Coincidental Husbands - 2 : H...

By MyInvisibleButterfly

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A promise between two business partners results in a gay marriage between two straight archenemies making the... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - It's a boy!!!
Chapter 2 - A Deal is a Deal
Chapter 3 - The Crush
Chapter 4 - Between Love and War
Chapter 5 - Archenemy
Chapter 6 - The Announcement
Chapter 7 - A Drunken Mistake
Chapter 8 - I am Straight, Mostly
Chapter 9 - I Treat Him Differently
Chapter 10 - We Are Engaged
Chapter 11 - The Challenge
Chapter 12 - The Arrangement
Chapter 13 - Pretence
Chapter 14 - D-Day
Chapter 15 - About The Kiss
Chapter 16 - Step By Step
Chapter 17 - First Day of Office
Chapter 18 - Five Stages of Love
Chapter 19 - I Care for You
Chapter 20 - I Am Doomed
Chapter 21 - Not Running Away Anymore
Chapter 22- The Game is On
Chapter 23 - Mental Conflict
Chapter 24 - Confession
Chapter 25 - Sexual Tension
Chapter 26 - Surrendering To Desire
Chapter 27 - Embracing Sexuality
Chapter 28 - Love
Chapter 29 - Lovers Quarrel
Chapter 31 - The Trip
Chapter 32 - (Un)Friendly Encounter
Chapter 33 - It's My Turn
Chapter 34 - The News
Chapter 35 - We Belong Together (Finale)
Check Out For More

Chapter 30 - My Sexy Evil Husband!

3.9K 219 57
By MyInvisibleButterfly

"What? Are you serious? I can't believe... Wait... Do you want me to ask him?" Drake asked Nanon concerned and stunned at the same time.

"Naah... If he wanted to share the reason, he would have done it first thing." Nanon replied.

"But what could it be?" Jimmy asked.

"Must be related to someone he loves more than Non." Chimon replied.

"Shut the fuck up!" Nanon threw a book at his face Which he dodged successfully. They were sitting in an empty conference room after the board meeting.

Nanon told them about the whole thing because he needed their help. He also called Chimon and Aim but Aim refused. She did not tell them the reason but Nanon understood.

"Has Niran told you anything?" Nanon asked Rith who shook his head.

"No sir. In fact, he is also very disturbed nowadays. And he hardly spends time with me." He replied.

"Ooh... Boyfriend problems? Does it hurt? Do you want to Netflix and chill with me?" Chimon teased.

Nanon threw another book at him. This time it hit his head.

"Ow... Fuck you!" he replied to Nanon and threw the book back at Nanon which he caught and smirked at his brother.

"Alright. So what next?" Drake asked.

"What next? These guys are so damn tiring. Since the time this wedding came into picture, I have never spent a day without thinking what next." Jimmy complained.

"I totally agree. I am tired of thinking. Last time Ohm bro made us do the thinking. Now you gathered us. And none of them are offering food in return." Chimon exaggerated.

Drake, Nanon and Jimmy rolled their eyes and ignored Chimon.

"Sir... Do you need my help too?" Rith asked.

"I need everyone's help. Except for Niran. He is never going to leave Ohm's side... But in fact it's good that Niran is supporting him. Someone should stick with him too." Nanon said.

"Yeah. Ok. But WHAT? What are we going to do?" Drake grumbled.

Nanon loosened his tie and thought for a moment before a smile spread across his face...

He took out his mobile and pressed a few keys before everyone received a notification at once.


NonToWinBackOhm (Group Chat)

Nanon – Let's trap Ohmi from every corner...

Chimon – How? Like a mouse trap? What is his favorite food? What shall we put in the cage?

Jimmy – It's a phrase, Mon!

Drake – I seriously can't tolerate Mon in the same message group.

Chimon – Then fuck off. Shoo! Shall I remove you?

Drake – You are not admin :-P

Rith – Sir, what is the next action plan? I am ready and at your service.

Jimmy – We are not at a war field @Rith. Relax and sit down first of all.

*Nanon added Aim*

Aim – Why am I here? Did I not tell you guys to not involve me in anything related to Bro?

*Aim left the group*

Nanon – Ok, no problem. Aim may join later. We will persuade her somehow.

Chimon – Don't ask me to talk to her. I may drag her here by pulling her hair. Always a drama queen. Huh!

Drake – And I will beat the shit out of you if you touch my sister.

Chimon – She is my sister too.

Nanon – And my sister too. Mon, watch your mouth.

Chimon – Yeah yeah... Drama king!

Jimmy – Guys, is it really required for us to chat here? We are literally sitting beside each other...

Rith – Yes it is. Niran is eavesdropping, Sir.

Drake – Huh? Where?

Nanon –5'o clock from your side. Ohm's spy is on a mission.

