My Crazy House Help (she defi...

By NimatOye

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πŸ’My Crazy House HelpπŸ’ πŸ’ž(She defiled me)πŸ’ž Meet Bryan a god on his own, his name is on the air and no one i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 πŸ’–

Chapter 16

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By NimatOye

👰🎻My Crazy
House Help🎻👰
🎤(She defiled me)🎤

"You said what???" I raised my brow at the lawyer who just spoke that word..
"Sir...they are really here, someone must have informed them immediately..." He muttered with a little bow...
I turned to Bryan who gave me a smirk, Jace and the girl he came with was all smiles as they watched me fume in fear and exasperation..
My eyes dilated as I looked around in shock...
It all happened so fast that I couldn't think straight...
"Jace what have you just done?? came in here with those fake video and destroyed everything!!!" I glared while he scoffed and held his girlfriend close to his body..
"You can't hurt Bryan or Rose and go scot free...Bryan is my friend and Rose is her friend, we won't let you useless their life..." He said and smiled...
"How did you get that video?? you...." I stuttered ruffling my hair in frustration..
It is clear Jace couldn't get that video, someone must have helped him get it, but who???
Bryan and Sophia stood up and stepped out of the chair they sat together...
"You must thought you have won right?" Bryan scoffed and walked closer to me..
I was breathing hard feeling my blood rushing through my veins, I never thought of a moment like this..
I couldn't act rashly to avoid more tarnishing of my name which had already began,
Many would be very shocked at the exposed truth, no one knew me as a bad person, I'm sure this would be a huge blow to them..
All I am thinking of right now is how to elude this, how to escape going to jail, how to clean my name, Jace really hit me hard, he got in the very moment I never wanted him...
He got a clean job, anyone who even found the record must be a professional..i never expected someone to hack into the camera system in Sophia's apartment...
That person must be well trained to be able to bug in without causing any alert, how could my team be so dumb not to notice it...
Who on earth was able to find the code and also block my server from tracing the system when hacked...
"You want me to marry Sophia right?? recall I told you to keep on dreaming..guess you now understand..." Bryan smirked calling back my attention,
I gave him a cold stare but he wasn't moved a bit..
Right there, he tore the marriage file into two..
"Go to hell with your f**king marriage!" He growled..
I fumed and clenched my fist wishing I could kill him right there, how dare them scorn at me,
I really feel shamed..
The press are all recording this and I can even hear the sirens of the cops..
Sweat covered my forehead, I just wish all this would be a dream, like seriously how would I fail at the end point, I was too close to winning...
"Sophia did you just see that??..I may had been too desperate but we all know you love him, you both had always love each other deeply.." I growled and she took a deep breath before glancing at Bryan..
"Dad even till now, you still talk about love?? you have an idea what it is...I never wanted this marriage, I am very grateful to Jace, thanks for coming in at this moment, I would be leaving now.." She stated and walked away..
My heart beat increased its pace as I looked around in shame and exhaustion, I'm damn weak with all this.
"Hey you all should leave this place now!" I yelled at the press..
"Sir, we are doing our job..after all, these evidence would be needed when you are on trial.." Their lead spoke out strongly making me smirk...
She was a young girl in her early thirties and I just wonder how she badly wants to die...
Guess, she doesn't know the true me, they are yet to fathom my true self, if she had known how cruel and evil I am...she would never say a word and would scamper away right now.
I stared straight to her face and all her team, I'm already seeing them as a corpse...
They would all underestimate my ability and won't take much precautions only for me to take the lives of all that was involved in this...
My name would finally be tainted but it would take more lives and bloodshed...
Just then, the door sprang open and almost ten cops rushed in fully armed..
"Arrest him!!" Their lead ordered and the police men really cuffed my hand and dragged me away..
I couldn't say any word, I was dumb as I carefully studied their faces, the press even took more shots..
Oh gosh!!
How would I cover this??
How would I even be the Governor after this?..
It has always been my dream to keep a good name so the people would elect me when I finally come out for election..
This is what Jace shattered in a blink of an eye,
I gazed at the cuff around my wrist and made a deep growl, the policemen following me even made it look more like I was a criminal...
"Why I'm I hand cuffed??" I asked..
"You forced your daughter to rape Bryan, gosh!!..what a cruel act!!..we also want to know the plan you had in mind for the marriage, guess there is a lot yet to be unveiled!" The lead said without glancing at me...
I was taken into the car and drove off,
I'm sure my men would rescue me in just a day but the taint in my name would take almost a year to clear off,
After I pass through all this, George would follow, I would quickly expose that video, the world would be so shocked, his reputation would be dragged to the mud..
After that, I would take Rose and her mother again and threaten Bryan with them..
I would even kill Lisa to show my seriousness..
I swear this time around, if he doesn't abide to all I say, I would kill Rose truly...
