

As she walked, Runa immediately close to the room she spent the night in was Shingen. The closer she got, the louder Shingen's voice got. She made a corner and that's when Runa saw that back that was swinging a wooden sword with intense concentration. She felt like a much longer time had passed that the actual number of days she spent under the care of Takeda.

'It felt so long, yet...' Runa clenched her hands into fists. '... I don't feel anything... Yeah... it's better this way...' She relaxed her fist after convincing herself. Runa intended to watch silently by sitting on the porch, but when she tried to sit down, one of the old floorboards creaked.


"Hragh! Hra-!" Shingen stopped his next swing when he heard a small creak from behind. His wolf ears twitched at the sound before his body trembled.

'Huh? He noticed.' Runa wondered. She doesn't have a presence so how did Shingen notice she was watching him? 'Ah... It must be when the wood creaked.'


Runa stared at the werewolf's back with no emotions showing on her face as she studied his body language. 'Even though he must have noticed me... he's not turning this way...' Seeing that there's no point in talking, Runa turned around in silence and began to walk away.

Shingen noticed this and panicked. "Ah! Wait!"

"..." Runa stopped without thinking when she was called. But she didn't know what kind of expression she should turn around with. 'What do I do...?' She wondered. When she didn't answer with anything...


Slowly, Runa realised Shingen was coming closer. His steps had a tentative air, and really slowly, he came just behind her and stopped. His tall figure towered over small figure as his shadow cooled her boiling skin.

"You're... up early." Shingen said, breaking the silence.

"Mm..." Runa nodded, still keeping her back towards him.



"... Today, I'm probably going to fight with Kenshin." Shingen mentioned.

"Mm..." Runa nodded. "Masatoyo... Masakage... said the same..."

"I'm not taking you or Yuzuki along."

Runa glanced up at the werewolf over her shoulders with a dead-like expression. She knew he was going to say that, and it didn't hurt as much as she thought. After all, she was used to it.

"It'll probably be a select few in this battle with Kenshin. That's why... I'm going to be leaving Masakage and Masatoyo with you, Yuzuki and Hanbee as well." Shingen explained.

"Does the two... of them...?" Runa mumbled, wondering if those two knew.

"I'll be talking to them."

'Masakage said he was preserving his strength in order to fight Uesugi...' Runa felt bad for the werewolf when she thought about his feelings. "Is it my fault... that the two... of them can't fight...?" She asked.

Shingen narrowed his eyes slight. "No, it's my selfish wish. The opportunity to go one-on-one against Kenshin doesn't come by often. So, I'm going to challenge him with my mind and body in the perfect condition." He stated. "For my body, there's the pills that has your herbs. For my mind... I can fight secure in knowing that your safety is guaranteed. That also includes Yuzuki's, as well. That's why I'm having you retreat to the security of Takeda's lands with Hanbee, Yuzuki, Masakage and Masatoyo."


"No matter what you say, it's not happening." Shingen looked sternly down at the raven-haired beauty. "I will order those two and Hanbee to make you retreat by force. Today is the day I'll make you listen to me absolutely."

"Are you... doing this because... I'm a burden...?" Runa questioned as she turned her head away.

Shingen was off-guard at the sudden question. He didn't expect someone like Runa to ask a question like that.

The silence was all the girl needs. "I see... I am a burden..." She looked down with a depressed look on her face.

Then out of nowhere, Shingen embraced the girl from behind. "I'm surprised you asked that..." He whispered.

"What are you...?" Runa was confused. 'What got into him?'

Shingen buried his face in Runa's silky hair and held her tight. "I told you, didn't I? That I'd like to go home this time without vomiting blood and without injuries. That wasn't a lie, so..."

Those words were filled with a strong resolve as Shingen's hot breaths caressed Runa's hair.

"I promise. I'll definitely won't die." Shingen declared. "I'll be sure to return home to you in Takeda. So... wait for me."

Runa tentatively placed her pale, delicate hands that seemed to be trembling on top of Shingen's larger ones, as he held her. "Will you really... Will you really... come home...?" She tentatively asked in a whispery voice. "If you are... I'll wait.... Days... weeks... months... or even years..."