Jimmy – So what is our mission now?

Chimon – Our mission should be lunch! It's lunch time.

Drake- You just had cookies.

Chimon – I shared it with you guys.

Jimmy – 2 out of 20

Chimon – Are you scoring me? That's too low. I am wearing a new tie.

Drake – I... Forget it... Never mind Mon! Never mind.

Jimmy – Rith stop staring at your man. He will grow suspicious.

Rith – Sorry sir. I am just worried about him. But I am in your team. I promise.

Chimon – What is this? Are we in kindergarten?

Jimmy – Wow Mon. You are talking about maturity?

Drake – Lol

Chimon – Or what? C'mon Rith pinky swear here. Swear on your lucky underpants that you are in our team.

Rith – How do you know that I have a set of lucky underpants sir?

Chimon – Coz everybody has one. I too have. But it has got holes in it now.

Drake – LMAO

Jimmy – Suits you.

Chimon – Ow... Pervert. How do you know it suits me? Don't tell me you fantasize about me.

Jimmy – Shut the fuck up!

Drake – ROFL

Jimmy – You are literally still sitting on your chair. Stop with ROFL. You are not even smiling.

Rith – That's new age way of chatting Sir. Everybody write lol, rofl and lmao but nobody's ass goes off rolling on floor. They still have poker face.

Chimon – Damn, my girl writes LMAO every time we chat. Is she also faking it?

Nanon – How do I scream on chat?

Nanon - Shall I write in caps now?

Nanon - Focus Guys!

Nanon - If you don't concentrate on my issue... Then lucky or not... I'll take out everyone's underpants and make you run naked from here!

Drake - ...

Jimmy - ...

Rith - ...

Chimon – It has holes Non. You can't use it.

Drake - ...

Jimmy - ...

Rith - ...

Nanon – I'll pretend I did not read it. Ok... So here is the plan.

Nanon – @Rith you make sure to keep Niran away from Ohm so he doesn't have a backup.

Rith – Roger that, Sir.

Chimon – Where is the rolling eye smiley?

Nanon – Chimon you just do one thing... Just shut up!

Chimon - *Zipped Lips Smiley*

Drake - *Applause*

Jimmy – Yay!!!

Nanon – Drake, you are in charge of bringing Ohm wherever I ask you to.

Drake – Got it. Consider it done.

Nanon – Jimmy, you will be my back up. You are a quick thinker, so whenever I am unable to stop Ohm, you try to think of plan B asap.

Jimmy – Understood!

Nanon – Ok so as soon as the lunch ends, we will be starting with our mission. Good luck guys. And good luck to me too.


--- Ohm ---

"Sir they are all in conference room. But it's so weird. Everybody is on phone. Nobody is talking to each other." Niran said.

"Idiot! They must have seen you. They must be chatting." I said.

"Ow. Yeah. Sorry I did not think that way." Niran bowed.

"Just stay near me all the time. I will use you as my backup if I am unable to handle anything." I said.

"Got it sir." Niran bowed again.

I got up to leave the cubicle and Niran walked behind me.

"Sir do I need to accompany you here too?" Niran asked when we reached the washroom gate.

"Of course. Look, I don't trust these bunch of idiots at all. They are all as crazy as me. And so I know they can be anywhere and do anything."

"Oh ok Sir..." Niran reluctantly obeyed and followed me in.

"Aaahhhh it hurts...." Rith screamed as soon as we opened the door. I swear I could not hear his scream a second earlier.

"Rith!" Niran ran towards him. "What happened?" He asked concerned.

"Diarrhea!" he replied sobbing.

"What?" I asked. Disgusting!

"Oh my baby. What can I do for you?" Niran asked.

"You can't do it for him. He will have to do it himself!" I snapped.

"Sir!" He looked at me angrily once and then instantly changed his expression. "How- How can you joke like this?" he said almost gritting his teeth.

"Aaarghh I can't hold it anymore." Rith said.

"Hey, go into the cubicle. Not here," I took a step back disgusted.

"I mean... I have stomach ache! Niran... Baby... Please take me to see a doc!" Rith pulled Niran closer and leaned on him till his face was on his neck.

Niran's expression changed as soon as Rith's lips touch his neck while talking.

"Uhmm sir..." he looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Yeah. No problem. Take him to see a doc. And if needed, you can take him back home. Take a day off. It's ok."

"Thank you Sir!" He smiled and pulled Rith out of the washroom slowly.

After I finished my business I came out of the cubicle to find Nanon standing there smiling at me.

I looked away instantly and walked near him to wash my hands.

"Oops!" Before I could turn back, Nanon stumbled and fell on me.

As per usual instincts I held him.

"Sorry Ohmi... My feet slipped" he tugged on my neck and leaned closer.