I would then put more charge on their music industry, even if I won't be able to get that contract from their marriage, I would still bring their business down and destroy George's name, it would be so terrible for them..
Bryan's POV..
I sat down back on the desk with a deep sigh..
"Jace I owe you a big favour for saving me for an eternal pain.." I breathed and he smiled widely...
"Thank Clara not me, she found the video, I hadn't got the chance to check my mail, she checked it and found it..." He said and held Clara's palm as they both sat down heavily...
"Who sent the video?" I asked and they shook their head sideways .
"Unknown! seem we have a secret helper." Clara said and I arched my brow..
"That person must be related to us some way, why would he help us does he even know about Sophia and I??" I asked rhetorically..
"Have you replied the message, have you asked of who he is?" I added and he wagged his head..
"I can't reply him, his email is empty, I just wonder how??" Jace replied and I nodded...
"He knew someone may try to track his location from the message, he is being careful, but how can we know this god send helper..?" I asked with a deep breath..
"I'm sure he would show himself one day, let's go out and celebrate our victory, do you know what would have become of you if you married sophia...Rose would die of heartbreak!" He chirped and I nodded...
"Yeah, I would never forgive myself...let's go!!..I don't know why I just feel like Rose is coming back to me.." I chuckled as we all walked off to the car..
Sophia's POV..
I fell on my bed in tears, my heart was so heavy with shame and pain,
Just hours ago, it had been known that I forced Bryan into having s*x with me, it has been known that I faked a pregnancy just to have Bryan tied down...
Even if it was my dad's doing, most of my fans won't stop trolling me..they said I was the same with my father, I shouldn't have agree for anything...
I feels so devastated, they kept asking me why I never reported to the cops, it shows I myself wanted Bryan again after dumping him...
This is so bad!!
Xavier thought it was only his name that was tainted, mine too...
After all, I was the one who had s*x with a drugged man just to frame a pregnancy and force him into marriage..
This is an ear sore!!
I rolled on the bed in hurt, just few hours ago, I could have been certified a wife to Bryan but someone saved me...
The person wasn't Jace but the anonymous sender, it looked like that strange person knew everything that had been happening...
He knew of me, Bryan and my father..
But who is he??
I owes him a lot, because of him, I wasn't getting married to Bryan which didn't love, because of him, Xavier's secret plan was exposed...
I want to see him.. did I even know he is a man, what if it is a random girl who decided to help...
No!!..I'm sure this person must be a man, he seem to be helping me for a reason that was why he didn't show the part where I had s*x with Bryan....
What I'm I even saying!!
I took a deep breath before stepping out of the bed, i head to the bathroom and took a thorough bath..
I returned back and dressed up before slumping back on the bed,
I would be going to school tomorrow, the school press would ask about all that happened...
This time around, I won't be a dumb..I'm gonna state it clearly..
I don't love Bryan...we broke off already!!!!
Just as I lay forcing sleep to come, my phone rang...
I picked it up and it was Austin..
My eyes widened in shock..
Does it means he could call me all this time but lied he was blocked by my dad?
"Hello Austin, you can call my......
" who I'm I talking with?? this Sandy??" He asked and my eyes fluttered.
"Austin are you kidding me??..this is soph......"
I couldn't finish my word before the line went off.
What the f**k!!!
I tried calling back again but it only bounced back...
Oh gawd!!!
My breath went tensed as I grit my teeth in anger and confusion,
It is clear he just called me mistakenly, he had someone else in mind....
I quickly made a rough search about her and found out she was also an upcoming singer.
I sighed and flung my phone away..
My eyes closed but sleep was far away, I picked the phone again and checked my mails...
There were tons of messages from fans and music industries requesting for shows..
I wanted to drop it but a message caught my attention, it was from am empty mail "anonymous"..
My brow arched as I stared at it for some second before clicking it open...
📜You don't know me but I know you and wish to see you every second of my life, I'm your fan and really love you, i would always protect you so you would be happy..your smile is enough for me!📜
I read slowly and repeatedly..
The words sank into me...
I dropped the phone and buried my face into the pillow, those words kept resounding...
Many fans are fond of professing their love and impossible wishes but this one seemed so different...
The sender knew I was troubled, he knew my life is at stake, he knew I was saddened....
Who is he to protect me??
I picked the phone and re-read the message feeling the affection in it,I felt the tender feeling of a man that cares..
A deep sigh escaped my lips,
📜who are you?📜
I typed and made to click sent but couldn't...
The question just look so strong and rude to me..
I deleted it and typed...
📜Do you think you can protect me??..what else do you know about me??..can we meet??📜
I typed and clicked sent...
The message vanished including his message, it just looked like none had been there...
What happened??
I've heard of such a thing being done by assassins and professional hackers and impersonator to cover every trace of getting their location...
I told him if we can meet, no location!