Shingen smiled. "Yes. Wait for me. Although, I don't plan on making you wait that long. If I leave you for such a long time here, Hanbee will kill me." He joked, mumbling to himself as he sweatdropped at the image he just pictured. He's just getting chills at the thought that the vampire will kill him if Runa wanted to stay until he got back.

Runa looked up at the werewolf in wonder. "Um... what was that... just now...?"

Shingen flinched and smiled wryly. "Ah, I said I'd like to stay like this for a while longer."

"Sure..." Runa titled her head in wonder before looking at the old castle. 'What a weird commander.' She thought as they stayed in that position as long as Shingen desired.


With the following day...

The Takeda Army made preparations to head back to their territory as Shingen, along with Masanobu and Nobuharu was seeing them off.

"Masakage, Masatoyo, I'm trusting the girls with you two." Shingen stated.

"Yes, Shingen-sama." Masakage nodded.

"We will believe in you and wait as well, Shingen-sama." Masatoyo smiled.

"Right..." Shingen patted them on their shoulders, but his eyes were quietly facing Runa, who was being held by Hanbee. "I'll definitely return home alive."

"Yes." Yuzuki nodded. "I'll be waiting."

"And if you break that promise, Runa-chan told me she will skin whatever remains of you, right?" Hanbee smiled as he and his sister shared a look.

Shingen laughed nervously.

"Alright, let's go." Masatoyo said.

"Mm." Yuzuki nodded.

"Please be sure to be careful." Masanobu warned.

"Putting aside Uesugi soldiers, the sudden return of yakuma and the Mouri Army won't choose their time or place." Nobuharu added.

"Right, we'll be careful." Hanbee said.

Runa nodded before Hanbee started walking together with Yuzuki, and the two Takeda generals.

'Shingen-san... will he really be okay...?' Yuzuki wondered, worried. Even at this late hour anxieties welled up and made her feet heavy.

'I can't always lean on Shingen. I need to have the courage to believe and wait.' Runa thought, remembering the promise Shingen made to her. When she glanced back, Shingen was staring directly at her. 'It'll be okay. Shingen will definitely come home.' Runa gripped Hanbee's kimono as her hand began to shake. 'He'll definitely come back to Takeda territory and to his friends. That's why... I have to say at least that-!'

Right before Hanbee stepped out of the old castle's grounds, Runa jumped out of his arms and turned around to Shingen, and the others. She took a deep breath and looked back at them seriously as she cupped her mouth with her hands. "Shingen! Masanobu! Nobuharu! Take care and see you soon!" Runa yelled as her voice echoed throughout the castle.

Shingen and the others stared at the young girl in pure astonishment. This is the first time they've heard the girl raise her voice this loud. They also realised she didn't paused between her words. The words she gave them held confidence and emotions, unlike the words she had said to them before.

Runa lowered her hands as she inhaled deeply, exhausted. Her throat hurts after mustering the voice to say the words to them. But it was worth it. It was strange for the side that was seeing the other off to say that they'll see them soon, but Runa just couldn't help but say that.

So that, when they return, they could say "I'm home".

Shingen snapped out of it and smiled. "Yeah!" He shouted back. "We'll be right back!"

'Please... let me see that smile again...' Runa begged as Hanbee picked her up again and continued walking with the others. Runa knew there was something like a god in this world, and continued to pray to any who would listen.


At the same time...

In the lands of Mouri, a figure in a large black cloak stood on a branch as they look down at the castle courtyard, where the high vassals were training.


Motoharu was having a mock battle against Takakage, putting a lot of power into their swings. 

"You two are full of energy as always." A calm voice commented.

The two onis stopped and turned to see their supreme commander watching them from the porch with a smile.

"Motonari-sama." Motoharu said, lowing his wooden sword. "You were watching?"

"Yes. I wanted to see how you are doing." Motonari trailed his gaze to the purple oni. "Especially you, Motoharu, after your trip from Oda territory."

"I apologise." Motoharu bowed. "I should have not have let my guard down."

"But how did you end up in the middle of the forest?" Takakage asked, still not getting how the purple oni ended up there.

"Like I said, I just did!" Motoharu snapped. "One minute I was approaching the castle to get the girl, the next it felt like someone hit me from behind, and the next thing I knew, I was somewhere in the east forest!"

"Well, it doesn't matter." Motonari stated.

