One-liners, Quotes, and Short...

By ArchCrition

76 1 0

A series of quotes, one-liners, and/or short-fiction I come up with. Mostly during sleepless nights. Althoug... More

The one and only part

76 1 0
By ArchCrition

"Hey, babe, I was thinking?"

"Yeah? About what?"

"Well, I've got a question for you."

"This should be interesting. Go ahead."

"Who are you?"

"... What? Are you kidding me?"

"No, I'm serious, who are you?"

"What are you talking about, I'm Keza."

"Hmm, I think Keza is your name, but it's not really who you are, is it?"

"... I guess not. But it ís how you call me."

"Yes, exactly. It is my name for you, your name for everyone, but you're not just your name. Right?"

"Yeah... you're right. Well, in that case, I'd answer your question with 'I'm a body'."

"So, let's say I'd become a psycho for a lil' bit and I'd cut off your legs and arms. Would 'you' still be there?"

"Mmm, yes, I would."

"And let's say I'd take it a step further, and I'll also cut of your belly, and your chest, and all that's left of you is your head. If you'd still live by some miracle, would 'you' still be there?"

"Ew... are you insane? Hahaha, but yes, I guess you could say that."

"Haha, mhmm. So that means, you are also not your body."

"That leaves me with just my head. Sooo ... I'd say I think I'm the collection of all my thoughts."

"Okay, okay. Now we're getting somewhere. But I raise you this. You know how we've been meditating lately, right. And I realised something, when my head got really still, and my usually endlessly rattling head finally came to a halt. Up until now, we have established that we aren't our names. We aren't our bodies. And we aren't our thoughts. So what are we then, when even our thoughts don't pop up in our busy heads? When we have no thoughts at all?"

"...If you put it that way ... we are nothing. But that can't be true. I'm here, right? I can see you, I can touch you..."

"Yes, yes, but you see - those are all signals that are being sent to our brains. That's, in other words, the human experience. We can see, hear, feel, taste, smell, and ultimately thínk we are alive. Because it's all our brains' doing. For example, a dog wil never think "I'm alive", but we would definitely call him alive, right? They live mainly on instinct. Only us humans have the capability to think something like that. When all those thoughts are pushed to the background though, and we go inside ourselves, I don't feel léss alive then usual. If anything, when I have no thoughts at all, when I stop judging and interpreting, I just feel ... spacious. I don't feel alone, I feel everything. Everything and everyone just becomes one and the same thing."

"... Interesting. How would you answer your own question, then? I'm curious as to see what the answer is you came up with."

"It may sound impossible, but I think - thínk, hehe - we are both nothing, and something. Maybe even everything. We are all little piece of nothingness, filling in the empty space with our bodies and minds. So, I'm a piece of nothingness in a physical body, trying to figure out who I am. A set of conscious atoms trying to get to now itself. And I've just come to the conclusion that I'm nobody. And at the same time the same as everything else. Does that make any sense?"

"It's really weird... but it kinda does. Can we talk about it tomorrow? I want to have a good night's sleep with my lovely cluster of nothingness hugging me."

"Hahaha, will do babe, will do."

"Sometimes it takes a wrongdoer to show you that you're doing someting wrong." Bruce — Filth

"Long live our queen!", they yelled in response to their mauled commander, as they charged the plains soaked in their comrades' blood.

"I'm neither a good cop nor a bad cop, Jerome. Like yourself, I'm a complex amalgam of positive and negative personality traits that emerge or not, depending on circumstances". Philip Zimbardo: The psychology of evil.

"I'd like to think that, when I really know somebody, I can accurately predict what he or she is going to say or do in most situations," I told her. "And I want you to prove to me, right now," I said, as she held the gun to her trembling head, "That I can not."

"I see a lot of people settle into a routine where nothing really upsets them, but nothing really excites them either. And I'm afraid that's happening to me." ~ Someone on Humans Of New York

It doesn't matter by whom the story is told. The only thing that does, is thát it's told.

"Thank Gód I'm an atheist!"

No birth, no death. There's simply the existence of consciousness, and the abscence of it.

What doesn't kill you, makes you stranger.

"Different" is often frowned upon, untíl it is accepted as the norm. But in order to change things, you need to be different. Because, how are you going to change anything if you think the same thoughts and act the same way as everybody else does. Weird, has the power to change.

They look at me as if I were a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode in acts of violence and crimes.

It was my goal to never, ever, work in a cubicle, but now I fear ... I've created my own.

Depressed people have lost the battle to their ego's, and therefore their thoughts.

Even when you show people the absolute best path to take in life, they will still raise a wondering eyebrow, and go "yyyeah ... but what's over there?"

"And if you go some place I can't follow I'll still be there to see you off ... crying, smiling, waving."

"I won't tell you what you want to hear; I will tell you what you need to know."

"We all see through our humps of grey matter, trying to determine what is black, and what is white."

"We are all beings living in the grey, pretending to know what should be black, and what white."

-A difference of a few words, yet the meaning of the thing changes wholely... Which one do you like best? Leave a comment below.

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