Oh,I could have set a venue if I knew it would all be gone after he received the reply....
What???...why I'm I this keen and i interested in a random fan out of the millions I got...
I closed my eyes and this time sleep which refused to come rushed in a haste, I slept with the thought of the strange fan....
George's POV..
"Where are you taking me to!!!" I yelled the umpteenth time...
"Can't you just keep calm, no one would even hear you if you shout, the glass is tinted...stop blocking our ear with your loud voice!" The man on dark glass beside me stated making me sneer at him...
"You are kidnapping me for Xavier and wants me to keep calm, just kill me or I would shout till none of you would bear it..!!" I shouted..
"Is this how one is being kidnapped??..and...who is Xavier?? are tied so you won't make things hard for us...we are taking you somewhere far away from where you lived!" He explained.
"You aren't well at all!!..stop the pretense..." I growled and began to shout again..
"How can a man like you be this troublesome?" The driver asked without glancing at me..
"I'm tired of Xavier, I want you all to be pushed into killing me, my life would still be shattered when Xavier comes out of the jail, I would be better dead than alive!" I bawled.
"That's why you are being sent far away, to save your life and that of....." He paused and covered his mouth..
"What???..who else..."
"I'm sorry..." He muttered and pierced a syringe into my arm..
"Sleep well.." I heard his last word before dozing off..
I woke up and found myself on the bed in a strange room...
I didn't even know how long I had slept, everywhere was very strange...
They were saying the truth, I'm being sent to a far away place for safety but who planned this??
And...who else where they talking about???
Oh gosh!!
Lisa's POV..
"Why I'm I brought here??" I asked the umpteenth time..
"Your daughter and Fred want you to stay safe without any suffering would be your apartment, all you want would be given to you instantly..." One of them answered as we head to the porch..
I made to smile in gladness but frowned as I recalled George..
It also means I can't see him again, why knows what he also may be passing through...
"There is someone you would love to meet, he is inside..." Another man beside me said leaving me curious...
I entered the sitting room and head upstairs where they said the person was...
Walking through the hallway, my heart beat increased..
Who is he??
I finally reached the open room and I walked in...
The person was sitting on the bed backing me...
"Hey, who are you???" I asked and he turned sharply...
His mouth went agape, I stood transfixed...
We couldn't move as our eyes glued to each other....
Is this a dream or what??
I would be living here with George the love of my life...

"Lisa...." He muttered fluttering his eyes in shock..
It was real!!!!
The man in front of me is George, the man I loved so much...
Does it mean that once again, we are together??..after it all seemed impossible..does it means I can now stay with the man I love in peace...
Oh, God!!.. I'm going crazy!!
A wide smiled escaped my lips as i walked closer to where he sat, Fred and Rose really did this for me???..they brought us together safely...
wow!! heart won't stop beating very fast..
"George, are you the one I'd be living with?" I gasped fidgeting as i stare at his cute face which had captured my heart years ago...
He smiled and stood up walking over to me..
He held my palm softly staring into my eyes, his face became drawn with his eyes going dim, he seemed to be feeling guilt..
"I don't deserve you, I feels so ashamed to stand in front of you could I allow you suffer, I couldn't save you and Rose from Xavier...does that make me a man??..doesn't it show I'm useless" He breathed and wagged his head looking away from my eyes..
I could see how regretful he was..
"George, it isn't your fault...I understand, Xavier was more prepared so he took the upper hand, but I believe he would be brought down very soon.." I smiled and held his chin bringing his gaze back to my face...
"Wait...Xavier allowed your memories??..I thought he would erase it?" He asked.
"It never crossed his mind that a day like this would come, he never cared to attack our memories because he was in a rush that George, how had you been faring?" I asked caressing his soft cheek..
"It was a terrible moment back then, it was that moment I pray never to come again, do you know how my heart shredded into tiny piece hearing you were killed in the furnace??...I felt my life useless, I got no reason to stay alive again...." He paused and smiled..
"If you had been dead..I would also kill Xavier if my life, I can't live with the guilt of being the reason why you died.." He cooed and held my palm to his cheek..
"Rose and a man called Fred arranged this place for us, they want us to stay away from trouble, they want a peaceful moment for us..." I muttered..
"Fred???..that name sounds familiar..I think I have heard it somewhere.." He arched his brow.
"He had been of great help to me and Rose since we were sent away...but...George, I'm afraid my daughter would end up in a painful heartbreak, did your son stamp that file??" I asked with a heavy breath.
"He may have done that already, it was set to be done by 8:00..I was unable to attend because I was abducted to this place.." He sighed.
"Isn't there anything that can be done to revoke the marriage?? daughter love your foster son so much, can she bear it??" I swallowed hard feeling sorry for my daughter...
"Where is she now?" He asked.