The two vassals stopped growling at each other and turned to their commander in wonder.

"After all..." Motonari glanced at the open door behind him with a sly look in his eyes. "... we have the Cane with us..."


From the tree...

The figure focused their attention on the staff-like silver weapon with a purple holder, along with a gem as its centre.

'So as long as Solomon's Cane stays in their possession, the Treasury of Babylonia is wide open.' They thought, thinking the worse case scenario if the Mouri Army would use the relic for their own cause.


A few hours later...

"If everything's gone well, those guys should be in Takeda lands around now." Shingen murmured, staring into the vast fields from where he, and his vassals were standing.

To have a fight with Kenshin, Shingen walked to an open area with lots of space, so nothing could get in the way or damage the old castle. Plus, it would also save some time for Kenshin to walk all the way up to the mountain, so it was a win-win situation for both parties.

"That's right. Are you worried over whether or not she's done as you ordered?" Masanobu asked.

"No, this time should be good." Shingen answered. He turned towards the werewolves. "After all, she told us she'll be seeing us soon."

Nobuharu smiled. "We need to return home then. All of us."

Shingen huffed with a big smile. "Naturally!"

Masanobu smiled as well before it disappeared when his wold ears twitched. "Shingen-sama, they've come." He informed.

Shingen turned around to the north and saw a small troop up ahead with Uesugi Kenshin in the lead. "What's this? That's quite a small number of people." He commented as Kenshin stopped before him with the others behind the lord.

"You as well; your numbers have decreased more so than yesterday." Kenshin shot back. "In addition..." His eyes trailed over to the trees and bushes behind the Takeda commander. "... there are no troops in ambush."

"Well, yeah." Shingen placed a hand on his hip as a smirk was plastered on his face. "Because it looks like if we make noise here, those yakuma things might come out. It'll be annoying for our match to be pushed back like yesterday." He complained. "I've sent everyone, apart from us, home."

Kenshin narrowed his eyes. "Is that how much you desire to battle me?"

"Yeah. Like I said last time; I have to go beyond you in order to unify the country-" Shingen pointed his sword at the warlord. "-Uesugi Kenshin, the War God!" His sword then trailed over to the Uesugi vassals as Shingen glanced at his own. "You guys, don't lift a hand." He ordered.

"Kagemochi." Kenshin ordered.

"Yes, I understand." The royal purple-haired werewolf said, taking a step back.

Both warlords draw their swords and walked over to the centre of the area and stared hard at each other.

"..." Shingen gripped the hilt of his sword firmly in his hands as his eyes never left the War God.

"..." Kenshin narrowed his eyes.

The two didn't move. They each waited for the other to make the first move. The wind picked up, swaying their hair along as the silence gave the warlords their signal.

Seeing as Kenshin isn't going to move, Shingen took charge with inhuman speed. "Now!" He shouted, launching his body at the other werewolf with his sword held high. "Takeda Shingen has arrived!"



Having left the old castle, Runa returned to Takeda territory with the others and all the soldiers. But they ran into a little issue...

"I wanna go... help Shingen and the others..." Runa wheezed as sweat dripped from her face like bullets.

On their way back to Takeda territory, Yuzuki and the others were walking ahead in a steady pace so they won't get caught by any soldiers Kenshin might have sent, but Runa collapsed due to exhaustion. Turns out, she couldn't keep up. She collapsed when she tried to take the next step and everyone panicked. Masakage and Masatoyo told everyone they'll be taking a small break while Hanbee took care of his sister.

"You won't get any better if you don't rest." Hanbee stated as he placed a damp cloth over Runa's forehead. He grabbed another one and began wiping down her face as the girl relaxed her head on his lap.

"Alright, if we're this far, those Uesugi guys shouldn't chase us." Masakage mentioned as he, Masatoyo and Yuzuki came over to the siblings.

"Although, it appears that they haven't pursued us at all." Masatoyo observed.

"Are you alright, Runa-san?" Yuzuki asked, worried at how red the girl looked.

But Yuzuki's question reached deaf ears. Runa was too busy worrying over Shingen and the others. 'Right now, Shingen and Papa are...' Runa couldn't even finish her own thought.

"Worried?" Masatoyo asked when he saw Runa's expression changed.

