Nico Di Angelo, Assistant of...

By IceQuinCone

250K 7K 4.9K

I've seen some of PJO and Avengers crossovers where Percy is Tony's assistant, but I was like, what if it was... More

Prologue- Where it Started
Part 1- Nico's... eventful, job.
Part 2 - Just some drama
Part 3 - Who are you, Nico Di Angelo?
Part 4- The Torture
Part 5- Nico's phone number
Part 6- The Video
Part 7- Robots
Part 8- St. Patty's Party(Pt. 1)
Part 9- St. Patty's Party(Pt. 2)
Part 10- Suspicions
Part 11- The Quest
Part 12- Drew?!
Valentine's Day Short
Part 13- What Could Be
Part 14- This Can't be Happening
Part 15- Hellhounds and Nightmares Come Alive
Part 16- Everything was not fine
Part 17- really short part sorry guys :(
Part 18- Questions from Me to You
Part 19- A Door Into Darkness
Part 21- The Story Behind Pepper's Incident
Part 22- The Plan

Part 20- Wait, you really thought it was Leo?

2.4K 78 13
By IceQuinCone

Lately, he hadn't felt like his body was completely his. There was a voice, and it wasn't his, it wasn't anyone he'd heard before. It was dark and cold, but it could burn hotter than the sun at any minute. It sounded how he'd imagine hell would if it was a person. But it didn't hurt him, it helped him, to improve his design, make it stronger, faster, and better. Who cares why he brought him to the mountain? Who knows what kind of metal this was? What the inscriptions were? They worked, and he was this much closer to killing-

No, that wasn't the plan. He didn't mean to take it that far, really. He just wanted to make them suffer a bit, that's all. For how they made him suffer. So what if the Hammer Drones weren't Stark's? It was his convention and he was in charge of security, so why did so many people get hurt? Why did she die?

Rationalize all you want, you know it's wrong

But I don't care.

It should've been you

I know

Stark didn't do anything

That's why she died

It's your fault

Why'd he have to celebrate? On that day? When so many lives were ruined?

"- and lastly, I would like to commemorate all of the innocent people that, today, 6 years ago, died at the infamous Stark Expo Incident," Tony Stark said, as the speech drew to a close. "Since that day, I have not only strived to lead New York to a brighter and safer future, but the world. It was a sad day, and to honor those who have passed, we must move to save those still alive" Stark ended raising his glass to the crowd, wallowing in their cheers and praises.

Like he knows anything, it all worked out for him, didn't it?

He got to become a hero.

While my sister, and everybody else who died, wasn't even a martyr.

But what right does he have? He never cared about those people, or who survived, it's all for his company. That day left a mark on his pristine luxury tux that he's never been able to wash out, and this is only a new stain remover to spritz.

But I just wanted to mess with them, I don't want anyone to die, feel how I felt.

You must

You must make them feel how you feel. How many others are you going to let him kill? How many others have to suffer because he never had to?

No, no...

One has to die.

Don't make me do it

Who else will?

Who else can? The voice chided, its cold voice echoing through his mind like a drip to a still pond. Surely you won't make someone else-

NO! I get it! I'll do it.

Good, good. I knew you weren't selfish like them. They are trying to find you, you must strike when they've fallen into our trap. But before then, you must decide.

Decide what?

Who will die?

The young man closed his eyes in pain as his head sunk further down to his desk. One had to die. So they know. But who? His mind spun in a thousand directions, only making his poor head throb more and more until a very intense eeny meenie miny mo decided the Avenger's fate



It's short, yes, but the rest of it didn't feel like it belonged in one chapter so... I'll publish that one, probably Monday? There are a few kinks I wanna smooth out before y'all see it.

Anyway, this is directly to combat the "It's totally Leo" comments. It was never supposed to be Leo, legit just some random dude I promise... sorry v('-')v

This will hopefully be finished up within about five or less parts? Not sure, but expect a badly written climax, so then nobodies disappointed if it sucks :)

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