"She left to meet Bryan and the other, Fred is also with her..I could have stopped her but she didn't notify me before leaving, I was able to know after reading the letter she dropped.." I explained.
"She left to meet Bryan knowing the implications, isn't she aware of what would happen to her??..Xavier would kill her!!!" He growled clenching his fist.
"She is so determined to fight him, your son and the other wants to put a stop to his evil manipulation, I just hope they survive because we can't live like a slave forever!" I breathed..
"I also wants this all to end, I want to love a free live with you, I want my son and your daughter to live together without fear or fight, but how?? can we stop Xavier??..he got many things against us..his power and fame is an advantage to him!!" He sighed in exasperation before slumping on the couch..
"I believe he can be brought down, let be at ease...if after all that Xavier did, fate could still bring us together, then...don't you think it would be the same for them??.." I smiled and he looked up to me.
"Xavier has a video which can destroy me if it gets out..remember that girl raped and killed, he got the video and my face shows in there, I wasn't the culprit but no one would believe because of my face showing at the scene..." He mumbled shutting his eyes with deep breath..
"He manipulated you, he controlled your life, he wants to turn you to nothing..I'm sure he gonna pay!!..Fred seem to know some secret about him..let's just watch how things turns out!" I cooed and sat beside him...
"I'm just afraid of the future, how would it be like??..would it be a happy ending??" He asked in a low tone....
Just then the TV turned on automatically for News updates..
We both turned to it and got the greatest shock....
My head spined as I felt a rush of adrenalin run through me,
What I saw was much of impossibility, it looked so unreal and I would never believe if George didn't see it too..
We both glanced at each other with a widened eyes..
"Is that Xavier being cuffed???" We both asked in unison..
"I'm I hallucinating or what??" I asked under my breath.
"Ma'am, its true..Xavier was arrested this morning!" Someone said from behind and we both turned sharply....
It was one of the maid..
"Sir, ma..a video was released on the verge of the marriage certification, it shows Xavier forcing his daughter into raping Bryan while under a drug influence sprayed on her body by him.." She explained leaving me startled..
"Someone hacked into the camera and got the video, of shows Xavier forcing her into it, Sophia wasn't pregnant because she was having a sheath on, the stunt was pulled to make Bryan marry her, the video was brought by Jace and really saved Bryan from the marriage" she added leaving my heart leaping in deep joy...
I shut my eyes feeling happiness within, Xavier had been given a heavy blow, his name which he cared for and won't want to be defame had been tarnished...
I turned to George and could see the huge smile..
"Finally someone did it!!!..someone shattered that name which he wants to keep, how then can he win the election for Governor!!!.. Oh yes!!!" He squealed and hugged me tightly..
"It is just a matter of time, those children would bring his a**s to the mud, I trust my Rose!" I muttered hugging him more closely..
"I trust my Bryan...even if Xavier comes out of the prison, he would be badly affected and can't act rashly, anyone who got the video deserve the best..I promise to change his life later..." He said and pecked my lips..
"What was that for?" I asked with a cheesy smile..
"It was for the happiness, Rose can still be with Bryan, let's keep out mind at ease like you say...those kids are capable, they won't be controlled like us, Xavier would be brought down by them!!" He laughed and I joined him...
"Let's get something to eat, after that...we would take a tour, it has been many years...." He smiled and I nodded..
He carried me in a bridal style leaving me laughing as I hit his chest playfully...
"Your beauty couldn't diminish a bit even after the suffering, it becomes more obvious this how I spoil you, that's your punishment for marrying another man..." He deadpanned..
"What would you do??" I asked rolling my eyes..
"I would cook for you, I would feed you, I would bath you and....." He paused and chuckled..
"And what????.." I asked anxiously..
"Its a secret!! would only know it later, I just feel like carrying you forever, who knows you may get lost again.." He chirped and my heart skipped in that intense feeling...
I stared at his eyes with was glistening, it has never changed, nothing changed...
George still loves me so much, I thought he had moved on back then, I must be totally mistaken!!!..
Rose's POV
"Sophia replied me!!!!!!!" Fred's voice reverberated through the building as he came running towards me holding his phone in his hand....
His eyes was shimmering and exuded happiness...
It had been just some hours since we reside into a hotel to spend the night..
We had gotten to Korea late at night so we got to lodge a hotel..
I had been in my room hugging my pillow tightly thinking of no one than Bryan, you can't tell how my heart pound at the thought of meeting him again...
It had been few weeks we got separated but it seemed like a year to me, I badly wants to see his cute face again, I long for his sweet and charming smile, his heartwarming hug...
Just everything about him makes me go gaga...
I can't wait to meet him.
I was about to fall asleep before Fred made that scream which didn't only woke me up but also made me cringe off the bed...
"She replied my message!!!" He squealed again jumping on the bed where I sat...
I had never seen him this happy...