"Mhm..." Runa gave him a weak nod.

"Hey! No way Shingen-sama's gonna lose!" Masakage stated, feeling a bit offended about how someone looking down on his commander. "Ever since he's been taking those pills with your herbs, the number of times he's had fits has lowered noticeably." He mentioned as he crossed his arms.

"Really?" Yuzuki asked, surprised about the fact Shingen throws a fit over taking medicine that helps to deal with his illness.

"Oh my, are you trying to cheer her up?" Hanbee teased with a Cheshire smile.

"Wha-?! I-It's not like I meant to to that..." Masakage grumbled as he averted his eyes with a deep shade of red smearing his cheeks.

"You're red." Masatoyo teased, pointing to the red cheeks on the young werewolf's face.

Yuzuki giggled behind her hand.

"Shut up!" Masakage snapped.

"Please keep it down." Hanbee sternly told them, shutting them up so his sister could sleep.

That being said, Runa was already fast asleep as she used Hanbee's lap as her pillow, while his kimono sleeve acted as a mini blanket.

Yuzuki then turned her attention back to the direction they came from with a worried expression. "Shingen-san..." She wanted him to return home quickly. Thinking that, his name naturally slipped out.


"HAAAAARGH!" Shingen jumped into the air to gain pressure into his feet as he attacked Kenshin with a lot of force.

"Haah!" But Kenshin countered with his own attack, putting in the same force as his rival.

Shingen clicked his tongue. "As usual, it's hard to see any openings." He commented.

"Those words I will return to you as is." Kenshin said. "Those movements even as you suffer from a disease..." He narrowed his eyes. "... you are a monster."

"What..." Shingen's eyes widened slightly, surprised that his rival knew. "... you've noticed?" He questioned.

"I heard that those who belong with you were searching for medical herbs within my territory a couple of months ago." Kenshin stated as he pushed his opponent back. He then jumped back to gain distance himself. Once he landed, Kenshin got into position. "I also know the kind of medical herb they were searching for. And out the disease that herb is necessary for... Why does a man such as you...?"

"Who knows?" Shingen casually replied as he shrugged his shoulders. "Inheritance issues alone are a problem, so..." Shingen got into his stance with adrenaline running through his veins. "... I think I'm just burdened by bothersome things. However..."


"Are you... doing this because... I'm a burden...?" Runa questioned as she turned her head away.

Flashback ended:

"... I learned that someone else thinks that they're the burden and is dragging everybody down, because they don't shine as bright as we do." Shingen would never forget how Runa thinks of herself as a burden. The sudden question coming from her burned in his mind. "They found more suitable medical herbs for me, and it works great." Shingen smirked as his grip on his sword tightened. "Because of them, I am here to fight you without any worries."

Kenshin had a feeling he knew who Shingen was talking about. The way the warlord described 'that person', made him think about a certain raven-haired girl, who helped his son to tell him how he felt.

"But, well, that has nothing to do with our match. Am I wrong?"

"Indeed." Kenshin agreed. "It is a trifle detail in this battle."

"Then let's keep going. I'm sorry to say I have someone waiting for me."

"Oh? Do you think you can return home alive after crossing blades with me?" Kenshin questioned.

The smirk dropped from Shingen's face. "I'll return home." He stated. "For sure!"


Several days later...

Things have been quiet and tensed over the last several days, since the girls and the others returned home to Takeda's castle. Shingen and the others hadn't returned yet, and it's making Yuzuki more worried by the day.

The brown-haired girl sat in her room with the worry of Shingen and the others constantly on her mind; day and night. And today, she got to see Imari, who came to visit her.

"So you don't have it?" The tanuki asked. When he asked on how the investigation was going on her end, Imari was over the moon when he learned that Yuzuki discovered that one of the Sacred Treasures of Himemiko was in possession with the Toyotomi Army. And was overjoyed with tears when he learned they have recently found another one.

"Yes." Yuzuki nodded, feeling sorry that she didn't have it with her. "The mirror - or Twyla-san is with Hideyoshi-san, as Runa-san has the other. When I asked to see it, she flat-out refused. Hanbee-kun even told me to leave her alone over the past few days." She explained.

"Why is that?"

"She came down with a fever out of nowhere..." Yuzuki looked down with a sad expression. "Sorry, even though we've finally obtained another clue to Himemiko-sama." She apologised.

