Ghost King v.s. Sun Shift (So...

By CarmieMc

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Will Solace is a Sophomore at Jupiter University studying medical science. Being the part time hero, Sun Shif... More

Ghost King v.s. Sun Shift
Moving Day

Gold Mine

830 31 34
By CarmieMc

Will smiled to himself. One of his guilty pleasures was watching the news praise him whenever he did the city something good.

To clarify, Will wasn't the one who the news always talked about. It was Sun Shift, who also happened to be Will's superhero counterpart.

Will watched the footage of him in golden spandex flying over the city. The clip ended and the news moved on to the next story.

"All residents in the Rhode Island Community are to be evacuated immediately. New York famous Ghost King is attacking a local mine. 20-30 workers have been trapped inside when Ghost King had collapsed the entrance. Our helicopter is now streaming live footage."

The T.V. showed a cliff side with a caved-in entrance. Ambulances stood by and rescue workers were trying to make their way through the debris.

Without even thinking twice Will immediately transformed into his counter part by pressing his belt buckle (cliché super hero thing, I know). He flew out the large window (after hitting his shin on the window sill) towards the Rhode Island gold mine.


Ghost King watched each worker desperately hack away in the tunnel with dark, glassy eyes. He was told to not let them go until he found what he was looking for. His blood red cape swirled around his ankles.

Ghost King kicked a rock to the side with his black boots. Mortals were easy to manipulate but they took extremely long to get even simple jobs done. Ghost King laughed with the voices at how pathetic they were.

"Please, tell me the reason why you stopped?" He asked a worker who set down his axe.

"I'm not s-stopping, sir!" The terrified worker stuttered. "See?" He picked up the axe and vigorously attacked the boulders. Ghost King rolled his eyes.

We're close, the snake-like voices whispered inside of his head. He ignored them. He hated them.

A bright light filled the mine and blinded Ghost King. A few workers screamed as a part of the tunnel exploded. He covered his eyes which was probably a bad idea.

A force slammed into Ghost King which sent him flying into the wall. Disoriented, he groggily made out a golden object flying huge boulders out of the entrance at a speed that no human could ever achieve.

Ghost King help up his arm. The shadows immediately obeyed his command and wrapped around the object making it jerk to a stop, revealing that the object was actually a person.

Sun Shift, the voices in his head snarled.

"Stop this, Ghost King!" He yelled. "διαχέουν!"

Blazing Light shot out from Sun Shift making the shadows dissipate. The arm that Ghost King was using burned leaving him in agony.

Sun Shift took the opportunity to blast through the rest of the boulders.

What are you doing? The voices hissed. Stop him!

Ghost King willed rocks to hurl themselves at Sun Shift but he swiftly dodged every single one.

Weak! You can't do anything! Why must we do everything ourselves?

In a flash, Ghost King's eyes turned completely blood red. Dark magic coursed through Ghost King's veins. Using the new rush of power, he willed the shadows to mimic a tidal wave and crash down on Sun Shift. The hero fell to the ground. Workers screamed and did the best they could to avoid the fight.

The shadows wrapped around Sun Shift's limbs like rope and began to drag him into the ground. As soon as Sun Shift became oriented and aware of the situation, everything below his knees were gone. He tried to fly away but the shadows stayed tight.

Sun Shift reached for an arrow from his quiver. He skillfully shot it and the arrow exploded at Ghost King's feet. Yellow smoke billowed from the remains bringing tears to Ghost King's eyes and making him cough and gag.

"Fart arrows? Fart arrows are immature and unsports-manlike!" (the titan's curse reference for you all ;) )

The shadows previously wrapped around Sun Shift immediately loosened their grip. He took the opportunity while Ghost King was distracted. He knocked another arrow and shot it at Ghost King's chest. It entered it's target but disappeared, leaving no blood and wound.

"Is that the best your arrows can do?" Ghost King laughed. "Your pathetic little- aaaaghhh!" Light shot out from inside of Ghost King enveloping himself in it.

"That was a special arrow." Sun Shift grinned. "I specifically had it designed just for you."

All the shadows melted as Ghost King collapsed to the floor in writhing agony.

"What it does is it basically attacks your shadows from the source, you."

With that, Sun Shift blasted through the last of the boulders. "Now everybody get out of here! It isn't stable!"

Workers rushed out the entrance as people outside cheered. Sun Shift flew outside.

A man in a dark blue suit wearing aviators waited among police cars. A woman next to him also wore dark blue business attire and held a clipboard. Sun Shift flew towards them.

"General Zeus. Lieutenant Hera." He greeted. "Ghost King is in the mine. I'm not sure how long the arrow lasts."

The woman turned to the police awaiting orders. "You heard the boy! Go!" She faced Sun Shift. "We'll take it from here, Solace."

Sun Shift laughed a nervous laugh. "If you don't mind, ma'am, call me by my facade name. You know, in case there are unwanted ears."

General Zeus nodded. "You've done good work. You can go home now and watch today's events reply on your television."

Sun Shift flushed a bit at the General's knowledge of his bad habbit. "I-"

"Sir!" He was interrupted by a policeman running up to them. "Ghost King! He vanished!"

At that very moment miles away, Nico di Angelo appeared from the shadows in his dorm room, a burn on his forearm.

I am complete schist when it comes to fight scenes. Sorry for the delay due to my terribleness at writing.

I literally would go on wattpad everyday and try to write and sometimes I would just stare at the screen for like a half hour then log out.

And I lost my charger so I have to use the laptop for updates cri

Stay shushed |:3))

Seductive unibrow winky face with double chin

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