"Who replied your message??..that person should have waited till the next day, now it had taken my sleep..." I whined rolling my eyes..
"What???..if she had waited till tomorrow, I won't receive it..." He squeaked and stared at his phone intently as huge smile crossed over his lips...
"She???..are you talking of Sophia?" I asked and he turned to me with a short laugh...
"She is the one, look at the message!" He said and handed the phone to me..
I read it and smiled..
"You would protect her??..why not just tell her I love you..." I teased with a chuckle..
"That message took me a lot to can't believe I was gasping for breath while writing it, I never knew she would reply it so soon, she even wants to meet me....oh!!!" He gasped and fell on the bed looking up to the ceiling..
"Does it means it can still work out??" He asked rhetorically..
"You saved her from getting married to Bryan by sending that video to Jace, do you know how grateful she would be???" I said with a lopsided smile..
"I'm surely gonna meet her, would help me arrange it please, its hard to meet a star like her so easily.." He breathed.
"When are we meeting them?" I asked and he sat up abruptly..
"Tomorrow..I had said two days later but, I don't think I can wait much longer, who knows Sophia may forget me if I don't meet her sooner.." He mumbled with his eyes shut..
"Fine...can I sleep now??" I asked with a smile, here is Fred truly in love with Sophia not minding her flaws..
I could remember when Sophia was a pain on my neck, I never knew she was being manipulated, her life is so complicated and tiring now.
She must have passed through a lot from her father, I'm sure her life would also be at stake....
Here is Fred who is ready to get her heart at any risk, he couldn't wait for a week again, even when he knew how dangerous it was to come out back to Korean..
He was ready to make the sacrifice for Sophia.
I guess they may be fated to be together..
"Before I'd allow you sleep, promise you would help me meet her, with the help of Bryan, I can meet you guys should arrange it for me, I may be nothing but I'm sure of my feelings for her, it never dies away..." He sighed hugging the pillow more closely...
"As far as you help and save her, protect her, and make her become free again, she would fall for you, at least she replied your message because you said you'd protect her so...don't go back on your word.." I said and he squeaked jumping off the bed..
"I would help to fight Xavier...those videos can bring him down but...I should act rashly, my life may be taken down with him..I'm afraid to die, I don't want to would means Sophia won't... "
" one is dying, we all got to live so..don't talk of death, Sophia would be yours!" I said and he nodded with a huge smiles...
"Have a blissful sleep!!" I squeaked and ran off..
"Make sure you sleep and don't have sleepless night thinking of her!!!!!" I screamed at the overjoyed Fred....
He could only laugh as he slam the door..
Just tomorrow, I would walk to you,
My fears for Xavier had suddenly vanished.
I wasn't wearing a mask, there is no need hiding my face when I would still be with Bryan anytime, anywhere. ..
Laying on the bed, my heart beat more faster, I was too anxious to meet Bryan....
Bryan's POV.
The alarm the third time before I decided to sat up from the bed..
I was a but dizzy out of yesterday's merriment, we had drank and celebrated our victory, even if Xavier may fight back but one thing is certain...
There is no way I'd marry Sophia again, it has crossed over the country how we had no feelings for each other...
It was Jace and Clara that saved us but there us someone who was the mastermind, the sender of that video..
I just wish he would show his face...
Today, I would be going to school, the school press must surely have a lot of question to ask, I would even tell them about Rose being alive....
I stepped out of the bed and felt a rush of shudder run down my spine, the feeling came strangely...all of a sudden, I felt that I would be seeing Rose today..
How possible is that???
Just then, Sophia walked in dressed for school...
"Bryan, you already know that Rose is alive right??" She asked and I nodded.
"Have you found out anything about that anonymous person who sent that video to Jace?" She asked with much enthusiasm..
"No, he is untraceable" I replied and she sighed..
"I don't know if they are the same, but a professional computer operator message me, he promised to save me saying he is a fan who long to be with me, he also said he wanted me to smile always...I just don't understand clearly...are they the same person?"she asked and my brow arched..
"Where is the message?" I asked.
"It was erased to avoid being tracked, guess he is hiding his location just as he did in sending that video, they would probably be the same person..." She muttered thoughtfully..
"Sophia..." I called out with a short laugh...
"You are the reason why he sent that video, he loved you and was ready to keep taking risk, he may be hiding from Xavier or someone, have you tried to contact him??" I asked..
"I requested we meet but got no reply before the message went off.." She answered.
"If you meet him, what would you do?" I asked and she smiled for the first time since she came..
"If I should meet this man who saved me from that bondage...." She paused him covered her face as she giggled..
"What is it??" I asked and she giggled the more...
"He said he loved me and long to see me every second...maybe I would fulfil his wish.." She replied slowly still smiling from ear to ear..
"Fine....I'm getting ready for school, are we going together?" I asked and she shrugged..
"There is no need for that...see you in school!!" She waved and scurried off..