"No..." Imari shook his head, telling her it's not aa big deal. "... the Sacred Treasures is safe like this, so that's more than enough for now." Saying that, Imari left again to gather information on Himemiko.

And then, as if changing places with him, Yuzuki's door suddenly bursted open with a loud bang, surprising the girl.

The person behind it was an out of breath Masakage, who had one hand on his knee while the other was on the doorframe. "Hey! Huge problem!" He shouted.

"Wah-!" Yuzuki yelped, surprised at the sudden appearance of the young vassal. "Masakage-kun, what's wrong?! What happened?" She fretted.



"They've come back!" Masakage announced.

Several days had past since she left the old castle before Shingen and the others finally came home. Unbearably happy, Yuzuki went to greet them but when she got to the gates, what she saw was a limp Shingen, who's being supported by Nobuharu.

"An episode occurred, get some medicine!" The tanned werewolf ordered. "Masakage, help me! We're carrying Shingen to his room."

Everyone started moving hectically, Masakage rushed over to Shingen and helped Nobuharu carrying the commander to his room. Meanwhile, Yuzuki was staring with horror in her eyes, not wanting to imaging the inevitable.

"Can you move?" Masanobu asked as he walked over to the frozen girl. "I'd like your help."

Yuzuki snapped out of it, and turned to the werewolf. "Y-Yes!"

Masanobu smiled. "He might get a fever due to exhaustion. Prepare some medicine immediately." He instructed.

"Right...!" Yuzuki nodded while somehow managing to resist to cry. She ran off to the kitchen and began preparing the medicine how Masanobu taught her when she met him.


3 days later...

Runa walked down the wooden floors of the Takeda Castle as she made her way to visit Shingen's room in the morning. When she heard what happened, she wanted to help, but Hanbee told her she could help by getting better for the werewolf since her fever was pretty high during the fight back at the old castle.

At first, Runa wanted to argue, but she was sweating bullets and her blood was seriously boiling up higher than 100°C.  And in the end, she spent the same 3 days recovering just like Shingen, and after getting approval from her overprotective brother, Runa got the chance to see Shingen with her homemade medicine.

When she made it to the Takeda Army's commander's room, Runa slided the door open and saw Shingen sitting in his bed, already dressed in his usual attire with the blanket over his legs.

The werewolf immediately snapped his head to the door in surprise, but relaxed and smiled when Shingen saw it was Runa.

"Good... morning..." Runa slowly greeted. Her throat still hurts after she recovered, but remembered to take plenty of fluids after. "How is... your body... today...?" She asked, walking in as she slided the door shut behind her.

"Yo." Shingen gave the girl a casual wave and his usual big smile. "I'm fine. The fever... well, it's gone down." He explained as Runa sat down before him.

The girl stared at him before reaching out and stretched the poor werewolf's cheeks rather hard. "Bad werewolf..." She bluntly scolded, pulling his cheeks to and fro, enjoying the painful/funny expressions the werewolf was making. "When recovering... it is the... most dangerous times..." Finally, she released him.

Shingen sighed in relief. The girl may look frail, but hell does she have a firm grip. He rubbed his aching cheeks as he stared at the girl with confusion.

"Here..." Runa held out a small plate with one pill mashed into a ball, one that was white, and one that was red. She pointed her index finger at them "Today is this... and this... and this..." Runa looked at him with blunt. "Please... take them..."

"Yeah, yeah. Pills, huh." Shingen showed a wry smile but he firmly took the medicine. He glady took the cup of water Runa offered and gulped it all down with a sigh. Shingen placed it back out the tray before smiling down at her. "Thanks for making this everyday. Because of your pills, I could compete with Kenshin to my heart's content."

"You competed too much!" Runa snapped, hitting the commander on the head. But immediately felt her throat burning up. She coughed a couple of times before the pain subsided. "I heard... that you... fought... for an... entire day..." Runa mentioned with a dangerous tone.

Shingen laughed nervously, seeing how angry the girl was. "He really is strong. I cornered him many times but couldn't win." He explained in a haste when Runa's face got closer, as the aura she's leaking got more dangerous. "I should have expected it of the man I need to surpass."