I quickly pulled him to stand straight and pulled away my hands.

I decided not to talk to him. So I walked to the door but when I tried to open it, it was locked.

"Oh my god! Are we locked?" Nanon asked wide eyed. "Oh no... What will we do now?" he asked and walked towards me.

I quickly pulled out my phone and called Drake.

"Drake, come and open the washroom door. I am stuck in here."

[But I just left the building. Give me 15 minutes. I'll be back.]

"Drake I am stuck here. 15 minutes is too much. Come soon. Hello? Hello?" Before I could finish, the line got disconnected.

*Thump* *Thump* "Somebody open the door!" I screamed. But no one came.

"15 minutes is enough for a quickie!" Nanon said winking at me.

I rolled my eyes and looked away.

Nanon walked towards me. I took a few steps back.

"Why are you running away from me, Ohmi? We have been closer than this..." he said.

He kept on walking towards me till I hit my back on the door.

"Dead end!" Nanon smiled at me and walked closer.

"Shall we start?" He asked and pulled my tie.

I yanked his hand away and turned to look on the other side.

"Tell me Ohmi... Shall we get started?" he asked.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked finally breaking the silence. What has gotten into him? He is making it so hard for me.

"With the quickie?" he said and slowly got his hands closer to my belt.

I yanked away his hands and pulled back myself towards the sink.

"Stay away from me!" I warned him.

"Why baby? Can't you help your husband a little? I am so desperate right now." he said and came closer again pouting.

This time I tried to shoo him away but accidentally hit my hand on the tap. The water directly flew straight on me, on my pants.

"Shit! Fuck!" I screamed.

Nanon burst out laughing.

"What the hell are you laughing at?" I said managing to close the tap somehow.

"It looks like you couldn't control till you got into the cubicle." He laughed harder pointing at me to look below.

"Dammit!" I pulled my hair from my head frustrated.

"Come I'll help you." He said and came closer.

"What are you doing?" I asked shocked when he reached for my pants.

"You need to change these. It's all wet! See!" He said opening my belt.

"I don't have a change. And please back off!" I pulled back myself.

"Then how are you going to go out?" he asked teasing.

I looked at him frustrated.

"There... There are spare clothes at my desk. Can you get it for me once the door opens?" I had no choice but to ask his help. Damn Niran! You fell into their trap too. Am sure Rith was playing along with them.

"Sure!" he smiled and took out his phone.

"Jimmy, open the door. I need to get change of clothes for my husband." He said on call and disconnected chuckling.

"You... You did this on purpose?" I asked annoyed.

"Oh no no no no... Either the tap did this or you did." He pointed towards my wet pants. "How could I do it on your pant Ohmi?" He was still laughing.

Someone opened the door and Drake, Jimmy and Chimon appeared in front. They joined in the laughter as soon as they saw me.

"Fuck it! I am going out." I said and stomped out of the washroom.

"Ohm... Wait!" Nanon ran after me.

"No... You have gone mad! I can't let you do that to me." I mumbled.

"I did not even start yet Ohm." He said loudly and chuckled.

I looked around and everyone was looking at me and laughing. My whole team and his whole team.

"You left even before I could get started Ohmi." Nanon teased more and everyone laughed out loud.

Confused I turned my gaze below and noticed my pants zipper was open and it was all wet.

"Fuck!" I muttered and ran back to the washroom.

"Stay in there. I'll get your clothes for you." Nanon said out loud from behind and I could hear everyone laugh.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked Nanon as soon as he came into the washroom with the change of clothes. I grabbed the packet from his hand and started changing.

I changed my underpants and pants in front of him coz anyway he has seen it all and now seriously I have nowhere to go. Nanon was looking at me changing like a kid looks at his favorite candy.

"What are you staring at?" I asked annoyed. "And why the hell are you harassing me? I told you it was all fake! How can I marry and be with a guy?"

He chuckled once before coming near me before I could wear the other shirt.

"I have only started Ohmi. From here on you have only two options. Think about it carefully. Either you come back to me. Or I will make you come back to me!"

I looked at him stunned when he buttoned up my shirt for me. He took a step closer and readjusted my collar.

"You are mine Ohm Pawat! I don't care if you try to prove you are straight, gay, bisexual, pansexual or asexual. Just know that I am all level of sexual for you. And I'll make you scream my name and your love for me one day. It's a challenge from a husband to a husband!"

He quickly gave me a peck on my lips, looked below at something that my dumbfounded mind can't make sense of as of now, smirked and then and left me at loss of words once again.

I looked down now and saw my length which had already defeated me by giving a standing ovation to Nanon's boldness. Shit! This sexy evil Nanon is making me fall harder and harder for him every moment. I love him already... How much more crazy can I be for him?

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