Wow..finally she changed for the better...
Clara's POV...
I walked out of the house heading to school, Jace would be coming by very soon to drive me to school...
I had my bag clutched to my back as I locked the door...
Turning to leave, I saw the greatest shock ever..
Right in from of me was Rose looking more than beautiful with a sweet smile...
"Rose!!!!!" I screamed and hugged her tightly...
"How has you been??" We asked in chorus...
"I hope you aren't hurt by that scvmbag!" She seethed..
"Don't mention him here...I want to shock Bryan, finally I'm back with you guys, so how is your boyfriend??" I asked and she chuckled before pointing behind me..
I turned and there was Jace standing transfixed in shock as he stared at me...
"Rose can never die or be separated from Bryan... Jace I hope you had been taking care of her??" I smiled and her gave me a tight hug..
"Thank God you are really alive...let's go and meet Bryan, he hadn't been himself without you..." He chirped and I nodded before hoping into the car...
Bryan's POV..
After hours later, the chaos and uproar died down..
Since I came to school, a the girls had went gaga, screaming and shrieking for my attention...
It has been long I was seen, they must have missed me so badly...
I sat in the class thinking of how to find Rose, all the student won't stop gazing at me...
They can't tell if Rose is alive or really dead, many things had happened recently....
Just then, Clara and Jace walked in with a wide smile..
"Hey what is the smiles for?" I asked with an arched brow..
It turned into chuckles which even brought tears off their eyes...
I wonder what is this happiness for??
"Jace what....." I paused as I heard some noise from outside...
I looked around on confusion...
"Clara can you......"
"Rose!!!!!!!!!!" A student screamed and everyone went crazy...
My eyes widened,
I was still trying to understand what is going on when someone walked in increasing the screams...
I raised my gaze only to see my Rose flower looking so s£xy and beautiful than ever as she smiled at me...
Is this a dream??

My mouth went wide open in total surprise, my breath went faster,
I'm sure I haven't start having illusion...the girl in front of the class is Rose...
"Bryan..." She called in that soft tone that leaves me enchanted...
"Rose!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my voice and running up to her laughing so hard....
I quickly swaddled her into my arm and swiveled in joy leaving her giggling hardly...
"Rose you here for real!!..I'm getting gaga!!!" I breathing heavily leaving her smiling more widely..
I stared into her beautiful eyes and couldn't hold my emotions, my eyes went w€t...
It was real, Rose is finally back to me...
The whole class went crazy seeing the display...
I dropped her down gently and held her waist softly drawing her closer to me...
"Bryan how had you been all this while?" She asked softly caressing my cheek as she peered into my eyes..
"Do you think I'd be alright?? you think my life would go well without you??...oh Rose, I was shattered, do you even know how I felt when I was tricked into believing you are dead??? was so painful!!" I muttered amidst smiles..
Tears of joy rolled down and she wiped it with the back of her palm making me blush hardly..
I swear, Rose looks more matured and charming now, it just seemed like I'm falling head over heel in love with her again..
"I thought you would have married Sophia before I comes back!" She sighed..
"Outside Rose, there is no other lady that can get my heart, Rose don't ever doubt the dept of my love....I'm going gaga now seeing you stand in front of me..." I squeaked with a short laughter as I held her cheeks..
"Everyone knows you are the one I love, I was so stupid then to allow you suffer....I hope you would forgive me.." I pleaded and went down to my knee...
Rose's POV..
I gasped in shock seeing him kneel for real!!!
The whole class screamed in awe, they were very shocked but not as shocked as me...
"Rose I failed you!!..I feel ashamed to call you my girlfriend when I couldn't save you!" He breathed leaving me more surprised...
I blinked my eyes continuously as I stared at Bryan of all people, everyone couldn't believe it, I myself couldn't believe it....
Yes, I knew Bryan loves me so well, but...I think I wasn't aware of how deep it was...
Right now, he just showed me..
Bryan knelt down and looked into my face with a little smile..
"I put you into the pains, you went through all that because of me, punish me for not saving you, I must have been so heartless!!" He muttered and held my palm..
I couldn't say any word, my heart was just pounding like it would break off from the ribs, tears filled it..
I don't even know why I was shedding tears, this was just too surprising...
I felt so overwhelmed..
"Bryan!!!..I was never angry with you, please stand up!!!..I should be the one kneeling!!!" I squealed and drew him up..
"Bryan have you forgotten who you are??..have you forgotten who I am??..I don't deserve all this please..." I breathed making him smile sweetly..
"I would never allow anyone hurt you again.." He muttered and kissed me abruptly..
My eyes widened in shock, I never saw it coming, and we are in front of all the students..
Oh, God!!
My legs are melting under me right now..
The whole student went crazy, some started clapping while others screamed in emotions.
He broke the kiss and stared into my eyes..