Runa sighed and sat back down. 'How strange.' She thought. 'When he's talking about Papa, who should be his enemy, he's enjoying himself a lot.' She observed as she watched Shingen going on and on about how awesome Kenshin was. 'It almost makes me think they're actually good friends....'

After letting the commander finish, Runa made sure Shingen finished taking his medicine, she stood up to return to her room to sleep. "Now then... I'll come back... again at noon..." Runa twisted her body and took a step towards the door.

"Ah, wait." Shingen called out.

Runa stopped and turned around to face the werewolf fully, looking down at him curiously.

"Um... I need to talk to you."

"What... about...?" Runa tried to sit down but Shingen patted his own knees.

"Won't you... come over here?" He asked, somewhat nervous for some reason.

"Okay..." When Runa settled herself down on the spot she was told, an arm went around her back, and she was suddenly pulled into an embrace. 'Huh?'

Shingen grinned while Runa was just staring at the werewolf with innocence at the sudden action. "There was a promise, wasn't there? Between me and you?" Shingen questioned as his other hand was placed on Runa's head.

"Hmm?" Runa gave him the baby look as his Shingen's expression softened.

"I'm home."

Runa was suddenly told the words she wanted to hear and for an instant her mind became blank. "I-It's been... 3 days... since you... came home... you know...?" She stuttered, wondering what brought this up out of the blue.

"Haha, my bad, my bad." Shingen said, showing a guilty look. "I was fine up to drawing a tie with Kenshin, but I didn't think I'd collapse on the way home."

Runa glanced to the side. "You're talking... as if... it was... someone else..." She mumbled.

"More importantly..." Shingen began rubbing Runa's head, messing up her silky raven hair, that's just shining against the light. "... don't you have something to say to me?"

Runa nodded, glancing back up at him as she placed her own hand on top of Shingen's, that was messing up her hair.

"Welcome home, Shingen."

"Ah, that's nice. With this..." Shingen brought Runa closer, resting his chin on her head. "... I feel like I'm back home."

And then, as Runa stayed silent like a dormouse as she let the commander laugh his heart out, they heard someone firmly clearing their throat outside the room.

"Ahem! Umm, is it okay to come in now?" Masanobu's voice muffled through the door.

Then out of nowhere, the door slammed open with a bang.


"Wha?!" Shingen gasped in surprise.

'Huh?' Runa calmly turned her head to the door to see who it was.

At the same time, Shingen hurriedly separated himself from the innocent girl and tried to correct their posture, but it was too late; the others had seen it.

"Shingen-sama! Just because you came back home after a long time, don't you think you're being a little too close?!" Masakage protested, feeling a rush of heat to his cheeks at the scene.

"I agree." Hanbee smiled evily as he released a dark aura that could rivaled Runa's. "Just because my sister is happy to see you, I don't want you to ruin her innocence just yet, got it?"

"W-What?! If you have something to say then say it clearly!" Shingen shouted, blushing mad at this. Heck, he was sweating bullets at the aura the vampire was giving him. He felt like Hanbee was going to kill him any second.

"Then I'll go ahead and say it." Masanobu volunteered, stepping in further. He smiled scarily down at Shingen, the same smile he gave when the commander refused to take his pills. "Even if it is you, Shingen-sama, when it comes to this girl or Yuzuki-san, even I don't feel that good about this." He stated.

"Mm... me too." Masatoyo nodded, showing the same smile.

Shingen flinched as he backed away slightly, sweatdropping. "W-What's with you guys? Don't look so scary, okay?"

"Why?" Hanbee questioned, taking a step closer. "You're the one who caused this, after all."

Nobuharu bursted out laughing with his hands placed on his hips.

"Nobuharu-san?" Yuzuki questioned, wondering what got into the werewolf all of a sudden.

When Nobuharu calmed down, he smiled down at Runa, who was staring at them like a lost puppy. "Good grief..." He sighed as he crossed his arms. "... you're a calamitous girl." He commented.

"Calami... what...?" Runa wondered, never heard such a word.

"C-Calamitous, that's a bit...." Yuzuki sweatdropped, thinking that word was a bit much.

"Ahem! Ahem!!" Shingen coughed loudly, gaining everyone's full attention. "Uh, more importantly, you guys came here because you had business, right?" He asked, getting to the more important subject. "It wasn't because you guys like eavesdropping, right?"