"Rose I love you!!" He mumbled breathing fast..
"I know...I also love you Bryan..." I replied and he hugged me tightly...
"You will never leave me again, nobody would take you away from me!!" He whispered into my ear making me shiver in joy..
"Come and sit, you shouldn't stand for a long time" he cooed and held my palm softly leading me to his seat gently..
I felt like a princess..
Bryan even helped me to sit carefully before sitting beside me closely....
All the student won't just stop gazing, I could see Sophia and Anne glancing...
"Rose, so you were that girl I ran after when there was fire in that estate right??" Bryan asked and I arched my brow..
"Were you that guy who was staring at me from the elevator?" I asked and he nodded..
"Do you know I fell in love with you at first sight without your real face, Rose what should I do for you now, just tell me!!" He cooed and held my palm..
"We should just fight our enemy to the last, I'm back for real, we won't allow him to use us!" I stated and he smiled and stared at me without saying any word..
"What???...why the stare?" I asked smiling back..
" was my carelessness that caused all that happened to you, I would not allow it happen again...someone saved me from that marriage with Sophia, I could have married her if he didn't send that videotape.." He said and I recalled the person was Fred..
"His location is untraceable, do you know how we can find him?...this is the message and video he sent to me.." Jace added and handed his phone to me..
"Why and how did he became concerned about this affairs suddenly?..Did he tell his reason for the help?" I asked smiling inwardly as Sophia walked over to us..
"I think he did tell indirectly, some days after he sent the video, he messaged Sophia and promised to protect her, I guess Sophia was the reason why he offered help...." Bryan replied thoughtfully making Sophia smile a little..
"He messaged you?" I asked with a teasing smile facing Sophia..
"Yes he did, he said he is one of my fan...I don't even know how to meet him" she shrugged and sat with us..
"Do you want to meet him??" I asked and she turned to me sharply...
"I badly wants to meet him and thank him for saving my life from that bondage, he really deserves the best!!" She breathed..
"Rose you sound like you know him??" Bryan asked with an arched brow making me smile....
"Sophia, he is waiting to meet you, after the message you requested meeting him right?" I smirked..
"Rose what are you hiding!! know him??..." Clara chipped in with her eyes glistening..
"Yeah, I know him..his name is Fred and you know what???..he took those risk for Sophia, he wants to meet her and tell her to her face how he loves her so much.." I blurted making them scream in emotion...
"So where is he??" Sophia asked immediately.
"Check your email, he must have sent a message to you.." I smiles and she hastily checked her phone, her eyes was exuding some kind of passion as she searched through...
"How did you met the strange man who was able to hack through those camera..?" Jace asked.
"I met him in the place Xavier sent me to, he offered to help me get back to Bryan so he would have hope of getting chance with Sophia.." I shrugged and glanced at Sophia who was gazing at her phone...
Sophia's POV..
My heart was pounding seriously and I don't know why, I don't just know why it would be this fast and loud all because Rose said he had sent me a message...
I kept going through the tons of messages anxiously waiting to see his own, Rose said he is waiting to meet me,
I just wonder how this computer guru looks like..
I searched and searched without getting tired..
Finally, I found it!!
"I've seen it!!!!" My voice squealed before I could even hold it...
They all stare at me like I had gone nut, why did I even shout like that??
I was just too happy seeing it..
My fingers muscle twitched as I hover around the open button..
Why I'm I suddenly nervous..
I took a deep breath before clicking it..
📜Can we meet in the school garden please, I know I got no right to beckon on you as a commoner which I am..please pardon me..📜
📜You can decline if you wish, I know I don't even worth you a bit, but at least, I saved you....
I read the message slowly feeling his sincere word getting into me..
I could sense the innocence in the message...
I inhaled and exhaled heavily before closing my eyes bracing up to meet him- my saviour...
"What did he send??" Jace asked and I smiled..
"He is waiting in the school garden.." I replied and stood up...
"Oh, right...we are all going to meet him!!!" Clara spoke out leaving a frown on my face..
"He never called you all!!..I'm going alone first, I would ask him when he wants to meet you all..." I countered immediately..
"But....can't we see...." Jace tried insisting..
"He said I should come alone!!" I snapped and walked away quickly ignoring Rose who was all smiles as she seemed to understand what was on my mind...
"Why doesn't she want us to meet him now?" I overheard Bryan ask..
"Do you want to spoil their first love sight moment..." Rose replied leaving a little smile on my face..
I was right, she understood my mind, I don't know if it is love truly...
I just want to meet him in private and express my gratitude, he had always longed to see me but couldn't because of the class difference..
I would be giving him the full chance today..
In a slow but steady steps, I head to the school garden, the male students would always pause all they are doing to stare at me...
Different murmurs filled every area as I stepped into the garden...
My tons of male crush won't just stop taking shots of me...
👥Who is she looking for here??
👥She came alone??
👥 she here for me??..can i even talk with her?..
Different murmurs from the crowds as I walked in looking around for him..
They all stared anxiously...
I kept searching till I saw someone sitting separately from the other, he was sitting at the far end, the same place I and Austin spends time when we comes to the garden....
I took a quick step and reached the young man who had his head bowed to the ground making his curled hair cover his forehead..
"Hey, are you Fred?" I asked and could see him flinch as he slowly raised his head and stood up quickly...
He was looking so calm and innocent to be a computer genius, his face was very innocent to be able to hack any system...
"I am Fred are...Sophia??" He stuttered with his hands clutched together as he blink his eyes continuously trying hard to look at my eyes which seemed hard for him...
"Wow!!!.. Fred!! are the one who got that message and saved me from that bondage of a marriage??" I breathed heavily and held his hand..
He quickly stared at me breathing heavily..
"Sophia...should you be holding me??...I..don't worth your touch, I just called you here to see you, I'm sorry for disturbing you.." He stammered looking at our hands clutched together....
" may not know what you really did for saved my life!!! deserve everything you desire...just look at me, forget the personality..!!" I stated and he raised his gaze to my face slowly...
"Sophia thanks for coming..I'm very happy to see you this close" he mumbled and smiled for the first time..
Wow!!..he looked more cute with that.
"Why won't I come?? worth it!! Fred, let's sit..." I said happily and we both sat closely..
"You took that risk for me..aren't you afraid Xavier might find out and..track you down??" I asked and his eyes went dim as he took a deep breath..
"For a very long time, I crush on you, I long for you, i dream of having you, you voice and beauty captured my heart but how would I even talk to you when you dad is against it, I was sure he would kill me if he ever notice my feelings for you...he made me do what shredded my heart, I wouldn't have done it if I wasn't afraid of death!!..I..shouldn't have even commit those treacherous acts..." He paused and looked into my face..
"What connection do you have with Xavier?" I asked..
"I was once one of his men, specialised in computer technology..." He replied and I arched my brow..
"Explain to me all that happened?" I requested and he sighed before telling his story which really touched my heart that it got my eyes w€t.
"My dad did all that to you??" I asked and held his cheeks which had streak of tears on it..
"I want to kill Xavier for hurting you, no one has the right to make you cry!" He stated strongly clenching his fist..
"You said he forced you to poison a woman, who is that??" I asked and more tears rolled off his eyes..
"I'll sorry..I did it unconsciously...please forgive me, the woman was your....mother, Xavier killed her because she threatened to expose him.." He explained and my heart shredded..
"Fred how dare you!!!!!" I bawled and jolted up in a rush with anger filling me up..
"You have the right to get raged, you have the right to punish me, you have the right to hate and detest me...the pain of that act lingers in my heart day and night, I am out here this moment to fight to death, Xavier made me kill your mother, I want to destroy him to salve my conscience, I already know I don't deserve you at all, it's fine to hate and stay away from me, I would bear the burden alone, I don't mind dying alongside Xavier, at least I would be able to free you from his bondage so you would be happy and smile always, you can't tell how regretful I felt that day when she fell world shattered, it was the reason I threatened to expose Xavier if he don't let me go..." He breathed in hurt as he dried his eyes..
I stared at him with mixes feelings, how would he even kill my mother..
"Xavier didn't erase your memory, how?..and why??..or are you still working for him?" I asked with a sneer..
"I couldn't have recall anything now if someone didn't change the ampoule that night, I didn't see the face but saw the figure, that person changed the chemical to the one with temporal effect.." He muttered and I cringed at his word...
Is he the man I saw In the dungeon that night???
He was the man I saved??
I don't know why I felt that impulse to save the young man who would lose his memory that night...
I had gotten a similar chemical with temporal effect from my scientist friend, my deep pity and concern had made me took the risk of changing the ampoule...
So he is the one??
"Fred, I was the one who changed it that night.." I spoke out and his eyes widened...
"You??? saved my memory?? saved my made me still be the computer genuine I saved your image and memories in me!!!" He screamed and held my palm..
"Sophia I owe you my life!!!..thank you for that!!!" He added with a breath of joy and hugged me...
At first, I wanted to push him away but...I found out that I couldn't.
The hug seemed so different, it was just sending some strange sensation through me...
I found myself loving the hug and craving for more..
"Sophia, please forgive me for killing your mother under you dad order, I would surely pay for it but please don't hate me...I had always want you" he whispered and I felt my heart melt..
I felt it deep in me, a feeling more intense than what I felt for Bryan or Austin..
I'm I loving him??
Those last word made me smile as I hugged him more closely...
"I can't hate you even I want to hate you...thanks for also saving me this time around.." I muttered under my breath hearing his heart beat with mine at the same time...
What was that feelings I felt just now??

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