"Certainly, we came because there was something but..." Masatoyo trailed off.

"Because you were doing that stuff, Shingen-sama, we couldn't get it out!" Masakage shouted.

Shingen groaned with an irritated look.

"'That stuff'...?" Runa wondered. She and Shingen were just talking while the werewolf was petting her. What's wrong with that? She just doesn't understand why they get so worked up over nothing.

"Well, nothing can be done with something that's passed." Masanobu said. "More importantly, Hanbee, don't you have something to tell us?"

"Right." Hanbee nodded. "I remember another story a friend of mine foretold a long time ago. And it's related to the Sacred Treasure in the riddle."

Runa knew what the vampire was talking about. "It's about... how the Goddesses... created... this world... right...?"

Hanbee smiled. "Ah, so you remember, as well."

"How Shinga was created?" Yuzuki stammered, surprised such a story exists.

Hanbee nodded. "A long time ago, in a magical land beyond the stars..."


"A long time ago, in a magical land beyond the stars lies 6 unique stars within their own. These stars represent the elements of many kinds; creation, land, sun, water, wind, and fire. However, the universe they reside was beginning to break. The endless stars in the night sky had also began to lose their light. In order to prevent the extinction of the universe, the 6 stars created a world where a new-born change for them can arise."

A young Hanbee listened quietly, laying in a futon with a girl older than him, who was gently stroking his head while she told him the story. He felt relaxed in her arms as the girl pulled the covers up to his shoulders to keep him warm. 

"In order to maintain balance of the infinite power, the universe used the 6 stars as vessels and gave birth to the Goddess of Creation, the Goddess of Water, the Goddess of Fire, the Goddess of Wind, the Goddess of Land, and the Goddess of Sun, thus creating our world. Later, the Goddess of Darkness descended to the lower realm and met with the Goddess of Land, and the two of them became close friends.

However, the Goddess of Darkness stole the Goddess of Land's power and sealed her in ice and snow, thus bringing winter. The Goddess of Creation thawed the ice, and the Goddess of Water swept the ice and snow away long with the Goddess of Darkness, thus allowing offspring to bud in the spring.

The Goddess of Fire helps the budding lives flourish in the summer. While the Goddess of Wind keeps the Goddess of Darkness at bay, harvests are completed in the fall. And then returns winter, the season of the Goddess of Darkness."

Flashback ended:

"-And then returns winter, the season of the Goddess of Darkness. The Goddess of Fire rules over summer, and bestows her divine protection through development and guidance." Hanbee finished.

"So that's how Shinga came to be." Yuzuki said, understanding more about the world. 'I didn't think this world would have that kind of history.'

"So one of the Sacred Treasures might be an ancient artifact that belongs to the Goddess of Wind." Shingen theorised. "Come to think of it, didn't you find something at the old castle?" He asked, turning to the raven-haired beauty.

Runa nodded. "I'll bring it... right now..."

The werewolves got out of the way and let the girl walk out and waited for a minute or two before Runa walked back in with a small box in her hands.

Staring down at the box, Yuzuki felt excited. 'Hehe. Shingen's come home safely and he's healthier now, so it's finally time to open it!' She thought, staring at the closed box with a pounding heart.

Runa sat back down and pried the lid open, since it was stuck, and what inside was a beautiful necklace with transparent wings, fine decorated blue sapphires, white lacing accents and a large, smooth gem in the center.

"It's pretty clean." Shingen observed, surprised at how shiny and clean an ancient artifact was.

"It looked like it was kept in a fine condition, despite being in a box for many years." Hanbee point out. To him, it still looked brand new.

Runa stared at the pretty fainted blue aura, that's surrounded the necklace. 'Why does it... look so sick...?' She wondered.


Unable to control her own hands, Runa unwillingly picked up the necklace, and in that moment, the gem glowed brightly.

"Ah!" Yuzuki immediately covered her eyes from the blinding light.

"Wha-?! W-What's this?!" Masakage asked, surprised at the bright light, but especially the black and purple aura that's covering Runa's body.

"It's so bright!" Masatoyo added.

"Not again!" Hanbee exclaimed, shielding his eyes from the light with his arms.

'Why do I... feel lighter...?' Runa wondered as she let the necklace eat some of her Astral Powers. With each gulp, her body felt lighter, and cooler.

The gem on the necklace sucked the powers from Runa, reflecting the same aura around her body, eating to its fill.

When the light finally settled, the brand new-looking necklace changed into a bright blue ball. It stayed motionless before it zoomed across the group, heading straight for Runa, who jumped when the light ran circles around her.

The raven-haired beauty shielded her face from the light when it got rather close than Twyla did it.

The ball did a few rounds around the raven-haired beauty before stopping before her.

Runa lowered her arms when the colourful ball glowed one last time and just like Twyla; it grew larger and changed form.

The light revealed a dalmatian (a white dog with black or brown-coloured spots all over its body), with big milk chocolate brown eyes. On its back was a sparkling pair of blue wings.

"*Yawn*" The dog yawned lazily before its big puppy eyes trailed over to Runa. It stared at her for a moment before a huge grin appeared on its face. "Kyaaaa! It's nice to finally meet you, Hime-sama!" It shouted.


"Not again..." Hanbee sweatdropped, seeing how the day of the first Sacred Treasure had just repeated itself.

"... KYAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" Runa screamed, backing away from the flying dog.

"The stuffed animal just talked!" The werewolves exclaimed.

"I'm not a stuffed animal!" The dog offendedly denied. "I am Fei! The Sacred Treasure of Schutzaria!"

"A Sacred Treasure that turned into a creature. How mysterious..." Masatoyo said, fascinated with the turn of events.

"Can we... think of this as the real thing?" Shingen asked, staring at the flying dog, that tried to talk to Runa, who continued to back away from it by hiding behind Hanbee.

"Yes, most probably." Masanobu responded, watching the show as well.

"You've done it, Shingen-sama!" Masakage exclaimed, happy. "Isn't this gonna be a great force to our army?!"

"Hey, hey, stop right there werewolf." Fei ordered, spinning her body to face the young vassal with authority. "I'm ain't gonna be any tool in any of your quarrel. The only person I serve now is Hime-sama." She stated, pointing her paw to the terrified raven-haired beauty, who's being comfort by the Toyotomi vassal.

"Fei's right." Shingen backed up, standing up from his bed. "She isn't a war tool. We're going to accomplish unifying the country through our own strength, right?" He smirked, placing his hands on his.

"You're right! Let's do that for sure!" Masakage shouted, pumped up already.

"Yeah..." Shingen made eye-contact with the vampire. "... that's why I don't mind if you report this to Hideyoshi and have him depend on us 100%."

Hanbee hoisted his sister up and smiled at the werewolf. "Haha, okay. I'm sure Hideyoshi-sama will definitely take up on that offer."

Yuzuki smiled fondly at the scene before her. 'I'm glad I met everyone in this world...' She thought. 'Alright, I'll do my best together with everyone again, starting on our next search for the other Sacred Treasures!'

As Hanbee rubbed Runa's back, helping the girl calm down as it lulled her to sleep in his arms, he noticed the tanned werewolf was staring intently outside. "What's wrong, Nobuharu?" He asked.

Nobuharu blinked and turned his gaze from the door to the vampire. "Ah, nothing." But his gazed went back outside and narrowed in suspicion. "I felt a murderous intent from outside the window, but..."

"M-Murderous intent?!" Fei exclaimed, shocked. Are they going to get ambushed?

"Fuhaha, relax. It seems I was imagining it."

"However, there is no harm in being vigilant." Hanbee advised.

"Runa obtained-"

"Awakened." Fei corrected.

Nobuharu smiled. "Right, my bad. She 'awakened' Himemiko-sama's Sacred Treasure. There's a possibility unscrupulous fellows will come close, so be cautious." He warned.

"Right..." Hanbee looked at the direction Nobuharu looked at, and narrowed his own eyes as his grip tightened on his sister. 'No matter what... I'm going to protect Runa-chan... In order to do that...' Hanbee turned to Fei, who was interrogating Yuzuki, bombing her with many questions. '... I need to focus.'



The yellowish green wolf hid in some bushes within the front gate of the Takeda Castle. Its grey eyes stared directly at a certain commander, wearing an eyepatch, who was staring at the castle with a smirk.

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